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"" A Vim syntax highlighting file for Test/*.ztst
" See ../Util/zyodl.vim for installation instructions.
" Also, it's recommended to 'setlocal conceallevel=3 concealcursor=nc'.
" See B01cd.ztst for cases we cover
" TODO: Some zsh syntax isn't highlighted, e.g., «{ cd $0 }» doesn't highlight either 'cd' or '$0'
" Apparently because the $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/zsh.vim zshBrackets group is defined as 'contains=TOP'?
" https://bugs.debian.org/947120
" TODO: ZTST_unimplemented ZTST_skip aren't recognized everywhere
" I haven't found yet a legitimate use where they aren't highlighted, but
" they aren't highlighted in theoretical cases such as (( ++ZTST_skip )).
" (This example is theoretical because those variables are string-typed.)
"" Boilerplate:
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
"" Syntax groups:
syn clear
syn include @zsh syntax/zsh.vim
" Note that we don't do /^\s\zs.*/ here. If we did that, lines that start
" with " #" (a space and a hash sign) would not be highlighted as comments,
" because zshComment's patterns won't match unless the '#' is preceded by
" a space or start-of-line. See:
" https://github.com/chrisbra/vim-zsh/issues/21#issuecomment-577738791
syn match ztstPayload /^\s.*/ contains=@zsh
syn match ztstExitCode /^\d\+\|^-/ nextgroup=ztstFlags
syn match ztstFlags /[.dDqf]*:/ contained nextgroup=ztstTestName contains=ztstColon
syn match ztstColon /:.\@=/ contained
syn region ztstTestName start=// end=/$/ contained contains=@Spell
syn match ztstInputMarker /^<.\@=/ nextgroup=ztstInput
syn region ztstInput start=// end=/$/ contained
syn match ztstOutputPattern /^[*]>/ nextgroup=ztstOutput contains=ztstOutputPatternSigil,ztstOutputPatternMarker
syn match ztstOutputPatternSigil /[*]/ contained
syn match ztstOutputPatternMarker /[>].\@=/ contained conceal
syn match ztstOutputLiteral /^>.\@=/ nextgroup=ztstOutput
syn region ztstOutput start=// end=/$/ contained
syn match ztstErrputPattern /^[*][?]/ nextgroup=ztstErrput contains=ztstErrputPatternSigil,ztstErrputPatternMarker
syn match ztstErrputPatternSigil /[*]/ contained
syn match ztstErrputPatternMarker /[?].\@=/ contained conceal
syn match ztstErrputLiteral /^[?].\@=/ nextgroup=ztstErrput
syn region ztstErrput start=// end=/$/ contained
syn match ztstFrequentExplanationMarker /^F:/ nextgroup=ztstFrequentExplanation
syn region ztstFrequentExplanation start=// end=/$/ contained contains=@Spell
syn match ztstDirective /^%.*/
syn match ztstComment /^#.*/
" Highlight those variables which are /de jure/ or /de facto/ APIs of the test
" harness to the test files.
syn keyword ztstSpecialVariable ZTST_unimplemented ZTST_skip ZTST_testdir ZTST_fd ZTST_srcdir containedin=@zsh
"" Sync
" The following is sufficient for our modest line-based format, and helps
" sidestep problems resulting from test cases that use syntax constructs
" that confuse us and/or syntax/zsh.vim. If we outgrow it, we should sync
" on empty lines instead.
" If you run into syntax highlighting issues, just scroll the line that throws
" the syntax highlighting off off the top of the screen.
syn sync maxlines=1
"" Highlight groups:
" Note: every group that's defaulted to "Ignore" has a match pattern that ends
" with /.\@=/. This ensures the Ignore will only be effective if there is an
" immediately following group that _will_ be highlighted. (That group will be
" one of ztstTestName, ztstInput, ztstOutput, and ztstErrput.)
" ### The Ignore would still apply if the rest of the line is all-whitespace.
" ###
" ### If you run into such lines, consider setting the 'list' and 'listchars'
" ### options appropriately.
hi def link ztstExitCode Number
hi def link ztstFlags Normal
hi def link ztstColon Ignore
hi def link ztstTestName Title
hi def link ztstInput Normal
hi def link ztstInputMarker Ignore
hi def link ztstOutput String
hi def link ztstOutputPatternSigil Type
hi def link ztstOutputPatternMarker Ignore
hi def link ztstOutputLiteral Ignore
hi def link ztstErrput Identifier
hi def link ztstErrputPatternSigil Type
hi def link ztstErrputPatternMarker Ignore
hi def link ztstErrputLiteral Ignore
hi def link ztstDirective Statement
hi def link ztstComment Comment
hi def link ztstFrequentExplanation PreProc
hi def link ztstFrequentExplanationMarker Ignore
hi def link ztstSpecialVariable Underlined
"" Boilerplate:
let b:current_syntax = "ztst"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save