morganamilo 6988537552
Add parseNumberMenu()
This function is designed to replace the existing number menu
in upcoming commits.
2018-03-10 03:04:44 +00:00

100 lines
2.7 KiB

package main
import "testing"
func intRangesEqual(a, b intRanges) bool {
if a == nil && b == nil {
return true
if a == nil || b == nil {
return false
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for n := range a {
r1 := a[n]
r2 := b[n]
if r1.min != r1.min || r1.max != r2.max {
return false
return true
func stringSetEqual(a, b stringSet) bool {
if a == nil && b == nil {
return true
if a == nil || b == nil {
return false
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for n := range a {
if !b.get(n) {
return false
return true
func TestParseNumberMenu(t *testing.T) {
type result struct {
Include intRanges
Exclude intRanges
OtherInclude stringSet
OtherExclude stringSet
inputs := []string{
"1 2 3 4 5",
"1-10 5-15",
"10-5 90-85",
"1 ^2 ^10-5 99 ^40-38 ^123 60-62",
"abort all none",
"a-b ^a-b ^abort",
"1\t2 3 4\t\t \t 5",
" \t ",
"A B C D E",
expected := []result{
{intRanges{makeIntRange(1, 1), makeIntRange(2, 2), makeIntRange(3, 3), makeIntRange(4, 4), makeIntRange(5, 5)}, intRanges{}, make(stringSet), make(stringSet)},
{intRanges{makeIntRange(1, 10), makeIntRange(5, 15)}, intRanges{}, make(stringSet), make(stringSet)},
{intRanges{makeIntRange(5, 10), makeIntRange(85, 90)}, intRanges{}, make(stringSet), make(stringSet)},
{intRanges{makeIntRange(1, 1), makeIntRange(99, 99), makeIntRange(60, 62)}, intRanges{makeIntRange(2, 2), makeIntRange(5, 10), makeIntRange(38, 40), makeIntRange(123, 123)}, make(stringSet), make(stringSet)},
{intRanges{}, intRanges{}, makeStringSet("abort", "all", "none"), make(stringSet)},
{intRanges{}, intRanges{}, makeStringSet("a-b"), makeStringSet("abort", "a-b")},
{intRanges{makeIntRange(1, 1), makeIntRange(2, 2), makeIntRange(3, 3), makeIntRange(4, 4), makeIntRange(5, 5)}, intRanges{}, make(stringSet), make(stringSet)},
{intRanges{}, intRanges{}, make(stringSet), make(stringSet)},
{intRanges{}, intRanges{}, make(stringSet), make(stringSet)},
{intRanges{}, intRanges{}, makeStringSet("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), make(stringSet)},
for n, in := range inputs {
res := expected[n]
include, exclude, otherInclude, otherExclude := parseNumberMenu(in)
if !intRangesEqual(include, res.Include) ||
!intRangesEqual(exclude, res.Exclude) ||
!stringSetEqual(otherInclude, res.OtherInclude) ||
!stringSetEqual(otherExclude, res.OtherExclude) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d Failed: Expected: include=%+v exclude=%+v otherInclude=%+v otherExclude=%+v got include=%+v excluive=%+v otherInclude=%+v otherExclude=%+v",
n+1, res.Include, res.Exclude, res.OtherInclude, res.OtherExclude, include, exclude, otherInclude, otherExclude)