Sergio Correia 9c44363a7a
Do not depend on the Internet for keys_test.go
We now mock a PGP key server to provide the keys used during the
testing, making it so that we do not need the Internet anymore for
the testing of the PGP key import feature.
2018-03-23 14:17:47 -04:00

310 lines
11 KiB

package main
import (
rpc "github.com/mikkeloscar/aur"
gopkg "github.com/mikkeloscar/gopkgbuild"
const (
// The default port used by the PGP key server.
gpgServerPort = 11371
func init() {
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
regex := regexp.MustCompile(`search=0[xX]([a-fA-F0-9]+)`)
matches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(r.RequestURI)
data := ""
if matches != nil {
data = getPgpKey(matches[1])
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/pgp-keys")
func newPkg(basename string) *rpc.Pkg {
return &rpc.Pkg{Name: basename, PackageBase: basename}
func newSplitPkg(basename, name string) *rpc.Pkg {
return &rpc.Pkg{Name: name, PackageBase: basename}
func getPgpKey(key string) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join("testdata", "keys", key)); err == nil {
buffer.WriteString("-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n")
buffer.WriteString("Version: SKS 1.1.6\n")
buffer.WriteString("Comment: Hostname: yay\n\n")
buffer.WriteString("\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n")
return buffer.String()
func startPgpKeyServer() *http.Server {
srv := &http.Server{Addr: fmt.Sprintf("", gpgServerPort)}
go func() {
return srv
func TestFormatKeysToImport(t *testing.T) {
casetests := []struct {
keySet pgpKeySet
bases map[string][]*rpc.Pkg
expected string
alternate string
wantError bool
// Single key, required by single package.
keySet: pgpKeySet{"KEY-1": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-foo")}},
expected: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo\n%s Import?", arrow),
wantError: false,
// Single key, required by two packages.
keySet: pgpKeySet{"KEY-1": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-foo"), newPkg("PKG-bar")}},
expected: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo PKG-bar\n%s Import?", arrow),
wantError: false,
// Two keys, each required by a single package. Since iterating the map
// does not force any particular order, we cannot really predict the
// order in which the elements will appear. As we have only two cases,
// let's add the second possibility to the alternate variable, to check
// if there are any errors.
keySet: pgpKeySet{"KEY-1": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-foo")}, "KEY-2": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-bar")}},
expected: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo\n\tKEY-2, required by: PKG-bar\n%s Import?", arrow),
alternate: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-2, required by: PKG-bar\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo\n%s Import?", arrow),
wantError: false,
// Two keys required by single package.
keySet: pgpKeySet{"KEY-1": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-foo")}, "KEY-2": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-foo")}},
expected: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo\n\tKEY-2, required by: PKG-foo\n%s Import?", arrow),
alternate: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-2, required by: PKG-foo\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo\n%s Import?", arrow),
wantError: false,
// Two keys, one of them required by two packages.
keySet: pgpKeySet{"KEY-1": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-foo"), newPkg("PKG-bar")}, "KEY-2": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-bar")}},
expected: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo PKG-bar\n\tKEY-2, required by: PKG-bar\n%s Import?", arrow),
alternate: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-2, required by: PKG-bar\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo PKG-bar\n%s Import?", arrow),
wantError: false,
// Two keys, split package (linux-ck/linux-ck-headers).
keySet: pgpKeySet{"ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("linux-ck")}, "647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("linux-ck")}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"linux-ck": {newSplitPkg("linux-ck", "linux-ck-headers"), newPkg("linux-ck")}},
expected: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886, required by: linux-ck (linux-ck-headers linux-ck)\n\t647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E, required by: linux-ck (linux-ck-headers linux-ck)\n%s Import?", arrow),
alternate: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\t647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E, required by: linux-ck (linux-ck-headers linux-ck)\n\tABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886, required by: linux-ck (linux-ck-headers linux-ck)\n%s Import?", arrow),
wantError: false,
// One key, three split packages.
keySet: pgpKeySet{"KEY-1": []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("PKG-foo")}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"PKG-foo": {newPkg("PKG-foo"), newSplitPkg("PKG-foo", "PKG-foo-1"), newSplitPkg("PKG-foo", "PKG-foo-2")}},
expected: fmt.Sprintf("GPG keys need importing:\n\tKEY-1, required by: PKG-foo (PKG-foo PKG-foo-1 PKG-foo-2)\n%s Import?", arrow),
wantError: false,
// No keys, should fail.
keySet: pgpKeySet{},
expected: "",
wantError: true,
for _, tt := range casetests {
question, err := formatKeysToImport(tt.keySet, tt.bases)
if !tt.wantError {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error %q, want no error", err)
if question != tt.expected && question != tt.alternate {
t.Fatalf("Got %q\n, expected: %q", question, tt.expected)
// Here, we want to see the error.
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Got no error; want error")
func TestImportKeys(t *testing.T) {
keyringDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "yay-test-keyring")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to init test keyring %q: %v\n", keyringDir, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(keyringDir)
config.GpgBin = "gpg"
config.GpgFlags = fmt.Sprintf("--homedir %s --keyserver", keyringDir)
server := startPgpKeyServer()
defer server.Shutdown(nil)
casetests := []struct {
keys []string
wantError bool
// Single key, should succeed.
// C52048C0C0748FEE227D47A2702353E0F7E48EDB: Thomas Dickey.
keys: []string{"C52048C0C0748FEE227D47A2702353E0F7E48EDB"},
wantError: false,
// Two keys, should succeed as well.
// 11E521D646982372EB577A1F8F0871F202119294: Tom Stellard.
// B6C8F98282B944E3B0D5C2530FC3042E345AD05D: Hans Wennborg.
keys: []string{"11E521D646982372EB577A1F8F0871F202119294",
wantError: false,
// Single invalid key, should fail.
keys: []string{"THIS-SHOULD-FAIL"},
wantError: true,
// Two invalid keys, should fail.
wantError: true,
// Invalid + valid key. Should fail as well.
// 647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E: Greg Kroah-Hartman.
keys: []string{"THIS-SHOULD-FAIL",
wantError: true,
for _, tt := range casetests {
err := importKeys(tt.keys)
if !tt.wantError {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error %q, want no error", err)
// Here, we want to see the error.
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Got no error; want error")
func TestCheckPgpKeys(t *testing.T) {
keyringDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "yay-test-keyring")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to init test keyring: %v\n", err)
defer os.RemoveAll(keyringDir)
config.GpgBin = "gpg"
config.GpgFlags = fmt.Sprintf("--homedir %s --keyserver", keyringDir)
server := startPgpKeyServer()
defer server.Shutdown(nil)
casetests := []struct {
pkgs []*rpc.Pkg
srcinfos map[string]*gopkg.PKGBUILD
bases map[string][]*rpc.Pkg
wantError bool
// cower: single package, one valid key not yet in the keyring.
// 487EACC08557AD082088DABA1EB2638FF56C0C53: Dave Reisner.
pkgs: []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("cower")},
srcinfos: map[string]*gopkg.PKGBUILD{"cower": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "cower", Validpgpkeys: []string{"487EACC08557AD082088DABA1EB2638FF56C0C53"}}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"cower": {newPkg("cower")}},
wantError: false,
// libc++: single package, two valid keys not yet in the keyring.
// 11E521D646982372EB577A1F8F0871F202119294: Tom Stellard.
// B6C8F98282B944E3B0D5C2530FC3042E345AD05D: Hans Wennborg.
pkgs: []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("libc++")},
srcinfos: map[string]*gopkg.PKGBUILD{"libc++": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "libc++", Validpgpkeys: []string{"11E521D646982372EB577A1F8F0871F202119294", "B6C8F98282B944E3B0D5C2530FC3042E345AD05D"}}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"libc++": {newPkg("libc++")}},
wantError: false,
// Two dummy packages requiring the same key.
// ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886: Linus Torvalds.
pkgs: []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("dummy-1"), newPkg("dummy-2")},
srcinfos: map[string]*gopkg.PKGBUILD{"dummy-1": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "dummy-1", Validpgpkeys: []string{"ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886"}}, "dummy-2": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "dummy-2", Validpgpkeys: []string{"ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886"}}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"dummy-1": {newPkg("dummy-1")}, "dummy-2": {newPkg("dummy-2")}},
wantError: false,
// dummy package: single package, two valid keys, one of them already
// in the keyring.
// 11E521D646982372EB577A1F8F0871F202119294: Tom Stellard.
// C52048C0C0748FEE227D47A2702353E0F7E48EDB: Thomas Dickey.
pkgs: []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("dummy-3")},
srcinfos: map[string]*gopkg.PKGBUILD{"dummy-3": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "dummy-3", Validpgpkeys: []string{"11E521D646982372EB577A1F8F0871F202119294", "C52048C0C0748FEE227D47A2702353E0F7E48EDB"}}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"dummy-3": {newPkg("dummy-3")}},
wantError: false,
// Two dummy packages with existing keys.
pkgs: []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("dummy-4"), newPkg("dummy-5")},
srcinfos: map[string]*gopkg.PKGBUILD{"dummy-4": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "dummy-4", Validpgpkeys: []string{"11E521D646982372EB577A1F8F0871F202119294"}}, "dummy-5": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "dummy-5", Validpgpkeys: []string{"C52048C0C0748FEE227D47A2702353E0F7E48EDB"}}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"dummy-4": {newPkg("dummy-4")}, "dummy-5": {newPkg("dummy-5")}},
wantError: false,
// Dummy package with invalid key, should fail.
pkgs: []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("dummy-7")},
srcinfos: map[string]*gopkg.PKGBUILD{"dummy-7": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "dummy-7", Validpgpkeys: []string{"THIS-SHOULD-FAIL"}}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"dummy-7": {newPkg("dummy-7")}},
wantError: true,
// Dummy package with both an invalid an another valid key, should fail.
// A314827C4E4250A204CE6E13284FC34C8E4B1A25: Thomas Bächler.
pkgs: []*rpc.Pkg{newPkg("dummy-8")},
srcinfos: map[string]*gopkg.PKGBUILD{"dummy-8": &gopkg.PKGBUILD{Pkgbase: "dummy-8", Validpgpkeys: []string{"A314827C4E4250A204CE6E13284FC34C8E4B1A25", "THIS-SHOULD-FAIL"}}},
bases: map[string][]*rpc.Pkg{"dummy-8": {newPkg("dummy-8")}},
wantError: true,
for _, tt := range casetests {
err := checkPgpKeys(tt.pkgs, tt.bases, tt.srcinfos)
if !tt.wantError {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got error %q, want no error", err)
// Here, we want to see the error.
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Got no error; want error")