morganamilo 7fd2a74bd2
2018-03-22 16:39:27 +00:00

547 lines
12 KiB

package main
import (
alpm "github.com/jguer/go-alpm"
rpc "github.com/mikkeloscar/aur"
gopkg "github.com/mikkeloscar/gopkgbuild"
type depTree struct {
ToProcess stringSet
Repo map[string]*alpm.Package
Aur map[string]*rpc.Pkg
Missing stringSet
Groups stringSet
type depCatagories struct {
Repo []*alpm.Package
Aur []*rpc.Pkg
MakeOnly stringSet
Bases map[string][]*rpc.Pkg
func makeDepTree() *depTree {
dt := depTree{
return &dt
func makeDependCatagories() *depCatagories {
dc := depCatagories{
make([]*alpm.Package, 0),
make([]*rpc.Pkg, 0),
return &dc
// Cut the version requirement from a dependency leaving just the name.
func splitNameFromDep(dep string) (string, string) {
split := strings.FieldsFunc(dep, func(c rune) bool {
return c == '>' || c == '<' || c == '='
if len(split) == 1 {
return split[0], ""
return split[0], split[1]
//split apart db/package to db and package
func splitDbFromName(pkg string) (string, string) {
split := strings.SplitN(pkg, "/", 2)
if len(split) == 2 {
return split[0], split[1]
return "", split[0]
// Step two of dependency resolving. We already have all the information on the
// packages we need, now it's just about ordering them correctly.
// pkgs is a list of targets, the packages we want to install. Dependencies are
// not included.
// For each package we want we iterate down the tree until we hit the bottom.
// This is done recursively for each branch.
// The start of the tree is defined as the package we want.
// When we hit the bottom of the branch we know thats the first package
// we need to install so we add it to the start of the to install
// list (dc.Aur and dc.Repo).
// We work our way up until there is another branch to go down and do it all
// again.
// Here is a visual example:
// a
// / \
// b c
// / \
// d e
// We see a and it needs b and c
// We see b and it needs d and e
// We see d - it needs nothing so we add d to our list and move up
// We see e - it needs nothing so we add e to our list and move up
// We see c - it needs nothing so we add c to our list and move up
// The final install order would come out as debca
// There is a little more to this, handling provides, multiple packages wanting the
// same dependencies, etc. This is just the basic premise.
func getDepCatagories(pkgs []string, dt *depTree) (*depCatagories, error) {
dc := makeDependCatagories()
seen := make(stringSet)
for _, pkg := range dt.Aur {
_, ok := dc.Bases[pkg.PackageBase]
if !ok {
dc.Bases[pkg.PackageBase] = make([]*rpc.Pkg, 0)
dc.Bases[pkg.PackageBase] = append(dc.Bases[pkg.PackageBase], pkg)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
_, name := splitDbFromName(pkg)
dep, _ := splitNameFromDep(name)
alpmpkg, exists := dt.Repo[dep]
if exists {
repoDepCatagoriesRecursive(alpmpkg, dc, dt, false)
dc.Repo = append(dc.Repo, alpmpkg)
delete(dt.Repo, dep)
aurpkg, exists := dt.Aur[dep]
if exists {
depCatagoriesRecursive(aurpkg, dc, dt, false, seen)
if !seen.get(aurpkg.PackageBase) {
dc.Aur = append(dc.Aur, aurpkg)
delete(dt.Aur, dep)
for _, base := range dc.Bases {
for _, pkg := range base {
for _, dep := range pkg.Depends {
for _, pkg := range dc.Repo {
pkg.Depends().ForEach(func(_dep alpm.Depend) error {
dep := _dep.Name
return nil
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
dupes := make(map[*alpm.Package]struct{})
filteredRepo := make([]*alpm.Package, 0)
for _, pkg := range dc.Repo {
_, ok := dupes[pkg]
if ok {
dupes[pkg] = struct{}{}
filteredRepo = append(filteredRepo, pkg)
dc.Repo = filteredRepo
return dc, nil
func repoDepCatagoriesRecursive(pkg *alpm.Package, dc *depCatagories, dt *depTree, isMake bool) {
pkg.Depends().ForEach(func(_dep alpm.Depend) error {
dep := _dep.Name
alpmpkg, exists := dt.Repo[dep]
if exists {
delete(dt.Repo, dep)
repoDepCatagoriesRecursive(alpmpkg, dc, dt, isMake)
if isMake {
dc.Repo = append(dc.Repo, alpmpkg)
return nil
func depCatagoriesRecursive(_pkg *rpc.Pkg, dc *depCatagories, dt *depTree, isMake bool, seen stringSet) {
for _, pkg := range dc.Bases[_pkg.PackageBase] {
for _, deps := range [3][]string{pkg.Depends, pkg.MakeDepends, pkg.CheckDepends} {
for _, _dep := range deps {
dep, _ := splitNameFromDep(_dep)
aurpkg, exists := dt.Aur[dep]
if exists {
delete(dt.Aur, dep)
depCatagoriesRecursive(aurpkg, dc, dt, isMake, seen)
if !seen.get(aurpkg.PackageBase) {
dc.Aur = append(dc.Aur, aurpkg)
if isMake {
alpmpkg, exists := dt.Repo[dep]
if exists {
delete(dt.Repo, dep)
repoDepCatagoriesRecursive(alpmpkg, dc, dt, isMake)
if isMake {
dc.Repo = append(dc.Repo, alpmpkg)
isMake = true
// This is step one for dependency resolving. pkgs is a slice of the packages you
// want to resolve the dependencies for. They can be a mix of aur and repo
// dependencies. All unmet dependencies will be resolved.
// For Aur dependencies depends, makedepends and checkdepends are resolved but
// for repo packages only depends are resolved as they are prebuilt.
// The return will be split into three catagories: Repo, Aur and Missing.
// The return is in no way ordered. This step is is just aimed at gathering the
// packages we need.
// This has been designed to make the least amount of rpc requests as possible.
// Web requests are probably going to be the bottleneck here so minimizing them
// provides a nice speed boost.
// Here is a visual expample of the request system.
// Remember only unsatisfied packages are requested, if a package is already
// installed we dont bother.
// a
// / \
// b c
// / \
// d e
// We see a so we send a request for a
// We see a wants b and c so we send a request for b and c
// We see d and e so we send a request for d and e
// Thats 5 packages in 3 requests. The amount of requests needed should always be
// the same as the height of the tree.
// The example does not really do this justice, In the real world where packages
// have 10+ dependencies each this is a very nice optimization.
func getDepTree(pkgs []string) (*depTree, error) {
dt := makeDepTree()
localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
if err != nil {
return dt, err
syncDb, err := alpmHandle.SyncDbs()
if err != nil {
return dt, err
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
db, name := splitDbFromName(pkg)
var foundPkg *alpm.Package
var singleDb *alpm.Db
if db == "aur" {
// Check the repos for a matching dep
if db != "" {
singleDb, err = alpmHandle.SyncDbByName(db)
if err != nil {
return dt, err
foundPkg, err = singleDb.PkgCache().FindSatisfier(name)
} else {
foundPkg, err = syncDb.FindSatisfier(name)
if err == nil {
repoTreeRecursive(foundPkg, dt, localDb, syncDb)
} else {
//would be better to check the groups from singleDb if
//the user specified a db but theres no easy way to do
//it without making alpm_lists so dont bother for now
//db/group is probably a rare use case
_, err := syncDb.PkgCachebyGroup(name)
if err == nil {
if db == "" {
} else {
if len(dt.ToProcess) > 0 {
fmt.Println(bold(cyan("::") + " Querying AUR..."))
err = depTreeRecursive(dt, localDb, syncDb, false)
if err != nil {
return dt, err
if !cmdArgs.existsArg("d", "nodeps") {
err = checkVersions(dt)
return dt, err
// Takes a repo package,
// gives all of the non installed deps,
// repeats on each sub dep.
func repoTreeRecursive(pkg *alpm.Package, dt *depTree, localDb *alpm.Db, syncDb alpm.DbList) (err error) {
_, exists := dt.Repo[pkg.Name()]
if exists {
dt.Repo[pkg.Name()] = pkg
(*pkg).Provides().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) (err error) {
dt.Repo[dep.Name] = pkg
return nil
(*pkg).Depends().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) (err error) {
_, exists := dt.Repo[dep.Name]
if exists {
_, isInstalled := localDb.PkgCache().FindSatisfier(dep.String())
if isInstalled == nil {
repoPkg, inRepos := syncDb.FindSatisfier(dep.String())
if inRepos == nil {
repoTreeRecursive(repoPkg, dt, localDb, syncDb)
func depTreeRecursive(dt *depTree, localDb *alpm.Db, syncDb alpm.DbList, isMake bool) (err error) {
if len(dt.ToProcess) == 0 {
nextProcess := make(stringSet)
currentProcess := make(stringSet)
// Strip version conditions
for _dep := range dt.ToProcess {
dep, _ := splitNameFromDep(_dep)
// Assume toprocess only contains aur stuff we have not seen
info, err := aurInfo(currentProcess.toSlice())
if err != nil {
// Cache the results
for _, pkg := range info {
// Copying to p fixes a bug.
// Would rather not copy but cant find another way to fix.
p := pkg
dt.Aur[pkg.Name] = &p
// Loop through to process and check if we now have
// each packaged cached.
// If not cached, we assume it is missing.
for pkgName := range currentProcess {
pkg, exists := dt.Aur[pkgName]
// Did not get it in the request.
if !exists {
// for each dep and makedep
for _, deps := range [3][]string{pkg.Depends, pkg.MakeDepends, pkg.CheckDepends} {
for _, versionedDep := range deps {
dep, _ := splitNameFromDep(versionedDep)
_, exists = dt.Aur[dep]
// We have it cached so skip.
if exists {
_, exists = dt.Repo[dep]
// We have it cached so skip.
if exists {
_, exists = dt.Missing[dep]
// We know it does not resolve so skip.
if exists {
// Check if already installed.
_, isInstalled := localDb.PkgCache().FindSatisfier(versionedDep)
if isInstalled == nil && config.ReBuild != "tree" {
// Check the repos for a matching dep.
repoPkg, inRepos := syncDb.FindSatisfier(versionedDep)
if inRepos == nil {
if isInstalled == nil && config.ReBuild == "tree" {
repoTreeRecursive(repoPkg, dt, localDb, syncDb)
// If all else fails add it to next search.
dt.ToProcess = nextProcess
depTreeRecursive(dt, localDb, syncDb, true)
func checkVersions(dt *depTree) error {
depStrings := make([]string, 0)
has := make(map[string][]string)
for _, pkg := range dt.Aur {
for _, deps := range [3][]string{pkg.Depends, pkg.MakeDepends, pkg.CheckDepends} {
for _, dep := range deps {
_, _dep := splitNameFromDep(dep)
if _dep != "" {
depStrings = append(depStrings, dep)
addMapStringSlice(has, pkg.Name, pkg.Version)
for _, name := range pkg.Provides {
_name, _ver := splitNameFromDep(name)
if _ver != "" {
addMapStringSlice(has, _name, _ver)
} else {
delete(has, _name)
for _, pkg := range dt.Repo {
pkg.Depends().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) error {
if dep.Mod != alpm.DepModAny {
depStrings = append(depStrings, dep.String())
return nil
addMapStringSlice(has, pkg.Name(), pkg.Version())
pkg.Provides().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) error {
if dep.Mod != alpm.DepModAny {
addMapStringSlice(has, dep.Name, dep.Version)
} else {
delete(has, dep.Name)
return nil
deps, _ := gopkg.ParseDeps(depStrings)
for _, dep := range deps {
satisfied := false
verStrs, ok := has[dep.Name]
if !ok {
for _, verStr := range verStrs {
version, err := gopkg.NewCompleteVersion(verStr)
if err != nil {
return err
if version.Satisfies(dep) {
satisfied = true
if !satisfied {
return nil