morganamilo 473a2de225
Refactor pssToFoo() functions
Previously each call to an external command had two functions.
PassToFoo() and PassToFooCapture(). These functions are always similar
and end up with duplicated code.

So instead have the passToFoo() functions return the cmd itself and
create small helper functions show() and capture() which will run the
command and either forward it to std{out,err,in} or capture the output

Also the saveVCSInfo() function which was called after every makepkg
call is now only called after the pacman -U succeeds.
2018-07-19 18:37:28 +01:00

572 lines
11 KiB

package main
import (
alpm "github.com/jguer/go-alpm"
rpc "github.com/mikkeloscar/aur"
type aurWarnings struct {
Orphans []string
OutOfDate []string
Missing []string
// Query is a collection of Results
type aurQuery []rpc.Pkg
// Query holds the results of a repository search.
type repoQuery []alpm.Package
func (q aurQuery) Len() int {
return len(q)
func (q aurQuery) Less(i, j int) bool {
var result bool
switch config.SortBy {
case "votes":
result = q[i].NumVotes > q[j].NumVotes
case "popularity":
result = q[i].Popularity > q[j].Popularity
case "name":
result = lessRunes([]rune(q[i].Name), []rune(q[j].Name))
case "base":
result = lessRunes([]rune(q[i].PackageBase), []rune(q[j].PackageBase))
case "submitted":
result = q[i].FirstSubmitted < q[j].FirstSubmitted
case "modified":
result = q[i].LastModified < q[j].LastModified
case "id":
result = q[i].ID < q[j].ID
case "baseid":
result = q[i].PackageBaseID < q[j].PackageBaseID
if config.SortMode == BottomUp {
return !result
return result
func (q aurQuery) Swap(i, j int) {
q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]
// FilterPackages filters packages based on source and type from local repository.
func filterPackages() (local []alpm.Package, remote []alpm.Package,
localNames []string, remoteNames []string, err error) {
localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
if err != nil {
dbList, err := alpmHandle.SyncDbs()
if err != nil {
f := func(k alpm.Package) error {
found := false
// For each DB search for our secret package.
_ = dbList.ForEach(func(d alpm.Db) error {
if found {
return nil
_, err := d.PkgByName(k.Name())
if err == nil {
found = true
local = append(local, k)
localNames = append(localNames, k.Name())
return nil
if !found {
remote = append(remote, k)
remoteNames = append(remoteNames, k.Name())
return nil
err = localDb.PkgCache().ForEach(f)
// NarrowSearch searches AUR and narrows based on subarguments
func narrowSearch(pkgS []string, sortS bool) (aurQuery, error) {
var r []rpc.Pkg
var err error
var usedIndex int
if len(pkgS) == 0 {
return nil, nil
for i, word := range pkgS {
r, err = rpc.Search(word)
if err == nil {
usedIndex = i
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(pkgS) == 1 {
if sortS {
return r, err
var aq aurQuery
var n int
for _, res := range r {
match := true
for i, pkgN := range pkgS {
if usedIndex == i {
if !(strings.Contains(res.Name, pkgN) || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(res.Description), pkgN)) {
match = false
if match {
aq = append(aq, res)
if sortS {
return aq, err
// SyncSearch presents a query to the local repos and to the AUR.
func syncSearch(pkgS []string) (err error) {
pkgS = removeInvalidTargets(pkgS)
var aurErr error
var repoErr error
var aq aurQuery
var pq repoQuery
if mode == ModeAUR || mode == ModeAny {
aq, aurErr = narrowSearch(pkgS, true)
if mode == ModeRepo || mode == ModeAny {
pq, _, repoErr = queryRepo(pkgS)
if repoErr != nil {
return err
if config.SortMode == BottomUp {
if mode == ModeAUR || mode == ModeAny {
if mode == ModeRepo || mode == ModeAny {
} else {
if mode == ModeRepo || mode == ModeAny {
if mode == ModeAUR || mode == ModeAny {
if aurErr != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error during AUR search: %s\n", aurErr)
fmt.Println("Showing Repo packages only")
return nil
// SyncInfo serves as a pacman -Si for repo packages and AUR packages.
func syncInfo(pkgS []string) (err error) {
var info []*rpc.Pkg
missing := false
pkgS = removeInvalidTargets(pkgS)
aurS, repoS, err := packageSlices(pkgS)
if err != nil {
if len(aurS) != 0 {
noDb := make([]string, 0, len(aurS))
for _, pkg := range aurS {
_, name := splitDbFromName(pkg)
noDb = append(noDb, name)
info, err = aurInfoPrint(noDb)
if err != nil {
missing = true
// Repo always goes first
if len(repoS) != 0 {
arguments := cmdArgs.copy()
err = show(passToPacman(arguments))
if err != nil {
if len(aurS) != len(info) {
missing = true
if len(info) != 0 {
for _, pkg := range info {
if missing {
err = fmt.Errorf("")
// Search handles repo searches. Creates a RepoSearch struct.
func queryRepo(pkgInputN []string) (s repoQuery, n int, err error) {
dbList, err := alpmHandle.SyncDbs()
if err != nil {
// BottomUp functions
initL := func(len int) int {
if config.SortMode == TopDown {
return 0
return len - 1
compL := func(len int, i int) bool {
if config.SortMode == TopDown {
return i < len
return i > -1
finalL := func(i int) int {
if config.SortMode == TopDown {
return i + 1
return i - 1
dbS := dbList.Slice()
lenDbs := len(dbS)
for f := initL(lenDbs); compL(lenDbs, f); f = finalL(f) {
pkgS := dbS[f].PkgCache().Slice()
lenPkgs := len(pkgS)
for i := initL(lenPkgs); compL(lenPkgs, i); i = finalL(i) {
match := true
for _, pkgN := range pkgInputN {
if !(strings.Contains(pkgS[i].Name(), pkgN) || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(pkgS[i].Description()), pkgN)) {
match = false
if match {
s = append(s, pkgS[i])
// PackageSlices separates an input slice into aur and repo slices
func packageSlices(toCheck []string) (aur []string, repo []string, err error) {
dbList, err := alpmHandle.SyncDbs()
if err != nil {
for _, _pkg := range toCheck {
db, name := splitDbFromName(_pkg)
found := false
if db == "aur" || mode == ModeAUR {
aur = append(aur, _pkg)
} else if db != "" || mode == ModeRepo {
repo = append(repo, _pkg)
_ = dbList.ForEach(func(db alpm.Db) error {
_, err := db.PkgByName(name)
if err == nil {
found = true
return fmt.Errorf("")
return nil
if !found {
_, errdb := dbList.PkgCachebyGroup(name)
found = errdb == nil
if found {
repo = append(repo, _pkg)
} else {
aur = append(aur, _pkg)
// HangingPackages returns a list of packages installed as deps
// and unneeded by the system
// removeOptional decides whether optional dependencies are counted or not
func hangingPackages(removeOptional bool) (hanging []string, err error) {
localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
if err != nil {
// safePackages represents every package in the system in one of 3 states
// State = 0 - Remove package from the system
// State = 1 - Keep package in the system; need to iterate over dependencies
// State = 2 - Keep package and have iterated over dependencies
safePackages := make(map[string]uint8)
// provides stores a mapping from the provides name back to the original package name
provides := make(mapStringSet)
packages := localDb.PkgCache()
// Mark explicit dependencies and enumerate the provides list
setupResources := func(pkg alpm.Package) error {
if pkg.Reason() == alpm.PkgReasonExplicit {
safePackages[pkg.Name()] = 1
} else {
safePackages[pkg.Name()] = 0
pkg.Provides().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) error {
provides.Add(dep.Name, pkg.Name())
return nil
return nil
iterateAgain := true
processDependencies := func(pkg alpm.Package) error {
if state := safePackages[pkg.Name()]; state == 0 || state == 2 {
return nil
safePackages[pkg.Name()] = 2
// Update state for dependencies
markDependencies := func(dep alpm.Depend) error {
// Don't assume a dependency is installed
state, ok := safePackages[dep.Name]
if !ok {
// Check if dep is a provides rather than actual package name
if pset, ok2 := provides[dep.Name]; ok2 {
for p := range pset {
if safePackages[p] == 0 {
iterateAgain = true
safePackages[p] = 1
return nil
if state == 0 {
iterateAgain = true
safePackages[dep.Name] = 1
return nil
if !removeOptional {
return nil
for iterateAgain {
iterateAgain = false
// Build list of packages to be removed
packages.ForEach(func(pkg alpm.Package) error {
if safePackages[pkg.Name()] == 0 {
hanging = append(hanging, pkg.Name())
return nil
func lastBuildTime() (time.Time, error) {
var time time.Time
pkgs, _, _, _, err := filterPackages()
if err != nil {
return time, err
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
thisTime := pkg.BuildDate()
if thisTime.After(time) {
time = thisTime
return time, nil
// Statistics returns statistics about packages installed in system
func statistics() (info struct {
Totaln int
Expln int
TotalSize int64
}, err error) {
var tS int64 // TotalSize
var nPkg int
var ePkg int
localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
if err != nil {
for _, pkg := range localDb.PkgCache().Slice() {
tS += pkg.ISize()
if pkg.Reason() == 0 {
info = struct {
Totaln int
Expln int
TotalSize int64
nPkg, ePkg, tS,
// Queries the aur for information about specified packages.
// All packages should be queried in a single rpc request except when the number
// of packages exceeds the number set in config.RequestSplitN.
// If the number does exceed config.RequestSplitN multiple rpc requests will be
// performed concurrently.
func aurInfo(names []string, warnings *aurWarnings) ([]*rpc.Pkg, error) {
info := make([]*rpc.Pkg, 0, len(names))
seen := make(map[string]int)
var mux sync.Mutex
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var err error
makeRequest := func(n, max int) {
defer wg.Done()
tempInfo, requestErr := rpc.Info(names[n:max])
if err != nil {
if requestErr != nil {
err = requestErr
for _, _i := range tempInfo {
i := _i
info = append(info, &i)
for n := 0; n < len(names); n += config.RequestSplitN {
max := min(len(names), n+config.RequestSplitN)
go makeRequest(n, max)
if err != nil {
return info, err
for k, pkg := range info {
seen[pkg.Name] = k
for _, name := range names {
i, ok := seen[name]
if !ok {
warnings.Missing = append(warnings.Missing, name)
pkg := info[i]
if pkg.Maintainer == "" {
warnings.Orphans = append(warnings.Orphans, name)
if pkg.OutOfDate != 0 {
warnings.OutOfDate = append(warnings.OutOfDate, name)
return info, nil
func aurInfoPrint(names []string) ([]*rpc.Pkg, error) {
fmt.Println(bold(cyan("::") + bold(" Querying AUR...")))
warnings := &aurWarnings{}
info, err := aurInfo(names, warnings)
if err != nil {
return info, err
return info, nil