
254 lines
7 KiB

package aur
import (
// Result describes an AUR package.
type Result struct {
Conflicts []string `json:"Conflicts"`
Depends []string `json:"Depends"`
Description string `json:"Description"`
FirstSubmitted int `json:"FirstSubmitted"`
ID int `json:"ID"`
Keywords []string `json:"Keywords"`
LastModified int64 `json:"LastModified"`
License []string `json:"License"`
Maintainer string `json:"Maintainer"`
MakeDepends []string `json:"MakeDepends"`
Name string `json:"Name"`
NumVotes int `json:"NumVotes"`
OptDepends []string `json:"OptDepends"`
OutOfDate int `json:"OutOfDate"`
PackageBase string `json:"PackageBase"`
PackageBaseID int `json:"PackageBaseID"`
Provides []string `json:"Provides"`
URL string `json:"URL"`
URLPath string `json:"URLPath"`
Version string `json:"Version"`
Installed bool
Popularity float32 `json:"Popularity"`
// Dependencies returns package dependencies not installed belonging to AUR
// 0 is Repo, 1 is Foreign.
func (a *Result) Dependencies() (runDeps [2][]string, makeDeps [2][]string, err error) {
var q Query
if len(a.Depends) == 0 && len(a.MakeDepends) == 0 {
var n int
q, n, err = Info(a.Name)
if n == 0 || err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Unable to search dependencies, %s", err)
} else {
q = append(q, *a)
depSearch := pacman.BuildDependencies(a.Depends)
if len(a.Depends) != 0 {
runDeps[0], runDeps[1] = depSearch(q[0].Depends, true, false)
if len(runDeps[0]) != 0 || len(runDeps[1]) != 0 {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;32m=>\x1b[1;33m Run Dependencies: \x1b[0m")
printDeps(runDeps[0], runDeps[1])
if len(a.MakeDepends) != 0 {
makeDeps[0], makeDeps[1] = depSearch(q[0].MakeDepends, false, false)
if len(makeDeps[0]) != 0 || len(makeDeps[1]) != 0 {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;32m=>\x1b[1;33m Make Dependencies: \x1b[0m")
printDeps(makeDeps[0], makeDeps[1])
depSearch(a.MakeDepends, false, true)
err = nil
func printDeps(repoDeps []string, aurDeps []string) {
if len(repoDeps) != 0 {
fmt.Print("\x1b[1;32m==> Repository dependencies: \x1b[0m")
for _, repoD := range repoDeps {
fmt.Print("\x1b[33m", repoD, " \x1b[0m")
if len(aurDeps) != 0 {
fmt.Print("\x1b[1;32m==> AUR dependencies: \x1b[0m")
for _, aurD := range aurDeps {
fmt.Print("\x1b[33m", aurD, " \x1b[0m")
// Install handles install from Info Result.
func (a *Result) Install(flags []string) (finalmdeps []string, err error) {
fmt.Printf("\x1b[1;32m==> Installing\x1b[33m %s\x1b[0m\n", a.Name)
if a.Maintainer == "" {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;31;40m==> Warning:\x1b[0;;40m This package is orphaned.\x1b[0m")
dir := util.BaseDir + a.PackageBase + "/"
if _, err = os.Stat(dir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err = util.DownloadAndUnpack(BaseURL+a.URLPath, util.BaseDir, false); err != nil {
} else {
if !util.ContinueTask("Directory exists. Clean Build?", "yY") {
os.RemoveAll(util.BaseDir + a.PackageBase)
if err = util.DownloadAndUnpack(BaseURL+a.URLPath, util.BaseDir, false); err != nil {
if !util.ContinueTask("Edit PKGBUILD?", "yY") {
editcmd := exec.Command(util.Editor(), dir+"PKGBUILD")
editcmd.Stdin, editcmd.Stdout, editcmd.Stderr = os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr
runDeps, makeDeps, err := a.Dependencies()
if err != nil {
repoDeps := append(runDeps[0], makeDeps[0]...)
aurDeps := append(runDeps[1], makeDeps[1]...)
finalmdeps = append(finalmdeps, makeDeps[0]...)
finalmdeps = append(finalmdeps, makeDeps[1]...)
if len(aurDeps) != 0 || len(repoDeps) != 0 {
if !util.ContinueTask("Continue?", "nN") {
return finalmdeps, fmt.Errorf("user did not like the dependencies")
aurQ, n, _ := MultiInfo(aurDeps)
if n != len(aurDeps) {
if !util.ContinueTask("Continue?", "nN") {
return finalmdeps, fmt.Errorf("unable to install dependencies")
var depArgs []string
if util.NoConfirm {
depArgs = []string{"--asdeps", "--noconfirm"}
} else {
depArgs = []string{"--asdeps"}
// Repo dependencies
if len(repoDeps) != 0 {
errR := pacman.Install(repoDeps, depArgs)
if errR != nil {
return finalmdeps, errR
// Handle AUR dependencies
for _, dep := range aurQ {
finalmdepsR, errA := dep.Install(depArgs)
finalmdeps = append(finalmdeps, finalmdepsR...)
if errA != nil {
return finalmdeps, errA
err = os.Chdir(dir)
if err != nil {
args := []string{"-sri"}
args = append(args, flags...)
makepkgcmd := exec.Command(util.MakepkgBin, args...)
makepkgcmd.Stdin, makepkgcmd.Stdout, makepkgcmd.Stderr = os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr
err = makepkgcmd.Run()
// PrintInfo prints package info like pacman -Si.
func (a *Result) PrintInfo() {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mRepository :\x1b[0m", "aur")
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mName :\x1b[0m", a.Name)
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mVersion :\x1b[0m", a.Version)
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mDescription :\x1b[0m", a.Description)
if a.URL != "" {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mURL :\x1b[0m", a.URL)
} else {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mURL :\x1b[0m", "None")
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mLicenses :\x1b[0m", a.License)
if len(a.Provides) != 0 {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mProvides :\x1b[0m", a.Provides)
} else {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mProvides :\x1b[0m", "None")
if len(a.Depends) != 0 {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mDepends On :\x1b[0m", a.Depends)
} else {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mDepends On :\x1b[0m", "None")
if len(a.MakeDepends) != 0 {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mMake depends On :\x1b[0m", a.MakeDepends)
} else {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mMake depends On :\x1b[0m", "None")
if len(a.OptDepends) != 0 {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mOptional Deps :\x1b[0m", a.OptDepends)
} else {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mOptional Deps :\x1b[0m", "None")
if len(a.Conflicts) != 0 {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mConflicts With :\x1b[0m", a.Conflicts)
} else {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mConflicts With :\x1b[0m", "None")
if a.Maintainer != "" {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mMaintainer :\x1b[0m", a.Maintainer)
} else {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mMaintainer :\x1b[0m", "None")
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mVotes :\x1b[0m", a.NumVotes)
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mPopularity :\x1b[0m", a.Popularity)
if a.OutOfDate != 0 {
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;37mOut-of-date :\x1b[0m", "Yes")
// RemoveMakeDeps receives a make dependency list and removes those
// that are no longer necessary.
func RemoveMakeDeps(depS []string) (err error) {
hanging := pacman.SliceHangingPackages(depS)
if len(hanging) != 0 {
if !util.ContinueTask("Confirm Removal?", "nN") {
return nil
err = pacman.CleanRemove(hanging)