morganamilo a33414b723
Repect --answer* flags when --noconfirm is set
This means that menus are now printed in noconfirm mode, I don't see
this as a problem because Pacman still prints its questions during

When the user has edited pkgbuilds Yay will prompt if they want to
continue with the intall. This prompt is also enabled during noconfirm
to ensure the user is happy with the pkgbuilds.
2018-04-04 22:22:33 +01:00

264 lines
5.8 KiB

package main
import (
alpm "github.com/jguer/go-alpm"
// Verbosity settings for search
const (
NumberMenu = iota
// Describes Sorting method for numberdisplay
const (
BottomUp = iota
// Configuration stores yay's config.
type Configuration struct {
BuildDir string `json:"buildDir"`
Editor string `json:"editor"`
MakepkgBin string `json:"makepkgbin"`
PacmanBin string `json:"pacmanbin"`
PacmanConf string `json:"pacmanconf"`
TarBin string `json:"tarbin"`
ReDownload string `json:"redownload"`
ReBuild string `json:"rebuild"`
AnswerClean string `json:"answerclean"`
AnswerEdit string `json:"answeredit"`
AnswerUpgrade string `json:"answerupgrade"`
GitBin string `json:"gitbin"`
GpgBin string `json:"gpgbin"`
GpgFlags string `json:"gpgflags"`
MFlags string `json:"mflags"`
SortBy string `json:"sortby"`
RequestSplitN int `json:"requestsplitn"`
SearchMode int `json:"-"`
SortMode int `json:"sortmode"`
SudoLoop bool `json:"sudoloop"`
TimeUpdate bool `json:"timeupdate"`
NoConfirm bool `json:"-"`
Devel bool `json:"devel"`
CleanAfter bool `json:"cleanAfter"`
var version = "3.373"
// configFileName holds the name of the config file.
const configFileName string = "config.json"
// vcsFileName holds the name of the vcs file.
const vcsFileName string = "vcs.json"
// completionFilePrefix holds the prefix used for storing shell completion files.
const completionFilePrefix string = "aur_"
// baseURL givers the AUR default address.
const baseURL string = "https://aur.archlinux.org"
// useColor enables/disables colored printing
var useColor bool
// configHome handles config directory home
var configHome string
// cacheHome handles cache home
var cacheHome string
// savedInfo holds the current vcs info
var savedInfo vcsInfo
// configfile holds yay config file path.
var configFile string
// vcsfile holds yay vcs info file path.
var vcsFile string
// completion file
var completionFile string
// shouldSaveConfig holds whether or not the config should be saved
var shouldSaveConfig bool
// YayConf holds the current config values for yay.
var config Configuration
// AlpmConf holds the current config values for pacman.
var alpmConf alpm.PacmanConfig
// AlpmHandle is the alpm handle used by yay.
var alpmHandle *alpm.Handle
func readAlpmConfig(pacmanconf string) (conf alpm.PacmanConfig, err error) {
file, err := os.Open(pacmanconf)
if err != nil {
conf, err = alpm.ParseConfig(file)
if err != nil {
// SaveConfig writes yay config to file.
func (config *Configuration) saveConfig() error {
marshalledinfo, _ := json.MarshalIndent(config, "", "\t")
in, err := os.OpenFile(configFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
defer in.Close()
_, err = in.Write(marshalledinfo)
if err != nil {
return err
err = in.Sync()
return err
func defaultSettings(config *Configuration) {
config.BuildDir = cacheHome + "/"
config.CleanAfter = false
config.Editor = ""
config.Devel = false
config.MakepkgBin = "makepkg"
config.NoConfirm = false
config.PacmanBin = "pacman"
config.PacmanConf = "/etc/pacman.conf"
config.GpgFlags = ""
config.MFlags = ""
config.SortMode = BottomUp
config.SortBy = "votes"
config.SudoLoop = false
config.TarBin = "bsdtar"
config.GitBin = "git"
config.GpgBin = "gpg"
config.TimeUpdate = false
config.RequestSplitN = 150
config.ReDownload = "no"
config.ReBuild = "no"
config.AnswerClean = ""
config.AnswerEdit = ""
config.AnswerUpgrade = ""
// Editor returns the preferred system editor.
func editor() string {
switch {
case config.Editor != "":
editor, err := exec.LookPath(config.Editor)
if err != nil {
} else {
return editor
case os.Getenv("EDITOR") != "":
editor, err := exec.LookPath(os.Getenv("EDITOR"))
if err != nil {
} else {
return editor
case os.Getenv("VISUAL") != "":
editor, err := exec.LookPath(os.Getenv("VISUAL"))
if err != nil {
} else {
return editor
bold(magenta("$EDITOR")), "is not set")
fmt.Println("Please add $EDITOR or to your environment variables.")
fmt.Print(green("Edit PKGBUILD with:"))
var editorInput string
_, err := fmt.Scanln(&editorInput)
if err != nil {
goto editorLoop
editor, err := exec.LookPath(editorInput)
if err != nil {
goto editorLoop
return editor
// ContinueTask prompts if user wants to continue task.
//If NoConfirm is set the action will continue without user input.
func continueTask(s string, def string) (cont bool) {
if config.NoConfirm {
return true
var postFix string
if def == "nN" {
postFix = " [Y/n] "
} else {
postFix = " [y/N] "
var response string
fmt.Print(bold(green(arrow+" "+s+" ")), bold(postFix))
n, err := fmt.Scanln(&response)
if err != nil || n == 0 {
return true
if response == string(def[0]) || response == string(def[1]) {
return false
return true
func getInput(defaultValue string) (string, error) {
if defaultValue != "" || config.NoConfirm {
return defaultValue, nil
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
buf, overflow, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if overflow {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Input too long")
return string(buf), nil
func (config Configuration) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
enc.SetIndent("", "\t")
if err := enc.Encode(config); err != nil {
return buf.String()