morganamilo 96f499ff44
Reimplement all previously existing operations
This reimplemens all operations yay previously supported:
	'-S' 'Syu' 'Si' ect.

Currently the argument objects are not fully implemented with the code.
Theres alot of funky conversion from
	argument object -> pkg, flags -> argument object
This is to just get back to the functionally we had before (almost).

I have not looked into it yet but alot of the time pacman flags get
passed to makepkg. this cases an error for most commands now because the
new system Passes all flags:
	`yay -Syu` -> flags = '-S' '-y' '-u'
while the old system would have done:
	`yay -Syu` -> op = '-Suy', flags = ''

So extra flags are no longer passed at all currently.

This means:
	'yay -S aic94xx-firmware --noconfirm -b /tmp/pacutilesu2q6hw/tmp-pacman -d'
will no longer error and 'aic94xx-firmware' will be installed but the
database path change will not apply and the dep checking will not be
2018-01-04 08:32:50 +00:00

362 lines
8 KiB

package main
import (
alpm "github.com/jguer/go-alpm"
rpc "github.com/mikkeloscar/aur"
pkgb "github.com/mikkeloscar/gopkgbuild"
// upgrade type describes a system upgrade.
type upgrade struct {
Name string
Repository string
LocalVersion string
RemoteVersion string
// upSlice is a slice of Upgrades
type upSlice []upgrade
func (u upSlice) Len() int { return len(u) }
func (u upSlice) Swap(i, j int) { u[i], u[j] = u[j], u[i] }
func (u upSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
iRunes := []rune(u[i].Repository)
jRunes := []rune(u[j].Repository)
max := len(iRunes)
if max > len(jRunes) {
max = len(jRunes)
for idx := 0; idx < max; idx++ {
ir := iRunes[idx]
jr := jRunes[idx]
lir := unicode.ToLower(ir)
ljr := unicode.ToLower(jr)
if lir != ljr {
return lir > ljr
// the lowercase runes are the same, so compare the original
if ir != jr {
return ir > jr
return false
// Print prints the details of the packages to upgrade.
func (u upSlice) Print(start int) {
for k, i := range u {
old, err := pkgb.NewCompleteVersion(i.LocalVersion)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(i.Name, err)
new, err := pkgb.NewCompleteVersion(i.RemoteVersion)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(i.Name, err)
f := func(name string) (color int) {
var hash = 5381
for i := 0; i < len(name); i++ {
hash = int(name[i]) + ((hash << 5) + (hash))
return hash%6 + 31
fmt.Printf("\x1b[33m%-2d\x1b[0m ", len(u)+start-k-1)
fmt.Printf("\x1b[1;%dm%s\x1b[0m/\x1b[1;39m%-25s\t\t\x1b[0m", f(i.Repository), i.Repository, i.Name)
if old.Version != new.Version {
fmt.Printf("\x1b[31m%18s\x1b[0m-%s -> \x1b[1;32m%s\x1b[0m-%s\x1b[0m",
old.Version, old.Pkgrel,
new.Version, new.Pkgrel)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\x1b[0m%18s-\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m -> %s-\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m",
old.Version, old.Pkgrel,
new.Version, new.Pkgrel)
// upList returns lists of packages to upgrade from each source.
func upList() (aurUp upSlice, repoUp upSlice, err error) {
local, remote, _, remoteNames, err := filterPackages()
if err != nil {
repoC := make(chan upSlice)
aurC := make(chan upSlice)
errC := make(chan error)
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;36;1m::\x1b[0m\x1b[1m Searching databases for updates...\x1b[0m")
go func() {
repoUpList, err := upRepo(local)
errC <- err
repoC <- repoUpList
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;36;1m::\x1b[0m\x1b[1m Searching AUR for updates...\x1b[0m")
go func() {
aurUpList, err := upAUR(remote, remoteNames)
errC <- err
aurC <- aurUpList
var i = 0
for {
select {
case repoUp = <-repoC:
case aurUp = <-aurC:
case err := <-errC:
if err != nil {
if i == 2 {
break loop
func isIgnored(name string, groups []string, oldVersion string, newVersion string) bool {
for _, p := range alpmConf.IgnorePkg {
if p == name {
fmt.Printf("\x1b[33mwarning:\x1b[0m %s (ignored pkg) ignoring upgrade (%s -> %s)\n", name, oldVersion, newVersion)
return true
for _, g := range alpmConf.IgnoreGroup {
for _, pg := range groups {
if g == pg {
fmt.Printf("\x1b[33mwarning:\x1b[0m %s (ignored pkg) ignoring upgrade (%s -> %s)\n", name, oldVersion, newVersion)
return true
return false
func upDevel(remoteNames []string, packageC chan upgrade, done chan bool) {
for _, e := range savedInfo {
if e.needsUpdate() {
found := false
for _, r := range remoteNames {
if r == e.Package {
found = true
if found && !isIgnored(e.Package, nil, e.SHA[0:6], "git") {
packageC <- upgrade{e.Package, "devel", e.SHA[0:6], "git"}
} else {
done <- true
// upAUR gathers foreign packages and checks if they have new versions.
// Output: Upgrade type package list.
func upAUR(remote []alpm.Package, remoteNames []string) (toUpgrade upSlice, err error) {
var j int
var routines int
var routineDone int
packageC := make(chan upgrade)
done := make(chan bool)
if config.Devel {
go upDevel(remoteNames, packageC, done)
fmt.Println("\x1b[1;36;1m::\x1b[0m\x1b[1m Checking development packages...\x1b[0m")
for i := len(remote); i != 0; i = j {
//Split requests so AUR RPC doesn't get mad at us.
j = i - config.RequestSplitN
if j < 0 {
j = 0
go func(local []alpm.Package, remote []string) {
qtemp, err := rpc.Info(remote)
if err != nil {
done <- true
// For each item in query: Search equivalent in foreign.
// We assume they're ordered and are returned ordered
// and will only be missing if they don't exist in AUR.
max := len(qtemp) - 1
var missing, x int
for i := range local {
x = i - missing
if x > max {
} else if qtemp[x].Name == local[i].Name() {
if (config.TimeUpdate && (int64(qtemp[x].LastModified) > local[i].BuildDate().Unix())) ||
(alpm.VerCmp(local[i].Version(), qtemp[x].Version) < 0) {
if !isIgnored(local[i].Name(), local[i].Groups().Slice(), local[i].Version(), qtemp[x].Version) {
packageC <- upgrade{qtemp[x].Name, "aur", local[i].Version(), qtemp[x].Version}
} else {
done <- true
}(remote[j:i], remoteNames[j:i])
for {
select {
case pkg := <-packageC:
for _, w := range toUpgrade {
if w.Name == pkg.Name {
toUpgrade = append(toUpgrade, pkg)
case <-done:
if routineDone == routines {
err = nil
// upRepo gathers local packages and checks if they have new versions.
// Output: Upgrade type package list.
func upRepo(local []alpm.Package) (upSlice, error) {
dbList, err := alpmHandle.SyncDbs()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slice := upSlice{}
for _, pkg := range local {
newPkg := pkg.NewVersion(dbList)
if newPkg != nil && !isIgnored(pkg.Name(), pkg.Groups().Slice(), pkg.Version(), newPkg.Version()) {
slice = append(slice, upgrade{pkg.Name(), newPkg.DB().Name(), pkg.Version(), newPkg.Version()})
return slice, nil
// upgradePkgs handles updating the cache and installing updates.
func upgradePkgs(flags []string) error {
aurUp, repoUp, err := upList()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if len(aurUp)+len(repoUp) == 0 {
fmt.Println("\nthere is nothing to do")
return err
var repoNums []int
var aurNums []int
fmt.Printf("\x1b[1;34;1m:: \x1b[0m\x1b[1m%d Packages to upgrade.\x1b[0m\n", len(aurUp)+len(repoUp))
if !config.NoConfirm {
fmt.Print("\x1b[32mEnter packages you don't want to upgrade.\x1b[0m\nNumbers: ")
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
numberBuf, overflow, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err != nil || overflow {
return err
result := strings.Fields(string(numberBuf))
for _, numS := range result {
num, err := strconv.Atoi(numS)
if err != nil {
if num > len(aurUp)+len(repoUp)-1 || num < 0 {
} else if num < len(aurUp) {
num = len(aurUp) - num - 1
aurNums = append(aurNums, num)
} else {
num = len(aurUp) + len(repoUp) - num - 1
repoNums = append(repoNums, num)
if len(repoUp) != 0 {
var repoNames []string
for i, k := range repoUp {
for _, j := range repoNums {
if j == i {
continue repoloop
repoNames = append(repoNames, k.Name)
arguments := makeArguments()
arguments.addArg("-S --noconfirm")
err := passToPacman(arguments)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error upgrading repo packages.")
if len(aurUp) != 0 {
var aurNames []string
for i, k := range aurUp {
for _, j := range aurNums {
if j == i {
continue aurloop
aurNames = append(aurNames, k.Name)
aurInstall(aurNames, flags)
return nil