Jo 8916cd174b
refactor(yay): move cfg inside of runtime (#2259)
* rework relationship between runtime and cfg

* separate runtime from cfg

* simplify instantiation logic

* move installer to appropriate package

* move operator to sync package

* add tests for srcinfo service

* consolidate srcinfo service in sync

* add logger to srcinfo

* add logger to preparer

* remove unused text functions

* remove remaining text.* from srcinfo

* remove global logger parts

* remove global org method exports

* remove global logger

* move text->input

* add rule to prevent fmt.Print

* update golangci go version

* remove outdated FAQs

* remove outdated FAQs
2023-08-06 21:39:41 +02:00

139 lines
3.7 KiB

package sync
import (
type OperationService struct {
ctx context.Context
cfg *settings.Configuration
dbExecutor db.Executor
logger *text.Logger
func NewOperationService(ctx context.Context,
dbExecutor db.Executor,
run *runtime.Runtime,
) *OperationService {
return &OperationService{
ctx: ctx,
cfg: run.Cfg,
dbExecutor: dbExecutor,
logger: run.Logger.Child("operation"),
func (o *OperationService) Run(ctx context.Context, run *runtime.Runtime,
cmdArgs *parser.Arguments,
targets []map[string]*dep.InstallInfo, excluded []string,
) error {
if len(targets) == 0 {
o.logger.Println("", gotext.Get("there is nothing to do"))
return nil
preparer := workdir.NewPreparer(o.dbExecutor, run.CmdBuilder, o.cfg, o.logger.Child("workdir"))
installer := build.NewInstaller(o.dbExecutor, run.CmdBuilder,
run.VCSStore, o.cfg.Mode, o.cfg.ReBuild,
cmdArgs.ExistsArg("w", "downloadonly"), run.Logger.Child("installer"))
pkgBuildDirs, errInstall := preparer.Run(ctx, run, targets)
if errInstall != nil {
return errInstall
if cleanFunc := preparer.ShouldCleanMakeDeps(run, cmdArgs); cleanFunc != nil {
if cleanAURDirsFunc := preparer.ShouldCleanAURDirs(run, pkgBuildDirs); cleanAURDirsFunc != nil {
go func() {
errComp := completion.Update(ctx, run.HTTPClient, o.dbExecutor,
o.cfg.AURURL, o.cfg.CompletionPath, o.cfg.CompletionInterval, false)
if errComp != nil {
srcInfo, errInstall := srcinfo.NewService(o.dbExecutor, o.cfg,
o.logger.Child("srcinfo"), run.CmdBuilder, run.VCSStore, pkgBuildDirs)
if errInstall != nil {
return errInstall
incompatible, errInstall := srcInfo.IncompatiblePkgs(ctx)
if errInstall != nil {
return errInstall
if errIncompatible := confirmIncompatible(o.logger, incompatible); errIncompatible != nil {
return errIncompatible
if errPGP := srcInfo.CheckPGPKeys(ctx); errPGP != nil {
return errPGP
if errInstall := installer.Install(ctx, cmdArgs, targets, pkgBuildDirs,
excluded, o.manualConfirmRequired(cmdArgs)); errInstall != nil {
return errInstall
var multiErr multierror.MultiError
failedAndIgnored, err := installer.CompileFailedAndIgnored()
if err != nil {
if !cmdArgs.ExistsArg("w", "downloadonly") {
if err := srcInfo.UpdateVCSStore(ctx, targets, failedAndIgnored); err != nil {
if err := installer.RunPostInstallHooks(ctx); err != nil {
return multiErr.Return()
func (o *OperationService) manualConfirmRequired(cmdArgs *parser.Arguments) bool {
return (!cmdArgs.ExistsArg("u", "sysupgrade") && cmdArgs.Op != "Y") || o.cfg.DoubleConfirm
func confirmIncompatible(logger *text.Logger, incompatible []string) error {
if len(incompatible) > 0 {
logger.Warnln(gotext.Get("The following packages are not compatible with your architecture:"))
for _, pkg := range incompatible {
logger.Print(" " + text.Cyan(pkg))
if !logger.ContinueTask(gotext.Get("Try to build them anyway?"), true, settings.NoConfirm) {
return &settings.ErrUserAbort{}
return nil