morganamilo 4cc57dd970
Rename afterclean to cleanafter
This makes more sense and falls in line with the structs value which has
always been cleanafter. afterclean is still useable for compatibility
but is undocumented.
2018-09-27 16:12:43 +01:00

614 lines
19 KiB

#compdef yay
# vim:fdm=marker foldlevel=0 tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 filetype=zsh
typeset -A opt_args
setopt extendedglob
# options for passing to _arguments: main pacman commands
{-D,--database}'[Modify database]'
{-F,--files}'[Query the files database]'
{-G,--getpkgbuild}'[Get PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR]'
{-Q,--query}'[Query the package database]'
{-R,--remove}'[Remove a package from the system]'
{-P,--show}'[Print yay information]'
{-S,--sync}'[Synchronize packages]'
{-T,--deptest}'[Check if dependencies are installed]'
{-U,--upgrade}'[Upgrade a package]'
{-Y,--yay}'[Yay specific options]'
{-V,--version}'[Display version and exit]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
# options for passing to _arguments: options common to all commands
'--repo[Assume targets are from the repositories]'
{-a,--aur}'[Assume targets are from the AUR]'
'--aururl[Set an alternative AUR URL]:url'
'--arch[Set an alternate architecture]'
{-b,--dbpath}'[Alternate database location]:database_location:_files -/'
'--color[colorize the output]:color options:(always never auto)'
{-h,--help}'[Display syntax for the given operation]'
{-r,--root}'[Set alternate installation root]:installation root:_files -/'
{-v,--verbose}'[Be more verbose]'
'--cachedir[Alternate package cache location]:cache_location:_files -/'
'--config[An alternate configuration file]:config file:_files'
'--makepkgconf[makepkg.conf file to use]:config file:_files'
'--nomakepkgconf[Use the default makepkg.conf]'
'--requestsplitn[Max amount of packages to query per AUR request]:number'
'--completioninterval[Time in days to to refresh completion cache]:number'
'--confirm[Always ask for confirmation]'
'--debug[Display debug messages]'
'--gpgdir[Set an alternate directory for GnuPG (instead of /etc/pacman.d/gnupg)]: :_files -/'
'--hookdir[Set an alternate hook location]: :_files -/'
'--logfile[An alternate log file]:config file:_files'
'--noconfirm[Do not ask for confirmation]'
'--noprogressbar[Do not show a progress bar when downloading files]'
'--noscriptlet[Do not execute the install scriptlet if one exists]'
'--save[Causes config options to be saved back to the config file]'
'--builddir[Directory to use for building AUR Packages]:build dir:_files -/'
'--editor[Editor to use when editing PKGBUILDs]:editor:_files'
'--editorflags[Flags to pass to editor]'
'--makepkg[makepkg command to use]:makepkg:_files'
'--pacman[pacman command to use]:pacman:_files'
'--tar[bsdtar command to use]:tar:_files'
'--git[git command to use]:git:_files'
'--gpg[gpg command to use]:gpg:_files'
'--sortby[Sort AUR results by a specific field during search]:sortby options:(votes popularity id baseid name base submitted modified)'
'--answerclean[Set a predetermined answer for the clean build menu]:answer'
'--answeredit[Set a predetermined answer for the edit pkgbuild menu]:answer'
'--answerupgrade[Set a predetermined answer for the upgrade menu]:answer'
'--noanswerclean[Unset the answer for the clean build menu]'
'--noansweredit[Unset the answer for the edit pkgbuild menu]'
'--noanswerupgrade[Unset the answer for the upgrade menu]'
'--cleanmenu[Give the option to clean build PKGBUILDS]'
'--diffmenu[Give the option to show diffs for build files]'
'--editmenu[Give the option to edit/view PKGBUILDS]'
'--upgrademenu[Show a detailed list of updates with the option to skip any]'
"--nocleanmenu[Don't clean build PKGBUILDS]"
"--nodiffmenu[Don't show diffs for build files]"
"--noeditmenu[Don't edit/view PKGBUILDS]"
"--noupgrademenu[Don't show the upgrade menu]"
"--askremovemake[Ask to remove makedepends after install]"
"--removemake[Remove makedepends after install]"
"--noremovemake[Don't remove makedepends after install]"
'--bottomup[Show AUR packages first]'
'--topdown[Show repository packages first]'
'--devel[Check -git/-svn/-hg development version]'
'--nodevel[Disable development version checking]'
'--cleanafter[Clean package sources after successful build]'
'--nocleanafter[Disable package sources cleaning after successful build]'
'--timeupdate[Check packages modification date and version]'
'--notimeupdate[Check only package version change]'
'--redownload[Always download pkgbuilds of targets]'
'--redownloadall[Always download pkgbuilds of all AUR packages]'
'--noredownload[Skip pkgbuild download if in cache and up to date]'
'--rebuild[Always build target packages]'
'--rebuildall[Always build all AUR packages]'
'--provides[Look for matching provders when searching for packages]'
'--noprovides[Just look for packages by pkgname]'
'--pgpfetch[Prompt to import PGP keys from PKGBUILDs]'
"--nopgpfetch[Don't prompt to import PGP keys]"
"--useask[Automatically resolve conflicts using pacman's ask flag]"
'--nouseask[Confirm conflicts manually during the install]'
'--combinedupgrade[Refresh then perform the repo and AUR upgrade together]'
'--nocombinedupgrade[Perform the repo upgrade and AUR upgrade separately]'
'--rebuildtree[Always build all AUR packages even if installed]'
'--norebuild[Skip package build if in cache and up to date]'
'--mflags[Pass arguments to makepkg]:mflags'
'--gpgflags[Pass arguments to gpg]:gpgflags'
'--sudoloop[Loop sudo calls in the background to avoid timeout]'
'--nosudoloop[Do not loop sudo calls in the backgrount]'
# options for passing to _arguments: options for --upgrade commands
'*-d[Skip dependency checks]'
'*--nodeps[Skip dependency checks]'
'*--assume-installed[Add virtual package to satisfy dependencies]'
'--dbonly[Only remove database entry, do not remove files]'
'--force[Overwrite conflicting files]'
'--needed[Do not reinstall up to date packages]'
'--asdeps[mark packages as non-explicitly installed]'
'--asexplicit[mark packages as explicitly installed]'
{-p,--print}'[Only print the targets instead of performing the operation]'
'*--ignore[Ignore a package upgrade]:package: _pacman_completions_all_packages'
'*--ignoregroup[Ignore a group upgrade]:package group:_pacman_completions_all_groups'
'--print-format[Specify how the targets should be printed]'
'*:package file:_files -g "*.pkg.tar*~*.sig(.,@)"'
# options for passing to _arguments: subactions for --query command
'(-Q --query)'{-Q,--query}
{-g,--groups}'[View all members of a package group]:*:package groups:->query_group'
{-o,--owns}'[Query the package that owns a file]:file:_files'
{-p,--file}'[Package file to query]:*:package file:->query_file'
{-s,--search}'[Search package names and descriptions]:*:search text:->query_search'
# options for passing to _arguments: options for --query and subcommands
{-c,--changelog}'[List package changelog]'
{-d,--deps}'[List packages installed as dependencies]'
{-e,--explicit}'[List packages explicitly installed]'
{\*-i,\*--info}'[View package information]'
{\*-k,\*--check}'[Check package files]'
{-l,--list}'[List package contents]'
{-m,--foreign}'[List installed packages not found in sync db(s)]'
{-n,--native}'[List installed packages found in sync db(s)]'
{-q,--quiet}'[Show less information for query and search]'
{-t,--unrequired}'[List packages not required by any package]'
{-u,--upgrades}'[List packages that can be upgraded]'
# -Y
{-c,--clean}'[Remove unneeded dependencies]'
'--gendb[Generates development package DB used for updating]'
# -G
{-f,--force}'[Force download for existing tar packages]'
# -P
{-c,--complete}'[Used for completions]'
{-d,--defaultconfig}'[Print default yay configuration]'
{-g,--config}'[Print current yay configuration]'
{-n,--numberupgrades}'[Print number of updates]'
{-s,--stats}'[Display system package statistics]'
{-u,--upgrades}'[Print update list]'
{-w,--news}'[Print arch news]'
# options for passing to _arguments: options for --remove command
{-c,--cascade}'[Remove all dependent packages]'
{-d,--nodeps}'[Skip dependency checks]'
'*--assume-installed[Add virtual package to satisfy dependencies]'
{-n,--nosave}'[Remove protected configuration files]'
{-p,--print}'[Only print the targets instead of performing the operation]'
{\*-s,\*--recursive}'[Remove dependencies not required by other packages]'
{-u,--unneeded}'[Remove unneeded packages]'
'--dbonly[Only remove database entry, do not remove files]'
'--print-format[Specify how the targets should be printed]'
'*:installed package:_pacman_completions_installed_packages'
'--asdeps[mark packages as non-explicitly installed]'
'--asexplicit[mark packages as explicitly installed]'
'*:installed package:_pacman_completions_installed_packages'
{-l,--list}'[List the files owned by the queried package]:package:_pacman_completions_all_packages'
{-o,--owns}'[Query the package that owns]:files:_files'
{-s,--search}'[Search package file names for matching strings]:files:_files'
{-x,--regex}'[Enable searching using regular expressions]:regex:'
{-y,--refresh}'[Download fresh files databases from the server]'
'--machinereadable[Produce machine-readable output]'
{-q,--quiet}'[Show less information for query and search]'
# options for passing to _arguments: options for --sync command
'(-S --sync)'{-S,--sync}
{\*-c,\*--clean}'[Remove old packages from cache]:\*:clean:->sync_clean'
{-g,--groups}'[View all members of a package group]:*:package groups:->sync_group'
{-s,--search}'[Search package names and descriptions]:*:search text:->sync_search'
'--dbonly[Only remove database entry, do not remove files]'
'--needed[Do not reinstall up to date packages]'
'--recursive[Reinstall all dependencies of target packages]'
# options for passing to _arguments: options for --sync command
{\*-d,\*--nodeps}'[Skip dependency checks]'
'*--assume-installed[Add virtual package to satisfy dependencies]'
{\*-i,\*--info}'[View package information]'
{-l,--list}'[List all packages in a repository]'
{-p,--print}'[Print download URIs for each package to be installed]'
{-q,--quiet}'[Show less information for query and search]'
{\*-u,\*--sysupgrade}'[Upgrade all out-of-date packages]'
{-w,--downloadonly}'[Download packages only]'
{\*-y,\*--refresh}'[Download fresh package databases]'
'*--ignore[Ignore a package upgrade]:package: _pacman_completions_all_packages'
'*--ignoregroup[Ignore a group upgrade]:package group:_pacman_completions_all_groups'
'--asdeps[Install packages as non-explicitly installed]'
'--asexplicit[Install packages as explicitly installed]'
'--force[Overwrite conflicting files]'
'--print-format[Specify how the targets should be printed]'
# handles --help subcommand
_pacman_action_help() {
_arguments -s : \
# handles cases where no subcommand has yet been given
_pacman_action_none() {
_arguments -s : \
# handles --query subcommand
_pacman_action_query() {
local context state line
typeset -A opt_args
case $state in
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
'*:package file:_files -g "*.pkg.tar*~*.sig(.,@)"'
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
'*:search text: '
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_actions[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
# handles --remove subcommand
_pacman_action_remove() {
_arguments -s : \
'(--remove -R)'{-R,--remove} \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
# handles --database subcommand
_pacman_action_database() {
_arguments -s : \
'(--database -D)'{-D,--database} \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
# handles --files subcommand
_pacman_action_files() {
_arguments -s : \
'(--files -F)'{-F,--files} \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
_pacman_action_deptest () {
_arguments -s : \
'(--deptest)-T' \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
# handles --sync subcommand
_pacman_action_sync() {
local context state line
typeset -A opt_args
if (( $+words[(r)--clean] )); then
elif (( $+words[(r)--groups] )); then
elif (( $+words[(r)--search] )); then
case $state in
_arguments -s : \
{\*-c,\*--clean}'[Remove old packages from cache]' \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
'(-g --group)'{-g,--groups} \
'*:package group:_pacman_completions_all_groups'
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
'*:search text: '
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_sync_actions[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
# handles --upgrade subcommand
_pacman_action_upgrade() {
_arguments -s : \
'(-U --upgrade)'{-U,--upgrade} \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
# handles --version subcommand
_pacman_action_version() {
# no further arguments
return 0
# provides completions for package groups
_pacman_completions_all_groups() {
local -a cmd groups
groups=( $(_call_program groups $cmd[@] -Sg) )
typeset -U groups
if [[ ${words[CURRENT-1]} == '--ignoregroup' ]]; then
_sequence compadd -S ',' "$@" -a groups
compadd "$@" -a groups
# provides completions for packages available from repositories
# these can be specified as either 'package' or 'repository/package'
_pacman_completions_all_packages() {
local -a seq sep cmd packages repositories packages_long
if [[ ${words[CURRENT-1]} == '--ignore' ]]; then
sep=(-S ',')
if compset -P1 '*/*'; then
packages=( $(_call_program packages yay -Pc ${words[CURRENT]%/*}) )
typeset -U packages
${seq} _wanted repo_packages expl "repository/package" compadd ${sep[@]} ${(@)packages}
packages=( $(_call_program packages yay -Pc ) )
typeset -U packages
${seq} _wanted packages expl "packages" compadd ${sep[@]} - "${(@)packages}"
repositories=($(pacman-conf --repo-list))
typeset -U repositories
_wanted repo_packages expl "repository/package" compadd -S "/" $repositories
# provides completions for package groups
_pacman_completions_installed_groups() {
local -a cmd groups
groups=(${(o)${(f)"$(_call_program groups $cmd[@] -Qg)"}% *})
typeset -U groups
compadd "$@" -a groups
# provides completions for installed packages
_pacman_completions_installed_packages() {
local -a cmd packages packages_long
packages=( ${${packages_long#/var/lib/pacman/local/}%-*-*} )
compadd "$@" -a packages
_pacman_all_packages() {
_alternative : \
'localpkgs:local packages:_pacman_completions_installed_packages' \
'repopkgs:repository packages:_pacman_completions_all_packages'
# provides completions for repository names
_pacman_completions_repositories() {
local -a cmd repositories
repositories=($(pacman-conf --repo-list))
# Uniq the array
typeset -U repositories
compadd "$@" -a repositories
# builds command for invoking pacman in a _call_program command - extracts
# relevant options already specified (config file, etc)
# $cmd must be declared by calling function
_pacman_get_command() {
# this is mostly nicked from _perforce
cmd=( "pacman" "2>/dev/null")
integer i
for (( i = 2; i < CURRENT - 1; i++ )); do
if [[ ${words[i]} = "--config" || ${words[i]} = "--root" ]]; then
cmd+=( ${words[i,i+1]} )
# main dispatcher
_pacman_zsh_comp() {
local -a args cmds;
local tmp
args=( ${${${(M)words:#-*}#-}:#-*} )
for tmp in $words; do
case $args in #$words[2] in
if (( ${(c)#args} <= 1 && ${(w)#cmds} <= 1 )); then
_message "no more arguments"
_message "no more arguments"
Q*g*) # ipkg groups
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
Q*o*) # file
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
'*:package file:_files'
Q*p*) # file *.pkg.tar*
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
'*:package file:_files -g "*.pkg.tar*~*.sig(.,@)"'
_arguments -s : \
S*c*) # no completion
_arguments -s : \
'(-c --clean)'{\*-c,\*--clean}'[Remove all files from the cache]' \
S*l*) # repos
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
'*:package repo:_pacman_completions_repositories' \
S*g*) # pkg groups
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
'*:package group:_pacman_completions_all_groups'
_arguments -s : \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
'*:search text: '
_arguments -s : \
'-T' \
"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
_arguments -s : \
_arguments -s : \
case ${(M)words:#--*} in
if (( ${(w)#cmds} == 1 )); then
return 0;
_pacman_comp() {
case "$service" in
_pacman_zsh_comp "$@"
_message "Error"
_pacman_comp "$@"