morganamilo 43feb12c85
Merge handles.Aur and depOrder.Bases
depOrder.Aur contains the order in which AUR packages are to be
installed. While depOrder.bases contains the actual package data
organized by pkgbase.

deoOrder.AUR is kind of counterintuitive, as it only contains one
package from each package base.

For example if you were to install libc++{,abi,experimental},
depOrder.Aur would only contain one of those packages, which one
actually being quite random. depOrder.Bases[pkg.Pkgbase] will then be
looked up and everything under that slice would be installed.

This means that the only real use depOrder.Aur has, is to give the
pkgbase. So to cut out the middleman, lets merge .Aur and .Bases into
a single field.

Doing this has also heped to spot som subtle bugs:

Fix subtle split package errors.

The number menus now correctly list and respect (installed) for bases
that have atleast one of their packages installed.

Entering package names in number menus now always expects the pkgbase
name instead of the random package which happened to make it into .Aur.

--rebuild and --redownload correctly handles split packages.

formatPkgbase is also used more.
2018-08-18 17:05:12 +01:00

654 lines
15 KiB

package main
import (
rpc "github.com/mikkeloscar/aur"
const arrow = "==>"
const smallArrow = " ->"
func (warnings *aurWarnings) print() {
if len(warnings.Missing) > 0 {
fmt.Print(bold(yellow(smallArrow)) + " Missing AUR Packages:")
for _, name := range warnings.Missing {
fmt.Print(" " + cyan(name))
if len(warnings.Orphans) > 0 {
fmt.Print(bold(yellow(smallArrow)) + " Orphaned AUR Packages:")
for _, name := range warnings.Orphans {
fmt.Print(" " + cyan(name))
if len(warnings.OutOfDate) > 0 {
fmt.Print(bold(yellow(smallArrow)) + " Out Of Date AUR Packages:")
for _, name := range warnings.OutOfDate {
fmt.Print(" " + cyan(name))
// human method returns results in human readable format.
func human(size int64) string {
floatsize := float32(size)
units := [...]string{"", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi"}
for _, unit := range units {
if floatsize < 1024 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f %sB", floatsize, unit)
floatsize /= 1024
return fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", size, "B")
// PrintSearch handles printing search results in a given format
func (q aurQuery) printSearch(start int) {
localDb, _ := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
for i, res := range q {
var toprint string
if config.SearchMode == NumberMenu {
if config.SortMode == BottomUp {
toprint += magenta(strconv.Itoa(len(q)+start-i-1) + " ")
} else {
toprint += magenta(strconv.Itoa(start+i) + " ")
} else if config.SearchMode == Minimal {
toprint += bold(colourHash("aur")) + "/" + bold(res.Name) +
" " + cyan(res.Version) +
bold(" (+"+strconv.Itoa(res.NumVotes)) +
" " + bold(strconv.FormatFloat(res.Popularity, 'f', 2, 64)+"%) ")
if res.Maintainer == "" {
toprint += bold(red("(Orphaned)")) + " "
if res.OutOfDate != 0 {
toprint += bold(red("(Out-of-date "+formatTime(res.OutOfDate)+")")) + " "
if pkg, err := localDb.PkgByName(res.Name); err == nil {
if pkg.Version() != res.Version {
toprint += bold(green("(Installed: " + pkg.Version() + ")"))
} else {
toprint += bold(green("(Installed)"))
toprint += "\n " + res.Description
// PrintSearch receives a RepoSearch type and outputs pretty text.
func (s repoQuery) printSearch() {
for i, res := range s {
var toprint string
if config.SearchMode == NumberMenu {
if config.SortMode == BottomUp {
toprint += magenta(strconv.Itoa(len(s)-i) + " ")
} else {
toprint += magenta(strconv.Itoa(i+1) + " ")
} else if config.SearchMode == Minimal {
toprint += bold(colourHash(res.DB().Name())) + "/" + bold(res.Name()) +
" " + cyan(res.Version()) +
bold(" ("+human(res.Size())+
" "+human(res.ISize())+") ")
if len(res.Groups().Slice()) != 0 {
toprint += fmt.Sprint(res.Groups().Slice(), " ")
localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
if err == nil {
if pkg, err := localDb.PkgByName(res.Name()); err == nil {
if pkg.Version() != res.Version() {
toprint += bold(green("(Installed: " + pkg.Version() + ")"))
} else {
toprint += bold(green("(Installed)"))
toprint += "\n " + res.Description()
// Pretty print a set of packages from the same package base.
// Packages foo and bar from a pkgbase named base would print like so:
// base (foo bar)
func formatPkgbase(base []*rpc.Pkg) string {
pkg := base[0]
str := pkg.PackageBase
if len(base) > 1 || pkg.PackageBase != pkg.Name {
str2 := " ("
for _, split := range base {
str2 += split.Name + " "
str2 = str2[:len(str2)-1] + ")"
str += str2
return str
func (u upgrade) StylizedNameWithRepository() string {
return bold(colourHash(u.Repository)) + "/" + bold(u.Name)
// Print prints the details of the packages to upgrade.
func (u upSlice) print() {
longestName, longestVersion := 0, 0
for _, pack := range u {
packNameLen := len(pack.StylizedNameWithRepository())
version, _ := getVersionDiff(pack.LocalVersion, pack.RemoteVersion)
packVersionLen := len(version)
longestName = max(packNameLen, longestName)
longestVersion = max(packVersionLen, longestVersion)
namePadding := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds ", longestName)
versionPadding := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%ds", longestVersion)
numberPadding := fmt.Sprintf("%%%dd ", len(fmt.Sprintf("%v", len(u))))
for k, i := range u {
left, right := getVersionDiff(i.LocalVersion, i.RemoteVersion)
fmt.Print(magenta(fmt.Sprintf(numberPadding, len(u)-k)))
fmt.Printf(namePadding, i.StylizedNameWithRepository())
fmt.Printf("%s -> %s\n", fmt.Sprintf(versionPadding, left), right)
// printDownloadsFromRepo prints repository packages to be downloaded
func (do *depOrder) Print() {
repo := ""
repoMake := ""
aur := ""
aurMake := ""
repoLen := 0
repoMakeLen := 0
aurLen := 0
aurMakeLen := 0
for _, pkg := range do.Repo {
if do.Runtime.get(pkg.Name()) {
repo += " " + pkg.Name() + "-" + pkg.Version()
} else {
repoMake += " " + pkg.Name() + "-" + pkg.Version()
for _, base := range do.Aur {
pkg := base.Pkgbase()
pkgStr := " " + pkg + "-" + base[0].Version
pkgStrMake := pkgStr
push := false
pushMake := false
if len(base) > 1 || pkg != base[0].Name {
pkgStr += " ("
pkgStrMake += " ("
for _, split := range base {
if do.Runtime.get(split.Name) {
pkgStr += split.Name + " "
push = true
} else {
pkgStrMake += split.Name + " "
pushMake = true
pkgStr = pkgStr[:len(pkgStr)-1] + ")"
pkgStrMake = pkgStrMake[:len(pkgStrMake)-1] + ")"
} else if do.Runtime.get(base[0].Name) {
push = true
} else {
pushMake = true
if push {
aur += pkgStr
if pushMake {
aurMake += pkgStrMake
printDownloads("Repo", repoLen, repo)
printDownloads("Repo Make", repoMakeLen, repoMake)
printDownloads("Aur", aurLen, aur)
printDownloads("Aur Make", aurMakeLen, aurMake)
func printDownloads(repoName string, length int, packages string) {
if length < 1 {
repoInfo := bold(blue(
"[" + repoName + ": " + strconv.Itoa(length) + "]"))
fmt.Println(repoInfo + cyan(packages))
func printInfoValue(str, value string) {
if value == "" {
value = "None"
fmt.Printf(bold("%-16s%s")+" %s\n", str, ":", value)
// PrintInfo prints package info like pacman -Si.
func PrintInfo(a *rpc.Pkg) {
printInfoValue("Repository", "aur")
printInfoValue("Name", a.Name)
printInfoValue("Keywords", strings.Join(a.Keywords, " "))
printInfoValue("Version", a.Version)
printInfoValue("Description", a.Description)
printInfoValue("URL", a.URL)
printInfoValue("AUR URL", baseURL+"/packages/"+a.Name)
printInfoValue("Groups", strings.Join(a.Groups, " "))
printInfoValue("Licenses", strings.Join(a.License, " "))
printInfoValue("Provides", strings.Join(a.Provides, " "))
printInfoValue("Depends On", strings.Join(a.Depends, " "))
printInfoValue("Make Deps", strings.Join(a.MakeDepends, " "))
printInfoValue("Check Deps", strings.Join(a.CheckDepends, " "))
printInfoValue("Optional Deps", strings.Join(a.OptDepends, " "))
printInfoValue("Conflicts With", strings.Join(a.Conflicts, " "))
printInfoValue("Maintainer", a.Maintainer)
printInfoValue("Votes", fmt.Sprintf("%d", a.NumVotes))
printInfoValue("Popularity", fmt.Sprintf("%f", a.Popularity))
printInfoValue("First Submitted", formatTime(a.FirstSubmitted))
printInfoValue("Last Modified", formatTime(a.LastModified))
if a.OutOfDate != 0 {
printInfoValue("Out-of-date", "Yes ["+formatTime(a.OutOfDate)+"]")
} else {
printInfoValue("Out-of-date", "No")
if cmdArgs.existsDouble("i") {
printInfoValue("ID", fmt.Sprintf("%d", a.ID))
printInfoValue("Package Base ID", fmt.Sprintf("%d", a.PackageBaseID))
printInfoValue("Package Base", a.PackageBase)
printInfoValue("Snapshot URL", baseURL+a.URLPath)
// BiggestPackages prints the name of the ten biggest packages in the system.
func biggestPackages() {
localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
if err != nil {
pkgCache := localDb.PkgCache()
pkgS := pkgCache.SortBySize().Slice()
if len(pkgS) < 10 {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
fmt.Println(bold(pkgS[i].Name()) + ": " + cyan(human(pkgS[i].ISize())))
// Could implement size here as well, but we just want the general idea
// localStatistics prints installed packages statistics.
func localStatistics() error {
info, err := statistics()
if err != nil {
return err
_, _, _, remoteNames, err := filterPackages()
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf(bold("Yay version v%s\n"), version)
fmt.Println(bold(green("Total installed packages: ")) + cyan(strconv.Itoa(info.Totaln)))
fmt.Println(bold(green("Total foreign installed packages: ")) + cyan(strconv.Itoa(len(remoteNames))))
fmt.Println(bold(green("Explicitly installed packages: ")) + cyan(strconv.Itoa(info.Expln)))
fmt.Println(bold(green("Total Size occupied by packages: ")) + cyan(human(info.TotalSize)))
fmt.Println(bold(green("Ten biggest packages:")))
return nil
//TODO: Make it less hacky
func printNumberOfUpdates() error {
warnings := &aurWarnings{}
old := os.Stdout // keep backup of the real stdout
os.Stdout = nil
aurUp, repoUp, err := upList(warnings)
os.Stdout = old // restoring the real stdout
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println(len(aurUp) + len(repoUp))
return nil
//TODO: Make it less hacky
func printUpdateList(parser *arguments) error {
targets := sliceToStringSet(parser.targets)
warnings := &aurWarnings{}
old := os.Stdout // keep backup of the real stdout
os.Stdout = nil
_, _, localNames, remoteNames, err := filterPackages()
if err != nil {
return err
aurUp, repoUp, err := upList(warnings)
os.Stdout = old // restoring the real stdout
if err != nil {
return err
noTargets := len(targets) == 0
if !parser.existsArg("m", "foreign") {
for _, pkg := range repoUp {
if noTargets || targets.get(pkg.Name) {
fmt.Printf("%s %s -> %s\n", bold(pkg.Name), green(pkg.LocalVersion), green(pkg.RemoteVersion))
delete(targets, pkg.Name)
if !parser.existsArg("n", "native") {
for _, pkg := range aurUp {
if noTargets || targets.get(pkg.Name) {
fmt.Printf("%s %s -> %s\n", bold(pkg.Name), green(pkg.LocalVersion), green(pkg.RemoteVersion))
delete(targets, pkg.Name)
missing := false
for pkg := range targets {
for _, name := range localNames {
if name == pkg {
continue outer
for _, name := range remoteNames {
if name == pkg {
continue outer
fmt.Println(red(bold("error:")), "package '"+pkg+"' was not found")
missing = true
if missing {
return fmt.Errorf("")
return nil
type item struct {
Title string `xml:"title"`
Link string `xml:"link"`
Description string `xml:"description"`
PubDate string `xml:"pubDate"`
Creator string `xml:"dc:creator"`
func (item item) print(buildTime time.Time) {
var fd string
date, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123Z, item.PubDate)
if err != nil {
} else {
fd = formatTime(int(date.Unix()))
if _, double, _ := cmdArgs.getArg("news", "w"); !double && !buildTime.IsZero() {
if buildTime.After(date) {
fmt.Println(bold(magenta(fd)), bold(strings.TrimSpace(item.Title)))
if !cmdArgs.existsArg("q", "quiet") {
desc := strings.TrimSpace(parseNews(item.Description))
type channel struct {
Title string `xml:"title"`
Link string `xml:"link"`
Description string `xml:"description"`
Language string `xml:"language"`
Lastbuilddate string `xml:"lastbuilddate"`
Items []item `xml:"item"`
type rss struct {
Channel channel `xml:"channel"`
func printNewsFeed() error {
resp, err := http.Get("https://archlinux.org/feeds/news")
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
rss := rss{}
d := xml.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(body))
err = d.Decode(&rss)
if err != nil {
return err
buildTime, err := lastBuildTime()
if err != nil {
return err
if config.SortMode == BottomUp {
for i := len(rss.Channel.Items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(rss.Channel.Items); i++ {
return nil
// Formats a unix timestamp to ISO 8601 date (yyyy-mm-dd)
func formatTime(i int) string {
t := time.Unix(int64(i), 0)
return t.Format("2006-01-02")
const (
redCode = "\x1b[31m"
greenCode = "\x1b[32m"
yellowCode = "\x1b[33m"
blueCode = "\x1b[34m"
magentaCode = "\x1b[35m"
cyanCode = "\x1b[36m"
boldCode = "\x1b[1m"
resetCode = "\x1b[0m"
func stylize(startCode, in string) string {
if useColor {
return startCode + in + resetCode
return in
func red(in string) string {
return stylize(redCode, in)
func green(in string) string {
return stylize(greenCode, in)
func yellow(in string) string {
return stylize(yellowCode, in)
func blue(in string) string {
return stylize(blueCode, in)
func cyan(in string) string {
return stylize(cyanCode, in)
func magenta(in string) string {
return stylize(magentaCode, in)
func bold(in string) string {
return stylize(boldCode, in)
// Colours text using a hashing algorithm. The same text will always produce the
// same colour while different text will produce a different colour.
func colourHash(name string) (output string) {
if !useColor {
return name
var hash = 5381
for i := 0; i < len(name); i++ {
hash = int(name[i]) + ((hash << 5) + (hash))
return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m", hash%6+31, name)
func providerMenu(dep string, providers providers) *rpc.Pkg {
size := providers.Len()
fmt.Print(bold(cyan(":: ")))
str := bold(fmt.Sprintf(bold("There are %d providers available for %s:"), size, dep))
size = 1
str += bold(cyan("\n:: ")) + bold("Repository AUR\n ")
for _, pkg := range providers.Pkgs {
str += fmt.Sprintf("%d) %s ", size, pkg.Name)
for {
fmt.Print("\nEnter a number (default=1): ")
if config.NoConfirm {
return providers.Pkgs[0]
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
numberBuf, overflow, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
if overflow {
fmt.Println("Input too long")
if string(numberBuf) == "" {
return providers.Pkgs[0]
num, err := strconv.Atoi(string(numberBuf))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s invalid number: %s\n", red("error:"), string(numberBuf))
if num < 1 || num > size {
fmt.Printf("%s invalid value: %d is not between %d and %d\n", red("error:"), num, 1, size)
return providers.Pkgs[num-1]
return nil