morganamilo 3bdb534321
Separate Pacman upgrade and AUR Upgrade by default
Currently When performing a system upgrade, Yay will first refresh the
database then perform the repo and AUR upgrade. This allows Yay to add
some features such as better batch interaction, showing potential
dependency problems before the upgrade starts and combined menus
showing AUR and repo upgrades together.

There has been discussion that this approach is a bad idea. The main issue
people have is that the separation of the database refresh and the upgrade
could lead to a partial upgrade if Yay fails between the two stages.

Personally I do not like this argument, there are valid reasons to Yay
to fail between these points. For example there may be dependency or
conflict issues during the AUR upgrade. Yay can detect these before any
installing actually starts and exit, just like how pacman will when
there are dependency problems.

If Yay does fail between these points, for the previously mentioned
reasons or even a crash then a simple refresh will not cause a
partial upgrade by itself. It is then the user's responsibility
to either resolve these issues or instead perform an upgrade using
pacman directly.

My opinions aside, The discussions on the Arch wiki has reached
a decision, this method is not recommended. So to follow the decided
best practises this behaviour has been disabled by default.

This behaviour can be toggled using the --[no]combinedupgrade flag

It should be noted that Yay's upgrade menu will not show repo packages
unless --combinedupgrade is used.
2018-06-30 03:40:19 +01:00

298 lines
6.9 KiB

package main
import (
alpm "github.com/jguer/go-alpm"
// Verbosity settings for search
const (
NumberMenu = iota
// Describes Sorting method for numberdisplay
const (
BottomUp = iota
type targetMode int
const (
ModeAUR targetMode = iota
// Configuration stores yay's config.
type Configuration struct {
BuildDir string `json:"buildDir"`
Editor string `json:"editor"`
EditorFlags string `json:"editorflags"`
MakepkgBin string `json:"makepkgbin"`
PacmanBin string `json:"pacmanbin"`
PacmanConf string `json:"pacmanconf"`
TarBin string `json:"tarbin"`
ReDownload string `json:"redownload"`
ReBuild string `json:"rebuild"`
AnswerClean string `json:"answerclean"`
AnswerDiff string `json:"answerdiff"`
AnswerEdit string `json:"answeredit"`
AnswerUpgrade string `json:"answerupgrade"`
GitBin string `json:"gitbin"`
GpgBin string `json:"gpgbin"`
GpgFlags string `json:"gpgflags"`
MFlags string `json:"mflags"`
SortBy string `json:"sortby"`
GitFlags string `json:"gitflags"`
RequestSplitN int `json:"requestsplitn"`
SearchMode int `json:"-"`
SortMode int `json:"sortmode"`
SudoLoop bool `json:"sudoloop"`
TimeUpdate bool `json:"timeupdate"`
NoConfirm bool `json:"-"`
Devel bool `json:"devel"`
CleanAfter bool `json:"cleanAfter"`
GitClone bool `json:"gitclone"`
Provides bool `json:"provides"`
PGPFetch bool `json:"pgpfetch"`
UpgradeMenu bool `json:"upgrademenu"`
CleanMenu bool `json:"cleanmenu"`
DiffMenu bool `json:"diffmenu"`
EditMenu bool `json:"editmenu"`
CombinedUpgrade bool `json:"combinedupgrade"`
UseAsk bool `json:"useask"`
var version = "7.885"
// configFileName holds the name of the config file.
const configFileName string = "config.json"
// vcsFileName holds the name of the vcs file.
const vcsFileName string = "vcs.json"
// baseURL givers the AUR default address.
const baseURL string = "https://aur.archlinux.org"
// useColor enables/disables colored printing
var useColor bool
// configHome handles config directory home
var configHome string
// cacheHome handles cache home
var cacheHome string
// savedInfo holds the current vcs info
var savedInfo vcsInfo
// configfile holds yay config file path.
var configFile string
// vcsfile holds yay vcs info file path.
var vcsFile string
// shouldSaveConfig holds whether or not the config should be saved
var shouldSaveConfig bool
// YayConf holds the current config values for yay.
var config Configuration
// AlpmConf holds the current config values for pacman.
var alpmConf alpm.PacmanConfig
// AlpmHandle is the alpm handle used by yay.
var alpmHandle *alpm.Handle
// Mode is used to restrict yay to AUR or repo only modes
var mode targetMode = ModeAny
func readAlpmConfig(pacmanconf string) (conf alpm.PacmanConfig, err error) {
file, err := os.Open(pacmanconf)
if err != nil {
conf, err = alpm.ParseConfig(file)
if err != nil {
// SaveConfig writes yay config to file.
func (config *Configuration) saveConfig() error {
marshalledinfo, _ := json.MarshalIndent(config, "", "\t")
in, err := os.OpenFile(configFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
defer in.Close()
_, err = in.Write(marshalledinfo)
if err != nil {
return err
err = in.Sync()
return err
func defaultSettings(config *Configuration) {
config.BuildDir = cacheHome
config.CleanAfter = false
config.Editor = ""
config.EditorFlags = ""
config.Devel = false
config.MakepkgBin = "makepkg"
config.NoConfirm = false
config.PacmanBin = "pacman"
config.PGPFetch = true
config.PacmanConf = "/etc/pacman.conf"
config.GpgFlags = ""
config.MFlags = ""
config.GitFlags = ""
config.SortMode = BottomUp
config.SortBy = "votes"
config.SudoLoop = false
config.TarBin = "bsdtar"
config.GitBin = "git"
config.GpgBin = "gpg"
config.TimeUpdate = false
config.RequestSplitN = 150
config.ReDownload = "no"
config.ReBuild = "no"
config.AnswerClean = ""
config.AnswerDiff = ""
config.AnswerEdit = ""
config.AnswerUpgrade = ""
config.GitClone = true
config.Provides = true
config.UpgradeMenu = true
config.CleanMenu = true
config.DiffMenu = true
config.EditMenu = false
config.UseAsk = false
config.CombinedUpgrade = false
// Editor returns the preferred system editor.
func editor() (string, []string) {
switch {
case config.Editor != "":
editor, err := exec.LookPath(config.Editor)
if err != nil {
} else {
return editor, strings.Fields(config.EditorFlags)
case os.Getenv("EDITOR") != "":
editorArgs := strings.Fields(os.Getenv("EDITOR"))
editor, err := exec.LookPath(editorArgs[0])
if err != nil {
} else {
return editor, editorArgs[1:]
case os.Getenv("VISUAL") != "":
editorArgs := strings.Fields(os.Getenv("VISUAL"))
editor, err := exec.LookPath(editorArgs[0])
if err != nil {
} else {
return editor, editorArgs[1:]
fmt.Println(bold(red(arrow)), bold(cyan("$EDITOR")), bold("is not set"))
fmt.Println(bold(red(arrow)) + bold(" Please add ") + bold(cyan("$EDITOR")) + bold(" or ") + bold(cyan("$VISUAL")) + bold(" to your environment variables."))
for {
fmt.Print(green(bold(arrow + " Edit PKGBUILD with: ")))
editorInput, err := getInput("")
if err != nil {
editorArgs := strings.Fields(editorInput)
editor, err := exec.LookPath(editorArgs[0])
if err != nil {
return editor, editorArgs[1:]
// ContinueTask prompts if user wants to continue task.
//If NoConfirm is set the action will continue without user input.
func continueTask(s string, def string) (cont bool) {
if config.NoConfirm {
return true
var postFix string
if def == "nN" {
postFix = " [Y/n] "
} else {
postFix = " [y/N] "
var response string
fmt.Print(bold(green(arrow)+" "+s), bold(postFix))
n, err := fmt.Scanln(&response)
if err != nil || n == 0 {
return true
if response == string(def[0]) || response == string(def[1]) {
return false
return true
func getInput(defaultValue string) (string, error) {
if defaultValue != "" || config.NoConfirm {
return defaultValue, nil
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
buf, overflow, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if overflow {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Input too long")
return string(buf), nil
func (config Configuration) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
enc.SetIndent("", "\t")
if err := enc.Encode(config); err != nil {
return buf.String()