morganamilo 6125dd979e
Fix versioned dep checking
Before versioned deps with the same name would be combined into a single
version range.

For example:
`foo>1 foo>3 foo<4 foo<5` would be merged into the range `3<foo<4`

This was assumed to be fine because of course no package is going to
have conflicting dependencies `foo>3 foo<1` but what was not thought
about it that a package or packages could provide multiple versions of
a provider. Java being example, you could have 8 and 9 provided for at
the same time.

This then causes a problem when you try to install two packages at once,
one requiring `java<8` and the other `java>9` when combined this leads
to a range that can not be satisfied.

Instead we now never merge dependencies but check them all individually.

We also make sure to pull in all already installed providers. The reason
for this is, before if a package did not apear in the dep tree we
assumed it to be satisfied because of the .FindSatisfier in the dep
resolving. So if you installed a package that needs `foo=1` and you
already had a package providing that it would not be in the dep tree and
we assume it is fine. But if you install a package that needs `foo=1`
and install a package that prvoides `foo=2` then foo will all of
a sudden be in the dep tree but only version 2 will be there. For this
reason we also load all the already installed packages in so that the
`foo=1` will be there.
2018-04-03 01:47:42 +01:00

646 lines
14 KiB

package main
import (
alpm "github.com/jguer/go-alpm"
rpc "github.com/mikkeloscar/aur"
gopkg "github.com/mikkeloscar/gopkgbuild"
type depTree struct {
ToProcess stringSet
Repo map[string]*alpm.Package
Aur map[string]*rpc.Pkg
Missing stringSet
Groups stringSet
Provides map[string]string
type depCatagories struct {
Repo []*alpm.Package
Aur []*rpc.Pkg
MakeOnly stringSet
Bases map[string][]*rpc.Pkg
func makeDepTree() *depTree {
dt := depTree{
return &dt
func makeDependCatagories() *depCatagories {
dc := depCatagories{
make([]*alpm.Package, 0),
make([]*rpc.Pkg, 0),
return &dc
// Cut the version requirement from a dependency leaving just the name.
func splitNameFromDep(dep string) (string, string) {
split := strings.FieldsFunc(dep, func(c rune) bool {
return c == '>' || c == '<' || c == '='
if len(split) == 1 {
return split[0], ""
return split[0], split[1]
//split apart db/package to db and package
func splitDbFromName(pkg string) (string, string) {
split := strings.SplitN(pkg, "/", 2)
if len(split) == 2 {
return split[0], split[1]
return "", split[0]
func isDevelName(name string) bool {
for _, suffix := range []string{"git", "svn", "hg", "bzr", "nightly"} {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, suffix) {
return true
return strings.Contains(name, "-always-")
func getBases(pkgs map[string]*rpc.Pkg) map[string][]*rpc.Pkg {
bases := make(map[string][]*rpc.Pkg)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
for _, base := range bases[pkg.PackageBase] {
if base == pkg {
continue nextpkg
_, ok := bases[pkg.PackageBase]
if !ok {
bases[pkg.PackageBase] = make([]*rpc.Pkg, 0)
bases[pkg.PackageBase] = append(bases[pkg.PackageBase], pkg)
return bases
func aurFindProvider(name string, dt *depTree) (string, *rpc.Pkg) {
dep, _ := splitNameFromDep(name)
aurpkg, exists := dt.Aur[dep]
if exists {
return dep, aurpkg
dep, exists = dt.Provides[dep]
if exists {
aurpkg, exists = dt.Aur[dep]
if exists {
return dep, aurpkg
return "", nil
func repoFindProvider(name string, dt *depTree) (string, *alpm.Package) {
dep, _ := splitNameFromDep(name)
alpmpkg, exists := dt.Repo[dep]
if exists {
return dep, alpmpkg
dep, exists = dt.Provides[dep]
if exists {
alpmpkg, exists = dt.Repo[dep]
if exists {
return dep, alpmpkg
return "", nil
// Step two of dependency resolving. We already have all the information on the
// packages we need, now it's just about ordering them correctly.
// pkgs is a list of targets, the packages we want to install. Dependencies are
// not included.
// For each package we want we iterate down the tree until we hit the bottom.
// This is done recursively for each branch.
// The start of the tree is defined as the package we want.
// When we hit the bottom of the branch we know thats the first package
// we need to install so we add it to the start of the to install
// list (dc.Aur and dc.Repo).
// We work our way up until there is another branch to go down and do it all
// again.
// Here is a visual example:
// a
// / \
// b c
// / \
// d e
// We see a and it needs b and c
// We see b and it needs d and e
// We see d - it needs nothing so we add d to our list and move up
// We see e - it needs nothing so we add e to our list and move up
// We see c - it needs nothing so we add c to our list and move up
// The final install order would come out as debca
// There is a little more to this, handling provides, multiple packages wanting the
// same dependencies, etc. This is just the basic premise.
func getDepCatagories(pkgs []string, dt *depTree) (*depCatagories, error) {
dc := makeDependCatagories()
seen := make(stringSet)
dc.Bases = getBases(dt.Aur)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
dep, alpmpkg := repoFindProvider(pkg, dt)
if alpmpkg != nil {
repoDepCatagoriesRecursive(alpmpkg, dc, dt, false)
dc.Repo = append(dc.Repo, alpmpkg)
delete(dt.Repo, dep)
dep, aurpkg := aurFindProvider(pkg, dt)
if aurpkg != nil {
depCatagoriesRecursive(aurpkg, dc, dt, false, seen)
if !seen.get(aurpkg.PackageBase) {
dc.Aur = append(dc.Aur, aurpkg)
delete(dt.Aur, dep)
for _, base := range dc.Bases {
for _, pkg := range base {
for _, dep := range pkg.Depends {
for _, pkg := range dc.Repo {
pkg.Depends().ForEach(func(_dep alpm.Depend) error {
dep := _dep.Name
return nil
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
dupes := make(map[*alpm.Package]struct{})
filteredRepo := make([]*alpm.Package, 0)
for _, pkg := range dc.Repo {
_, ok := dupes[pkg]
if ok {
dupes[pkg] = struct{}{}
filteredRepo = append(filteredRepo, pkg)
dc.Repo = filteredRepo
return dc, nil
func repoDepCatagoriesRecursive(pkg *alpm.Package, dc *depCatagories, dt *depTree, isMake bool) {
pkg.Depends().ForEach(func(_dep alpm.Depend) error {
dep, alpmpkg := repoFindProvider(_dep.Name, dt)
if alpmpkg != nil {
delete(dt.Repo, dep)
repoDepCatagoriesRecursive(alpmpkg, dc, dt, isMake)
if isMake {
dc.Repo = append(dc.Repo, alpmpkg)
return nil
func depCatagoriesRecursive(_pkg *rpc.Pkg, dc *depCatagories, dt *depTree, isMake bool, seen stringSet) {
for _, pkg := range dc.Bases[_pkg.PackageBase] {
for _, deps := range [3][]string{pkg.Depends, pkg.MakeDepends, pkg.CheckDepends} {
for _, pkg := range deps {
dep, aurpkg := aurFindProvider(pkg, dt)
if aurpkg != nil {
delete(dt.Aur, dep)
depCatagoriesRecursive(aurpkg, dc, dt, isMake, seen)
if !seen.get(aurpkg.PackageBase) {
dc.Aur = append(dc.Aur, aurpkg)
if isMake {
dep, alpmpkg := repoFindProvider(pkg, dt)
if alpmpkg != nil {
delete(dt.Repo, dep)
repoDepCatagoriesRecursive(alpmpkg, dc, dt, isMake)
if isMake {
dc.Repo = append(dc.Repo, alpmpkg)
isMake = true
// This is step one for dependency resolving. pkgs is a slice of the packages you
// want to resolve the dependencies for. They can be a mix of aur and repo
// dependencies. All unmet dependencies will be resolved.
// For Aur dependencies depends, makedepends and checkdepends are resolved but
// for repo packages only depends are resolved as they are prebuilt.
// The return will be split into three catagories: Repo, Aur and Missing.
// The return is in no way ordered. This step is is just aimed at gathering the
// packages we need.
// This has been designed to make the least amount of rpc requests as possible.
// Web requests are probably going to be the bottleneck here so minimizing them
// provides a nice speed boost.
// Here is a visual expample of the request system.
// Remember only unsatisfied packages are requested, if a package is already
// installed we dont bother.
// a
// / \
// b c
// / \
// d e
// We see a so we send a request for a
// We see a wants b and c so we send a request for b and c
// We see d and e so we send a request for d and e
// Thats 5 packages in 3 requests. The amount of requests needed should always be
// the same as the height of the tree.
// The example does not really do this justice, In the real world where packages
// have 10+ dependencies each this is a very nice optimization.
func getDepTree(pkgs []string) (*depTree, error) {
dt := makeDepTree()
localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
if err != nil {
return dt, err
syncDb, err := alpmHandle.SyncDbs()
if err != nil {
return dt, err
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
db, name := splitDbFromName(pkg)
var foundPkg *alpm.Package
var singleDb *alpm.Db
if db == "aur" {
// Check the repos for a matching dep
if db != "" {
singleDb, err = alpmHandle.SyncDbByName(db)
if err != nil {
return dt, err
foundPkg, err = singleDb.PkgCache().FindSatisfier(name)
} else {
foundPkg, err = syncDb.FindSatisfier(name)
if err == nil {
repoTreeRecursive(foundPkg, dt, localDb, syncDb)
} else {
//would be better to check the groups from singleDb if
//the user specified a db but theres no easy way to do
//it without making alpm_lists so dont bother for now
//db/group is probably a rare use case
_, err := syncDb.PkgCachebyGroup(name)
if err == nil {
if db == "" {
} else {
if len(dt.ToProcess) > 0 {
fmt.Println(bold(cyan("::") + " Querying AUR..."))
err = depTreeRecursive(dt, localDb, syncDb, false)
if err != nil {
return dt, err
if !cmdArgs.existsArg("d", "nodeps") {
err = checkVersions(dt)
return dt, err
// Takes a repo package,
// gives all of the non installed deps,
// repeats on each sub dep.
func repoTreeRecursive(pkg *alpm.Package, dt *depTree, localDb *alpm.Db, syncDb alpm.DbList) (err error) {
_, exists := dt.Repo[pkg.Name()]
if exists {
_, exists = dt.Provides[pkg.Name()]
if exists {
dt.Repo[pkg.Name()] = pkg
(*pkg).Provides().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) (err error) {
dt.Provides[dep.Name] = pkg.Name()
return nil
(*pkg).Depends().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) (err error) {
_, exists := dt.Repo[dep.Name]
if exists {
_, isInstalled := localDb.PkgCache().FindSatisfier(dep.String())
if isInstalled == nil {
repoPkg, inRepos := syncDb.FindSatisfier(dep.String())
if inRepos == nil {
repoTreeRecursive(repoPkg, dt, localDb, syncDb)
func depTreeRecursive(dt *depTree, localDb *alpm.Db, syncDb alpm.DbList, isMake bool) (err error) {
if len(dt.ToProcess) == 0 {
nextProcess := make(stringSet)
currentProcess := make(stringSet)
// Strip version conditions
for _dep := range dt.ToProcess {
dep, _ := splitNameFromDep(_dep)
// Assume toprocess only contains aur stuff we have not seen
info, err := aurInfo(currentProcess.toSlice())
if err != nil {
// Cache the results
for _, pkg := range info {
dt.Aur[pkg.Name] = pkg
for _, provide := range pkg.Provides {
name, _ := splitNameFromDep(provide)
dt.Provides[name] = pkg.Name
// Loop through to process and check if we now have
// each packaged cached.
// If not cached, we assume it is missing.
for pkgName := range currentProcess {
pkg, exists := dt.Aur[pkgName]
// Did not get it in the request.
if !exists {
// for each dep and makedep
for _, deps := range [3][]string{pkg.Depends, pkg.MakeDepends, pkg.CheckDepends} {
for _, versionedDep := range deps {
dep, _ := splitNameFromDep(versionedDep)
_, exists = dt.Aur[dep]
// We have it cached so skip.
if exists {
_, exists = dt.Provides[dep]
// We have it cached so skip.
if exists {
_, exists = dt.Repo[dep]
// We have it cached so skip.
if exists {
_, exists = dt.Missing[dep]
// We know it does not resolve so skip.
if exists {
// Check if already installed.
_, isInstalled := localDb.PkgCache().FindSatisfier(versionedDep)
if isInstalled == nil && config.ReBuild != "tree" {
// Check the repos for a matching dep.
repoPkg, inRepos := syncDb.FindSatisfier(versionedDep)
if inRepos == nil {
if isInstalled == nil && config.ReBuild == "tree" {
repoTreeRecursive(repoPkg, dt, localDb, syncDb)
// If all else fails add it to next search.
dt.ToProcess = nextProcess
depTreeRecursive(dt, localDb, syncDb, true)
func checkVersions(dt *depTree) error {
has := make(map[string][]string)
allDeps := make([]*gopkg.Dependency, 0)
localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, pkg := range dt.Aur {
for _, deps := range [3][]string{pkg.Depends, pkg.MakeDepends, pkg.CheckDepends} {
for _, dep := range deps {
_, _dep := splitNameFromDep(dep)
if _dep != "" {
deps, _ := gopkg.ParseDeps([]string{dep})
if deps[0] != nil {
allDeps = append(allDeps, deps[0])
addMapStringSlice(has, pkg.Name, pkg.Version)
if !isDevelName(pkg.Name) {
for _, name := range pkg.Provides {
_name, _ver := splitNameFromDep(name)
if _ver != "" {
addMapStringSlice(has, _name, _ver)
} else {
delete(has, _name)
for _, pkg := range dt.Repo {
pkg.Depends().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) error {
if dep.Mod != alpm.DepModAny {
deps, _ := gopkg.ParseDeps([]string{dep.String()})
if deps[0] != nil {
allDeps = append(allDeps, deps[0])
return nil
addMapStringSlice(has, pkg.Name(), pkg.Version())
pkg.Provides().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) error {
if dep.Mod != alpm.DepModAny {
addMapStringSlice(has, dep.Name, dep.Version)
} else {
delete(has, dep.Name)
return nil
localDb.PkgCache().ForEach(func(pkg alpm.Package) error {
pkg.Provides().ForEach(func(dep alpm.Depend) error {
if dep.Mod != alpm.DepModAny {
addMapStringSlice(has, dep.Name, dep.Version)
} else {
delete(has, dep.Name)
return nil
return nil
for _, dep := range allDeps {
satisfied := false
verStrs, ok := has[dep.Name]
if !ok {
for _, verStr := range verStrs {
version, err := gopkg.NewCompleteVersion(verStr)
if err != nil {
return err
if version.Satisfies(dep) {
satisfied = true
if !satisfied {
return nil