package main import ( "fmt" "os" "strconv" "strings" alpm "" rpc "" ) const arrow = "==>" // Human returns results in Human readable format. func human(size int64) string { floatsize := float32(size) units := [...]string{"", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi"} for _, unit := range units { if floatsize < 1024 { return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f %sB", floatsize, unit) } floatsize /= 1024 } return fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", size, "B") } // PrintSearch handles printing search results in a given format func (q aurQuery) printSearch(start int) { localDb, _ := alpmHandle.LocalDb() for i, res := range q { var toprint string if config.SearchMode == NumberMenu { if config.SortMode == BottomUp { toprint += yellow(strconv.Itoa(len(q)+start-i-1) + " ") } else { toprint += yellow(strconv.Itoa(start+i) + " ") } } else if config.SearchMode == Minimal { fmt.Println(res.Name) continue } toprint += bold(colourHash("aur")) + "/" + bold(yellow(res.Name)) + " " + bold(cyan(res.Version)) + " (" + strconv.Itoa(res.NumVotes) + ") " if res.Maintainer == "" { toprint += red(blackBg("(Orphaned)")) + " " } if res.OutOfDate != 0 { toprint += red(blackBg("(Out-of-date)")) + " " } if _, err := localDb.PkgByName(res.Name); err == nil { toprint += green(blackBg("Installed")) } toprint += "\n " + res.Description fmt.Println(toprint) } } //PrintSearch receives a RepoSearch type and outputs pretty text. func (s repoQuery) printSearch() { for i, res := range s { var toprint string if config.SearchMode == NumberMenu { if config.SortMode == BottomUp { toprint += yellow(strconv.Itoa(len(s)-i) + " ") } else { toprint += yellow(strconv.Itoa(i+1) + " ") } } else if config.SearchMode == Minimal { fmt.Println(res.Name()) continue } toprint += colourHash(res.DB().Name()) + "/" + bold(yellow(res.Name())) + " " + bold(cyan(res.Version())) + " " if len(res.Groups().Slice()) != 0 { toprint += fmt.Sprint(res.Groups().Slice(), " ") } localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb() if err == nil { if _, err = localDb.PkgByName(res.Name()); err == nil { toprint += green(blackBg("Installed")) } } toprint += "\n " + res.Description() fmt.Println(toprint) } } func formatPkgbase(pkg *rpc.Pkg, bases map[string][]*rpc.Pkg) string { str := pkg.PackageBase if len(bases[pkg.PackageBase]) > 1 || pkg.PackageBase != pkg.Name { str2 := " (" for _, split := range bases[pkg.PackageBase] { str2 += split.Name + " " } str2 = str2[:len(str2)-1] + ")" str += str2 } return str } // printDownloadsFromRepo prints repository packages to be downloaded func printDepCatagories(dc *depCatagories) { repo := "" repoMake := "" aur := "" aurMake := "" repoLen := 0 repoMakeLen := 0 aurLen := 0 aurMakeLen := 0 for _, pkg := range dc.Repo { if dc.MakeOnly.get(pkg.Name()) { repoMake += " " + pkg.Name() repoMakeLen++ } else { repo += " " + pkg.Name() repoLen++ } } for _, pkg := range dc.Aur { pkgStr := " " + pkg.PackageBase pkgStrMake := pkgStr push := false pushMake := false if len(dc.Bases[pkg.PackageBase]) > 1 || pkg.PackageBase != pkg.Name { pkgStr += " (" pkgStrMake += " (" for _, split := range dc.Bases[pkg.PackageBase] { if dc.MakeOnly.get(split.Name) { pkgStrMake += split.Name + " " aurMakeLen++ pushMake = true } else { pkgStr += split.Name + " " aurLen++ push = true } } pkgStr = pkgStr[:len(pkgStr)-1] + ")" pkgStrMake = pkgStrMake[:len(pkgStrMake)-1] + ")" } else if dc.MakeOnly.get(pkg.Name) { aurMakeLen++ pushMake = true } else { aurLen++ push = true } if push { aur += pkgStr } if pushMake { aurMake += pkgStrMake } } printDownloads("Repo", repoLen, repo) printDownloads("Repo Make", repoMakeLen, repoMake) printDownloads("Aur", aurLen, aur) printDownloads("Aur Make", aurMakeLen, aurMake) } func printDownloads(repoName string, length int, packages string) { if length < 1 { return } repoInfo := bold(blue( "[" + repoName + ": " + strconv.Itoa(length) + "]")) fmt.Println(repoInfo + yellow(packages)) } // PrintInfo prints package info like pacman -Si. func PrintInfo(a *rpc.Pkg) { fmt.Println(bold(white("Repository :")), "aur") fmt.Println(bold(white("Name :")), a.Name) fmt.Println(bold(white("Version :")), a.Version) fmt.Println(bold(white("Description :")), a.Description) fmt.Println(bold(white("URL :")), a.URL) fmt.Println(bold(white("Licenses :")), strings.Join(a.License, " ")) fmt.Println(bold(white("Depends On :")), strings.Join(a.Depends, " ")) fmt.Println(bold(white("Make Deps :")), strings.Join(a.MakeDepends, " ")) fmt.Println(bold(white("Check Deps :")), strings.Join(a.CheckDepends, " ")) fmt.Println(bold(white("Optional Deps :")), strings.Join(a.OptDepends, " ")) fmt.Println(bold(white("Conflicts With :")), strings.Join(a.Conflicts, " ")) fmt.Println(bold(white("Maintainer :")), a.Maintainer) fmt.Println(bold(white("Votes :")), a.NumVotes) fmt.Println(bold(white("Popularity :")), a.Popularity) if a.OutOfDate != 0 { fmt.Println(bold(white("Out-of-date :")), "Yes") } fmt.Println() } // BiggestPackages prints the name of the ten biggest packages in the system. func biggestPackages() { localDb, err := alpmHandle.LocalDb() if err != nil { return } pkgCache := localDb.PkgCache() pkgS := pkgCache.SortBySize().Slice() if len(pkgS) < 10 { return } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { fmt.Println(pkgS[i].Name() + ": " + yellow(human(pkgS[i].ISize()))) } // Could implement size here as well, but we just want the general idea } // localStatistics prints installed packages statistics. func localStatistics() error { info, err := statistics() if err != nil { return err } _, _, _, remoteNames, err := filterPackages() if err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("\n Yay version r%s\n", version) fmt.Println(bold(cyan("==========================================="))) fmt.Println(bold(green("Total installed packages: ")) + yellow(strconv.Itoa(info.Totaln))) fmt.Println(bold(green("Total foreign installed packages: ")) + yellow(strconv.Itoa(len(remoteNames)))) fmt.Println(bold(green("Explicitly installed packages: ")) + yellow(strconv.Itoa(info.Expln))) fmt.Println(bold(green("Total Size occupied by packages: ")) + yellow(human(info.TotalSize))) fmt.Println(bold(cyan("==========================================="))) fmt.Println(bold(green("Ten biggest packages"))) biggestPackages() fmt.Println(bold(cyan("==========================================="))) aurInfo(remoteNames) return nil } //todo make it less hacky func printNumberOfUpdates() error { //todo old := os.Stdout // keep backup of the real stdout os.Stdout = nil _, _, localNames, remoteNames, err := filterPackages() dt, _ := getDepTree(append(localNames, remoteNames...)) aurUp, repoUp, err := upList(dt) os.Stdout = old // restoring the real stdout if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println(len(aurUp) + len(repoUp)) return nil } //todo make it less hacky func printUpdateList() error { old := os.Stdout // keep backup of the real stdout os.Stdout = nil _, _, localNames, remoteNames, err := filterPackages() dt, _ := getDepTree(append(localNames, remoteNames...)) aurUp, repoUp, err := upList(dt) os.Stdout = old // restoring the real stdout if err != nil { return err } for _, pkg := range repoUp { fmt.Println(pkg.Name) } for _, pkg := range aurUp { fmt.Println(pkg.Name) } return nil } func red(in string) string { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor > 0 { return "\x1b[31m" + in + "\x1b[0m" } return in } func green(in string) string { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor > 0 { return "\x1b[32m" + in + "\x1b[0m" } return in } func yellow(in string) string { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor > 0 { return "\x1b[33m" + in + "\x1b[0m" } return in } func blue(in string) string { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor > 0 { return "\x1b[34m" + in + "\x1b[0m" } return in } func cyan(in string) string { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor > 0 { return "\x1b[36m" + in + "\x1b[0m" } return in } func white(in string) string { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor > 0 { return "\x1b[37m" + in + "\x1b[0m" } return in } func blackBg(in string) string { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor > 0 { return "\x1b[40m" + in + "\x1b[0m" } return in } func bold(in string) string { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor > 0 { return "\x1b[1m" + in + "\x1b[0m" } return in } func colourHash(name string) (output string) { if alpmConf.Options&alpm.ConfColor == 0 { return name } var hash = 5381 for i := 0; i < len(name); i++ { hash = int(name[i]) + ((hash << 5) + (hash)) } return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m", hash%6+31, name) }