// Experimental code for install local with dependency refactoring // Not at feature parity with install.go package main import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/Jguer/yay/v12/pkg/db" "github.com/Jguer/yay/v12/pkg/dep" "github.com/Jguer/yay/v12/pkg/multierror" "github.com/Jguer/yay/v12/pkg/settings" "github.com/Jguer/yay/v12/pkg/settings/exe" "github.com/Jguer/yay/v12/pkg/settings/parser" "github.com/Jguer/yay/v12/pkg/topo" gosrc "github.com/Morganamilo/go-srcinfo" "github.com/leonelquinteros/gotext" "github.com/pkg/errors" ) var ( ErrInstallRepoPkgs = errors.New(gotext.Get("error installing repo packages")) ErrNoBuildFiles = errors.New(gotext.Get("cannot find PKGBUILD and .SRCINFO in directory")) ) func srcinfoExists(ctx context.Context, cmdBuilder exe.ICmdBuilder, targetDir string, ) error { srcInfoDir := filepath.Join(targetDir, ".SRCINFO") pkgbuildDir := filepath.Join(targetDir, "PKGBUILD") if _, err := os.Stat(srcInfoDir); err == nil { if _, err := os.Stat(pkgbuildDir); err == nil { return nil } } if _, err := os.Stat(pkgbuildDir); err == nil { // run makepkg to generate .SRCINFO srcinfo, stderr, err := cmdBuilder.Capture(cmdBuilder.BuildMakepkgCmd(ctx, targetDir, "--printsrcinfo")) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to generate .SRCINFO: %w - %s", err, stderr) } if err := os.WriteFile(srcInfoDir, []byte(srcinfo), 0o600); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to write .SRCINFO: %w", err) } return nil } return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrNoBuildFiles, targetDir) } func installLocalPKGBUILD( ctx context.Context, config *settings.Configuration, cmdArgs *parser.Arguments, dbExecutor db.Executor, ) error { aurCache := config.Runtime.AURCache noCheck := strings.Contains(config.MFlags, "--nocheck") if len(cmdArgs.Targets) < 1 { return errors.New(gotext.Get("no target directories specified")) } grapher := dep.NewGrapher(dbExecutor, aurCache, false, settings.NoConfirm, cmdArgs.ExistsDouble("d", "nodeps"), noCheck, cmdArgs.ExistsArg("needed"), config.Runtime.Logger.Child("grapher")) graph := topo.New[string, *dep.InstallInfo]() for _, targetDir := range cmdArgs.Targets { if err := srcinfoExists(ctx, config.Runtime.CmdBuilder, targetDir); err != nil { return err } pkgbuild, err := gosrc.ParseFile(filepath.Join(targetDir, ".SRCINFO")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, gotext.Get("failed to parse .SRCINFO")) } var errG error graph, errG = grapher.GraphFromSrcInfo(ctx, graph, targetDir, pkgbuild) if errG != nil { return errG } } opService := NewOperationService(ctx, config, dbExecutor) multiErr := &multierror.MultiError{} targets := graph.TopoSortedLayerMap(func(name string, ii *dep.InstallInfo) error { if ii.Source == dep.Missing { multiErr.Add(fmt.Errorf("%w: %s %s", ErrPackagesNotFound, name, ii.Version)) } return nil }) if err := multiErr.Return(); err != nil { return err } return opService.Run(ctx, cmdArgs, targets, []string{}) }