package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "os" "os/exec" "strings" "sync" "time" ) // Info contains the last commit sha of a repo type vcsInfo map[string]shaInfos type shaInfos map[string]shaInfo type shaInfo struct { Protocols []string `json:"protocols"` Brach string `json:"branch"` SHA string `json:"sha"` } // createDevelDB forces yay to create a DB of the existing development packages func createDevelDB() error { _, _, _, remoteNames, err := filterPackages() if err != nil { return err } config.NoConfirm = true arguments := makeArguments() arguments.addArg("gendb") arguments.addTarget(remoteNames...) err = install(arguments) return err } // parseSource returns the git url, default branch and protocols it supports func parseSource(source string) (url string, branch string, protocols []string) { if !(strings.Contains(source, "git://") || strings.Contains(source, ".git") || strings.Contains(source, "git+https://")) { return "", "", nil } split := strings.Split(source, "::") source = split[len(split)-1] split = strings.SplitN(source, "://", 2) if len(split) != 2 { return "", "", nil } protocols = strings.Split(split[0], "+") split = strings.SplitN(split[1], "#", 2) if len(split) == 2 { secondSplit := strings.SplitN(split[1], "=", 2) if secondSplit[0] != "branch" { //source has #commit= or #tag= which makes them not vcs //packages because they reference a specific point return "", "", nil } if len(secondSplit) == 2 { url = split[0] branch = secondSplit[1] } } else { url = split[0] branch = "HEAD" } return } func updateVCSData(pkgName string, sources []string) { if savedInfo == nil { savedInfo = make(vcsInfo) } info := make(shaInfos) for _, source := range sources { url, branch, protocols := parseSource(source) if url == "" || branch == "" { continue } commit := getCommit(url, branch, protocols) if commit == "" { continue } info[url] = shaInfo{ protocols, branch, commit, } savedInfo[pkgName] = info saveVCSInfo() } } func getCommit(url string, branch string, protocols []string) string { for _, protocol := range protocols { var outbuf bytes.Buffer cmd := exec.Command(config.GitBin, "ls-remote", protocol+"://"+url, branch) cmd.Stdout = &outbuf err := cmd.Start() if err != nil { continue } //for some reason //git://` hangs on my //machine but using http:// instead of git does not hang. //Introduce a time out so this can not hang timer := time.AfterFunc(5*time.Second, func() { cmd.Process.Kill() }) err = cmd.Wait() timer.Stop() if err != nil { continue } err = cmd.Run() stdout := outbuf.String() split := strings.Fields(stdout) if len(split) < 2 { continue } commit := split[0] return commit } return "" } func (infos shaInfos) needsUpdate() bool { var wg sync.WaitGroup hasUpdate := false checkHash := func(url string, info shaInfo) { defer wg.Done() hash := getCommit(url, info.Brach, info.Protocols) if hash != "" && hash != info.SHA { hasUpdate = true } } for url, info := range infos { wg.Add(1) go checkHash(url, info) } wg.Wait() return hasUpdate } func inStore(pkgName string) shaInfos { return savedInfo[pkgName] } func saveVCSInfo() error { marshalledinfo, err := json.MarshalIndent(savedInfo, "", "\t") if err != nil || string(marshalledinfo) == "null" { return err } in, err := os.OpenFile(vcsFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644) if err != nil { return err } defer in.Close() _, err = in.Write(marshalledinfo) if err != nil { return err } err = in.Sync() return err }