package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "net/http" "os" alpm "" "" "" ) var cmdArgs = makeArguments() func usage() { fmt.Println(`Usage: yay yay [...] yay operations: yay {-h --help} yay {-V --version} yay {-D --database} yay {-F --files} [options] [package(s)] yay {-Q --query} [options] [package(s)] yay {-R --remove} [options] yay {-S --sync} [options] [package(s)] yay {-T --deptest} [options] [package(s)] yay {-U --upgrade} [options] New operations: yay {-Y --yay} [options] [package(s)] yay {-P --show} [options] yay {-G --getpkgbuild} [package(s)] If no arguments are provided 'yay -Syu' will be performed If no operation is provided -Y will be assumed New options: --repo Assume targets are from the repositories -a --aur Assume targets are from the AUR Permanent configuration options: --save Causes the following options to be saved back to the config file when used --aururl Set an alternative AUR URL --builddir Directory used to download and run PKGBUILDS --absdir Directory used to store downloads from the ABS --editor Editor to use when editing PKGBUILDs --editorflags Pass arguments to editor --makepkg makepkg command to use --mflags Pass arguments to makepkg --pacman pacman command to use --git git command to use --gitflags Pass arguments to git --gpg gpg command to use --gpgflags Pass arguments to gpg --config pacman.conf file to use --makepkgconf makepkg.conf file to use --nomakepkgconf Use the default makepkg.conf --requestsplitn Max amount of packages to query per AUR request --completioninterval Time in days to to refresh completion cache --sortby Sort AUR results by a specific field during search --searchby Search for packages using a specified field --answerclean Set a predetermined answer for the clean build menu --answerdiff Set a predetermined answer for the diff menu --answeredit Set a predetermined answer for the edit pkgbuild menu --answerupgrade Set a predetermined answer for the upgrade menu --noanswerclean Unset the answer for the clean build menu --noanswerdiff Unset the answer for the edit diff menu --noansweredit Unset the answer for the edit pkgbuild menu --noanswerupgrade Unset the answer for the upgrade menu --cleanmenu Give the option to clean build PKGBUILDS --diffmenu Give the option to show diffs for build files --editmenu Give the option to edit/view PKGBUILDS --upgrademenu Show a detailed list of updates with the option to skip any --nocleanmenu Don't clean build PKGBUILDS --nodiffmenu Don't show diffs for build files --noeditmenu Don't edit/view PKGBUILDS --noupgrademenu Don't show the upgrade menu --askremovemake Ask to remove makedepends after install --removemake Remove makedepends after install --noremovemake Don't remove makedepends after install --cleanafter Remove package sources after successful install --nocleanafter Do not remove package sources after successful build --bottomup Shows AUR's packages first and then repository's --topdown Shows repository's packages first and then AUR's --devel Check development packages during sysupgrade --nodevel Do not check development packages --rebuild Always build target packages --rebuildall Always build all AUR packages --norebuild Skip package build if in cache and up to date --rebuildtree Always build all AUR packages even if installed --redownload Always download pkgbuilds of targets --noredownload Skip pkgbuild download if in cache and up to date --redownloadall Always download pkgbuilds of all AUR packages --provides Look for matching providers when searching for packages --noprovides Just look for packages by pkgname --pgpfetch Prompt to import PGP keys from PKGBUILDs --nopgpfetch Don't prompt to import PGP keys --useask Automatically resolve conflicts using pacman's ask flag --nouseask Confirm conflicts manually during the install --combinedupgrade Refresh then perform the repo and AUR upgrade together --nocombinedupgrade Perform the repo upgrade and AUR upgrade separately --batchinstall Build multiple AUR packages then install them together --nobatchinstall Build and install each AUR package one by one --sudo sudo command to use --sudoflags Pass arguments to sudo --sudoloop Loop sudo calls in the background to avoid timeout --nosudoloop Do not loop sudo calls in the background --timeupdate Check packages' AUR page for changes during sysupgrade --notimeupdate Do not check packages' AUR page for changes show specific options: -c --complete Used for completions -d --defaultconfig Print default yay configuration -g --currentconfig Print current yay configuration -s --stats Display system package statistics -w --news Print arch news yay specific options: -c --clean Remove unneeded dependencies --gendb Generates development package DB used for updating getpkgbuild specific options: -f --force Force download for existing ABS packages`) } func handleCmd() (err error) { if cmdArgs.existsArg("h", "help") { err = handleHelp() return } if config.SudoLoop && cmdArgs.needRoot() { sudoLoopBackground() } switch cmdArgs.op { case "V", "version": handleVersion() case "D", "database": err = show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) case "F", "files": err = show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) case "Q", "query": err = handleQuery() case "R", "remove": err = handleRemove() case "S", "sync": err = handleSync() case "T", "deptest": err = show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) case "U", "upgrade": err = show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) case "G", "getpkgbuild": err = handleGetpkgbuild() case "P", "show": err = handlePrint() case "Y", "--yay": err = handleYay() default: //this means we allowed an op but not implement it //if this happens it an error in the code and not the usage err = fmt.Errorf("unhandled operation") } return } func handleQuery() error { if cmdArgs.existsArg("u", "upgrades") { return printUpdateList(cmdArgs) } return show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) } func handleHelp() error { if cmdArgs.op == "Y" || cmdArgs.op == "yay" { usage() return nil } return show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) } func handleVersion() { fmt.Printf("yay v%s - libalpm v%s\n", version, alpm.Version()) } func handlePrint() (err error) { switch { case cmdArgs.existsArg("d", "defaultconfig"): tmpConfig := defaultSettings() tmpConfig.expandEnv() fmt.Printf("%v", tmpConfig) case cmdArgs.existsArg("g", "currentconfig"): fmt.Printf("%v", config) case cmdArgs.existsArg("n", "numberupgrades"): err = printNumberOfUpdates() case cmdArgs.existsArg("u", "upgrades"): err = printUpdateList(cmdArgs) case cmdArgs.existsArg("w", "news"): err = printNewsFeed() case cmdArgs.existsDouble("c", "complete"): err = completion.Show(alpmHandle, config.AURURL, cacheHome, config.CompletionInterval, true) case cmdArgs.existsArg("c", "complete"): err = completion.Show(alpmHandle, config.AURURL, cacheHome, config.CompletionInterval, false) case cmdArgs.existsArg("s", "stats"): err = localStatistics() default: err = nil } return err } func handleYay() error { //_, options, targets := cmdArgs.formatArgs() if cmdArgs.existsArg("gendb") { return createDevelDB() } if cmdArgs.existsDouble("c") { return cleanDependencies(true) } if cmdArgs.existsArg("c", "clean") { return cleanDependencies(false) } if len(cmdArgs.targets) > 0 { return handleYogurt() } return nil } func handleGetpkgbuild() error { return getPkgbuilds(cmdArgs.targets) } func handleYogurt() error { config.SearchMode = numberMenu return displayNumberMenu(cmdArgs.targets) } func handleSync() error { targets := cmdArgs.targets if cmdArgs.existsArg("s", "search") { if cmdArgs.existsArg("q", "quiet") { config.SearchMode = minimal } else { config.SearchMode = detailed } return syncSearch(targets) } if cmdArgs.existsArg("p", "print", "print-format") { return show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) } if cmdArgs.existsArg("c", "clean") { return syncClean(cmdArgs) } if cmdArgs.existsArg("l", "list") { return syncList(cmdArgs) } if cmdArgs.existsArg("g", "groups") { return show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) } if cmdArgs.existsArg("i", "info") { return syncInfo(targets) } if cmdArgs.existsArg("u", "sysupgrade") { return install(cmdArgs) } if len(cmdArgs.targets) > 0 { return install(cmdArgs) } if cmdArgs.existsArg("y", "refresh") { return show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) } return nil } func handleRemove() error { err := show(passToPacman(cmdArgs)) if err == nil { removeVCSPackage(cmdArgs.targets) } return err } // NumberMenu presents a CLI for selecting packages to install. func displayNumberMenu(pkgS []string) (err error) { var ( aurErr, repoErr error aq aurQuery pq repoQuery lenaq, lenpq int ) pkgS = removeInvalidTargets(pkgS) if mode == modeAUR || mode == modeAny { aq, aurErr = narrowSearch(pkgS, true) lenaq = len(aq) } if mode == modeRepo || mode == modeAny { pq, repoErr = queryRepo(pkgS) lenpq = len(pq) if repoErr != nil { return err } } if lenpq == 0 && lenaq == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("No packages match search") } switch config.SortMode { case topDown: if mode == modeRepo || mode == modeAny { pq.printSearch() } if mode == modeAUR || mode == modeAny { aq.printSearch(lenpq + 1) } case bottomUp: if mode == modeAUR || mode == modeAny { aq.printSearch(lenpq + 1) } if mode == modeRepo || mode == modeAny { pq.printSearch() } default: return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Sort Mode. Fix with yay -Y --bottomup --save") } if aurErr != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error during AUR search: %s\n", aurErr) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Showing repo packages only") } fmt.Println(bold(green(arrow + " Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)"))) fmt.Print(bold(green(arrow + " "))) reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) numberBuf, overflow, err := reader.ReadLine() if err != nil { return err } if overflow { return fmt.Errorf("Input too long") } include, exclude, _, otherExclude := intrange.ParseNumberMenu(string(numberBuf)) arguments := cmdArgs.copyGlobal() isInclude := len(exclude) == 0 && len(otherExclude) == 0 for i, pkg := range pq { var target int switch config.SortMode { case topDown: target = i + 1 case bottomUp: target = len(pq) - i default: return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Sort Mode. Fix with yay -Y --bottomup --save") } if (isInclude && include.Get(target)) || (!isInclude && !exclude.Get(target)) { arguments.addTarget(pkg.DB().Name() + "/" + pkg.Name()) } } for i, pkg := range aq { var target int switch config.SortMode { case topDown: target = i + 1 + len(pq) case bottomUp: target = len(aq) - i + len(pq) default: return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Sort Mode. Fix with yay -Y --bottomup --save") } if (isInclude && include.Get(target)) || (!isInclude && !exclude.Get(target)) { arguments.addTarget("aur/" + pkg.Name) } } if len(arguments.targets) == 0 { fmt.Println("There is nothing to do") return nil } if config.SudoLoop { sudoLoopBackground() } err = install(arguments) return err } func syncList(parser *arguments) error { aur := false for i := len(parser.targets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if parser.targets[i] == "aur" && (mode == modeAny || mode == modeAUR) { parser.targets = append(parser.targets[:i], parser.targets[i+1:]...) aur = true } } if (mode == modeAny || mode == modeAUR) && (len(parser.targets) == 0 || aur) { localDB, err := alpmHandle.LocalDB() if err != nil { return err } resp, err := http.Get(config.AURURL + "/packages.gz") if err != nil { return err } defer resp.Body.Close() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(resp.Body) scanner.Scan() for scanner.Scan() { name := scanner.Text() if cmdArgs.existsArg("q", "quiet") { fmt.Println(name) } else { fmt.Printf("%s %s %s", magenta("aur"), bold(name), bold(green("unknown-version"))) if localDB.Pkg(name) != nil { fmt.Print(bold(blue(" [Installed]"))) } fmt.Println() } } } if (mode == modeAny || mode == modeRepo) && (len(parser.targets) != 0 || !aur) { return show(passToPacman(parser)) } return nil }