# vim:fdm=marker foldlevel=0 tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 filetype=fish # Original Author for pacman: Giorgio Lando # Updated for yay by jguer set -l progname yay # Yay constants set -l listall "(yay -Pc)" set -l listpacman "(__fish_print_packages)" set -l yayspecific '__fish_contains_opt -s Y yay' set -l show '__fish_contains_opt -s P show' set -l getpkgbuild '__fish_contains_opt -s G getpkgbuild' # Pacman constants set -l listinstalled "(pacman -Q | string replace ' ' \t)" set -l listrepos "(__fish_print_pacman_repos)" set -l listgroups "(pacman -Sg)\t'Package Group'" set -l noopt 'not __fish_contains_opt -s S -s D -s Q -s R -s U -s T -s F database query sync remove upgrade deptest files' set -l database '__fish_contains_opt -s D database' set -l query '__fish_contains_opt -s Q query' set -l remove '__fish_contains_opt -s R remove' set -l sync '__fish_contains_opt -s S sync' set -l upgrade '__fish_contains_opt -s U upgrade' set -l files '__fish_contains_opt -s F files' complete -c $progname -e complete -c $progname -f # HACK: We only need these two to coerce fish to stop file completion and complete options complete -c $progname -n "$noopt" -a "-D" -d "Modify the package database" complete -c $progname -n "$noopt" -a "-Q" -d "Query the package database" # Primary operations complete -c $progname -s D -f -l database -n "$noopt" -d 'Modify the package database' complete -c $progname -s Q -f -l query -n "$noopt" -d 'Query the package database' complete -c $progname -s R -f -l remove -n "$noopt" -d 'Remove packages from the system' complete -c $progname -s S -f -l sync -n "$noopt" -d 'Synchronize packages' complete -c $progname -s T -f -l deptest -n "$noopt" -d 'Check dependencies' complete -c $progname -s U -l upgrade -n "$noopt" -d 'Upgrade or add a local package' complete -c $progname -s F -f -l files -n "$noopt" -d 'Query the files database' complete -c $progname -s V -f -l version -d 'Display version and exit' complete -c $progname -s h -f -l help -d 'Display help' # General options # Only offer these once a command has been given so they get prominent display complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -s b -l dbpath -d 'Alternate database location' -xa "(__fish_complete_directories)" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -s r -l root -d 'Alternate installation root' -xa "(__fish_complete_directories)" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -s v -l verbose -d 'Output more status messages' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l arch -d 'Alternate architecture' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l cachedir -d 'Alternate package cache location' -xa "(__fish_complete_directories)" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l color -d 'Colorize the output' -fa '{auto,always,never}' complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l config -d 'Alternate config file' -rF complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l confirm -d 'Always ask for confirmation' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l debug -d 'Display debug messages' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l disable-download-timeout -d 'Use relaxed timeouts for download' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l gpgdir -d 'Alternate home directory for GnuPG' -xa "(__fish_complete_directories)" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l hookdir -d 'Alternate hook location' -xa "(__fish_complete_directories)" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l logfile -d 'Alternate log file' complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noconfirm -d 'Bypass any confirmation' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l sysroot -d 'Operate on a mounted guest system (root-only)' -xa "(__fish_complete_directories)" # File, query, sync options (files, query, sync) for condition in files query sync complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -s q -l quiet -d 'Show less information' -f end # Transaction options (sync, remove, upgrade) for condition in sync remove upgrade complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -s d -l nodeps -d 'Skip [all] dependency checks' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -s p -l print -d 'Dry run, only print targets' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l assume-installed -d 'Add a virtual package to satisfy dependencies' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l dbonly -d 'Modify database entry only' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l noprogressbar -d 'Do not display progress bar' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l noscriptlet -d 'Do not execute install script' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l print-format -d 'Specify printf-like format' -x end # File and query options (files, query) for condition in files query complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -s l -l list -d 'List the files owned by PACKAGE' -f end # File and sync options (files, sync) for condition in files sync complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -s y -l refresh -d 'Download fresh package databases [force]' -f end # Query and sync options (query, sync) for condition in query sync complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -s g -l groups -d 'Display members of [all] package GROUP' -xa "$listgroups" end # Sync and upgrade options (sync, upgrade) for condition in sync upgrade complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l asdeps -d 'Install packages as non-explicitly installed' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l asexplicit -d 'Install packages as explicitly installed' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l ignore -d 'Ignore a package upgrade (can be used more than once)' -xa "$listall" complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l ignoregroup -d 'Ignore a group upgrade (can be used more than once)' -xa "$listgroups" complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l needed -d 'Do not reinstall up to date packages' -f complete -c $progname -n "$$condition" -l overwrite -d 'Overwrite conflicting files (can be used more than once)' -rF end # Database options set -l has_db_opt '__fish_contains_opt asdeps asexplicit check -s k' complete -c $progname -n "$database; and not $has_db_opt" -s k -l check -d 'Check database validity' complete -c $progname -n "$database" -s q -l quite -d 'Suppress output of success messages' -f complete -c $progname -n "$database; and not $has_db_opt" -l asdeps -d 'Mark PACKAGE as dependency' -x complete -c $progname -n "$database; and not $has_db_opt" -l asexplicit -d 'Mark PACKAGE as explicitly installed' -x complete -c $progname -n "$has_db_opt; and $database" -xa "$listinstalled" # File options - since pacman 5 complete -c $progname -n "$files" -s x -l regex -d 'Interpret each query as a regular expression' -f complete -c $progname -n "$files" -l machinereadable -d 'Print each match in a machine readable output format' -f complete -c $progname -n "$files" -d Package -xa "$listpacman" # Query options complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s c -l changelog -d 'View the change log of PACKAGE' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s d -l deps -d 'List only non-explicit packages (dependencies)' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s e -l explicit -d 'List only explicitly installed packages' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s i -l info -d 'View PACKAGE [backup files] information' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s k -l check -d 'Check that PACKAGE files exist' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s m -l foreign -d 'List installed packages not found in sync database' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s n -l native -d 'list installed packages only found in sync database' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s o -l owns -d 'Query the package that owns FILE' -rF complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s p -l file -d 'Query a package file instead of the database' -rF complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s s -l search -d 'Search locally-installed packages for regexp' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s t -l unrequired -d 'List only unrequired packages [and optdepends]' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -s u -l upgrades -d 'List only out-of-date packages' -f complete -c $progname -n "$query" -d 'Installed package' -xa "$listinstalled" # Remove options complete -c $progname -n "$remove" -s c -l cascade -d 'Also remove packages depending on PACKAGE' -f complete -c $progname -n "$remove" -s n -l nosave -d 'Ignore file backup designations' -f complete -c $progname -n "$remove" -s s -l recursive -d 'Also remove dependencies of PACKAGE' -f complete -c $progname -n "$remove" -s u -l unneeded -d 'Only remove targets not required by PACKAGE' -f complete -c $progname -n "$remove" -d 'Installed package' -xa "$listinstalled" # Sync options complete -c $progname -n "$sync" -s c -l clean -d 'Remove [all] packages from cache' -f complete -c $progname -n "$sync" -s i -l info -d 'View PACKAGE [extended] information' -f complete -c $progname -n "$sync" -s l -l list -d 'List all packages in REPOSITORY' -xa "$listrepos" complete -c $progname -n "$sync" -s s -l search -d 'Search remote repositories for regexp' -f complete -c $progname -n "$sync" -s u -l sysupgrade -d 'Upgrade all packages that are out of date' complete -c $progname -n "$sync" -s w -l downloadonly -d 'Only download the target packages' complete -c $progname -n "$sync" -xa "$listall $listgroups" # Upgrade options # Theoretically, pacman reads packages in all formats that libarchive supports # In practice, it's going to be tar.xz, tar.gz, tar.zst, or just pkg.tar (uncompressed pkg) complete -c $progname -n "$upgrade" -xa '(__fish_complete_suffix pkg.tar.zst; __fish_complete_suffix pkg.tar.xz; __fish_complete_suffix pkg.tar.gz; __fish_complete_suffix pkg.tar;)' -d 'Package file' # Yay operations complete -c $progname -s Y -f -l yay -n "$noopt" -d 'Yay specific operations' complete -c $progname -s P -f -l show -n "$noopt" -d 'Print information' complete -c $progname -s G -f -l getpkgbuild -n "$noopt" -d 'Get PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR' # New options complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l repo -d 'Assume targets are from the AUR' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -s a -l aur -d 'Assume targets are from the repositories' -f # Yay options complete -c $progname -n "$yayspecific" -s c -l clean -d 'Remove unneeded dependencies' -f complete -c $progname -n "$yayspecific" -l gendb -d 'Generate development package DB' -f # Show options complete -c $progname -n "$show" -s c -l complete -d 'Print a list of all AUR and repo packages' -f #complete -c $progname -n "$show" -s f -l fish -d 'During complete adjust the output for the fish shell' -f complete -c $progname -n "$show" -s d -l defaultconfig -d 'Print default yay configuration' -f complete -c $progname -n "$show" -s g -l currentconfig -d 'Print current yay configuration' -f complete -c $progname -n "$show" -s s -l stats -d 'Display system package statistics' -f complete -c $progname -n "$show" -s w -l news -d 'Print arch news' -f complete -c $progname -n "$show" -s q -l quiet -d 'Do not print news description' -f # Getpkgbuild options complete -c $progname -n "$getpkgbuild" -s f -l force -d 'Force download for existing ABS packages' -f complete -c $progname -n "$getpkgbuild" -xa "$listall" complete -c $progname -n "$getpkgbuild" -s p -l print -d 'Print pkgbuild of packages' -f # Permanent configuration settings complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l save -d 'Save current arguments to yay permanent configuration' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l aururl -d 'Set an alternative AUR URL' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l builddir -d 'Directory to use for Building AUR Packages' -r complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l editor -d 'Editor to use' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l editorflags -d 'Editor flags to use' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l makepkg -d 'Makepkg command to use' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l pacman -d 'Pacman command to use' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l tar -d 'Tar command to use' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l git -d 'Git command to use' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l gpg -d 'Gpg command to use' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l config -d 'The pacman config file to use' -r complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l makepkgconf -d 'Use custom makepkg.conf location' -r complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nomakepkgconf -d 'Use default makepkg.conf' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l requestsplitn -d 'Max amount of packages to query per AUR request' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l completioninterval -d 'Refresh interval for completion cache' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l sortby -d 'Sort AUR results by a specific field during search' -xa "{votes,popularity,id,baseid,name,base,submitted,modified}" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l searchby -d 'Search for AUR packages by querying the specified field' -xa "{name,name-desc,maintainer,depends,checkdepends,makedepends,optdepends}" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l answerclean -d 'Set a predetermined answer for the clean build menu' -xa "{All,None,Installed,NotInstalled}" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l answerdiff -d 'Set a predetermined answer for the edit diff menu' -xa "{All,None,Installed,NotInstalled}" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l answeredit -d 'Set a predetermined answer for the edit pkgbuild menu' -xa "{All,None,Installed,NotInstalled}" complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l answerupgrade -d 'Set a predetermined answer for the upgrade menu' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noanswerclean -d 'Unset the answer for the clean build menu' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noanswerdiff -d 'Unset the answer for the diff menu' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noansweredit -d 'Unset the answer for the edit pkgbuild menu' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noanswerupgrade -d 'Unset the answer for the upgrade menu' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l cleanmenu -d 'Give the option to clean build PKGBUILDS' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l diffmenu -d 'Give the option to show diffs for build files' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l editmenu -d 'Give the option to edit/view PKGBUILDS' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l upgrademenu -d 'Show a detailed list of updates with the option to skip any' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nocleanmenu -d 'Do not clean build PKGBUILDS' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nodiffmenu -d 'Do not show diffs for build files' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noeditmenu -d 'Do not edit/view PKGBUILDS' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noupgrademenu -d 'Do not show the upgrade menu' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l askremovemake -d 'Ask to remove make deps after install' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l removemake -d 'Remove make deps after install' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noremovemake -d 'Do not remove make deps after install' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l topdown -d 'Shows repository packages first and then aur' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l bottomup -d 'Shows aur packages first and then repository' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l singlelineresults -d 'List each search result on its own line' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l doublelineresults -d 'List each search result on two lines, like pacman' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l devel -d 'Check -git/-svn/-hg development version' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nodevel -d 'Disable development version checking' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l cleanafter -d 'Clean package sources after successful build' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nocleanafter -d 'Disable package sources cleaning' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l timeupdate -d 'Check package modification date and version' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l notimeupdate -d 'Check only package version change' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l redownload -d 'Redownload PKGBUILD of package even if up-to-date' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l redownloadall -d 'Redownload PKGBUILD of package and deps even if up-to-date' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noredownload -d 'Do not redownload up-to-date PKGBUILDs' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l provides -d 'Look for matching providers when searching for packages' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l noprovides -d 'Just look for packages by pkgname' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l pgpfetch -d 'Prompt to import PGP keys from PKGBUILDs' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nopgpfetch -d 'Do not prompt to import PGP keys' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l useask -d 'Automatically resolve conflicts using pacmans ask flag' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nouseask -d 'Confirm conflicts manually during the install' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l combinedupgrade -d 'Refresh then perform the repo and AUR upgrade together' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nocombinedupgrade -d 'Perform the repo upgrade and AUR upgrade separately' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l batchinstall -d 'Build multiple AUR packages then install them together' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nobatchinstall -d 'Build and install each AUR package one by one' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l rebuild -d 'Always build target packages' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l rebuildall -d 'Always build all AUR packages' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l rebuildtree -d 'Always build all AUR packages even if installed' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l norebuild -d 'Skip package build if in cache and up to date' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l mflags -d 'Pass the following options to makepkg' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l gpgflags -d 'Pass the following options to gpg' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l sudoloop -d 'Loop sudo calls in the background to avoid timeout' -f complete -c $progname -n "not $noopt" -l nosudoloop -d 'Do not loop sudo calls in the background' -f