package upgrade import ( "context" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" ) func UpDevel( ctx context.Context, remote []db.IPackage, aurdata map[string]*query.Pkg, localCache *vcs.InfoStore) UpSlice { toUpdate := make([]db.IPackage, 0, len(aurdata)) toRemove := make([]string, 0) var ( mux1, mux2 sync.Mutex wg sync.WaitGroup ) checkUpdate := func(pkgName string, e vcs.OriginInfoByURL) { defer wg.Done() if localCache.NeedsUpdate(ctx, e) { if _, ok := aurdata[pkgName]; ok { for _, pkg := range remote { if pkg.Name() == pkgName { mux1.Lock() toUpdate = append(toUpdate, pkg) mux1.Unlock() return } } } mux2.Lock() toRemove = append(toRemove, pkgName) mux2.Unlock() } } for pkgName, e := range localCache.OriginsByPackage { wg.Add(1) go checkUpdate(pkgName, e) } wg.Wait() toUpgrade := UpSlice{Up: make([]Upgrade, 0), Repos: []string{"devel"}} for _, pkg := range toUpdate { if pkg.ShouldIgnore() { printIgnoringPackage(pkg, "latest-commit") } else { toUpgrade.Up = append(toUpgrade.Up, Upgrade{ Name: pkg.Name(), Repository: "devel", LocalVersion: pkg.Version(), RemoteVersion: "latest-commit", }) } } localCache.RemovePackage(toRemove) return toUpgrade } func printIgnoringPackage(pkg db.IPackage, newPkgVersion string) { left, right := GetVersionDiff(pkg.Version(), newPkgVersion) text.Warnln(gotext.Get("%s: ignoring package upgrade (%s => %s)", text.Cyan(pkg.Name()), left, right, )) } // UpAUR gathers foreign packages and checks if they have new versions. // Output: Upgrade type package list. func UpAUR(remote []db.IPackage, aurdata map[string]*query.Pkg, timeUpdate bool) UpSlice { toUpgrade := UpSlice{Up: make([]Upgrade, 0), Repos: []string{"aur"}} for _, pkg := range remote { aurPkg, ok := aurdata[pkg.Name()] if !ok { continue } if (timeUpdate && (int64(aurPkg.LastModified) > pkg.BuildDate().Unix())) || (db.VerCmp(pkg.Version(), aurPkg.Version) < 0) { if pkg.ShouldIgnore() { printIgnoringPackage(pkg, aurPkg.Version) } else { toUpgrade.Up = append(toUpgrade.Up, Upgrade{ Name: aurPkg.Name, Repository: "aur", LocalVersion: pkg.Version(), RemoteVersion: aurPkg.Version, Reason: pkg.Reason(), }) } } } return toUpgrade }