package query import ( "context" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type Pkg = aur.Pkg // Queries the aur for information about specified packages. // All packages should be queried in a single aur request except when the number // of packages exceeds the number set in config.RequestSplitN. // If the number does exceed config.RequestSplitN multiple aur requests will be // performed concurrently. func AURInfo(ctx context.Context, aurClient rpc.ClientInterface, names []string, warnings *AURWarnings, splitN int) ([]Pkg, error) { info := make([]Pkg, 0, len(names)) seen := make(map[string]int) var ( mux sync.Mutex wg sync.WaitGroup errs multierror.MultiError ) makeRequest := func(n, max int) { defer wg.Done() text.Debugln("AUR RPC:", names[n:max]) tempInfo, requestErr := aurClient.Info(ctx, names[n:max]) if requestErr != nil { errs.Add(requestErr) return } mux.Lock() info = append(info, tempInfo...) mux.Unlock() } for n := 0; n < len(names); n += splitN { max := intrange.Min(len(names), n+splitN) wg.Add(1) go makeRequest(n, max) } wg.Wait() if err := errs.Return(); err != nil { return info, err } for k := range info { seen[info[k].Name] = k } for _, name := range names { i, ok := seen[name] if !ok && !warnings.Ignore.Get(name) { warnings.Missing = append(warnings.Missing, name) continue } pkg := info[i] if pkg.Maintainer == "" && !warnings.Ignore.Get(name) { warnings.Orphans = append(warnings.Orphans, name) } if pkg.OutOfDate != 0 && !warnings.Ignore.Get(name) { warnings.OutOfDate = append(warnings.OutOfDate, name) } } return info, nil } func AURInfoPrint(ctx context.Context, aurClient rpc.ClientInterface, names []string, splitN int) ([]Pkg, error) { text.OperationInfoln(gotext.Get("Querying AUR...")) warnings := NewWarnings(nil) info, err := AURInfo(ctx, aurClient, names, warnings, splitN) if err != nil { return info, err } warnings.Print() return info, nil }