diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a5cfbdb --- /dev/null +++ b/po/eu.po @@ -0,0 +1,641 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-17 17:34+0200\n" +"Language-Team: None\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-17 17:34+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: David Revillas \n" +"Language: eu\n" + +#: install.go:561 +msgid " (Build Files Exist)" +msgstr " (Konpilazio fitxategiak existitzen dira)" + +#: install.go:557 +msgid " (Installed)" +msgstr " (Instalatuta)" + +#: depCheck.go:279 +msgid " (Target" +msgstr " (Helburu" + +#: depCheck.go:281 +msgid " (Wanted by: " +msgstr " (Beharra: " + +#: callbacks.go:72 +msgid " Input too long" +msgstr "Sarrera luzeegia" + +#: cmd.go:442 +msgid " [Installed]" +msgstr " [Instalatuta]" + +#: cmd.go:398 install.go:164 install.go:198 +msgid " there is nothing to do" +msgstr "ez dago ezer egiteko" + +#: depCheck.go:170 +msgid "%s Installing %s will remove:" +msgstr "%s %s instalatzeak ezabatuko du:" + +#: install.go:581 install.go:656 install.go:663 +msgid "%s [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)" +msgstr "%s [A]Guztiak [Ab]ortatu [I]nstalatutak [No]Ez instalatutak o (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)" + +#: download.go:273 +msgid "%s already downloaded -- use -f to overwrite" +msgstr "%s deskargatuta dago -- erabili -f gainidazteko" + +#: install.go:1084 +msgid "%s already made -- skipping build" +msgstr "%s eginda dago jada -- konpilazioa alde batera uzten" + +#: main.go:24 main.go:32 +msgid "%s and %s unset" +msgstr "%s eta %s ezarri gabe" + +#: config.go:263 +msgid "%s is not set" +msgstr "%s ezarri gabe" + +#: exec.go:70 +msgid "%s is present." +msgstr "%s presente dago." + +#: install.go:1073 +msgid "%s is up to date -- skipping" +msgstr "%s eguneratuta dago - alde batera uzten" + +#: install.go:1006 +msgid "%s not satisfied, flushing install queue" +msgstr "%s ez da betetzen, instalazio ilara ezabatzen" + +#: install.go:750 +msgid "%s: No changes -- skipping" +msgstr "%s: Aldaketarik ez -- alde batera uzten" + +#: utils.go:47 +msgid "%s: can't use target with option --aur -- skipping" +msgstr "%s: ezin da helburua --aur aukerarekin erabili -- alde batera uzten" + +#: utils.go:42 +msgid "%s: can't use target with option --repo -- skipping" +msgstr "%s: ezin da helburua --repo aukerarekin erabili -- alde batera uzten" + +#: upgrade.go:272 +msgid "%s: ignoring package upgrade (%s => %s)" +msgstr "%s: paketearen eguneraketa alde batera uzten (%s => %s)" + +#: upgrade.go:289 +msgid "%s: local (%s) is newer than AUR (%s)" +msgstr "%s: pakete lokala (%s) AUR-en (%s) baino berriagoa da" + +#: download.go:298 +msgid "(%d/%d) Downloaded PKGBUILD from ABS: %s" +msgstr "(%d/%d) PKGBUILD ABS-tik lortuta: %s" + +#: install.go:803 +msgid "(%d/%d) Parsing SRCINFO: %s" +msgstr "(%d/%d) SRCINFO aztertzen: %s" + +#: print.go:102 print.go:143 +msgid "(Installed)" +msgstr "(Instalatuta)" + +#: print.go:100 print.go:141 +msgid "(Installed: %s)" +msgstr "(Instalatuta: %s)" + +#: print.go:91 +msgid "(Orphaned)" +msgstr "(Umezurtz)" + +#: print.go:95 +msgid "(Out-of-date: %s)" +msgstr "(Zaharkituta: %s)" + +#: print.go:291 +msgid "AUR URL" +msgstr "AUR-en URL-a" + +#: config.go:264 +msgid "Add %s or %s to your environment variables" +msgstr "Gehitu %s edo %s zure ingurune aldagaietara" + +#: main.go:225 +msgid "Avoid running yay as root/sudo." +msgstr "yay root/sudo bezala exekutatzea saihestu" + +#: print.go:297 +msgid "Check Deps" +msgstr "Deps egiaztatzen" + +#: upgrade.go:165 +msgid "Checking development packages..." +msgstr "Garapen paketeak egiaztatzen" + +#: depCheck.go:137 +msgid "Checking for conflicts..." +msgstr "Gatazkak bilatzen..." + +#: depCheck.go:144 +msgid "Checking for inner conflicts..." +msgstr "Barneko gatazkak bilatzen..." + +#: clean.go:213 +msgid "Cleaning (%d/%d): %s" +msgstr "(%d/%d) garbitzen: %s" + +#: depCheck.go:196 +msgid "Conflicting packages will have to be confirmed manually" +msgstr "Pakete gatazkatsuak eskuz egiaztatu beharko dira" + +#: print.go:299 +msgid "Conflicts With" +msgstr "Gatazka" + +#: depCheck.go:273 +msgid "Could not find all required packages:" +msgstr "Pakete guztiak ez dira aurkitu:" + +#: clean.go:229 +msgid "Deleting (%d/%d): %s" +msgstr "(%d/%d) ezabatzen: %s" + +#: print.go:295 +msgid "Depends On" +msgstr "Behar du" + +#: print.go:289 +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Deskribapena" + +#: install.go:655 +msgid "Diffs to show?" +msgstr "Diffs-ak erakutsi?" + +#: clean.go:89 +msgid "Do you want to remove ALL AUR packages from cache?" +msgstr "Katxen dauden AUR pakete guztiak kendu nahi dituzu?" + +#: clean.go:106 +msgid "Do you want to remove ALL untracked AUR files?" +msgstr "Kontrolatu gabe AUR fitxategi guztiak kendu nahi dituzu?" + +#: clean.go:91 +msgid "Do you want to remove all other AUR packages from cache?" +msgstr "Katxen dauden beste AUR paketeak kendu nahi dituzu?" + +#: install.go:891 +msgid "Downloaded PKGBUILD (%d/%d): %s" +msgstr "(%d/%d) PKGBUILD-ak lortuta: %s" + +#: config.go:267 +msgid "Edit PKGBUILD with?" +msgstr "¿PKGBUILD-a zerekin editatu?" + +#: cmd.go:342 +msgid "Error during AUR search: %s\n" +msgstr "Zerbait gaizki atera da AUR-en bilatzean: %s\n" + +#: print.go:358 +msgid "Explicitly installed packages: %s" +msgstr "Esplizituki instalatutako paketeak: %s" + +#: print.go:303 +msgid "First Submitted" +msgstr "Lehenengo bidalita" + +#: print.go:44 +msgid "Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages:" +msgstr "Zaharkiturik bezala markutata dauden AUR paketeak:" + +#: vcs.go:146 +msgid "Found git repo: %s" +msgstr "git biltegia aurkituta: %s" + +#: vcs.go:63 +msgid "GenDB finished. No packages were installed" +msgstr "GenDB amaitu da. Ez da paketerik instalatu" + +#: print.go:292 +msgid "Groups" +msgstr "Taldeak" + +#: keys.go:84 +msgid "Import?" +msgstr "Inportatu?" + +#: keys.go:97 +msgid "Importing keys with gpg..." +msgstr "Gpg-rekin giltzak inportatzen" + +#: print.go:287 +msgid "Keywords" +msgstr "Gako-hitzak" + +#: print.go:304 +msgid "Last Modified" +msgstr "Azken aldaketa" + +#: print.go:293 +msgid "Licenses" +msgstr "Lizentzia" + +#: print.go:300 +msgid "Maintainer" +msgstr "Arduraduna" + +#: print.go:296 +msgid "Make Deps" +msgstr "Deps-ak egin" + +#: download.go:281 +msgid "Missing ABS packages:" +msgstr "Faltan dauden ABS paketeak:" + +#: print.go:28 +msgid "Missing AUR Packages:" +msgstr "Faltan dauden AUR paketeak:" + +#: print.go:286 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "Izena" + +#: pkg/text/print.go:50 +msgid "None" +msgstr "Deus ez" + +#: print.go:298 +msgid "Optional Deps" +msgstr "Hautazko Deps" + +#: print.go:36 +msgid "Orphaned AUR Packages:" +msgstr "Umezurtz geratu diren AUR paketeak:" + +#: print.go:307 print.go:309 +msgid "Out-of-date" +msgstr "Zaharkituta" + +#: keys.go:115 +msgid "PGP keys need importing:" +msgstr "Inportatzeko PGP giltzak:" + +#: install.go:872 +msgid "PKGBUILD up to date, Skipping (%d/%d): %s" +msgstr "PKGBUILD eguneratuta, (%d/%d) alde batera uzten: %s" + +#: install.go:662 +msgid "PKGBUILDs to edit?" +msgstr "Editatzeko PKGBUILD-ak?" + +#: print.go:314 +msgid "Package Base ID" +msgstr "Pakete basearen IDa" + +#: print.go:315 +msgid "Package Base" +msgstr "Pakete basea" + +#: install.go:580 +msgid "Packages to cleanBuild?" +msgstr "cleanBuild egiteko paketeak?" + +#: upgrade.go:363 +msgid "Packages to exclude: (eg: \"1 2 3\", \"1-3\", \"^4\" or repo name)" +msgstr "Kanpoan uzteko paketeak: (eg: \"1 2 3\", \"1-3\", \"^4\" edo repo-ren izena)" + +#: cmd.go:346 +msgid "Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)" +msgstr "Instalatzeko paketeak (eg.: 1 2 3, 1-3 edo ^4)" + +#: upgrade.go:360 +msgid "Packages to upgrade." +msgstr "Eguneratzeko paketeak." + +#: print.go:302 +msgid "Popularity" +msgstr "Ospea" + +#: install.go:267 install.go:307 +msgid "Proceed with install?" +msgstr "Instalatu?" + +#: print.go:294 +msgid "Provides" +msgstr "Hornitu" + +#: query.go:568 +msgid "Querying AUR..." +msgstr "AUR-en bilatzen" + +#: install.go:219 +msgid "Remove make dependencies after install?" +msgstr "Deps ezabatu instalatu ostean?" + +#: callbacks.go:46 +msgid "Repository " +msgstr "Biltegia " + +#: print.go:618 +msgid "Repository AUR" +msgstr "AUR biltegia" + +#: print.go:285 +msgid "Repository" +msgstr "Biltegia" + +#: upgrade.go:148 +msgid "Searching AUR for updates..." +msgstr "Eguneratzeak AUR-en bilatzen..." + +#: upgrade.go:138 +msgid "Searching databases for updates..." +msgstr "Datu baseetan eguneratzeak bilatzen ..." + +#: cmd.go:343 query.go:235 +msgid "Showing repo packages only" +msgstr "Biltegietako paketeak soilik erakusten" + +#: print.go:316 +msgid "Snapshot URL" +msgstr "Snapshot-aren URLa" + +#: print.go:361 +msgid "Ten biggest packages:" +msgstr "Hamar pakete handienak:" + +#: install.go:479 +msgid "The following packages are not compatible with your architecture:" +msgstr "Ondorengo paketeak ez dira zure arkitekturarekin bateragarriak:" + +#: callbacks.go:36 print.go:615 +msgid "There are %d providers available for %s:" +msgstr "%d hornitzaile eskuragarri %s -entzat:" + +#: exec.go:71 +msgid "There may be another Pacman instance running. Waiting..." +msgstr "Baliteke, beste Pacman instantzia exekutzan ari izatea. Zain..." + +#: print.go:359 +msgid "Total Size occupied by packages: %s" +msgstr "Pakete guztien pisuera totala: %s" + +#: print.go:357 +msgid "Total foreign installed packages: %s" +msgstr "Kanpotik instalatu egin diren paketeak: %s" + +#: print.go:356 +msgid "Total installed packages: %s" +msgstr "Instalatu egin diren paketeak: %s" + +#: install.go:486 +msgid "Try to build them anyway?" +msgstr "Saiatu konpilatzen hala ere?" + +#: print.go:290 +msgid "URL" +msgstr "URL" + +#: print.go:288 +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Bertsio" + +#: print.go:301 +msgid "Votes" +msgstr "Botoak" + +#: print.go:354 +msgid "Yay version v%s" +msgstr "Yay bertsioa v%s" + +#: install.go:581 install.go:656 install.go:663 +msgid "[N]one" +msgstr "I[N]or ez" + +#: keys.go:122 +msgid "" +"\n" +"%s %s, required by: %s" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"%s %s, beharrezkoa egiteko: %s" + +#: clean.go:94 +msgid "" +"\n" +"Build directory:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Konpilazio bidea:" + +#: callbacks.go:56 print.go:628 +msgid "" +"\n" +"Enter a number (default=1): " +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Idatzi zenbaki bat (lehenetsia=1): " + +#: depCheck.go:153 +msgid "" +"\n" +"Inner conflicts found:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Barne gatazkak aurkitutak:" + +#: depCheck.go:167 +msgid "" +"\n" +"Package conflicts found:" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Pakete gaztakak aurkitutak:" + +#: install.go:268 install.go:308 install.go:487 install.go:591 install.go:674 +msgid "aborting due to user" +msgstr "erabiltzailea dela eta bertan behera uzten" + +#: install.go:513 +msgid "cannot find package name: %v" +msgstr "ezin da paketearen izena bilatu: %v" + +#: install.go:1046 install.go:1118 +msgid "could not find PKGDEST for: %s" +msgstr "ezin da PKGDEST aurkitu %s -entzat" + +#: install.go:790 +msgid "editor did not exit successfully, aborting: %s" +msgstr "editorea ez da behar bezala irten, bertan behera uzten: %s" + +#: download.go:84 download.go:109 +msgid "error cloning %s: %s" +msgstr "%s klonatzen akatsa: %s" + +#: install.go:922 +msgid "error downloading sources: %s" +msgstr "iturriak deskargatzean akatsa: %s" + +#: query.go:234 +msgid "error during AUR search: %s" +msgstr "AUR bilaketa egiterakoan akatsa: %s" + +#: download.go:96 download.go:121 +msgid "error fetching %s: %s" +msgstr "%s lortzen akatsa: %s" + +#: install.go:331 install.go:440 +msgid "error installing repo packages" +msgstr "biltegitik instalatzerakoan akatsa" + +#: install.go:1030 install.go:1070 install.go:1081 install.go:1093 +msgid "error making: %s" +msgstr "konpilazio akatsa: %s" + +#: download.go:135 +msgid "error merging %s: %s" +msgstr "akatsa %s bateratzean: %s" + +#: download.go:89 download.go:114 +msgid "error reading %s" +msgstr "%s irakurtzen akatsa" + +#: install.go:73 +msgid "error refreshing databases" +msgstr "datu-baseak eguneratzerakoan akatsa akatsa" + +#: clean.go:217 download.go:130 +msgid "error resetting %s: %s" +msgstr "%s-n reset egitean huts egin du: %s" + +#: main.go:111 +msgid "failed to create BuildDir directory '%s': %s" +msgstr "(BuildDir) '%s' konpilazio karpeta egiterakoan huts egin du: %s" + +#: main.go:99 +msgid "failed to create cache directory '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' cache karpeta egiterakoan huts egin du: %s" + +#: main.go:91 +msgid "failed to create config directory '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' konfigurazio karpeta egiterakoan huts egin du: %s" + +#: download.go:288 +msgid "failed to get pkgbuild: %s: %s" +msgstr "PKGBUILD lortzean huts egin du: %s: %s" + +#: download.go:296 +msgid "failed to link %s: %s" +msgstr "%s link-a sortzerakoan huts egin du: %s" + +#: main.go:52 +msgid "failed to open config file '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' konfigurazio fitxategia irekitzean huts egin du: %s" + +#: main.go:74 +msgid "failed to open vcs file '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' VCS fitxategia irekitzean huts egin du: %s" + +#: install.go:808 +msgid "failed to parse %s -- skipping: %s" +msgstr "%s irakurtzean huts egin du-- alde batera uzten: %s" + +#: install.go:811 +msgid "failed to parse %s: %s" +msgstr "%s irakurtzean huts egin du: %s" + +#: main.go:59 +msgid "failed to read config file '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' konfigurazio fitxategia irakurtzean huts egin du: %s" + +#: main.go:81 +msgid "failed to read vcs file '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' VCS fitxategia irakurtzean huts egin du: %s" + +#: cmd.go:356 config.go:334 print.go:644 +msgid "input too long" +msgstr "sarrera luzeegia" + +#: callbacks.go:82 print.go:654 +msgid "invalid number: %s" +msgstr "baliogabeko zenbakia: %s" + +#: parser.go:146 +msgid "invalid option '%s'" +msgstr "baliogabeko aukera '%s'" + +#: cmd.go:338 cmd.go:372 cmd.go:389 print.go:78 print.go:121 query.go:230 +msgid "invalid sort mode. Fix with yay -Y --bottomup --save" +msgstr "baliogabeako ordenatzeko modua .' yay -Y --bottomup --save' -rekin zuzendu" + +#: callbacks.go:87 print.go:659 +msgid "invalid value: %d is not between %d and %d" +msgstr "baliogabeko balorea: %d ez dago %d eta %d artean" + +#: keys.go:110 +msgid "no keys to import" +msgstr "inportatzeko giltzarik ez" + +#: cmd.go:319 +msgid "no packages match search" +msgstr "ningún paquete corresponde a la búsqueda " + +#: config.go:299 +msgid "no" +msgstr "ez" + +#: parser.go:136 +msgid "only one operation may be used at a time" +msgstr "aldi berean operazio bakarra erabil daiteke" + +#: print.go:446 +msgid "package '%s' was not found" +msgstr "'%s' paketea ez da aurkitu" + +#: depCheck.go:193 +msgid "package conflicts can not be resolved with noconfirm, aborting" +msgstr "paketeen gatazkak ezin dira noconfirm -ekin konpondu, alde batera uzten" + +#: keys.go:101 +msgid "problem importing keys" +msgstr "Arazoak gakoak inportatzean" + +#: install.go:176 +msgid "refusing to install AUR packages as root, aborting" +msgstr "AUR paketeak root gisa instalatzeari uko egiten, alde batera uzten" + +#: clean.go:114 +msgid "removing AUR packages from cache..." +msgstr "AUR paketeak cache-tik kentzea ..." + +#: clean.go:186 clean.go:208 +msgid "removing untracked AUR files from cache..." +msgstr "ARA fitxategiak cache-tik kentzen ..." + +#: install.go:1127 +msgid "the PKGDEST for %s is listed by makepkg but does not exist: %s" +msgstr "%s -ko PKGDEST-a makepkg-ek behar du, baina ez da existitzen: %s" + +#: main.go:189 +msgid "unable to CreateHandle: %s" +msgstr "ezin da CreateHandle: %s" + +#: cmd.go:175 +msgid "unhandled operation" +msgstr "kontrolik gabeko eragiketa" + +#: cmd.go:439 +msgid "unknown-version" +msgstr "bertsio ezezaguna" + +#: config.go:298 +msgid "yes" +msgstr "bai"