2004-02-07 01:04:13 +00:00

669 lines
17 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This program checks the whole Wine environment configuration.
# (or that's at least what it's supposed to do once it's finished)
# Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Mohr
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# - implement cmdline arguments e.g. for confirmation keypress
# in case of a problem
# - implement it in a much more systematic way. This is a quick hack for now
# (like every Perl program ;-)
# And much more so since I'm NOT a Perl hacker
# - test/tweak on non-Linux systems
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
my $hold = 0;
my $count_tests = 0;
my $count_ok = 0;
my $count_notice = 0;
my $count_suspect = 0;
my $count_bad = 0;
my $count_critical = 0;
my $count_failed = 0;
my $is_notchecked = 0;
my $is_ok = 1;
my $is_notice = 2;
my $is_suspect = 3;
my $is_bad = 4;
my $is_critical = 5;
my $is_failed = 6;
my $factor_suspect = 0.995;
my $factor_bad = 0.95;
my $factor_critical = 0.85;
my $factor_failed = 0.15;
my $correctness = 100.0;
my $indent = 0;
my ($level, $reason, $advice);
my $advice_chmod = "If your user account is supposed to be able to access
it properly, use chmod as root to fix it (\"man chmod\")";
my $advice_fs = "The Filesystem option indicates the filesystem behaviour Wine is supposed to *emulate*, not the filesystem which is there";
my $dev_read = 1;
my $dev_write = 2;
my $dev_open = 4;
select(STDERR); $| = 1; # make unbuffered
select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # make unbuffered
#--------------------------------- main program --------------------------------
#------------------------------- support functions -----------------------------
sub Do_PrintHeader {
my ($str) = @_;
my $len = length($str);
my $num = int((80 - $len - 2)/2);
my $i;
print "\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
print "-";
print " ".$str." ";
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
print "-";
if ($len % 2)
print "-";
print "\n";
sub Do_Check {
my ($text) = @_;
my $test_no;
my $indent_str = "";
$test_no = sprintf("%03d", $count_tests);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++)
$indent_str = $indent_str." ";
print sprintf("%.60s", $test_no.".".$indent_str." Checking ".$text."... ");
sub Do_PrintResult {
my($level, $str, $advice, $skip_score) = @_;
my $err;
my $key;
if ($level == $is_notchecked)
$err = "NOT CHECKED";
$str = "";
$advice = "";
elsif ($level == $is_ok)
$err = "OK";
$str = "";
$advice = "";
elsif ($level == $is_notice)
$err = "NOTICE";
elsif ($level == $is_suspect)
$err = "SUSPICIOUS";
if (! $skip_score)
$correctness *= $factor_suspect;
elsif ($level == $is_bad)
$err = "BAD";
if (! $skip_score)
$correctness *= $factor_bad;
elsif ($level == $is_critical)
$err = "CRITICAL";
if (! $skip_score)
$correctness *= $factor_critical;
elsif ($level == $is_failed)
$err = "FAILED";
if (! $skip_score)
$correctness *= $factor_failed;
print $err;
if ($str)
print " (".$str.")";
print ".";
if ($hold)
print " Press Enter.";
$key = getc(STDIN);
print "\n";
if ($advice)
print "- ADVICE: ".$advice.".\n";
#-------------------------------- main functions ------------------------------
sub Introduction {
print "This script verifies the configuration of the whole Wine environment.\n";
print "Note that this is an ALPHA version, and thus it doesn't catch all problems !\n";
print "The results of the checks are printed on the right side:\n";
print "OK - test passed without problems.\n";
print "NOTICE - Not a problem but something for the user to be aware of.\n";
print "SUSPICIOUS - potentially problematic. You might want to look into that.\n";
print "BAD - This is a problem, and it leads to configuration score penalty.\n";
print "CRITICAL - A critical problem which can easily lead to malfunction.\n";
print "FAILED - This problem leads to Wine failure almost certainly.\n";
print "\nThe result will be printed as a percentage score indicating config completeness.\n";
print "\n";
if ($hold)
my $key;
print "Press Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to exit.";
$key = getc(STDIN);
sub Check_Misc {
Do_PrintHeader("checking miscellaneous stuff");
Do_Check("for root user");
$level = $is_ok;
if (`whoami` =~ /^root$/)
$level = $is_bad;
$reason = "running as root might be insecure/problematic.";
$advice = "don\'t run Wine as root unless you know what you\'re doing";
Do_PrintResult($level, $reason, $advice);
sub Check_BaseFiles {
my $line;
Do_PrintHeader("checking Wine base files");
$level = $is_ok;
Do_Check("for file \"wine\"");
$line = `which wine`;
if (!$line)
$level = $is_failed;
$reason = "file not found";
$advice = "Make sure the \"wine\" command is in your PATH (echo \$PATH; export PATH=xxx)";
Do_PrintResult($level, $reason, $advice);
# check for config mess
$level = $is_ok;
my @output = ();
Do_Check("for correct .so lib config (please wait)");
# Build list of library directories.
# First parse to find system-wide lib directories.
my @dirlist = ();
open (LDCONF, "</etc/");
while (<LDCONF>) {
s/\#.*//; # eliminate comments
if (-d $_) { push @dirlist, $_; }
close (LDCONF);
# Next parse LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find user-specific lib dirs.
my ($dir);
my (@ld_dirs) = split (/:/, $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'});
foreach $dir (@ld_dirs) {
if (-d $dir) { push @dirlist, $dir; }
# Now check for a in each directory
foreach $dir (@dirlist) {
my ($target) = $dir . "/";
if (-f $target) { push @output, $target; }
#print "DEBUG: found libwine: @output\n";
if (@output > 1)
$level = $is_suspect;
my $dirs = "";
foreach $line (@output) {
chomp $line;
$dirs = $dirs." ".$line;
$reason = " found ".@output." times:".$dirs;
$advice = "check whether this is really ok";
Do_PrintResult($level, $reason, $advice);
sub Do_Config_Drive {
my ($drive, $entries, $values) = @_;
my $index = 0;
my $arg;
my $path = "";
my $type = "";
my $label = "";
my $serial = "";
my $device = "";
my $fs = "";
my $unknown = "";
my $level;
my $my_advice_fat = "If that doesn't help, change mount options in case of VFAT (\"umask\" option)";
print "\n>>> Checking drive ".$drive." settings:\n";
$reason = "";
while (@$entries[$index])
$arg = @$values[$index];
SWITCH: for (@$entries[$index]) {
/^path$/i && do { $path = $arg; last; };
/^type$/i && do { $type = $arg; last; };
/^label$/i && do { $label = $arg; last; };
/^serial$/i && do { $serial = $arg; last; };
/^device$/i && do { $device = $arg; last; };
/^filesystem$/i && do { $fs = $arg; last; };
$unknown = @$entries[$index];
my $serious = ($drive =~ /^C$/i) || ($type =~ /^cdrom$/i);
##### check Path #####
Do_Check("Path option");
$level = $is_ok;
$advice = "The syntax of the Path option has to be something like /my/mount/point";
if (! $path)
$level = $serious ? $is_failed : $is_bad;
$reason = "no Path option given in config file";
elsif ($path =~ /\\/)
$level = $serious ? $is_failed : $is_bad;
$reason = "wrong Path format ".$path;
elsif ($path =~ /\%(.*)\%$/)
# get path assigned to environment variable
my $envpath = $ENV{$1};
if (! $envpath)
$level = $serious ? $is_failed : $is_critical;
$reason = "Path \"".$path."\" references environment variable \"".$1."\" which is undefined";
$advice = "set environment variable before starting Wine or give a \"real\" directory instead";
$path = $envpath;
goto PERMCHECK; # hmpf
if (!-e $path)
$level = $serious ? $is_failed : $is_suspect;
$reason = $path." does not exist !";
$advice = "create this directory or point Path to a real directory";
elsif (!-r $path)
$level = $serious ? $is_failed : $is_bad;
$reason = $path." is not readable for you";
$advice = $advice_chmod.". ".$my_advice_fat;
elsif ((! ($type =~ /^cdrom$/i)) && (!-w $path))
$level = ($drive =~ /^C$/i) ? $is_failed : $is_suspect;
$reason = $path." is not writable for you";
$advice = $advice_chmod.". ".$my_advice_fat;
else # check permissions of the drive's directories
my(@output) = ();
push (@output, `find $path 2>&1 1>/dev/null`);
foreach my $line (@output) {
if ($line =~ /find:\ (.*):\ Permission denied$/)
$level = ($drive =~ /^C$/i) ? $is_critical : $is_suspect;
$reason = "directory $1 is not accessible for you";
$advice = $advice_chmod.". ".$my_advice_fat;
Do_PrintResult($level, $reason, $advice);
##### check Type #####
if ($type)
Do_Check("Type option");
$level = $is_ok;
SWITCH: for ($type) {
/^floppy$/i && do { last; };
/^hd$/i && do { last; };
/^network$/i && do { last; };
/^cdrom$/i && do {
if (! $device)
$level = $is_critical;
$reason = "no Device option found -> CD-ROM labels can\'t be read";
$advice = "add Device option and make sure the device given is accessible by you";
my $fs_line = `grep $device /etc/fstab`;
my @entry = split /\s+/, $fs_line;
if (! ($entry[3] =~ /unhide/))
$level = $is_suspect;
$reason = "no unhide option found";
$advice = "add unhide option to fstab, check"
/^ramdisk$/i && do { last; };
if ($type)
$level = $is_bad;
$reason = "invalid Type setting ".$type;
$advice = "use one of \"floppy\", \"hd\", \"network\" or \"cdrom\"";
Do_PrintResult($level, $reason, $advice);
##### FIXME: check Label and Serial here #####
##### check Device #####
if ($device)
my $mode = ($type =~ /^cdrom$/i) ? $dev_read : $dev_read|$dev_write;
&Do_CheckDevice("device", $device, 1, $mode);
##### check Filesystem #####
if ($fs)
Do_Check("Filesystem option");
$level = $is_ok;
SWITCH: for ($fs) {
/^(dos|fat|msdos|unix)$/i && do {
$level = $is_bad;
$reason = "You probably don't want to use \"".$fs."\". ".$advice_fs;
if ($fs =~ /^unix$/i)
$advice = "This should almost never be used";
$advice = "only use ".$fs." if you only have a crappy 8.3 filename (i.e.: non-LFN) DOS FAT kernel filesystem driver";
/^vfat$/i && do { last; };
/^win95$/i && do { last; };
if ($fs)
$level = $is_bad;
$reason = "invalid Filesystem setting ".$type;
$advice = "use one of \"win95\", \"msdos\" or \"unix\"";
Do_PrintResult($level, $reason, $advice);
if ($reason) {
print "--> PROBLEM.\n";
print "--> OK.\n";
sub Do_Config_Main {
my ($file) = shift;
my ($config, $line);
my $section = "";
my (@entries, @values);
LINE: while (<$file>)
$line = $_;
next LINE if ($line =~ /[\ ]*[;#]/); # skip comments
chomp $line;
#print "line: ".$line."\n";
if ($line =~ /\[(.*)\]/) # end of section/next section ?
my $nextsection = $1;
my $found = 1;
SWITCH: for ($section) {
/Drive\ (.)/i && do { &Do_Config_Drive($1, \@entries, \@values); last; };
if ($section)
$found = 0;
$section = $found ? $nextsection : "";
@entries = (); @values = ();
next LINE;
if ($line =~ /^[\ \t]*\"(.*)\"[\ \t]*\=[\ \t]*\"(.*)\"/)
push(@entries, $1);
push(@values, $2);
sub Check_ConfigFile {
my $config = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.wine/config";
my $indrive = 0;
Do_PrintHeader("checking config file");
Do_Check("config file access");
open(CFGFILE, $config);
if (! <CFGFILE>)
if (!-e $config) {
$reason = $config." does not exist";
$advice = "it is ok in case you have ~/.winerc. If you don\'t, then you\'re in trouble";
elsif (!-r $config) {
$reason = $config." not readable";
$advice = $advice_chmod;
Do_PrintResult($is_failed, $reason, $advice);
if (!-w $config)
Do_PrintResult($is_failed, $config." not writable", "wineserver needs to be able to write to config file. ".$advice_chmod);
sub Do_CheckDevice {
my($descr, $dev, $output, $mode) = @_;
my $level = $is_ok;
my $errstr = "";
if (! $mode)
$mode = $dev_read|$dev_write|$dev_open;
($output != -1) && Do_Check($descr." ".$dev);
my $err_level = ($output == 1) ? $is_critical : $is_bad;
if (!-e $dev)
$level = $err_level;
$reason = $dev." does not exist";
$advice = "use MAKEDEV script to create it";
goto FAILED;
if (($mode & $dev_read) && (!-r $dev))
$level = $err_level;
$reason = $dev." is not readable for you";
$advice = $advice_chmod;
goto FAILED;
if (($mode & $dev_write) && (!-w $dev))
$level = $err_level;
$reason = $dev." is not writable for you";
$advice = $advice_chmod;
goto FAILED;
if (($mode & $dev_open) && (!open(DEVICE, ">$dev")))
$level = $err_level;
$reason = "no kernel driver for ".$dev."or used by other program?";
$advice = "module loading problems ? Read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/modules.txt";
goto FAILED;
($output != -1) && Do_PrintResult($level, $reason, $advice);
sub Check_Devices {
# FIXME: check joystick and scsi devices !
my $dev_sound = "/dev/dsp";
my $dev_mixer = "/dev/mixer";
my $dev_sequencer = "/dev/sequencer";
my $dev_mem = "/dev/mem";
Do_PrintHeader("checking system devices used by Wine");
&Do_CheckDevice("sound device", $dev_sound, 1);
&Do_CheckDevice("audio mixer device", $dev_mixer, 1);
&Do_CheckDevice("MIDI sequencer device", $dev_sequencer, 0);
sub Check_Registry {
my(@entries) = ();
my $regfile = $ENV{'HOME'}."/.wine/system.reg";
Do_PrintHeader("checking registry configuration");
Do_Check("availability of winedefault.reg entries");
push (@entries, `grep "SHAREDMEMLOCATION" $regfile 2>/dev/null`);
if (@entries)
Do_PrintResult($is_critical, "entry \"SHAREDMEMLOCATION\" not found in system.reg registry file", "file winedefault.reg, the most basic wine registry environment, doesn't seem to have been applied using regedit");
@entries = ();
Do_Check("availability of windows registry entries");
# FIXME: use a different key for check if Wine adds this one to its
# default registry.
push (@entries, `grep "Default Taskbar" $regfile 2>/dev/null`);
if (@entries)
Do_PrintResult($is_notice, "entry \"Default Taskbar\" not found", "A Windows registry does not seem to have been added to Wine as this typical Windows registry entry does not exist in Wine's registry. A complete original Windows registry entry set will *not* be available with a no-windows install. Usually this will present no problem in running applications although this can affect newer programs. Feel free to ignore this message in case you do use a Windows registry, but have the SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys config setting set to N.");
@entries = ();
sub Check_WindowsFiles {
sub Print_Score {
# my ($score_total, $score_reached, $score_percent);
# $score_total = $count_tests * 20;
# $score_reached = $count_ok * 20 +
# $count_bad * 15 +
# $count_critical * 5 +
# $count_failed * 0;
# $score_percent = $score_reached * 100 / $score_total;
print "\n";
print $count_tests." tests. ".$count_suspect." suspicious, ".$count_bad." bad, ".$count_critical." critical, ".$count_failed." failed.\n";
print sprintf "Wine configuration correctness score: %2.2f%%\n", $correctness;