
4160 lines
115 KiB

* WoW64 User functions
* Copyright 2021 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "ntstatus.h"
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "ntuser.h"
#include "wow64win_private.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
typedef struct
DWORD cbSize;
DWORD fMask;
DWORD dwStyle;
UINT cyMax;
ULONG hbrBack;
DWORD dwContextHelpID;
ULONG dwMenuData;
typedef struct
UINT cbSize;
UINT fMask;
UINT fType;
UINT fState;
UINT32 hSubMenu;
UINT32 hbmpChecked;
UINT32 hbmpUnchecked;
UINT32 dwItemData;
UINT32 dwTypeData;
UINT cch;
UINT32 hbmpItem;
typedef struct
UINT32 hwnd;
UINT message;
UINT32 wParam;
UINT32 lParam;
DWORD time;
} MSG32;
typedef struct
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwSize;
UINT32 hDevice;
UINT32 wParam;
typedef struct
USHORT usUsagePage;
USHORT usUsage;
DWORD dwFlags;
UINT32 hwndTarget;
typedef struct
UINT32 hDevice;
DWORD dwType;
typedef struct
LONG dx;
LONG dy;
DWORD mouseData;
DWORD dwFlags;
DWORD time;
ULONG dwExtraInfo;
typedef struct
WORD wScan;
DWORD dwFlags;
DWORD time;
ULONG dwExtraInfo;
typedef struct
DWORD type;
} INPUT32;
typedef struct
int x;
int y;
DWORD time;
ULONG dwExtraInfo;
typedef struct
UINT32 hdc;
BOOL fErase;
RECT rcPaint;
BOOL fRestore;
BOOL fIncUpdate;
BYTE rgbReserved[32];
typedef struct
ULONG lpCreateParams;
ULONG hInstance;
ULONG hMenu;
ULONG hwndParent;
INT cy;
INT cx;
INT y;
INT x;
LONG style;
ULONG lpszName;
ULONG lpszClass;
DWORD dwExStyle;
typedef struct
LONG lResult;
LONG lParam;
LONG wParam;
DWORD message;
ULONG hwnd;
typedef struct
ULONG hwnd;
ULONG hwndInsertAfter;
INT x;
INT y;
INT cx;
INT cy;
UINT flags;
typedef struct
UINT CtlType;
UINT itemID;
UINT itemWidth;
UINT itemHeight;
ULONG itemData;
typedef struct
UINT CtlType;
UINT itemID;
UINT itemAction;
UINT itemState;
ULONG hwndItem;
RECT rcItem;
ULONG itemData;
typedef struct
ULONG lParam;
ULONG wParam;
UINT message;
ULONG hwnd;
typedef struct
ULONG hwnd;
UINT wHitTestCode;
ULONG dwExtraInfo;
DWORD mouseData;
typedef struct
DWORD mouseData;
DWORD flags;
DWORD time;
ULONG dwExtraInfo;
typedef struct
DWORD vkCode;
DWORD scanCode;
DWORD flags;
DWORD time;
ULONG dwExtraInfo;
typedef struct
UINT message;
UINT paramL;
UINT paramH;
DWORD time;
ULONG hwnd;
typedef struct
BOOL fMouse;
ULONG hWndActive;
typedef struct
UINT CtlType;
UINT itemID;
ULONG hwndItem;
ULONG itemData;
typedef struct
UINT cbSize;
UINT style;
ULONG lpfnWndProc;
INT cbClsExtra;
INT cbWndExtra;
ULONG hInstance;
ULONG hIcon;
ULONG hCursor;
ULONG hbrBackground;
ULONG lpszMenuName;
ULONG lpszClassName;
ULONG hIconSm;
struct client_menu_name32
ULONG nameA;
ULONG nameW;
struct win_proc_params32
ULONG func;
ULONG hwnd;
UINT msg;
ULONG wparam;
ULONG lparam;
ULONG result;
BOOL ansi;
BOOL ansi_dst;
BOOL needs_unpack;
enum wm_char_mapping mapping;
ULONG dpi_awareness;
ULONG procA;
ULONG procW;
struct win_event_hook_params32
DWORD event;
ULONG hwnd;
LONG object_id;
LONG child_id;
ULONG handle;
DWORD tid;
DWORD time;
ULONG proc;
struct draw_text_params32
ULONG hdc;
int count;
RECT rect;
ULONG ret_rect;
UINT flags;
WCHAR str[1];
struct unpack_dde_message_params32
ULONG result;
ULONG hwnd;
UINT message;
LONG wparam;
LONG lparam;
char data[1];
static MSG *msg_32to64( MSG *msg, const MSG32 *msg32 )
if (!msg32) return NULL;
msg->hwnd = LongToHandle( msg32->hwnd );
msg->message = msg32->message;
msg->wParam = msg32->wParam;
msg->lParam = msg32->lParam;
msg->time = msg32->time;
msg->pt = msg32->pt;
return msg;
static MSG32 *msg_64to32( const MSG *msg, MSG32 *msg32 )
if (!msg32) return NULL;
msg32->hwnd = HandleToUlong( msg->hwnd );
msg32->message = msg->message;
msg32->wParam = msg->wParam;
msg32->lParam = msg->lParam;
msg32->time = msg->time;
msg32->pt = msg->pt;
return msg32;
static struct client_menu_name *client_menu_name_32to64( struct client_menu_name *name,
const struct client_menu_name32 *name32 )
if (!name32) return NULL;
name->nameA = UlongToPtr( name32->nameA );
name->nameW = UlongToPtr( name32->nameW );
name->nameUS = UlongToPtr( name32->nameUS );
return name;
static struct client_menu_name32 *client_menu_name_64to32( const struct client_menu_name *name,
struct client_menu_name32 *name32 )
if (name32)
name32->nameA = PtrToUlong( name->nameA );
name32->nameW = PtrToUlong( name->nameW );
name32->nameUS = PtrToUlong( name->nameUS );
return name32;
static void win_proc_params_64to32( const struct win_proc_params *src, struct win_proc_params32 *dst,
ULONG *result )
dst->func = PtrToUlong( src->func );
dst->hwnd = HandleToUlong( src->hwnd );
dst->msg = src->msg;
dst->wparam = src->wparam;
dst->lparam = src->lparam;
dst->result = PtrToUlong( result );
dst->ansi = src->ansi;
dst->ansi_dst = src->ansi_dst;
dst->needs_unpack = src->needs_unpack;
dst->mapping = src->mapping;
dst->dpi_awareness = HandleToUlong( src->dpi_awareness );
dst->procA = PtrToUlong( src->procA );
dst->procW = PtrToUlong( src->procW );
static void createstruct_32to64( const CREATESTRUCT32 *from, CREATESTRUCTW *to )
to->lpCreateParams = UlongToPtr( from->lpCreateParams );
to->hInstance = UlongToPtr( from->hInstance );
to->hMenu = LongToHandle( from->hMenu );
to->hwndParent = LongToHandle( from->hwndParent );
to->cy = from->cy;
to->cx = from->cx;
to->y = from->y;
to->x = from->x;
to->style = from->style;
to->dwExStyle = from->dwExStyle;
to->lpszName = UlongToPtr( from->lpszName );
to->lpszClass = UlongToPtr( from->lpszClass );
static void createstruct_64to32( const CREATESTRUCTW *from, CREATESTRUCT32 *to )
to->lpCreateParams = PtrToUlong( from->lpCreateParams );
to->hInstance = PtrToUlong( from->hInstance );
to->hMenu = HandleToUlong( from->hMenu );
to->hwndParent = HandleToUlong( from->hwndParent );
to->cy = from->cy;
to->cx = from->cx;
to->y = from->y;
to->x = from->x;
to->style = from->style;
to->dwExStyle = from->dwExStyle;
static void winpos_32to64( WINDOWPOS *dst, const WINDOWPOS32 *src )
dst->hwnd = LongToHandle( src->hwnd );
dst->hwndInsertAfter = LongToHandle( src->hwndInsertAfter );
dst->x = src->x;
dst->y = src->y;
dst->cx = src->cx;
dst->cy = src->cy;
dst->flags = src->flags;
static void winpos_64to32( const WINDOWPOS *src, WINDOWPOS32 *dst )
dst->hwnd = HandleToUlong( src->hwnd );
dst->hwndInsertAfter = HandleToUlong( src->hwndInsertAfter );
dst->x = src->x;
dst->y = src->y;
dst->cx = src->cx;
dst->cy = src->cy;
dst->flags = src->flags;
static PAINTSTRUCT *paintstruct_32to64( PAINTSTRUCT *ps, const PAINTSTRUCT32 *ps32 )
if (!ps32) return NULL;
ps->hdc = ULongToHandle( ps32->hdc );
ps->fErase = ps32->fErase;
ps->rcPaint = ps32->rcPaint;
ps->fRestore = ps32->fRestore;
ps->fIncUpdate = ps32->fIncUpdate;
return ps;
static MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX32 *mousehookstruct_64to32( const MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX *hook,
if (!hook) return NULL;
hook32->pt = hook->pt;
hook32->hwnd = HandleToUlong( hook->hwnd );
hook32->wHitTestCode = hook->wHitTestCode;
hook32->dwExtraInfo = hook->dwExtraInfo;
hook32->mouseData = hook->mouseData;
return hook32;
static NTSTATUS dispatch_callback( ULONG id, void *args, ULONG len )
void *ret_ptr;
ULONG ret_len;
NTSTATUS status = Wow64KiUserCallbackDispatcher( id, args, len, &ret_ptr, &ret_len );
return NtCallbackReturn( ret_ptr, ret_len, status );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallEnumDisplayMonitor( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct enum_display_monitor_params *params = arg;
ULONG proc;
ULONG monitor;
ULONG hdc;
RECT rect;
ULONG lparam;
} params32;
params32.proc = PtrToUlong( params->proc );
params32.monitor = HandleToUlong( params->monitor );
params32.hdc = HandleToUlong( params->hdc );
params32.rect = params->rect;
params32.lparam = params->lparam;
return dispatch_callback( NtUserCallEnumDisplayMonitor, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallSendAsyncCallback( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct send_async_params *params = arg;
ULONG callback;
ULONG hwnd;
UINT msg;
ULONG data;
ULONG result;
} params32;
params32.callback = PtrToUlong( params->callback );
params32.hwnd = HandleToUlong( params->hwnd );
params32.msg = params->msg; = params->data;
params32.result = params->result;
return dispatch_callback( NtUserCallSendAsyncCallback, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallWinEventHook( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct win_event_hook_params *params = arg;
struct win_event_hook_params32 params32;
params32.event = params->event;
params32.hwnd = HandleToUlong( params->hwnd );
params32.object_id = params->object_id;
params32.child_id = params->child_id;
params32.handle = HandleToUlong( params->handle );
params32.tid = params->tid;
params32.time = params->time;
params32.proc = PtrToUlong( params->proc );
size -= FIELD_OFFSET( struct win_event_hook_params, module );
if (size) memcpy( params32.module, params->module, size );
return dispatch_callback( NtUserCallWinEventHook, &params32,
FIELD_OFFSET( struct win_event_hook_params32, module ) + size);
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallWinProc( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct win_proc_params *params = arg;
struct win_proc_params32 params32_buf, *params32 = &params32_buf;
LONG result32 = 0;
LRESULT result;
void *ret_ptr;
ULONG ret_len;
NTSTATUS status;
if (size > sizeof(*params))
if (!(params32 = Wow64AllocateTemp( size - sizeof(*params) + sizeof(*params32) )))
return 0;
memcpy( params32 + 1, params + 1, size - sizeof(*params) );
win_proc_params_64to32( params, params32, NULL );
status = Wow64KiUserCallbackDispatcher( NtUserCallWinProc, params32,
size - sizeof(*params) + sizeof(*params32),
&ret_ptr, &ret_len );
if (ret_len == sizeof(result32)) result32 = *(LONG *)ret_ptr;
result = result32;
if (params->result)
*params->result = result;
return status;
return NtCallbackReturn( &result, sizeof(result), status );
static UINT hook_lparam_64to32( struct win_hook_params *params, const void *lp, void *lp32 )
if (!params->lparam_size) return 0;
switch (params->id)
msg_64to32( lp, lp32 );
return sizeof(MSG32);
case WH_CBT:
switch (params->code)
if (lp)
const CREATESTRUCTW *cs = lp;
CREATESTRUCT32 *cs32 = lp32;
createstruct_64to32( cs, cs32 );
cs32->lpszName = PtrToUlong( cs->lpszName );
cs32->lpszClass = PtrToUlong( cs->lpszClass );
return sizeof(CREATESTRUCT32);
if (lp)
const CBTACTIVATESTRUCT *cbt = lp;
CBTACTIVATESTRUCT32 *cbt32 = lp32;
cbt32->fMouse = cbt->fMouse;
cbt32->hWndActive = HandleToUlong( cbt->hWndActive );
return sizeof(CBTACTIVATESTRUCT32);
mousehookstruct_64to32( lp, lp32 );
return sizeof(MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX32);
if (lp)
const CWPSTRUCT *cwp = lp;
CWPSTRUCT32 *cwp32 = lp32;
cwp32->lParam = cwp->lParam;
cwp32->wParam = cwp->wParam;
cwp32->message = cwp->message;
cwp32->hwnd = HandleToUlong( cwp->hwnd );
return sizeof(CWPSTRUCT32);
if (lp)
const CWPRETSTRUCT *cwpret = lp;
CWPRETSTRUCT32 *cwpret32 = lp32;
cwpret32->lResult = cwpret->lResult;
cwpret32->lParam = cwpret->lParam;
cwpret32->wParam = cwpret->wParam;
cwpret32->message = cwpret->message;
cwpret32->hwnd = HandleToUlong( cwpret->hwnd );
return sizeof(CWPRETSTRUCT32);
case WH_MOUSE:
mousehookstruct_64to32( lp, lp32 );
return sizeof(MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTEX32);
if (lp)
const MSLLHOOKSTRUCT *hook = lp;
MSLLHOOKSTRUCT32 *hook32 = lp32;
hook32->pt = hook->pt;
hook32->mouseData = hook->mouseData;
hook32->flags = hook->flags;
hook32->time = hook->time;
hook32->dwExtraInfo = hook->dwExtraInfo;
return sizeof(MSLLHOOKSTRUCT32);
if (lp)
const KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *hook = lp;
KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT32 *hook32 = lp32;
hook32->vkCode = hook->vkCode;
hook32->scanCode = hook->scanCode;
hook32->flags = hook->flags;
hook32->time = hook->time;
hook32->dwExtraInfo = hook->dwExtraInfo;
return sizeof(KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT32);
if (lp)
const EVENTMSG *event = lp;
EVENTMSG32 *event32 = lp32;
event32->message = event->message;
event32->paramL = event->paramL;
event32->paramH = event->paramH;
event32->time = event->time;
event32->hwnd = HandleToUlong( event->hwnd );
return sizeof(EVENTMSG32);
if (lp) memcpy( lp32, lp, params->lparam_size );
return params->lparam_size;
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallWindowsHook( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct win_hook_params *params = arg;
ULONG proc;
ULONG handle;
DWORD pid;
DWORD tid;
int id;
int code;
ULONG wparam;
ULONG lparam;
UINT lparam_size;
BOOL prev_unicode;
BOOL next_unicode;
} *params32;
void *ret_lparam = (void *)params->lparam;
UINT lparam32_size = 0, module_size, size32;
void *ret_ptr;
ULONG ret_len;
lparam32_size = hook_lparam_64to32( params, NULL, NULL );
module_size = size - params->lparam_size - sizeof(*params);
size32 = sizeof(*params32) + lparam32_size + module_size;
if (!(params32 = Wow64AllocateTemp( size32 ))) return 0;
params32->proc = (UINT_PTR)params->proc;
params32->handle = HandleToUlong( params->handle );
params32->pid = params->pid;
params32->tid = params->tid;
params32->id = params->id;
params32->code = params->code;
params32->wparam = params->wparam;
params32->lparam = params->lparam_size ? 0 : params->lparam;
params32->lparam_size = lparam32_size;
params32->prev_unicode = params->prev_unicode;
params32->next_unicode = params->next_unicode;
if (lparam32_size) hook_lparam_64to32( params, params + 1, params32 + 1 );
if (module_size)
memcpy( (char *)(params32 + 1) + params32->lparam_size,
(const char *)params + size - module_size, module_size );
ret = Wow64KiUserCallbackDispatcher( NtUserCallWindowsHook, params32, size32, &ret_ptr, &ret_len );
switch (params->id)
msg_32to64( (MSG *)(params + 1), (const MSG32 *)(params32 + 1) );
if (ret_lparam)
memcpy( ret_lparam, params + 1, params->lparam_size );
return ret;
return NtCallbackReturn( params + 1, params->lparam_size, ret );
return ret;
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCopyImage( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct copy_image_params *params = arg;
ULONG hwnd;
UINT type;
INT dx;
INT dy;
UINT flags;
} params32;
params32.hwnd = HandleToUlong( params->hwnd );
params32.type = params->type;
params32.dx = params->dx;
params32.dy = params->dy;
params32.flags = params->flags;
return dispatch_callback( NtUserCopyImage, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDrawNonClientButton( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct draw_non_client_button_params *params = arg;
ULONG hwnd;
ULONG hdc;
RECT rect;
BOOL down;
BOOL grayed;
} params32;
params32.hwnd = HandleToUlong( params->hwnd );
params32.hdc = HandleToUlong( params->hdc );
params32.type = params->type;
params32.rect = params->rect;
params32.down = params->down;
params32.grayed = params->grayed;
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDrawNonClientButton, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDrawScrollBar( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct draw_scroll_bar_params *params = arg;
ULONG hwnd;
ULONG hdc;
INT bar;
UINT hit_test;
ULONG win;
INT bar;
INT thumb_pos;
INT thumb_val;
BOOL vertical;
enum SCROLL_HITTEST hit_test;
} tracking_info;
BOOL arrows;
BOOL interior;
RECT rect;
UINT enable_flags;
INT arrow_size;
INT thumb_pos;
INT thumb_size;
BOOL vertical;
} params32;
params32.hwnd = HandleToUlong( params->hwnd );
params32.hdc = HandleToUlong( params->hdc ); = params->bar;
params32.hit_test = params->hit_test; = HandleToUlong( params-> ); = params->;
params32.tracking_info.thumb_pos = params->tracking_info.thumb_pos;
params32.tracking_info.thumb_val = params->tracking_info.thumb_val;
params32.tracking_info.vertical = params->tracking_info.vertical;
params32.tracking_info.hit_test = params->tracking_info.hit_test;
params32.arrows = params->arrows;
params32.interior = params->interior;
params32.rect = params->rect;
params32.enable_flags = params->enable_flags;
params32.arrow_size = params->arrow_size;
params32.thumb_pos = params->thumb_pos;
params32.thumb_size = params->thumb_size;
params32.vertical = params->vertical;
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDrawScrollBar, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDrawText( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct draw_text_params *params = arg;
struct draw_text_params32 *params32;
RECT *rect_ptr = params->ret_rect;
ULONG ret_len;
void *ret_ptr;
params32 = (struct draw_text_params32 *)(params + 1) - 1;
params32->flags = params->flags;
params32->ret_rect = 0;
params32->rect = params->rect;
params32->count = params->count;
params32->hdc = HandleToUlong( params->hdc );
ret = Wow64KiUserCallbackDispatcher( NtUserDrawText, params32,
size - sizeof(*params) + sizeof(*params32), &ret_ptr, &ret_len );
if (ret_len == sizeof(RECT) && rect_ptr)
*rect_ptr = *(const RECT *)ret_ptr;
return ret;
return NtCallbackReturn( ret_ptr, ret_len, ret );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserFreeCachedClipboardData( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct free_cached_data_params *params = arg;
UINT format;
ULONG handle;
} params32;
params32.format = params->format;
params32.handle = HandleToUlong( params->handle );
return dispatch_callback( NtUserFreeCachedClipboardData, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserImmProcessKey( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct imm_process_key_params *params = arg;
ULONG hwnd;
ULONG hkl;
UINT vkey;
ULONG key_data;
} params32;
params32.hwnd = HandleToUlong( params->hwnd );
params32.hkl = HandleToUlong( params->hkl );
params32.vkey = params->vkey;
params32.key_data = params->key_data;
return dispatch_callback( NtUserImmProcessKey, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserImmTranslateMessage( void *arg, ULONG size )
FIXME( "\n" );
return 0;
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserInitBuiltinClasses( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserInitBuiltinClasses, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserLoadDriver( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserLoadDriver, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserLoadImage( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct load_image_params *params = arg;
ULONG hinst;
ULONG name;
UINT type;
INT dx;
INT dy;
UINT flags;
} params32;
params32.hinst = PtrToUlong( params->hinst ); = PtrToUlong( params->name );
params32.type = params->type;
params32.dx = params->dx;
params32.dy = params->dy;
params32.flags = params->flags;
return dispatch_callback( NtUserLoadImage, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserLoadSysMenu( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserLoadSysMenu, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserPostDDEMessage( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct post_dde_message_params *params = arg;
ULONG hwnd;
UINT msg;
LONG wparam;
LONG lparam;
DWORD dest_tid;
DWORD type;
} params32;
params32.hwnd = HandleToUlong( params->hwnd );
params32.msg = params->msg;
params32.wparam = params->wparam;
params32.lparam = params->lparam;
params32.dest_tid = params->dest_tid;
params32.type = params->type;
return dispatch_callback( NtUserPostDDEMessage, &params32, sizeof(params32) );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserRenderSynthesizedFormat( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserRenderSynthesizedFormat, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserUnpackDDEMessage( void *arg, ULONG size )
struct unpack_dde_message_params *params = arg;
struct unpack_dde_message_params32 *params32;
struct unpack_dde_message_result result;
LONG wparam;
LONG lparam;
} *result32;
void *ret_ptr;
ULONG ret_len;
size -= FIELD_OFFSET( struct unpack_dde_message_params, data );
if (!(params32 = Wow64AllocateTemp( FIELD_OFFSET( struct unpack_dde_message_params32, data[size] ))))
return 0;
params32->result = 0;
params32->hwnd = HandleToUlong( params->hwnd );
params32->message = params->message;
params32->wparam = params->wparam;
params32->lparam = params->lparam;
if (size) memcpy( params32->data, params->data, size );
size = FIELD_OFFSET( struct unpack_dde_message_params32, data[size] );
if (!Wow64KiUserCallbackDispatcher( NtUserUnpackDDEMessage, params32, size, &ret_ptr, &ret_len ))
return FALSE;
if (ret_len == sizeof(*result32))
result32 = ret_ptr;
result.wparam = result32->wparam;
result.lparam = result32->lparam;
if (!params->result) NtCallbackReturn( &result, sizeof(result), TRUE );
*params->result = result;
return TRUE;
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallFreeIcon( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserCallFreeIcon, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserThunkLock( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserThunkLock, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallVulkanDebugReportCallback( void *arg, ULONG size )
FIXME( "\n" );
return 0;
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallVulkanDebugUtilsCallback( void *arg, ULONG size )
FIXME( "\n" );
return 0;
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallOpenGLDebugMessageCallback( void *arg, ULONG size )
FIXME( "\n" );
return 0;
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst0( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 0, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst1( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 1, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst2( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 2, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst3( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 3, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst4( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 4, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst5( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 5, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst6( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 6, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst7( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 7, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst8( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 8, arg, size );
static NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDriverCallbackFirst9( void *arg, ULONG size )
return dispatch_callback( NtUserDriverCallbackFirst + 9, arg, size );
user_callback user_callbacks[] =
/* user32 callbacks */
/* win16 hooks */
/* Vulkan support */
/* OpenGL support */
/* Driver-specific callbacks */
C_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE(user_callbacks) == NtUserCallCount );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserActivateKeyboardLayout( UINT *args )
HKL layout = get_handle( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserActivateKeyboardLayout( layout, flags ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserAddClipboardFormatListener( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserAddClipboardFormatListener( hwnd );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserAssociateInputContext( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HIMC ctx = get_handle( &args );
ULONG flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserAssociateInputContext( hwnd, ctx, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserAttachThreadInput( UINT *args )
DWORD from = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD to = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL attach = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserAttachThreadInput( from, to, attach );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserBeginPaint( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
PAINTSTRUCT32 *ps32 = get_ptr( &args );
HDC ret;
ret = NtUserBeginPaint( hwnd, ps32 ? & ps : NULL );
if (ret && ps32)
ps32->hdc = HandleToUlong( ps.hdc );
ps32->fErase = ps.fErase;
ps32->rcPaint = ps.rcPaint;
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserBuildHwndList( UINT *args )
HDESK desktop = get_handle( &args );
ULONG unk2 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG unk3 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG unk4 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG thread_id = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG count = get_ulong( &args );
UINT32 *buffer32 = get_ptr( &args );
ULONG *size = get_ptr( &args );
HWND *buffer;
NTSTATUS status;
if (!(buffer = Wow64AllocateTemp( count * sizeof(*buffer) ))) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
if ((status = NtUserBuildHwndList( desktop, unk2, unk3, unk4, thread_id, count, buffer, size )))
return status;
for (i = 0; i < *size; i++)
buffer32[i] = HandleToUlong( buffer[i] );
return status;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallHwnd( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
DWORD code = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserCallHwnd( hwnd, code );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallHwndParam( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
DWORD_PTR param = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD code = get_ulong( &args );
switch (code)
case NtUserCallHwndParam_GetScrollInfo:
int bar;
ULONG info;
} *info32 = UlongToPtr( param );
struct get_scroll_info_params info; = info32->bar; = UlongToPtr( info32->info );
return NtUserCallHwndParam( hwnd, (UINT_PTR)&info, code );
case NtUserCallHwndParam_MapWindowPoints:
ULONG hwnd_to;
ULONG points;
UINT count;
} *params32 = UlongToPtr( param );
struct map_window_points_params params;
params.hwnd_to = LongToHandle( params32->hwnd_to );
params.points = UlongToPtr( params32->points );
params.count = params32->count;
return NtUserCallHwndParam( hwnd, (UINT_PTR)&params, code );
return NtUserCallHwndParam( hwnd, param, code );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallMsgFilter( UINT *args )
MSG32 *msg32 = get_ptr( &args );
INT code = get_ulong( &args );
MSG msg;
BOOL ret;
ret = NtUserCallMsgFilter( msg_32to64( &msg, msg32 ), code );
msg_64to32( &msg, msg32 );
return ret;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallNextHookEx( UINT *args )
HHOOK hhook = get_handle( &args );
INT code = get_ulong( &args );
WPARAM wparam = get_ulong( &args );
LPARAM lparam = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserCallNextHookEx( hhook, code, wparam, lparam );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallNoParam( UINT *args )
ULONG code = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserCallNoParam( code );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallOneParam( UINT *args )
ULONG_PTR arg = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG code = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserCallOneParam( arg, code );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCallTwoParam( UINT *args )
ULONG_PTR arg1 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG_PTR arg2 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG code = get_ulong( &args );
switch (code)
case NtUserCallTwoParam_GetMenuInfo:
MENUINFO32 *info32 = UlongToPtr( arg2 );
if (!info32 || info32->cbSize != sizeof(*info32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return FALSE;
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
info.fMask = info32->fMask;
if (!NtUserCallTwoParam( arg1, (UINT_PTR)&info, code )) return FALSE;
if (info.fMask & MIM_BACKGROUND) info32->hbrBack = HandleToUlong( info.hbrBack );
if (info.fMask & MIM_HELPID) info32->dwContextHelpID = info.dwContextHelpID;
if (info.fMask & MIM_MAXHEIGHT) info32->cyMax = info.cyMax;
if (info.fMask & MIM_MENUDATA) info32->dwMenuData = info.dwMenuData;
if (info.fMask & MIM_STYLE) info32->dwStyle = info.dwStyle;
return TRUE;
return NtUserCallTwoParam( arg1, arg2, code );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserChangeClipboardChain( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HWND next = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserChangeClipboardChain( hwnd, next );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserChangeDisplaySettings( UINT *args )
UNICODE_STRING32 *devname32 = get_ptr( &args );
DEVMODEW *devmode = get_ptr( &args );
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
void *lparam = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserChangeDisplaySettings( unicode_str_32to64( &devname, devname32 ),
devmode, hwnd, flags, lparam );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCheckMenuItem( UINT *args )
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT id = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserCheckMenuItem( handle, id, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserChildWindowFromPointEx( UINT *args )
HWND parent = get_handle( &args );
LONG x = get_ulong( &args );
LONG y = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserChildWindowFromPointEx( parent, x, y, flags ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserClipCursor( UINT *args )
const RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserClipCursor( rect );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCloseClipboard( UINT *args )
return NtUserCloseClipboard();
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCloseDesktop( UINT *args )
HDESK handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserCloseDesktop( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCloseWindowStation( UINT *args )
HWINSTA handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserCloseWindowStation( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable( UINT *args )
HACCEL src = get_handle( &args );
ACCEL *dst = get_ptr( &args );
INT count = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable( src, dst, count );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCountClipboardFormats( UINT *args )
return NtUserCountClipboardFormats();
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable( UINT *args )
ACCEL *table = get_ptr( &args );
INT count = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable( table, count ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCreateCaret( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HBITMAP bitmap = get_handle( &args );
int width = get_ulong( &args );
int height = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserCreateCaret( hwnd, bitmap, width, height );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCreateDesktopEx( UINT *args )
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES32 *attr32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *device32 = get_ptr( &args );
DEVMODEW *devmode = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
ACCESS_MASK access = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG heap_size = get_ulong( &args );
struct object_attr64 attr;
ret = NtUserCreateDesktopEx( objattr_32to64( &attr, attr32 ),
unicode_str_32to64( &device, device32 ),
devmode, flags, access, heap_size );
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCreateInputContext( UINT *args )
UINT_PTR client_ptr = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserCreateInputContext( client_ptr ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCreateWindowEx( UINT *args )
DWORD ex_style = get_ulong( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *class_name32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *version32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *window_name32 = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD style = get_ulong( &args );
int x = get_ulong( &args );
int y = get_ulong( &args );
int width = get_ulong( &args );
int height = get_ulong( &args );
HWND parent = get_handle( &args );
HMENU menu = get_handle( &args );
HINSTANCE instance = get_handle( &args );
void *params = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
void *cbtc = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD unk = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL ansi = get_ulong( &args );
UNICODE_STRING class_name, version, window_name;
HWND ret;
ret = NtUserCreateWindowEx( ex_style,
unicode_str_32to64( &class_name, class_name32),
unicode_str_32to64( &version, version32 ),
unicode_str_32to64( &window_name, window_name32 ),
style, x, y, width, height, parent, menu,
instance, params, flags, cbtc, unk, ansi );
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserCreateWindowStation( UINT *args )
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES32 *attr32 = get_ptr( &args );
ACCESS_MASK access = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG arg3 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG arg4 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG arg5 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG arg6 = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG arg7 = get_ulong( &args );
struct object_attr64 attr;
return HandleToUlong( NtUserCreateWindowStation( objattr_32to64( &attr, attr32 ), access,
arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7 ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDeferWindowPosAndBand( UINT *args )
HDWP hdwp = get_handle( &args );
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HWND after = get_handle( &args );
INT x = get_ulong( &args );
INT y = get_ulong( &args );
INT cx = get_ulong( &args );
INT cy = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
UINT unk1 = get_ulong( &args );
UINT unk2 = get_ulong( &args );
HDWP ret = NtUserDeferWindowPosAndBand( hdwp, hwnd, after, x, y, cx, cy, flags, unk1, unk2 );
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDeleteMenu( UINT *args )
HMENU menu = get_handle( &args );
UINT id = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserDeleteMenu( menu, id, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDestroyAcceleratorTable( UINT *args )
HACCEL handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserDestroyAcceleratorTable( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDestroyCursor( UINT *args )
HCURSOR cursor = get_handle( &args );
ULONG arg = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserDestroyCursor( cursor, arg );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDestroyInputContext( UINT *args )
HIMC handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserDestroyInputContext( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDestroyMenu( UINT *args )
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserDestroyMenu( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDestroyWindow( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserDestroyWindow( hwnd );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDisableThreadIme( UINT *args )
DWORD thread_id = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserDisableThreadIme( thread_id );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDispatchMessage( UINT *args )
const MSG32 *msg32 = get_ptr( &args );
MSG msg;
return NtUserDispatchMessage( msg_32to64( &msg, msg32 ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDragDetect( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
int x = get_ulong( &args );
int y = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserDragDetect( hwnd, x, y );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDragObject( UINT *args )
HWND parent = get_handle( &args );
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT fmt = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG_PTR data = get_ulong( &args );
HCURSOR hcursor = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserDragObject( parent, hwnd, fmt, data, hcursor );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDrawIconEx( UINT *args )
HDC hdc = get_handle( &args );
int x0 = get_ulong( &args );
int y0 = get_ulong( &args );
HICON icon = get_handle( &args );
int width = get_ulong( &args );
int height = get_ulong( &args );
UINT istep = get_ulong( &args );
HBRUSH hbr = get_handle( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserDrawIconEx( hdc, x0, y0, icon, width, height, istep, hbr, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserEmptyClipboard( UINT *args )
return NtUserEmptyClipboard();
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserEnableMenuItem( UINT *args )
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT id = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserEnableMenuItem( handle, id, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserEnableScrollBar( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT bar = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserEnableScrollBar( hwnd, bar, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserEndDeferWindowPosEx( UINT *args )
HDWP hdwp = get_handle( &args );
BOOL async = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserEndDeferWindowPosEx( hdwp, async );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserEndMenu( UINT *args )
return NtUserEndMenu();
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( UINT *args )
UNICODE_STRING32 *device32 = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD index = get_ulong( &args );
DISPLAY_DEVICEW *info = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( unicode_str_32to64( &device, device32 ), index, info, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors( UINT *args )
HDC hdc = get_handle( &args );
RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
MONITORENUMPROC proc = get_ptr( &args );
LPARAM lp = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors( hdc, rect, proc, lp );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserEnumDisplaySettings( UINT *args )
UNICODE_STRING32 *device32 = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD mode = get_ulong( &args );
DEVMODEW *dev_mode = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserEnumDisplaySettings( unicode_str_32to64( &device, device32 ),
mode, dev_mode, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon( UINT *args )
UNICODE_STRING32 *module32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *res_name32 = get_ptr( &args );
void *desc = get_ptr( &args );
HICON ret;
ret = NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon( unicode_str_32to64( &module, module32 ),
unicode_str_32to64( &res_name, res_name32 ), desc );
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserFindWindowEx( UINT *args )
HWND parent = get_handle( &args );
HWND child = get_handle( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *class32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *title32 = get_ptr( &args );
ULONG unk = get_ulong( &args );
UNICODE_STRING class, title;
HWND ret;
ret = NtUserFindWindowEx( parent, child, unicode_str_32to64( &class, class32 ),
unicode_str_32to64( &title, title32 ), unk );
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserFlashWindowEx( UINT *args )
UINT cbSize;
ULONG hwnd;
DWORD dwFlags;
UINT uCount;
DWORD dwTimeout;
} *info32 = get_ptr( &args );
if (!info32)
set_last_error32( ERROR_NOACCESS );
return FALSE;
if (info32->cbSize != sizeof(*info32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return FALSE;
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
info.hwnd = LongToHandle( info32->hwnd );
info.dwFlags = info32->dwFlags;
info.uCount = info32->uCount;
info.dwTimeout = info32->dwTimeout;
return NtUserFlashWindowEx( &info );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetAncestor( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT type = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetAncestor( hwnd, type ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetAsyncKeyState( UINT *args )
INT key = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetAsyncKeyState( key );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetAtomName( UINT *args )
ATOM atom = get_ulong( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *str32 = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetAtomName( atom, unicode_str_32to64( &str, str32 ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetCaretBlinkTime( UINT *args )
return NtUserGetCaretBlinkTime();
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetCaretPos( UINT *args )
POINT *pt = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetCaretPos( pt );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetClassInfoEx( UINT *args )
HINSTANCE instance = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *name32 = get_ptr( &args );
WNDCLASSEXW32 *wc32 = get_ptr( &args );
struct client_menu_name32 *client_name32 = get_ptr( &args );
BOOL ansi = get_ulong( &args );
struct client_menu_name client_name;
ATOM ret;
wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc);
if (!(ret = NtUserGetClassInfoEx( instance, unicode_str_32to64( &name, name32 ), &wc,
&client_name, ansi )))
return 0;
wc32->style =;
wc32->lpfnWndProc = PtrToUlong( wc.lpfnWndProc );
wc32->cbClsExtra = wc.cbClsExtra;
wc32->cbWndExtra = wc.cbWndExtra;
wc32->hInstance = HandleToUlong( wc.hInstance );
wc32->hIcon = HandleToUlong( wc.hIcon );
wc32->hCursor = HandleToUlong( wc.hCursor );
wc32->hbrBackground = HandleToUlong( wc.hbrBackground );
wc32->lpszMenuName = PtrToUlong( wc.lpszMenuName );
wc32->lpszClassName = PtrToUlong( wc.lpszClassName );
wc32->hIconSm = HandleToUlong( wc.hIconSm );
client_menu_name_64to32( &client_name, client_name32 );
return ret;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetClassName( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
BOOL real = get_ulong( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *str32 = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetClassName( hwnd, real, unicode_str_32to64( &str, str32 ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetClipboardData( UINT *args )
UINT format = get_ulong( &args );
UINT32 data;
UINT32 size;
UINT32 data_size;
UINT seqno;
BOOL data_only;
} *params32 = get_ptr( &args );
struct get_clipboard_params params;
HANDLE ret; = UlongToPtr( params32->data );
params.size = params32->size;
params.data_size = params32->data_size;
params.data_only = params32->data_only;
ret = NtUserGetClipboardData( format, &params );
params32->size = params.size;
params32->data_size = params.data_size;
params32->seqno = params.seqno;
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetClipboardFormatName( UINT *args )
UINT format = get_ulong( &args );
WCHAR *buffer = get_ptr( &args );
INT maxlen = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetClipboardFormatName( format, buffer, maxlen );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetClipboardOwner( UINT *args )
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetClipboardOwner() );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetClipboardSequenceNumber( UINT *args )
return NtUserGetClipboardSequenceNumber();
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetClipboardViewer( UINT *args )
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetClipboardViewer() );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetCursor( UINT *args )
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetCursor() );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo( UINT *args )
HCURSOR cursor = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD istep = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD *rate_jiffies = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD *num_steps = get_ptr( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo( cursor, istep, rate_jiffies, num_steps ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetCursorInfo( UINT *args )
DWORD cbSize;
DWORD flags;
ULONG hCursor;
POINT ptScreenPos;
} *info32 = get_ptr( &args );
if (!info32) return FALSE;
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
if (!NtUserGetCursorInfo( &info )) return FALSE;
info32->flags = info.flags;
info32->hCursor = HandleToUlong( info.hCursor );
info32->ptScreenPos = info.ptScreenPos;
return TRUE;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetDC( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetDC( hwnd ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetDCEx( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HRGN clip_rgn = get_handle( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetDCEx( hwnd, clip_rgn, flags ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetDisplayConfigBufferSizes( UINT *args )
UINT32 flags = get_ulong( &args );
UINT32 *num_path_info = get_ptr( &args );
UINT32 *num_mode_info = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetDisplayConfigBufferSizes( flags, num_path_info, num_mode_info );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetDoubleClickTime( UINT *args )
return NtUserGetDoubleClickTime();
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetDpiForMonitor( UINT *args )
HMONITOR monitor = get_handle( &args );
UINT type = get_ulong( &args );
UINT *x = get_ptr( &args );
UINT *y = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetDpiForMonitor( monitor, type, x, y );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetForegroundWindow( UINT *args )
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetForegroundWindow() );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetGUIThreadInfo( UINT *args )
DWORD id = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD cbSize;
DWORD flags;
ULONG hwndActive;
ULONG hwndFocus;
ULONG hwndCapture;
ULONG hwndMenuOwner;
ULONG hwndMoveSize;
ULONG hwndCaret;
RECT rcCaret;
} *info32 = get_ptr( &args );
if (info32->cbSize != sizeof(*info32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return FALSE;
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
if (!NtUserGetGUIThreadInfo( id, &info )) return FALSE;
info32->flags = info.flags;
info32->hwndActive = HandleToUlong( info.hwndActive );
info32->hwndFocus = HandleToUlong( info.hwndFocus );
info32->hwndCapture = HandleToUlong( info.hwndCapture );
info32->hwndMenuOwner = HandleToUlong( info.hwndMenuOwner );
info32->hwndMoveSize = HandleToUlong( info.hwndMoveSize );
info32->hwndCaret = HandleToUlong( info.hwndCaret );
info32->rcCaret = info.rcCaret;
return TRUE;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetIconInfo( UINT *args )
HICON icon = get_handle( &args );
BOOL fIcon;
DWORD xHotspot;
DWORD yHotspot;
UINT32 hbmMask;
UINT32 hbmColor;
} *info32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *module32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *res_name32 = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD *bpp = get_ptr( &args );
LONG unk = get_ulong( &args );
UNICODE_STRING module, res_name;
if (!NtUserGetIconInfo( icon, &info, unicode_str_32to64( &module, module32 ),
unicode_str_32to64( &res_name, res_name32 ), bpp, unk ))
return FALSE;
info32->fIcon = info.fIcon;
info32->xHotspot = info.xHotspot;
info32->yHotspot = info.yHotspot;
info32->hbmMask = HandleToUlong( info.hbmMask );
info32->hbmColor = HandleToUlong( info.hbmColor );
if (module32)
module32->Buffer = PtrToUlong( module.Buffer );
module32->Length = module.Length;
if (res_name32)
res_name32->Buffer = PtrToUlong( res_name.Buffer );
res_name32->Length = res_name.Length;
return TRUE;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetIconSize( UINT *args )
HICON handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT step = get_ulong( &args );
LONG *width = get_ptr( &args );
LONG *height = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetIconSize( handle, step, width, height );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetKeyNameText( UINT *args )
LONG lparam = get_ulong( &args );
WCHAR *buffer = get_ptr( &args );
INT size = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetKeyNameText( lparam, buffer, size );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetKeyState( UINT *args )
INT vkey = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetKeyState( vkey );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetKeyboardLayout( UINT *args )
DWORD tid = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetKeyboardLayout( tid ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList( UINT *args )
INT size = get_ulong( &args );
UINT32 *layouts32 = get_ptr( &args );
HKL *layouts = NULL;
UINT ret, i;
if (layouts32 && size && !(layouts = Wow64AllocateTemp( size * sizeof(*layouts) )))
return 0;
ret = NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList( size, layouts );
if (layouts)
for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) layouts32[i] = HandleToUlong( layouts[i] );
return ret;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutName( UINT *args )
WCHAR *name = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutName( name );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetKeyboardState( UINT *args )
BYTE *state = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetKeyboardState( state );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetLayeredWindowAttributes( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
COLORREF *key = get_ptr( &args );
BYTE *alpha = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD *flags = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetLayeredWindowAttributes( hwnd, key, alpha, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetMenuBarInfo( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
LONG id = get_ulong( &args );
LONG item = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD cbSize;
RECT rcBar;
ULONG hMenu;
ULONG hwndMenu;
BOOL fBarFocused:1;
BOOL fFocused:1;
} *info32 = get_ptr( &args );
if (info32->cbSize != sizeof(*info32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return FALSE;
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
if (!NtUserGetMenuBarInfo( hwnd, id, item, &info )) return FALSE;
info32->rcBar = info.rcBar;
info32->hMenu = HandleToUlong( info.hMenu );
info32->hwndMenu = HandleToUlong( info.hwndMenu );
info32->fBarFocused = info.fBarFocused;
info32->fFocused = info.fFocused;
return TRUE;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetMenuItemRect( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT item = get_ulong( &args );
RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetMenuItemRect( hwnd, handle, item, rect );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetMessage( UINT *args )
MSG32 *msg32 = get_ptr( &args );
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT first = get_ulong( &args );
UINT last = get_ulong( &args );
MSG msg;
int ret;
ret = NtUserGetMessage( &msg, hwnd, first, last );
if (ret != -1) msg_64to32( &msg, msg32 );
return ret;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetMouseMovePointsEx( UINT *args )
UINT size = get_ulong( &args );
MOUSEMOVEPOINT32 *ptin32 = get_ptr( &args );
MOUSEMOVEPOINT32 *ptout32 = get_ptr( &args );
int count = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD resolution = get_ulong( &args );
MOUSEMOVEPOINT ptin[64], ptout[64];
int ret, i;
if (size != sizeof(MOUSEMOVEPOINT32) || count < 0 || count > ARRAYSIZE( ptin ))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return -1;
if (!ptin32 || (!ptout32 && count))
set_last_error32( ERROR_NOACCESS );
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
ptin[i].x = ptin32[i].x;
ptin[i].y = ptin32[i].y;
ptin[i].time = ptin32[i].time;
ptin[i].dwExtraInfo = ptin32[i].dwExtraInfo;
ret = NtUserGetMouseMovePointsEx( sizeof(MOUSEMOVEPOINT), ptin, ptout, count, resolution );
for (i = 0; i < ret; i++)
ptout32[i].x = ptout[i].x;
ptout32[i].y = ptout[i].y;
ptout32[i].time = ptout[i].time;
ptout32[i].dwExtraInfo = ptout[i].dwExtraInfo;
return ret;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetObjectInformation( UINT *args )
HANDLE handle = get_handle( &args );
INT index = get_ulong( &args );
void *info = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD len = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD *needed = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetObjectInformation( handle, index, info, len, needed );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetOpenClipboardWindow( UINT *args )
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetOpenClipboardWindow() );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetPriorityClipboardFormat( UINT *args )
UINT *list = get_ptr( &args );
INT count = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetPriorityClipboardFormat( list, count );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetProcessDpiAwarenessContext( UINT *args )
HANDLE process = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserGetProcessDpiAwarenessContext( process );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetProcessWindowStation( UINT *args )
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetProcessWindowStation() );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetProp( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
const WCHAR *str = get_ptr( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetProp( hwnd, str ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetQueueStatus( UINT *args )
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetQueueStatus( flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetRawInputBuffer( UINT *args )
RAWINPUT *data = get_ptr( &args );
UINT *data_size = get_ptr( &args );
UINT header_size = get_ulong( &args );
if (header_size != sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return ~0u;
/* RAWINPUT has different sizes on 32-bit and 64-bit, but no translation is
* done. The function actually returns different structures depending on
* whether it's operating under WoW64 or not. */
return NtUserGetRawInputBuffer( data, data_size, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER) );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetRawInputData( UINT *args )
HRAWINPUT handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT command = get_ulong( &args );
void *data = get_ptr( &args );
UINT *data_size = get_ptr( &args );
UINT header_size = get_ulong( &args );
if (header_size != sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return ~0u;
switch (command)
if (data)
UINT data_size64, body_size, ret;
RAWINPUTHEADER32 *data32 = data;
data_size64 = *data_size + sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER);
if (!(data64 = Wow64AllocateTemp( data_size64 )))
set_last_error32( STATUS_NO_MEMORY );
return ~0u;
ret = NtUserGetRawInputData( handle, command, data64, &data_size64, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER) );
if (ret == ~0u) return ret;
body_size = ret - sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER);
if (*data_size < sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32) + body_size)
set_last_error32( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
return ~0u;
data32->dwType = data64->dwType;
data32->dwSize = sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32) + body_size;
data32->hDevice = (UINT_PTR)data64->hDevice;
data32->wParam = data64->wParam;
memcpy( data32 + 1, data64 + 1, body_size );
return sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32) + body_size;
UINT data_size64, ret;
ret = NtUserGetRawInputData( handle, command, NULL, &data_size64, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER) );
if (ret == ~0u) return ret;
*data_size = data_size64 - sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER) + sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32);
return 0;
UINT data_size64 = sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER);
RAWINPUTHEADER32 *data32 = data;
UINT ret;
if (!data)
*data_size = sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32);
return 0;
if (*data_size < sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER );
return ~0u;
ret = NtUserGetRawInputData( handle, command, &data64, &data_size64, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER) );
if (ret == ~0u) return ret;
data32->dwType = data64.dwType;
data32->dwSize = data64.dwSize - sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER) + sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32);
data32->hDevice = (UINT_PTR)data64.hDevice;
data32->wParam = data64.wParam;
return sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER32);
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return ~0u;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetRawInputDeviceInfo( UINT *args )
HANDLE handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT command = get_ulong( &args );
void *data = get_ptr( &args );
UINT *data_size = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetRawInputDeviceInfo( handle, command, data, data_size );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetRawInputDeviceList( UINT *args )
RAWINPUTDEVICELIST32 *devices32 = get_ptr( &args );
UINT *count = get_ptr( &args );
UINT size = get_ulong( &args );
if (size != sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return ~0u;
if (devices32)
unsigned int ret, i;
if (!(devices64 = Wow64AllocateTemp( (*count) * sizeof(*devices64) )))
set_last_error32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
return ~0u;
ret = NtUserGetRawInputDeviceList( devices64, count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST) );
if (ret == ~0u) return ret;
for (i = 0; i < *count; ++i)
devices32[i].hDevice = (UINT_PTR)devices64[i].hDevice;
devices32[i].dwType = devices64[i].dwType;
return ret;
return NtUserGetRawInputDeviceList( NULL, count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST) );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserRegisterClassExWOW( UINT *args )
const WNDCLASSEXW32 *wc32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *name32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *version32 = get_ptr( &args );
struct client_menu_name32 *client_name32 = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD fnid = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD *wow = get_ptr( &args );
struct client_menu_name client_name;
UNICODE_STRING name, version;
if (wc32->cbSize != sizeof(*wc32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return 0;
wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); = wc32->style;
wc.lpfnWndProc = UlongToPtr( wc32->lpfnWndProc );
wc.cbClsExtra = wc32->cbClsExtra;
wc.cbWndExtra = wc32->cbWndExtra;
wc.hInstance = UlongToPtr( wc32->hInstance );
wc.hIcon = LongToHandle( wc32->hIcon );
wc.hCursor = LongToHandle( wc32->hCursor );
wc.hbrBackground = UlongToHandle( wc32->hbrBackground );
wc.lpszMenuName = UlongToPtr( wc32->lpszMenuName );
wc.lpszClassName = UlongToPtr( wc32->lpszClassName );
wc.hIconSm = LongToHandle( wc32->hIconSm );
return NtUserRegisterClassExWOW( &wc,
unicode_str_32to64( &name, name32 ),
unicode_str_32to64( &version, version32 ),
client_menu_name_32to64( &client_name, client_name32 ),
fnid, flags, wow );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetRegisteredRawInputDevices( UINT *args )
RAWINPUTDEVICE32 *devices32 = get_ptr( &args );
UINT *count = get_ptr( &args );
UINT size = get_ulong( &args );
if (size != sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return ~0u;
if (devices32)
unsigned int ret, i;
if (!(devices64 = Wow64AllocateTemp( (*count) * sizeof(*devices64) )))
set_last_error32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
return ~0u;
ret = NtUserGetRegisteredRawInputDevices( devices64, count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE) );
if (ret == ~0u) return ret;
for (i = 0; i < *count; ++i)
devices32[i].usUsagePage = devices64[i].usUsagePage;
devices32[i].usUsage = devices64[i].usUsage;
devices32[i].dwFlags = devices64[i].dwFlags;
devices32[i].hwndTarget = (ULONG_PTR)devices64[i].hwndTarget;
return ret;
return NtUserGetRegisteredRawInputDevices( NULL, count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE) );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetScrollBarInfo( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
LONG id = get_ulong( &args );
SCROLLBARINFO *info = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetScrollBarInfo( hwnd, id, info );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetSystemDpiForProcess( UINT *args )
HANDLE process = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserGetSystemDpiForProcess( process );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetSystemMenu( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
BOOL revert = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetSystemMenu( hwnd, revert ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetThreadDesktop( UINT *args )
DWORD thread = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetThreadDesktop( thread ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetTitleBarInfo( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
TITLEBARINFO *info = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetTitleBarInfo( hwnd, info );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetUpdateRect( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
BOOL erase = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetUpdateRect( hwnd, rect, erase );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetUpdateRgn( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HRGN hrgn = get_handle( &args );
BOOL erase = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetUpdateRgn( hwnd, hrgn, erase );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetUpdatedClipboardFormats( UINT *args )
UINT *formats = get_ptr( &args );
UINT size = get_ulong( &args );
UINT *out_size = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetUpdatedClipboardFormats( formats, size, out_size );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetWindowDC( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserGetWindowDC( hwnd ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetWindowPlacement( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
WINDOWPLACEMENT *placement = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserGetWindowPlacement( hwnd, placement );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserGetWindowRgnEx( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HRGN hrgn = get_handle( &args );
UINT unk = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserGetWindowRgnEx( hwnd, hrgn, unk );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserHideCaret( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserHideCaret( hwnd );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserHiliteMenuItem( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT item = get_ulong( &args );
UINT hilite = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserHiliteMenuItem( hwnd, handle, item, hilite );
struct user_client_procs32
ULONG pButtonWndProc;
ULONG pComboWndProc;
ULONG pDefWindowProc;
ULONG pDefDlgProc;
ULONG pEditWndProc;
ULONG pListBoxWndProc;
ULONG pMDIClientWndProc;
ULONG pScrollBarWndProc;
ULONG pStaticWndProc;
ULONG pImeWndProc;
ULONG pDesktopWndProc;
ULONG pIconTitleWndProc;
ULONG pPopupMenuWndProc;
ULONG pMessageWndProc;
static struct user_client_procs *user_client_procs_32to64( struct user_client_procs *procs,
const struct user_client_procs32 *procs32 )
if (!procs32) return NULL;
procs->pButtonWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pButtonWndProc );
procs->pComboWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pComboWndProc );
procs->pDefWindowProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pDefWindowProc );
procs->pDefDlgProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pDefDlgProc );
procs->pEditWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pEditWndProc );
procs->pListBoxWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pListBoxWndProc );
procs->pMDIClientWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pMDIClientWndProc );
procs->pScrollBarWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pScrollBarWndProc );
procs->pStaticWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pStaticWndProc );
procs->pImeWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pImeWndProc );
procs->pDesktopWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pDesktopWndProc );
procs->pIconTitleWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pIconTitleWndProc );
procs->pPopupMenuWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pPopupMenuWndProc );
procs->pMessageWndProc = UlongToPtr( procs32->pMessageWndProc );
return procs;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserInitializeClientPfnArrays( UINT *args )
const struct user_client_procs32 *procsA32 = get_ptr( &args );
const struct user_client_procs32 *procsW32 = get_ptr( &args );
void *workers = get_ptr( &args );
HINSTANCE user_module = get_ptr( &args );
struct user_client_procs procsA, procsW;
return NtUserInitializeClientPfnArrays( user_client_procs_32to64( &procsA, procsA32 ),
user_client_procs_32to64( &procsW, procsW32 ),
workers, user_module );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserInternalGetWindowIcon( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT type = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserInternalGetWindowIcon( hwnd, type ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserInternalGetWindowText( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
WCHAR *text = get_ptr( &args );
INT count = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserInternalGetWindowText( hwnd, text, count );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserInvalidateRect( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
const RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
BOOL erase = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserInvalidateRect( hwnd, rect, erase );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserInvalidateRgn( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HRGN hrgn = get_handle( &args );
BOOL erase = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserInvalidateRgn( hwnd, hrgn, erase );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserIsClipboardFormatAvailable( UINT *args )
UINT format = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserIsClipboardFormatAvailable( format );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserKillTimer( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT_PTR id = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserKillTimer( hwnd, id );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserLockWindowUpdate( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserLockWindowUpdate( hwnd );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserLogicalToPerMonitorDPIPhysicalPoint( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
POINT *pt = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserLogicalToPerMonitorDPIPhysicalPoint( hwnd, pt );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx( UINT *args )
UINT code = get_ulong( &args );
UINT type = get_ulong( &args );
HKL layout = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx( code, type, layout );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserMenuItemFromPoint( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
int x = get_ulong( &args );
int y = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserMenuItemFromPoint( hwnd, handle, x, y );
static LRESULT message_call_32to64( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam,
void *result_info, DWORD type, BOOL ansi )
LRESULT ret = 0;
switch (msg)
CREATESTRUCT32 *cs32 = (void *)lparam;
createstruct_32to64( cs32, &cs );
ret = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&cs, result_info, type, ansi );
createstruct_64to32( &cs, cs32 );
return ret;
ULONG szClass;
ULONG szTitle;
ULONG hOwner;
INT x;
INT y;
INT cx;
INT cy;
DWORD style;
ULONG lParam;
} *cs32 = (void *)lparam;
cs.szClass = UlongToPtr( cs32->szClass );
cs.szTitle = UlongToPtr( cs32->szTitle );
cs.hOwner = LongToHandle( cs32->hOwner );
cs.x = cs32->x;
cs.y = cs32->y; = cs32->cx; = cs32->cy; = cs32->style;
cs.lParam = cs32->lParam;
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&cs, result_info, type, ansi );
WINDOWPOS32 *winpos32 = (void *)lparam;
winpos_32to64( &winpos, winpos32 );
ret = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&winpos, result_info, type, ansi );
winpos_64to32( &winpos, winpos32 );
return ret;
if (wparam)
RECT rgrc[3];
ULONG lppos;
} *params32 = (void *)lparam;
params.rgrc[0] = params32->rgrc[0];
params.rgrc[1] = params32->rgrc[1];
params.rgrc[2] = params32->rgrc[2];
params.lppos = &winpos;
winpos_32to64( &winpos, UlongToPtr( params32->lppos ));
ret = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&params, result_info, type, ansi );
params32->rgrc[0] = params.rgrc[0];
params32->rgrc[1] = params.rgrc[1];
params32->rgrc[2] = params.rgrc[2];
winpos_64to32( &winpos, UlongToPtr( params32->lppos ));
return ret;
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, result_info, type, ansi );
UINT CtlType;
ULONG hwndItem;
UINT itemID1;
ULONG itemData1;
UINT itemID2;
ULONG itemData2;
DWORD dwLocaleId;
} *cis32 = (void *)lparam;
cis.CtlType = cis32->CtlType;
cis.CtlID = cis32->CtlID;
cis.hwndItem = LongToHandle( cis32->hwndItem );
cis.itemID1 = cis32->itemID1;
cis.itemData1 = cis32->itemData1;
cis.itemID2 = cis32->itemID2;
cis.itemData2 = cis32->itemData2;
cis.dwLocaleId = cis32->dwLocaleId;
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&cis, result_info, type, ansi );
DELETEITEMSTRUCT32 *dis32 = (void *)lparam;
dis.CtlType = dis32->CtlType;
dis.CtlID = dis32->CtlID;
dis.hwndItem = LongToHandle( dis32->hwndItem );
dis.itemData = dis32->itemData;
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&dis, result_info, type, ansi );
MEASUREITEMSTRUCT32 *mis32 = (void *)lparam;
mis.CtlType = mis32->CtlType;
mis.CtlID = mis32->CtlID;
mis.itemID = mis32->itemID;
mis.itemWidth = mis32->itemWidth;
mis.itemHeight = mis32->itemHeight;
mis.itemData = mis32->itemData;
ret = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&mis, result_info, type, ansi );
mis32->itemWidth = mis.itemWidth;
mis32->itemHeight = mis.itemHeight;
return ret;
DRAWITEMSTRUCT32 *dis32 = (void *)lparam;
dis.CtlType = dis32->CtlType;
dis.CtlID = dis32->CtlID;
dis.itemID = dis32->itemID;
dis.itemAction = dis32->itemAction;
dis.itemState = dis32->itemState;
dis.hwndItem = LongToHandle( dis32->hwndItem );
dis.hDC = LongToHandle( dis32->hDC );
dis.itemData = dis32->itemData;
dis.rcItem.left = dis32->rcItem.left; = dis32->;
dis.rcItem.right = dis32->rcItem.right;
dis.rcItem.bottom = dis32->rcItem.bottom;
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&dis, result_info, type, ansi );
ULONG dwData;
DWORD cbData;
ULONG lpData;
} *cds32 = (void *)lparam;
cds.dwData = cds32->dwData;
cds.cbData = cds32->cbData;
cds.lpData = UlongToPtr( cds32->lpData );
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&cds, result_info, type, ansi );
if (lparam)
MSG32 *msg32 = (MSG32 *)lparam;
MSG msg64;
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)msg_32to64( &msg64, msg32 ),
result_info, type, ansi );
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, result_info, type, ansi );
ULONG hmenuIn;
ULONG hmenuNext;
ULONG hwndNext;
} *next32 = (void *)lparam;
next.hmenuIn = LongToHandle( next32->hmenuIn );
next.hmenuNext = LongToHandle( next32->hmenuNext );
next.hwndNext = LongToHandle( next32->hwndNext );
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&next, result_info, type, ansi );
paintstruct_32to64( &ps, (PAINTSTRUCT32 *)lparam );
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, (LPARAM)&ps, result_info, type, ansi );
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, result_info, type, ansi );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserMessageCall( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT msg = get_ulong( &args );
LONG wparam = get_ulong( &args );
LONG lparam = get_ulong( &args );
void *result_info = get_ptr( &args );
UINT type = get_ulong ( &args );
BOOL ansi = get_ulong( &args );
switch (type)
case NtUserGetDispatchParams:
case NtUserCallWindowProc:
struct win_proc_params32 *params32 = result_info;
struct win_proc_params params;
ULONG *result32;
result32 = UlongToPtr( params32->result );
if (type == NtUserCallWindowProc) params.func = UlongToPtr( params32->func );
if (!NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, &params, type, ansi ))
return FALSE;
win_proc_params_64to32( &params, params32, result32 );
return TRUE;
case NtUserSendMessage:
struct win_proc_params32 *params32 = result_info;
if (params32)
struct win_proc_params params;
params.hwnd = 0;
ret = message_call_32to64( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, &params, type, ansi );
if (params.hwnd) win_proc_params_64to32( &params, params32, NULL );
return ret;
return message_call_32to64( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, result_info, type, ansi );
case NtUserSendMessageTimeout:
UINT flags;
UINT timeout;
DWORD result;
} *params32 = result_info;
struct send_message_timeout_params params;
params.flags = params32->flags;
params.timeout = params32->timeout;
ret = message_call_32to64( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, &params, type, ansi );
params32->result = params.result;
return ret;
case NtUserSendMessageCallback:
ULONG callback;
ULONG data;
} *params32 = result_info;
struct send_message_callback_params params;
params.callback = UlongToPtr( params32->callback ); = params32->data;
return message_call_32to64( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, &params, type, ansi );
case NtUserSpyGetMsgName:
/* no argument conversion */
return NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, result_info, type, ansi );
case NtUserWinProcResult:
LONG result32 = PtrToLong( result_info );
return message_call_32to64( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam,
LongToPtr( result32 ), type, ansi );
return message_call_32to64( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, result_info, type, ansi );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserMoveWindow( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT x = get_ulong( &args );
INT y = get_ulong( &args );
INT cx = get_ulong( &args );
INT cy = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL repaint = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserMoveWindow( hwnd, x, y, cx, cy, repaint );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( UINT *args )
DWORD count = get_ulong( &args );
const ULONG *handles32 = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD timeout = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD mask = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
unsigned int i;
if (count > ARRAYSIZE(handles))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) handles[i] = LongToHandle( handles32[i] );
return NtUserMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( count, handles, timeout, mask, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserNotifyWinEvent( UINT *args )
DWORD event = get_ulong( &args );
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
LONG object_id = get_ulong( &args );
LONG child_id = get_ulong( &args );
NtUserNotifyWinEvent( event, hwnd, object_id, child_id );
return 0;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserOpenClipboard( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
ULONG unk = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserOpenClipboard( hwnd, unk );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserOpenDesktop( UINT *args )
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES32 *attr32 = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
ACCESS_MASK access = get_ulong( &args );
struct object_attr64 attr;
ret = NtUserOpenDesktop( objattr_32to64( &attr, attr32 ), flags, access );
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserOpenInputDesktop( UINT *args )
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL inherit = get_ulong( &args );
ACCESS_MASK access = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserOpenInputDesktop( flags, inherit, access ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserOpenWindowStation( UINT *args )
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES32 *attr32 = get_ptr( &args );
ACCESS_MASK access = get_ulong( &args );
struct object_attr64 attr;
return HandleToUlong( NtUserOpenWindowStation( objattr_32to64( &attr, attr32 ), access ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserPeekMessage( UINT *args )
MSG32 *msg32 = get_ptr( &args );
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT first = get_ulong( &args );
UINT last = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
MSG msg;
if (!NtUserPeekMessage( msg32 ? &msg : NULL, hwnd, first, last, flags )) return FALSE;
msg_64to32( &msg, msg32 );
return TRUE;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserPerMonitorDPIPhysicalToLogicalPoint( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
POINT *pt = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserPerMonitorDPIPhysicalToLogicalPoint( hwnd, pt );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserPostMessage( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT msg = get_ulong( &args );
WPARAM wparam = get_ulong( &args );
LPARAM lparam = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserPostMessage( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserPostThreadMessage( UINT *args )
DWORD thread = get_ulong( &args );
UINT msg = get_ulong( &args );
WPARAM wparam = get_ulong( &args );
LPARAM lparam = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserPostThreadMessage( thread, msg, wparam, lparam );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserPrintWindow( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HDC hdc = get_handle( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserPrintWindow( hwnd, hdc, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserQueryInputContext( UINT *args )
HIMC handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT attr = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserQueryInputContext( handle, attr );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserRedrawWindow( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
const RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
HRGN hrgn = get_handle( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserRedrawWindow( hwnd, rect, hrgn, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserRegisterHotKey( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT id = get_ulong( &args );
UINT modifiers = get_ulong( &args );
UINT vk = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserRegisterHotKey( hwnd, id, modifiers, vk );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserRegisterRawInputDevices( UINT *args )
const RAWINPUTDEVICE32 *devices32 = get_ptr( &args );
UINT count = get_ulong( &args );
UINT size = get_ulong( &args );
unsigned int i;
if (size != sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return FALSE;
if (!(devices64 = Wow64AllocateTemp( count * sizeof(*devices64) )))
set_last_error32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY );
return FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
devices64[i].usUsagePage = devices32[i].usUsagePage;
devices64[i].usUsage = devices32[i].usUsage;
devices64[i].dwFlags = devices32[i].dwFlags;
devices64[i].hwndTarget = UlongToPtr( devices32[i].hwndTarget );
return NtUserRegisterRawInputDevices( devices64, count, sizeof(*devices64) );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserRemoveClipboardFormatListener( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserRemoveClipboardFormatListener( hwnd );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserRemoveMenu( UINT *args )
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT id = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserRemoveMenu( handle, id, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserRemoveProp( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
const WCHAR *str = get_ptr( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserRemoveProp( hwnd, str ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserScrollWindowEx( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT dx = get_ulong( &args );
INT dy = get_ulong( &args );
const RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
const RECT *clip_rect = get_ptr( &args );
HRGN update_rgn = get_handle( &args );
RECT *update_rect = get_ptr( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserScrollWindowEx( hwnd, dx, dy, rect, clip_rect, update_rgn, update_rect, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSendInput( UINT *args )
UINT count = get_ulong( &args );
INPUT32 *inputs32 = get_ptr( &args );
int size = get_ulong( &args );
INPUT *inputs = NULL;
unsigned int i;
if (size != sizeof(*inputs32) || !count)
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return 0;
if (!inputs32)
set_last_error32( ERROR_NOACCESS );
return 0;
if (count && !(inputs = Wow64AllocateTemp( count * sizeof(*inputs) )))
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
inputs[i].type = inputs32[i].type;
switch (inputs[i].type)
inputs[i].mi.dx = inputs32[i].mi.dx;
inputs[i].mi.dy = inputs32[i].mi.dy;
inputs[i].mi.mouseData = inputs32[i].mi.mouseData;
inputs[i].mi.dwFlags = inputs32[i].mi.dwFlags;
inputs[i].mi.time = inputs32[i].mi.time;
inputs[i].mi.dwExtraInfo = inputs32[i].mi.dwExtraInfo;
inputs[i].ki.wVk = inputs32[i].ki.wVk;
inputs[i].ki.wScan = inputs32[i].ki.wScan;
inputs[i].ki.dwFlags = inputs32[i].ki.dwFlags;
inputs[i].ki.time = inputs32[i].ki.time;
inputs[i].ki.dwExtraInfo = inputs32[i].ki.dwExtraInfo;
inputs[i].hi = inputs32[i].hi;
return NtUserSendInput( count, inputs, sizeof(*inputs) );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetActiveWindow( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserSetActiveWindow( hwnd ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetCapture( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserSetCapture( hwnd ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetClassLong( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT offset = get_ulong( &args );
LONG newval = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL ansi = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetClassLong( hwnd, offset, newval, ansi );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetClassLongPtr( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT offset = get_ulong( &args );
LONG_PTR newval = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL ansi = get_ulong( &args );
if (offset == GCLP_MENUNAME)
struct client_menu_name menu_name;
struct client_menu_name32 *menu_name32 = UlongToPtr( newval );
NtUserSetClassLong( hwnd, offset,
(UINT_PTR)client_menu_name_32to64( &menu_name, menu_name32 ), ansi );
client_menu_name_64to32( &menu_name, menu_name32 );
return 0;
return NtUserSetClassLongPtr( hwnd, offset, newval, ansi );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetClassWord( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT offset = get_ulong( &args );
WORD newval = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetClassWord( hwnd, offset, newval );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetClipboardData( UINT *args )
UINT format = get_ulong( &args );
HANDLE handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT32 data;
UINT32 size;
BOOL cache_only;
UINT seqno;
} *params32 = get_ptr( &args );
struct set_clipboard_params params; = UlongToPtr( params32->data );
params.size = params32->size;
params.cache_only = params32->cache_only;
params.seqno = params32->seqno;
return NtUserSetClipboardData( format, handle, &params );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetClipboardViewer( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserSetClipboardViewer( hwnd ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetCursor( UINT *args )
HCURSOR cursor = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserSetCursor( cursor ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetCursorIconData( UINT *args )
HCURSOR cursor = get_handle( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *module32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *res_name32 = get_ptr( &args );
UINT flags;
UINT num_steps;
UINT num_frames;
UINT delay;
ULONG frames;
ULONG frame_seq;
ULONG frame_rates;
ULONG rsrc;
} *desc32 = get_ptr( &args );
UINT width;
UINT height;
ULONG color;
ULONG alpha;
ULONG mask;
POINT hotspot;
} *frames32 = UlongToPtr( desc32->frames );
UNICODE_STRING module, res_name;
struct cursoricon_desc desc;
UINT i, num_frames;
num_frames = max( desc32->num_frames, 1 );
if (!(desc.frames = Wow64AllocateTemp( num_frames * sizeof(*desc.frames) ))) return FALSE;
desc.flags = desc32->flags;
desc.num_steps = desc32->num_steps;
desc.num_frames = desc32->num_frames;
desc.delay = desc32->delay;
desc.frame_seq = UlongToPtr( desc32->frame_seq );
desc.frame_rates = UlongToPtr( desc32->frame_rates );
desc.rsrc = UlongToPtr( desc32->rsrc );
for (i = 0; i < num_frames; i++)
desc.frames[i].width = frames32[i].width;
desc.frames[i].height = frames32[i].height;
desc.frames[i].color = UlongToHandle( frames32[i].color );
desc.frames[i].alpha = UlongToHandle( frames32[i].alpha );
desc.frames[i].mask = UlongToHandle( frames32[i].mask );
desc.frames[i].hotspot = frames32[i].hotspot;
return NtUserSetCursorIconData( cursor, unicode_str_32to64( &module, module32 ),
unicode_str_32to64( &res_name, res_name32), &desc );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetCursorPos( UINT *args )
INT x = get_ulong( &args );
INT y = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetCursorPos( x, y );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetFocus( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserSetFocus( hwnd ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetInternalWindowPos( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT cmd = get_ulong( &args );
RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
POINT *pt = get_ptr( &args );
NtUserSetInternalWindowPos( hwnd, cmd, rect, pt );
return 0;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetKeyboardState( UINT *args )
BYTE *state = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserSetKeyboardState( state );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetLayeredWindowAttributes( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
COLORREF key = get_ulong( &args );
BYTE alpha = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetLayeredWindowAttributes( hwnd, key, alpha, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetMenu( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HMENU menu = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserSetMenu( hwnd, menu );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetMenuContextHelpId( UINT *args )
HMENU menu = get_handle( &args );
DWORD id = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetMenuContextHelpId( menu, id );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetMenuDefaultItem( UINT *args )
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT item = get_ulong( &args );
UINT bypos = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetMenuDefaultItem( handle, item, bypos );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetObjectInformation( UINT *args )
HANDLE handle = get_handle( &args );
INT index = get_ulong( &args );
void *info = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD len = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetObjectInformation( handle, index, info, len );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetParent( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HWND parent = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserSetParent( hwnd, parent ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetProcessDpiAwarenessContext( UINT *args )
ULONG awareness = get_ulong( &args );
ULONG unknown = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetProcessDpiAwarenessContext( awareness, unknown );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetProcessWindowStation( UINT *args )
HWINSTA handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserSetProcessWindowStation( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetProp( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
const WCHAR *str = get_ptr( &args );
HANDLE handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserSetProp( hwnd, str, handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetScrollInfo( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT bar = get_ulong( &args );
const SCROLLINFO *info = get_ptr( &args );
BOOL redraw = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetScrollInfo( hwnd, bar, info, redraw );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetSysColors( UINT *args )
INT count = get_ulong( &args );
const INT *colors = get_ptr( &args );
const COLORREF *values = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserSetSysColors( count, colors, values );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetSystemMenu( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HMENU menu = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserSetSystemMenu( hwnd, menu );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetSystemTimer( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT_PTR id = get_ulong( &args );
UINT timeout = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetSystemTimer( hwnd, id, timeout );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetThreadDesktop( UINT *args )
HDESK handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserSetThreadDesktop( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetTimer( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
UINT_PTR id = get_ulong( &args );
UINT timeout = get_ulong( &args );
TIMERPROC proc = get_ptr( &args );
ULONG tolerance = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetTimer( hwnd, id, timeout, proc, tolerance );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetWinEventHook( UINT *args )
DWORD event_min = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD event_max = get_ulong( &args );
HMODULE inst = get_handle( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *module32 = get_ptr( &args );
WINEVENTPROC proc = get_ptr(&args );
DWORD pid = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD tid = get_ulong( &args );
DWORD flags = get_ulong( &args );
ret = NtUserSetWinEventHook( event_min, event_max, inst,
unicode_str_32to64( &module, module32 ),
proc, pid, tid, flags );
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetWindowLong( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT offset = get_ulong( &args );
LONG newval = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL ansi = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetWindowLong( hwnd, offset, newval, ansi );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetWindowLongPtr( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT offset = get_ulong( &args );
LONG_PTR newval = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL ansi = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, offset, newval, ansi );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetWindowPlacement( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
const WINDOWPLACEMENT *wpl = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserSetWindowPlacement( hwnd, wpl );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetWindowPos( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HWND after = get_handle( &args );
INT x = get_ulong( &args );
INT y = get_ulong( &args );
INT cx = get_ulong( &args );
INT cy = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetWindowPos( hwnd, after, x, y, cx, cy, flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetWindowRgn( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HRGN hrgn = get_handle( &args );
BOOL redraw = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetWindowRgn( hwnd, hrgn, redraw );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetWindowWord( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT offset = get_ulong( &args );
WORD newval = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSetWindowWord( hwnd, offset, newval );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSetWindowsHookEx( UINT *args )
HINSTANCE inst = get_handle( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *module32 = get_ptr( &args );
DWORD tid = get_ulong( &args );
INT id = get_ulong( &args );
HOOKPROC proc = get_ptr( &args );
BOOL ansi = get_ulong( &args );
HHOOK ret;
ret = NtUserSetWindowsHookEx( inst, unicode_str_32to64( &module, module32 ),
tid, id, proc, ansi );
return HandleToUlong( ret );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserShowCaret( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserShowCaret( hwnd );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserShowCursor( UINT *args )
BOOL show = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserShowCursor( show );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserShowScrollBar( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT bar = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL show = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserShowScrollBar( hwnd, bar, show );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserShowWindow( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT cmd = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserShowWindow( hwnd, cmd );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserShowWindowAsync( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
INT cmd = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserShowWindowAsync( hwnd, cmd );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSystemParametersInfo( UINT *args )
UINT action = get_ulong( &args );
UINT val = get_ulong( &args );
void *ptr = get_ptr( &args );
UINT winini = get_ulong( &args );
switch (action)
if (ptr)
UINT cbSize;
DWORD dwFlags;
ULONG lpszActivePort;
ULONG lpszPort;
UINT iBaudRate;
UINT iPortState;
UINT iActive;
} *keys32 = ptr;
if (keys32->cbSize != sizeof(*keys32)) return FALSE;
keys.cbSize = sizeof(keys);
if (!NtUserSystemParametersInfo( action, val, &keys, winini )) return FALSE;
keys32->dwFlags = keys.dwFlags;
keys32->lpszActivePort = PtrToUlong( keys.lpszActivePort );
keys32->lpszPort = PtrToUlong( keys.lpszPort );
keys32->iBaudRate = keys.iBaudRate;
keys32->iPortState = keys.iPortState;
keys32->iActive = keys.iActive;
return TRUE;
if (ptr)
UINT cbSize;
DWORD dwFlags;
DWORD iFSTextEffect;
DWORD iFSTextEffectMSec;
DWORD iFSTextEffectColorBits;
DWORD iFSGrafEffect;
DWORD iFSGrafEffectMSec;
DWORD iFSGrafEffectColor;
DWORD iWindowsEffect;
DWORD iWindowsEffectMSec;
ULONG lpszWindowsEffectDLL;
DWORD iWindowsEffectOrdinal;
} *entry32 = ptr;
if (entry32->cbSize != sizeof(*entry32)) return FALSE;
entry.cbSize = sizeof(entry);
if (!NtUserSystemParametersInfo( action, val, &entry, winini )) return FALSE;
entry32->dwFlags = entry.dwFlags;
entry32->iFSTextEffect = entry.iFSTextEffect;
entry32->iFSTextEffectMSec = entry.iFSTextEffectMSec;
entry32->iFSTextEffectColorBits = entry.iFSTextEffectColorBits;
entry32->iFSGrafEffect = entry.iFSGrafEffect;
entry32->iFSGrafEffectMSec = entry.iFSGrafEffectMSec;
entry32->iFSGrafEffectColor = entry.iFSGrafEffectColor;
entry32->iWindowsEffect = entry.iWindowsEffect;
entry32->iWindowsEffectMSec = entry.iWindowsEffectMSec;
entry32->lpszWindowsEffectDLL = PtrToUlong( entry.lpszWindowsEffectDLL );
entry32->iWindowsEffectOrdinal = entry.iWindowsEffectOrdinal;
return TRUE;
if (ptr)
UINT cbSize;
DWORD dwFlags;
ULONG lpszDefaultScheme;
} *info32 = ptr;
if (info32->cbSize != sizeof(*info32)) return FALSE;
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
if (!NtUserSystemParametersInfo( action, val, &info, winini )) return FALSE;
info32->dwFlags = info.dwFlags;
info32->lpszDefaultScheme = PtrToUlong( info.lpszDefaultScheme );
return TRUE;
return NtUserSystemParametersInfo( action, val, ptr, winini );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserSystemParametersInfoForDpi( UINT *args )
UINT action = get_ulong( &args );
UINT val = get_ulong( &args );
void *ptr = get_ptr( &args );
UINT winini = get_ulong( &args );
UINT dpi = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserSystemParametersInfoForDpi( action, val, ptr, winini, dpi );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserThunkedMenuInfo( UINT *args )
HMENU menu = get_handle( &args );
MENUINFO32 *info32 = get_ptr( &args );
if (info32)
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
info.fMask = info32->fMask;
info.dwStyle = info32->dwStyle;
info.cyMax = info32->cyMax;
info.hbrBack = UlongToHandle( info32->hbrBack );
info.dwContextHelpID = info32->dwContextHelpID;
info.dwMenuData = info32->dwMenuData;
return NtUserThunkedMenuInfo( menu, info32 ? &info : NULL );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo( UINT *args )
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT pos = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
UINT method = get_ulong( &args );
MENUITEMINFOW32 *info32 = get_ptr( &args );
UNICODE_STRING32 *str32 = get_ptr( &args );
MENUITEMINFOW info = { sizeof(info) }, *info_ptr;
UINT ret;
if (info32)
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
info.fMask = info32->fMask;
switch (method)
case NtUserSetMenuItemInfo:
case NtUserInsertMenuItem:
info.fType = info32->fType;
info.fState = info32->fState;
info.wID = info32->wID;
info.hSubMenu = LongToHandle( info32->hSubMenu );
info.hbmpChecked = UlongToHandle( info32->hbmpChecked );
info.hbmpUnchecked = UlongToHandle( info32->hbmpUnchecked );
info.dwItemData = info32->dwItemData;
info.dwTypeData = UlongToPtr( info32->dwTypeData );
info.cch = info32->cch;
info.hbmpItem = UlongToHandle( info32->hbmpItem );
case NtUserCheckMenuRadioItem:
info.cch = info32->cch;
case NtUserGetMenuItemInfoA:
case NtUserGetMenuItemInfoW:
info.dwTypeData = UlongToPtr( info32->dwTypeData );
info.cch = info32->cch;
info_ptr = &info;
else info_ptr = NULL;
ret = NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo( handle, pos, flags, method, info_ptr,
unicode_str_32to64( &str, str32 ));
if (info_ptr)
switch (method)
case NtUserGetMenuItemInfoA:
case NtUserGetMenuItemInfoW:
if (info.fMask & (MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_STRING | MIIM_FTYPE))
info32->fType = info.fType;
if (info.fMask & (MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_BITMAP))
info32->hbmpItem = HandleToUlong( info.hbmpItem );
if (info.fMask & (MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_STRING))
info32->dwTypeData = (UINT_PTR)info.dwTypeData;
info32->cch = info.cch;
if (info.fMask & MIIM_STATE) info32->fState = info.fState;
if (info.fMask & MIIM_ID) info32->wID = info.wID;
info32->hSubMenu = HandleToUlong( info.hSubMenu );
if (info.fMask & MIIM_CHECKMARKS)
info32->hbmpChecked = HandleToUlong( info.hbmpChecked );
info32->hbmpUnchecked = HandleToUlong( info.hbmpUnchecked );
if (info.fMask & MIIM_DATA) info32->dwItemData = info.dwItemData;
return ret;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserToUnicodeEx( UINT *args )
UINT virt = get_ulong( &args );
UINT scan = get_ulong( &args );
const BYTE *state = get_ptr( &args );
WCHAR *str = get_ptr( &args );
int size = get_ulong( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
HKL layout = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserToUnicodeEx( virt, scan, state, str, size, flags, layout );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserTrackMouseEvent( UINT *args )
DWORD cbSize;
DWORD dwFlags;
UINT32 hwndTrack;
DWORD dwHoverTime;
} *info32 = get_ptr( &args );
BOOL ret;
if (info32->cbSize != sizeof(*info32))
set_last_error32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
return FALSE;
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
info.dwFlags = info32->dwFlags;
info.hwndTrack = LongToHandle( info32->hwndTrack );
info.dwHoverTime = info32->dwHoverTime;
ret = NtUserTrackMouseEvent( &info );
info32->dwFlags = info.dwFlags;
info32->hwndTrack = HandleToUlong( info.hwndTrack );
info32->dwHoverTime = info.dwHoverTime;
return ret;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserTrackPopupMenuEx( UINT *args )
HMENU handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
int x = get_ulong( &args );
int y = get_ulong( &args );
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
TPMPARAMS *params = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserTrackPopupMenuEx( handle, flags, x, y, hwnd, params );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserTranslateAccelerator( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
HACCEL accel = get_handle( &args );
MSG32 *msg32 = get_ptr( &args );
MSG msg;
return NtUserTranslateAccelerator( hwnd, accel, msg_32to64( &msg, msg32 ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserTranslateMessage( UINT *args )
const MSG32 *msg32 = get_ptr( &args );
UINT flags = get_ulong( &args );
MSG msg;
return NtUserTranslateMessage( msg_32to64( &msg, msg32 ), flags );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserUnhookWinEvent( UINT *args )
HWINEVENTHOOK handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserUnhookWinEvent( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx( UINT *args )
HHOOK handle = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx( handle );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserUnregisterClass( UINT *args )
UNICODE_STRING32 *name32 = get_ptr( &args );
HINSTANCE instance = get_ptr( &args );
struct client_menu_name32 *menu_name32 = get_ptr( &args );
struct client_menu_name menu_name;
BOOL ret;
ret = NtUserUnregisterClass( unicode_str_32to64( &name, name32 ), instance, &menu_name );
if (ret) client_menu_name_64to32( &menu_name, menu_name32 );
return ret;
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserUnregisterHotKey( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
int id = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserUnregisterHotKey( hwnd, id );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserUpdateInputContext( UINT *args )
HIMC handle = get_handle( &args );
UINT attr = get_ulong( &args );
UINT_PTR value = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserUpdateInputContext( handle, attr, value );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserValidateRect( UINT *args )
HWND hwnd = get_handle( &args );
const RECT *rect = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserValidateRect( hwnd, rect );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserVkKeyScanEx( UINT *args )
WCHAR chr = get_ulong( &args );
HKL layout = get_handle( &args );
return NtUserVkKeyScanEx( chr, layout );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserWaitForInputIdle( UINT *args )
HANDLE process = get_handle( &args );
DWORD timeout = get_ulong( &args );
BOOL wow = get_ulong( &args );
return NtUserWaitForInputIdle( process, timeout, wow );
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserWindowFromDC( UINT *args )
HDC hdc = get_handle( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserWindowFromDC( hdc ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserWindowFromPoint( UINT *args )
LONG x = get_ulong( &args );
LONG y = get_ulong( &args );
return HandleToUlong( NtUserWindowFromPoint( x, y ));
NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtUserDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo( UINT *args )
DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER *packet = get_ptr( &args );
return NtUserDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo( packet );