Vijay Kiran Kamuju d2f3f3aaa8 msasn1: Add stub for ASN1_Decode function.
ASN1decoding_t and ASN1encoding_t are implemented as linked lists.
Current implementation does not properly emulate the linked list, as
we need to identify where the next link pointers are stored.

Signed-off-by: Vijay Kiran Kamuju <>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>
2020-06-01 22:10:28 +02:00

267 lines
7.8 KiB

@ stub ASN1BERDecBitString2
@ stub ASN1BERDecBitString
@ stub ASN1BERDecBool
@ stub ASN1BERDecChar16String
@ stub ASN1BERDecChar32String
@ stub ASN1BERDecCharString
@ stub ASN1BERDecCheck
@ stub ASN1BERDecDouble
@ stub ASN1BERDecEndOfContents
@ stub ASN1BERDecEoid
@ stub ASN1BERDecExplicitTag
@ stub ASN1BERDecFlush
@ stub ASN1BERDecGeneralizedTime
@ stub ASN1BERDecLength
@ stub ASN1BERDecMultibyteString
@ stub ASN1BERDecNotEndOfContents
@ stub ASN1BERDecNull
@ stub ASN1BERDecObjectIdentifier2
@ stub ASN1BERDecObjectIdentifier
@ stub ASN1BERDecOctetString2
@ stub ASN1BERDecOctetString
@ stub ASN1BERDecOpenType2
@ stub ASN1BERDecOpenType
@ stub ASN1BERDecPeekTag
@ stub ASN1BERDecS16Val
@ stub ASN1BERDecS32Val
@ stub ASN1BERDecS8Val
@ stub ASN1BERDecSXVal
@ stub ASN1BERDecSkip
@ stub ASN1BERDecTag
@ stub ASN1BERDecU16Val
@ stub ASN1BERDecU32Val
@ stub ASN1BERDecU8Val
@ stub ASN1BERDecUTCTime
@ stub ASN1BERDecUTF8String
@ stub ASN1BERDecZeroChar16String
@ stub ASN1BERDecZeroChar32String
@ stub ASN1BERDecZeroCharString
@ stub ASN1BERDecZeroMultibyteString
@ stub ASN1BERDotVal2Eoid
@ stub ASN1BEREncBitString
@ stub ASN1BEREncBool
@ stub ASN1BEREncChar16String
@ stub ASN1BEREncChar32String
@ stub ASN1BEREncCharString
@ stub ASN1BEREncCheck
@ stub ASN1BEREncDouble
@ stub ASN1BEREncEndOfContents
@ stub ASN1BEREncEoid
@ stub ASN1BEREncExplicitTag
@ stub ASN1BEREncFlush
@ stub ASN1BEREncGeneralizedTime
@ stub ASN1BEREncLength
@ stub ASN1BEREncMultibyteString
@ stub ASN1BEREncNull
@ stub ASN1BEREncObjectIdentifier2
@ stub ASN1BEREncObjectIdentifier
@ stub ASN1BEREncOctetString
@ stub ASN1BEREncOpenType
@ stub ASN1BEREncRemoveZeroBits
@ stub ASN1BEREncS32
@ stub ASN1BEREncSX
@ stub ASN1BEREncTag
@ stub ASN1BEREncU32
@ stub ASN1BEREncUTCTime
@ stub ASN1BEREncUTF8String
@ stub ASN1BEREncZeroMultibyteString
@ stub ASN1BEREoid2DotVal
@ stub ASN1BEREoid_free
@ stub ASN1CEREncBeginBlk
@ stub ASN1CEREncBitString
@ stub ASN1CEREncChar16String
@ stub ASN1CEREncChar32String
@ stub ASN1CEREncCharString
@ stub ASN1CEREncEndBlk
@ stub ASN1CEREncFlushBlkElement
@ stub ASN1CEREncGeneralizedTime
@ stub ASN1CEREncMultibyteString
@ stub ASN1CEREncNewBlkElement
@ stub ASN1CEREncOctetString
@ stub ASN1CEREncUTCTime
@ stub ASN1CEREncZeroMultibyteString
@ stub ASN1DecAbort
@ stub ASN1DecAlloc
@ stub ASN1DecDone
@ stub ASN1DecRealloc
@ stub ASN1DecSetError
@ stub ASN1EncAbort
@ stub ASN1EncDone
@ stub ASN1EncSetError
@ stub ASN1Free
@ stub ASN1PERDecAlignment
@ stub ASN1PERDecBit
@ stub ASN1PERDecBits
@ stub ASN1PERDecBoolean
@ stub ASN1PERDecChar16String
@ stub ASN1PERDecChar32String
@ stub ASN1PERDecCharString
@ stub ASN1PERDecCharStringNoAlloc
@ stub ASN1PERDecComplexChoice
@ stub ASN1PERDecDouble
@ stub ASN1PERDecExtension
@ stub ASN1PERDecFlush
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmented
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedChar16String
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedChar32String
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedCharString
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedExtension
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedIntx
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedLength
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedTableChar16String
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedTableChar32String
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedTableCharString
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedUIntx
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedZeroChar16String
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedZeroChar32String
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedZeroCharString
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedZeroTableChar16String
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedZeroTableChar32String
@ stub ASN1PERDecFragmentedZeroTableCharString
@ stub ASN1PERDecGeneralizedTime
@ stub ASN1PERDecInteger
@ stub ASN1PERDecMultibyteString
@ stub ASN1PERDecN16Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecN32Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecN8Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecNormallySmallExtension
@ stub ASN1PERDecObjectIdentifier2
@ stub ASN1PERDecObjectIdentifier
@ stub ASN1PERDecOctetString_FixedSize
@ stub ASN1PERDecOctetString_FixedSizeEx
@ stub ASN1PERDecOctetString_NoSize
@ stub ASN1PERDecOctetString_VarSize
@ stub ASN1PERDecOctetString_VarSizeEx
@ stub ASN1PERDecS16Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecS32Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecS8Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecSXVal
@ stub ASN1PERDecSeqOf_NoSize
@ stub ASN1PERDecSeqOf_VarSize
@ stub ASN1PERDecSimpleChoice
@ stub ASN1PERDecSimpleChoiceEx
@ stub ASN1PERDecSkipBits
@ stub ASN1PERDecSkipFragmented
@ stub ASN1PERDecSkipNormallySmall
@ stub ASN1PERDecSkipNormallySmallExtension
@ stub ASN1PERDecSkipNormallySmallExtensionFragmented
@ stub ASN1PERDecTableChar16String
@ stub ASN1PERDecTableChar32String
@ stub ASN1PERDecTableCharString
@ stub ASN1PERDecTableCharStringNoAlloc
@ stub ASN1PERDecU16Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecU32Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecU8Val
@ stub ASN1PERDecUTCTime
@ stub ASN1PERDecUXVal
@ stub ASN1PERDecUnsignedInteger
@ stub ASN1PERDecUnsignedShort
@ stub ASN1PERDecZeroChar16String
@ stub ASN1PERDecZeroChar32String
@ stub ASN1PERDecZeroCharString
@ stub ASN1PERDecZeroCharStringNoAlloc
@ stub ASN1PERDecZeroTableChar16String
@ stub ASN1PERDecZeroTableChar32String
@ stub ASN1PERDecZeroTableCharString
@ stub ASN1PERDecZeroTableCharStringNoAlloc
@ stub ASN1PEREncAlignment
@ stub ASN1PEREncBit
@ stub ASN1PEREncBitIntx
@ stub ASN1PEREncBitVal
@ stub ASN1PEREncBits
@ stub ASN1PEREncBoolean
@ stub ASN1PEREncChar16String
@ stub ASN1PEREncChar32String
@ stub ASN1PEREncCharString
@ stub ASN1PEREncCheckExtensions
@ stub ASN1PEREncComplexChoice
@ stub ASN1PEREncDouble
@ stub ASN1PEREncExtensionBitClear
@ stub ASN1PEREncExtensionBitSet
@ stub ASN1PEREncFlush
@ stub ASN1PEREncFlushFragmentedToParent
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmented
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedChar16String
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedChar32String
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedCharString
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedIntx
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedLength
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedTableChar16String
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedTableChar32String
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedTableCharString
@ stub ASN1PEREncFragmentedUIntx
@ stub ASN1PEREncGeneralizedTime
@ stub ASN1PEREncInteger
@ stub ASN1PEREncMultibyteString
@ stub ASN1PEREncNormallySmall
@ stub ASN1PEREncNormallySmallBits
@ stub ASN1PEREncObjectIdentifier2
@ stub ASN1PEREncObjectIdentifier
@ stub ASN1PEREncOctetString_FixedSize
@ stub ASN1PEREncOctetString_FixedSizeEx
@ stub ASN1PEREncOctetString_NoSize
@ stub ASN1PEREncOctetString_VarSize
@ stub ASN1PEREncOctetString_VarSizeEx
@ stub ASN1PEREncOctets
@ stub ASN1PEREncRemoveZeroBits
@ stub ASN1PEREncSeqOf_NoSize
@ stub ASN1PEREncSeqOf_VarSize
@ stub ASN1PEREncSimpleChoice
@ stub ASN1PEREncSimpleChoiceEx
@ stub ASN1PEREncTableChar16String
@ stub ASN1PEREncTableChar32String
@ stub ASN1PEREncTableCharString
@ stub ASN1PEREncUTCTime
@ stub ASN1PEREncUnsignedInteger
@ stub ASN1PEREncUnsignedShort
@ stub ASN1PEREncZero
@ stub ASN1PERFreeSeqOf
@ stdcall ASN1_CloseDecoder(ptr)
@ stub ASN1_CloseEncoder2
@ stdcall ASN1_CloseEncoder(ptr)
@ stdcall ASN1_CloseModule(ptr)
@ stdcall ASN1_CreateDecoder(ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
@ stub ASN1_CreateDecoderEx
@ stdcall ASN1_CreateEncoder(ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
@ stdcall ASN1_CreateModule(long long long long ptr ptr ptr ptr long)
@ stdcall ASN1_Decode(ptr ptr long long ptr long)
@ stub ASN1_Encode
@ stub ASN1_FreeDecoded
@ stub ASN1_FreeEncoded
@ stub ASN1_GetDecoderOption
@ stub ASN1_GetEncoderOption
@ stub ASN1_SetDecoderOption
@ stub ASN1_SetEncoderOption
@ stub ASN1bitstring_cmp
@ stub ASN1bitstring_free
@ stub ASN1char16string_cmp
@ stub ASN1char16string_free
@ stub ASN1char32string_cmp
@ stub ASN1char32string_free
@ stub ASN1charstring_cmp
@ stub ASN1charstring_free
@ stub ASN1generalizedtime_cmp
@ stub ASN1intx2int32
@ stub ASN1intx2uint32
@ stub ASN1intx_add
@ stub ASN1intx_free
@ stub ASN1intx_setuint32
@ stub ASN1intx_sub
@ stub ASN1intx_uoctets
@ stub ASN1intxisuint32
@ stub ASN1objectidentifier2_cmp
@ stub ASN1objectidentifier_cmp
@ stub ASN1objectidentifier_free
@ stub ASN1octetstring_cmp
@ stub ASN1octetstring_free
@ stub ASN1open_cmp
@ stub ASN1open_free
@ stub ASN1uint32_uoctets
@ stub ASN1utctime_cmp
@ stub ASN1utf8string_free
@ stub ASN1ztchar16string_cmp
@ stub ASN1ztchar16string_free
@ stub ASN1ztchar32string_free
@ stub ASN1ztcharstring_cmp
@ stub ASN1ztcharstring_free