Adam Martinson 4f78c04ec8 msxml3: XSLPattern support.
Parse XSLPattern queries and translate them into equivalent XPath queries.
XSLPattern built-in functions/operators are translated to their XPath
counterparts where applicable.  If no direct XPath counterpart exists,
they are registered as custom XPath functions for the sake of speed where
possible.  As a last resort, they are translated into compound XPath
expressions to accomplish the task, if more slowly.
If the parser encounters an error, the original XSLPattern query is
returned, as this is more likely to work than a mangled one.
2010-10-04 16:18:54 +02:00

182 lines
5.4 KiB

* XSLPattern lexer
* Copyright 2010 Adam Martinson for CodeWeavers
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "config.h"
#include "wine/port.h"
#include "xslpattern.h"
#include ""
#define SCAN xslpattern_get_extra(yyscanner)
#define YY_INPUT(tok_buf, tok_len, max) \
do { \
if (SCAN->pos <= SCAN->len) \
{ \
tok_len = SCAN->len - SCAN->pos; \
if (tok_len > max) tok_len = max; \
memcpy(tok_buf, SCAN->in + SCAN->pos, tok_len); \
SCAN->pos += tok_len; \
} \
else \
{ \
tok_len = YY_NULL; \
} \
} while (0);
#define TOK(tok) TRACE("token: %s : %s\n", #tok, yytext); return tok
#define OP(tok) *yylval=NULL; TOK(tok)
#define SYM(tok) *yylval=NULL; TOK(tok)
#define STR(tok) *yylval=xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST yytext); TOK(tok)
%option reentrant bison-bridge
%option noyywrap
%option prefix="xslpattern_"
%option noinput nounput
/* From the w3c XML standard
* <> */
/* [2.3] Common Syntactic Constructs */
WSpace ([[:space:]])
NCNameStartChar ([A-Za-z_]|[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff])
NameCharEx ([0-9]|[-._\xb7])
NCNameChar ({NCNameStartChar}|{NameCharEx})
/* From the w3c XML Namespace standard
* <> */
/* [3] Declaring Namespaces*/
NCName ({NCNameStartChar}{NCNameChar}*)
/* Mostly verbatim from the w3c XPath standard.
* <> */
/* [3.4] Booleans
* ||, &&, $foo$ are XSLPattern only */
OP_Or ("or"|"||"|"$or$")
OP_And ("and"|"&&"|"$and$")
OP_Eq ("="|"$eq$")
OP_IEq ("$ieq$")
OP_NEq ("!="|"$ne$")
OP_INEq ("$ine$")
OP_Lt ("<"|"$lt$")
OP_ILt ("$ilt$")
OP_Gt (">"|"$gt$")
OP_IGt ("$igt$")
OP_LEq ("<="|"$le$")
OP_ILEq ("$ile$")
OP_GEq (">="|"$ge$")
OP_IGEq ("$ige$")
OP_Not ("$not$")
OP_All ("$all$")
OP_Any ("$any$")
/* [3.7] Lexical Structure */
Literal (([\x22]([^\x22]*)[\x22])|([\x27]([^\x27]*)[\x27]))
Number ({Digits}("."{Digits}?)?|"."{Digits})
Digits ([0-9]+)
ANY (.)
{WSpace}+ { /* ignored */ }
{Literal} { STR(TOK_Literal); }
"//" { SYM(TOK_DblFSlash); }
"/" { SYM(TOK_FSlash); }
".." { SYM(TOK_Parent); }
"." { SYM(TOK_Self); }
"::" { SYM(TOK_Axis); }
":" { SYM(TOK_Colon); }
"(" { SYM('('); }
")" { SYM(')'); }
"[" { SYM('['); }
"]" { SYM(']'); }
"@" { SYM('@'); }
"," { SYM(','); }
"*" { SYM('*'); }
{OP_And} { OP(TOK_OpAnd); }
{OP_Or} { OP(TOK_OpOr); }
{OP_Not} { OP(TOK_OpNot); }
{OP_Eq} { OP(TOK_OpEq); }
{OP_IEq} { OP(TOK_OpIEq); }
{OP_NEq} { OP(TOK_OpNEq); }
{OP_INEq} { OP(TOK_OpINEq); }
{OP_Lt} { OP(TOK_OpLt); }
{OP_ILt} { OP(TOK_OpILt); }
{OP_Gt} { OP(TOK_OpGt); }
{OP_IGt} { OP(TOK_OpIGt); }
{OP_LEq} { OP(TOK_OpLEq); }
{OP_ILEq} { OP(TOK_OpILEq); }
{OP_GEq} { OP(TOK_OpGEq); }
{OP_IGEq} { OP(TOK_OpIGEq); }
{OP_All} { OP(TOK_OpAll); }
{OP_Any} { OP(TOK_OpAny); }
"|" { SYM('|'); }
"!" { SYM('!'); }
{NCName} { STR(TOK_NCName); }
{Number} { STR(TOK_Number); }
{ANY} { FIXME("Unexpected character '%s'.",yytext); }
xmlChar* XSLPattern_to_XPath(xmlChar const* xslpat_str)
parser_param p;
TRACE("(%s)\n", wine_dbgstr_a((char const*)xslpat_str));
memset(&p, 0, sizeof(parser_param)); = xslpat_str;
p.len = xmlStrlen(xslpat_str);
xslpattern_set_extra(&p, p.yyscanner);
xslpattern_parse(&p, p.yyscanner);
TRACE("=> %s\n", wine_dbgstr_a((char const*)p.out));
if (p.err)
return xmlStrdup(xslpat_str);
return p.out;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBXML2 */