2023-08-04 19:21:03 +09:00

2064 lines
82 KiB

* Copyright 2021 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "ntstatus.h"
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
#include "wine/test.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "ntuser.h"
#define check_member_( file, line, val, exp, fmt, member ) \
ok_(file, line)( (val).member == (exp).member, "got " #member " " fmt "\n", (val).member )
#define check_member( val, exp, fmt, member ) \
check_member_( __FILE__, __LINE__, val, exp, fmt, member )
static void flush_events(void)
int min_timeout = 100, diff = 200;
DWORD time = GetTickCount() + diff;
MSG msg;
while (diff > 0)
if (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 0, NULL, FALSE, min_timeout, QS_ALLINPUT ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) break;
while (PeekMessageA( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ))
TranslateMessage( &msg );
DispatchMessageA( &msg );
diff = time - GetTickCount();
static void test_NtUserEnumDisplayDevices(void)
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 0, &info, 0 );
ok( !ret && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
"NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 12345, &info, 0 );
ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
"NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret,
GetLastError() );
info.cb = 0;
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 0, &info, 0 );
ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
"NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 12345, &info, 0 );
ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
"NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
"NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, 12345, NULL, 0 );
ok( ret == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL && GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
"NtUserEnumDisplayDevices returned %#lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
static void test_NtUserCloseWindowStation(void)
BOOL ret;
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserCloseWindowStation( 0 );
ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE,
"NtUserCloseWindowStation returned %x %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
static void test_window_props(void)
HANDLE prop;
ATOM atom;
HWND hwnd;
BOOL ret;
hwnd = CreateWindowExA( 0, "static", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL );
atom = GlobalAddAtomW( L"test" );
ret = NtUserSetProp( hwnd, UlongToPtr(atom), UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef) );
ok( ret, "NtUserSetProp failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
prop = GetPropW( hwnd, L"test" );
ok( prop == UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), "prop = %p\n", prop );
prop = NtUserGetProp( hwnd, UlongToPtr(atom) );
ok( prop == UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), "prop = %p\n", prop );
prop = NtUserRemoveProp( hwnd, UlongToPtr(atom) );
ok( prop == UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), "prop = %p\n", prop );
prop = GetPropW(hwnd, L"test");
ok(!prop, "prop = %p\n", prop);
GlobalDeleteAtom( atom );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
static void test_class(void)
WCHAR buf[64];
ATOM class;
HWND hwnd;
ULONG ret;
memset( &cls, 0, sizeof(cls) ); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
cls.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProcW;
cls.hInstance = GetModuleHandleW( NULL );
cls.hbrBackground = GetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH );
cls.lpszMenuName = 0;
cls.lpszClassName = L"test";
class = RegisterClassW( &cls );
ok( class, "RegisterClassW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
hwnd = CreateWindowW( L"test", L"test name", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL,
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
name.Buffer = buf;
name.Length = 0xdead;
name.MaximumLength = sizeof(buf);
ret = NtUserGetAtomName( class, &name );
ok( ret == 4, "NtUserGetAtomName returned %lu\n", ret );
ok( name.Length == 0xdead, "Length = %u\n", name.Length );
ok( name.MaximumLength == sizeof(buf), "MaximumLength = %u\n", name.MaximumLength );
ok( !wcscmp( buf, L"test" ), "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
name.Buffer = buf;
name.Length = 0xdead;
name.MaximumLength = 8;
ret = NtUserGetAtomName( class, &name );
ok( ret == 3, "NtUserGetAtomName returned %lu\n", ret );
ok( name.Length == 0xdead, "Length = %u\n", name.Length );
ok( name.MaximumLength == 8, "MaximumLength = %u\n", name.MaximumLength );
ok( !wcscmp( buf, L"tes" ), "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
name.Buffer = buf;
name.MaximumLength = 1;
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserGetAtomName( class, &name );
ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
"NtUserGetAtomName returned %lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
name.Buffer = buf;
name.Length = 0xdead;
name.MaximumLength = sizeof(buf);
ret = NtUserGetClassName( hwnd, FALSE, &name );
ok( ret == 4, "NtUserGetClassName returned %lu\n", ret );
ok( name.Length == 0xdead, "Length = %u\n", name.Length );
ok( name.MaximumLength == sizeof(buf), "MaximumLength = %u\n", name.MaximumLength );
ok( !wcscmp( buf, L"test" ), "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
name.Buffer = buf;
name.Length = 0xdead;
name.MaximumLength = 8;
ret = NtUserGetClassName( hwnd, FALSE, &name );
ok( ret == 3, "NtUserGetClassName returned %lu\n", ret );
ok( name.Length == 0xdead, "Length = %u\n", name.Length );
ok( name.MaximumLength == 8, "MaximumLength = %u\n", name.MaximumLength );
ok( !wcscmp( buf, L"tes" ), "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
name.Buffer = buf;
name.MaximumLength = 1;
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserGetClassName( hwnd, FALSE, &name );
ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
"NtUserGetClassName returned %lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
ret = UnregisterClassW( L"test", GetModuleHandleW(NULL) );
ok( ret, "UnregisterClassW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
name.Buffer = buf;
name.MaximumLength = sizeof(buf);
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserGetAtomName( class, &name );
ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE,
"NtUserGetAtomName returned %lx %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
ok( buf[0] == 0xcccc, "buf = %s\n", debugstr_w(buf) );
static void test_NtUserCreateInputContext(void)
UINT_PTR value, attr3;
HIMC himc;
UINT ret;
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
himc = NtUserCreateInputContext( 0 );
ok( !himc, "NtUserCreateInputContext succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserDestroyInputContext( himc );
ok( !ret, "NtUserDestroyInputContext succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
himc = NtUserCreateInputContext( 0xdeadbeef );
ok( !!himc, "NtUserCreateInputContext failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 0 );
ok( value == GetCurrentProcessId(), "NtUserQueryInputContext 0 returned %#Ix\n", value );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 1 );
ok( value == GetCurrentThreadId(), "NtUserQueryInputContext 1 returned %#Ix\n", value );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 2 );
ok( value == 0, "NtUserQueryInputContext 2 returned %#Ix\n", value );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 3 );
ok( !!value, "NtUserQueryInputContext 3 returned %#Ix\n", value );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
attr3 = value;
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 4 );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserUpdateInputContext( himc, 0, 0 );
ok( !ret, "NtUserUpdateInputContext 0 succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserUpdateInputContext( himc, 1, 0xdeadbeef );
ok( !!ret, "NtUserUpdateInputContext 1 failed\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserUpdateInputContext( himc, 2, 0xdeadbeef );
ok( !ret, "NtUserUpdateInputContext 2 succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserUpdateInputContext( himc, 3, 0x0badf00d );
ok( !ret, "NtUserUpdateInputContext 3 succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserUpdateInputContext( himc, 4, 0xdeadbeef );
ok( !ret, "NtUserUpdateInputContext 4 succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 0 );
ok( value == GetCurrentProcessId(), "NtUserQueryInputContext 0 returned %#Ix\n", value );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 1 );
ok( value == GetCurrentThreadId(), "NtUserQueryInputContext 1 returned %#Ix\n", value );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 2 );
ok( value == 0, "NtUserQueryInputContext 2 returned %#Ix\n", value );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 3 );
ok( value == attr3, "NtUserQueryInputContext 3 returned %#Ix\n", value );
ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
value = NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, 4 );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserDestroyInputContext( himc );
ok( !!ret, "NtUserDestroyInputContext failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
static int himc_compare( const void *a, const void *b )
return (UINT_PTR)*(HIMC *)a - (UINT_PTR)*(HIMC *)b;
static DWORD CALLBACK test_NtUserBuildHimcList_thread( void *arg )
HIMC buf[8], *himc = arg;
NTSTATUS status;
UINT size;
size = 0xdeadbeef;
memset( buf, 0xcd, sizeof(buf) );
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( GetCurrentThreadId(), ARRAYSIZE( buf ), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHimcList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 1, "size = %u\n", size );
ok( !!buf[0], "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
ok( buf[0] != himc[0], "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
ok( buf[0] != himc[1], "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
himc[2] = buf[0];
qsort( himc, 3, sizeof(*himc), himc_compare );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
memset( buf, 0xcd, sizeof(buf) );
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( -1, ARRAYSIZE( buf ), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHimcList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 3, "size = %u\n", size );
qsort( buf, size, sizeof(*buf), himc_compare );
/* FIXME: Wine only lazily creates a default thread IMC */
ok( buf[0] == himc[0], "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
ok( buf[1] == himc[1], "buf[1] = %p\n", buf[1] );
ok( buf[2] == himc[2], "buf[2] = %p\n", buf[2] );
return 0;
static void test_NtUserBuildHimcList(void)
HIMC buf[8], himc[3], new_himc;
NTSTATUS status;
UINT size, ret;
HANDLE thread;
size = 0xdeadbeef;
memset( buf, 0xcd, sizeof(buf) );
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( GetCurrentThreadId(), ARRAYSIZE( buf ), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHimcList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 1, "size = %u\n", size );
ok( !!buf[0], "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
himc[0] = buf[0];
new_himc = NtUserCreateInputContext( 0xdeadbeef );
ok( !!new_himc, "NtUserCreateInputContext failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
himc[1] = new_himc;
qsort( himc, 2, sizeof(*himc), himc_compare );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
memset( buf, 0xcd, sizeof(buf) );
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( GetCurrentThreadId(), ARRAYSIZE( buf ), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHimcList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 2, "size = %u\n", size );
qsort( buf, size, sizeof(*buf), himc_compare );
ok( buf[0] == himc[0], "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
ok( buf[1] == himc[1], "buf[1] = %p\n", buf[1] );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
memset( buf, 0xcd, sizeof(buf) );
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( 0, ARRAYSIZE( buf ), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHimcList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 2, "size = %u\n", size );
qsort( buf, size, sizeof(*buf), himc_compare );
ok( buf[0] == himc[0], "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
ok( buf[1] == himc[1], "buf[1] = %p\n", buf[1] );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
memset( buf, 0xcd, sizeof(buf) );
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( -1, ARRAYSIZE( buf ), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHimcList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 2, "size = %u\n", size );
qsort( buf, size, sizeof(*buf), himc_compare );
ok( buf[0] == himc[0], "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
ok( buf[1] == himc[1], "buf[1] = %p\n", buf[1] );
thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, test_NtUserBuildHimcList_thread, himc, 0, NULL );
ok( !!thread, "CreateThread failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = WaitForSingleObject( thread, 5000 );
ok( !ret, "WaitForSingleObject returned %#x\n", ret );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( 1, ARRAYSIZE( buf ), buf, &size );
ok( status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "NtUserBuildHimcList returned %#lx\n", status );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( GetCurrentProcessId(), ARRAYSIZE( buf ), buf, &size );
ok( status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "NtUserBuildHimcList returned %#lx\n", status );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( GetCurrentThreadId(), 1, NULL, &size );
ok( status == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL, "NtUserBuildHimcList returned %#lx\n", status );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
status = NtUserBuildHimcList( GetCurrentThreadId(), 0, buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHimcList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 0, "size = %u\n", size );
ret = NtUserDestroyInputContext( new_himc );
ok( !!ret, "NtUserDestroyInputContext failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
static BOOL WINAPI count_win( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam )
ULONG *cnt = (ULONG *)lparam;
return TRUE;
static void test_NtUserBuildHwndList(void)
ULONG size, desktop_windows_cnt;
HWND buf[512], hwnd;
NTSTATUS status;
size = 0;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 1, "size = %lu\n", size );
ok( buf[0] == HWND_BOTTOM, "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
hwnd = CreateWindowExA( 0, "static", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,GetDesktopWindow(),0,0, NULL );
size = 0;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 3, "size = %lu\n", size );
ok( buf[0] == hwnd, "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[0] );
ok( buf[2] == HWND_BOTTOM, "buf[0] = %p\n", buf[2] );
size = 0;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), 3, buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 3, "size = %lu\n", size );
size = 0;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), 2, buf, &size );
ok( status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 3, "size = %lu\n", size );
size = 0;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 0, GetCurrentThreadId(), 1, buf, &size );
ok( status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 3, "size = %lu\n", size );
desktop_windows_cnt = 0;
EnumDesktopWindows( 0, count_win, (LPARAM)&desktop_windows_cnt );
size = 0;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == desktop_windows_cnt + 1, "size = %lu, expected %lu\n", size, desktop_windows_cnt + 1 );
desktop_windows_cnt = 0;
EnumDesktopWindows( GetThreadDesktop( GetCurrentThreadId() ), count_win, (LPARAM)&desktop_windows_cnt );
size = 0;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()), 0, 0, 1, 0,
ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == desktop_windows_cnt + 1, "size = %lu, expected %lu\n", size, desktop_windows_cnt + 1 );
size = 0;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()), 0, 0, 0, 0,
ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size );
ok( !status, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size > desktop_windows_cnt + 1, "size = %lu, expected %lu\n", size, desktop_windows_cnt + 1 );
size = 0xdeadbeef;
status = NtUserBuildHwndList( UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), 0, 0, 0, 0,
ARRAYSIZE(buf), buf, &size );
ok( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE, "NtUserBuildHwndList failed: %#lx\n", status );
ok( size == 0xdeadbeef, "size = %lu\n", size );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
static void test_cursoricon(void)
WCHAR module[MAX_PATH], res_buf[MAX_PATH];
UNICODE_STRING module_str, res_str;
BYTE bmp_bits[1024];
LONG width, height;
DWORD rate, steps;
HCURSOR frame;
HANDLE handle;
unsigned int i;
BOOL ret;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bmp_bits); ++i)
bmp_bits[i] = 111 * i;
handle = CreateIcon( 0, 16, 16, 1, 1, bmp_bits, &bmp_bits[16 * 16 / 8] );
ok(handle != 0, "CreateIcon failed\n");
ret = NtUserGetIconSize( handle, 0, &width, &height );
ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconSize failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( width == 16, "width = %ld\n", width );
ok( height == 32, "height = %ld\n", height );
ret = NtUserGetIconSize( handle, 6, &width, &height );
ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconSize failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( width == 16, "width = %ld\n", width );
ok( height == 32, "height = %ld\n", height );
frame = NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo( handle, 0, &rate, &steps );
ok( frame != NULL, "NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( frame == handle, "frame != handle\n" );
ok( rate == 0, "rate = %lu\n", rate );
ok( steps == 1, "steps = %lu\n", steps );
ret = NtUserGetIconInfo( handle, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 );
ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( info.fIcon == TRUE, "fIcon = %x\n", info.fIcon );
ok( info.xHotspot == 8, "xHotspot = %lx\n", info.xHotspot );
ok( info.yHotspot == 8, "yHotspot = %lx\n", info.yHotspot );
DeleteObject( info.hbmColor );
DeleteObject( info.hbmMask );
memset( module, 0xcc, sizeof(module) );
module_str.Buffer = module;
module_str.Length = 0xdead;
module_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(module);
memset( res_buf, 0xcc, sizeof(res_buf) );
res_str.Buffer = res_buf;
res_str.Length = 0xdead;
res_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(res_buf);
ret = NtUserGetIconInfo( handle, &info, &module_str, &res_str, NULL, 0 );
ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( info.fIcon == TRUE, "fIcon = %x\n", info.fIcon );
ok( !module_str.Length, "module_str.Length = %u\n", module_str.Length );
ok( !res_str.Length, "res_str.Length = %u\n", res_str.Length );
ok( module_str.Buffer == module, "module_str.Buffer = %p\n", module_str.Buffer );
ok( !res_str.Buffer, "res_str.Buffer = %p\n", res_str.Buffer );
ok( module[0] == 0xcccc, "module[0] = %x\n", module[0] );
ok( res_buf[0] == 0xcccc, "res_buf[0] = %x\n", res_buf[0] );
DeleteObject( info.hbmColor );
DeleteObject( info.hbmMask );
ret = NtUserDestroyCursor( handle, 0 );
ok( ret, "NtUserDestroyIcon failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserGetIconSize( handle, 0, &width, &height );
ok( !ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLE,
"NtUserGetIconSize returned %x %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
/* Test a system icon */
handle = LoadIconA( 0, (LPCSTR)IDI_HAND );
ok( handle != NULL, "LoadIcon icon failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserGetIconSize( handle, 0, &width, &height );
ok( width == 32, "width = %ld\n", width );
ok( height == 64, "height = %ld\n", height );
ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconSize failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
memset( module, 0xcc, sizeof(module) );
module_str.Buffer = module;
module_str.Length = 0xdead;
module_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(module);
memset( res_buf, 0xcc, sizeof(res_buf) );
res_str.Buffer = res_buf;
res_str.Length = 0xdead;
res_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(res_buf);
ret = NtUserGetIconInfo( handle, &info, &module_str, &res_str, NULL, 0 );
ok( ret, "NtUserGetIconInfo failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( info.fIcon == TRUE, "fIcon = %x\n", info.fIcon );
ok( module_str.Length, "module_str.Length = 0\n" );
ok( !res_str.Length, "res_str.Length = %u\n", res_str.Length );
ok( module_str.Buffer == module, "module_str.Buffer = %p\n", module_str.Buffer );
ok( res_str.Buffer == (WCHAR *)IDI_HAND, "res_str.Buffer = %p\n", res_str.Buffer );
DeleteObject( info.hbmColor );
DeleteObject( info.hbmMask );
module[module_str.Length] = 0;
ok( GetModuleHandleW(module) == GetModuleHandleW(L"user32.dll"),
"GetIconInfoEx wrong module %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(module) );
ret = DestroyIcon(handle);
ok(ret, "Destroy icon failed, error %lu.\n", GetLastError());
static LRESULT WINAPI test_message_call_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
switch (msg)
ok( !wcscmp( (const WCHAR *)lparam, L"test" ),
"lparam = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w( (const WCHAR *)lparam ));
return 6;
case WM_USER:
ok( wparam == 1, "wparam = %Iu\n", wparam );
ok( lparam == 2, "lparam = %Iu\n", lparam );
return 3;
case WM_USER + 1:
return lparam;
return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
static void WINAPI test_message_callback( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, ULONG_PTR data, LRESULT result )
ok( msg == WM_USER, "msg = %u\n", msg );
ok( data == 10, "data = %Iu\n", data );
ok( result == 3, "result = %Iu\n", result );
static void test_message_call(void)
const LPARAM large_lparam = (LPARAM)(3 + ((ULONGLONG)1 << 60));
struct send_message_callback_params callback_params = {
.callback = test_message_callback,
.data = 10,
struct send_message_timeout_params smp;
WNDCLASSW cls = { 0 };
HWND hwnd;
cls.lpfnWndProc = test_message_call_proc;
cls.lpszClassName = L"TestClass";
RegisterClassW( &cls );
hwnd = CreateWindowExW( 0, L"TestClass", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE );
ok( res == 3, "res = %Iu\n", res );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 3, "res = %Iu\n", res );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)L"test", NULL, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE );
ok( res == 6, "res = %Iu\n", res );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"test", NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 6, "res = %Iu\n", res );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
res = NtUserMessageCall( UlongToHandle(0xdeadbeef), WM_USER, 1, 2, 0, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( !res, "res = %Iu\n", res );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE, "GetLastError() = %lu\n", GetLastError());
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER + 1, 0, large_lparam, 0, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE );
ok( res == large_lparam, "res = %Iu\n", res );
smp.flags = 0;
smp.timeout = 10;
smp.result = 0xdeadbeef;
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, &smp, NtUserSendMessageTimeout, FALSE );
ok( res == 3, "res = %Iu\n", res );
ok( smp.result == 1, "smp.result = %Iu\n", smp.result );
smp.flags = 0;
smp.timeout = 10;
smp.result = 0xdeadbeef;
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER + 1, 0, large_lparam,
&smp, NtUserSendMessageTimeout, FALSE );
ok( res == large_lparam, "res = %Iu\n", res );
ok( smp.result == 1, "smp.result = %Iu\n", smp.result );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, (void *)0xdeadbeef,
NtUserSendNotifyMessage, FALSE );
ok( res == 1, "res = %Iu\n", res );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_USER, 1, 2, &callback_params,
NtUserSendMessageCallback, FALSE );
ok( res == 1, "res = %Iu\n", res );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
UnregisterClassW( L"TestClass", NULL );
static void test_window_text(void)
WCHAR buf[512];
int len;
HWND hwnd;
hwnd = CreateWindowExW( 0, L"static", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
len = NtUserInternalGetWindowText( hwnd, buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf) );
ok( len == 0, "len = %d\n", len );
ok( !buf[0], "buf = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buf) );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)L"test", 0, NtUserDefWindowProc, FALSE );
ok( res == 1, "res = %Id\n", res );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
len = NtUserInternalGetWindowText( hwnd, buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf) );
ok( len == 4, "len = %d\n", len );
ok( !lstrcmpW( buf, L"test" ), "buf = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buf) );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0, 0, NtUserDefWindowProc, TRUE );
ok( res == 4, "res = %Id\n", res );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0, 0, NtUserDefWindowProc, FALSE );
ok( res == 4, "res = %Id\n", res );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"TestA", 0, NtUserDefWindowProc, TRUE );
ok( res == 1, "res = %Id\n", res );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
len = NtUserInternalGetWindowText( hwnd, buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf) );
ok( len == 5, "len = %d\n", len );
ok( !lstrcmpW( buf, L"TestA" ), "buf = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(buf) );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0, 0, NtUserDefWindowProc, TRUE );
ok( res == 5, "res = %Id\n", res );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
#define test_menu_item_id(a, b, c) test_menu_item_id_(a, b, c, __LINE__)
static void test_menu_item_id_( HMENU menu, int pos, int expect, int line )
BOOL ret;
item.cbSize = sizeof(item);
item.fMask = MIIM_ID;
ret = GetMenuItemInfoW( menu, pos, TRUE, &item );
ok_(__FILE__,line)( ret, "GetMenuItemInfoW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok_(__FILE__,line)( item.wID == expect, "got if %d, expected %d\n", item.wID, expect );
static void test_menu(void)
HMENU menu;
int count;
BOOL ret;
menu = CreateMenu();
memset( &item, 0, sizeof(item) );
item.cbSize = sizeof(item);
item.fMask = MIIM_ID;
item.wID = 10;
ret = NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo( menu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION, NtUserInsertMenuItem, &item, NULL );
ok( ret, "InsertMenuItemW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
count = GetMenuItemCount( menu );
ok( count == 1, "count = %d\n", count );
item.wID = 20;
ret = NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo( menu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION, NtUserInsertMenuItem, &item, NULL );
ok( ret, "InsertMenuItemW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
count = GetMenuItemCount( menu );
ok( count == 2, "count = %d\n", count );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 0, 10 );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 1, 20 );
item.wID = 30;
ret = NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo( menu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION, NtUserInsertMenuItem, &item, NULL );
ok( ret, "InsertMenuItemW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
count = GetMenuItemCount( menu );
ok( count == 3, "count = %d\n", count );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 0, 10 );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 1, 30 );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 2, 20 );
item.wID = 50;
ret = NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo( menu, 10, 0, NtUserInsertMenuItem, &item, NULL );
ok( ret, "InsertMenuItemW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
count = GetMenuItemCount( menu );
ok( count == 4, "count = %d\n", count );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 0, 50 );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 1, 10 );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 2, 30 );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 3, 20 );
item.wID = 60;
ret = NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo( menu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION, NtUserSetMenuItemInfo, &item, NULL );
ok( ret, "InsertMenuItemW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
count = GetMenuItemCount( menu );
ok( count == 4, "count = %d\n", count );
test_menu_item_id( menu, 1, 60 );
ret = NtUserDestroyMenu( menu );
ok( ret, "NtUserDestroyMenu failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
static MSG *msg_ptr;
static LRESULT WINAPI hook_proc( INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
msg_ptr = (MSG *)lparam;
ok( code == 100, "code = %d\n", code );
ok( msg_ptr->time == 1, "time = %lx\n", msg_ptr->time );
ok( msg_ptr->wParam == 10, "wParam = %Ix\n", msg_ptr->wParam );
ok( msg_ptr->lParam == 20, "lParam = %Ix\n", msg_ptr->lParam );
msg_ptr->time = 3;
msg_ptr->wParam = 1;
msg_ptr->lParam = 2;
return CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
static void test_message_filter(void)
HHOOK hook;
MSG msg;
BOOL ret;
hook = SetWindowsHookExW( WH_MSGFILTER, hook_proc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId() );
ok( hook != NULL, "SetWindowsHookExW failed\n");
memset( &msg, 0, sizeof(msg) );
msg.time = 1;
msg.wParam = 10;
msg.lParam = 20;
ret = NtUserCallMsgFilter( &msg, 100 );
ok( !ret, "CallMsgFilterW returned: %x\n", ret );
ok( msg_ptr != &msg, "our ptr was passed directly to hook\n" );
if (sizeof(void *) == 8) /* on some Windows versions, msg is not modified on wow64 */
ok( msg.time == 3, "time = %lx\n", msg.time );
ok( msg.wParam == 1, "wParam = %Ix\n", msg.wParam );
ok( msg.lParam == 2, "lParam = %Ix\n", msg.lParam );
ret = NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx( hook );
ok( ret, "NtUserUnhookWindowsHook failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
static char calls[128];
static void WINAPI timer_func( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT_PTR id, DWORD time )
sprintf( calls + strlen( calls ), "timer%Iu,", id );
NtUserKillTimer( hwnd, id );
if (!id)
MSG msg;
NtUserSetTimer( hwnd, 1, 1, timer_func, TIMERV_DEFAULT_COALESCING );
while (GetMessageW( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ))
TranslateMessage( &msg );
NtUserDispatchMessage( &msg );
if (msg.message == WM_TIMER) break;
strcat( calls, "crash," );
*(volatile int *)0 = 0;
static void test_timer(void)
HWND hwnd;
MSG msg;
hwnd = CreateWindowExA( 0, "static", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL );
NtUserSetTimer( hwnd, 0, 1, timer_func, TIMERV_DEFAULT_COALESCING );
calls[0] = 0;
while (GetMessageW( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ))
TranslateMessage( &msg );
NtUserDispatchMessage( &msg );
if (msg.message == WM_TIMER) break;
ok( !strcmp( calls, "timer0,timer1,crash,crash," ), "calls = %s\n", calls );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
static void test_NtUserDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(void)
NTSTATUS status;
source_name.header.size = sizeof(source_name.header);
status = NtUserDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&source_name.header);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got %#lx.\n", status);
source_name.header.size = sizeof(source_name);
source_name.header.adapterId.LowPart = 0xFFFF;
source_name.header.adapterId.HighPart = 0xFFFF; = 0;
status = NtUserDisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&source_name.header);
ok(status == STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL || status == STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED, "got %#lx.\n", status);
static LRESULT WINAPI test_ipc_message_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
switch (msg)
ok( !wcscmp( (const WCHAR *)lparam, L"test" ),
"lparam = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w( (const WCHAR *)lparam ));
return 6;
ok( wparam == 100, "wparam = %Iu\n", wparam );
wcscpy( (void *)lparam, L"Test" );
return 4;
ok( wparam == 100, "wparam = %Iu\n", wparam );
wcscpy( (void *)lparam, L"Te" );
return 4;
return 99;
ok( !wcscmp( mdi->szClass, L"TestClass" ), "szClass = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w( mdi->szClass ));
ok( !wcscmp( mdi->szTitle, L"TestTitle" ), "szTitle = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w( mdi->szTitle ));
return 0xdeadbeef;
return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
static void test_inter_process_messages( const char *argv0 )
WNDCLASSW cls = { 0 };
char path[MAX_PATH];
MSG msg;
HWND hwnd;
BOOL ret;
cls.lpfnWndProc = test_ipc_message_proc;
cls.lpszClassName = L"TestIPCClass";
RegisterClassW( &cls );
hwnd = CreateWindowExW( 0, L"TestIPCClass", NULL, WS_POPUP | CBS_HASSTRINGS, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL );
memset( &startup, 0, sizeof(startup) );
startup.cb = sizeof(startup);
startup.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
sprintf( path, "%s win32u ipcmsg %Ix", argv0, (INT_PTR)hwnd );
ret = CreateProcessA( NULL, path, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup, &pi );
ok( ret, "CreateProcess '%s' failed err %lu.\n", path, GetLastError() );
GetMessageW( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 );
TranslateMessage( &msg );
DispatchMessageW( &msg );
} while (msg.message != WM_USER);
wait_child_process( pi.hProcess );
CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
UnregisterClassW( L"TestIPCClass", NULL );
static void test_inter_process_child( HWND hwnd )
WCHAR bufW[100];
char buf[100];
int res;
res = SendMessageA( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"test" );
ok( res == 6, "WM_SETTEXT returned %d\n", res );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"test", NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 6, "res = %d\n", res );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, CB_FINDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"test", NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 6, "res = %d\n", res );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof(buf), (LPARAM)buf, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 4, "res = %d\n", res );
ok( !strcmp( buf, "Test" ), "buf = %s\n", buf );
memset( bufW, 0xcc, sizeof(bufW) );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, ARRAYSIZE(bufW), (LPARAM)bufW, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE );
ok( res == 4, "res = %d\n", res );
ok( !wcscmp( bufW, L"Test" ), "buf = %s\n", buf );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, CB_GETLBTEXT, 100, (LPARAM)buf, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 1, "res = %d\n", res );
ok( buf[0] == 'T', "buf[0] = %c\n", buf[0] );
ok( buf[1] == (char)0xcc, "buf[1] = %x\n", buf[1] );
memset( bufW, 0xcc, sizeof(bufW) );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, CB_GETLBTEXT, 100, (LPARAM)bufW, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE );
ok( res == 1, "res = %d\n", res );
ok( bufW[0] == 'T', "bufW[0] = %c\n", buf[0] );
ok( bufW[1] && buf[1] != 'e', "bufW[1] = %x\n", buf[1] );
memset( buf, 0xcc, sizeof(buf) );
*(DWORD *)buf = ARRAYSIZE(buf);
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, EM_GETLINE, sizeof(buf), (LPARAM)buf, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 4, "res = %d\n", res );
ok( !strcmp( buf, "Test" ), "buf = %s\n", buf );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 4, "res = %d\n", res );
mdi.szClass = "TestClass";
mdi.szTitle = "TestTitle";
mdi.hOwner = 0;
mdi.x = mdi.y = 10; = = 100; = 0;
mdi.lParam = 0xdeadbeef;
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, WM_MDICREATE, 0, (LPARAM)&mdi, NULL, NtUserSendMessage, TRUE );
ok( res == 0xdeadbeef, "res = %d\n", res );
PostMessageA( hwnd, WM_USER, 0, 0 );
static DWORD CALLBACK test_NtUserGetPointerInfoList_thread( void *arg )
POINTER_INFO pointer_info[4] = {0};
UINT32 entry_count, pointer_count;
HWND hwnd;
BOOL ret;
hwnd = CreateWindowW( L"test", L"test name", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,
100, 100, 200, 200, 0, 0, NULL, 0 );
memset( &pointer_info, 0xcd, sizeof(pointer_info) );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO), &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( pointer_count == 2, "got pointer_count %u\n", pointer_count );
ok( entry_count == 2, "got entry_count %u\n", entry_count );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
return 0;
#define check_pointer_info( a, b ) check_pointer_info_( __LINE__, a, b )
static void check_pointer_info_( int line, const POINTER_INFO *actual, const POINTER_INFO *expected )
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%#lx", pointerType );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%#x", pointerId );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%#x", frameId );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%#x", pointerFlags );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%p", sourceDevice );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%p", hwndTarget );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%+ld", ptPixelLocation.x );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%+ld", ptPixelLocation.y );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%+ld", ptHimetricLocation.x );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%+ld", ptHimetricLocation.y );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%+ld", ptPixelLocationRaw.x );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%+ld", ptPixelLocationRaw.y );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%+ld", ptHimetricLocationRaw.x );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%+ld", ptHimetricLocationRaw.y );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%lu", dwTime );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%u", historyCount );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%#x", InputData );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%#lx", dwKeyStates );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%I64u", PerformanceCount );
check_member( *actual, *expected, "%#x", ButtonChangeType );
static void test_NtUserGetPointerInfoList( BOOL mouse_in_pointer_enabled )
void *invalid_ptr = (void *)0xdeadbeef;
POINTER_TOUCH_INFO touch_info[4] = {0};
POINTER_PEN_INFO pen_info[4] = {0};
POINTER_INFO pointer_info[4] = {0};
UINT32 entry_count, pointer_count;
.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProcW,
.hInstance = GetModuleHandleW( NULL ),
.hbrBackground = GetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH ),
.lpszClassName = L"test",
HANDLE thread;
SIZE_T size;
ATOM class;
DWORD res;
HWND hwnd;
BOOL ret;
class = RegisterClassW( &cls );
ok( class, "RegisterClassW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO), invalid_ptr, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_NOACCESS, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO), &entry_count, invalid_ptr, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_NOACCESS, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO), &entry_count, &pointer_count, invalid_ptr );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_NOACCESS || broken(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) /* w10 32bit */, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
memset( pointer_info, 0xcd, sizeof(pointer_info) );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO), &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( pointer_count == 2, "got pointer_count %u\n", pointer_count );
ok( entry_count == 2, "got entry_count %u\n", entry_count );
SetCursorPos( 500, 500 ); /* avoid generating mouse message on window creation */
hwnd = CreateWindowW( L"test", L"test name", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,
100, 100, 200, 200, 0, 0, NULL, 0 );
memset( pointer_info, 0xcd, sizeof(pointer_info) );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO), &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( pointer_count == 2, "got pointer_count %u\n", pointer_count );
ok( entry_count == 2, "got entry_count %u\n", entry_count );
SetCursorPos( 200, 200 );
mouse_event( MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
mouse_event( MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
mouse_event( MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, 10, 10, 0, 0 );
memset( pointer_info, 0xcd, sizeof(pointer_info) );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO), &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( ret == mouse_in_pointer_enabled, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
if (!ret)
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
goto done;
ok( pointer_count == 1, "got pointer_count %u\n", pointer_count );
ok( entry_count == 1, "got entry_count %u\n", entry_count );
ok( pointer_info[0].pointerType == PT_MOUSE, "got pointerType %lu\n", pointer_info[0].pointerType );
ok( pointer_info[0].pointerId == 1, "got pointerId %u\n", pointer_info[0].pointerId );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].frameId, "got frameId %u\n", pointer_info[0].frameId );
ok( pointer_info[0].pointerFlags == (0x20000 | POINTER_MESSAGE_FLAG_INRANGE | POINTER_MESSAGE_FLAG_PRIMARY),
"got pointerFlags %#x\n", pointer_info[0].pointerFlags );
ok( pointer_info[0].sourceDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || broken(!!pointer_info[0].sourceDevice) /* w1064v1809 32bit */,
"got sourceDevice %p\n", pointer_info[0].sourceDevice );
ok( pointer_info[0].hwndTarget == hwnd, "got hwndTarget %p\n", pointer_info[0].hwndTarget );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].ptPixelLocation.x, "got ptPixelLocation %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point( &pointer_info[0].ptPixelLocation ) );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].ptPixelLocation.y, "got ptPixelLocation %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point( &pointer_info[0].ptPixelLocation ) );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].ptHimetricLocation.x, "got ptHimetricLocation %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point( &pointer_info[0].ptHimetricLocation ) );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].ptHimetricLocation.y, "got ptHimetricLocation %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point( &pointer_info[0].ptHimetricLocation ) );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].ptPixelLocationRaw.x, "got ptPixelLocationRaw %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point( &pointer_info[0].ptPixelLocationRaw ) );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].ptPixelLocationRaw.y, "got ptPixelLocationRaw %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point( &pointer_info[0].ptPixelLocationRaw ) );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].ptHimetricLocationRaw.x, "got ptHimetricLocationRaw %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point( &pointer_info[0].ptHimetricLocationRaw ) );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].ptHimetricLocationRaw.y, "got ptHimetricLocationRaw %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point( &pointer_info[0].ptHimetricLocationRaw ) );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].dwTime, "got dwTime %lu\n", pointer_info[0].dwTime );
ok( pointer_info[0].historyCount == 1, "got historyCount %u\n", pointer_info[0].historyCount );
ok( pointer_info[0].InputData == 0, "got InputData %u\n", pointer_info[0].InputData );
ok( pointer_info[0].dwKeyStates == 0, "got dwKeyStates %lu\n", pointer_info[0].dwKeyStates );
ok( !!pointer_info[0].PerformanceCount, "got PerformanceCount %I64u\n", pointer_info[0].PerformanceCount );
ok( pointer_info[0].ButtonChangeType == 0, "got ButtonChangeType %u\n", pointer_info[0].ButtonChangeType );
thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, test_NtUserGetPointerInfoList_thread, NULL, 0, NULL );
res = WaitForSingleObject( thread, 5000 );
ok( !res, "WaitForSingleObject returned %#lx, error %lu\n", res, GetLastError() );
memset( pen_info, 0xa5, sizeof(pen_info) );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_PEN, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_PEN_INFO), &entry_count, &pointer_count, pen_info );
ok( ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( pointer_count == 1, "got pointer_count %u\n", pointer_count );
ok( entry_count == 1, "got entry_count %u\n", entry_count );
check_pointer_info( &pen_info[0].pointerInfo, &pointer_info[0] );
memset( touch_info, 0xa5, sizeof(touch_info) );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_TOUCH, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_TOUCH_INFO), &entry_count, &pointer_count, touch_info );
ok( ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( pointer_count == 1, "got pointer_count %u\n", pointer_count );
ok( entry_count == 1, "got entry_count %u\n", entry_count );
check_pointer_info( &touch_info[0].pointerInfo, &pointer_info[0] );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO) - 1, &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_PEN, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_PEN_INFO) - 1, &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_TOUCH, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_TOUCH_INFO) - 1, &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_TOUCHPAD, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_TOUCH_INFO) - 1, &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_POINTER, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_INFO) + 1, &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_PEN, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_PEN_INFO) + 1, &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_TOUCH, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_TOUCH_INFO) + 1, &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_TOUCHPAD, 0, 0, sizeof(POINTER_TOUCH_INFO) + 1, &entry_count, &pointer_count, pointer_info );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
for (size = 0; size < 0xfff; ++size)
char buffer[0x1000];
entry_count = pointer_count = 2;
ret = NtUserGetPointerInfoList( 1, PT_MOUSE, 0, 0, size, &entry_count, &pointer_count, buffer );
ok( !ret, "NtUserGetPointerInfoList succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
ret = UnregisterClassW( L"test", GetModuleHandleW(NULL) );
ok( ret, "UnregisterClassW failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
static void test_NtUserEnableMouseInPointer_process( const char *arg )
DWORD enable = strtoul( arg, 0, 10 );
BOOL ret;
ret = NtUserIsMouseInPointerEnabled();
ok( !ret, "NtUserIsMouseInPointerEnabled returned %u, error %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserEnableMouseInPointer( enable );
ok( ret, "NtUserEnableMouseInPointer failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserIsMouseInPointerEnabled();
ok( ret == enable, "NtUserIsMouseInPointerEnabled returned %u, error %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
ret = NtUserEnableMouseInPointer( !enable );
ok( !ret, "NtUserEnableMouseInPointer succeeded\n" );
ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserIsMouseInPointerEnabled();
ok( ret == enable, "NtUserIsMouseInPointerEnabled returned %u, error %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserEnableMouseInPointer( enable );
ok( ret, "NtUserEnableMouseInPointer failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserIsMouseInPointerEnabled();
ok( ret == enable, "NtUserIsMouseInPointerEnabled returned %u, error %lu\n", ret, GetLastError() );
test_NtUserGetPointerInfoList( enable );
static void test_NtUserEnableMouseInPointer( char **argv, BOOL enable )
STARTUPINFOA startup = {.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOA)};
char cmdline[MAX_PATH * 2];
BOOL ret;
sprintf( cmdline, "%s %s NtUserEnableMouseInPointer %u", argv[0], argv[1], enable );
ret = CreateProcessA( NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup, &info );
ok( ret, "CreateProcessA failed, error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
if (!ret) return;
wait_child_process( info.hProcess );
CloseHandle( info.hThread );
CloseHandle( info.hProcess );
struct lparam_hook_test
const char *name;
UINT message;
WPARAM wparam;
BOOL no_wparam_check;
LRESULT msg_result;
LRESULT check_result;
BOOL todo_result;
const void *lparam;
const void *change_lparam;
const void *check_lparam;
const void *in_lparam;
size_t lparam_size;
size_t lparam_init_size;
size_t check_size;
BOOL poison_lparam;
BOOL not_allowed;
static const struct lparam_hook_test *current_hook_test;
static LPARAM callwnd_hook_lparam, callwnd_hook_lparam2, retwnd_hook_lparam, retwnd_hook_lparam2;
static LPARAM wndproc_lparam;
static char lparam_buffer[521];
static void check_params( const struct lparam_hook_test *test, UINT message,
WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL is_ret )
if (!test->no_wparam_check)
ok( wparam == test->wparam, "got wparam %Ix, expected %Ix\n", wparam, test->wparam );
if (lparam == (LPARAM)lparam_buffer)
if (sizeof(void *) != 4 || (test->message != EM_SETTABSTOPS && test->message != LB_SETTABSTOPS))
ok( (LPARAM)&message < lparam && lparam < (LPARAM)NtCurrentTeb()->Tib.StackBase,
"lparam is not on the stack\n");
switch (test->message)
const COPYDATASTRUCT *cds = (const COPYDATASTRUCT *)lparam;
const COPYDATASTRUCT *cds_in = (const COPYDATASTRUCT *)lparam_buffer;
ok( cds->dwData == cds_in->dwData, "cds->dwData != cds_in->dwData\n");
ok( cds->cbData == cds_in->cbData, "cds->dwData != cds_in->dwData\n");
if (cds_in->lpData)
ok( cds->lpData != cds_in->lpData, "cds->lpData == cds_in->lpData\n" );
if (cds->cbData)
ok( !memcmp( cds->lpData, cds_in->lpData, cds->cbData ), "unexpected pvData %s\n",
wine_dbgstr_an( cds->lpData, cds->cbData ));
ok( !cds->lpData, "cds->lpData = %p\n", cds->lpData );
ok( wparam, "wparam = 0\n" );
if (!is_ret)
WCHAR *buf = (WCHAR *)lparam;
ok(buf[0] == 8, "buf[0] = %x\n", buf[0]);
if (test->check_size) {
const void *expected;
if (is_ret && test->check_lparam)
expected = test->check_lparam;
else if (is_ret && test->change_lparam)
expected = test->change_lparam;
else if (test->in_lparam)
expected = test->in_lparam;
expected = test->lparam;
ok( !memcmp( (const void *)lparam, expected, test->check_size ), "unexpected lparam content\n" );
static void poison_lparam( const struct lparam_hook_test *test, LPARAM lparam )
/* message copy is never transferred back in hooks */
if (test->lparam_size && lparam != (LPARAM)lparam_buffer)
memset( (void *)lparam, 0xc0, test->lparam_size );
static LRESULT WINAPI callwnd_hook_proc( INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
const struct lparam_hook_test *test = current_hook_test;
CWPSTRUCT *cwp = (CWPSTRUCT *)lparam;
LRESULT result;
if (cwp->message != test->message) return CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
callwnd_hook_lparam = cwp->lParam;
winetest_push_context( "call_hook" );
check_params( test, cwp->message, cwp->wParam, cwp->lParam, FALSE );
result = CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
poison_lparam( test, cwp->lParam );
return result;
static LRESULT WINAPI callwnd_hook_proc2( INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
const struct lparam_hook_test *test = current_hook_test;
CWPSTRUCT *cwp = (CWPSTRUCT *)lparam;
LRESULT result;
if (cwp->message != test->message) return CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
callwnd_hook_lparam2 = cwp->lParam;
winetest_push_context( "call_hook2" );
check_params( test, cwp->message, cwp->wParam, cwp->lParam, FALSE );
result = CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
poison_lparam( test, cwp->lParam );
return result;
static LRESULT WINAPI retwnd_hook_proc( INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
const struct lparam_hook_test *test = current_hook_test;
LRESULT result;
if (cwpret->message != test->message) return CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
retwnd_hook_lparam = cwpret->lParam;
winetest_push_context( "ret_hook" );
check_params( test, cwpret->message, cwpret->wParam, cwpret->lParam, TRUE );
result = CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
poison_lparam( test, cwpret->lParam );
return result;
static LRESULT WINAPI retwnd_hook_proc2( INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
const struct lparam_hook_test *test = current_hook_test;
LRESULT result;
if (cwpret->message != test->message) return CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
retwnd_hook_lparam2 = cwpret->lParam;
winetest_push_context( "ret_hook2" );
check_params( test, cwpret->message, cwpret->wParam, cwpret->lParam, TRUE );
result = CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wparam, lparam );
poison_lparam( test, cwpret->lParam );
return result;
static LRESULT WINAPI lparam_test_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
const struct lparam_hook_test *test = current_hook_test;
if (test && msg == test->message)
wndproc_lparam = lparam;
winetest_push_context( "wndproc" );
check_params( test, msg, wparam, lparam, FALSE );
if (test->change_lparam) memcpy( (void *)lparam, test->change_lparam, test->lparam_size );
else if(test->poison_lparam) memset( (void *)lparam, 0xcc, test->lparam_size );
return test->msg_result;
switch (msg)
return 7;
return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam );
static void test_msg_output( const struct lparam_hook_test *test, LRESULT result, BOOL hooks_called )
const LPARAM orig = (LPARAM)lparam_buffer;
const void *expected;
/* Some messages are not allowed with NtUserMessageCall, they seem to be reserved
* for system. Unhooked SendMessage still works for them. */
if (test->not_allowed)
todo_wine ok( !wndproc_lparam, "wndproc_lparam called\n" );
ok( wndproc_lparam, "wndproc_lparam not called\n" );
if (test->check_result)
ok( result == test->check_result, "unexpected result %Ix\n", result );
ok( result == test->msg_result, "unexpected result %Ix\n", result );
if (!test->lparam_size)
ok( wndproc_lparam == orig, "wndproc_lparam modified\n" );
if (hooks_called)
ok( callwnd_hook_lparam == orig, "callwnd_hook_lparam modified\n" );
ok( callwnd_hook_lparam2 == orig, "callwnd_hook_lparam2 modified\n" );
ok( retwnd_hook_lparam == orig, "retwnd_hook_lparam modified\n" );
ok( retwnd_hook_lparam2 == orig, "retwnd_hook_lparam2 modified\n" );
expected = test->change_lparam ? test->change_lparam : test->lparam;
if (test->check_lparam)
expected = test->check_lparam;
else if(test->change_lparam)
expected = test->change_lparam;
expected = test->lparam;
if (expected)
todo_wine_if((test->message == CB_GETLBTEXT && test->msg_result == 7) ||
(test->message == LB_GETTEXT && test->msg_result == 7))
ok( !memcmp( lparam_buffer, expected, test->lparam_size ), "unexpected lparam content\n" );
ok( wndproc_lparam != orig, "wndproc_lparam unmodified\n" );
if (!hooks_called)
ok( callwnd_hook_lparam, "callwnd_hook_lparam not called\n" );
ok( callwnd_hook_lparam2, "callwnd_hook_lparam2 not called\n" );
ok( retwnd_hook_lparam, "retwnd_hook_lparam not called\n" );
ok( retwnd_hook_lparam2, "retwnd_hook_lparam2 not called\n" );
ok( orig != callwnd_hook_lparam, "callwnd_hook_lparam not modified\n" );
ok( orig != callwnd_hook_lparam2, "callwnd_hook_lparam2 not modified\n" );
ok( orig != retwnd_hook_lparam, "retwnd_hook_lparam not modified\n" );
ok( orig != retwnd_hook_lparam2, "retwnd_hook_lparam2 not modified\n" );
* Only the first hook's lparam matches window proc, following hook
* calls copy the message again. Even when lparam values match, they
* are copied separatelly for each proc invocation. Poisoning their
* content in hook procs has no effect on other calls.
ok( wndproc_lparam == callwnd_hook_lparam, "wndproc_lparam %Ix != callwnd_hook_lparam %Ix\n",
wndproc_lparam, callwnd_hook_lparam);
ok( callwnd_hook_lparam != callwnd_hook_lparam2, "wndproc_lparam == callwnd_hook_lparam2\n" );
ok( wndproc_lparam == retwnd_hook_lparam, "wndproc_lparam %Ix != retwnd_hook_lparam %Ix\n",
wndproc_lparam, retwnd_hook_lparam);
ok( retwnd_hook_lparam != retwnd_hook_lparam2, "wndproc_lparam == retwnd_hook_lparam2\n" );
static void init_hook_test( const struct lparam_hook_test *test )
wndproc_lparam = 0;
callwnd_hook_lparam = 0;
callwnd_hook_lparam2 = 0;
retwnd_hook_lparam = 0;
retwnd_hook_lparam2 = 0;
if (test->lparam_size)
if (test->lparam_init_size)
memcpy( lparam_buffer, test->lparam, test->lparam_init_size );
else if (test->lparam)
memcpy( lparam_buffer, test->lparam, test->lparam_size );
memset( lparam_buffer, 0xcc, test->lparam_size );
static void test_wndproc_hook(void)
const struct lparam_hook_test *test;
HHOOK call_hook, call_hook2, ret_hook, ret_hook2;
WNDCLASSW cls = { 0 };
HWND hwnd;
BOOL ret;
static const BOOL false_lparam = FALSE;
static const WCHAR strbufW[8] = L"abc\0defg";
static const WCHAR strbuf2W[8] = L"\0\xcccc\xcccc\xcccc\xcccc\xcccc\xcccc\xcccc";
static const WCHAR strbuf3W[8] = L"abcdefgh";
static const WCHAR strbuf4W[8] = L"abc\0\xcccc\xcccc\xcccc\xcccc";
static const RECT rect_in = { 1, 2, 100, 200 };
static const RECT rect_out = { 3, 4, 110, 220 };
static const MINMAXINFO minmax_in = { .ptMinTrackSize.x = 1 };
static const MINMAXINFO minmax_out = { .ptMinTrackSize.x = 2 };
static const DRAWITEMSTRUCT drawitem_in = { .itemID = 1 };
static const MEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis_in = { .itemID = 1 };
static const MEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis_out = { .itemID = 2, .CtlType = 3, .CtlID = 4, .itemData = 5 };
static const DELETEITEMSTRUCT dis_in = { .itemID = 1 };
static const COMPAREITEMSTRUCT cis_in = { .itemID1 = 1 };
static const WINDOWPOS winpos_in = { .x = 1, .cy = 2 };
static const WINDOWPOS winpos_out = { .x = 10, .cy = 22 };
static const COPYDATASTRUCT cds_in = { .dwData = 1 };
static WORD data_word = 3;
static const COPYDATASTRUCT cds2_in = { .cbData = 2, .lpData = &data_word };
static const COPYDATASTRUCT cds3_in = { .dwData = 2, .lpData = (void *)0xdeadbeef };
static const COPYDATASTRUCT cds4_in = { .cbData = 2 };
static const COPYDATASTRUCT cds5_in = { .lpData = (void *)0xdeadbeef };
static const STYLESTRUCT style_in = { .styleOld = 1, .styleNew = 2 };
static const STYLESTRUCT style_out = { .styleOld = 10, .styleNew = 20 };
static const MSG msg_in = { .wParam = 1, .lParam = 2 };
static const SCROLLINFO si_in = { .cbSize = sizeof(si_in), .nPos = 6 };
static const SCROLLINFO si_out = { .cbSize = sizeof(si_in), .nPos = 60 };
static const SCROLLBARINFO sbi_in = { .xyThumbTop = 6 };
static const SCROLLBARINFO sbi_out = { .xyThumbTop = 60 };
static const DWORD dw_in = 1, dw_out = 2;
static const UINT32 tabstops_in[2] = { 3, 4 };
static const UINT32 items_out[2] = { 1, 2 };
static const MDINEXTMENU nm_in = { .hmenuIn = (HMENU)0xdeadbeef };
static const MDINEXTMENU nm_out = { .hmenuIn = (HMENU)1 };
static const MDICREATESTRUCTW mcs_in = { .x = 1, .y = 2 };
static const COMBOBOXINFO cbi_in = { .cbSize = 1, .hwndList = HWND_MESSAGE };
static const COMBOBOXINFO cbi_check =
{ .cbSize = sizeof(void *) == 4 ? sizeof(cbi_in) : 1, .hwndList = HWND_MESSAGE };
static const COMBOBOXINFO cbi_out = { .hwndList = (HWND)2 };
static const COMBOBOXINFO cbi_ret = { .hwndList = (HWND)2,
.cbSize = sizeof(void *) == 4 ? sizeof(cbi_in) : 0 };
static const struct lparam_hook_test lparam_hook_tests[] =
.lparam = &rect_in, .lparam_size = sizeof(RECT), .change_lparam = &rect_out,
.check_size = sizeof(RECT),
.lparam = &rect_in, .lparam_size = sizeof(RECT), .change_lparam = &rect_out,
.check_size = sizeof(RECT),
.lparam = &rect_in, .lparam_size = sizeof(RECT), .change_lparam = &rect_out,
.check_size = sizeof(RECT),
.lparam = &rect_in, .lparam_size = sizeof(RECT), .change_lparam = &rect_out,
.lparam = &rect_in, .lparam_size = sizeof(RECT), .change_lparam = &rect_out,
.check_size = sizeof(RECT),
.lparam = &rect_in, .lparam_size = sizeof(RECT), .change_lparam = &rect_out,
.check_size = sizeof(RECT),
.lparam = &rect_in, .lparam_size = sizeof(RECT), .change_lparam = &rect_out,
.check_size = sizeof(RECT),
.lparam = &rect_in, .lparam_size = sizeof(RECT), .change_lparam = &rect_out,
"WM_GETTEXT", WM_GETTEXT, .wparam = 8,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbufW, .check_lparam = strbuf2W,
"WM_GETTEXT2", WM_GETTEXT, .wparam = 8, .msg_result = 1,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbufW, .check_lparam = strbuf4W,
"WM_GETTEXT3", WM_GETTEXT, .wparam = 8, .msg_result = 9,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbufW, .check_lparam = strbuf4W,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbufW, .check_lparam = strbuf4W,
"WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME2", WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME, .wparam = 8, .msg_result = 1,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbufW, .check_lparam = strbuf4W,
"WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME3", WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME, .wparam = 8, .msg_result = 9,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbufW, .check_lparam = strbuf4W,
"CB_GETLBTEXT", CB_GETLBTEXT, .msg_result = 7, .check_result = 4, .todo_result = TRUE,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbufW, .check_lparam = strbuf4W,
"CB_GETLBTEXT2", CB_GETLBTEXT, .msg_result = 9, .check_result = 8, .todo_result = TRUE,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbuf3W, .check_lparam = strbuf3W,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbuf3W, .check_lparam = strbuf3W,
"LB_GETTEXT", LB_GETTEXT, .msg_result = 7, .check_result = 4, .todo_result = TRUE,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbufW, .check_lparam = strbuf4W,
"LB_GETTEXT2", LB_GETTEXT, .msg_result = 9, .check_result = 8, .todo_result = TRUE,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbuf3W, .check_lparam = strbuf3W,
.lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = strbuf3W, .check_lparam = strbuf3W,
.lparam_size = sizeof(BOOL), .change_lparam = &false_lparam,
.lparam_size = sizeof(minmax_in), .lparam = &minmax_in, .change_lparam = &minmax_out,
.check_size = sizeof(minmax_in)
.lparam_size = sizeof(mis_in), .lparam = &mis_in, .change_lparam = &mis_out,
.check_size = sizeof(mis_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(dis_in), .lparam = &dis_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(dis_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(cis_in), .lparam = &cis_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(cis_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(WINDOWPOS), .lparam = &winpos_in, .change_lparam = &winpos_out,
.check_size = sizeof(WINDOWPOS)
.lparam_size = sizeof(WINDOWPOS), .lparam = &winpos_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(WINDOWPOS),
"WM_COPYDATA", WM_COPYDATA, .wparam = 0xdeadbeef,
.lparam_size = sizeof(cds_in), .lparam = &cds_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(cds_in),
"WM_COPYDATA-2", WM_COPYDATA, .wparam = 0xdeadbeef,
.lparam_size = sizeof(cds2_in), .lparam = &cds2_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(cds2_in),
"WM_COPYDATA-3", WM_COPYDATA, .wparam = 0xdeadbeef,
.lparam_size = sizeof(cds3_in), .lparam = &cds3_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(cds3_in),
"WM_COPYDATA-4", WM_COPYDATA, .wparam = 0xdeadbeef,
.lparam_size = sizeof(cds4_in), .lparam = &cds4_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(cds4_in),
"WM_COPYDATA-5", WM_COPYDATA, .wparam = 0xdeadbeef,
.lparam_size = sizeof(cds5_in), .lparam = &cds5_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(cds5_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(style_in), .lparam = &style_in, .change_lparam = &style_out,
.check_size = sizeof(style_in)
.lparam_size = sizeof(style_in), .lparam = &style_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(style_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(msg_in), .lparam = &msg_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(msg_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(si_in), .lparam = &si_in, .change_lparam = &si_out,
.check_size = sizeof(si_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(si_in), .lparam = &si_in, .change_lparam = &si_out,
.check_size = sizeof(si_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(sbi_in), .lparam = &sbi_in, .change_lparam = &sbi_out,
.check_size = sizeof(sbi_in),
"EM_GETSEL", EM_GETSEL, .no_wparam_check = TRUE,
.lparam_size = sizeof(DWORD), .lparam = &dw_in, .change_lparam = &dw_out,
.check_size = sizeof(DWORD),
"SBM_GETRANGE", SBM_GETRANGE, .no_wparam_check = TRUE,
.lparam_size = sizeof(DWORD), .lparam = &dw_in, .change_lparam = &dw_out,
.check_size = sizeof(DWORD),
"CB_GETEDITSEL", CB_GETEDITSEL, .no_wparam_check = TRUE,
.lparam_size = sizeof(DWORD), .lparam = &dw_in, .change_lparam = &dw_out,
.check_size = sizeof(DWORD),
"EM_GETLINE", EM_GETLINE, .msg_result = 5,
.lparam = L"\x8""2345678", .lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = L"abc\0defg",
.check_size = sizeof(WCHAR), .check_lparam = L"abc\0""5678",
"EM_GETLINE-2", EM_GETLINE, .msg_result = 1,
.lparam = L"\x8""2345678", .lparam_size = sizeof(strbufW), .change_lparam = L"abc\0defg",
.check_size = sizeof(WCHAR), .check_lparam = L"abc\0""5678",
.lparam_size = sizeof(tabstops_in), .lparam = &tabstops_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(tabstops_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(tabstops_in), .lparam = &tabstops_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(tabstops_in),
.wparam = ARRAYSIZE(items_out), .msg_result = ARRAYSIZE(items_out),
.lparam_size = sizeof(items_out), .change_lparam = items_out,
.lparam_size = sizeof(nm_in), .lparam = &nm_in, .change_lparam = &nm_out,
.check_size = sizeof(nm_in)
.lparam_size = sizeof(mcs_in), .lparam = &mcs_in, .poison_lparam = TRUE,
.check_size = sizeof(mcs_in),
.lparam_size = sizeof(cbi_in), .change_lparam = &cbi_out, .lparam = &cbi_in,
.check_lparam = &cbi_ret, .check_size = sizeof(cbi_in), .in_lparam = &cbi_check,
/* messages that don't change lparam */
{ "WM_SETTEXT", WM_SETTEXT, .lparam = strbufW, .lparam_init_size = sizeof(strbufW) },
{ "WM_DEVMODECHANGE", WM_DEVMODECHANGE, .lparam = strbufW, .lparam_init_size = sizeof(strbufW) },
{ "CB_DIR", CB_DIR, .lparam = strbufW, .lparam_init_size = sizeof(strbufW) },
{ "LB_DIR", LB_DIR, .lparam = strbufW, .lparam_init_size = sizeof(strbufW) },
{ "LB_ADDFILE", LB_ADDFILE, .lparam = strbufW, .lparam_init_size = sizeof(strbufW) },
{ "EM_REPLACESEL", EM_REPLACESEL, .lparam = strbufW, .lparam_init_size = sizeof(strbufW) },
{ "WM_WININICHANGE", WM_WININICHANGE, .lparam = strbufW, .lparam_init_size = sizeof(strbufW) },
/* messages not allowed to be sent by NtUserMessageCall */
"WM_DRAWITEM", WM_DRAWITEM, .wparam = 10,
.lparam_size = sizeof(drawitem_in), .lparam = &drawitem_in, .not_allowed = TRUE,
cls.lpfnWndProc = lparam_test_proc;
cls.lpszClassName = L"TestLParamClass";
RegisterClassW( &cls );
hwnd = CreateWindowExA( 0, "TestLParamClass", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, NULL );
for (test = lparam_hook_tests; test < lparam_hook_tests + ARRAYSIZE(lparam_hook_tests); test++)
current_hook_test = test;
winetest_push_context("%s", test->name);
/* Simple unhooked SendMessage just passes unmodified lparam. */
winetest_push_context( "sendmsg" );
init_hook_test( test );
res = SendMessageW( hwnd, test->message, test->wparam, (LPARAM)lparam_buffer );
ok( res == test->msg_result, "NtUserMessageCall returned %Ix\n", res );
ok( wndproc_lparam == (LPARAM)lparam_buffer, "unexpected wndproc_lparam %Ix, expected %p\n",
wndproc_lparam, lparam_buffer );
/* NtUserMessageCall uses a copy of lparam even when not hooked. */
wndproc_lparam = 0;
winetest_push_context( "ntsendmsg" );
init_hook_test( test );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, test->message, test->wparam, (LPARAM)lparam_buffer, NULL,
NtUserSendMessage, FALSE );
test_msg_output( test, res, FALSE );
call_hook2 = SetWindowsHookExW( WH_CALLWNDPROC, callwnd_hook_proc2, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId() );
ok( call_hook2 != NULL, "SetWindowsHookExW failed\n");
call_hook = SetWindowsHookExW( WH_CALLWNDPROC, callwnd_hook_proc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId() );
ok( call_hook != NULL, "SetWindowsHookExW failed\n");
ret_hook2 = SetWindowsHookExW( WH_CALLWNDPROCRET, retwnd_hook_proc2,
NULL, GetCurrentThreadId() );
ok( ret_hook2 != NULL, "SetWindowsHookExW failed\n");
ret_hook = SetWindowsHookExW( WH_CALLWNDPROCRET, retwnd_hook_proc,
NULL, GetCurrentThreadId() );
ok( ret_hook != NULL, "SetWindowsHookExW failed\n");
/* Hooked SendMessage behaves just like NtUserMessageCall. */
winetest_push_context( "hooked_sendmsg" );
init_hook_test( test );
res = SendMessageW( hwnd, test->message, test->wparam, (LPARAM)lparam_buffer );
test_msg_output( test, res, TRUE );
winetest_push_context( "hooked_ntsendmsg" );
init_hook_test( test );
res = NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, test->message, test->wparam, (LPARAM)lparam_buffer,
NULL, NtUserSendMessage, FALSE );
test_msg_output( test, res, TRUE );
ret = NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx( call_hook );
ok( ret, "NtUserUnhookWindowsHook failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx( call_hook2 );
ok( ret, "NtUserUnhookWindowsHook failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx( ret_hook );
ok( ret, "NtUserUnhookWindowsHook failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ret = NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx( ret_hook2 );
ok( ret, "NtUserUnhookWindowsHook failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
DestroyWindow( hwnd );
UnregisterClassW( L"TestLParamClass", NULL );
char **argv;
int argc;
/* native win32u.dll fails if user32 is not loaded, so make sure it's fully initialized */
argc = winetest_get_mainargs( &argv );
if (argc > 3 && !strcmp( argv[2], "ipcmsg" ))
test_inter_process_child( LongToHandle( strtol( argv[3], NULL, 16 )));
if (argc > 3 && !strcmp( argv[2], "NtUserEnableMouseInPointer" ))
winetest_push_context( "enable %s", argv[3] );
test_NtUserEnableMouseInPointer_process( argv[3] );
test_inter_process_messages( argv[0] );
test_NtUserEnableMouseInPointer( argv, FALSE );
test_NtUserEnableMouseInPointer( argv, TRUE );