Alexandre Julliard 066d1e09a4 Release 0.0.3
WHAT'S NEW with version 0.0.3:
    - Fixed bug with sector sizes.
    - Registers at program startup are now set correctly.
    - Segment fixups for relocatable-segment internal entry points.
    - Fixed bug in DOS PSP structure.
    - Some resource loading is done.
    - Added "return" ordinal type to build program.
    - Added comment capability to build program.
1993-07-01 10:58:21 +00:00

234 lines
8.5 KiB

1 1 93ce FATALEXIT exported, shared data
2 1 9d6f EXITKERNEL exported
3 3 07c6 GETVERSION exported
4 2 28b7 LOCALINIT exported
5 1 0543 LOCALALLOC exported
6 1 0587 LOCALREALLOC exported
7 1 055f LOCALFREE exported
8 1 0573 LOCALLOCK exported
9 1 05bd LOCALUNLOCK exported
10 1 05a9 LOCALSIZE exported
11 1 8d6a LOCALHANDLE exported
12 1 05d1 LOCALFLAGS exported
13 1 8d85 LOCALCOMPACT exported
14 2 0278 LOCALNOTIFY exported
15 1 022b GLOBALALLOC exported
16 1 028c GLOBALREALLOC exported
17 1 0247 GLOBALFREE exported
18 1 0278 GLOBALLOCK exported
19 1 02cb GLOBALUNLOCK exported
20 1 02b7 GLOBALSIZE exported
21 1 0264 GLOBALHANDLE exported
22 1 02e8 GLOBALFLAGS exported
23 1 03b3 LOCKSEGMENT exported
24 1 03c7 UNLOCKSEGMENT exported
25 1 1105 GLOBALCOMPACT exported
26 1 0e39 GLOBALFREEALL exported
28 1 1190 GLOBALMASTERHANDLE exported
29 1 7d21 YIELD exported
30 1 7ca8 WAITEVENT exported
31 1 7d92 POSTEVENT exported
32 1 7df0 SETPRIORITY exported
33 1 81e5 LOCKCURRENTTASK exported
34 1 7de3 SETTASKQUEUE exported
35 1 7d9d GETTASKQUEUE exported
36 1 842c GETCURRENTTASK exported
37 3 024e GETCURRENTPDB exported
38 1 7dc5 SETTASKSIGNALPROC exported
41 1 9c8e ENABLEDOS exported
42 1 9c8f DISABLEDOS exported
45 2 0244 LOADMODULE exported
46 2 0176 FREEMODULE exported
47 2 01bb GETMODULEHANDLE exported
48 2 01d2 GETMODULEUSAGE exported
49 2 01e6 GETMODULEFILENAME exported
50 2 019e GETPROCADDRESS exported
51 3 00a8 MAKEPROCINSTANCE exported
52 3 00c5 FREEPROCINSTANCE exported
53 1 4927 CALLPROCINSTANCE exported
54 2 0219 GETINSTANCEDATA exported
55 3 08ee CATCH exported
56 3 0928 THROW exported
57 1 0663 GETPROFILEINT exported, shared data
58 1 0689 GETPROFILESTRING exported, shared data
59 1 0763 WRITEPROFILESTRING exported, shared data
60 3 0008 FINDRESOURCE exported
61 1 0126 LOADRESOURCE exported
62 1 018b LOCKRESOURCE exported
63 1 0177 FREERESOURCE exported
64 1 0140 ACCESSRESOURCE exported
65 1 019f SIZEOFRESOURCE exported
66 1 015d ALLOCRESOURCE exported
67 3 002e SETRESOURCEHANDLER exported
68 3 041a INITATOMTABLE exported
69 1 4942 FINDATOM exported
70 1 493f ADDATOM exported
71 1 01b9 DELETEATOM exported
72 1 01cd GETATOMNAME exported
73 1 01fd GETATOMHANDLE exported
74 1 05e5 OPENFILE exported
75 3 04be OPENPATHNAME exported
76 3 04b6 DELETEPATHNAME exported
77 1 83cd RESERVED1 exported
78 1 83ca RESERVED2 exported
79 1 83c4 RESERVED3 exported
80 1 83c7 RESERVED4 exported
81 1 046e _LCLOSE exported
82 1 04e6 _LREAD exported
83 1 048d _LCREAT exported
84 1 04b8 _LLSEEK exported
85 1 0443 _LOPEN exported
86 1 0516 _LWRITE exported
87 1 838e RESERVED5 exported
88 1 836f LSTRCPY exported
89 1 837f LSTRCAT exported
90 1 82f6 LSTRLEN exported
91 2 268d INITTASK exported
92 3 0508 GETTEMPDRIVE exported
93 1 48fa GETCODEHANDLE exported
94 3 03ce DEFINEHANDLETABLE exported
95 2 022d LOADLIBRARY exported
96 2 018a FREELIBRARY exported
97 3 00dc GETTEMPFILENAME exported
98 1 5c17 GETLASTDISKCHANGE exported
99 1 0bc5 GETLPERRMODE exported
100 2 2ab7 VALIDATECODESEGMENTS exported
101 1 1d92 NOHOOKDOSCALL exported
102 1 1d98 DOS3CALL exported
103 1 9e19 NETBIOSCALL exported
104 1 03db GETCODEINFO exported
105 3 07d9 GETEXEVERSION exported
106 1 2ede SETSWAPAREASIZE exported
107 3 0132 SETERRORMODE exported
108 1 11c6 SWITCHSTACKTO exported
109 1 123c SWITCHSTACKBACK exported
110 1 7bac PATCHCODEHANDLE exported
111 1 02fc GLOBALWIRE exported
112 1 0310 GLOBALUNWIRE exported
113 254 0003 __AHSHIFT exported
114 254 0008 __AHINCR exported
115 1 999b OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING exported
116 2 2797 INITLIB exported
117 1 7d3e OLDYIELD exported
118 1 7da7 GETTASKQUEUEDS exported
119 1 7db5 GETTASKQUEUEES exported
120 1 72d4 UNDEFDYNLINK exported
121 1 8db0 LOCALSHRINK exported
122 1 81ff ISTASKLOCKED exported
123 1 4638 KBDRST exported
124 1 9c90 ENABLEKERNEL exported
125 1 9c91 DISABLEKERNEL exported
126 1 2ea7 MEMORYFREED exported
127 1 06d7 GETPRIVATEPROFILEINT exported, shared data
128 1 0709 GETPRIVATEPROFILESTRING exported, shared data
129 1 0795 WRITEPRIVATEPROFILESTRING exported, shared data
130 3 0888 FILECDR exported
131 3 08ce GETDOSENVIRONMENT exported
132 3 07ab GETWINFLAGS exported
133 1 4e78 GETEXEPTR exported
134 3 0054 GETWINDOWSDIRECTORY exported
135 3 007e GETSYSTEMDIRECTORY exported
136 3 0675 GETDRIVETYPE exported
137 1 0211 FATALAPPEXIT exported
138 2 1e4d GETHEAPSPACES exported
139 1 612c DOSIGNAL exported
140 3 068c SETSIGHANDLER exported
141 1 8014 INITTASK1 exported
150 1 7cff DIRECTEDYIELD exported
151 3 07e6 WINOLDAPCALL exported
152 3 08e2 GETNUMTASKS exported
154 1 034c GLOBALNOTIFY exported
155 1 119f GETTASKDS exported
156 1 4632 LIMITEMSPAGES exported
157 1 4639 GETCURPID exported
158 1 7e3e ISWINOLDAPTASK exported
159 1 0ec5 GLOBALHANDLENORIP exported
160 1 a940 EMSCOPY exported
161 2 29c9 LOCALCOUNTFREE exported
162 2 2a01 LOCALHEAPSIZE exported
163 1 0338 GLOBALLRUOLDEST exported
164 1 0324 GLOBALLRUNEWEST exported
165 1 9e0c A20PROC exported
166 2 028f WINEXEC exported
167 1 4f02 GETEXPWINVER exported
168 1 84b8 DIRECTRESALLOC exported
169 1 0404 GETFREESPACE exported
170 1 00d0 ALLOCCSTODSALIAS exported
171 1 00e4 ALLOCDSTOCSALIAS exported
172 1 21fb ALLOCALIAS exported
173 254 f000 __ROMBIOS exported
174 254 a000 __A000H exported
175 1 1d9e ALLOCSELECTOR exported
176 1 00f8 FREESELECTOR exported
177 1 010c PRESTOCHANGOSELECTOR exported
178 254 0001 __WINFLAGS exported
179 254 d000 __D000H exported
180 1 26b9 LONGPTRADD exported
181 254 b000 __B000H exported
182 254 b800 __B800H exported
183 254 0000 __0000H exported
184 1 139a GLOBALDOSALLOC exported
185 1 13d4 GLOBALDOSFREE exported
186 1 2252 GETSELECTORBASE exported
187 1 2725 SETSELECTORBASE exported
188 1 2755 GETSELECTORLIMIT exported
189 1 276d SETSELECTORLIMIT exported
190 254 e000 __E000H exported
191 1 0363 GLOBALPAGELOCK exported
192 1 0377 GLOBALPAGEUNLOCK exported
193 254 0040 __0040H exported
194 254 f000 __F000H exported
195 254 c000 __C000H exported
196 1 279b SELECTORACCESSRIGHTS exported
197 1 038b GLOBALFIX exported
198 1 039f GLOBALUNFIX exported
199 1 0647 SETHANDLECOUNT exported
200 1 3e4e VALIDATEFREESPACES exported
201 1 9ada REPLACEINST exported
202 3 081d REGISTERPTRACE exported
203 1 946e DEBUGBREAK exported
204 3 014e SWAPRECORDING exported
205 1 97e0 CVWBREAK exported
206 1 1df5 ALLOCSELECTORARRAY exported
207 1 8425 ISDBCSLEADBYTE exported
310 2 2a0c LOCALHANDLEDELTA exported
311 1 9eaf GETSETKERNELDOSPROC exported
314 1 9835 DEBUGDEFINESEGMENT exported
315 1 708b WRITEOUTPROFILES exported, shared data
316 1 127e GETFREEMEMINFO exported
318 1 9ecf FATALEXITHOOK exported
320 1 7e50 ISTASK exported
323 2 1e9b ISROMMODULE exported
324 1 94cf LOGERROR exported, shared data
325 1 94f2 LOGPARAMERROR exported, shared data
326 2 1ea0 ISROMFILE exported
327 1 949b K327 exported
328 1 94ce _DEBUGOUTPUT exported
329 1 94c5 K329 exported
332 4 0218 THHOOK exported
334 1 4b62 ISBADREADPTR exported
335 1 4b83 ISBADWRITEPTR exported
336 1 4c28 ISBADCODEPTR exported
337 1 4c4e ISBADSTRINGPTR exported
338 1 4c72 HASGPHANDLER exported
339 1 a70e DIAGQUERY exported
340 1 a71d DIAGOUTPUT exported
341 3 084c TOOLHELPHOOK exported
342 1 a820 __GP exported, shared data
343 2 0689 REGISTERWINOLDAPHOOK exported
344 2 06f3 GETWINOLDAPHOOKS exported
345 1 4d39 ISSHAREDSELECTOR exported
346 1 4ba5 ISBADHUGEREADPTR exported
347 1 4be5 ISBADHUGEWRITEPTR exported
348 1 4d5c HMEMCPY exported
349 1 4dec _HREAD exported
350 1 4df1 _HWRITE exported
351 1 5e92 BUNNY_351 exported
353 1 831f LSTRCPYN exported
354 1 9eeb GETAPPCOMPATFLAGS exported
355 1 9f2a GETWINDEBUGINFO exported, shared data
356 1 9f36 SETWINDEBUGINFO exported, shared data
403 1 29f1 K403 exported
404 1 29ae K404 exported