
1080 lines
28 KiB

# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 Patrik Stridvall
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
package winapi;
use strict;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw($win16api $win32api @winapis);
use vars qw($win16api $win32api @winapis);
use config qw($current_dir $wine_dir $winapi_dir);
use options qw($options);
use output qw($output);
use vars qw($modules);
sub found_shared_internal_function($$);
sub function_external_calling_convention_in_module($$$);
sub function_internal_module($$);
sub is_function_stub_in_module($$$);
sub new($$$);
sub parse_api_file($$);
sub parse_spec_file($$);
sub import(@) {
if (defined($modules) && defined($win16api) && defined($win32api)) {
require modules;
import modules qw($modules);
my @spec_files16 = $modules->allowed_spec_files16;
$win16api = 'winapi'->new("win16", \@spec_files16);
my @spec_files32 = $modules->allowed_spec_files32;
$win32api = 'winapi'->new("win32", \@spec_files32);
@winapis = ($win16api, $win32api);
for my $internal_name ($win32api->all_internal_functions) {
my $module16 = $win16api->function_internal_module($internal_name);
my $module32 = $win16api->function_internal_module($internal_name);
if(defined($module16) &&
!$win16api->is_function_stub_in_module($module16, $internal_name) &&
!$win32api->is_function_stub_in_module($module32, $internal_name))
sub new($$$) {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
bless ($self, $class);
my $name = \${$self->{NAME}};
my $function_forward = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_FORWARD}};
my $function_internal_name = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_NAME}};
my $function_module = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_MODULE}};
$$name = shift;
my $refspec_files = shift;
foreach my $file (@$refspec_files) {
foreach my $module (sort(keys(%$function_forward))) {
foreach my $external_name (sort(keys(%{$$function_forward{$module}}))) {
(my $forward_module, my $forward_external_name) = @{$$function_forward{$module}{$external_name}};
my $forward_internal_name = $$function_internal_name{$forward_external_name};
if(defined($forward_internal_name)) {
$$function_module{$forward_internal_name} .= " & $module";
return $self;
sub win16api() {
return $win16api;
sub win32api() {
return $win32api;
sub parse_api_file($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $allowed_kind = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_KIND}};
my $allowed_modules = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES}};
my $allowed_modules_limited = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES_LIMITED}};
my $allowed_modules_unlimited = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES_UNLIMITED}};
my $translate_argument = \%{$self->{TRANSLATE_ARGUMENT}};
my $type_format = \%{$self->{TYPE_FORMAT}};
my $file = shift;
my $module;
my $kind;
my $format;
my $forbidden = 0;
open(IN, "< $winapi_dir/$file") || die "$winapi_dir/$file: $!\n";
$/ = "\n";
my $linenum=0;
while(<IN>) {
s/^\s*?(.*?)\s*$/$1/; # remove whitespace at begin and end of line
s/^(.*?)\s*#.*$/$1/; # remove comments
/^$/ && next; # skip empty lines
if(/^%%(\S+)$/) {
$module = $1;
$module =~ s/\.dll$//; # FIXME: Kludge
} elsif(!$modules->is_allowed_module($module)) {
# Nothing
} elsif(s/^%(\S+)\s*//) {
$kind = $1;
$format = undef;
$forbidden = 0;
$$allowed_kind{$kind} = 1;
if(/^--forbidden/) {
$forbidden = 1;
} elsif(/^--format=(\".*?\"|\S*)/) {
$format = $1;
$format =~ s/^\"(.*?)\"$/$1/;
if(!defined($format)) {
if($kind eq "long") {
$format = "%d|%u|%x|%X|";
$format .= "%hd|%hu|%hx|%hX|";
$format .= "%ld|%lu|%lx|%lX|";
$format .= "%04x|%04X|0x%04x|0x%04X|";
$format .= "%08x|%08X|0x%08x|0x%08X|";
$format .= "%08lx|%08lX|0x%08lx|0x%08lX";
} elsif($kind eq "longlong") {
$format = "%lld";
} elsif($kind eq "ptr") {
$format = "%p";
} elsif($kind eq "segptr") {
$format = "%p";
} elsif($kind eq "str") {
$format = "%p|%s";
} elsif($kind eq "wstr") {
$format = "%p|%s";
} elsif($kind eq "word") {
$format = "%d|%u|%x|%X|";
$format .= "%hd|%hu|%hx|%hX|";
$format .= "%04x|%04X|0x%04x|0x%04X";
} else {
$format = "<unknown>";
} elsif(defined($kind)) {
my $type = $_;
if ($type =~ /\blong\b/)
$output->write("$file:$linenum: type ($type) is not Win64 compatible\n");
if(!$forbidden) {
if(defined($module)) {
if($$allowed_modules_unlimited{$type}) {
$output->write("$file:$linenum: type ($type) already specified as an unlimited type\n");
} elsif(!$$allowed_modules{$type}{$module}) {
$$allowed_modules{$type}{$module} = 1;
$$allowed_modules_limited{$type} = 1;
} else {
$output->write("$file:$linenum: type ($type) already specified\n");
} else {
$$allowed_modules_unlimited{$type} = 1;
} else {
$$allowed_modules_limited{$type} = 1;
if(defined($$translate_argument{$type}) && $$translate_argument{$type} ne $kind) {
$output->write("$file:$linenum: type ($type) respecified as different kind ($kind != $$translate_argument{$type})\n");
} else {
$$translate_argument{$type} = $kind;
$$type_format{$module}{$type} = $format;
} else {
$output->write("$file:$linenum: file must begin with %<type> statement\n");
exit 1;
sub parse_spec_file($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_arguments = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_ARGUMENTS}};
my $function_external_arguments = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_ARGUMENTS}};
my $function_internal_ordinal = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_ORDINAL}};
my $function_external_ordinal = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_ORDINAL}};
my $function_internal_calling_convention = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $function_external_calling_convention = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $function_internal_name = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_NAME}};
my $function_external_name = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_NAME}};
my $function_forward = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_FORWARD}};
my $function_internal_module = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_MODULE}};
my $function_external_module = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_MODULE}};
my $function_wine_extension = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_WINE_EXTENSION}};
my $modules = \%{$self->{MODULES}};
my $module_files = \%{$self->{MODULE_FILES}};
my $module_external_calling_convention = \%{$self->{MODULE_EXTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $file = shift;
$file =~ s%^\./%%;
my %ordinals;
my $module;
my $wine_extension = 0;
$module = $file;
$module =~ s/^.*?([^\/]*)\.spec$/$1/;
open(IN, "< $file") || die "$file: $!\n";
$/ = "\n";
my $header = 1;
my $lookahead = 0;
while($lookahead || defined($_ = <IN>)) {
$lookahead = 0;
if(s/^(.*?)\s*\#\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/) {
my $comment = $2;
if ($comment =~ /^Wine/i) { # FIXME: Kludge
$wine_extension = 1;
/^$/ && next;
if($header) {
if(/^\d+|@/) { $header = 0; $lookahead = 1; }
my $ordinal;
my $calling_convention = $2;
my $flags = $3;
my $external_name = $4;
my $arguments = $5;
my $internal_name = $6;
$ordinal = $1;
$flags =~ s/\s+/ /g;
if (!$internal_name)
$internal_name = ($flags =~ /-register/ ? "__regs_" : "") . $external_name;
if($flags =~ /-noname/) {
# $external_name = "@";
if($flags =~ /(?:-register|-interrupt)/) {
if($arguments) { $arguments .= " "; }
$arguments .= "ptr";
$calling_convention .= " -register";
if($flags =~ /(?:-i386)/) {
$calling_convention .= " -i386";
if ($internal_name =~ /^(.*?)\.(.*?)$/) {
my $forward_module = lc($1);
my $forward_name = $2;
if (0) {
$calling_convention .= " -forward";
} else {
$calling_convention = "forward";
$$function_forward{$module}{$external_name} = [$forward_module, $forward_name];
if($external_name ne "@") {
$$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{$external_name} = $calling_convention;
} else {
$$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{"\@$ordinal"} = $calling_convention;
if(!$$function_internal_name{$external_name}) {
$$function_internal_name{$external_name} = $internal_name;
} else {
$$function_internal_name{$external_name} .= " & $internal_name";
if(!$$function_external_name{$internal_name}) {
$$function_external_name{$internal_name} = $external_name;
} else {
$$function_external_name{$internal_name} .= " & $external_name";
$$function_internal_arguments{$internal_name} = $arguments;
$$function_external_arguments{$external_name} = $arguments;
if(!$$function_internal_ordinal{$internal_name}) {
$$function_internal_ordinal{$internal_name} = $ordinal;
} else {
$$function_internal_ordinal{$internal_name} .= " & $ordinal";
if(!$$function_external_ordinal{$external_name}) {
$$function_external_ordinal{$external_name} = $ordinal;
} else {
$$function_external_ordinal{$external_name} .= " & $ordinal";
$$function_internal_calling_convention{$internal_name} = $calling_convention;
$$function_external_calling_convention{$external_name} = $calling_convention;
if(!$$function_internal_module{$internal_name}) {
$$function_internal_module{$internal_name} = "$module";
} else {
$$function_internal_module{$internal_name} .= " & $module";
if(!$$function_external_module{$external_name}) {
$$function_external_module{$external_name} = "$module";
} else {
$$function_external_module{$external_name} .= " & $module";
$$function_wine_extension{$module}{$external_name} = $wine_extension;
if(0 && $options->spec_mismatch) {
if($external_name eq "@") {
if($internal_name !~ /^\U$module\E_$ordinal$/) {
$output->write("$file: $external_name: the internal name ($internal_name) mismatch\n");
} else {
my $name = $external_name;
my $name1 = $name;
$name1 =~ s/^Zw/Nt/;
my $name2 = $name;
$name2 =~ s/^(?:_|Rtl|k32|K32)//;
my $name3 = $name;
$name3 =~ s/^INT_Int[0-9a-f]{2}Handler$/BUILTIN_DefaultIntHandler/;
my $name4 = $name;
$name4 =~ s/^(VxDCall)\d$/$1/;
# FIXME: This special case is because of a very ugly kludge that should be fixed IMHO
my $name5 = $name;
$name5 =~ s/^(.*?16)_(.*?)$/$1_fn$2/;
if(uc($internal_name) ne uc($external_name) &&
$internal_name !~ /(\Q$name\E|\Q$name1\E|\Q$name2\E|\Q$name3\E|\Q$name4\E|\Q$name5\E)/)
$output->write("$file: $external_name: internal name ($internal_name) mismatch\n");
} elsif(/^(\d+|@)\s+stub(?:\s+(-noname|-norelay|-i386|-ret16|-ret64|-private))?\s+(\S+)$/) {
$ordinal = $1;
my $flags = $2;
my $external_name = $3;
$flags = "" if !defined($flags);
if($flags =~ /-noname/) {
# $external_name = "@";
my $internal_name = $external_name;
if ($external_name ne "@") {
$$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{$external_name} = "stub";
} else {
$$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{"\@$ordinal"} = "stub";
if(!$$function_internal_name{$external_name}) {
$$function_internal_name{$external_name} = $internal_name;
} else {
$$function_internal_name{$external_name} .= " & $internal_name";
if(!$$function_external_name{$internal_name}) {
$$function_external_name{$internal_name} = $external_name;
} else {
$$function_external_name{$internal_name} .= " & $external_name";
if(!$$function_internal_ordinal{$internal_name}) {
$$function_internal_ordinal{$internal_name} = $ordinal;
} else {
$$function_internal_ordinal{$internal_name} .= " & $ordinal";
if(!$$function_external_ordinal{$external_name}) {
$$function_external_ordinal{$external_name} = $ordinal;
} else {
$$function_external_ordinal{$external_name} .= " & $ordinal";
if(!$$function_internal_module{$internal_name}) {
$$function_internal_module{$internal_name} = "$module";
} else { # if($$function_internal_module{$internal_name} !~ /$module/) {
$$function_internal_module{$internal_name} .= " & $module";
if(!$$function_external_module{$external_name}) {
$$function_external_module{$external_name} = "$module";
} else { # if($$function_external_module{$external_name} !~ /$module/) {
$$function_external_module{$external_name} .= " & $module";
} elsif(/^(\d+|@)\s+extern(?:\s+(?:-norelay|-i386|-ret16|-ret64))?\s+(\S+)\s*(\S*)$/) {
$ordinal = $1;
my $external_name = $2;
my $internal_name = $3;
$internal_name = $external_name if !$internal_name;
if ($external_name ne "@") {
$$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{$external_name} = "extern";
} else {
$$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{"\@$ordinal"} = "extern";
} elsif(/^(?:\d+|@)\s+(?:equate|variable)/) {
# ignore
} else {
my $next_line = <IN>;
if(!defined($next_line) || $next_line =~ /^\s*\d|@/) {
die "$file: $.: syntax error: '$_'\n";
} else {
$_ .= $next_line;
$lookahead = 1;
if(defined($ordinal)) {
if($ordinal ne "@" && $ordinals{$ordinal}) {
$output->write("$file: ordinal redefined: $_\n");
$$module_files{$module} = $file;
sub name($) {
my $self = shift;
my $name = \${$self->{NAME}};
return $$name;
sub is_allowed_kind($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $allowed_kind = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_KIND}};
my $kind = shift;
if(defined($kind)) {
return $$allowed_kind{$kind};
} else {
return 0;
sub allow_kind($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $allowed_kind = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_KIND}};
my $kind = shift;
sub is_limited_type($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $allowed_modules_limited = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES_LIMITED}};
my $type = shift;
return $$allowed_modules_limited{$type};
sub is_allowed_type_in_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $allowed_modules = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES}};
my $allowed_modules_limited = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES_LIMITED}};
my $type = shift;
my @modules = split(/ \& /, shift);
if(!$$allowed_modules_limited{$type}) { return 1; }
foreach my $module (@modules) {
if($$allowed_modules{$type}{$module}) { return 1; }
return 0;
sub allow_type_in_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $allowed_modules = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES}};
my $type = shift;
my @modules = split(/ \& /, shift);
foreach my $module (@modules) {
sub type_used_in_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $used_modules = \%{$self->{USED_MODULES}};
my $type = shift;
my @modules = split(/ \& /, shift);
foreach my $module (@modules) {
$$used_modules{$type}{$module} = 1;
return ();
sub types_not_used($) {
my $self = shift;
my $used_modules = \%{$self->{USED_MODULES}};
my $allowed_modules = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES}};
my $not_used;
foreach my $type (sort(keys(%$allowed_modules))) {
foreach my $module (sort(keys(%{$$allowed_modules{$type}}))) {
if(!$$used_modules{$type}{$module}) {
$$not_used{$module}{$type} = 1;
return $not_used;
sub types_unlimited_used_in_modules($) {
my $self = shift;
my $used_modules = \%{$self->{USED_MODULES}};
my $allowed_modules = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES}};
my $allowed_modules_unlimited = \%{$self->{ALLOWED_MODULES_UNLIMITED}};
my $used_types;
foreach my $type (sort(keys(%$allowed_modules_unlimited))) {
my $count = 0;
my @modules = ();
foreach my $module (sort(keys(%{$$used_modules{$type}}))) {
push @modules, $module;
if($count) {
foreach my $module (@modules) {
$$used_types{$type}{$module} = 1;
return $used_types;
sub translate_argument($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $translate_argument = \%{$self->{TRANSLATE_ARGUMENT}};
my $type = shift;
return $$translate_argument{$type};
sub declare_argument($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $translate_argument = \%{$self->{TRANSLATE_ARGUMENT}};
my $type = shift;
my $kind = shift;
$$translate_argument{$type} = $kind;
sub all_declared_types($) {
my $self = shift;
my $translate_argument = \%{$self->{TRANSLATE_ARGUMENT}};
return sort(keys(%$translate_argument));
sub is_allowed_type_format($$$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $type_format = \%{$self->{TYPE_FORMAT}};
my $module = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $format = shift;
my $formats;
if(defined($module) && defined($type)) {
local $_;
foreach (split(/ & /, $module)) {
if(defined($formats)) {
$formats .= "|";
} else {
$formats = "";
if(defined($$type_format{$_}{$type})) {
$formats .= $$type_format{$_}{$type};
if(defined($formats)) {
local $_;
foreach (split(/\|/, $formats)) {
if($_ eq $format) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub all_modules($) {
my $self = shift;
my $modules = \%{$self->{MODULES}};
return sort(keys(%$modules));
sub is_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $modules = \%{$self->{MODULES}};
my $name = shift;
return $$modules{$name};
sub module_file($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $module_files = \%{$self->{MODULE_FILES}};
return $$module_files{$module};
sub all_internal_functions($) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_calling_convention = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
return sort(keys(%$function_internal_calling_convention));
sub all_internal_functions_in_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_calling_convention = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $function_internal_module = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_MODULE}};
my $module = shift;
my @names;
foreach my $name (keys(%$function_internal_calling_convention)) {
if($$function_internal_module{$name} eq $module) {
push @names, $name;
return sort(@names);
sub all_external_functions($) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_external_name = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_NAME}};
return sort(keys(%$function_external_name));
sub all_external_functions_in_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_external_name = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_NAME}};
my $function_external_module = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_MODULE}};
my $module = shift;
my @names;
foreach my $name (keys(%$function_external_name)) {
if($$function_external_module{$name} eq $module) {
push @names, $name;
return sort(@names);
sub all_functions_in_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $module_external_calling_convention = \%{$self->{MODULE_EXTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $module = shift;
return sort(keys(%{$$module_external_calling_convention{$module}}));
sub all_broken_forwards($) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_forward = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_FORWARD}};
my @broken_forwards = ();
foreach my $module (sort(keys(%$function_forward))) {
foreach my $external_name (sort(keys(%{$$function_forward{$module}}))) {
(my $forward_module, my $forward_external_name) = @{$$function_forward{$module}{$external_name}};
my $forward_external_calling_convention =
$self->function_external_calling_convention_in_module($forward_module, $forward_external_name);
if(!defined($forward_external_calling_convention)) {
push @broken_forwards, [$module, $external_name, $forward_module, $forward_external_name];
return @broken_forwards;
sub function_internal_ordinal($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_ordinal = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_ORDINAL}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_internal_ordinal{$name};
sub function_external_ordinal($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_external_ordinal = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_ORDINAL}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_external_ordinal{$name};
sub function_internal_calling_convention($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_calling_convention = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_internal_calling_convention{$name};
sub function_external_calling_convention($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_external_calling_convention = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_external_calling_convention{$name};
sub function_external_calling_convention_in_module($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $module_external_calling_convention = \%{$self->{MODULE_EXTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $module = shift;
my $name = shift;
return $$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{$name};
sub function_internal_name($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_name = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_NAME}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_internal_name{$name};
sub function_external_name($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_external_name = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_NAME}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_external_name{$name};
sub function_forward_final_destination($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_forward = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_FORWARD}};
my $module = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $forward_module = $module;
my $forward_name = $name;
while(defined(my $forward = $$function_forward{$forward_module}{$forward_name})) {
($forward_module, $forward_name) = @$forward;
return ($forward_module, $forward_name);
sub is_function($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_calling_convention = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_internal_calling_convention{$name};
sub all_shared_internal_functions($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_shared = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_SHARED}};
return sort(keys(%$function_shared));
sub is_shared_internal_function($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_shared = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_SHARED}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_shared{$name};
sub found_shared_internal_function($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_shared = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_SHARED}};
my $name = shift;
$$function_shared{$name} = 1;
sub function_internal_arguments($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_arguments = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_ARGUMENTS}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_internal_arguments{$name};
sub function_external_arguments($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_external_arguments = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_ARGUMENTS}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_external_arguments{$name};
sub function_internal_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_internal_module = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_INTERNAL_MODULE}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_internal_module{$name};
sub function_external_module($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_external_module = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_EXTERNAL_MODULE}};
my $name = shift;
return $$function_external_module{$name};
sub function_wine_extension($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $function_wine_extension = \%{$self->{FUNCTION_WINE_EXTENSION}};
my $module = shift;
my $name = shift;
return $$function_wine_extension{$module}{$name};
sub is_function_stub($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $module_external_calling_convention = \%{$self->{MODULE_EXTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $module = shift;
my $name = shift;
if($$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{$name} eq "stub") {
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_function_stub_in_module($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $module_external_calling_convention = \%{$self->{MODULE_EXTERNAL_CALLING_CONVENTION}};
my $module = shift;
my $name = shift;
if(!defined($$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{$name})) {
return 0;
return $$module_external_calling_convention{$module}{$name} eq "stub";
# class methods
sub _get_all_module_internal_ordinal($$) {
my $winapi = shift;
my $internal_name = shift;
my @entries = ();
my @name = (); {
my $name = $winapi->function_external_name($internal_name);
if(defined($name)) {
@name = split(/ & /, $name);
my @module = (); {
my $module = $winapi->function_internal_module($internal_name);
if(defined($module)) {
@module = split(/ & /, $module);
my @ordinal = (); {
my $ordinal = $winapi->function_internal_ordinal($internal_name);
if(defined($ordinal)) {
@ordinal = split(/ & /, $ordinal);
my $name;
my $module;
my $ordinal;
while(defined($name = shift @name) &&
defined($module = shift @module) &&
defined($ordinal = shift @ordinal))
push @entries, [$name, $module, $ordinal];
return @entries;
sub get_all_module_internal_ordinal16($) {
return _get_all_module_internal_ordinal($win16api, $_[0]);
sub get_all_module_internal_ordinal32($) {
return _get_all_module_internal_ordinal($win32api, $_[0]);
sub get_all_module_internal_ordinal($) {
my @entries = ();
foreach my $winapi (@winapis) {
push @entries, _get_all_module_internal_ordinal($winapi, $_[0]);
return @entries;
sub _get_all_module_external_ordinal($$) {
my $winapi = shift;
my $external_name = shift;
my @entries = ();
my @name = (); {
my $name = $winapi->function_internal_name($external_name);
if(defined($name)) {
@name = split(/ & /, $name);
my @module = (); {
my $module = $winapi->function_external_module($external_name);
if(defined($module)) {
@module = split(/ & /, $module);
my @ordinal = (); {
my $ordinal = $winapi->function_external_ordinal($external_name);
if(defined($ordinal)) {
@ordinal = split(/ & /, $ordinal);
my $name;
my $module;
my $ordinal;
while(defined($name = shift @name) &&
defined($module = shift @module) &&
defined($ordinal = shift @ordinal))
push @entries, [$name, $module, $ordinal];
return @entries;
sub get_all_module_external_ordinal16($) {
return _get_all_module_external_ordinal($win16api, $_[0]);
sub get_all_module_external_ordinal32($) {
return _get_all_module_external_ordinal($win32api, $_[0]);
sub get_all_module_external_ordinal($) {
my @entries = ();
foreach my $winapi (@winapis) {
push @entries, _get_all_module_external_ordinal($winapi, $_[0]);
return @entries;