2002-05-31 23:06:46 +00:00

212 lines
4.9 KiB

RTF ANSI character set (\ansi) general map
These are taken from the ISO-Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) encodings, with
a few additions
Field 1 is the standard character name which the character value in
field 2 maps onto. (It doesn't mean "to produce the character in field 1,
use the value in field 2.)
The character value may be given either as a single character (which will be
converted to the ASCII value of the character), or in numeric format, either
in decimal or 0xyy as hex yy. Single or double quotes may be used to quote
int ansi_gen[] =
rtfSC_formula ,0x06,
rtfSC_nobrkhyphen ,0x1e,
rtfSC_opthyphen ,0x1f,
rtfSC_space ,' ',
rtfSC_exclam ,'!',
rtfSC_quotedbl ,'"',
rtfSC_numbersign ,'#',
rtfSC_dollar ,'$',
rtfSC_percent ,'%',
rtfSC_ampersand ,'&',
rtfSC_quoteright ,'\\',
rtfSC_parenleft ,'(',
rtfSC_parenright ,')',
rtfSC_asterisk ,'*',
rtfSC_plus ,'+',
rtfSC_comma ,',',
rtfSC_hyphen ,'-',
rtfSC_period ,'.',
rtfSC_slash ,'/',
rtfSC_zero ,'0',
rtfSC_one ,'1',
rtfSC_two ,'2',
rtfSC_three ,'3',
rtfSC_four ,'4',
rtfSC_five ,'5',
rtfSC_six ,'6',
rtfSC_seven ,'7',
rtfSC_eight ,'8',
rtfSC_nine ,'9',
rtfSC_colon ,':',
rtfSC_semicolon ,';',
rtfSC_less ,'<',
rtfSC_equal ,'=',
rtfSC_greater ,'>',
rtfSC_question ,'?',
rtfSC_at ,'@',
rtfSC_A ,'A',
rtfSC_B ,'B',
rtfSC_C ,'C',
rtfSC_D ,'D',
rtfSC_E ,'E',
rtfSC_F ,'F',
rtfSC_G ,'G',
rtfSC_H ,'H',
rtfSC_I ,'I',
rtfSC_J ,'J',
rtfSC_K ,'K',
rtfSC_L ,'L',
rtfSC_M ,'M',
rtfSC_N ,'N',
rtfSC_O ,'O',
rtfSC_P ,'P',
rtfSC_Q ,'Q',
rtfSC_R ,'R',
rtfSC_S ,'S',
rtfSC_T ,'T',
rtfSC_U ,'U',
rtfSC_V ,'V',
rtfSC_W ,'W',
rtfSC_X ,'X',
rtfSC_Y ,'Y',
rtfSC_Z ,'Z',
rtfSC_bracketleft ,'[',
rtfSC_backslash ,'\\',
rtfSC_bracketright ,']',
rtfSC_asciicircum ,'^',
rtfSC_underscore ,'_',
rtfSC_quoteleft ,'`',
rtfSC_a ,'a',
rtfSC_b ,'b',
rtfSC_c ,'c',
rtfSC_d ,'d',
rtfSC_e ,'e',
rtfSC_f ,'f',
rtfSC_g ,'g',
rtfSC_h ,'h',
rtfSC_i ,'i',
rtfSC_j ,'j',
rtfSC_k ,'k',
rtfSC_l ,'l',
rtfSC_m ,'m',
rtfSC_n ,'n',
rtfSC_o ,'o',
rtfSC_p ,'p',
rtfSC_q ,'q',
rtfSC_r ,'r',
rtfSC_s ,'s',
rtfSC_t ,'t',
rtfSC_u ,'u',
rtfSC_v ,'v',
rtfSC_w ,'w',
rtfSC_x ,'x',
rtfSC_y ,'y',
rtfSC_z ,'z',
rtfSC_braceleft ,'{',
rtfSC_bar ,'|',
rtfSC_braceright ,'}',
rtfSC_asciitilde ,'~',
rtfSC_nobrkspace ,0xa0,
rtfSC_exclamdown ,0xa1,
rtfSC_cent ,0xa2,
rtfSC_sterling ,0xa3,
rtfSC_currency ,0xa4,
rtfSC_yen ,0xa5,
rtfSC_brokenbar ,0xa6,
rtfSC_section ,0xa7,
rtfSC_dieresis ,0xa8,
rtfSC_copyright ,0xa9,
rtfSC_ordfeminine ,0xaa,
rtfSC_guillemotleft ,0xab,
rtfSC_logicalnot ,0xac,
rtfSC_opthyphen ,0xad,
rtfSC_registered ,0xae,
rtfSC_macron ,0xaf,
rtfSC_degree ,0xb0,
rtfSC_plusminus ,0xb1,
rtfSC_twosuperior ,0xb2,
rtfSC_threesuperior ,0xb3,
rtfSC_acute ,0xb4,
rtfSC_mu ,0xb5,
rtfSC_paragraph ,0xb6,
rtfSC_periodcentered ,0xb7,
rtfSC_cedilla ,0xb8,
rtfSC_onesuperior ,0xb9,
rtfSC_ordmasculine ,0xba,
rtfSC_guillemotright ,0xbb,
rtfSC_onequarter ,0xbc,
rtfSC_onehalf ,0xbd,
rtfSC_threequarters ,0xbe,
rtfSC_questiondown ,0xbf,
rtfSC_Agrave ,0xc0,
rtfSC_Aacute ,0xc1,
rtfSC_Acircumflex ,0xc2,
rtfSC_Atilde ,0xc3,
rtfSC_Adieresis ,0xc4,
rtfSC_Aring ,0xc5,
rtfSC_AE ,0xc6,
rtfSC_Ccedilla ,0xc7,
rtfSC_Egrave ,0xc8,
rtfSC_Eacute ,0xc9,
rtfSC_Ecircumflex ,0xca,
rtfSC_Edieresis ,0xcb,
rtfSC_Igrave ,0xcc,
rtfSC_Iacute ,0xcd,
rtfSC_Icircumflex ,0xce,
rtfSC_Idieresis ,0xcf,
rtfSC_Eth ,0xd0,
rtfSC_Ntilde ,0xd1,
rtfSC_Ograve ,0xd2,
rtfSC_Oacute ,0xd3,
rtfSC_Ocircumflex ,0xd4,
rtfSC_Otilde ,0xd5,
rtfSC_Odieresis ,0xd6,
rtfSC_multiply ,0xd7,
rtfSC_Oslash ,0xd8,
rtfSC_Ugrave ,0xd9,
rtfSC_Uacute ,0xda,
rtfSC_Ucircumflex ,0xdb,
rtfSC_Udieresis ,0xdc,
rtfSC_Yacute ,0xdd,
rtfSC_Thorn ,0xde,
rtfSC_germandbls ,0xdf,
rtfSC_agrave ,0xe0,
rtfSC_aacute ,0xe1,
rtfSC_acircumflex ,0xe2,
rtfSC_atilde ,0xe3,
rtfSC_adieresis ,0xe4,
rtfSC_aring ,0xe5,
rtfSC_ae ,0xe6,
rtfSC_ccedilla ,0xe7,
rtfSC_egrave ,0xe8,
rtfSC_eacute ,0xe9,
rtfSC_ecircumflex ,0xea,
rtfSC_edieresis ,0xeb,
rtfSC_igrave ,0xec,
rtfSC_iacute ,0xed,
rtfSC_icircumflex ,0xee,
rtfSC_idieresis ,0xef,
rtfSC_eth ,0xf0,
rtfSC_ntilde ,0xf1,
rtfSC_ograve ,0xf2,
rtfSC_oacute ,0xf3,
rtfSC_ocircumflex ,0xf4,
rtfSC_otilde ,0xf5,
rtfSC_odieresis ,0xf6,
rtfSC_divide ,0xf7,
rtfSC_oslash ,0xf8,
rtfSC_ugrave ,0xf9,
rtfSC_uacute ,0xfa,
rtfSC_ucircumflex ,0xfb,
rtfSC_udieresis ,0xfc,
rtfSC_yacute ,0xfd,
rtfSC_thorn ,0xfe,
rtfSC_ydieresis ,0xff