
844 lines
26 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use XML::LibXML;
# This script is called thus :
# make_opengl [opengl_version]
# - It needs files from the OpenGL extension registry:
# If they are not found in the current directory the script will
# attempt to download them from there.
# - opengl_version is the OpenGL version emulated by the library
# (can be 1.0 to 1.5). The default is 1.1.
# This script generates the three following files :
# - opengl32.spec : the spec file giving all the exported functions
# of the OpenGL32.DLL library. These functions are the one an
# application can directly link to (and are all the functions
# defined in the OpenGL core for the version defined by
# 'opengl_version').
# - opengl_norm.c : this file contains the thunks for all OpenGL
# functions that are defined in 'opengl32.spec'. The corresponding
# functions NEED to be defined in Linux's libGL or the library
# won't be able to be linked in.
# - opengl_ext.c : in this file are stored thunks for ALL possible
# OpenGL extensions (at least, all the extensions that are defined
# in the OpenGL extension registry). Contrary to 'opengl_norm.c',
# you do not need to have these extensions in your libGL to have
# OpenGL work (as they are resolved at run-time using
# glXGetProcAddressARB).
# - include/wine/wgl_driver.h: definitions for the tables of OpenGL functions.
# Copyright 2000 Lionel Ulmer
# Copyright 2012 Alexandre Julliard
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
# Files to generate
my $spec_file = "opengl32.spec";
my $norm_file = "opengl_norm.c";
my $ext_file = "opengl_ext.c";
my $wgl_driver_file = "../../include/wine/wgl_driver.h";
my $wgl_file = "../../include/wine/wgl.h";
# If set to 1, generate TRACEs for each OpenGL function
my $gen_traces = 1;
# List of categories to put in the 'opengl_norm.c' file
my %cat_1_0 = ( "GL_VERSION_1_0" => 1 );
my %cat_1_1 = ( %cat_1_0, "GL_VERSION_1_1" => 1 );
my %cat_1_2 = ( %cat_1_1, "GL_VERSION_1_2" => 1 );
my %cat_1_3 = ( %cat_1_2, "GL_VERSION_1_3" => 1 );
my %cat_1_4 = ( %cat_1_3, "GL_VERSION_1_4" => 1 );
my %cat_1_5 = ( %cat_1_4, "GL_VERSION_1_5" => 1 );
my %norm_categories = ();
# This hash table gives the conversion between OpenGL types and
# the .spec type and debug format
my %arg_types =
"GLbitfield" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLboolean" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLbyte" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLchar" => [ "long", "%c" ],
"GLcharARB" => [ "long", "%c" ],
"GLclampd" => [ "double", "%f" ],
"GLclampf" => [ "float", "%f" ],
"GLclampx" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLdouble" => [ "double", "%f" ],
"GLeglClientBufferEXT" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"GLeglImageOES" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"GLenum" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLfixed" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLfloat" => [ "float", "%f" ],
"GLhalfNV" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLhandleARB" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLint" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLint64" => [ "int64", "wine_dbgstr_longlong(%s)" ],
"GLint64EXT" => [ "int64", "wine_dbgstr_longlong(%s)" ],
"GLintptr" => [ "long", "%ld" ],
"GLintptrARB" => [ "long", "%ld" ],
"GLshort" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLsizei" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLsizeiptr" => [ "long", "%ld" ],
"GLsizeiptrARB" => [ "long", "%ld" ],
"GLstring" => [ "str", "wine_dbgstr_a(%s)" ],
"GLsync" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"GLubyte" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLuint" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLuint64" => [ "int64", "wine_dbgstr_longlong(%s)" ],
"GLuint64EXT" => [ "int64", "wine_dbgstr_longlong(%s)" ],
"GLushort" => [ "long", "%d" ],
"GLvdpauSurfaceNV" => [ "long", "%ld" ],
"GLDEBUGPROC" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"GLDEBUGPROCARB" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"GLDEBUGPROCAMD" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"GLDEBUGPROCKHR" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"GLVULKANPROCNV" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"HDC" => [ "long", "%p" ],
"HGLRC" => [ "long", "%p" ],
"HPBUFFERARB" => [ "long", "%p" ],
"HENHMETAFILE" => [ "long", "%p" ],
"LPGLYPHMETRICSFLOAT" => [ "ptr", "%p" ],
"LPCSTR" => [ "str", "wine_dbgstr_a(%s)" ],
"UINT" => [ "long", "%u" ],
"DWORD" => [ "long", "%u" ],
"BOOL" => [ "long", "%u" ],
"FLOAT" => [ "float", "%f" ],
my %remap_types =
"HGLRC" => "struct wgl_context *",
"HPBUFFERARB" => "struct wgl_pbuffer *",
my %khronos_types =
"khronos_int8_t" => "signed char",
"khronos_uint8_t" => "unsigned char",
"khronos_int16_t" => "short",
"khronos_uint16_t" => "unsigned short",
"khronos_int32_t" => "int",
"khronos_uint32_t" => "unsigned int",
"khronos_float_t" => "float",
# Used to convert some types
sub ConvertType($)
my $arg = shift;
my $ret = $arg->textContent();
my @type = $arg->findnodes("./ptype");
if (@type)
my $type = $type[0]->textContent();
$ret =~ s/$type/$remap_types{$type}/ if defined $remap_types{$type};
return $ret;
sub get_func_trace($$)
my ($name, $func) = @_;
my $trace_fmt = "";
my $trace_arg = "";
foreach my $arg (@{$func->[1]})
my $ptype = get_arg_type( $arg );
my $pname = get_arg_name( $arg );
my $param = $arg->textContent();
if ($param =~ /\*/ || $param =~ /\[/)
$trace_fmt .= ", %p";
$trace_arg .= ", $pname";
elsif (defined $arg_types{$ptype})
my $format = ${$arg_types{$ptype}}[1];
$trace_fmt .= ", " . ($format =~ /^%/ ? $format : "%s");
$trace_arg .= ", " . (sprintf $format =~ /^%/ ? "%s" : $format, $pname);
else { printf "Unknown type %s in %s\n", $param, $name; }
$trace_fmt =~ s/^, //;
return "TRACE( \"($trace_fmt)\\n\"$trace_arg );\n";
sub get_func_args($$$)
my ($func, $decl_args, $convert_args) = @_;
my $ret = "";
foreach my $arg (@{$func->[1]})
my $pname = get_arg_name( $arg );
if ($decl_args)
$ret .= " " . ($convert_args ? ConvertType( $arg ) : $arg->textContent()) . ",";
$ret .= " $pname,";
$ret =~ s/,$/ /;
$ret ||= "void" if $decl_args;
return $ret;
sub get_func_ret($$)
my ($func, $convert_args) = @_;
my $ret = $convert_args ? ConvertType( $func->[0] ) : $func->[0]->textContent();
$ret =~ s/ $//;
return $ret;
# This functions generates the thunk for a given function.
sub GenerateThunk($$$)
my ($name, $func, $prefix) = @_;
my $call_args = get_func_args( $func, 0, 0 );
my $decl_args = get_func_args( $func, 1, 0 );
my $func_ret = get_func_ret( $func, 0 );
my $ret = "";
$ret .= "$func_ret WINAPI $name($decl_args)";
$ret .= "\n{\n";
# special case for functions that take an HDC as first parameter
if (@{$func->[1]} && get_arg_type( ${$func->[1]}[0] ) eq "HDC")
my $pname = get_arg_name( ${$func->[1]}[0] );
$ret .= " const struct opengl_funcs *funcs = get_dc_funcs( $pname );\n";
$ret .= " " . get_func_trace( $name, $func ) if $gen_traces;
$ret .= " if (!funcs || !funcs->$prefix.p_$name) return";
$ret .= " 0" unless is_void_func( $func );
$ret .= ";\n";
$ret .= " const struct opengl_funcs *funcs = NtCurrentTeb()->glTable;\n";
$ret .= " " . get_func_trace( $name, $func ) if $gen_traces;
$ret .= " ";
$ret .= "return " unless is_void_func( $func );
$ret .= "funcs->$prefix.p_$name($call_args);\n";
$ret .= "}\n\n";
return $ret;
sub generate_null_func($$$)
my ($name, $func, $callconv) = @_;
my $decl_args = get_func_args( $func, 1, 1 );
my $func_ret = get_func_ret( $func, 1 );
my $ret = "";
return "" if $name eq "glDebugEntry";
$ret .= "static $func_ret$callconv null_$name($decl_args)";
$ret .= " {";
if ($name eq "glGetError")
$ret .= " return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;";
elsif (!is_void_func( $func ))
$ret .= " return 0;";
$ret .= " }\n";
return $ret;
sub generate_spec_entry($$)
my ($name, $func) = @_;
my $args=" ";
foreach my $arg (@{$func->[1]})
my $ptype = get_arg_type( $arg );
my $param = $arg->textContent();
if ($param =~ /[[*]/) {
$args .= "ptr ";
} elsif (defined($arg_types{$ptype})) {
$args .= "$@$arg_types{$ptype}[0] ";
} else {
die "No conversion for func $name type $param\n";
$args = substr($args,1,-1);
return "@ stdcall $_($args)";
sub is_void_func($)
my $func = shift;
return 0 if @{$func->[0]->findnodes("./ptype")};
return $func->[0]->textContent() eq "void ";
sub get_arg_type($)
my $p = shift;
my @type = $p->findnodes("./ptype");
return @type ? $type[0]->textContent() : "GLint";
sub get_arg_name($)
my $p = shift;
my @name = $p->findnodes("./name");
return $name[0]->textContent();
# Extract and checks the number of arguments
if (@ARGV > 1) {
my $name0=$0;
die "Usage: $name0 [version]\n";
my $version = $ARGV[0] || "1.1";
if ($version eq "1.0") {
%norm_categories = %cat_1_0;
} elsif ($version eq "1.1") {
%norm_categories = %cat_1_1;
} elsif ($version eq "1.2") {
%norm_categories = %cat_1_2;
} elsif ($version eq "1.3") {
%norm_categories = %cat_1_3;
} elsif ($version eq "1.4") {
%norm_categories = %cat_1_4;
} elsif ($version eq "1.5") {
%norm_categories = %cat_1_5;
} else {
die "Incorrect OpenGL version.\n";
# Fetch the registry files
my $url="";
my $commit="03e1bfb87c4664d34dc7822fb591841eec747094";
-f "gl-$commit.xml" || system "wget", "-O", "gl-$commit.xml", "$url/$commit/xml/gl.xml" || die "cannot download gl.xml";
-f "wgl-$commit.xml" || system "wget", "-O", "wgl-$commit.xml", "$url/$commit/xml/wgl.xml" || die "cannot download wgl.xml";
# Then, create the list of all OpenGL functions using the registry
# files. This will create two hash-tables, one with all the function
# whose category matches the one listed in '@norm_categories', the other
# with all other functions.
# An element of the hash table is a reference to an array with these
# elements :
# - XML node of the function prototype
# - reference to an array of XML nodes giving the list of arguments (an empty array
# for a 'void' function).
my %norm_functions;
my %ext_functions;
my %wgl_functions;
my %gl_enums;
my (%gl_types, @gl_types); # also use an array to preserve declaration order
my %manual_win_functions =
"glDebugEntry" => 1,
"wglChoosePixelFormat" => 1,
"wglCreateLayerContext" => 1,
"wglDescribeLayerPlane" => 1,
"wglGetCurrentContext" => 1,
"wglGetCurrentDC" => 1,
"wglGetDefaultProcAddress" => 1,
"wglGetLayerPaletteEntries" => 1,
"wglRealizeLayerPalette" => 1,
"wglSetLayerPaletteEntries" => 1,
"wglSwapLayerBuffers" => 1,
"wglUseFontBitmapsA" => 1,
"wglUseFontBitmapsW" => 1,
"wglUseFontOutlinesA" => 1,
"wglUseFontOutlinesW" => 1,
my %remapped_wgl_functions =
"ChoosePixelFormat" => "wglChoosePixelFormat",
"DescribePixelFormat" => "wglDescribePixelFormat",
"GetPixelFormat" => "wglGetPixelFormat",
"GetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat" => 0,
"SetPixelFormat" => "wglSetPixelFormat",
"SwapBuffers" => "wglSwapBuffers",
"wglUseFontBitmaps" => 0,
"wglUseFontOutlines" => 0,
my @extra_wgl_functions = ( "wglGetDefaultProcAddress" );
my %supported_wgl_extensions =
"WGL_ARB_create_context" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_create_context_profile" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_extensions_string" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_make_current_read" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_multisample" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_pbuffer" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_pixel_format" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float" => 1,
"WGL_ARB_render_texture" => 1,
"WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float" => 1,
"WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile" => 1,
"WGL_EXT_extensions_string" => 1,
"WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB" => 1,
"WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float" => 1,
"WGL_EXT_swap_control" => 1,
"WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear" => 1,
"WGL_NV_float_buffer" => 1,
"WGL_NV_render_depth_texture" => 1,
"WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle" => 1,
"WGL_NV_vertex_array_range" => 1,
"WGL_WINE_pixel_format_passthrough" => 1,
"WGL_WINE_query_renderer" => 1,
my %supported_apis =
"gl" => 1,
sub is_supported_api($)
my $api = shift;
foreach my $i (split /\|/, $api)
return 1 if defined $supported_apis{$i};
return 0;
# some functions need a hand-written wrapper
sub needs_wrapper($$)
my %funcs =
"glDebugEntry" => 1,
"glDebugMessageCallback" => 1,
"glDebugMessageCallbackAMD" => 1,
"glDebugMessageCallbackARB" => 1,
"glGetIntegerv" => 1,
"glGetString" => 1,
"glGetStringi" => 1,
"wglGetCurrentReadDCARB" => 1,
my ($name, $func) = @_;
return 1 if defined $funcs{$name};
# check if return value needs special handling
(my $type = $func->[0]->textContent()) =~ s/ $//;
return 1 if defined $remap_types{$type};
# check if one of the arguments needs special handling
foreach (@{$func->[1]})
$type = get_arg_type( $_ );
return 1 if defined $remap_types{$type};
return 0;
sub parse_file($)
my $file = shift;
my $xml = XML::LibXML->load_xml( location => $file );
my %functions;
my %enums;
# save all functions
foreach my $command ($xml->findnodes("/registry/commands/command"))
my $proto = @{$command->findnodes("./proto")}[0];
my $name = @{$command->findnodes("./proto/name")}[0];
$proto->removeChild( $name );
my @params = $command->findnodes("./param");
$functions{$name->textContent()} = [ $proto, \@params ];
# save all enums
foreach my $enum ($xml->findnodes("/registry/enums/enum"))
$enums{$enum->{name}} = $enum->{value};
# save all types
foreach my $type ($xml->findnodes("/registry/types/type"))
next if $type->{api};
my $name = @{$type->findnodes("./name")}[0];
next unless $name;
$name = $name->textContent;
push @gl_types, $name unless $gl_types{$name};
$gl_types{$name} = $type;
# generate norm functions
foreach my $feature ($xml->findnodes("/registry/feature"))
if ($feature->{api} eq "wgl")
foreach my $cmd ($feature->findnodes("./require/command"))
my $name = $cmd->{name};
if (defined $remapped_wgl_functions{$name})
next unless $remapped_wgl_functions{$name};
$name = $remapped_wgl_functions{$name};
$wgl_functions{$name} = $functions{$cmd->{name}};
foreach my $name (@extra_wgl_functions)
$wgl_functions{$name} = $functions{$name} if defined $functions{$name};
next unless defined $norm_categories{$feature->{name}};
foreach my $cmd ($feature->findnodes("./require/command"))
$norm_functions{$cmd->{name}} = $functions{$cmd->{name}};
foreach my $enum ($feature->findnodes("./require/enum"))
$gl_enums{$enum->{name}} = $enums{$enum->{name}};
# generate extension functions from norm functions, if they are newer than the category
foreach my $feature ($xml->findnodes("/registry/feature"))
next if defined $norm_categories{$feature->{name}};
next unless is_supported_api( $feature->{api} );
foreach my $cmd ($feature->findnodes("./require/command"))
my $name = $cmd->{name};
next if $norm_functions{$name} || $ext_functions{$name};
$ext_functions{$name} = [ $functions{$name}[0], $functions{$name}[1], [ $feature->{name} ] ];
foreach my $enum ($feature->findnodes("./require/enum"))
$gl_enums{$enum->{name}} = $enums{$enum->{name}};
# generate extension functions
foreach my $ext ($xml->findnodes("/registry/extensions/extension"))
if ($ext->{supported} eq "wgl")
next unless defined $supported_wgl_extensions{$ext->{name}};
foreach my $cmd ($ext->findnodes("./require/command"))
my $name = $cmd->{name};
$ext_functions{$name} = [ $functions{$name}[0], $functions{$name}[1], [ $ext->{name} ] ];
foreach my $enum ($ext->findnodes("./require/enum"))
$gl_enums{$enum->{name}} = $enums{$enum->{name}};
next unless is_supported_api( $ext->{supported} );
foreach my $req ($ext->findnodes("./require"))
next unless !$req->{api} || $req->{api} eq "gl";
foreach my $cmd ($req->findnodes("./command"))
my $name = $cmd->{name};
next if $norm_functions{$name};
if (!$ext_functions{$name})
$ext_functions{$name} = [ $functions{$name}[0], $functions{$name}[1], [ $ext->{name} ] ];
push @{$ext_functions{$name}->[2]}, $ext->{name};
foreach my $enum ($ext->findnodes("./require/enum"))
$gl_enums{$enum->{name}} = $enums{$enum->{name}};
parse_file( "gl-$commit.xml" );
parse_file( "wgl-$commit.xml" );
parse_file( "winegl.xml" );
# Get the current wgl_driver.h version
my $wgl_version = 0;
open HEADER, "<$wgl_driver_file" or die "cannot open $wgl_driver_file";
while (<HEADER>)
next unless /^#define WINE_WGL_DRIVER_VERSION (\d+)/;
$wgl_version = $1;
close HEADER;
# Generate the wgl_driver.h file
open HEADER, ">$wgl_driver_file" or die "cannot create $wgl_driver_file";
print HEADER "/* Automatically generated from files; DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n";
print HEADER "#ifndef __WINE_WGL_DRIVER_H\n";
print HEADER "#define __WINE_WGL_DRIVER_H\n\n";
print HEADER "#ifndef WINE_GLAPI\n";
print HEADER "#define WINE_GLAPI\n";
print HEADER "#endif\n\n";
printf HEADER "#define WINE_WGL_DRIVER_VERSION %u\n\n", $wgl_version + 1;
print HEADER "struct wgl_context;\n";
print HEADER "struct wgl_pbuffer;\n\n";
print HEADER "struct opengl_funcs\n{\n";
print HEADER " struct\n {\n";
foreach (sort keys %wgl_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
my $decl_args = get_func_args( $wgl_functions{$_}, 1, 1 );
my $func_ret = get_func_ret( $wgl_functions{$_}, 1 );
printf HEADER " %-10s (WINAPI *p_$_)($decl_args);\n", $func_ret;
print HEADER " } wgl;\n\n";
print HEADER " struct\n {\n";
foreach (sort keys %norm_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
my $decl_args = get_func_args( $norm_functions{$_}, 1, 1 );
my $func_ret = get_func_ret( $norm_functions{$_}, 1 );
printf HEADER " %-10s (WINE_GLAPI *p_$_)($decl_args);\n", $func_ret;
print HEADER " } gl;\n\n";
print HEADER " struct\n {\n";
foreach (sort keys %ext_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
my $decl_args = get_func_args( $ext_functions{$_}, 1, 1 );
my $func_ret = get_func_ret( $ext_functions{$_}, 1 );
printf HEADER " %-10s (WINE_GLAPI *p_$_)($decl_args);\n", $func_ret;
print HEADER " } ext;\n";
print HEADER "};\n\n";
print HEADER "#define ALL_WGL_FUNCS";
foreach (sort keys %norm_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
printf HEADER " \\\n USE_GL_FUNC(\%s)", $_;
print HEADER "\n\n";
print HEADER "extern struct opengl_funcs * CDECL __wine_get_wgl_driver( HDC hdc, UINT version );\n\n";
print HEADER "#endif /* __WINE_WGL_DRIVER_H */\n";
close HEADER;
# Generate the wgl.h file
open HEADER, ">$wgl_file" or die "cannot create $wgl_file";
print HEADER "/* Automatically generated from files; DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n";
print HEADER "#ifndef __WINE_WGL_H\n";
print HEADER "#define __WINE_WGL_H\n\n";
print HEADER "#ifndef GLAPIENTRY\n";
print HEADER "#define GLAPIENTRY __stdcall\n";
print HEADER "#endif\n\n";
foreach (@gl_types)
my $type = $gl_types{$_}->textContent();
foreach my $t (keys %khronos_types) { $type =~ s/\s(\Q$t\E)\s/ $khronos_types{$t} /; }
printf HEADER $type . "\n";
print HEADER "\n";
my $maxlen = 1;
foreach (keys %gl_enums) { $maxlen = length($_) if length($_) > $maxlen; }
foreach (sort keys %gl_enums)
printf HEADER "#define %-*s %s\n", $maxlen, $_, $gl_enums{$_};
print HEADER "\n";
foreach (sort keys %norm_functions)
my $decl_args = get_func_args( $norm_functions{$_}, 1, 0 );
my $func_ret = get_func_ret( $norm_functions{$_}, 0 );
printf HEADER "%-10s GLAPIENTRY $_($decl_args);\n", $func_ret;
print HEADER "\n#endif /* __WINE_WGL_H */\n";
close HEADER;
# Now, generate the output files. First, the spec file.
open(SPEC, ">$spec_file") or die "cannot create $spec_file";
foreach (sort keys %norm_functions)
printf SPEC "%s\n", generate_spec_entry( $_, $norm_functions{$_} );
foreach (sort keys %wgl_functions)
printf SPEC "%s\n", generate_spec_entry( $_, $wgl_functions{$_} );
my $file_header =
"/* Automatically generated from files; DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n" .
"#include \"config.h\"\n" .
"#include <stdarg.h>\n" .
"#include \"winternl.h\"\n" .
"#include \"opengl_ext.h\"\n" .
"#include \"wine/debug.h\"\n\n";
$file_header .= "WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(opengl);\n\n" if $gen_traces;
# After the spec file, the opengl_norm.c file
open(NORM, ">$norm_file") or die "cannot create $norm_file";
print NORM $file_header;
foreach (sort keys %norm_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
next if needs_wrapper( $_, $norm_functions{$_} );
print NORM GenerateThunk($_, $norm_functions{$_}, "gl");
foreach (sort keys %wgl_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
print NORM generate_null_func($_, $wgl_functions{$_}, " WINAPI");
foreach (sort keys %norm_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
print NORM generate_null_func($_, $norm_functions{$_}, "");
foreach (sort keys %ext_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
print NORM generate_null_func($_, $ext_functions{$_}, "");
print NORM "\nstruct opengl_funcs null_opengl_funcs =\n{\n {\n";
foreach (sort keys %wgl_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
print NORM " null_$_,\n";
print NORM " },\n {\n";
foreach (sort keys %norm_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
print NORM " null_$_,\n";
print NORM " },\n {\n";
foreach (sort keys %ext_functions)
next if defined $manual_win_functions{$_};
print NORM " null_$_,\n";
print NORM " }\n};\n";
# Finally, more complex, the opengl_ext.c file
open(EXT, ">$ext_file") or die "cannot create $ext_file";
print EXT $file_header;
# The thunks themselves....
my $count = keys %ext_functions;
my $wrappers = "";
print EXT "const int extension_registry_size = $count;\n\n";
foreach (sort keys %ext_functions) {
if (needs_wrapper( $_, $ext_functions{$_} ))
my $decl_args = get_func_args( $ext_functions{$_}, 1, 0 );
my $func_ret = get_func_ret( $ext_functions{$_}, 0 );
$wrappers .= "extern $func_ret WINAPI $_($decl_args) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;\n";
print EXT "static " . GenerateThunk($_, $ext_functions{$_}, "ext");
print EXT $wrappers;
# Then the table giving the string <-> function correspondence */
print EXT "\nconst OpenGL_extension extension_registry[$count] = {\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach (sort keys %ext_functions) {
my $func = $ext_functions{$_};
printf EXT " { \"%s\", \"%s\", %s }", $_, join(" ", sort @{$func->[2]}), $_;
if ($i != $count-1) {
print EXT ",";
print EXT "\n";
print EXT "};\n";