Martin Storsjo 3d3d080688 msvcrt: Implement setjmp/longjmp on aarch64.
Also include the rest of except_*.c (based on except_arm.c) as stubs.

Signed-off-by: Martin Storsjo <>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>
2017-09-08 16:23:14 +02:00

1168 lines
26 KiB

@ cdecl _CreateFrameInfo(ptr ptr) ucrtbase._CreateFrameInfo
@ stdcall _CxxThrowException(ptr ptr) ucrtbase._CxxThrowException
@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay _EH_prolog() ucrtbase._EH_prolog
@ cdecl _FindAndUnlinkFrame(ptr) ucrtbase._FindAndUnlinkFrame
@ stub _GetImageBase
@ stub _GetThrowImageBase
@ cdecl _IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed(ptr) ucrtbase._IsExceptionObjectToBeDestroyed
@ stub _NLG_Dispatch2
@ stub _NLG_Return
@ stub _NLG_Return2
@ stub _SetImageBase
@ stub _SetThrowImageBase
@ stub _SetWinRTOutOfMemoryExceptionCallback
@ cdecl __AdjustPointer(ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__AdjustPointer
@ stub __BuildCatchObject
@ stub __BuildCatchObjectHelper
@ stdcall -arch=x86_64 __C_specific_handler(ptr long ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__C_specific_handler
@ cdecl -arch=i386,x86_64,arm,arm64 __CxxDetectRethrow(ptr) ucrtbase.__CxxDetectRethrow
@ cdecl -arch=i386,x86_64,arm,arm64 __CxxExceptionFilter(ptr ptr long ptr) ucrtbase.__CxxExceptionFilter
@ cdecl -arch=i386,x86_64,arm,arm64 -norelay __CxxFrameHandler(ptr ptr ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__CxxFrameHandler
@ cdecl -arch=i386,x86_64,arm,arm64 -norelay __CxxFrameHandler2(ptr ptr ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__CxxFrameHandler2
@ cdecl -arch=i386,x86_64,arm,arm64 -norelay __CxxFrameHandler3(ptr ptr ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__CxxFrameHandler3
@ stdcall -arch=i386 __CxxLongjmpUnwind(ptr) ucrtbase.__CxxLongjmpUnwind
@ cdecl -arch=i386,x86_64,arm,arm64 __CxxQueryExceptionSize() ucrtbase.__CxxQueryExceptionSize
@ cdecl __CxxRegisterExceptionObject(ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__CxxRegisterExceptionObject
@ cdecl __CxxUnregisterExceptionObject(ptr long) ucrtbase.__CxxUnregisterExceptionObject
@ cdecl __DestructExceptionObject(ptr) ucrtbase.__DestructExceptionObject
@ stub __FrameUnwindFilter
@ stub __GetPlatformExceptionInfo
@ stub __NLG_Dispatch2
@ stub __NLG_Return2
@ cdecl __RTCastToVoid(ptr) ucrtbase.__RTCastToVoid
@ cdecl __RTDynamicCast(ptr long ptr ptr long) ucrtbase.__RTDynamicCast
@ cdecl __RTtypeid(ptr) ucrtbase.__RTtypeid
@ stub __TypeMatch
@ stub __current_exception
@ stub __current_exception_context
@ stub __dcrt_get_wide_environment_from_os
@ stub __dcrt_initial_narrow_environment
@ stub __intrinsic_abnormal_termination
@ cdecl -arch=i386,x86_64,arm,arm64 -norelay __intrinsic_setjmp(ptr) ucrtbase.__intrinsic_setjmp
@ stub __intrinsic_setjmpex
@ stub __processing_throw
@ stub __report_gsfailure
@ cdecl __std_exception_copy(ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__std_exception_copy
@ cdecl __std_exception_destroy(ptr) ucrtbase.__std_exception_destroy
@ cdecl __std_type_info_compare(ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__std_type_info_compare
@ cdecl __std_type_info_destroy_list(ptr) ucrtbase.__std_type_info_destroy_list
@ cdecl __std_type_info_hash(ptr) ucrtbase.__std_type_info_hash
@ cdecl __std_type_info_name(ptr ptr) ucrtbase.__std_type_info_name
@ cdecl __unDName(ptr str long ptr ptr long) ucrtbase.__unDName
@ cdecl __unDNameEx(ptr str long ptr ptr ptr long) ucrtbase.__unDNameEx
@ cdecl __uncaught_exception() ucrtbase.__uncaught_exception
@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay _chkesp() ucrtbase._chkesp
@ cdecl -arch=i386 _except_handler2(ptr ptr ptr ptr) ucrtbase._except_handler2
@ cdecl -arch=i386 _except_handler3(ptr ptr ptr ptr) ucrtbase._except_handler3
@ cdecl -arch=i386 _except_handler4_common(ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr) ucrtbase._except_handler4_common
@ stub _get_purecall_handler
@ cdecl _get_unexpected() ucrtbase._get_unexpected
@ cdecl -arch=i386 _global_unwind2(ptr) ucrtbase._global_unwind2
@ stub _is_exception_typeof
@ cdecl -arch=x86_64 _local_unwind(ptr ptr) ucrtbase._local_unwind
@ cdecl -arch=i386 _local_unwind2(ptr long) ucrtbase._local_unwind2
@ cdecl -arch=i386 _local_unwind4(ptr ptr long) ucrtbase._local_unwind4
@ cdecl -arch=i386 _longjmpex(ptr long) ucrtbase._longjmpex
@ stub _o__CIacos
@ stub _o__CIasin
@ stub _o__CIatan
@ stub _o__CIatan2
@ stub _o__CIcos
@ stub _o__CIcosh
@ stub _o__CIexp
@ stub _o__CIfmod
@ stub _o__CIlog
@ stub _o__CIlog10
@ stub _o__CIpow
@ stub _o__CIsin
@ stub _o__CIsinh
@ stub _o__CIsqrt
@ stub _o__CItan
@ stub _o__CItanh
@ stub _o__Getdays
@ stub _o__Getmonths
@ stub _o__Gettnames
@ stub _o__Strftime
@ stub _o__W_Getdays
@ stub _o__W_Getmonths
@ stub _o__W_Gettnames
@ stub _o__Wcsftime
@ stub _o___acrt_iob_func
@ stub _o___conio_common_vcprintf
@ stub _o___conio_common_vcprintf_p
@ stub _o___conio_common_vcprintf_s
@ stub _o___conio_common_vcscanf
@ stub _o___conio_common_vcwprintf
@ stub _o___conio_common_vcwprintf_p
@ stub _o___conio_common_vcwprintf_s
@ stub _o___conio_common_vcwscanf
@ stub _o___daylight
@ stub _o___dstbias
@ stub _o___fpe_flt_rounds
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_acos
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_acosf
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_asin
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_asinf
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_atan
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_atan2
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_atanf
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_cos
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_cosf
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_exp
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_expf
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_log
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_log10
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_log10f
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_logf
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_pow
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_powf
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_sin
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_sinf
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_tan
@ stub _o___libm_sse2_tanf
@ stub _o___p___argc
@ stub _o___p___argv
@ stub _o___p___wargv
@ stub _o___p__acmdln
@ stub _o___p__commode
@ stub _o___p__environ
@ stub _o___p__fmode
@ stub _o___p__mbcasemap
@ stub _o___p__mbctype
@ stub _o___p__pgmptr
@ stub _o___p__wcmdln
@ stub _o___p__wenviron
@ stub _o___p__wpgmptr
@ stub _o___pctype_func
@ stub _o___pwctype_func
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vfprintf
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vfprintf_p
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vfprintf_s
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vfscanf
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vfwprintf
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vfwprintf_p
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vfwprintf_s
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vfwscanf
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vsnprintf_s
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vsprintf
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vsprintf_p
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vsprintf_s
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vsscanf
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vswprintf
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vswprintf_p
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vswprintf_s
@ stub _o___stdio_common_vswscanf
@ stub _o___timezone
@ stub _o___tzname
@ stub _o___wcserror
@ stub _o__access
@ stub _o__access_s
@ stub _o__aligned_free
@ stub _o__aligned_malloc
@ stub _o__aligned_msize
@ stub _o__aligned_offset_malloc
@ stub _o__aligned_offset_realloc
@ stub _o__aligned_offset_recalloc
@ stub _o__aligned_realloc
@ stub _o__aligned_recalloc
@ stub _o__atodbl
@ stub _o__atodbl_l
@ stub _o__atof_l
@ stub _o__atoflt
@ stub _o__atoflt_l
@ stub _o__atoi64
@ stub _o__atoi64_l
@ stub _o__atoi_l
@ stub _o__atol_l
@ stub _o__atoldbl
@ stub _o__atoldbl_l
@ stub _o__atoll_l
@ stub _o__beep
@ stub _o__beginthread
@ stub _o__beginthreadex
@ stub _o__cabs
@ stub _o__callnewh
@ stub _o__calloc_base
@ stub _o__cgets
@ stub _o__cgets_s
@ stub _o__cgetws
@ stub _o__cgetws_s
@ stub _o__chdir
@ stub _o__chdrive
@ stub _o__chmod
@ stub _o__chsize
@ stub _o__chsize_s
@ stub _o__close
@ stub _o__commit
@ stub _o__configure_wide_argv
@ stub _o__cputs
@ stub _o__cputws
@ stub _o__creat
@ stub _o__create_locale
@ stub _o__ctime32_s
@ stub _o__ctime64_s
@ stub _o__cwait
@ stub _o__d_int
@ stub _o__dclass
@ stub _o__difftime32
@ stub _o__difftime64
@ stub _o__dlog
@ stub _o__dnorm
@ stub _o__dpcomp
@ stub _o__dpoly
@ stub _o__dscale
@ stub _o__dsign
@ stub _o__dsin
@ stub _o__dtest
@ stub _o__dunscale
@ stub _o__dup
@ stub _o__dup2
@ stub _o__dupenv_s
@ stub _o__ecvt
@ stub _o__ecvt_s
@ stub _o__endthread
@ stub _o__endthreadex
@ stub _o__eof
@ stub _o__errno
@ stub _o__except1
@ stub _o__execute_onexit_table
@ stub _o__execv
@ stub _o__execve
@ stub _o__execvp
@ stub _o__execvpe
@ stub _o__expand
@ stub _o__fclose_nolock
@ stub _o__fcloseall
@ stub _o__fcvt
@ stub _o__fcvt_s
@ stub _o__fd_int
@ stub _o__fdclass
@ stub _o__fdexp
@ stub _o__fdlog
@ stub _o__fdopen
@ stub _o__fdpcomp
@ stub _o__fdpoly
@ stub _o__fdscale
@ stub _o__fdsign
@ stub _o__fdsin
@ stub _o__fflush_nolock
@ stub _o__fgetc_nolock
@ stub _o__fgetchar
@ stub _o__fgetwc_nolock
@ stub _o__fgetwchar
@ stub _o__filelength
@ stub _o__filelengthi64
@ stub _o__fileno
@ stub _o__findclose
@ stub _o__findfirst32
@ stub _o__findfirst32i64
@ stub _o__findfirst64
@ stub _o__findfirst64i32
@ stub _o__findnext32
@ stub _o__findnext32i64
@ stub _o__findnext64
@ stub _o__findnext64i32
@ stub _o__flushall
@ stub _o__fpclass
@ stub _o__fpclassf
@ stub _o__fputc_nolock
@ stub _o__fputchar
@ stub _o__fputwc_nolock
@ stub _o__fputwchar
@ stub _o__fread_nolock
@ stub _o__fread_nolock_s
@ stub _o__free_base
@ stub _o__free_locale
@ stub _o__fseek_nolock
@ stub _o__fseeki64
@ stub _o__fseeki64_nolock
@ stub _o__fsopen
@ stub _o__fstat32
@ stub _o__fstat32i64
@ stub _o__fstat64
@ stub _o__fstat64i32
@ stub _o__ftell_nolock
@ stub _o__ftelli64
@ stub _o__ftelli64_nolock
@ stub _o__ftime32
@ stub _o__ftime32_s
@ stub _o__ftime64
@ stub _o__ftime64_s
@ stub _o__fullpath
@ stub _o__futime32
@ stub _o__futime64
@ stub _o__fwrite_nolock
@ stub _o__gcvt
@ stub _o__gcvt_s
@ stub _o__get_daylight
@ stub _o__get_doserrno
@ stub _o__get_dstbias
@ stub _o__get_errno
@ stub _o__get_fmode
@ stub _o__get_heap_handle
@ stub _o__get_invalid_parameter_handler
@ stub _o__get_narrow_winmain_command_line
@ stub _o__get_osfhandle
@ stub _o__get_pgmptr
@ stub _o__get_stream_buffer_pointers
@ stub _o__get_terminate
@ stub _o__get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler
@ stub _o__get_timezone
@ stub _o__get_tzname
@ stub _o__get_wide_winmain_command_line
@ stub _o__get_wpgmptr
@ stub _o__getc_nolock
@ stub _o__getch
@ stub _o__getch_nolock
@ stub _o__getche
@ stub _o__getche_nolock
@ stub _o__getcwd
@ stub _o__getdcwd
@ stub _o__getdiskfree
@ stub _o__getdllprocaddr
@ stub _o__getdrive
@ stub _o__getdrives
@ stub _o__getmbcp
@ stub _o__getsystime
@ stub _o__getw
@ stub _o__getwc_nolock
@ stub _o__getwch
@ stub _o__getwch_nolock
@ stub _o__getwche
@ stub _o__getwche_nolock
@ stub _o__getws
@ stub _o__getws_s
@ stub _o__gmtime32
@ stub _o__gmtime32_s
@ stub _o__gmtime64
@ stub _o__gmtime64_s
@ stub _o__heapchk
@ stub _o__heapmin
@ stub _o__hypot
@ stub _o__hypotf
@ stub _o__i64toa
@ stub _o__i64toa_s
@ stub _o__i64tow
@ stub _o__i64tow_s
@ stub _o__initialize_onexit_table
@ stub _o__invalid_parameter_noinfo
@ stub _o__invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn
@ stub _o__isatty
@ stub _o__isctype
@ stub _o__isctype_l
@ stub _o__isleadbyte_l
@ stub _o__ismbbalnum
@ stub _o__ismbbalnum_l
@ stub _o__ismbbalpha
@ stub _o__ismbbalpha_l
@ stub _o__ismbbblank
@ stub _o__ismbbblank_l
@ stub _o__ismbbgraph
@ stub _o__ismbbgraph_l
@ stub _o__ismbbkalnum
@ stub _o__ismbbkalnum_l
@ stub _o__ismbbkana
@ stub _o__ismbbkana_l
@ stub _o__ismbbkprint
@ stub _o__ismbbkprint_l
@ stub _o__ismbbkpunct
@ stub _o__ismbbkpunct_l
@ stub _o__ismbblead
@ stub _o__ismbblead_l
@ stub _o__ismbbprint
@ stub _o__ismbbprint_l
@ stub _o__ismbbpunct
@ stub _o__ismbbpunct_l
@ stub _o__ismbbtrail
@ stub _o__ismbbtrail_l
@ stub _o__ismbcalnum
@ stub _o__ismbcalnum_l
@ stub _o__ismbcalpha
@ stub _o__ismbcalpha_l
@ stub _o__ismbcblank
@ stub _o__ismbcblank_l
@ stub _o__ismbcdigit
@ stub _o__ismbcdigit_l
@ stub _o__ismbcgraph
@ stub _o__ismbcgraph_l
@ stub _o__ismbchira
@ stub _o__ismbchira_l
@ stub _o__ismbckata
@ stub _o__ismbckata_l
@ stub _o__ismbcl0
@ stub _o__ismbcl0_l
@ stub _o__ismbcl1
@ stub _o__ismbcl1_l
@ stub _o__ismbcl2
@ stub _o__ismbcl2_l
@ stub _o__ismbclegal
@ stub _o__ismbclegal_l
@ stub _o__ismbclower
@ stub _o__ismbclower_l
@ stub _o__ismbcprint
@ stub _o__ismbcprint_l
@ stub _o__ismbcpunct
@ stub _o__ismbcpunct_l
@ stub _o__ismbcspace
@ stub _o__ismbcspace_l
@ stub _o__ismbcsymbol
@ stub _o__ismbcsymbol_l
@ stub _o__ismbcupper
@ stub _o__ismbcupper_l
@ stub _o__ismbslead
@ stub _o__ismbslead_l
@ stub _o__ismbstrail
@ stub _o__ismbstrail_l
@ stub _o__iswctype_l
@ stub _o__itoa
@ stub _o__itoa_s
@ stub _o__itow
@ stub _o__itow_s
@ stub _o__j0
@ stub _o__j1
@ stub _o__jn
@ stub _o__kbhit
@ stub _o__ld_int
@ stub _o__ldclass
@ stub _o__ldexp
@ stub _o__ldlog
@ stub _o__ldpcomp
@ stub _o__ldpoly
@ stub _o__ldscale
@ stub _o__ldsign
@ stub _o__ldsin
@ stub _o__ldtest
@ stub _o__ldunscale
@ stub _o__lfind
@ stub _o__lfind_s
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_acos_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_asin_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_atan_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_cos_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_exp_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_log10_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_log_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_pow_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_sin_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_sqrt_precise
@ stub _o__libm_sse2_tan_precise
@ stub _o__loaddll
@ stub _o__localtime32
@ stub _o__localtime32_s
@ stub _o__localtime64
@ stub _o__localtime64_s
@ stub _o__lock_file
@ stub _o__locking
@ stub _o__logb
@ stub _o__logbf
@ stub _o__lsearch
@ stub _o__lsearch_s
@ stub _o__lseek
@ stub _o__lseeki64
@ stub _o__ltoa
@ stub _o__ltoa_s
@ stub _o__ltow
@ stub _o__ltow_s
@ stub _o__makepath
@ stub _o__makepath_s
@ stub _o__malloc_base
@ stub _o__mbbtombc
@ stub _o__mbbtombc_l
@ stub _o__mbbtype
@ stub _o__mbbtype_l
@ stub _o__mbccpy
@ stub _o__mbccpy_l
@ stub _o__mbccpy_s
@ stub _o__mbccpy_s_l
@ stub _o__mbcjistojms
@ stub _o__mbcjistojms_l
@ stub _o__mbcjmstojis
@ stub _o__mbcjmstojis_l
@ stub _o__mbclen
@ stub _o__mbclen_l
@ stub _o__mbctohira
@ stub _o__mbctohira_l
@ stub _o__mbctokata
@ stub _o__mbctokata_l
@ stub _o__mbctolower
@ stub _o__mbctolower_l
@ stub _o__mbctombb
@ stub _o__mbctombb_l
@ stub _o__mbctoupper
@ stub _o__mbctoupper_l
@ stub _o__mblen_l
@ stub _o__mbsbtype
@ stub _o__mbsbtype_l
@ stub _o__mbscat_s
@ stub _o__mbscat_s_l
@ stub _o__mbschr
@ stub _o__mbschr_l
@ stub _o__mbscmp
@ stub _o__mbscmp_l
@ stub _o__mbscoll
@ stub _o__mbscoll_l
@ stub _o__mbscpy_s
@ stub _o__mbscpy_s_l
@ stub _o__mbscspn
@ stub _o__mbscspn_l
@ stub _o__mbsdec
@ stub _o__mbsdec_l
@ stub _o__mbsicmp
@ stub _o__mbsicmp_l
@ stub _o__mbsicoll
@ stub _o__mbsicoll_l
@ stub _o__mbsinc
@ stub _o__mbsinc_l
@ stub _o__mbslen
@ stub _o__mbslen_l
@ stub _o__mbslwr
@ stub _o__mbslwr_l
@ stub _o__mbslwr_s
@ stub _o__mbslwr_s_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbcat
@ stub _o__mbsnbcat_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbcat_s
@ stub _o__mbsnbcat_s_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbcmp
@ stub _o__mbsnbcmp_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbcnt
@ stub _o__mbsnbcnt_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbcoll
@ stub _o__mbsnbcoll_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbcpy
@ stub _o__mbsnbcpy_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbcpy_s
@ stub _o__mbsnbcpy_s_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbicmp
@ stub _o__mbsnbicmp_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbicoll
@ stub _o__mbsnbicoll_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbset
@ stub _o__mbsnbset_l
@ stub _o__mbsnbset_s
@ stub _o__mbsnbset_s_l
@ stub _o__mbsncat
@ stub _o__mbsncat_l
@ stub _o__mbsncat_s
@ stub _o__mbsncat_s_l
@ stub _o__mbsnccnt
@ stub _o__mbsnccnt_l
@ stub _o__mbsncmp
@ stub _o__mbsncmp_l
@ stub _o__mbsncoll
@ stub _o__mbsncoll_l
@ stub _o__mbsncpy
@ stub _o__mbsncpy_l
@ stub _o__mbsncpy_s
@ stub _o__mbsncpy_s_l
@ stub _o__mbsnextc
@ stub _o__mbsnextc_l
@ stub _o__mbsnicmp
@ stub _o__mbsnicmp_l
@ stub _o__mbsnicoll
@ stub _o__mbsnicoll_l
@ stub _o__mbsninc
@ stub _o__mbsninc_l
@ stub _o__mbsnlen
@ stub _o__mbsnlen_l
@ stub _o__mbsnset
@ stub _o__mbsnset_l
@ stub _o__mbsnset_s
@ stub _o__mbsnset_s_l
@ stub _o__mbspbrk
@ stub _o__mbspbrk_l
@ stub _o__mbsrchr
@ stub _o__mbsrchr_l
@ stub _o__mbsrev
@ stub _o__mbsrev_l
@ stub _o__mbsset
@ stub _o__mbsset_l
@ stub _o__mbsset_s
@ stub _o__mbsset_s_l
@ stub _o__mbsspn
@ stub _o__mbsspn_l
@ stub _o__mbsspnp
@ stub _o__mbsspnp_l
@ stub _o__mbsstr
@ stub _o__mbsstr_l
@ stub _o__mbstok
@ stub _o__mbstok_l
@ stub _o__mbstok_s
@ stub _o__mbstok_s_l
@ stub _o__mbstowcs_l
@ stub _o__mbstowcs_s_l
@ stub _o__mbstrlen
@ stub _o__mbstrlen_l
@ stub _o__mbstrnlen
@ stub _o__mbstrnlen_l
@ stub _o__mbsupr
@ stub _o__mbsupr_l
@ stub _o__mbsupr_s
@ stub _o__mbsupr_s_l
@ stub _o__mbtowc_l
@ stub _o__memicmp
@ stub _o__memicmp_l
@ stub _o__mkdir
@ stub _o__mkgmtime32
@ stub _o__mkgmtime64
@ stub _o__mktemp
@ stub _o__mktemp_s
@ stub _o__mktime32
@ stub _o__mktime64
@ stub _o__msize
@ stub _o__nextafter
@ stub _o__nextafterf
@ stub _o__open_osfhandle
@ stub _o__pclose
@ stub _o__pipe
@ stub _o__popen
@ stub _o__putc_nolock
@ stub _o__putch
@ stub _o__putch_nolock
@ stub _o__putenv
@ stub _o__putenv_s
@ stub _o__putw
@ stub _o__putwc_nolock
@ stub _o__putwch
@ stub _o__putwch_nolock
@ stub _o__putws
@ stub _o__read
@ stub _o__realloc_base
@ stub _o__recalloc
@ stub _o__register_onexit_function
@ stub _o__resetstkoflw
@ stub _o__rmdir
@ stub _o__rmtmp
@ stub _o__scalb
@ stub _o__scalbf
@ stub _o__searchenv
@ stub _o__searchenv_s
@ stub _o__set_abort_behavior
@ stub _o__set_doserrno
@ stub _o__set_errno
@ stub _o__set_invalid_parameter_handler
@ stub _o__set_new_handler
@ stub _o__set_new_mode
@ stub _o__set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler
@ stub _o__seterrormode
@ stub _o__setmbcp
@ stub _o__setmode
@ stub _o__setsystime
@ stub _o__sleep
@ stub _o__sopen
@ stub _o__sopen_dispatch
@ stub _o__sopen_s
@ stub _o__spawnv
@ stub _o__spawnve
@ stub _o__spawnvp
@ stub _o__spawnvpe
@ stub _o__splitpath
@ stub _o__splitpath_s
@ stub _o__stat32
@ stub _o__stat32i64
@ stub _o__stat64
@ stub _o__stat64i32
@ stub _o__strcoll_l
@ stub _o__strdate
@ stub _o__strdate_s
@ stub _o__strdup
@ stub _o__strerror
@ stub _o__strerror_s
@ stub _o__strftime_l
@ stub _o__stricmp
@ stub _o__stricmp_l
@ stub _o__stricoll
@ stub _o__stricoll_l
@ stub _o__strlwr
@ stub _o__strlwr_l
@ stub _o__strlwr_s
@ stub _o__strlwr_s_l
@ stub _o__strncoll
@ stub _o__strncoll_l
@ stub _o__strnicmp
@ stub _o__strnicmp_l
@ stub _o__strnicoll
@ stub _o__strnicoll_l
@ stub _o__strnset_s
@ stub _o__strset_s
@ stub _o__strtime
@ stub _o__strtime_s
@ stub _o__strtod_l
@ stub _o__strtof_l
@ stub _o__strtoi64
@ stub _o__strtoi64_l
@ stub _o__strtol_l
@ stub _o__strtold_l
@ stub _o__strtoll_l
@ stub _o__strtoui64
@ stub _o__strtoui64_l
@ stub _o__strtoul_l
@ stub _o__strtoull_l
@ stub _o__strupr
@ stub _o__strupr_l
@ stub _o__strupr_s
@ stub _o__strupr_s_l
@ stub _o__strxfrm_l
@ stub _o__swab
@ stub _o__tell
@ stub _o__telli64
@ stub _o__timespec32_get
@ stub _o__timespec64_get
@ stub _o__tolower
@ stub _o__tolower_l
@ stub _o__toupper
@ stub _o__toupper_l
@ stub _o__towlower_l
@ stub _o__towupper_l
@ stub _o__tzset
@ stub _o__ui64toa
@ stub _o__ui64toa_s
@ stub _o__ui64tow
@ stub _o__ui64tow_s
@ stub _o__ultoa
@ stub _o__ultoa_s
@ stub _o__ultow
@ stub _o__ultow_s
@ stub _o__umask
@ stub _o__umask_s
@ stub _o__ungetc_nolock
@ stub _o__ungetch
@ stub _o__ungetch_nolock
@ stub _o__ungetwc_nolock
@ stub _o__ungetwch
@ stub _o__ungetwch_nolock
@ stub _o__unlink
@ stub _o__unloaddll
@ stub _o__unlock_file
@ stub _o__utime32
@ stub _o__utime64
@ stub _o__waccess
@ stub _o__waccess_s
@ stub _o__wasctime
@ stub _o__wasctime_s
@ stub _o__wchdir
@ stub _o__wchmod
@ stub _o__wcreat
@ stub _o__wcreate_locale
@ stub _o__wcscoll_l
@ stub _o__wcsdup
@ stub _o__wcserror
@ stub _o__wcserror_s
@ stub _o__wcsftime_l
@ stub _o__wcsicmp
@ stub _o__wcsicmp_l
@ stub _o__wcsicoll
@ stub _o__wcsicoll_l
@ stub _o__wcslwr
@ stub _o__wcslwr_l
@ stub _o__wcslwr_s
@ stub _o__wcslwr_s_l
@ stub _o__wcsncoll
@ stub _o__wcsncoll_l
@ stub _o__wcsnicmp
@ stub _o__wcsnicmp_l
@ stub _o__wcsnicoll
@ stub _o__wcsnicoll_l
@ stub _o__wcsnset
@ stub _o__wcsnset_s
@ stub _o__wcsset
@ stub _o__wcsset_s
@ stub _o__wcstod_l
@ stub _o__wcstof_l
@ stub _o__wcstoi64
@ stub _o__wcstoi64_l
@ stub _o__wcstol_l
@ stub _o__wcstold_l
@ stub _o__wcstoll_l
@ stub _o__wcstombs_l
@ stub _o__wcstombs_s_l
@ stub _o__wcstoui64
@ stub _o__wcstoui64_l
@ stub _o__wcstoul_l
@ stub _o__wcstoull_l
@ stub _o__wcsupr
@ stub _o__wcsupr_l
@ stub _o__wcsupr_s
@ stub _o__wcsupr_s_l
@ stub _o__wcsxfrm_l
@ stub _o__wctime32
@ stub _o__wctime32_s
@ stub _o__wctime64
@ stub _o__wctime64_s
@ stub _o__wctomb_l
@ stub _o__wctomb_s_l
@ stub _o__wdupenv_s
@ stub _o__wexecv
@ stub _o__wexecve
@ stub _o__wexecvp
@ stub _o__wexecvpe
@ stub _o__wfdopen
@ stub _o__wfindfirst32
@ stub _o__wfindfirst32i64
@ stub _o__wfindfirst64
@ stub _o__wfindfirst64i32
@ stub _o__wfindnext32
@ stub _o__wfindnext32i64
@ stub _o__wfindnext64
@ stub _o__wfindnext64i32
@ stub _o__wfopen
@ stub _o__wfopen_s
@ stub _o__wfreopen
@ stub _o__wfreopen_s
@ stub _o__wfsopen
@ stub _o__wfullpath
@ stub _o__wgetcwd
@ stub _o__wgetdcwd
@ stub _o__wgetenv
@ stub _o__wgetenv_s
@ stub _o__wmakepath
@ stub _o__wmakepath_s
@ stub _o__wmkdir
@ stub _o__wmktemp
@ stub _o__wmktemp_s
@ stub _o__wperror
@ stub _o__wpopen
@ stub _o__wputenv
@ stub _o__wputenv_s
@ stub _o__wremove
@ stub _o__wrename
@ stub _o__write
@ stub _o__wrmdir
@ stub _o__wsearchenv
@ stub _o__wsearchenv_s
@ stub _o__wsetlocale
@ stub _o__wsopen_dispatch
@ stub _o__wsopen_s
@ stub _o__wspawnv
@ stub _o__wspawnve
@ stub _o__wspawnvp
@ stub _o__wspawnvpe
@ stub _o__wsplitpath
@ stub _o__wsplitpath_s
@ stub _o__wstat32
@ stub _o__wstat32i64
@ stub _o__wstat64
@ stub _o__wstat64i32
@ stub _o__wstrdate
@ stub _o__wstrdate_s
@ stub _o__wstrtime
@ stub _o__wstrtime_s
@ stub _o__wsystem
@ stub _o__wtmpnam_s
@ stub _o__wtof
@ stub _o__wtof_l
@ stub _o__wtoi
@ stub _o__wtoi64
@ stub _o__wtoi64_l
@ stub _o__wtoi_l
@ stub _o__wtol
@ stub _o__wtol_l
@ stub _o__wtoll
@ stub _o__wtoll_l
@ stub _o__wunlink
@ stub _o__wutime32
@ stub _o__wutime64
@ stub _o__y0
@ stub _o__y1
@ stub _o__yn
@ stub _o_abort
@ stub _o_acos
@ stub _o_acosf
@ stub _o_acosh
@ stub _o_acoshf
@ stub _o_acoshl
@ stub _o_asctime
@ stub _o_asctime_s
@ stub _o_asin
@ stub _o_asinf
@ stub _o_asinh
@ stub _o_asinhf
@ stub _o_asinhl
@ stub _o_atan
@ stub _o_atan2
@ stub _o_atan2f
@ stub _o_atanf
@ stub _o_atanh
@ stub _o_atanhf
@ stub _o_atanhl
@ stub _o_atof
@ stub _o_atoi
@ stub _o_atol
@ stub _o_atoll
@ stub _o_bsearch
@ stub _o_bsearch_s
@ stub _o_btowc
@ stub _o_calloc
@ stub _o_cbrt
@ stub _o_cbrtf
@ stub _o_ceil
@ stub _o_ceilf
@ stub _o_clearerr
@ stub _o_clearerr_s
@ stub _o_cos
@ stub _o_cosf
@ stub _o_cosh
@ stub _o_coshf
@ stub _o_erf
@ stub _o_erfc
@ stub _o_erfcf
@ stub _o_erfcl
@ stub _o_erff
@ stub _o_erfl
@ stub _o_exp
@ stub _o_exp2
@ stub _o_exp2f
@ stub _o_exp2l
@ stub _o_expf
@ stub _o_fabs
@ stub _o_fclose
@ stub _o_feof
@ stub _o_ferror
@ stub _o_fflush
@ stub _o_fgetc
@ stub _o_fgetpos
@ stub _o_fgets
@ stub _o_fgetwc
@ stub _o_fgetws
@ stub _o_floor
@ stub _o_floorf
@ stub _o_fma
@ stub _o_fmaf
@ stub _o_fmal
@ stub _o_fmod
@ stub _o_fmodf
@ stub _o_fopen
@ stub _o_fopen_s
@ stub _o_fputc
@ stub _o_fputs
@ stub _o_fputwc
@ stub _o_fputws
@ stub _o_fread
@ stub _o_fread_s
@ stub _o_free
@ stub _o_freopen
@ stub _o_freopen_s
@ stub _o_frexp
@ stub _o_fseek
@ stub _o_fsetpos
@ stub _o_ftell
@ stub _o_fwrite
@ stub _o_getc
@ stub _o_getchar
@ stub _o_getenv
@ stub _o_getenv_s
@ stub _o_gets
@ stub _o_gets_s
@ stub _o_getwc
@ stub _o_getwchar
@ stub _o_hypot
@ stub _o_is_wctype
@ stub _o_isalnum
@ stub _o_isalpha
@ stub _o_isblank
@ stub _o_iscntrl
@ stub _o_isdigit
@ stub _o_isgraph
@ stub _o_isleadbyte
@ stub _o_islower
@ stub _o_isprint
@ stub _o_ispunct
@ stub _o_isspace
@ stub _o_isupper
@ stub _o_iswalnum
@ stub _o_iswalpha
@ stub _o_iswascii
@ stub _o_iswblank
@ stub _o_iswcntrl
@ stub _o_iswctype
@ stub _o_iswdigit
@ stub _o_iswgraph
@ stub _o_iswlower
@ stub _o_iswprint
@ stub _o_iswpunct
@ stub _o_iswspace
@ stub _o_iswupper
@ stub _o_iswxdigit
@ stub _o_isxdigit
@ stub _o_ldexp
@ stub _o_lgamma
@ stub _o_lgammaf
@ stub _o_lgammal
@ stub _o_llrint
@ stub _o_llrintf
@ stub _o_llrintl
@ stub _o_llround
@ stub _o_llroundf
@ stub _o_llroundl
@ stub _o_localeconv
@ stub _o_log
@ stub _o_log10
@ stub _o_log10f
@ stub _o_log1p
@ stub _o_log1pf
@ stub _o_log1pl
@ stub _o_log2
@ stub _o_log2f
@ stub _o_log2l
@ stub _o_logb
@ stub _o_logbf
@ stub _o_logbl
@ stub _o_logf
@ stub _o_lrint
@ stub _o_lrintf
@ stub _o_lrintl
@ stub _o_lround
@ stub _o_lroundf
@ stub _o_lroundl
@ stub _o_malloc
@ stub _o_mblen
@ stub _o_mbrlen
@ stub _o_mbrtoc16
@ stub _o_mbrtoc32
@ stub _o_mbrtowc
@ stub _o_mbsrtowcs
@ stub _o_mbsrtowcs_s
@ stub _o_mbstowcs
@ stub _o_mbstowcs_s
@ stub _o_mbtowc
@ stub _o_memset
@ stub _o_modf
@ stub _o_modff
@ stub _o_nan
@ stub _o_nanf
@ stub _o_nanl
@ stub _o_nearbyint
@ stub _o_nearbyintf
@ stub _o_nearbyintl
@ stub _o_nextafter
@ stub _o_nextafterf
@ stub _o_nextafterl
@ stub _o_nexttoward
@ stub _o_nexttowardf
@ stub _o_nexttowardl
@ stub _o_pow
@ stub _o_powf
@ stub _o_putc
@ stub _o_putchar
@ stub _o_puts
@ stub _o_putwc
@ stub _o_putwchar
@ stub _o_qsort
@ stub _o_qsort_s
@ stub _o_raise
@ stub _o_rand
@ stub _o_rand_s
@ stub _o_realloc
@ stub _o_remainder
@ stub _o_remainderf
@ stub _o_remainderl
@ stub _o_remove
@ stub _o_remquo
@ stub _o_remquof
@ stub _o_remquol
@ stub _o_rewind
@ stub _o_rint
@ stub _o_rintf
@ stub _o_rintl
@ stub _o_round
@ stub _o_roundf
@ stub _o_roundl
@ stub _o_scalbln
@ stub _o_scalblnf
@ stub _o_scalblnl
@ stub _o_scalbn
@ stub _o_scalbnf
@ stub _o_scalbnl
@ stub _o_set_terminate
@ stub _o_setbuf
@ stub _o_setvbuf
@ stub _o_sin
@ stub _o_sinf
@ stub _o_sinh
@ stub _o_sinhf
@ stub _o_sqrt
@ stub _o_sqrtf
@ stub _o_srand
@ stub _o_strcat_s
@ stub _o_strcoll
@ stub _o_strcpy_s
@ stub _o_strerror
@ stub _o_strerror_s
@ stub _o_strftime
@ stub _o_strncat_s
@ stub _o_strncpy_s
@ stub _o_strtod
@ stub _o_strtof
@ stub _o_strtok
@ stub _o_strtok_s
@ stub _o_strtol
@ stub _o_strtold
@ stub _o_strtoll
@ stub _o_strtoul
@ stub _o_strtoull
@ stub _o_system
@ stub _o_tan
@ stub _o_tanf
@ stub _o_tanh
@ stub _o_tanhf
@ stub _o_terminate
@ stub _o_tgamma
@ stub _o_tgammaf
@ stub _o_tgammal
@ stub _o_tmpfile_s
@ stub _o_tmpnam_s
@ stub _o_tolower
@ stub _o_toupper
@ stub _o_towlower
@ stub _o_towupper
@ stub _o_ungetc
@ stub _o_ungetwc
@ stub _o_wcrtomb
@ stub _o_wcrtomb_s
@ stub _o_wcscat_s
@ stub _o_wcscoll
@ stub _o_wcscpy
@ stub _o_wcscpy_s
@ stub _o_wcsftime
@ stub _o_wcsncat_s
@ stub _o_wcsncpy_s
@ stub _o_wcsrtombs
@ stub _o_wcsrtombs_s
@ stub _o_wcstod
@ stub _o_wcstof
@ stub _o_wcstok
@ stub _o_wcstok_s
@ stub _o_wcstol
@ stub _o_wcstold
@ stub _o_wcstoll
@ stub _o_wcstombs
@ stub _o_wcstombs_s
@ stub _o_wcstoul
@ stub _o_wcstoull
@ stub _o_wctob
@ stub _o_wctomb
@ stub _o_wctomb_s
@ stub _o_wmemcpy_s
@ stub _o_wmemmove_s
@ cdecl _purecall() ucrtbase._purecall
@ stdcall -arch=i386 _seh_longjmp_unwind(ptr) ucrtbase._seh_longjmp_unwind
@ stdcall -arch=i386 _seh_longjmp_unwind4(ptr) ucrtbase._seh_longjmp_unwind4
@ cdecl _set_purecall_handler(ptr) ucrtbase._set_purecall_handler
@ cdecl _set_se_translator(ptr) ucrtbase._set_se_translator
@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay _setjmp3(ptr long) ucrtbase._setjmp3
@ cdecl -arch=i386,x86_64,arm,arm64 longjmp(ptr long) ucrtbase.longjmp
@ cdecl memchr(ptr long long) ucrtbase.memchr
@ cdecl memcmp(ptr ptr long) ucrtbase.memcmp
@ cdecl memcpy(ptr ptr long) ucrtbase.memcpy
@ cdecl memmove(ptr ptr long) ucrtbase.memmove
@ cdecl set_unexpected(ptr) ucrtbase.set_unexpected
@ cdecl -arch=arm,x86_64 -norelay -private setjmp(ptr) ucrtbase.setjmp
@ cdecl strchr(str long) ucrtbase.strchr
@ cdecl strrchr(str long) ucrtbase.strrchr
@ cdecl strstr(str str) ucrtbase.strstr
@ stub unexpected
@ cdecl wcschr(wstr long) ucrtbase.wcschr
@ cdecl wcsrchr(wstr long) ucrtbase.wcsrchr
@ cdecl wcsstr(wstr wstr) ucrtbase.wcsstr