/* * OLE32 callouts, COM interface marshalling * * Copyright 2001 Ove Kåven, TransGaming Technologies * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * * TODO: * - fix the wire-protocol to match MS/RPC */ #include #include #include #define COBJMACROS #define NONAMELESSUNION #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "objbase.h" #include "ndr_misc.h" #include "rpcndr.h" #include "ndrtypes.h" #include "rpcproxy.h" #include "cpsf.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(ole); static HMODULE hOLE; static HRESULT (WINAPI *COM_GetMarshalSizeMax)(ULONG *,REFIID,LPUNKNOWN,DWORD,LPVOID,DWORD); static HRESULT (WINAPI *COM_MarshalInterface)(LPSTREAM,REFIID,LPUNKNOWN,DWORD,LPVOID,DWORD); static HRESULT (WINAPI *COM_UnmarshalInterface)(LPSTREAM,REFIID,LPVOID*); static HRESULT (WINAPI *COM_ReleaseMarshalData)(LPSTREAM); static HRESULT (WINAPI *COM_GetClassObject)(REFCLSID,DWORD,COSERVERINFO *,REFIID,LPVOID *); static HRESULT (WINAPI *COM_GetPSClsid)(REFIID,CLSID *); static LPVOID (WINAPI *COM_MemAlloc)(ULONG); static void (WINAPI *COM_MemFree)(LPVOID); static HMODULE LoadCOM(void) { if (hOLE) return hOLE; hOLE = LoadLibraryA("OLE32.DLL"); if (!hOLE) return 0; COM_GetMarshalSizeMax = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hOLE, "CoGetMarshalSizeMax"); COM_MarshalInterface = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hOLE, "CoMarshalInterface"); COM_UnmarshalInterface = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hOLE, "CoUnmarshalInterface"); COM_ReleaseMarshalData = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hOLE, "CoReleaseMarshalData"); COM_GetClassObject = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hOLE, "CoGetClassObject"); COM_GetPSClsid = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hOLE, "CoGetPSClsid"); COM_MemAlloc = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hOLE, "CoTaskMemAlloc"); COM_MemFree = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hOLE, "CoTaskMemFree"); return hOLE; } /* CoMarshalInterface/CoUnmarshalInterface works on streams, * so implement a simple stream on top of the RPC buffer * (which also implements the MInterfacePointer structure) */ typedef struct RpcStreamImpl { IStream IStream_iface; LONG RefCount; PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pMsg; LPDWORD size; unsigned char *data; DWORD pos; } RpcStreamImpl; static inline RpcStreamImpl *impl_from_IStream(IStream *iface) { return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, RpcStreamImpl, IStream_iface); } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_QueryInterface(LPSTREAM iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID *obj) { if (IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUnknown, riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_ISequentialStream, riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IStream, riid)) { *obj = iface; IStream_AddRef(iface); return S_OK; } *obj = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } static ULONG WINAPI RpcStream_AddRef(LPSTREAM iface) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); return InterlockedIncrement( &This->RefCount ); } static ULONG WINAPI RpcStream_Release(LPSTREAM iface) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); ULONG ref = InterlockedDecrement( &This->RefCount ); if (!ref) { TRACE("size=%ld\n", *This->size); This->pMsg->Buffer = This->data + *This->size; free(This); } return ref; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_Read(LPSTREAM iface, void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (This->pos + cb > *This->size) { cb = *This->size - This->pos; hr = S_FALSE; } if (cb) { memcpy(pv, This->data + This->pos, cb); This->pos += cb; } if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = cb; return hr; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_Write(LPSTREAM iface, const void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); if (This->data + cb > (unsigned char *)This->pMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer + This->pMsg->BufferLength) return STG_E_MEDIUMFULL; memcpy(This->data + This->pos, pv, cb); This->pos += cb; if (This->pos > *This->size) *This->size = This->pos; if (pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = cb; return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_Seek(LPSTREAM iface, LARGE_INTEGER move, DWORD origin, ULARGE_INTEGER *newPos) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); switch (origin) { case STREAM_SEEK_SET: This->pos = move.u.LowPart; break; case STREAM_SEEK_CUR: This->pos = This->pos + move.u.LowPart; break; case STREAM_SEEK_END: This->pos = *This->size + move.u.LowPart; break; default: return STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION; } if (newPos) { newPos->u.LowPart = This->pos; newPos->u.HighPart = 0; } return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_SetSize(LPSTREAM iface, ULARGE_INTEGER newSize) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); *This->size = newSize.u.LowPart; return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_CopyTo(IStream *iface, IStream *dest, ULARGE_INTEGER len, ULARGE_INTEGER *read, ULARGE_INTEGER *written) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_Commit(IStream *iface, DWORD flags) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); FIXME("(%p)->(0x%08lx): stub\n", This, flags); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_Revert(IStream *iface) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_LockRegion(IStream *iface, ULARGE_INTEGER offset, ULARGE_INTEGER len, DWORD locktype) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_UnlockRegion(IStream *iface, ULARGE_INTEGER offset, ULARGE_INTEGER len, DWORD locktype) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_Stat(IStream *iface, STATSTG *stat, DWORD flag) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI RpcStream_Clone(IStream *iface, IStream **cloned) { RpcStreamImpl *This = impl_from_IStream(iface); FIXME("(%p): stub\n", This); return E_NOTIMPL; } static const IStreamVtbl RpcStream_Vtbl = { RpcStream_QueryInterface, RpcStream_AddRef, RpcStream_Release, RpcStream_Read, RpcStream_Write, RpcStream_Seek, RpcStream_SetSize, RpcStream_CopyTo, RpcStream_Commit, RpcStream_Revert, RpcStream_LockRegion, RpcStream_UnlockRegion, RpcStream_Stat, RpcStream_Clone }; static HRESULT RpcStream_Create(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, BOOL init, ULONG *size, IStream **stream) { RpcStreamImpl *This; *stream = NULL; This = malloc(sizeof(RpcStreamImpl)); if (!This) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; This->IStream_iface.lpVtbl = &RpcStream_Vtbl; This->RefCount = 1; This->pMsg = pStubMsg; This->size = (LPDWORD)pStubMsg->Buffer; This->data = pStubMsg->Buffer + sizeof(DWORD); This->pos = 0; if (init) *This->size = 0; TRACE("init size=%ld\n", *This->size); if (size) *size = *This->size; *stream = &This->IStream_iface; return S_OK; } static const IID* get_ip_iid(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char *pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat) { const IID *riid; if (!pFormat) return &IID_IUnknown; TRACE("format=%02x %02x\n", pFormat[0], pFormat[1]); if (pFormat[0] != FC_IP) FIXME("format=%d\n", pFormat[0]); if (pFormat[1] == FC_CONSTANT_IID) { riid = (const IID *)&pFormat[2]; } else { ComputeConformance(pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat+2, 0); riid = (const IID *)pStubMsg->MaxCount; } if (!riid) riid = &IID_IUnknown; TRACE("got %s\n", debugstr_guid(riid)); return riid; } /*********************************************************************** * NdrInterfacePointerMarshall [RPCRT4.@] */ unsigned char * WINAPI NdrInterfacePointerMarshall(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char *pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat) { const IID *riid = get_ip_iid(pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat); LPSTREAM stream; HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%p,%p,%p)\n", pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat); pStubMsg->MaxCount = 0; if (!LoadCOM()) return NULL; if (pStubMsg->Buffer + sizeof(DWORD) <= (unsigned char *)pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer + pStubMsg->BufferLength) { hr = RpcStream_Create(pStubMsg, TRUE, NULL, &stream); if (hr == S_OK) { if (pMemory) hr = COM_MarshalInterface(stream, riid, (LPUNKNOWN)pMemory, pStubMsg->dwDestContext, pStubMsg->pvDestContext, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL); IStream_Release(stream); } if (FAILED(hr)) RpcRaiseException(hr); } return NULL; } /*********************************************************************** * NdrInterfacePointerUnmarshall [RPCRT4.@] */ unsigned char * WINAPI NdrInterfacePointerUnmarshall(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char **ppMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat, unsigned char fMustAlloc) { IUnknown **unk = (IUnknown **)ppMemory; LPSTREAM stream; HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%p,%p,%p,%d)\n", pStubMsg, ppMemory, pFormat, fMustAlloc); if (!LoadCOM()) return NULL; /* Avoid reference leaks for [in, out] pointers. */ if (pStubMsg->IsClient && *unk) IUnknown_Release(*unk); *unk = NULL; if (pStubMsg->Buffer + sizeof(DWORD) < (unsigned char *)pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer + pStubMsg->BufferLength) { ULONG size; hr = RpcStream_Create(pStubMsg, FALSE, &size, &stream); if (hr == S_OK) { if (size != 0) hr = COM_UnmarshalInterface(stream, &IID_NULL, (void **)unk); IStream_Release(stream); } if (FAILED(hr)) RpcRaiseException(hr); } return NULL; } /*********************************************************************** * NdrInterfacePointerBufferSize [RPCRT4.@] */ void WINAPI NdrInterfacePointerBufferSize(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char *pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat) { const IID *riid = get_ip_iid(pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat); ULONG size = 0; TRACE("(%p,%p,%p)\n", pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat); if (!LoadCOM()) return; COM_GetMarshalSizeMax(&size, riid, (LPUNKNOWN)pMemory, pStubMsg->dwDestContext, pStubMsg->pvDestContext, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL); TRACE("size=%ld\n", size); pStubMsg->BufferLength += sizeof(DWORD) + size; } /*********************************************************************** * NdrInterfacePointerMemorySize [RPCRT4.@] */ ULONG WINAPI NdrInterfacePointerMemorySize(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat) { ULONG size; TRACE("(%p,%p)\n", pStubMsg, pFormat); size = *(ULONG *)pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += 4; pStubMsg->MemorySize += 4; pStubMsg->Buffer += size; return pStubMsg->MemorySize; } /*********************************************************************** * NdrInterfacePointerFree [RPCRT4.@] */ void WINAPI NdrInterfacePointerFree(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char *pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat) { LPUNKNOWN pUnk = (LPUNKNOWN)pMemory; TRACE("(%p,%p,%p)\n", pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat); if (pUnk) IUnknown_Release(pUnk); } /*********************************************************************** * NdrOleAllocate [RPCRT4.@] */ void * WINAPI NdrOleAllocate(SIZE_T Size) { if (!LoadCOM()) return NULL; return COM_MemAlloc(Size); } /*********************************************************************** * NdrOleFree [RPCRT4.@] */ void WINAPI NdrOleFree(void *NodeToFree) { if (!LoadCOM()) return; COM_MemFree(NodeToFree); } /*********************************************************************** * Helper function to create a proxy. * Probably similar to NdrpCreateProxy. */ HRESULT create_proxy(REFIID iid, IUnknown *pUnkOuter, IRpcProxyBuffer **pproxy, void **ppv) { CLSID clsid; IPSFactoryBuffer *psfac; HRESULT r; if(!LoadCOM()) return E_FAIL; r = COM_GetPSClsid( iid, &clsid ); if(FAILED(r)) return r; r = COM_GetClassObject( &clsid, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, &IID_IPSFactoryBuffer, (void**)&psfac ); if(FAILED(r)) return r; r = IPSFactoryBuffer_CreateProxy(psfac, pUnkOuter, iid, pproxy, ppv); IPSFactoryBuffer_Release(psfac); return r; } /*********************************************************************** * Helper function to create a stub. * This probably looks very much like NdrpCreateStub. */ HRESULT create_stub(REFIID iid, IUnknown *pUnk, IRpcStubBuffer **ppstub) { CLSID clsid; IPSFactoryBuffer *psfac; HRESULT r; if(!LoadCOM()) return E_FAIL; r = COM_GetPSClsid( iid, &clsid ); if(FAILED(r)) return r; r = COM_GetClassObject( &clsid, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, &IID_IPSFactoryBuffer, (void**)&psfac ); if(FAILED(r)) return r; r = IPSFactoryBuffer_CreateStub(psfac, iid, pUnk, ppstub); IPSFactoryBuffer_Release(psfac); return r; }