/* * IMM32 library * * Copyright 1998 Patrik Stridvall * Copyright 2002, 2003, 2007 CodeWeavers, Aric Stewart * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define COBJMACROS #include "initguid.h" #include "imm_private.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(imm); #define IMM_INIT_MAGIC 0x19650412 BOOL WINAPI User32InitializeImmEntryTable(DWORD); HMODULE imm32_module; /* MSIME messages */ UINT WM_MSIME_SERVICE; UINT WM_MSIME_RECONVERTOPTIONS; UINT WM_MSIME_MOUSE; UINT WM_MSIME_RECONVERTREQUEST; UINT WM_MSIME_RECONVERT; UINT WM_MSIME_QUERYPOSITION; UINT WM_MSIME_DOCUMENTFEED; struct imc_entry { HIMC himc; INPUTCONTEXT context; struct list entry; }; struct ime { LONG refcount; /* guarded by ime_cs */ HKL hkl; HMODULE module; struct list entry; IMEINFO info; WCHAR ui_class[17]; struct list input_contexts; BOOL (WINAPI *pImeInquire)(IMEINFO *, void *, DWORD); BOOL (WINAPI *pImeConfigure)(HKL, HWND, DWORD, void *); BOOL (WINAPI *pImeDestroy)(UINT); LRESULT (WINAPI *pImeEscape)(HIMC, UINT, void *); BOOL (WINAPI *pImeSelect)(HIMC, BOOL); BOOL (WINAPI *pImeSetActiveContext)(HIMC, BOOL); UINT (WINAPI *pImeToAsciiEx)(UINT, UINT, const BYTE *, TRANSMSGLIST *, UINT, HIMC); BOOL (WINAPI *pNotifyIME)(HIMC, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD); BOOL (WINAPI *pImeRegisterWord)(const void/*TCHAR*/*, DWORD, const void/*TCHAR*/*); BOOL (WINAPI *pImeUnregisterWord)(const void/*TCHAR*/*, DWORD, const void/*TCHAR*/*); UINT (WINAPI *pImeEnumRegisterWord)(void */*REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW*/, const void/*TCHAR*/*, DWORD, const void/*TCHAR*/*, void *); BOOL (WINAPI *pImeSetCompositionString)(HIMC, DWORD, const void/*TCHAR*/*, DWORD, const void/*TCHAR*/*, DWORD); DWORD (WINAPI *pImeConversionList)(HIMC, const void/*TCHAR*/*, CANDIDATELIST*, DWORD, UINT); UINT (WINAPI *pImeGetRegisterWordStyle)(UINT, void/*STYLEBUFW*/*); BOOL (WINAPI *pImeProcessKey)(HIMC, UINT, LPARAM, const BYTE*); DWORD (WINAPI *pImeGetImeMenuItems)(HIMC, DWORD, DWORD, void/*IMEMENUITEMINFOW*/*, void/*IMEMENUITEMINFOW*/*, DWORD); }; static HRESULT (WINAPI *pCoRevokeInitializeSpy)(ULARGE_INTEGER cookie); static void (WINAPI *pCoUninitialize)(void); struct imc { HIMC handle; DWORD dwLock; INPUTCONTEXT IMC; struct ime *ime; UINT vkey; HWND ui_hwnd; /* IME UI window, on the default input context */ }; #define WINE_IMC_VALID_MAGIC 0x56434D49 struct coinit_spy { IInitializeSpy IInitializeSpy_iface; LONG ref; ULARGE_INTEGER cookie; enum { IMM_APT_INIT = 0x1, IMM_APT_CREATED = 0x2, IMM_APT_CAN_FREE = 0x4, IMM_APT_BROKEN = 0x8 } apt_flags; }; static CRITICAL_SECTION ime_cs; static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG ime_cs_debug = { 0, 0, &ime_cs, { &ime_cs_debug.ProcessLocksList, &ime_cs_debug.ProcessLocksList }, 0, 0, { (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": ime_cs") } }; static CRITICAL_SECTION ime_cs = { &ime_cs_debug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static struct list ime_list = LIST_INIT( ime_list ); static const WCHAR layouts_formatW[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\%08lx"; static const char *debugstr_composition( const COMPOSITIONFORM *composition ) { if (!composition) return "(null)"; return wine_dbg_sprintf( "style %#lx, pos %s, area %s", composition->dwStyle, wine_dbgstr_point( &composition->ptCurrentPos ), wine_dbgstr_rect( &composition->rcArea ) ); } static const char *debugstr_candidate( const CANDIDATEFORM *candidate ) { if (!candidate) return "(null)"; return wine_dbg_sprintf( "idx %#lx, style %#lx, pos %s, area %s", candidate->dwIndex, candidate->dwStyle, wine_dbgstr_point( &candidate->ptCurrentPos ), wine_dbgstr_rect( &candidate->rcArea ) ); } static BOOL ime_is_unicode( const struct ime *ime ) { return !!(ime->info.fdwProperty & IME_PROP_UNICODE); } static BOOL input_context_is_unicode( INPUTCONTEXT *ctx ) { struct imc *imc = CONTAINING_RECORD( ctx, struct imc, IMC ); return !imc->ime || ime_is_unicode( imc->ime ); } static BOOL IMM_DestroyContext(HIMC hIMC); static struct imc *get_imc_data( HIMC hIMC ); static inline WCHAR *strdupAtoW( const char *str ) { WCHAR *ret = NULL; if (str) { DWORD len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0 ); if ((ret = malloc( len * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, ret, len ); } return ret; } static inline CHAR *strdupWtoA( const WCHAR *str ) { CHAR *ret = NULL; if (str) { DWORD len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); if ((ret = malloc( len ))) WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, ret, len, NULL, NULL ); } return ret; } static DWORD convert_candidatelist_WtoA( LPCANDIDATELIST lpSrc, LPCANDIDATELIST lpDst, DWORD dwBufLen) { DWORD ret, i, len; ret = FIELD_OFFSET( CANDIDATELIST, dwOffset[lpSrc->dwCount] ); if ( lpDst && dwBufLen > 0 ) { *lpDst = *lpSrc; lpDst->dwOffset[0] = ret; } for ( i = 0; i < lpSrc->dwCount; i++) { LPBYTE src = (LPBYTE)lpSrc + lpSrc->dwOffset[i]; if ( lpDst && dwBufLen > 0 ) { LPBYTE dest = (LPBYTE)lpDst + lpDst->dwOffset[i]; len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)src, -1, (LPSTR)dest, dwBufLen, NULL, NULL); if ( i + 1 < lpSrc->dwCount ) lpDst->dwOffset[i+1] = lpDst->dwOffset[i] + len * sizeof(char); dwBufLen -= len * sizeof(char); } else len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)src, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); ret += len * sizeof(char); } if ( lpDst ) lpDst->dwSize = ret; return ret; } static DWORD convert_candidatelist_AtoW( LPCANDIDATELIST lpSrc, LPCANDIDATELIST lpDst, DWORD dwBufLen) { DWORD ret, i, len; ret = FIELD_OFFSET( CANDIDATELIST, dwOffset[lpSrc->dwCount] ); if ( lpDst && dwBufLen > 0 ) { *lpDst = *lpSrc; lpDst->dwOffset[0] = ret; } for ( i = 0; i < lpSrc->dwCount; i++) { LPBYTE src = (LPBYTE)lpSrc + lpSrc->dwOffset[i]; if ( lpDst && dwBufLen > 0 ) { LPBYTE dest = (LPBYTE)lpDst + lpDst->dwOffset[i]; len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)src, -1, (LPWSTR)dest, dwBufLen); if ( i + 1 < lpSrc->dwCount ) lpDst->dwOffset[i+1] = lpDst->dwOffset[i] + len * sizeof(WCHAR); dwBufLen -= len * sizeof(WCHAR); } else len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)src, -1, NULL, 0); ret += len * sizeof(WCHAR); } if ( lpDst ) lpDst->dwSize = ret; return ret; } static struct coinit_spy *get_thread_coinit_spy(void) { return (struct coinit_spy *)(UINT_PTR)NtUserGetThreadInfo()->client_imm; } static void imm_couninit_thread(BOOL cleanup) { struct coinit_spy *spy; TRACE("implicit COM deinitialization\n"); if (!(spy = get_thread_coinit_spy()) || (spy->apt_flags & IMM_APT_BROKEN)) return; if (cleanup && spy->cookie.QuadPart) { pCoRevokeInitializeSpy(spy->cookie); spy->cookie.QuadPart = 0; } if (!(spy->apt_flags & IMM_APT_INIT)) return; spy->apt_flags &= ~IMM_APT_INIT; if (spy->apt_flags & IMM_APT_CREATED) { spy->apt_flags &= ~IMM_APT_CREATED; if (spy->apt_flags & IMM_APT_CAN_FREE) pCoUninitialize(); } if (cleanup) spy->apt_flags = 0; } static inline struct coinit_spy *impl_from_IInitializeSpy(IInitializeSpy *iface) { return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, struct coinit_spy, IInitializeSpy_iface); } static HRESULT WINAPI InitializeSpy_QueryInterface(IInitializeSpy *iface, REFIID riid, void **obj) { if (IsEqualIID(&IID_IInitializeSpy, riid) || IsEqualIID(&IID_IUnknown, riid)) { *obj = iface; IInitializeSpy_AddRef(iface); return S_OK; } *obj = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } static ULONG WINAPI InitializeSpy_AddRef(IInitializeSpy *iface) { struct coinit_spy *spy = impl_from_IInitializeSpy(iface); return InterlockedIncrement(&spy->ref); } static ULONG WINAPI InitializeSpy_Release(IInitializeSpy *iface) { struct coinit_spy *spy = impl_from_IInitializeSpy(iface); LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&spy->ref); if (!ref) { free( spy ); NtUserGetThreadInfo()->client_imm = 0; } return ref; } static HRESULT WINAPI InitializeSpy_PreInitialize(IInitializeSpy *iface, DWORD coinit, DWORD refs) { struct coinit_spy *spy = impl_from_IInitializeSpy(iface); if ((spy->apt_flags & IMM_APT_CREATED) && !(coinit & COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) && refs == 1) { imm_couninit_thread(TRUE); spy->apt_flags |= IMM_APT_BROKEN; } return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI InitializeSpy_PostInitialize(IInitializeSpy *iface, HRESULT hr, DWORD coinit, DWORD refs) { struct coinit_spy *spy = impl_from_IInitializeSpy(iface); if ((spy->apt_flags & IMM_APT_CREATED) && hr == S_FALSE && refs == 2) hr = S_OK; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spy->apt_flags |= IMM_APT_CAN_FREE; return hr; } static HRESULT WINAPI InitializeSpy_PreUninitialize(IInitializeSpy *iface, DWORD refs) { return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI InitializeSpy_PostUninitialize(IInitializeSpy *iface, DWORD refs) { struct coinit_spy *spy = impl_from_IInitializeSpy(iface); TRACE("%lu %p\n", refs, ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(0)); if (refs == 1 && !ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(0)) imm_couninit_thread(FALSE); else if (!refs) spy->apt_flags &= ~IMM_APT_CAN_FREE; return S_OK; } static const IInitializeSpyVtbl InitializeSpyVtbl = { InitializeSpy_QueryInterface, InitializeSpy_AddRef, InitializeSpy_Release, InitializeSpy_PreInitialize, InitializeSpy_PostInitialize, InitializeSpy_PreUninitialize, InitializeSpy_PostUninitialize, }; static BOOL WINAPI init_ole32_funcs( INIT_ONCE *once, void *param, void **context ) { HMODULE module_ole32 = GetModuleHandleA("ole32"); pCoRevokeInitializeSpy = (void*)GetProcAddress(module_ole32, "CoRevokeInitializeSpy"); pCoUninitialize = (void*)GetProcAddress(module_ole32, "CoUninitialize"); return TRUE; } static void imm_coinit_thread(void) { struct coinit_spy *spy; HRESULT hr; static INIT_ONCE init_ole32_once = INIT_ONCE_STATIC_INIT; TRACE("implicit COM initialization\n"); if (!(spy = get_thread_coinit_spy())) { if (!(spy = malloc( sizeof(*spy) ))) return; spy->IInitializeSpy_iface.lpVtbl = &InitializeSpyVtbl; spy->ref = 1; spy->cookie.QuadPart = 0; spy->apt_flags = 0; NtUserGetThreadInfo()->client_imm = (UINT_PTR)spy; } if (spy->apt_flags & (IMM_APT_INIT | IMM_APT_BROKEN)) return; spy->apt_flags |= IMM_APT_INIT; if(!spy->cookie.QuadPart) { hr = CoRegisterInitializeSpy(&spy->IInitializeSpy_iface, &spy->cookie); if (FAILED(hr)) return; } hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spy->apt_flags |= IMM_APT_CREATED; InitOnceExecuteOnce(&init_ole32_once, init_ole32_funcs, NULL, NULL); } static struct imc *query_imc_data( HIMC handle ) { struct imc *ret; if (!handle) return NULL; ret = (void *)NtUserQueryInputContext(handle, NtUserInputContextClientPtr); return ret && ret->handle == handle ? ret : NULL; } /* lookup an IME from a HKL, must hold ime_cs */ static struct ime *find_ime_from_hkl( HKL hkl ) { struct ime *ime = NULL; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( ime, &ime_list, struct ime, entry ) if (ime->hkl == hkl) return ime; return NULL; } BOOL WINAPI ImmFreeLayout( HKL hkl ) { struct imc_entry *imc_entry, *imc_next; struct ime *ime; TRACE( "hkl %p\n", hkl ); EnterCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); if ((ime = find_ime_from_hkl( hkl ))) { list_remove( &ime->entry ); if (!ime->pImeDestroy( 0 )) WARN( "ImeDestroy failed\n" ); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( imc_entry, imc_next, &ime->input_contexts, struct imc_entry, entry ) { ImmDestroyIMCC( imc_entry->context.hPrivate ); free( imc_entry ); } } LeaveCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); if (!ime) return TRUE; FreeLibrary( ime->module ); free( ime ); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI ImmLoadIME( HKL hkl ) { WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; BOOL use_default_ime; struct ime *ime; TRACE( "hkl %p\n", hkl ); EnterCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); if ((ime = find_ime_from_hkl( hkl )) || !(ime = calloc( 1, sizeof(*ime) ))) { LeaveCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); return !!ime; } if (!ImmGetIMEFileNameW( hkl, buffer, MAX_PATH )) use_default_ime = TRUE; else if (!(ime->module = LoadLibraryW( buffer ))) use_default_ime = TRUE; else use_default_ime = FALSE; if (use_default_ime) { if (*buffer) WARN( "Failed to load %s, falling back to default.\n", debugstr_w(buffer) ); ime->module = LoadLibraryW( L"imm32" ); ime->pImeInquire = (void *)ImeInquire; ime->pImeDestroy = ImeDestroy; ime->pImeSelect = ImeSelect; ime->pImeConfigure = ImeConfigure; ime->pImeEscape = ImeEscape; ime->pImeSetActiveContext = ImeSetActiveContext; ime->pImeToAsciiEx = (void *)ImeToAsciiEx; ime->pNotifyIME = NotifyIME; ime->pImeRegisterWord = (void *)ImeRegisterWord; ime->pImeUnregisterWord = (void *)ImeUnregisterWord; ime->pImeEnumRegisterWord = (void *)ImeEnumRegisterWord; ime->pImeSetCompositionString = ImeSetCompositionString; ime->pImeConversionList = (void *)ImeConversionList; ime->pImeProcessKey = (void *)ImeProcessKey; ime->pImeGetRegisterWordStyle = (void *)ImeGetRegisterWordStyle; ime->pImeGetImeMenuItems = (void *)ImeGetImeMenuItems; } else { #define LOAD_FUNCPTR( f ) \ if (!(ime->p##f = (void *)GetProcAddress( ime->module, #f ))) \ { \ WARN( "Can't find function %s in HKL %p IME\n", #f, hkl ); \ goto failed; \ } LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeInquire ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeDestroy ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeSelect ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeConfigure ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeEscape ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeSetActiveContext ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeToAsciiEx ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( NotifyIME ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeRegisterWord ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeUnregisterWord ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeEnumRegisterWord ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeSetCompositionString ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeConversionList ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeProcessKey ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeGetRegisterWordStyle ); LOAD_FUNCPTR( ImeGetImeMenuItems ); #undef LOAD_FUNCPTR } ime->hkl = hkl; if (!ime->pImeInquire( &ime->info, buffer, 0 )) goto failed; if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) lstrcpynW( ime->ui_class, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(ime->ui_class) ); else MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (char *)buffer, -1, ime->ui_class, ARRAY_SIZE(ime->ui_class) ); list_init( &ime->input_contexts ); list_add_tail( &ime_list, &ime->entry ); LeaveCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); TRACE( "Created IME %p for HKL %p\n", ime, hkl ); return TRUE; failed: LeaveCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); if (ime->module) FreeLibrary( ime->module ); free( ime ); return FALSE; } static struct ime *ime_acquire( HKL hkl ) { struct ime *ime; EnterCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); if (!ImmLoadIME( hkl )) ime = NULL; else ime = find_ime_from_hkl( hkl ); if (ime) { ULONG ref = ++ime->refcount; TRACE( "ime %p increasing refcount to %lu.\n", ime, ref ); } LeaveCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); return ime; } static void ime_release( struct ime *ime ) { ULONG ref; EnterCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); ref = --ime->refcount; TRACE( "ime %p decreasing refcount to %lu.\n", ime, ref ); if (!ref && (ime->info.fdwProperty & IME_PROP_END_UNLOAD)) ImmFreeLayout( ime->hkl ); LeaveCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); } static void ime_save_input_context( struct ime *ime, HIMC himc, INPUTCONTEXT *ctx ) { static INPUTCONTEXT default_input_context = { .cfCandForm = {{.dwIndex = -1}, {.dwIndex = -1}, {.dwIndex = -1}, {.dwIndex = -1}} }; const INPUTCONTEXT old = *ctx; struct imc_entry *entry; *ctx = default_input_context; ctx->hWnd = old.hWnd; ctx->hMsgBuf = old.hMsgBuf; ctx->hCompStr = old.hCompStr; ctx->hCandInfo = old.hCandInfo; ctx->hGuideLine = old.hGuideLine; if (!(ctx->hPrivate = ImmCreateIMCC( ime->info.dwPrivateDataSize ))) WARN( "Failed to allocate IME private data\n" ); if (!(entry = malloc( sizeof(*entry) ))) return; entry->himc = himc; entry->context = *ctx; EnterCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); /* reference the IME the first time the input context cache is used * in the same way Windows does it, so it doesn't get destroyed and * INPUTCONTEXT cache lost when keyboard layout is changed */ if (list_empty( &ime->input_contexts )) ime->refcount++; list_add_tail( &ime->input_contexts, &entry->entry ); LeaveCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); } static INPUTCONTEXT *ime_find_input_context( struct ime *ime, HIMC himc ) { struct imc_entry *entry; EnterCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( entry, &ime->input_contexts, struct imc_entry, entry ) if (entry->himc == himc) break; LeaveCriticalSection( &ime_cs ); if (&entry->entry == &ime->input_contexts) return NULL; return &entry->context; } static void imc_release_ime( struct imc *imc, struct ime *ime ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; if (imc->ui_hwnd) DestroyWindow( imc->ui_hwnd ); imc->ui_hwnd = NULL; ime->pImeSelect( imc->handle, FALSE ); if ((ctx = ime_find_input_context( ime, imc->handle ))) *ctx = imc->IMC; ime_release( ime ); } static struct ime *imc_select_ime( struct imc *imc ) { HKL hkl = GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ); struct ime *ime; if ((ime = imc->ime)) { if (ime->hkl == hkl) return ime; imc->ime = NULL; imc_release_ime( imc, ime ); } if (!(imc->ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) WARN( "Failed to acquire IME for HKL %p\n", hkl ); else { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; if ((ctx = ime_find_input_context( imc->ime, imc->handle ))) imc->IMC = *ctx; else ime_save_input_context( imc->ime, imc->handle, &imc->IMC ); imc->ime->pImeSelect( imc->handle, TRUE ); } return imc->ime; } static BOOL CALLBACK enum_activate_layout( HIMC himc, LPARAM lparam ) { if (ImmLockIMC( himc )) ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI ImmActivateLayout( HKL hkl ) { TRACE( "hkl %p\n", hkl ); if (hkl == GetKeyboardLayout( 0 )) return TRUE; if (!ActivateKeyboardLayout( hkl, 0 )) return FALSE; ImmEnumInputContext( 0, enum_activate_layout, 0 ); return TRUE; } static BOOL free_input_context_data( HIMC hIMC ) { struct imc *data = query_imc_data( hIMC ); struct ime *ime; if (!data) return FALSE; TRACE( "Destroying %p\n", hIMC ); if ((ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) imc_release_ime( data, ime ); ImmDestroyIMCC( data->IMC.hCompStr ); ImmDestroyIMCC( data->IMC.hCandInfo ); ImmDestroyIMCC( data->IMC.hGuideLine ); ImmDestroyIMCC( data->IMC.hMsgBuf ); free( data ); return TRUE; } static void input_context_init( INPUTCONTEXT *ctx ) { COMPOSITIONSTRING *str; CANDIDATEINFO *info; GUIDELINE *line; UINT i; if (!(ctx->hMsgBuf = ImmCreateIMCC( 0 ))) WARN( "Failed to allocate %p message buffer\n", ctx ); if (!(ctx->hCompStr = ImmCreateIMCC( sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING) ))) WARN( "Failed to allocate %p COMPOSITIONSTRING\n", ctx ); else if (!(str = ImmLockIMCC( ctx->hCompStr ))) WARN( "Failed to lock IMCC for COMPOSITIONSTRING\n" ); else { str->dwSize = sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING); ImmUnlockIMCC( ctx->hCompStr ); } if (!(ctx->hCandInfo = ImmCreateIMCC( sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO) ))) WARN( "Failed to allocate %p CANDIDATEINFO\n", ctx ); else if (!(info = ImmLockIMCC( ctx->hCandInfo ))) WARN( "Failed to lock IMCC for CANDIDATEINFO\n" ); else { info->dwSize = sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO); ImmUnlockIMCC( ctx->hCandInfo ); } if (!(ctx->hGuideLine = ImmCreateIMCC( sizeof(GUIDELINE) ))) WARN( "Failed to allocate %p GUIDELINE\n", ctx ); else if (!(line = ImmLockIMCC( ctx->hGuideLine ))) WARN( "Failed to lock IMCC for GUIDELINE\n" ); else { line->dwSize = sizeof(GUIDELINE); ImmUnlockIMCC( ctx->hGuideLine ); } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ctx->cfCandForm); i++) ctx->cfCandForm[i].dwIndex = ~0u; } static void IMM_FreeThreadData(void) { struct coinit_spy *spy; free_input_context_data( UlongToHandle( NtUserGetThreadInfo()->default_imc ) ); if ((spy = get_thread_coinit_spy())) IInitializeSpy_Release( &spy->IInitializeSpy_iface ); } static void IMM_FreeAllImmHkl(void) { struct ime *ime, *ime_next; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( ime, ime_next, &ime_list, struct ime, entry ) { struct imc_entry *imc_entry, *imc_next; list_remove( &ime->entry ); ime->pImeDestroy( 1 ); FreeLibrary( ime->module ); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( imc_entry, imc_next, &ime->input_contexts, struct imc_entry, entry ) { ImmDestroyIMCC( imc_entry->context.hPrivate ); free( imc_entry ); } free( ime ); } } BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE instance, DWORD reason, void *reserved ) { TRACE( "instance %p, reason %lx, reserved %p\n", instance, reason, reserved ); switch (reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: if (!User32InitializeImmEntryTable( IMM_INIT_MAGIC )) return FALSE; imm32_module = instance; break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: IMM_FreeThreadData(); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if (reserved) break; IMM_FreeThreadData(); IMM_FreeAllImmHkl(); break; } return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetActiveContext (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetActiveContext(HWND hwnd, HIMC himc, BOOL activate) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( himc ); struct ime *ime; TRACE("(%p, %p, %x)\n", hwnd, himc, activate); if (himc && !data && activate) return FALSE; imm_coinit_thread(); if (data) { if (activate) data->IMC.hWnd = hwnd; if ((ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) ime->pImeSetActiveContext( himc, activate ); } if (IsWindow(hwnd)) { SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, activate, ISC_SHOWUIALL); /* TODO: send WM_IME_NOTIFY */ } SetLastError(0); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmConfigureIMEA (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmConfigureIMEA( HKL hkl, HWND hwnd, DWORD mode, void *data ) { struct ime *ime; BOOL ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, hwnd %p, mode %lu, data %p.\n", hkl, hwnd, mode, data ); if (mode == IME_CONFIG_REGISTERWORD && !data) return FALSE; if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return FALSE; if (mode != IME_CONFIG_REGISTERWORD || !ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeConfigure( hkl, hwnd, mode, data ); else { REGISTERWORDA *wordA = data; REGISTERWORDW wordW; wordW.lpWord = strdupAtoW( wordA->lpWord ); wordW.lpReading = strdupAtoW( wordA->lpReading ); ret = ime->pImeConfigure( hkl, hwnd, mode, &wordW ); free( wordW.lpReading ); free( wordW.lpWord ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmConfigureIMEW (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmConfigureIMEW( HKL hkl, HWND hwnd, DWORD mode, void *data ) { struct ime *ime; BOOL ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, hwnd %p, mode %lu, data %p.\n", hkl, hwnd, mode, data ); if (mode == IME_CONFIG_REGISTERWORD && !data) return FALSE; if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return FALSE; if (mode != IME_CONFIG_REGISTERWORD || ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeConfigure( hkl, hwnd, mode, data ); else { REGISTERWORDW *wordW = data; REGISTERWORDA wordA; wordA.lpWord = strdupWtoA( wordW->lpWord ); wordA.lpReading = strdupWtoA( wordW->lpReading ); ret = ime->pImeConfigure( hkl, hwnd, mode, &wordA ); free( wordA.lpReading ); free( wordA.lpWord ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } static struct imc *create_input_context( HIMC default_imc ) { struct imc *new_context; if (!(new_context = calloc( 1, sizeof(*new_context) ))) return NULL; input_context_init( &new_context->IMC ); if (!default_imc) new_context->handle = NtUserCreateInputContext((UINT_PTR)new_context); else if (NtUserUpdateInputContext(default_imc, NtUserInputContextClientPtr, (UINT_PTR)new_context)) new_context->handle = default_imc; if (!new_context->handle) { free_input_context_data(new_context); return 0; } TRACE("Created context %p\n", new_context); return new_context; } static struct imc *get_imc_data( HIMC handle ) { struct imc *ret; if ((ret = query_imc_data(handle)) || !handle) return ret; return create_input_context(handle); } static struct imc *default_input_context(void) { UINT *himc = &NtUserGetThreadInfo()->default_imc; if (!*himc) *himc = (UINT_PTR)NtUserCreateInputContext( 0 ); return get_imc_data( (HIMC)(UINT_PTR)*himc ); } static HWND get_ime_ui_window(void) { struct imc *imc = default_input_context(); struct ime *ime; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( imc ))) return 0; if (!imc->ui_hwnd) { imc->ui_hwnd = CreateWindowExW( WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, ime->ui_class, NULL, WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 1, 1, ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd( 0 ), 0, ime->module, 0 ); SetWindowLongPtrW( imc->ui_hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC, (LONG_PTR)NtUserGetWindowInputContext( GetFocus() ) ); } return imc->ui_hwnd; } static void set_ime_ui_window_himc( HIMC himc ) { HWND hwnd; if (!(hwnd = get_ime_ui_window())) return; SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, IMMGWL_IMC, (LONG_PTR)himc ); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmCreateContext (IMM32.@) */ HIMC WINAPI ImmCreateContext(void) { struct imc *new_context; if (!(new_context = create_input_context(0))) return 0; return new_context->handle; } static BOOL IMM_DestroyContext(HIMC hIMC) { if (!free_input_context_data(hIMC)) return FALSE; NtUserDestroyInputContext(hIMC); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmDestroyContext (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmDestroyContext(HIMC hIMC) { if ((UINT_PTR)hIMC == NtUserGetThreadInfo()->default_imc) return FALSE; if (NtUserQueryInputContext( hIMC, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; return IMM_DestroyContext(hIMC); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmAssociateContext (IMM32.@) */ HIMC WINAPI ImmAssociateContext( HWND hwnd, HIMC new_himc ) { HIMC old_himc; UINT ret; TRACE( "hwnd %p, new_himc %p\n", hwnd, new_himc ); old_himc = NtUserGetWindowInputContext( hwnd ); ret = NtUserAssociateInputContext( hwnd, new_himc, 0 ); if (ret == AICR_FOCUS_CHANGED) { ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, old_himc, FALSE ); ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, new_himc, TRUE ); if (hwnd == GetFocus()) set_ime_ui_window_himc( new_himc ); } return ret == AICR_FAILED ? 0 : old_himc; } static BOOL CALLBACK enum_associate_context( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam ) { ImmAssociateContext( hwnd, (HIMC)lparam ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmAssociateContextEx (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmAssociateContextEx( HWND hwnd, HIMC new_himc, DWORD flags ) { HIMC old_himc; UINT ret; TRACE( "hwnd %p, new_himc %p, flags %#lx\n", hwnd, new_himc, flags ); if (!hwnd) return FALSE; if (flags == IACE_CHILDREN) { EnumChildWindows( hwnd, enum_associate_context, (LPARAM)new_himc ); return TRUE; } old_himc = NtUserGetWindowInputContext( hwnd ); ret = NtUserAssociateInputContext( hwnd, new_himc, flags ); if (ret == AICR_FOCUS_CHANGED) { if (flags == IACE_DEFAULT) new_himc = NtUserGetWindowInputContext( hwnd ); ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, old_himc, FALSE ); ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, new_himc, TRUE ); if (hwnd == GetFocus()) set_ime_ui_window_himc( new_himc ); } return ret != AICR_FAILED; } struct enum_register_word_params_WtoA { REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA proc; void *user; }; static int CALLBACK enum_register_word_WtoA( const WCHAR *readingW, DWORD style, const WCHAR *stringW, void *user ) { char *readingA = strdupWtoA( readingW ), *stringA = strdupWtoA( stringW ); struct enum_register_word_params_WtoA *params = user; int ret = params->proc( readingA, style, stringA, params->user ); free( readingA ); free( stringA ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmEnumRegisterWordA (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmEnumRegisterWordA( HKL hkl, REGISTERWORDENUMPROCA procA, const char *readingA, DWORD style, const char *stringA, void *user ) { struct ime *ime; UINT ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, procA %p, readingA %s, style %lu, stringA %s, user %p.\n", hkl, procA, debugstr_a(readingA), style, debugstr_a(stringA), user ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeEnumRegisterWord( procA, readingA, style, stringA, user ); else { struct enum_register_word_params_WtoA params = {.proc = procA, .user = user}; WCHAR *readingW = strdupAtoW( readingA ), *stringW = strdupAtoW( stringA ); ret = ime->pImeEnumRegisterWord( enum_register_word_WtoA, readingW, style, stringW, ¶ms ); free( readingW ); free( stringW ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } struct enum_register_word_params_AtoW { REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW proc; void *user; }; static int CALLBACK enum_register_word_AtoW( const char *readingA, DWORD style, const char *stringA, void *user ) { WCHAR *readingW = strdupAtoW( readingA ), *stringW = strdupAtoW( stringA ); struct enum_register_word_params_AtoW *params = user; int ret = params->proc( readingW, style, stringW, params->user ); free( readingW ); free( stringW ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmEnumRegisterWordW (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmEnumRegisterWordW( HKL hkl, REGISTERWORDENUMPROCW procW, const WCHAR *readingW, DWORD style, const WCHAR *stringW, void *user ) { struct ime *ime; UINT ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, procW %p, readingW %s, style %lu, stringW %s, user %p.\n", hkl, procW, debugstr_w(readingW), style, debugstr_w(stringW), user ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeEnumRegisterWord( procW, readingW, style, stringW, user ); else { struct enum_register_word_params_AtoW params = {.proc = procW, .user = user}; char *readingA = strdupWtoA( readingW ), *stringA = strdupWtoA( stringW ); ret = ime->pImeEnumRegisterWord( enum_register_word_AtoW, readingA, style, stringA, ¶ms ); free( readingA ); free( stringA ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } static inline BOOL EscapeRequiresWA(UINT uEscape) { if (uEscape == IME_ESC_GET_EUDC_DICTIONARY || uEscape == IME_ESC_SET_EUDC_DICTIONARY || uEscape == IME_ESC_IME_NAME || uEscape == IME_ESC_GETHELPFILENAME) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmEscapeA (IMM32.@) */ LRESULT WINAPI ImmEscapeA( HKL hkl, HIMC himc, UINT code, void *data ) { struct ime *ime; LRESULT ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, himc %p, code %u, data %p.\n", hkl, himc, code, data ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; if (!EscapeRequiresWA( code ) || !ime_is_unicode( ime ) || !data) ret = ime->pImeEscape( himc, code, data ); else { WCHAR buffer[81]; /* largest required buffer should be 80 */ if (code == IME_ESC_SET_EUDC_DICTIONARY) { MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, data, -1, buffer, 81 ); ret = ime->pImeEscape( himc, code, buffer ); } else { ret = ime->pImeEscape( himc, code, buffer ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, data, 80, NULL, NULL ); } } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmEscapeW (IMM32.@) */ LRESULT WINAPI ImmEscapeW( HKL hkl, HIMC himc, UINT code, void *data ) { struct ime *ime; LRESULT ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, himc %p, code %u, data %p.\n", hkl, himc, code, data ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; if (!EscapeRequiresWA( code ) || ime_is_unicode( ime ) || !data) ret = ime->pImeEscape( himc, code, data ); else { char buffer[81]; /* largest required buffer should be 80 */ if (code == IME_ESC_SET_EUDC_DICTIONARY) { WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, data, -1, buffer, 81, NULL, NULL ); ret = ime->pImeEscape( himc, code, buffer ); } else { ret = ime->pImeEscape( himc, code, buffer ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, data, 80 ); } } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCandidateListA (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetCandidateListA( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList, DWORD dwBufLen) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); LPCANDIDATEINFO candinfo; LPCANDIDATELIST candlist; struct ime *ime; DWORD ret = 0; TRACE("%p, %ld, %p, %ld\n", hIMC, dwIndex, lpCandList, dwBufLen); if (!data || !data->IMC.hCandInfo) return 0; candinfo = ImmLockIMCC(data->IMC.hCandInfo); if (dwIndex >= candinfo->dwCount || dwIndex >= ARRAY_SIZE(candinfo->dwOffset)) goto done; candlist = (LPCANDIDATELIST)((LPBYTE)candinfo + candinfo->dwOffset[dwIndex]); if ( !candlist->dwSize || !candlist->dwCount ) goto done; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) ret = 0; else if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) { ret = candlist->dwSize; if ( lpCandList && dwBufLen >= ret ) memcpy(lpCandList, candlist, ret); } else ret = convert_candidatelist_WtoA( candlist, lpCandList, dwBufLen); done: ImmUnlockIMCC(data->IMC.hCandInfo); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCandidateListCountA (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetCandidateListCountA( HIMC hIMC, LPDWORD lpdwListCount) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); LPCANDIDATEINFO candinfo; DWORD ret, count; struct ime *ime; TRACE("%p, %p\n", hIMC, lpdwListCount); if (!data || !lpdwListCount || !data->IMC.hCandInfo) return 0; candinfo = ImmLockIMCC(data->IMC.hCandInfo); *lpdwListCount = count = candinfo->dwCount; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) ret = 0; else if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = candinfo->dwSize; else { ret = sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO); while ( count-- ) ret += ImmGetCandidateListA(hIMC, count, NULL, 0); } ImmUnlockIMCC(data->IMC.hCandInfo); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCandidateListCountW (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetCandidateListCountW( HIMC hIMC, LPDWORD lpdwListCount) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); LPCANDIDATEINFO candinfo; DWORD ret, count; struct ime *ime; TRACE("%p, %p\n", hIMC, lpdwListCount); if (!data || !lpdwListCount || !data->IMC.hCandInfo) return 0; candinfo = ImmLockIMCC(data->IMC.hCandInfo); *lpdwListCount = count = candinfo->dwCount; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) ret = 0; else if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = candinfo->dwSize; else { ret = sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO); while ( count-- ) ret += ImmGetCandidateListW(hIMC, count, NULL, 0); } ImmUnlockIMCC(data->IMC.hCandInfo); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCandidateListW (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetCandidateListW( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList, DWORD dwBufLen) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); LPCANDIDATEINFO candinfo; LPCANDIDATELIST candlist; struct ime *ime; DWORD ret = 0; TRACE("%p, %ld, %p, %ld\n", hIMC, dwIndex, lpCandList, dwBufLen); if (!data || !data->IMC.hCandInfo) return 0; candinfo = ImmLockIMCC(data->IMC.hCandInfo); if (dwIndex >= candinfo->dwCount || dwIndex >= ARRAY_SIZE(candinfo->dwOffset)) goto done; candlist = (LPCANDIDATELIST)((LPBYTE)candinfo + candinfo->dwOffset[dwIndex]); if ( !candlist->dwSize || !candlist->dwCount ) goto done; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) ret = 0; else if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) { ret = candlist->dwSize; if ( lpCandList && dwBufLen >= ret ) memcpy(lpCandList, candlist, ret); } else ret = convert_candidatelist_AtoW( candlist, lpCandList, dwBufLen); done: ImmUnlockIMCC(data->IMC.hCandInfo); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCandidateWindow (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGetCandidateWindow( HIMC himc, DWORD index, CANDIDATEFORM *candidate ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; BOOL ret = TRUE; TRACE( "himc %p, index %lu, candidate %p\n", himc, index, candidate ); if (!candidate) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if (ctx->cfCandForm[index].dwIndex == -1) ret = FALSE; else *candidate = ctx->cfCandForm[index]; ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCompositionFontA (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGetCompositionFontA( HIMC himc, LOGFONTA *fontA ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; LOGFONTW fontW; BOOL ret = TRUE; TRACE( "himc %p, fontA %p\n", himc, fontA ); if (!fontA) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if (!(ctx->fdwInit & INIT_LOGFONT)) ret = FALSE; else if (!input_context_is_unicode( ctx )) *fontA = ctx->lfFont.A; else if ((ret = ImmGetCompositionFontW( himc, &fontW ))) { memcpy( fontA, &fontW, offsetof(LOGFONTA, lfFaceName) ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, fontW.lfFaceName, -1, fontA->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, NULL, NULL ); } ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCompositionFontW (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGetCompositionFontW( HIMC himc, LOGFONTW *fontW ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; LOGFONTA fontA; BOOL ret = TRUE; TRACE( "himc %p, fontW %p\n", himc, fontW ); if (!fontW) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if (!(ctx->fdwInit & INIT_LOGFONT)) ret = FALSE; else if (input_context_is_unicode( ctx )) *fontW = ctx->lfFont.W; else if ((ret = ImmGetCompositionFontA( himc, &fontA ))) { memcpy( fontW, &fontA, offsetof(LOGFONTW, lfFaceName) ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, fontA.lfFaceName, -1, fontW->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE ); } ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return ret; } /* Helpers for the GetCompositionString functions */ /* Source encoding is defined by context, source length is always given in respective characters. Destination buffer length is always in bytes. */ static INT CopyCompStringIMEtoClient( BOOL src_unicode, const void *src, INT src_len, void *dst, INT dst_len, BOOL dst_unicode ) { int char_size = dst_unicode ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(char); INT ret; if (src_unicode ^ dst_unicode) { if (dst_unicode) ret = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, src, src_len, dst, dst_len / sizeof(WCHAR)); else ret = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, src, src_len, dst, dst_len, NULL, NULL); ret *= char_size; } else { if (dst_len) { ret = min(src_len * char_size, dst_len); memcpy(dst, src, ret); } else ret = src_len * char_size; } return ret; } /* Composition string encoding is defined by context, returned attributes correspond to string, converted according to passed mode. String length is in characters, attributes are in byte arrays. */ static INT CopyCompAttrIMEtoClient( BOOL src_unicode, const BYTE *src, INT src_len, const void *comp_string, INT str_len, BYTE *dst, INT dst_len, BOOL unicode ) { union { const void *str; const WCHAR *strW; const char *strA; } string; INT rc; string.str = comp_string; if (src_unicode && !unicode) { rc = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, string.strW, str_len, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (dst_len) { int i, j = 0, k = 0; if (rc < dst_len) dst_len = rc; for (i = 0; i < str_len; ++i) { int len; len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, string.strW + i, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); for (; len > 0; --len) { dst[j++] = src[k]; if (j >= dst_len) goto end; } ++k; } end: rc = j; } } else if (!src_unicode && unicode) { rc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, string.strA, str_len, NULL, 0); if (dst_len) { int i, j = 0; if (rc < dst_len) dst_len = rc; for (i = 0; i < str_len; ++i) { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(string.strA[i])) continue; dst[j++] = src[i]; if (j >= dst_len) break; } rc = j; } } else { memcpy(dst, src, min(src_len, dst_len)); rc = src_len; } return rc; } static INT CopyCompClauseIMEtoClient( BOOL src_unicode, LPBYTE source, INT slen, LPBYTE ssource, LPBYTE target, INT tlen, BOOL unicode ) { INT rc; if (src_unicode && !unicode) { if (tlen) { int i; if (slen < tlen) tlen = slen; tlen /= sizeof (DWORD); for (i = 0; i < tlen; ++i) { ((DWORD *)target)[i] = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)ssource, ((DWORD *)source)[i], NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } rc = sizeof (DWORD) * i; } else rc = slen; } else if (!src_unicode && unicode) { if (tlen) { int i; if (slen < tlen) tlen = slen; tlen /= sizeof (DWORD); for (i = 0; i < tlen; ++i) { ((DWORD *)target)[i] = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPSTR)ssource, ((DWORD *)source)[i], NULL, 0); } rc = sizeof (DWORD) * i; } else rc = slen; } else { memcpy( target, source, min(slen,tlen)); rc = slen; } return rc; } static INT CopyCompOffsetIMEtoClient( BOOL src_unicode, DWORD offset, LPBYTE ssource, BOOL unicode ) { int rc; if (src_unicode && !unicode) { rc = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)ssource, offset, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } else if (!src_unicode && unicode) { rc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPSTR)ssource, offset, NULL, 0); } else rc = offset; return rc; } static LONG ImmGetCompositionStringT( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL unicode) { LONG rc = 0; struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING compstr; BOOL src_unicode; struct ime *ime; LPBYTE compdata; TRACE("(%p, 0x%lx, %p, %ld)\n", hIMC, dwIndex, lpBuf, dwBufLen); if (!data) return FALSE; if (!data->IMC.hCompStr) return FALSE; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) return FALSE; src_unicode = ime_is_unicode( ime ); compdata = ImmLockIMCC(data->IMC.hCompStr); compstr = (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING)compdata; switch (dwIndex) { case GCS_RESULTSTR: TRACE("GCS_RESULTSTR\n"); rc = CopyCompStringIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwResultStrOffset, compstr->dwResultStrLen, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_COMPSTR: TRACE("GCS_COMPSTR\n"); rc = CopyCompStringIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwCompStrOffset, compstr->dwCompStrLen, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_COMPATTR: TRACE("GCS_COMPATTR\n"); rc = CopyCompAttrIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwCompAttrOffset, compstr->dwCompAttrLen, compdata + compstr->dwCompStrOffset, compstr->dwCompStrLen, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_COMPCLAUSE: TRACE("GCS_COMPCLAUSE\n"); rc = CopyCompClauseIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwCompClauseOffset,compstr->dwCompClauseLen, compdata + compstr->dwCompStrOffset, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_RESULTCLAUSE: TRACE("GCS_RESULTCLAUSE\n"); rc = CopyCompClauseIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwResultClauseOffset,compstr->dwResultClauseLen, compdata + compstr->dwResultStrOffset, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_RESULTREADSTR: TRACE("GCS_RESULTREADSTR\n"); rc = CopyCompStringIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwResultReadStrOffset, compstr->dwResultReadStrLen, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_RESULTREADCLAUSE: TRACE("GCS_RESULTREADCLAUSE\n"); rc = CopyCompClauseIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwResultReadClauseOffset,compstr->dwResultReadClauseLen, compdata + compstr->dwResultStrOffset, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_COMPREADSTR: TRACE("GCS_COMPREADSTR\n"); rc = CopyCompStringIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwCompReadStrOffset, compstr->dwCompReadStrLen, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_COMPREADATTR: TRACE("GCS_COMPREADATTR\n"); rc = CopyCompAttrIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwCompReadAttrOffset, compstr->dwCompReadAttrLen, compdata + compstr->dwCompReadStrOffset, compstr->dwCompReadStrLen, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE: TRACE("GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE\n"); rc = CopyCompClauseIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compdata + compstr->dwCompReadClauseOffset,compstr->dwCompReadClauseLen, compdata + compstr->dwCompStrOffset, lpBuf, dwBufLen, unicode); break; case GCS_CURSORPOS: TRACE("GCS_CURSORPOS\n"); rc = CopyCompOffsetIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compstr->dwCursorPos, compdata + compstr->dwCompStrOffset, unicode); break; case GCS_DELTASTART: TRACE("GCS_DELTASTART\n"); rc = CopyCompOffsetIMEtoClient(src_unicode, compstr->dwDeltaStart, compdata + compstr->dwCompStrOffset, unicode); break; default: FIXME("Unhandled index 0x%lx\n",dwIndex); break; } ImmUnlockIMCC(data->IMC.hCompStr); return rc; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCompositionStringA (IMM32.@) */ LONG WINAPI ImmGetCompositionStringA( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen) { return ImmGetCompositionStringT(hIMC, dwIndex, lpBuf, dwBufLen, FALSE); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCompositionStringW (IMM32.@) */ LONG WINAPI ImmGetCompositionStringW( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen) { return ImmGetCompositionStringT(hIMC, dwIndex, lpBuf, dwBufLen, TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetCompositionWindow (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGetCompositionWindow( HIMC himc, COMPOSITIONFORM *composition ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; BOOL ret; TRACE( "himc %p, composition %p\n", himc, composition ); if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if ((ret = !!(ctx->fdwInit & INIT_COMPFORM))) *composition = ctx->cfCompForm; ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetContext (IMM32.@) * */ HIMC WINAPI ImmGetContext( HWND hwnd ) { TRACE( "hwnd %p\n", hwnd ); return NtUserGetWindowInputContext( hwnd ); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetConversionListA (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetConversionListA( HKL hkl, HIMC himc, const char *srcA, CANDIDATELIST *listA, DWORD lengthA, UINT flags ) { struct ime *ime; DWORD ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, himc %p, srcA %s, listA %p, lengthA %lu, flags %#x.\n", hkl, himc, debugstr_a(srcA), listA, lengthA, flags ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeConversionList( himc, srcA, listA, lengthA, flags ); else { CANDIDATELIST *listW; WCHAR *srcW = strdupAtoW( srcA ); DWORD lengthW = ime->pImeConversionList( himc, srcW, NULL, 0, flags ); if (!(listW = malloc( lengthW ))) ret = 0; else { ime->pImeConversionList( himc, srcW, listW, lengthW, flags ); ret = convert_candidatelist_WtoA( listW, listA, lengthA ); free( listW ); } free( srcW ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetConversionListW (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetConversionListW( HKL hkl, HIMC himc, const WCHAR *srcW, CANDIDATELIST *listW, DWORD lengthW, UINT flags ) { struct ime *ime; DWORD ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, himc %p, srcW %s, listW %p, lengthW %lu, flags %#x.\n", hkl, himc, debugstr_w(srcW), listW, lengthW, flags ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeConversionList( himc, srcW, listW, lengthW, flags ); else { CANDIDATELIST *listA; char *srcA = strdupWtoA( srcW ); DWORD lengthA = ime->pImeConversionList( himc, srcA, NULL, 0, flags ); if (!(listA = malloc( lengthA ))) ret = 0; else { ime->pImeConversionList( himc, srcA, listA, lengthA, flags ); ret = convert_candidatelist_AtoW( listA, listW, lengthW ); free( listA ); } free( srcA ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetConversionStatus (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGetConversionStatus( HIMC himc, DWORD *conversion, DWORD *sentence ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; TRACE( "himc %p, conversion %p, sentence %p\n", himc, conversion, sentence ); if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if (conversion) *conversion = ctx->fdwConversion; if (sentence) *sentence = ctx->fdwSentence; ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd (IMM32.@) */ HWND WINAPI ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(HWND hWnd) { return NtUserGetDefaultImeWindow(hWnd); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetDescriptionA (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmGetDescriptionA( HKL hkl, LPSTR bufferA, UINT lengthA ) { WCHAR *bufferW; DWORD lengthW; TRACE( "hkl %p, bufferA %p, lengthA %d\n", hkl, bufferA, lengthA ); if (!(lengthW = ImmGetDescriptionW( hkl, NULL, 0 ))) return 0; if (!(bufferW = malloc( (lengthW + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return 0; lengthW = ImmGetDescriptionW( hkl, bufferW, lengthW + 1 ); lengthA = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, bufferW, lengthW, bufferA, bufferA ? lengthA : 0, NULL, NULL ); if (bufferA) bufferA[lengthA] = 0; free( bufferW ); return lengthA; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetDescriptionW (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmGetDescriptionW( HKL hkl, WCHAR *buffer, UINT length ) { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkey = 0; DWORD size; TRACE( "hkl %p, buffer %p, length %u\n", hkl, buffer, length ); swprintf( path, ARRAY_SIZE(path), layouts_formatW, (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)hkl ); if (RegOpenKeyW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path, &hkey )) return 0; size = ARRAY_SIZE(path) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (RegGetValueW( hkey, NULL, L"Layout Text", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, path, &size )) *path = 0; RegCloseKey( hkey ); size = wcslen( path ); if (!buffer) return size; lstrcpynW( buffer, path, length ); return wcslen( buffer ); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetGuideLineA (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetGuideLineA( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPSTR lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen) { FIXME("(%p, %ld, %s, %ld): stub\n", hIMC, dwIndex, debugstr_a(lpBuf), dwBufLen ); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetGuideLineW (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetGuideLineW(HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen) { FIXME("(%p, %ld, %s, %ld): stub\n", hIMC, dwIndex, debugstr_w(lpBuf), dwBufLen ); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetIMEFileNameA (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmGetIMEFileNameA( HKL hkl, char *bufferA, UINT lengthA ) { WCHAR *bufferW; DWORD lengthW; TRACE( "hkl %p, bufferA %p, lengthA %d\n", hkl, bufferA, lengthA ); if (!(lengthW = ImmGetIMEFileNameW( hkl, NULL, 0 ))) return 0; if (!(bufferW = malloc( (lengthW + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return 0; lengthW = ImmGetIMEFileNameW( hkl, bufferW, lengthW + 1 ); lengthA = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, bufferW, lengthW, bufferA, bufferA ? lengthA : 0, NULL, NULL ); if (bufferA) bufferA[lengthA] = 0; free( bufferW ); return lengthA; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetIMEFileNameW (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmGetIMEFileNameW( HKL hkl, WCHAR *buffer, UINT length ) { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkey = 0; DWORD size; TRACE( "hkl %p, buffer %p, length %u\n", hkl, buffer, length ); swprintf( path, ARRAY_SIZE(path), layouts_formatW, (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)hkl ); if (RegOpenKeyW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path, &hkey )) return 0; size = ARRAY_SIZE(path) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (RegGetValueW( hkey, NULL, L"Ime File", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, path, &size )) *path = 0; RegCloseKey( hkey ); size = wcslen( path ); if (!buffer) return size; lstrcpynW( buffer, path, length ); return wcslen( buffer ); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetOpenStatus (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGetOpenStatus( HIMC himc ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; BOOL status; TRACE( "himc %p\n", himc ); if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; status = ctx->fOpen; ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return status; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetProperty (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetProperty( HKL hkl, DWORD index ) { struct ime *ime; DWORD ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, index %lu.\n", hkl, index ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; switch (index) { case IGP_PROPERTY: ret = ime->info.fdwProperty; break; case IGP_CONVERSION: ret = ime->info.fdwConversionCaps; break; case IGP_SENTENCE: ret = ime->info.fdwSentenceCaps; break; case IGP_SETCOMPSTR: ret = ime->info.fdwSCSCaps; break; case IGP_SELECT: ret = ime->info.fdwSelectCaps; break; case IGP_GETIMEVERSION: ret = IMEVER_0400; break; case IGP_UI: ret = 0; break; default: ret = 0; break; } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA( HKL hkl, UINT count, STYLEBUFA *styleA ) { struct ime *ime; UINT ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, count %u, styleA %p.\n", hkl, count, styleA ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeGetRegisterWordStyle( count, styleA ); else { STYLEBUFW styleW; ret = ime->pImeGetRegisterWordStyle( count, &styleW ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, styleW.szDescription, -1, styleA->szDescription, 32, NULL, NULL ); styleA->dwStyle = styleW.dwStyle; } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW( HKL hkl, UINT count, STYLEBUFW *styleW ) { struct ime *ime; UINT ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, count %u, styleW %p.\n", hkl, count, styleW ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return 0; if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeGetRegisterWordStyle( count, styleW ); else { STYLEBUFA styleA; ret = ime->pImeGetRegisterWordStyle( count, &styleA ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, styleA.szDescription, -1, styleW->szDescription, 32 ); styleW->dwStyle = styleA.dwStyle; } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetStatusWindowPos (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGetStatusWindowPos( HIMC himc, POINT *pos ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; BOOL ret; TRACE( "himc %p, pos %p\n", himc, pos ); if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if ((ret = !!(ctx->fdwInit & INIT_STATUSWNDPOS))) *pos = ctx->ptStatusWndPos; ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetVirtualKey (IMM32.@) */ UINT WINAPI ImmGetVirtualKey( HWND hwnd ) { HIMC himc = ImmGetContext( hwnd ); struct imc *imc; TRACE( "%p\n", hwnd ); if ((imc = get_imc_data( himc ))) return imc->vkey; return VK_PROCESSKEY; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmInstallIMEA (IMM32.@) */ HKL WINAPI ImmInstallIMEA( const char *filenameA, const char *descriptionA ) { WCHAR *filenameW = strdupAtoW( filenameA ), *descriptionW = strdupAtoW( descriptionA ); HKL hkl; TRACE( "filenameA %s, descriptionA %s\n", debugstr_a(filenameA), debugstr_a(descriptionA) ); hkl = ImmInstallIMEW( filenameW, descriptionW ); free( descriptionW ); free( filenameW ); return hkl; } static LCID get_ime_file_lang( const WCHAR *filename ) { DWORD *languages; LCID lcid = 0; void *info; UINT len; if (!(len = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW( filename, NULL ))) return 0; if (!(info = malloc( len ))) goto done; if (!GetFileVersionInfoW( filename, 0, len, info )) goto done; if (!VerQueryValueW( info, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", (void **)&languages, &len ) || !len) goto done; lcid = languages[0]; done: free( info ); return lcid; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmInstallIMEW (IMM32.@) */ HKL WINAPI ImmInstallIMEW( const WCHAR *filename, const WCHAR *description ) { WCHAR path[ARRAY_SIZE(layouts_formatW)+8], buffer[MAX_PATH]; LCID lcid; WORD count = 0x20; const WCHAR *tmp; DWORD length; HKEY hkey; HKL hkl; TRACE( "filename %s, description %s\n", debugstr_w(filename), debugstr_w(description) ); if (!filename || !description || !(lcid = get_ime_file_lang( filename ))) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return 0; } while (count < 0xfff) { DWORD disposition = 0; hkl = (HKL)(UINT_PTR)MAKELONG( lcid, 0xe000 | count ); swprintf( path, ARRAY_SIZE(path), layouts_formatW, (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)hkl); if (!RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkey, &disposition )) { if (disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) break; RegCloseKey( hkey ); } count++; } if (count == 0xfff) { WARN("Unable to find slot to install IME\n"); return 0; } if ((tmp = wcsrchr( filename, '\\' ))) tmp++; else tmp = filename; length = LCMapStringW( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, tmp, -1, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer) ); if (RegSetValueExW( hkey, L"Ime File", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)buffer, length * sizeof(WCHAR) ) || RegSetValueExW( hkey, L"Layout Text", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)description, (wcslen(description) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) )) { WARN( "Unable to write registry to install IME\n"); hkl = 0; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); if (!hkl) RegDeleteKeyW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path ); return hkl; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmIsIME (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmIsIME( HKL hkl ) { TRACE( "hkl %p\n", hkl ); if (!hkl) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmIsUIMessageA (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmIsUIMessageA( HWND hWndIME, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TRACE("(%p, %x, %Id, %Id)\n", hWndIME, msg, wParam, lParam); if ((msg >= WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION && msg <= WM_IME_KEYLAST) || (msg == WM_IME_SETCONTEXT) || (msg == WM_IME_NOTIFY) || (msg == WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL) || (msg == WM_IME_SELECT) || (msg == 0x287 /* FIXME: WM_IME_SYSTEM */)) { if (hWndIME) SendMessageA(hWndIME, msg, wParam, lParam); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmIsUIMessageW (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmIsUIMessageW( HWND hWndIME, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TRACE("(%p, %x, %Id, %Id)\n", hWndIME, msg, wParam, lParam); if ((msg >= WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION && msg <= WM_IME_KEYLAST) || (msg == WM_IME_SETCONTEXT) || (msg == WM_IME_NOTIFY) || (msg == WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL) || (msg == WM_IME_SELECT) || (msg == 0x287 /* FIXME: WM_IME_SYSTEM */)) { if (hWndIME) SendMessageW(hWndIME, msg, wParam, lParam); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmNotifyIME (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmNotifyIME( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwAction, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwValue) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); struct ime *ime; TRACE("(%p, %ld, %ld, %ld)\n", hIMC, dwAction, dwIndex, dwValue); if (hIMC == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return FALSE; } if (!data) { return FALSE; } if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) return FALSE; return ime->pNotifyIME( hIMC, dwAction, dwIndex, dwValue ); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmRegisterWordA (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmRegisterWordA( HKL hkl, const char *readingA, DWORD style, const char *stringA ) { struct ime *ime; BOOL ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, readingA %s, style %lu, stringA %s.\n", hkl, debugstr_a(readingA), style, debugstr_a(stringA) ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return FALSE; if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeRegisterWord( readingA, style, stringA ); else { WCHAR *readingW = strdupAtoW( readingA ), *stringW = strdupAtoW( stringA ); ret = ime->pImeRegisterWord( readingW, style, stringW ); free( readingW ); free( stringW ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmRegisterWordW (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmRegisterWordW( HKL hkl, const WCHAR *readingW, DWORD style, const WCHAR *stringW ) { struct ime *ime; BOOL ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, readingW %s, style %lu, stringW %s.\n", hkl, debugstr_w(readingW), style, debugstr_w(stringW) ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return FALSE; if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeRegisterWord( readingW, style, stringW ); else { char *readingA = strdupWtoA( readingW ), *stringA = strdupWtoA( stringW ); ret = ime->pImeRegisterWord( readingA, style, stringA ); free( readingA ); free( stringA ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmReleaseContext (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmReleaseContext( HWND hwnd, HIMC himc ) { TRACE( "hwnd %p, himc %p\n", hwnd, himc ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmRequestMessageA(IMM32.@) */ LRESULT WINAPI ImmRequestMessageA( HIMC himc, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; LRESULT res; TRACE( "himc %p, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix\n", himc, wparam, lparam ); if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; switch (wparam) { case IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW: case IMR_COMPOSITIONFONT: case IMR_COMPOSITIONWINDOW: case IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING: case IMR_DOCUMENTFEED: case IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION: case IMR_RECONVERTSTRING: break; default: return FALSE; } if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; res = SendMessageA( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wparam, lparam ); ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return res; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmRequestMessageW(IMM32.@) */ LRESULT WINAPI ImmRequestMessageW( HIMC himc, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; LRESULT res; TRACE( "himc %p, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix\n", himc, wparam, lparam ); if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; switch (wparam) { case IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW: case IMR_COMPOSITIONFONT: case IMR_COMPOSITIONWINDOW: case IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING: case IMR_DOCUMENTFEED: case IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION: case IMR_RECONVERTSTRING: break; default: return FALSE; } if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; res = SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wparam, lparam ); ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return res; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetCandidateWindow (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCandidateWindow( HIMC himc, CANDIDATEFORM *candidate ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; TRACE( "hwnd %p, candidate %s\n", himc, debugstr_candidate( candidate ) ); if (!candidate) return FALSE; if (candidate->dwIndex >= ARRAY_SIZE(ctx->cfCandForm)) return FALSE; if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; ctx->cfCandForm[candidate->dwIndex] = *candidate; ImmNotifyIME( himc, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, 0, IMC_SETCANDIDATEPOS ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETCANDIDATEPOS, 1 << candidate->dwIndex ); ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetCompositionFontA (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionFontA( HIMC himc, LOGFONTA *fontA ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; BOOL ret = TRUE; TRACE( "hwnd %p, fontA %p\n", himc, fontA ); if (!fontA) return FALSE; if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if (input_context_is_unicode( ctx )) { LOGFONTW fontW; memcpy( &fontW, fontA, offsetof(LOGFONTW, lfFaceName) ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, fontA->lfFaceName, -1, fontW.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE ); ret = ImmSetCompositionFontW( himc, &fontW ); } else { ctx->lfFont.A = *fontA; ctx->fdwInit |= INIT_LOGFONT; ImmNotifyIME( himc, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, 0, IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT, 0 ); } ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetCompositionFontW (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionFontW( HIMC himc, LOGFONTW *fontW ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; BOOL ret = TRUE; TRACE( "hwnd %p, fontW %p\n", himc, fontW ); if (!fontW) return FALSE; if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if (!input_context_is_unicode( ctx )) { LOGFONTA fontA; memcpy( &fontA, fontW, offsetof(LOGFONTA, lfFaceName) ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, fontW->lfFaceName, -1, fontA.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, NULL, NULL ); ret = ImmSetCompositionFontA( himc, &fontA ); } else { ctx->lfFont.W = *fontW; ctx->fdwInit |= INIT_LOGFONT; ImmNotifyIME( himc, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, 0, IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT, 0 ); } ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetCompositionStringA (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionStringA( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPCVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPCVOID lpRead, DWORD dwReadLen) { DWORD comp_len; DWORD read_len; WCHAR *CompBuffer = NULL; WCHAR *ReadBuffer = NULL; BOOL rc; struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); struct ime *ime; TRACE("(%p, %ld, %p, %ld, %p, %ld):\n", hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen); if (!data) return FALSE; if (NtUserQueryInputContext( hIMC, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(dwIndex == SCS_SETSTR || dwIndex == SCS_CHANGEATTR || dwIndex == SCS_CHANGECLAUSE || dwIndex == SCS_SETRECONVERTSTRING || dwIndex == SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING)) return FALSE; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) return FALSE; if (!lpComp) dwCompLen = 0; if (!lpRead) dwReadLen = 0; if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) return ime->pImeSetCompositionString( hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen ); comp_len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpComp, dwCompLen, NULL, 0); if (comp_len) { CompBuffer = malloc( comp_len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpComp, dwCompLen, CompBuffer, comp_len); } read_len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpRead, dwReadLen, NULL, 0); if (read_len) { ReadBuffer = malloc( read_len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpRead, dwReadLen, ReadBuffer, read_len); } rc = ImmSetCompositionStringW(hIMC, dwIndex, CompBuffer, comp_len, ReadBuffer, read_len); free( CompBuffer ); free( ReadBuffer ); return rc; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetCompositionStringW (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionStringW( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPCVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPCVOID lpRead, DWORD dwReadLen) { DWORD comp_len; DWORD read_len; CHAR *CompBuffer = NULL; CHAR *ReadBuffer = NULL; BOOL rc; struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); struct ime *ime; TRACE("(%p, %ld, %p, %ld, %p, %ld):\n", hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen); if (!data) return FALSE; if (NtUserQueryInputContext( hIMC, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(dwIndex == SCS_SETSTR || dwIndex == SCS_CHANGEATTR || dwIndex == SCS_CHANGECLAUSE || dwIndex == SCS_SETRECONVERTSTRING || dwIndex == SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING)) return FALSE; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) return FALSE; if (!lpComp) dwCompLen = 0; if (!lpRead) dwReadLen = 0; if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) return ime->pImeSetCompositionString( hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen ); comp_len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpComp, dwCompLen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (comp_len) { CompBuffer = malloc( comp_len ); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpComp, dwCompLen, CompBuffer, comp_len, NULL, NULL); } read_len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpRead, dwReadLen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (read_len) { ReadBuffer = malloc( read_len ); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpRead, dwReadLen, ReadBuffer, read_len, NULL, NULL); } rc = ImmSetCompositionStringA(hIMC, dwIndex, CompBuffer, comp_len, ReadBuffer, read_len); free( CompBuffer ); free( ReadBuffer ); return rc; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetCompositionWindow (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCompositionWindow( HIMC himc, COMPOSITIONFORM *composition ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; TRACE( "himc %p, composition %s\n", himc, debugstr_composition( composition ) ); if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; ctx->cfCompForm = *composition; ctx->fdwInit |= INIT_COMPFORM; ImmNotifyIME( himc, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, 0, IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW, 0 ); ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetConversionStatus (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetConversionStatus( HIMC himc, DWORD conversion, DWORD sentence ) { DWORD old_conversion, old_sentence; INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; TRACE( "himc %p, conversion %#lx, sentence %#lx\n", himc, conversion, sentence ); if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if (conversion != ctx->fdwConversion) { old_conversion = ctx->fdwConversion; ctx->fdwConversion = conversion; ImmNotifyIME( himc, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, old_conversion, IMC_SETCONVERSIONMODE ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETCONVERSIONMODE, 0 ); } if (sentence != ctx->fdwSentence) { old_sentence = ctx->fdwSentence; ctx->fdwSentence = sentence; ImmNotifyIME( himc, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, old_sentence, IMC_SETSENTENCEMODE ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETSENTENCEMODE, 0 ); } ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetOpenStatus (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetOpenStatus( HIMC himc, BOOL status ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; TRACE( "himc %p, status %u\n", himc, status ); if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; if (status != ctx->fOpen) { ctx->fOpen = status; ImmNotifyIME( himc, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, 0, IMC_SETOPENSTATUS ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETOPENSTATUS, 0 ); } ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSetStatusWindowPos (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSetStatusWindowPos( HIMC himc, POINT *pos ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; TRACE( "himc %p, pos %s\n", himc, wine_dbgstr_point( pos ) ); if (!pos) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ); return FALSE; } if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; ctx->ptStatusWndPos = *pos; ctx->fdwInit |= INIT_STATUSWNDPOS; ImmNotifyIME( himc, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, 0, IMC_SETSTATUSWINDOWPOS ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETSTATUSWINDOWPOS, 0 ); ImmUnlockIMC( himc ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(IMM32.@) */ HWND WINAPI ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(UINT uType, UINT hOwner, int x, int y) { FIXME("(%d, %d, %d, %d): stub\n", uType, hOwner, x, y); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmDestroySoftKeyboard(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmDestroySoftKeyboard(HWND hSoftWnd) { FIXME("(%p): stub\n", hSoftWnd); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmShowSoftKeyboard(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmShowSoftKeyboard(HWND hSoftWnd, int nCmdShow) { FIXME("(%p, %d): stub\n", hSoftWnd, nCmdShow); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmSimulateHotKey (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmSimulateHotKey(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwHotKeyID) { FIXME("(%p, %ld): stub\n", hWnd, dwHotKeyID); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmUnregisterWordA (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmUnregisterWordA( HKL hkl, const char *readingA, DWORD style, const char *stringA ) { struct ime *ime; BOOL ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, readingA %s, style %lu, stringA %s.\n", hkl, debugstr_a(readingA), style, debugstr_a(stringA) ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return FALSE; if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeUnregisterWord( readingA, style, stringA ); else { WCHAR *readingW = strdupAtoW( readingA ), *stringW = strdupAtoW( stringA ); ret = ime->pImeUnregisterWord( readingW, style, stringW ); free( readingW ); free( stringW ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmUnregisterWordW (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmUnregisterWordW( HKL hkl, const WCHAR *readingW, DWORD style, const WCHAR *stringW ) { struct ime *ime; BOOL ret; TRACE( "hkl %p, readingW %s, style %lu, stringW %s.\n", hkl, debugstr_w(readingW), style, debugstr_w(stringW) ); if (!(ime = ime_acquire( hkl ))) return FALSE; if (ime_is_unicode( ime )) ret = ime->pImeUnregisterWord( readingW, style, stringW ); else { char *readingA = strdupWtoA( readingW ), *stringA = strdupWtoA( stringW ); ret = ime->pImeUnregisterWord( readingA, style, stringA ); free( readingA ); free( stringA ); } ime_release( ime ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetImeMenuItemsA (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetImeMenuItemsA( HIMC himc, DWORD flags, DWORD type, IMEMENUITEMINFOA *parentA, IMEMENUITEMINFOA *menuA, DWORD size ) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( himc ); struct ime *ime; DWORD ret; TRACE( "himc %p, flags %#lx, type %lu, parentA %p, menuA %p, size %lu.\n", himc, flags, type, parentA, menuA, size ); if (!data) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ); return 0; } if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) return 0; if (!ime_is_unicode( ime ) || (!parentA && !menuA)) ret = ime->pImeGetImeMenuItems( himc, flags, type, parentA, menuA, size ); else { IMEMENUITEMINFOW tmpW, *menuW, *parentW = parentA ? &tmpW : NULL; if (!menuA) menuW = NULL; else { int count = size / sizeof(LPIMEMENUITEMINFOA); size = count * sizeof(IMEMENUITEMINFOW); menuW = malloc( size ); } ret = ime->pImeGetImeMenuItems( himc, flags, type, parentW, menuW, size ); if (parentA) { memcpy( parentA, parentW, sizeof(IMEMENUITEMINFOA) ); parentA->hbmpItem = parentW->hbmpItem; WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, parentW->szString, -1, parentA->szString, IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE, NULL, NULL ); } if (menuA && ret) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { memcpy( &menuA[i], &menuW[1], sizeof(IMEMENUITEMINFOA) ); menuA[i].hbmpItem = menuW[i].hbmpItem; WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, menuW[i].szString, -1, menuA[i].szString, IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE, NULL, NULL ); } } free( menuW ); } return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetImeMenuItemsW (IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetImeMenuItemsW( HIMC himc, DWORD flags, DWORD type, IMEMENUITEMINFOW *parentW, IMEMENUITEMINFOW *menuW, DWORD size ) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( himc ); struct ime *ime; DWORD ret; TRACE( "himc %p, flags %#lx, type %lu, parentW %p, menuW %p, size %lu.\n", himc, flags, type, parentW, menuW, size ); if (!data) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ); return 0; } if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) return 0; if (ime_is_unicode( ime ) || (!parentW && !menuW)) ret = ime->pImeGetImeMenuItems( himc, flags, type, parentW, menuW, size ); else { IMEMENUITEMINFOA tmpA, *menuA, *parentA = parentW ? &tmpA : NULL; if (!menuW) menuA = NULL; else { int count = size / sizeof(LPIMEMENUITEMINFOW); size = count * sizeof(IMEMENUITEMINFOA); menuA = malloc( size ); } ret = ime->pImeGetImeMenuItems( himc, flags, type, parentA, menuA, size ); if (parentW) { memcpy( parentW, parentA, sizeof(IMEMENUITEMINFOA) ); parentW->hbmpItem = parentA->hbmpItem; MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, parentA->szString, -1, parentW->szString, IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE ); } if (menuW && ret) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { memcpy( &menuW[i], &menuA[1], sizeof(IMEMENUITEMINFOA) ); menuW[i].hbmpItem = menuA[i].hbmpItem; MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, menuA[i].szString, -1, menuW[i].szString, IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE ); } } free( menuA ); } return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmLockIMC(IMM32.@) */ INPUTCONTEXT *WINAPI ImmLockIMC( HIMC himc ) { struct imc *imc = get_imc_data( himc ); TRACE( "himc %p\n", himc ); if (!imc) return NULL; imc->dwLock++; imc_select_ime( imc ); return &imc->IMC; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmUnlockIMC(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmUnlockIMC(HIMC hIMC) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); if (!data) return FALSE; if (data->dwLock) data->dwLock--; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetIMCLockCount(IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetIMCLockCount(HIMC hIMC) { struct imc *data = get_imc_data( hIMC ); if (!data) return 0; return data->dwLock; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmCreateIMCC(IMM32.@) */ HIMCC WINAPI ImmCreateIMCC(DWORD size) { return GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_MOVEABLE, size); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmDestroyIMCC(IMM32.@) */ HIMCC WINAPI ImmDestroyIMCC(HIMCC block) { return GlobalFree(block); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmLockIMCC(IMM32.@) */ LPVOID WINAPI ImmLockIMCC(HIMCC imcc) { return GlobalLock(imcc); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmUnlockIMCC(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmUnlockIMCC(HIMCC imcc) { return GlobalUnlock(imcc); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetIMCCLockCount(IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetIMCCLockCount(HIMCC imcc) { return GlobalFlags(imcc) & GMEM_LOCKCOUNT; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmReSizeIMCC(IMM32.@) */ HIMCC WINAPI ImmReSizeIMCC(HIMCC imcc, DWORD size) { return GlobalReAlloc(imcc, size, GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_MOVEABLE); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetIMCCSize(IMM32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI ImmGetIMCCSize(HIMCC imcc) { return GlobalSize(imcc); } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGenerateMessage(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGenerateMessage( HIMC himc ) { INPUTCONTEXT *ctx; TRACE( "himc %p\n", himc ); if (NtUserQueryInputContext( himc, NtUserInputContextThreadId ) != GetCurrentThreadId()) return FALSE; if (!(ctx = ImmLockIMC( himc ))) return FALSE; while (ctx->dwNumMsgBuf--) { TRANSMSG *msgs, msg; if (!(msgs = ImmLockIMCC( ctx->hMsgBuf ))) return FALSE; msg = msgs[0]; memmove( msgs, msgs + 1, ctx->dwNumMsgBuf * sizeof(*msgs) ); ImmUnlockIMCC( ctx->hMsgBuf ); SendMessageW( ctx->hWnd, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam ); } ctx->dwNumMsgBuf++; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmTranslateMessage(IMM32.@) * ( Undocumented, call internally and from user32.dll ) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmTranslateMessage( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) { union { struct { UINT uMsgCount; TRANSMSG TransMsg[10]; }; TRANSMSGLIST list; } buffer = {.uMsgCount = ARRAY_SIZE(buffer.TransMsg)}; TRANSMSG *msgs = buffer.TransMsg; UINT scan, vkey, count, i; struct imc *data; struct ime *ime; BYTE state[256]; WCHAR chr; TRACE( "hwnd %p, msg %#x, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix\n", hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ); if (msg < WM_KEYDOWN || msg > WM_KEYUP) return FALSE; if (!(data = get_imc_data( ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ))) return FALSE; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( data ))) return FALSE; if ((vkey = data->vkey) == VK_PROCESSKEY) return FALSE; data->vkey = VK_PROCESSKEY; GetKeyboardState( state ); scan = (lparam >> 0x10) & 0xffff; if (ime->info.fdwProperty & IME_PROP_KBD_CHAR_FIRST) { if (!ime_is_unicode( ime )) ToAscii( vkey, scan, state, &chr, 0 ); else ToUnicodeEx( vkey, scan, state, &chr, 1, 0, GetKeyboardLayout( 0 ) ); vkey = MAKELONG( vkey, chr ); } count = ime->pImeToAsciiEx( vkey, scan, state, &buffer.list, 0, data->handle ); if (count >= ARRAY_SIZE(buffer.TransMsg)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) PostMessageW( hwnd, msgs[i].message, msgs[i].wParam, msgs[i].lParam ); TRACE( "%u messages generated\n", count ); return count > 0; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmProcessKey(IMM32.@) * ( Undocumented, called from user32.dll ) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmProcessKey( HWND hwnd, HKL hkl, UINT vkey, LPARAM lparam, DWORD unknown ) { struct imc *imc; struct ime *ime; BYTE state[256]; BOOL ret; TRACE( "hwnd %p, hkl %p, vkey %#x, lparam %#Ix, unknown %#lx\n", hwnd, hkl, vkey, lparam, unknown ); if (hkl != GetKeyboardLayout( 0 )) return FALSE; if (!(imc = get_imc_data( ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ))) return FALSE; if (!(ime = imc_select_ime( imc ))) return FALSE; GetKeyboardState( state ); ret = ime->pImeProcessKey( imc->handle, vkey, lparam, state ); imc->vkey = ret ? vkey : VK_PROCESSKEY; return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmDisableTextFrameService(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmDisableTextFrameService(DWORD idThread) { FIXME("Stub\n"); return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmEnumInputContext(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmEnumInputContext( DWORD thread, IMCENUMPROC callback, LPARAM lparam ) { HIMC buffer[256]; NTSTATUS status; UINT i, size; TRACE( "thread %lu, callback %p, lparam %#Ix\n", thread, callback, lparam ); if ((status = NtUserBuildHimcList( thread, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), buffer, &size ))) { RtlSetLastWin32Error( RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ) ); WARN( "NtUserBuildHimcList returned %#lx\n", status ); return FALSE; } if (size == ARRAY_SIZE(buffer)) FIXME( "NtUserBuildHimcList returned %u handles\n", size ); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) if (!callback( buffer[i], lparam )) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmGetHotKey(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmGetHotKey(DWORD hotkey, UINT *modifiers, UINT *key, HKL *hkl) { FIXME("%lx, %p, %p, %p: stub\n", hotkey, modifiers, key, hkl); return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * ImmDisableLegacyIME(IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI ImmDisableLegacyIME(void) { FIXME("stub\n"); return TRUE; } static BOOL is_ime_ui_msg(UINT msg) { switch (msg) { case WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: case WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION: case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT: case WM_IME_NOTIFY: case WM_IME_CONTROL: case WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL: case WM_IME_SELECT: case WM_IME_CHAR: case WM_IME_REQUEST: case WM_IME_KEYDOWN: case WM_IME_KEYUP: return TRUE; default: return msg == WM_MSIME_RECONVERTOPTIONS || msg == WM_MSIME_SERVICE || msg == WM_MSIME_MOUSE || msg == WM_MSIME_RECONVERTREQUEST || msg == WM_MSIME_RECONVERT || msg == WM_MSIME_QUERYPOSITION || msg == WM_MSIME_DOCUMENTFEED; } } static LRESULT ime_internal_msg( WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { HWND hwnd; HIMC himc; switch (wparam) { case IME_INTERNAL_ACTIVATE: hwnd = (HWND)lparam; himc = NtUserGetWindowInputContext( hwnd ); ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, himc, TRUE ); set_ime_ui_window_himc( himc ); break; case IME_INTERNAL_DEACTIVATE: hwnd = (HWND)lparam; himc = NtUserGetWindowInputContext( hwnd ); ImmSetActiveContext( hwnd, himc, FALSE ); break; case IME_INTERNAL_HKL_ACTIVATE: ImmEnumInputContext( 0, enum_activate_layout, 0 ); if (!(hwnd = get_ime_ui_window())) break; SendMessageW( hwnd, WM_IME_SELECT, TRUE, lparam ); break; case IME_INTERNAL_HKL_DEACTIVATE: if (!(hwnd = get_ime_ui_window())) break; SendMessageW( hwnd, WM_IME_SELECT, FALSE, lparam ); break; default: FIXME("wparam = %Ix\n", wparam); break; } return 0; } static void init_messages(void) { static BOOL initialized; if (initialized) return; WM_MSIME_SERVICE = RegisterWindowMessageW(L"MSIMEService"); WM_MSIME_RECONVERTOPTIONS = RegisterWindowMessageW(L"MSIMEReconvertOptions"); WM_MSIME_MOUSE = RegisterWindowMessageW(L"MSIMEMouseOperation"); WM_MSIME_RECONVERTREQUEST = RegisterWindowMessageW(L"MSIMEReconvertRequest"); WM_MSIME_RECONVERT = RegisterWindowMessageW(L"MSIMEReconvert"); WM_MSIME_QUERYPOSITION = RegisterWindowMessageW(L"MSIMEQueryPosition"); WM_MSIME_DOCUMENTFEED = RegisterWindowMessageW(L"MSIMEDocumentFeed"); initialized = TRUE; } LRESULT WINAPI __wine_ime_wnd_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL ansi) { HWND ui_hwnd; TRACE( "hwnd %p, msg %s, wparam %#Ix, lparam %#Ix, ansi %u\n", hwnd, debugstr_wm_ime(msg), wparam, lparam, ansi ); switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: init_messages(); return TRUE; case WM_DESTROY: { HWND default_hwnd = ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(0); if (!default_hwnd || hwnd == default_hwnd) imm_couninit_thread(TRUE); } return TRUE; case WM_IME_INTERNAL: return ime_internal_msg(wparam, lparam); } if (is_ime_ui_msg(msg)) { if ((ui_hwnd = get_ime_ui_window())) { if (ansi) return SendMessageA(ui_hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); else return SendMessageW(ui_hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } return FALSE; } if (ansi) return DefWindowProcA(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); else return DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } /*********************************************************************** * CtfImmIsCiceroEnabled (IMM32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI CtfImmIsCiceroEnabled(void) { FIXME("(): stub\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }