/* * Window procedure callbacks * * Copyright 1995 Martin von Loewis * Copyright 1996 Alexandre Julliard * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "user_private.h" #include "controls.h" #include "dbt.h" #include "wine/asm.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(msg); WINE_DECLARE_DEBUG_CHANNEL(relay); static inline void *get_buffer( void *static_buffer, size_t size, size_t need ) { if (size >= need) return static_buffer; return HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, need ); } static inline void free_buffer( void *static_buffer, void *buffer ) { if (buffer != static_buffer) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer ); } #ifdef __i386__ /* Some window procedures modify registers they shouldn't, or are not * properly declared stdcall; so we need a small assembly wrapper to * call them. */ extern LRESULT WINPROC_wrapper( WNDPROC proc, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); __ASM_GLOBAL_FUNC( WINPROC_wrapper, "pushl %ebp\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4\n\t") __ASM_CFI(".cfi_rel_offset %ebp,0\n\t") "movl %esp,%ebp\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_def_cfa_register %ebp\n\t") "pushl %edi\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_rel_offset %edi,-4\n\t") "pushl %esi\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_rel_offset %esi,-8\n\t") "pushl %ebx\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_rel_offset %ebx,-12\n\t") /* TreePad X Enterprise assumes that edi is < 0x80000000 in WM_TIMER messages */ "xorl %edi,%edi\n\t" "subl $12,%esp\n\t" "pushl 24(%ebp)\n\t" "pushl 20(%ebp)\n\t" "pushl 16(%ebp)\n\t" "pushl 12(%ebp)\n\t" "movl 8(%ebp),%eax\n\t" "call *%eax\n\t" "leal -12(%ebp),%esp\n\t" "popl %ebx\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_same_value %ebx\n\t") "popl %esi\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_same_value %esi\n\t") "popl %edi\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_same_value %edi\n\t") "leave\n\t" __ASM_CFI(".cfi_def_cfa %esp,4\n\t") __ASM_CFI(".cfi_same_value %ebp\n\t") "ret" ) #else static inline LRESULT WINPROC_wrapper( WNDPROC proc, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); } #endif /* __i386__ */ static WPARAM map_wparam_char_WtoA( WPARAM wParam, DWORD len ) { WCHAR wch = wParam; BYTE ch[2]; DWORD cp = get_input_codepage(); len = WideCharToMultiByte( cp, 0, &wch, 1, (LPSTR)ch, len, NULL, NULL ); if (len == 2) return MAKEWPARAM( (ch[0] << 8) | ch[1], HIWORD(wParam) ); else return MAKEWPARAM( ch[0], HIWORD(wParam) ); } /* call a 32-bit window procedure */ static LRESULT call_window_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp, LRESULT *result, void *arg ) { WNDPROC proc = arg; TRACE_(relay)( "\1Call window proc %p (hwnd=%p,msg=%s,wp=%08Ix,lp=%08Ix)\n", proc, hwnd, SPY_GetMsgName(msg, hwnd), wp, lp ); *result = WINPROC_wrapper( proc, hwnd, msg, wp, lp ); TRACE_(relay)( "\1Ret window proc %p (hwnd=%p,msg=%s,wp=%08Ix,lp=%08Ix) retval=%08Ix\n", proc, hwnd, SPY_GetMsgName(msg, hwnd), wp, lp, *result ); return *result; } /* call a 32-bit dialog procedure */ static LRESULT call_dialog_proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp, LRESULT *result, void *arg ) { DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT context; WNDPROC proc = arg; LRESULT ret; hwnd = WIN_GetFullHandle( hwnd ); TRACE_(relay)( "\1Call dialog proc %p (hwnd=%p,msg=%s,wp=%08Ix,lp=%08Ix)\n", proc, hwnd, SPY_GetMsgName(msg, hwnd), wp, lp ); context = SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext( GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext( hwnd )); ret = WINPROC_wrapper( proc, hwnd, msg, wp, lp ); *result = GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT ); SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext( context ); TRACE_(relay)( "\1Ret dialog proc %p (hwnd=%p,msg=%s,wp=%08Ix,lp=%08Ix) retval=%08Ix result=%08Ix\n", proc, hwnd, SPY_GetMsgName(msg, hwnd), wp, lp, ret, *result ); return ret; } /********************************************************************** * WINPROC_AllocProc * * Allocate a window procedure for a window or class. * * Note that allocated winprocs are never freed; the idea is that even if an app creates a * lot of windows, it will usually only have a limited number of window procedures, so the * array won't grow too large, and this way we avoid the need to track allocations per window. */ static WNDPROC WINPROC_AllocProc( WNDPROC func, BOOL unicode ) { return (WNDPROC)NtUserCallTwoParam( (UINT_PTR)func, !unicode, NtUserAllocWinProc ); } /********************************************************************** * WINPROC_TestLBForStr * * Return TRUE if the lparam is a string */ static inline BOOL WINPROC_TestLBForStr( HWND hwnd, UINT msg ) { DWORD style = GetWindowLongA( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ); if (msg <= CB_MSGMAX) return (!(style & (CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE)) || (style & CBS_HASSTRINGS)); else return (!(style & (LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE)) || (style & LBS_HASSTRINGS)); } /********************************************************************** * WINPROC_CallProcAtoW * * Call a window procedure, translating args from Ansi to Unicode. */ LRESULT WINPROC_CallProcAtoW( winproc_callback_t callback, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *result, void *arg, enum wm_char_mapping mapping ) { LRESULT ret = 0; TRACE( "(hwnd=%p,msg=%s,wp=%08Ix,lp=%08Ix)\n", hwnd, SPY_GetMsgName(msg, hwnd), wParam, lParam ); switch(msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: case WM_CREATE: { WCHAR *ptr, buffer[512]; CREATESTRUCTA *csA = (CREATESTRUCTA *)lParam; CREATESTRUCTW csW = *(CREATESTRUCTW *)csA; MDICREATESTRUCTW mdi_cs; DWORD name_lenA = 0, name_lenW = 0, class_lenA = 0, class_lenW = 0; if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(csA->lpszClass)) { class_lenA = strlen(csA->lpszClass) + 1; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize( &class_lenW, csA->lpszClass, class_lenA ); } if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(csA->lpszName)) { name_lenA = strlen(csA->lpszName) + 1; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize( &name_lenW, csA->lpszName, name_lenA ); } if (!(ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), class_lenW + name_lenW ))) break; if (class_lenW) { csW.lpszClass = ptr; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( ptr, class_lenW, NULL, csA->lpszClass, class_lenA ); } if (name_lenW) { csW.lpszName = ptr + class_lenW/sizeof(WCHAR); RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( ptr + class_lenW/sizeof(WCHAR), name_lenW, NULL, csA->lpszName, name_lenA ); } if (GetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_MDICHILD) { mdi_cs = *(MDICREATESTRUCTW *)csA->lpCreateParams; mdi_cs.szTitle = csW.lpszName; mdi_cs.szClass = csW.lpszClass; csW.lpCreateParams = &mdi_cs; } ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)&csW, result, arg ); free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } break; case WM_MDICREATE: { WCHAR *ptr, buffer[512]; DWORD title_lenA = 0, title_lenW = 0, class_lenA = 0, class_lenW = 0; MDICREATESTRUCTA *csA = (MDICREATESTRUCTA *)lParam; MDICREATESTRUCTW csW; memcpy( &csW, csA, sizeof(csW) ); if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(csA->szTitle)) { title_lenA = strlen(csA->szTitle) + 1; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize( &title_lenW, csA->szTitle, title_lenA ); } if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(csA->szClass)) { class_lenA = strlen(csA->szClass) + 1; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize( &class_lenW, csA->szClass, class_lenA ); } if (!(ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), title_lenW + class_lenW ))) break; if (title_lenW) { csW.szTitle = ptr; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( ptr, title_lenW, NULL, csA->szTitle, title_lenA ); } if (class_lenW) { csW.szClass = ptr + title_lenW/sizeof(WCHAR); RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( ptr + title_lenW/sizeof(WCHAR), class_lenW, NULL, csA->szClass, class_lenA ); } ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)&csW, result, arg ); free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } break; case WM_GETTEXT: case WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME: { WCHAR *ptr, buffer[512]; LPSTR str = (LPSTR)lParam; DWORD len = wParam * sizeof(WCHAR); if (!(ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), len ))) break; ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)ptr, result, arg ); if (wParam) { len = 0; if (*result) RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN( str, wParam - 1, &len, ptr, ret * sizeof(WCHAR) ); str[len] = 0; *result = len; } free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } break; case LB_ADDSTRING: case LB_INSERTSTRING: case LB_FINDSTRING: case LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT: case LB_SELECTSTRING: case CB_ADDSTRING: case CB_INSERTSTRING: case CB_FINDSTRING: case CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT: case CB_SELECTSTRING: if (!lParam || !WINPROC_TestLBForStr( hwnd, msg )) { ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; } /* fall through */ case WM_SETTEXT: case WM_WININICHANGE: case WM_DEVMODECHANGE: case CB_DIR: case LB_DIR: case LB_ADDFILE: case EM_REPLACESEL: if (!lParam) ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); else { WCHAR *ptr, buffer[512]; LPCSTR strA = (LPCSTR)lParam; DWORD lenW, lenA = strlen(strA) + 1; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize( &lenW, strA, lenA ); if ((ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), lenW ))) { RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( ptr, lenW, NULL, strA, lenA ); ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)ptr, result, arg ); free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } } break; case LB_GETTEXT: case CB_GETLBTEXT: if (lParam && WINPROC_TestLBForStr( hwnd, msg )) { WCHAR buffer[512]; /* FIXME: fixed sized buffer */ ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)buffer, result, arg ); if (*result >= 0) { DWORD len; RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN( (LPSTR)lParam, 512 * 3, &len, buffer, (lstrlenW(buffer) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); *result = len - 1; } } else ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; case EM_GETLINE: { WCHAR *ptr, buffer[512]; WORD len = *(WORD *)lParam; if (!(ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), len * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) break; *((WORD *)ptr) = len; /* store the length */ ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)ptr, result, arg ); if (*result) { DWORD reslen; RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN( (LPSTR)lParam, len, &reslen, ptr, *result * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (reslen < len) ((LPSTR)lParam)[reslen] = 0; *result = reslen; } free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } break; case WM_GETDLGCODE: if (lParam) { MSG newmsg = *(MSG *)lParam; if (map_wparam_AtoW( newmsg.message, &newmsg.wParam, WMCHAR_MAP_NOMAPPING )) ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)&newmsg, result, arg ); } else ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; case WM_CHARTOITEM: case WM_MENUCHAR: case WM_CHAR: case WM_DEADCHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_SYSDEADCHAR: case EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR: case WM_IME_CHAR: if (map_wparam_AtoW( msg, &wParam, mapping )) ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH: case CB_GETLBTEXTLEN: case LB_GETTEXTLEN: ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); if (*result >= 0) { WCHAR *ptr, buffer[512]; LRESULT tmp; DWORD len = *result + 1; /* Determine respective GETTEXT message */ UINT msgGetText = (msg == WM_GETTEXTLENGTH) ? WM_GETTEXT : ((msg == CB_GETLBTEXTLEN) ? CB_GETLBTEXT : LB_GETTEXT); /* wParam differs between the messages */ WPARAM wp = (msg == WM_GETTEXTLENGTH) ? len : wParam; if (!(ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), len * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) break; if (callback == call_window_proc) /* FIXME: hack */ callback( hwnd, msgGetText, wp, (LPARAM)ptr, &tmp, arg ); else tmp = SendMessageW( hwnd, msgGetText, wp, (LPARAM)ptr ); RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize( &len, ptr, tmp * sizeof(WCHAR) ); *result = len; free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } break; case WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD: case WM_SIZECLIPBOARD: FIXME( "message %s (0x%x) needs translation, please report\n", SPY_GetMsgName(msg, hwnd), msg ); break; default: ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; } return ret; } /********************************************************************** * WINPROC_CallProcWtoA * * Call a window procedure, translating args from Unicode to Ansi. */ static LRESULT WINPROC_CallProcWtoA( winproc_callback_t callback, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *result, void *arg ) { LRESULT ret = 0; TRACE( "(hwnd=%p,msg=%s,wp=%08Ix,lp=%08Ix)\n", hwnd, SPY_GetMsgName(msg, hwnd), wParam, lParam ); switch(msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: case WM_CREATE: { char buffer[1024], *cls; CREATESTRUCTW *csW = (CREATESTRUCTW *)lParam; CREATESTRUCTA csA = *(CREATESTRUCTA *)csW; MDICREATESTRUCTA mdi_cs; DWORD name_lenA = 0, name_lenW = 0, class_lenA = 0, class_lenW = 0; char int_name_buf[4]; if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(csW->lpszClass)) { class_lenW = (lstrlenW(csW->lpszClass) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize(&class_lenA, csW->lpszClass, class_lenW); } if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(csW->lpszName)) { /* resource ID string is a special case */ if (csW->lpszName[0] == 0xffff) { int_name_buf[0] = 0xff; int_name_buf[1] = csW->lpszName[1]; int_name_buf[2] = csW->lpszName[1] >> 8; int_name_buf[3] = 0; csA.lpszName = int_name_buf; } else { name_lenW = (lstrlenW(csW->lpszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize(&name_lenA, csW->lpszName, name_lenW); } } if (!(cls = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), class_lenA + name_lenA ))) break; if (class_lenA) { RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN(cls, class_lenA, NULL, csW->lpszClass, class_lenW); csA.lpszClass = cls; } if (name_lenA) { char *name = cls + class_lenA; RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN(name, name_lenA, NULL, csW->lpszName, name_lenW); csA.lpszName = name; } if (GetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_MDICHILD) { mdi_cs = *(MDICREATESTRUCTA *)csW->lpCreateParams; mdi_cs.szTitle = csA.lpszName; mdi_cs.szClass = csA.lpszClass; csA.lpCreateParams = &mdi_cs; } ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)&csA, result, arg ); free_buffer( buffer, cls ); } break; case WM_GETTEXT: case WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME: { char *ptr, buffer[512]; DWORD len = wParam * 2; if (!(ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), len ))) break; ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)ptr, result, arg ); if (len) { if (*result) { RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( (LPWSTR)lParam, wParam*sizeof(WCHAR), &len, ptr, ret + 1 ); *result = len/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; /* do not count terminating null */ } ((LPWSTR)lParam)[*result] = 0; } free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } break; case LB_ADDSTRING: case LB_INSERTSTRING: case LB_FINDSTRING: case LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT: case LB_SELECTSTRING: case CB_ADDSTRING: case CB_INSERTSTRING: case CB_FINDSTRING: case CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT: case CB_SELECTSTRING: if (!lParam || !WINPROC_TestLBForStr( hwnd, msg )) { ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; } /* fall through */ case WM_SETTEXT: case WM_WININICHANGE: case WM_DEVMODECHANGE: case CB_DIR: case LB_DIR: case LB_ADDFILE: case EM_REPLACESEL: if (!lParam) ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); else { char *ptr, buffer[512]; LPCWSTR strW = (LPCWSTR)lParam; DWORD lenA, lenW = (lstrlenW(strW) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize( &lenA, strW, lenW ); if ((ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), lenA ))) { RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN( ptr, lenA, NULL, strW, lenW ); ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)ptr, result, arg ); free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } } break; case WM_MDICREATE: { char *ptr, buffer[1024]; DWORD title_lenA = 0, title_lenW = 0, class_lenA = 0, class_lenW = 0; MDICREATESTRUCTW *csW = (MDICREATESTRUCTW *)lParam; MDICREATESTRUCTA csA; memcpy( &csA, csW, sizeof(csA) ); if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(csW->szTitle)) { title_lenW = (lstrlenW(csW->szTitle) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize( &title_lenA, csW->szTitle, title_lenW ); } if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(csW->szClass)) { class_lenW = (lstrlenW(csW->szClass) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize( &class_lenA, csW->szClass, class_lenW ); } if (!(ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), title_lenA + class_lenA ))) break; if (title_lenA) { RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN( ptr, title_lenA, NULL, csW->szTitle, title_lenW ); csA.szTitle = ptr; } if (class_lenA) { RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN( ptr + title_lenA, class_lenA, NULL, csW->szClass, class_lenW ); csA.szClass = ptr + title_lenA; } ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)&csA, result, arg ); free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } break; case LB_GETTEXT: case CB_GETLBTEXT: if (lParam && WINPROC_TestLBForStr( hwnd, msg )) { char buffer[512]; /* FIXME: fixed sized buffer */ ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)buffer, result, arg ); if (*result >= 0) { DWORD len; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( (LPWSTR)lParam, 512 * 3, &len, buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1 ); *result = len / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; } } else ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; case EM_GETLINE: { char *ptr, buffer[512]; WORD len = *(WORD *)lParam; if (!(ptr = get_buffer( buffer, sizeof(buffer), len * 2 ))) break; *((WORD *)ptr) = len * 2; /* store the length */ ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)ptr, result, arg ); if (*result) { DWORD reslen; RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( (LPWSTR)lParam, len*sizeof(WCHAR), &reslen, ptr, *result ); *result = reslen / sizeof(WCHAR); if (*result < len) ((LPWSTR)lParam)[*result] = 0; } free_buffer( buffer, ptr ); } break; case WM_GETDLGCODE: if (lParam) { MSG newmsg = *(MSG *)lParam; switch(newmsg.message) { case WM_CHAR: case WM_DEADCHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_SYSDEADCHAR: newmsg.wParam = map_wparam_char_WtoA( newmsg.wParam, 1 ); break; case WM_IME_CHAR: newmsg.wParam = map_wparam_char_WtoA( newmsg.wParam, 2 ); break; } ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, (LPARAM)&newmsg, result, arg ); } else ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; case WM_CHAR: { WCHAR wch = wParam; char ch[2]; DWORD cp = get_input_codepage(); DWORD len = WideCharToMultiByte( cp, 0, &wch, 1, ch, 2, NULL, NULL ); ret = callback( hwnd, msg, (BYTE)ch[0], lParam, result, arg ); if (len == 2) ret = callback( hwnd, msg, (BYTE)ch[1], lParam, result, arg ); } break; case WM_CHARTOITEM: case WM_MENUCHAR: case WM_DEADCHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_SYSDEADCHAR: case EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR: ret = callback( hwnd, msg, map_wparam_char_WtoA(wParam,1), lParam, result, arg ); break; case WM_IME_CHAR: ret = callback( hwnd, msg, map_wparam_char_WtoA(wParam,2), lParam, result, arg ); break; case WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD: case WM_SIZECLIPBOARD: FIXME( "message %s (%04x) needs translation, please report\n", SPY_GetMsgName(msg, hwnd), msg ); break; default: ret = callback( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, result, arg ); break; } return ret; } LRESULT dispatch_win_proc_params( struct win_proc_params *params ) { DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT context = SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext( params->dpi_awareness ); LRESULT result = 0; if (!params->ansi) { if (params->procW == WINPROC_PROC16) WINPROC_CallProcWtoA( wow_handlers.call_window_proc, params->hwnd, params->msg, params->wparam, params->lparam, &result, params->func ); else if (!params->ansi_dst) call_window_proc( params->hwnd, params->msg, params->wparam, params->lparam, &result, params->procW ); else WINPROC_CallProcWtoA( call_window_proc, params->hwnd, params->msg, params->wparam, params->lparam, &result, params->procA ); } else { if (params->procA == WINPROC_PROC16) wow_handlers.call_window_proc( params->hwnd, params->msg, params->wparam, params->lparam, &result, params->func ); else if (!params->ansi_dst) WINPROC_CallProcAtoW( call_window_proc, params->hwnd, params->msg, params->wparam, params->lparam, &result, params->procW, params->mapping ); else call_window_proc( params->hwnd, params->msg, params->wparam, params->lparam, &result, params->procA ); } SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext( context ); return result; } static size_t string_size( const void *str, BOOL ansi ) { return ansi ? strlen( str ) + 1 : (wcslen( str ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); } /*********************************************************************** * unpack_message * * Unpack a message received from win32u. */ void unpack_message( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM *wparam, LPARAM *lparam, void *buffer, size_t size, BOOL ansi ) { switch(message) { case WM_NCCREATE: case WM_CREATE: { CREATESTRUCTA *cs = buffer; char *str = (char *)(cs + 1); if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(cs->lpszName)) { cs->lpszName = str; str += string_size( str, ansi ); } if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(cs->lpszClass)) { cs->lpszClass = str; } break; } case WM_NCCALCSIZE: if (*wparam) { NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *ncp = buffer; ncp->lppos = (WINDOWPOS *)((NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS *)ncp + 1); } break; case WM_COPYDATA: { COPYDATASTRUCT *cds = buffer; if (cds->lpData) cds->lpData = cds + 1; break; } case EM_GETSEL: case SBM_GETRANGE: case CB_GETEDITSEL: { DWORD *ptr = buffer; *wparam = (WPARAM)ptr++; *lparam = (LPARAM)ptr; return; } case WM_MDICREATE: { MDICREATESTRUCTA *mcs = buffer; char *str = (char *)(mcs + 1); if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(mcs->szClass)) { mcs->szClass = str; str += string_size( mcs->szClass, ansi ); } if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(mcs->szTitle)) { mcs->szTitle = str; } break; } } *lparam = (LPARAM)buffer; } BOOL WINAPI User32CallWindowProc( struct win_proc_params *params, ULONG size ) { size_t packed_size = 0; void *buffer = NULL; LRESULT result; if (size > sizeof(*params)) { const size_t offset = (sizeof(*params) + 15) & ~15; packed_size = size - offset; buffer = (char *)params + offset; unpack_message( params->hwnd, params->msg, ¶ms->wparam, ¶ms->lparam, buffer, packed_size, params->ansi ); } result = dispatch_win_proc_params( params ); if (packed_size) { LRESULT *result_ptr = (LRESULT *)buffer - 1; *result_ptr = result; return NtCallbackReturn( result_ptr, sizeof(*result_ptr) + packed_size, TRUE ); } return NtCallbackReturn( &result, sizeof(result), TRUE ); } BOOL WINAPI User32CallSendAsyncCallback( const struct send_async_params *params, ULONG size ) { params->callback( params->hwnd, params->msg, params->data, params->result ); return TRUE; } /********************************************************************** * CallWindowProcA (USER32.@) * * The CallWindowProc() function invokes the windows procedure _func_, * with _hwnd_ as the target window, the message specified by _msg_, and * the message parameters _wParam_ and _lParam_. * * Some kinds of argument conversion may be done, I'm not sure what. * * CallWindowProc() may be used for windows subclassing. Use * SetWindowLong() to set a new windows procedure for windows of the * subclass, and handle subclassed messages in the new windows * procedure. The new windows procedure may then use CallWindowProc() * with _func_ set to the parent class's windows procedure to dispatch * the message to the superclass. * * RETURNS * * The return value is message dependent. * * CONFORMANCE * * ECMA-234, Win32 */ LRESULT WINAPI CallWindowProcA( WNDPROC func, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { struct win_proc_params params; params.func = func; if (!NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, ¶ms, NtUserCallWindowProc, TRUE )) return 0; return dispatch_win_proc_params( ¶ms ); } /********************************************************************** * CallWindowProcW (USER32.@) * * See CallWindowProcA. */ LRESULT WINAPI CallWindowProcW( WNDPROC func, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { struct win_proc_params params; params.func = func; if (!NtUserMessageCall( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, ¶ms, NtUserCallWindowProc, FALSE )) return 0; return dispatch_win_proc_params( ¶ms ); } /********************************************************************** * WINPROC_CallDlgProcA */ INT_PTR WINPROC_CallDlgProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { DLGPROC func, proc; LRESULT result; #ifdef _WIN64 proc = (DLGPROC)NtUserGetWindowLongPtrA( hwnd, DWLP_DLGPROC ); #else proc = (DLGPROC)NtUserGetWindowLongA( hwnd, DWLP_DLGPROC ); #endif if (!proc) return 0; if (!(func = NtUserGetDialogProc( proc, TRUE )) && !(func = NtUserGetDialogProc( proc, FALSE ))) return 0; if (func == WINPROC_PROC16) { INT_PTR ret; ret = wow_handlers.call_dialog_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, &result, proc ); SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, result ); return ret; } return call_dialog_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, &result, func ); } /********************************************************************** * WINPROC_CallDlgProcW */ INT_PTR WINPROC_CallDlgProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { DLGPROC func, proc; LRESULT result; #ifdef _WIN64 proc = (DLGPROC)NtUserGetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, DWLP_DLGPROC ); #else proc = (DLGPROC)NtUserGetWindowLongW( hwnd, DWLP_DLGPROC ); #endif if (!proc) return 0; if (!(func = NtUserGetDialogProc( proc, FALSE )) && !(func = NtUserGetDialogProc( proc, TRUE ))) return 0; if (func == WINPROC_PROC16) { INT_PTR ret; ret = WINPROC_CallProcWtoA( wow_handlers.call_dialog_proc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, &result, proc ); SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, result ); return ret; } return call_dialog_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, &result, func ); } /*********************************************************************** * Window procedures for builtin classes */ static LRESULT WINAPI ButtonWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.button_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, FALSE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI ButtonWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.button_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, TRUE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI ComboWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.combo_proc( hwnd, message, wParam, lParam, FALSE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI ComboWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.combo_proc( hwnd, message, wParam, lParam, TRUE ); } LRESULT WINAPI EditWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.edit_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, FALSE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI EditWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.edit_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, TRUE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI ListBoxWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.listbox_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, FALSE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI ListBoxWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.listbox_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, TRUE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI MDIClientWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.mdiclient_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, FALSE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI MDIClientWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.mdiclient_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, TRUE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI ScrollBarWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.scrollbar_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, FALSE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI ScrollBarWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.scrollbar_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, TRUE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI StaticWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.static_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, FALSE ); } static LRESULT WINAPI StaticWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return wow_handlers.static_proc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, TRUE ); } /********************************************************************** * UserRegisterWowHandlers (USER32.@) * * NOTE: no attempt has been made to be compatible here, * the Windows function is most likely completely different. */ void WINAPI UserRegisterWowHandlers( const struct wow_handlers16 *new, struct wow_handlers32 *orig ) { orig->button_proc = ButtonWndProc_common; orig->combo_proc = ComboWndProc_common; orig->edit_proc = EditWndProc_common; orig->listbox_proc = ListBoxWndProc_common; orig->mdiclient_proc = MDIClientWndProc_common; orig->scrollbar_proc = ScrollBarWndProc_common; orig->static_proc = StaticWndProc_common; orig->create_window = WIN_CreateWindowEx; orig->get_win_handle = WIN_GetFullHandle; orig->alloc_winproc = WINPROC_AllocProc; orig->get_dialog_info = DIALOG_get_info; orig->dialog_box_loop = DIALOG_DoDialogBox; wow_handlers = *new; } struct wow_handlers16 wow_handlers = { ButtonWndProc_common, ComboWndProc_common, EditWndProc_common, ListBoxWndProc_common, MDIClientWndProc_common, ScrollBarWndProc_common, StaticWndProc_common, WIN_CreateWindowEx, NULL, /* call_window_proc */ NULL, /* call_dialog_proc */ }; static const struct user_client_procs client_procsA = { .pButtonWndProc = ButtonWndProcA, .pComboWndProc = ComboWndProcA, .pDefWindowProc = DefWindowProcA, .pDefDlgProc = DefDlgProcA, .pEditWndProc = EditWndProcA, .pListBoxWndProc = ListBoxWndProcA, .pMDIClientWndProc = MDIClientWndProcA, .pScrollBarWndProc = ScrollBarWndProcA, .pStaticWndProc = StaticWndProcA, .pImeWndProc = ImeWndProcA, }; static const struct user_client_procs client_procsW = { .pButtonWndProc = ButtonWndProcW, .pComboWndProc = ComboWndProcW, .pDefWindowProc = DefWindowProcW, .pDefDlgProc = DefDlgProcW, .pEditWndProc = EditWndProcW, .pListBoxWndProc = ListBoxWndProcW, .pMDIClientWndProc = MDIClientWndProcW, .pScrollBarWndProc = ScrollBarWndProcW, .pStaticWndProc = StaticWndProcW, .pImeWndProc = ImeWndProcW, .pDesktopWndProc = DesktopWndProc, .pIconTitleWndProc = IconTitleWndProc, .pPopupMenuWndProc = PopupMenuWndProc, .pMessageWndProc = MessageWndProc, }; void winproc_init(void) { NtUserInitializeClientPfnArrays( &client_procsA, &client_procsW, NULL, user32_module ); }