/* * Copyright 2022 Ziqing Hui for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ import "d2d1_2.idl"; import "d2d1effects_2.idl"; interface IDWriteFontFace; typedef enum D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE { D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE_ROUND = 0x0, D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE_SQUARE = 0x1, D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE; typedef enum D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE { D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE_ALIASED = 0x0, D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE_ANTIALIASED = 0x1, D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE_ALIASED_INFLATED = 0x2, D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE; typedef enum D2D1_ORIENTATION { D2D1_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = 0x1, D2D1_ORIENTATION_FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 0x2, D2D1_ORIENTATION_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE180 = 0x3, D2D1_ORIENTATION_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE180_FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 0x4, D2D1_ORIENTATION_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE90_FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 0x5, D2D1_ORIENTATION_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE270 = 0x6, D2D1_ORIENTATION_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE270_FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 0x7, D2D1_ORIENTATION_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE90 = 0x8, D2D1_ORIENTATION_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_ORIENTATION; typedef enum D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS { D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS_NONE = 0x0, D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS_DISABLE_DPI_SCALE = 0x1, D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS; typedef enum D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS { D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS_NONE = 0x0, D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS_RELEASE_SOURCE = 0x1, D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS_CACHE_ON_DEMAND = 0x2, D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS; typedef enum D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS { D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS_NONE = 0x0, D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS_LOW_QUALITY_PRIMARY_CONVERSION = 0x1, D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS; typedef enum D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS { D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS_NONE = 0x0, D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS_CLAMP_TO_SOURCE_RECTANGLE = 0x1, D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS; typedef enum D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION { D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION_DEFAULT = 0x0, D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION_DISABLE = 0x1, D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION; typedef enum D2D1_GAMMA1 { D2D1_GAMMA1_G22 = D2D1_GAMMA_2_2, D2D1_GAMMA1_G10 = D2D1_GAMMA_1_0, D2D1_GAMMA1_G2084 = 2, D2D1_GAMMA1_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_GAMMA1; typedef enum D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE { D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE_ICC = 0x0, D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE_SIMPLE = 0x1, D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE_DXGI = 0x2, D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE; typedef struct D2D1_INK_POINT { float x; float y; float radius; } D2D1_INK_POINT; typedef struct D2D1_INK_BEZIER_SEGMENT { D2D1_INK_POINT point1; D2D1_INK_POINT point2; D2D1_INK_POINT point3; } D2D1_INK_BEZIER_SEGMENT; typedef struct D2D1_INK_STYLE_PROPERTIES { D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE nibShape; D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F nibTransform; } D2D1_INK_STYLE_PROPERTIES; typedef struct D2D1_GRADIENT_MESH_PATCH { D2D1_POINT_2F point00; D2D1_POINT_2F point01; D2D1_POINT_2F point02; D2D1_POINT_2F point03; D2D1_POINT_2F point10; D2D1_POINT_2F point11; D2D1_POINT_2F point12; D2D1_POINT_2F point13; D2D1_POINT_2F point20; D2D1_POINT_2F point21; D2D1_POINT_2F point22; D2D1_POINT_2F point23; D2D1_POINT_2F point30; D2D1_POINT_2F point31; D2D1_POINT_2F point32; D2D1_POINT_2F point33; D2D1_COLOR_F color00; D2D1_COLOR_F color03; D2D1_COLOR_F color30; D2D1_COLOR_F color33; D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE topEdgeMode; D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE leftEdgeMode; D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE bottomEdgeMode; D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE rightEdgeMode; } D2D1_GRADIENT_MESH_PATCH; typedef struct D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_PROPERTIES { D2D1_ORIENTATION orientation; float scaleX; float scaleY; D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode; D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS options; } D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_PROPERTIES; typedef struct D2D1_SIMPLE_COLOR_PROFILE { D2D1_POINT_2F redPrimary; D2D1_POINT_2F greenPrimary; D2D1_POINT_2F bluePrimary; D2D1_POINT_2F whitePointXZ; D2D1_GAMMA1 gamma; } D2D1_SIMPLE_COLOR_PROFILE; [ object, uuid(bae8b344-23fc-4071-8cb5-d05d6f073848), local, ] interface ID2D1InkStyle : ID2D1Resource { void SetNibTransform( [in] const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *transform ); void GetNibTransform( [out] D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *transform ); void SetNibShape( [in] D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE shape ); D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE GetNibShape(); } [ object, uuid(b499923b-7029-478f-a8b3-432c7c5f5312), local, ] interface ID2D1Ink : ID2D1Resource { void SetStartPoint( [in] const D2D1_INK_POINT *start_point ); D2D1_INK_POINT GetStartPoint(); HRESULT AddSegments( [in] const D2D1_INK_BEZIER_SEGMENT *segments, [in] UINT32 segment_count ); HRESULT RemoveSegmentsAtEnd( [in] UINT32 segment_count ); HRESULT SetSegments( [in] UINT32 start_segment, [in] const D2D1_INK_BEZIER_SEGMENT *segments, [in] UINT32 segment_count ); HRESULT SetSegmentAtEnd( [in] const D2D1_INK_BEZIER_SEGMENT *segment ); UINT32 GetSegmentCount(); HRESULT GetSegments( [in] UINT32 start_segment, [out] D2D1_INK_BEZIER_SEGMENT *segments, [in] UINT32 segment_count ); HRESULT StreamAsGeometry( [in, optional] ID2D1InkStyle *ink_style, [in, optional] const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *world_transform, [in] float flattening_tolerance, [in] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometry_sink ); HRESULT GetBounds( [in, optional] ID2D1InkStyle *ink_style, [in, optional] const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *world_transform, [out] D2D1_RECT_F *bounds ); } [ object, uuid(f292e401-c050-4cde-83d7-04962d3b23c2), local, ] interface ID2D1GradientMesh : ID2D1Resource { UINT32 GetPatchCount(); HRESULT GetPatches( [in] UINT32 start_index, [out] D2D1_GRADIENT_MESH_PATCH *patches, [in] UINT32 patch_count ); } [ object, uuid(c9b664e5-74a1-4378-9ac2-eefc37a3f4d8), local, ] interface ID2D1ImageSource : ID2D1Image { HRESULT OfferResources(); HRESULT TryReclaimResources( [out] BOOL *resources_discarded ); } [ object, uuid(77395441-1c8f-4555-8683-f50dab0fe792), local, ] interface ID2D1ImageSourceFromWic : ID2D1ImageSource { HRESULT EnsureCached( [in, optional] const D2D1_RECT_U *rect_to_fill ); HRESULT TrimCache( [in, optional] const D2D1_RECT_U *rect_to_preserve ); void GetSource( [out] IWICBitmapSource **source ); } [ object, uuid(7f1f79e5-2796-416c-8f55-700f911445e5), local, ] interface ID2D1TransformedImageSource : ID2D1Image { void GetSource( [out] ID2D1ImageSource **source ); void GetProperties( [out] D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_PROPERTIES *out ); } [ object, uuid(53dd9855-a3b0-4d5b-82e1-26e25c5e5797), local, ] interface ID2D1LookupTable3D : ID2D1Resource { } [ object, uuid(4dc583bf-3a10-438a-8722-e9765224f1f1), local, ] interface ID2D1SpriteBatch : ID2D1Resource { HRESULT AddSprites( [in] UINT32 sprite_count, [in] const D2D1_RECT_F *destination_rectangles, [in] const D2D1_RECT_U *source_rectangles, [in] const D2D1_COLOR_F *colors, [in] const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *transforms, [in] UINT32 destination_rectangles_stride, [in] UINT32 source_rectangles_stride, [in] UINT32 colors_stride, [in] UINT32 transforms_stride ); HRESULT SetSprites( [in] UINT32 start_index, [in] UINT32 sprite_count, [in] const D2D1_RECT_F *destination_rectangles, [in] const D2D1_RECT_U *source_rectangles, [in] const D2D1_COLOR_F *colors, [in] const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *transforms, [in] UINT32 destination_rectangles_stride, [in] UINT32 source_rectangles_stride, [in] UINT32 colors_stride, [in] UINT32 transforms_stride ); HRESULT GetSprites( [in] UINT32 start_index, [in] UINT32 sprite_count, [out, optional] D2D1_RECT_F *destination_rectangles, [out, optional] D2D1_RECT_U *source_rectangles, [out, optional] D2D1_COLOR_F *colors, [out, optional] D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *transforms ); UINT32 GetSpriteCount(void); void Clear(void); } [ object, uuid(af671749-d241-4db8-8e41-dcc2e5c1a438), local, ] interface ID2D1SvgGlyphStyle : ID2D1Resource { HRESULT SetFill( [in, optional] ID2D1Brush *brush ); void GetFill( [out] ID2D1Brush **brush ); HRESULT SetStroke( [in, optional] ID2D1Brush *brush, [in] FLOAT stroke_width, [in, optional] const FLOAT *dashes, [in, optional] UINT32 dashes_count, [in] FLOAT dash_offset ); UINT32 GetStrokeDashesCount(void); void GetStroke( [out, optional] ID2D1Brush **brush, [out, optional] FLOAT *stroke_width, [out, optional] FLOAT *dashes, [in, optional] UINT32 dashes_count, [out, optional] FLOAT *dash_offset ); } [ object, uuid(394ea6a3-0c34-4321-950b-6ca20f0be6c7), local, ] interface ID2D1DeviceContext2 : ID2D1DeviceContext1 { HRESULT CreateInk( [in] const D2D1_INK_POINT *start_point, [out] ID2D1Ink **ink ); HRESULT CreateInkStyle( [in, optional] const D2D1_INK_STYLE_PROPERTIES *ink_style_properties, [out] ID2D1InkStyle **ink_style ); HRESULT CreateGradientMesh( [in] const D2D1_GRADIENT_MESH_PATCH *patches, [in] UINT32 patches_count, [out] ID2D1GradientMesh **gradient_mesh ); HRESULT CreateImageSourceFromWic( [in] IWICBitmapSource *wic_bitmap_source, [in] D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS loading_options, [in] D2D1_ALPHA_MODE alpha_mode, [out] ID2D1ImageSourceFromWic **image_source ); HRESULT CreateLookupTable3D( [in] D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION precision, [in] const UINT32 *extents, [in] const BYTE *data, [in] UINT32 data_count, [in] const UINT32 *strides, [out] ID2D1LookupTable3D **lookup_table ); HRESULT CreateImageSourceFromDxgi( [in] IDXGISurface **surfaces, [in] UINT32 surface_count, [in] DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE color_space, [in] D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS options, [out] ID2D1ImageSource **image_source ); HRESULT GetGradientMeshWorldBounds( [in] ID2D1GradientMesh *gradient_mesh, [out] D2D1_RECT_F *bounds ); void DrawInk( [in] ID2D1Ink *ink, [in] ID2D1Brush *brush, [in, optional] ID2D1InkStyle *ink_style ); void DrawGradientMesh( [in] ID2D1GradientMesh *gradient_mesh ); void DrawGdiMetafile( [in] ID2D1GdiMetafile *gdi_metafile, [in, optional] const D2D1_RECT_F *dst_rect, [in, optional] const D2D1_RECT_F *src_rect ); HRESULT CreateTransformedImageSource( [in] ID2D1ImageSource *source, [in] const D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_PROPERTIES *props, [out] ID2D1TransformedImageSource **transformed ); } [ object, uuid(235a7496-8351-414c-bcd4-6672ab2d8e00), local, ] interface ID2D1DeviceContext3 : ID2D1DeviceContext2 { HRESULT CreateSpriteBatch( [out] ID2D1SpriteBatch **sprite_batch ); void DrawSpriteBatch( [in] ID2D1SpriteBatch *sprite_batch, [in] UINT32 start_index, [in] UINT32 sprite_count, [in] ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, [in] D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolation_mode, [in] D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS sprite_options ); } [ object, uuid(8c427831-3d90-4476-b647-c4fae349e4db), local, ] interface ID2D1DeviceContext4 : ID2D1DeviceContext3 { HRESULT CreateSvgGlyphStyle( [out] ID2D1SvgGlyphStyle **svg_glyph_style ); void DrawText( [in] const WCHAR *string, [in] UINT32 string_length, [in] IDWriteTextFormat *text_format, [in] const D2D1_RECT_F *layout_rect, [in, optional] ID2D1Brush *default_fill_brush, [in, optional] ID2D1SvgGlyphStyle *svg_glyph_style, [in, optional] UINT32 color_palette_index, [in] D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS options, [in] DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuring_mode ); void DrawTextLayout( [in] D2D1_POINT_2F origin, [in] IDWriteTextLayout *text_layout, [in, optional] ID2D1Brush *default_fill_brush, [in, optional] ID2D1SvgGlyphStyle *svg_glyph_style, [in, optional] UINT32 color_palette_index, [in] D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS options ); void DrawColorBitmapGlyphRun( [in] DWRITE_GLYPH_IMAGE_FORMATS glyph_image_format, [in] D2D1_POINT_2F baseline_origin, [in] const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyph_run, [in] DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuring_mode, [in] D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION bitmap_snap_option ); void DrawSvgGlyphRun( [in] D2D1_POINT_2F baseline_origin, [in] const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyph_run, [in, optional] ID2D1Brush *default_fill_brush, [in, optional] ID2D1SvgGlyphStyle *svg_glyph_style, [in, optional]UINT32 color_palette_index, [in] DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuring_mode ); HRESULT GetColorBitmapGlyphImage( [in] DWRITE_GLYPH_IMAGE_FORMATS glyph_image_format, [in] D2D1_POINT_2F glyph_origin, [in] IDWriteFontFace *font_face, [in] FLOAT font_em_size, [in] UINT16 glyph_index, [in] BOOL is_sideways, [in, optional] const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *world_transform, [in] FLOAT dpi_x, [in] FLOAT dpi_y, [out] D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *glyph_transform, [out] ID2D1Image **glyph_image ); HRESULT GetSvgGlyphImage( [in] D2D1_POINT_2F glyph_origin, [in] IDWriteFontFace *font_face, [in] FLOAT font_em_size, [in] UINT16 glyph_index, [in] BOOL is_sideways, [in, optional] const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *world_transform, [in, optional] ID2D1Brush *default_fill_brush, [in, optional] ID2D1SvgGlyphStyle *svg_glyph_style, [in] UINT32 color_palette_index, [out] D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *glyph_transform, [out] ID2D1CommandList **glyph_image ); } interface ID2D1SvgDocument; [ object, uuid(1ab42875-c57f-4be9-bd85-9cd78d6f55ee), local, ] interface ID2D1ColorContext1 : ID2D1ColorContext { D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE GetColorContextType(void); DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE GetDXGIColorSpace(void); HRESULT GetSimpleColorProfile( [out] D2D1_SIMPLE_COLOR_PROFILE *simple_profile ); } [ object, uuid(7836d248-68cc-4df6-b9e8-de991bf62eb7), local, ] interface ID2D1DeviceContext5 : ID2D1DeviceContext4 { HRESULT CreateSvgDocument( [in] IStream *input_xml_stream, [in] D2D1_SIZE_F viewport_size, [out] ID2D1SvgDocument **svg_document ); void DrawSvgDocument( [in] ID2D1SvgDocument *svg_document ); HRESULT CreateColorContextFromDxgiColorSpace( [in] DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE color_space, [out] ID2D1ColorContext1 **color_context ); HRESULT CreateColorContextFromSimpleColorProfile( [in] const D2D1_SIMPLE_COLOR_PROFILE *simple_profile, [out] ID2D1ColorContext1 **color_context ); } [ object, uuid(985f7e37-4ed0-4a19-98a3-15b0edfde306), local, ] interface ID2D1DeviceContext6 : ID2D1DeviceContext5 { void BlendImage( [in] ID2D1Image *image, [in] D2D1_BLEND_MODE blend_mode, [in] const D2D1_POINT_2F *target_offset, [in] const D2D1_RECT_F *image_rect, [in] D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolation_mode ); } [ object, uuid(a44472e1-8dfb-4e60-8492-6e2861c9ca8b), local, ] interface ID2D1Device2 : ID2D1Device1 { HRESULT CreateDeviceContext( [in] D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS options, [out] ID2D1DeviceContext2 **context ); void FlushDeviceContexts( [in] ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap ); HRESULT GetDxgiDevice( [out] IDXGIDevice **dxgi_device ); } [ object, uuid(852f2087-802c-4037-ab60-ff2e7ee6fc01), local, ] interface ID2D1Device3 : ID2D1Device2 { HRESULT CreateDeviceContext( [in] D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS options, [out] ID2D1DeviceContext3 **context ); } [ object, uuid(d7bdb159-5683-4a46-bc9c-72dc720b858b), local, ] interface ID2D1Device4 : ID2D1Device3 { HRESULT CreateDeviceContext( [in] D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS options, [out] ID2D1DeviceContext4 **context ); void SetMaximumColorGlyphCacheMemory( UINT64 size ); UINT64 GetMaximumColorGlyphCacheMemory(void); } [ object, uuid(d55ba0a4-6405-4694-aef5-08ee1a4358b4), local, ] interface ID2D1Device5 : ID2D1Device4 { HRESULT CreateDeviceContext( [in] D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS options, [out] ID2D1DeviceContext5 **context ); } [ object, uuid(7bfef914-2d75-4bad-be87-e18ddb077b6d), local, ] interface ID2D1Device6 : ID2D1Device5 { HRESULT CreateDeviceContext( [in] D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS options, [out] ID2D1DeviceContext6 **context ); } [ object, uuid(0869759f-4f00-413f-b03e-2bda45404d0f), local, ] interface ID2D1Factory3 : ID2D1Factory2 { HRESULT CreateDevice( [in] IDXGIDevice *dxgi_device, [out] ID2D1Device2 **d2d_device ); } [ object, uuid(bd4ec2d2-0662-4bee-ba8e-6f29f032e096), local, ] interface ID2D1Factory4 : ID2D1Factory3 { HRESULT CreateDevice( [in] IDXGIDevice *dxgi_device, [out] ID2D1Device3 **d2d_device ); } [ object, uuid(c4349994-838e-4b0f-8cab-44997d9eeacc), local, ] interface ID2D1Factory5 : ID2D1Factory4 { HRESULT CreateDevice( [in] IDXGIDevice *dxgi_device, [out] ID2D1Device4 **d2d_device ); } [ object, uuid(f9976f46-f642-44c1-97ca-da32ea2a2635), local, ] interface ID2D1Factory6 : ID2D1Factory5 { HRESULT CreateDevice( [in] IDXGIDevice *dxgi_device, [out] ID2D1Device5 **d2d_device ); } [ object, uuid(bdc2bdd3-b96c-4de6-bdf7-99d4745454de), local, ] interface ID2D1Factory7 : ID2D1Factory6 { HRESULT CreateDevice( [in] IDXGIDevice *dxgi_device, [out] ID2D1Device6 **d2d_device ); } [ object, uuid(3bab440e-417e-47df-a2e2-bc0be6a00916), local, ] interface ID2D1CommandSink2 : ID2D1CommandSink1 { HRESULT DrawInk( [in] ID2D1Ink *ink, [in] ID2D1Brush *brush, [in] ID2D1InkStyle *ink_style ); HRESULT DrawGradientMesh( [in] ID2D1GradientMesh *gradient_mesh ); HRESULT DrawGdiMetafile( [in] ID2D1GdiMetafile *gdi_metafile, [in] const D2D1_RECT_F *dest_rect, [in] const D2D1_RECT_F *src_rect ); } [ object, uuid(18079135-4cf3-4868-bc8e-06067e6d242d), local, ] interface ID2D1CommandSink3 : ID2D1CommandSink2 { HRESULT DrawSpriteBatch( [in] ID2D1SpriteBatch *sprite_batch, [in] UINT32 start_index, [in] UINT32 sprite_count, [in] ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, [in] D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolation_mode, [in] D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS sprite_options ); } [ object, uuid(c78a6519-40d6-4218-b2de-beeeb744bb3e), local, ] interface ID2D1CommandSink4 : ID2D1CommandSink3 { HRESULT SetPrimitiveBlend2( [in] D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND primitive_blend ); }