/* * IContextMenu for items in the shellview * * Copyright 1998-2000 Juergen Schmied , * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #define COBJMACROS #include "winerror.h" #include "windef.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "pidl.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "prsht.h" #include "shell32_main.h" #include "shellfolder.h" #include "shresdef.h" #include "shlwapi.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(shell); #define FCIDM_BASE 0x7000 #define VERB_ID_OFFSET 0x200 struct verb { WCHAR *desc; WCHAR *verb; }; typedef struct { IContextMenu3 IContextMenu3_iface; IShellExtInit IShellExtInit_iface; IObjectWithSite IObjectWithSite_iface; LONG ref; IShellFolder* parent; struct verb *verbs; size_t verb_count; WCHAR filetype[MAX_PATH]; /* item menu data */ LPITEMIDLIST pidl; /* root pidl */ LPITEMIDLIST *apidl; /* array of child pidls */ UINT cidl; /* background menu data */ BOOL desktop; } ContextMenu; static inline ContextMenu *impl_from_IContextMenu3(IContextMenu3 *iface) { return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, ContextMenu, IContextMenu3_iface); } static inline ContextMenu *impl_from_IShellExtInit(IShellExtInit *iface) { return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, ContextMenu, IShellExtInit_iface); } static inline ContextMenu *impl_from_IObjectWithSite(IObjectWithSite *iface) { return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, ContextMenu, IObjectWithSite_iface); } static HRESULT WINAPI ContextMenu_QueryInterface(IContextMenu3 *iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); TRACE("(%p)->(%s %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), ppvObj); *ppvObj = NULL; if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IContextMenu) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IContextMenu2) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IContextMenu3)) { *ppvObj = &This->IContextMenu3_iface; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IShellExtInit)) { *ppvObj = &This->IShellExtInit_iface; } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IObjectWithSite)) { *ppvObj = &This->IObjectWithSite_iface; } if(*ppvObj) { IContextMenu3_AddRef(iface); return S_OK; } TRACE("-- Interface: E_NOINTERFACE\n"); return E_NOINTERFACE; } static ULONG WINAPI ContextMenu_AddRef(IContextMenu3 *iface) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); ULONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref); TRACE("(%p)->(%lu)\n", This, ref); return ref; } static ULONG WINAPI ContextMenu_Release(IContextMenu3 *iface) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); ULONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref); TRACE("(%p)->(%lu)\n", This, ref); if (!ref) { if(This->parent) IShellFolder_Release(This->parent); SHFree(This->pidl); _ILFreeaPidl(This->apidl, This->cidl); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < This->verb_count; ++i) { free(This->verbs[i].desc); free(This->verbs[i].verb); } free(This->verbs); free(This); } return ref; } static BOOL can_paste(const ITEMIDLIST *dst_pidl) { IDataObject *data; FORMATETC format; if (!(_ILIsFolder(dst_pidl) || _ILIsDrive(dst_pidl))) return FALSE; if (FAILED(OleGetClipboard(&data))) return FALSE; InitFormatEtc(format, RegisterClipboardFormatW(CFSTR_SHELLIDLISTW), TYMED_HGLOBAL); if (SUCCEEDED(IDataObject_QueryGetData(data, &format))) { IDataObject_Release(data); return TRUE; } InitFormatEtc(format, CF_HDROP, TYMED_HGLOBAL); if (SUCCEEDED(IDataObject_QueryGetData(data, &format))) { IDataObject_Release(data); return TRUE; } IDataObject_Release(data); return FALSE; } static UINT max_menu_id(HMENU hmenu, UINT offset, UINT last) { int i; UINT max_id = 0; for (i = GetMenuItemCount(hmenu) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MENUITEMINFOW item; memset(&item, 0, sizeof(MENUITEMINFOW)); item.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFOW); item.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_TYPE; if (!GetMenuItemInfoW(hmenu, i, TRUE, &item)) continue; if (!(item.fType & MFT_SEPARATOR)) { if (item.hSubMenu) { UINT submenu_max_id = max_menu_id(item.hSubMenu, offset, last); if (max_id < submenu_max_id) max_id = submenu_max_id; } if (item.wID + offset <= last) { if (max_id <= item.wID + offset) max_id = item.wID + offset + 1; } } } return max_id; } static HRESULT WINAPI ItemMenu_QueryContextMenu( IContextMenu3 *iface, HMENU hmenu, UINT indexMenu, UINT idCmdFirst, UINT idCmdLast, UINT uFlags) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); MENUITEMINFOW mi; INT uIDMax; TRACE("(%p)->(%p %d 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x )\n", This, hmenu, indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast, uFlags); if(!(CMF_DEFAULTONLY & uFlags) && This->cidl > 0) { HMENU hmenures = LoadMenuW(shell32_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(MENU_SHV_FILE)); Shell_MergeMenus(hmenu, GetSubMenu(hmenures, 0), indexMenu, idCmdFirst - FCIDM_BASE, idCmdLast, MM_SUBMENUSHAVEIDS); uIDMax = max_menu_id(GetSubMenu(hmenures, 0), idCmdFirst - FCIDM_BASE, idCmdLast); DestroyMenu(hmenures); for (size_t i = 0; i < This->verb_count; ++i) { mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); mi.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_STRING; mi.dwTypeData = This->verbs[i].desc; mi.fState = MFS_ENABLED; mi.wID = idCmdFirst + VERB_ID_OFFSET + i; mi.fType = MFT_STRING; InsertMenuItemW(hmenu, i, MF_BYPOSITION, &mi); uIDMax = max(uIDMax, mi.wID + 1); } if (This->verb_count) { mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); mi.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE; mi.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; InsertMenuItemW(hmenu, This->verb_count, MF_BYPOSITION, &mi); } SetMenuDefaultItem(hmenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); if(uFlags & ~CMF_CANRENAME) RemoveMenu(hmenu, FCIDM_SHVIEW_RENAME - FCIDM_BASE + idCmdFirst, MF_BYCOMMAND); else { UINT enable = MF_BYCOMMAND; /* can't rename more than one item at a time*/ if (!This->apidl || This->cidl > 1) enable |= MFS_DISABLED; else { DWORD attr = SFGAO_CANRENAME; IShellFolder_GetAttributesOf(This->parent, 1, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)This->apidl, &attr); enable |= (attr & SFGAO_CANRENAME) ? MFS_ENABLED : MFS_DISABLED; } EnableMenuItem(hmenu, FCIDM_SHVIEW_RENAME - FCIDM_BASE + idCmdFirst, enable); } /* It's legal to paste into more than one pidl at once. In that case * the first is used and the rest are ignored. */ if (!can_paste(This->apidl[0])) RemoveMenu(hmenu, FCIDM_SHVIEW_INSERT - FCIDM_BASE + idCmdFirst, MF_BYCOMMAND); return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, 0, uIDMax-idCmdFirst); } return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, 0, 0); } static void execute_verb(ContextMenu *menu, HWND hwnd, const WCHAR *verb) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < menu->cidl; ++i) { LPITEMIDLIST abs_pidl = ILCombine(menu->pidl, menu->apidl[i]); SHELLEXECUTEINFOW info = {0}; info.cbSize = sizeof(info); info.fMask = SEE_MASK_IDLIST | SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME; info.lpIDList = abs_pidl; info.lpClass = menu->filetype; info.hwnd = hwnd; info.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; info.lpVerb = verb; ShellExecuteExW(&info); ILFree(abs_pidl); } } /************************************************************************** * DoDelete * * deletes the currently selected items */ static void DoDelete(ContextMenu *This) { ISFHelper *helper; IShellFolder_QueryInterface(This->parent, &IID_ISFHelper, (void**)&helper); if (helper) { ISFHelper_DeleteItems(helper, This->cidl, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)This->apidl); ISFHelper_Release(helper); } } static void do_copy(ContextMenu *This, HWND hwnd, DWORD drop_effect) { IDataObject *dataobject; if (SUCCEEDED(IShellFolder_GetUIObjectOf(This->parent, hwnd, This->cidl, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)This->apidl, &IID_IDataObject, 0, (void**)&dataobject))) { FORMATETC format; STGMEDIUM medium; DWORD *effect_ptr; HRESULT hr; InitFormatEtc(format, RegisterClipboardFormatW(CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECTW), TYMED_HGLOBAL); medium.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; medium.pUnkForRelease = NULL; if (!(medium.hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(DWORD)))) { IDataObject_Release(dataobject); return; } effect_ptr = GlobalLock(medium.hGlobal); *effect_ptr = drop_effect; GlobalUnlock(medium.hGlobal); if (FAILED(hr = IDataObject_SetData(dataobject, &format, &medium, TRUE))) ERR("Failed to set data, hr %#lx.\n", hr); OleSetClipboard(dataobject); IDataObject_Release(dataobject); } } static HRESULT get_data_format(IDataObject *data, UINT cf, STGMEDIUM *medium) { FORMATETC format; InitFormatEtc(format, cf, TYMED_HGLOBAL); return IDataObject_GetData(data, &format, medium); } static WCHAR *build_source_paths(ITEMIDLIST *root_pidl, ITEMIDLIST **pidls, unsigned int count) { WCHAR root_path[MAX_PATH], pidl_path[MAX_PATH]; size_t size = 1, pos = 0, root_len; WCHAR *paths; if (!SHGetPathFromIDListW(root_pidl, root_path)) { ERR("Failed to get source root path.\n"); return NULL; } root_len = wcslen(root_path); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (!_ILIsValue(pidls[i]) && !_ILIsFolder(pidls[i])) ERR("Unexpected child pidl type.\n"); _ILSimpleGetTextW(pidls[i], pidl_path, ARRAY_SIZE(pidl_path)); size += root_len + 1 + wcslen(pidl_path) + 1; } paths = malloc(size * sizeof(WCHAR)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (!_ILIsValue(pidls[i]) && !_ILIsFolder(pidls[i])) ERR("Unexpected child pidl type.\n"); memcpy(paths + pos, root_path, root_len * sizeof(WCHAR)); pos += root_len; paths[pos++] = '\\'; _ILSimpleGetTextW(pidls[i], paths + pos, size - pos); pos += wcslen(paths + pos) + 1; } paths[pos++] = 0; return paths; } static HRESULT do_paste(ContextMenu *menu, HWND hwnd) { IPersistFolder2 *dst_persist; const DWORD *drop_effect; IShellFolder *dst_folder; WCHAR dst_path[MAX_PATH]; SHFILEOPSTRUCTW op = {0}; ITEMIDLIST *dst_pidl; IDataObject *data; HRESULT hr; STGMEDIUM medium; int ret; if (menu->cidl) { if (FAILED(hr = IShellFolder_BindToObject(menu->parent, menu->apidl[0], NULL, &IID_IShellFolder, (void **)&dst_folder))) { WARN("Failed to get destination folder, hr %#lx.\n", hr); return hr; } } else { dst_folder = menu->parent; IShellFolder_AddRef(dst_folder); } if (FAILED(hr = IShellFolder_QueryInterface(dst_folder, &IID_IPersistFolder2, (void **)&dst_persist))) { WARN("Failed to get IPersistFolder2, hr %#lx.\n", hr); return hr; } hr = IPersistFolder2_GetCurFolder(dst_persist, &dst_pidl); IPersistFolder2_Release(dst_persist); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR("Failed to get dst folder pidl, hr %#lx.\n", hr); return hr; } if (!SHGetPathFromIDListW(dst_pidl, dst_path)) { ERR("Failed to get path, hr %#lx.\n", hr); ILFree(dst_pidl); return E_FAIL; } ILFree(dst_pidl); op.hwnd = hwnd; op.pTo = dst_path; op.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO; if (FAILED(hr = OleGetClipboard(&data))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = get_data_format(data, RegisterClipboardFormatW(CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECTW), &medium))) { ERR("Failed to get drop effect.\n"); IDataObject_Release(data); return hr; } drop_effect = GlobalLock(medium.hGlobal); if (*drop_effect & DROPEFFECT_COPY) op.wFunc = FO_COPY; else if (*drop_effect & DROPEFFECT_MOVE) op.wFunc = FO_MOVE; else FIXME("Unhandled drop effect %#lx.\n", *drop_effect); GlobalUnlock(medium.hGlobal); if (SUCCEEDED(get_data_format(data, RegisterClipboardFormatW(CFSTR_SHELLIDLISTW), &medium))) { const CIDA *cida = GlobalLock(medium.hGlobal); ITEMIDLIST **pidls, *root_pidl; WCHAR *src_paths; pidls = _ILCopyCidaToaPidl(&root_pidl, cida); if ((src_paths = build_source_paths(root_pidl, pidls, cida->cidl))) { op.pFrom = src_paths; if ((ret = SHFileOperationW(&op))) { WARN("Failed to copy, ret %d.\n", ret); hr = E_FAIL; } } free(src_paths); _ILFreeaPidl(pidls, cida->cidl); ILFree(root_pidl); GlobalUnlock(medium.hGlobal); ReleaseStgMedium(&medium); } else if (SUCCEEDED(get_data_format(data, CF_HDROP, &medium))) { const DROPFILES *dropfiles = GlobalLock(medium.hGlobal); op.pFrom = (const WCHAR *)((const char *)dropfiles + dropfiles->pFiles); if ((ret = SHFileOperationW(&op))) { WARN("Failed to copy, ret %d.\n", ret); hr = E_FAIL; } GlobalUnlock(medium.hGlobal); ReleaseStgMedium(&medium); } else { ERR("Cannot paste any clipboard formats.\n"); hr = E_FAIL; } IDataObject_Release(data); return hr; } /************************************************************************** * Properties_AddPropSheetCallback * * Used by DoOpenProperties through SHCreatePropSheetExtArrayEx to add * propertysheet pages from shell extensions. */ static BOOL CALLBACK Properties_AddPropSheetCallback(HPROPSHEETPAGE hpage, LPARAM lparam) { LPPROPSHEETHEADERW psh = (LPPROPSHEETHEADERW) lparam; psh->phpage[psh->nPages++] = hpage; return TRUE; } static BOOL format_date(FILETIME *time, WCHAR *buffer, DWORD size) { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; int ret; if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(time, &ft)) return FALSE; if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st)) return FALSE; ret = GetDateFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_LONGDATE, &st, NULL, buffer, size); if (ret) { buffer[ret - 1] = ' '; ret = GetTimeFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &st, NULL, buffer + ret , size - ret); } return ret != 0; } static BOOL get_program_description(WCHAR *path, WCHAR *buffer, DWORD size) { WCHAR fileDescW[41], *desc; DWORD versize, *lang; UINT dlen, llen, i; BOOL ret = FALSE; PVOID data; versize = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(path, NULL); if (!versize) return FALSE; data = malloc(versize); if (!data) return FALSE; if (!GetFileVersionInfoW(path, 0, versize, data)) goto out; if (!VerQueryValueW(data, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", (LPVOID *)&lang, &llen)) goto out; for (i = 0; i < llen / sizeof(DWORD); i++) { swprintf(fileDescW, ARRAY_SIZE(fileDescW), L"\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\FileDescription", LOWORD(lang[i]), HIWORD(lang[i])); if (VerQueryValueW(data, fileDescW, (LPVOID *)&desc, &dlen)) { if (dlen > size - 1) dlen = size - 1; memcpy(buffer, desc, dlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); buffer[dlen] = 0; ret = TRUE; break; } } out: free(data); return ret; } struct file_properties_info { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR dir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *filename; DWORD attrib; }; static void init_file_properties_dlg(HWND hwndDlg, struct file_properties_info *props) { WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH], buffer2[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA exinfo; SHFILEINFOW shinfo; SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_PATH, props->filename); SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_LOCATION, props->dir); if (SHGetFileInfoW(props->path, 0, &shinfo, sizeof(shinfo), SHGFI_TYPENAME|SHGFI_ICON)) { if (shinfo.hIcon) { SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_ICON, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)shinfo.hIcon, 0); DestroyIcon(shinfo.hIcon); } if (shinfo.szTypeName[0]) SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_TYPE, shinfo.szTypeName); } if (!GetFileAttributesExW(props->path, GetFileExInfoStandard, &exinfo)) return; if (format_date(&exinfo.ftCreationTime, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer))) SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_CREATED, buffer); if (exinfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_READONLY, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); if (exinfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_HIDDEN, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); if (exinfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_ARCHIVE, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); if (exinfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_SIZE, L"(unknown)"); /* TODO: Implement counting for directories */ return; } /* Information about files only */ StrFormatByteSizeW(((LONGLONG)exinfo.nFileSizeHigh << 32) | exinfo.nFileSizeLow, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer)); SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_SIZE, buffer); if (format_date(&exinfo.ftLastWriteTime, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer))) SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_MODIFIED, buffer); if (format_date(&exinfo.ftLastAccessTime, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer))) SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_ACCESSED, buffer); if (FindExecutableW(props->path, NULL, buffer) <= (HINSTANCE)32) return; /* Information about executables */ if (SHGetFileInfoW(buffer, 0, &shinfo, sizeof(shinfo), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_SMALLICON) && shinfo.hIcon) SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_PROG_ICON, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)shinfo.hIcon, 0); if (get_program_description(buffer, buffer2, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer2))) SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_PROG_NAME, buffer2); else { WCHAR *p = wcsrchr(buffer, '\\'); SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_PROG_NAME, p ? ++p : buffer); } } static INT_PTR CALLBACK file_properties_proc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { LPPROPSHEETPAGEW page = (LPPROPSHEETPAGEW)lParam; SetWindowLongPtrW(hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)page->lParam); init_file_properties_dlg(hwndDlg, (struct file_properties_info *)page->lParam); break; } case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_FPROP_PROG_CHANGE) { /* TODO: Implement file association dialog */ MessageBoxA(hwndDlg, "Not implemented yet.", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_FPROP_READONLY || LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_FPROP_HIDDEN || LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_FPROP_ARCHIVE) { SendMessageW(GetParent(hwndDlg), PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM)hwndDlg, 0); } else if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_FPROP_PATH && HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { SendMessageW(GetParent(hwndDlg), PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM)hwndDlg, 0); } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { LPPSHNOTIFY notify = (LPPSHNOTIFY)lParam; if (notify->hdr.code == PSN_APPLY) { struct file_properties_info *props = (struct file_properties_info *)GetWindowLongPtrW(hwndDlg, DWLP_USER); WCHAR newname[MAX_PATH], newpath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD attributes; attributes = GetFileAttributesW(props->path); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { attributes &= ~(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE); if (SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_READONLY, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED) attributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; if (SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_HIDDEN, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED) attributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; if (SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_ARCHIVE, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED) attributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; if (!SetFileAttributesW(props->path, attributes)) ERR("failed to update file attributes of %s\n", debugstr_w(props->path)); } /* Update filename if it was changed */ if (GetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_PATH, newname, ARRAY_SIZE(newname)) && wcscmp(props->filename, newname) && lstrlenW(props->dir) + lstrlenW(newname) + 2 < ARRAY_SIZE(newpath)) { lstrcpyW(newpath, props->dir); lstrcatW(newpath, L"\\"); lstrcatW(newpath, newname); if (!MoveFileW(props->path, newpath)) ERR("failed to move file %s to %s\n", debugstr_w(props->path), debugstr_w(newpath)); else { WCHAR *p; lstrcpyW(props->path, newpath); lstrcpyW(props->dir, newpath); if ((p = wcsrchr(props->dir, '\\'))) { *p = 0; props->filename = p + 1; } else props->filename = props->dir; SetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg, IDC_FPROP_LOCATION, props->dir); } } return TRUE; } } break; default: break; } return FALSE; } static UINT CALLBACK file_properties_callback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPPROPSHEETPAGEW page) { struct file_properties_info *props = (struct file_properties_info *)page->lParam; if (uMsg == PSPCB_RELEASE) { free(props); } return 1; } static void init_file_properties_pages(IDataObject *dataobject, LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE lpfnAddPage, LPARAM lParam) { struct file_properties_info *props; HPROPSHEETPAGE general_page; PROPSHEETPAGEW propsheet; FORMATETC format; STGMEDIUM stgm; HRESULT hr; WCHAR *p; props = malloc(sizeof(*props)); if (!props) return; format.cfFormat = CF_HDROP; format.ptd = NULL; format.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; format.lindex = -1; format.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; hr = IDataObject_GetData(dataobject, &format, &stgm); if (FAILED(hr)) goto error; if (!DragQueryFileW((HDROP)stgm.hGlobal, 0, props->path, ARRAY_SIZE(props->path))) { ReleaseStgMedium(&stgm); goto error; } ReleaseStgMedium(&stgm); props->attrib = GetFileAttributesW(props->path); if (props->attrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) goto error; lstrcpyW(props->dir, props->path); if ((p = wcsrchr(props->dir, '\\'))) { *p = 0; props->filename = p + 1; } else props->filename = props->dir; memset(&propsheet, 0, sizeof(propsheet)); propsheet.dwSize = sizeof(propsheet); propsheet.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT | PSP_USECALLBACK; propsheet.hInstance = shell32_hInstance; if (props->attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) propsheet.pszTemplate = (LPWSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FOLDER_PROPERTIES); else propsheet.pszTemplate = (LPWSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FILE_PROPERTIES); propsheet.pfnDlgProc = file_properties_proc; propsheet.pfnCallback = file_properties_callback; propsheet.lParam = (LPARAM)props; general_page = CreatePropertySheetPageW(&propsheet); if (general_page) lpfnAddPage(general_page, lParam); return; error: free(props); } static void get_filetype(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, WCHAR filetype[MAX_PATH]) { if (_ILIsValue(pidl)) { char ext[64], filetypeA[64]; if (_ILGetExtension(pidl, ext, 64)) { HCR_MapTypeToValueA(ext, filetypeA, 64, TRUE); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, filetypeA, -1, filetype, MAX_PATH); } else { filetype[0] = 0; } } else if (_ILIsFolder(pidl)) { wcscpy(filetype, L"Folder"); } else if (_ILIsSpecialFolder(pidl)) { GUID *guid = _ILGetGUIDPointer(pidl); wcscpy(filetype, L"CLSID\\"); StringFromGUID2(guid, &filetype[6], MAX_PATH - 6); } else { FIXME("Unknown pidl type.\n"); } } #define MAX_PROP_PAGES 99 static void DoOpenProperties(ContextMenu *This, HWND hwnd) { LPSHELLFOLDER lpDesktopSF; LPSHELLFOLDER lpSF; LPDATAOBJECT lpDo; WCHAR wszFiletype[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszFilename[MAX_PATH]; PROPSHEETHEADERW psh; HPROPSHEETPAGE hpages[MAX_PROP_PAGES]; HPSXA hpsxa; UINT ret; TRACE("(%p)->(wnd=%p)\n", This, hwnd); ZeroMemory(&psh, sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADERW)); psh.dwSize = sizeof (PROPSHEETHEADERW); psh.hwndParent = hwnd; psh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPTITLE; psh.nPages = 0; psh.phpage = hpages; psh.nStartPage = 0; _ILSimpleGetTextW(This->apidl[0], (LPVOID)wszFilename, MAX_PATH); psh.pszCaption = (LPCWSTR)wszFilename; get_filetype(This->apidl[0], wszFiletype); /* Get a suitable DataObject for accessing the files */ SHGetDesktopFolder(&lpDesktopSF); if (_ILIsPidlSimple(This->pidl)) { ret = IShellFolder_GetUIObjectOf(lpDesktopSF, hwnd, This->cidl, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)This->apidl, &IID_IDataObject, NULL, (LPVOID *)&lpDo); IShellFolder_Release(lpDesktopSF); } else { IShellFolder_BindToObject(lpDesktopSF, This->pidl, NULL, &IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*) &lpSF); ret = IShellFolder_GetUIObjectOf(lpSF, hwnd, This->cidl, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)This->apidl, &IID_IDataObject, NULL, (LPVOID *)&lpDo); IShellFolder_Release(lpSF); IShellFolder_Release(lpDesktopSF); } if (SUCCEEDED(ret)) { init_file_properties_pages(lpDo, Properties_AddPropSheetCallback, (LPARAM)&psh); hpsxa = SHCreatePropSheetExtArrayEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, wszFiletype, MAX_PROP_PAGES - psh.nPages, lpDo); if (hpsxa != NULL) { SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray(hpsxa, Properties_AddPropSheetCallback, (LPARAM)&psh); SHDestroyPropSheetExtArray(hpsxa); } hpsxa = SHCreatePropSheetExtArrayEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"*", MAX_PROP_PAGES - psh.nPages, lpDo); if (hpsxa != NULL) { SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray(hpsxa, Properties_AddPropSheetCallback, (LPARAM)&psh); SHDestroyPropSheetExtArray(hpsxa); } IDataObject_Release(lpDo); } if (psh.nPages) PropertySheetW(&psh); else FIXME("No property pages found.\n"); } static HRESULT WINAPI ItemMenu_InvokeCommand( IContextMenu3 *iface, LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO lpcmi) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); if (lpcmi->cbSize != sizeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO)) FIXME("Is an EX structure\n"); TRACE("(%p)->(invcom=%p verb=%p wnd=%p)\n",This,lpcmi,lpcmi->lpVerb, lpcmi->hwnd); if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpcmi->lpVerb) && LOWORD(lpcmi->lpVerb) > FCIDM_SHVIEWLAST) { TRACE("Invalid Verb %x\n", LOWORD(lpcmi->lpVerb)); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpcmi->lpVerb)) { unsigned int id = LOWORD(lpcmi->lpVerb); if (id >= VERB_ID_OFFSET && id - VERB_ID_OFFSET < This->verb_count) { execute_verb(This, lpcmi->hwnd, This->verbs[id - VERB_ID_OFFSET].verb); return S_OK; } switch (id + FCIDM_BASE) { case FCIDM_SHVIEW_RENAME: { IShellBrowser *browser; /* get the active IShellView */ browser = (IShellBrowser*)SendMessageA(lpcmi->hwnd, CWM_GETISHELLBROWSER, 0, 0); if (browser) { IShellView *view; if(SUCCEEDED(IShellBrowser_QueryActiveShellView(browser, &view))) { TRACE("(shellview=%p)\n", view); IShellView_SelectItem(view, This->apidl[0], SVSI_DESELECTOTHERS|SVSI_EDIT|SVSI_ENSUREVISIBLE|SVSI_FOCUSED|SVSI_SELECT); IShellView_Release(view); } } break; } case FCIDM_SHVIEW_DELETE: TRACE("Verb FCIDM_SHVIEW_DELETE\n"); DoDelete(This); break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_COPY: TRACE("Verb FCIDM_SHVIEW_COPY\n"); do_copy(This, lpcmi->hwnd, DROPEFFECT_COPY | DROPEFFECT_LINK); break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_CUT: TRACE("Verb FCIDM_SHVIEW_CUT\n"); do_copy(This, lpcmi->hwnd, DROPEFFECT_MOVE); break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_INSERT: do_paste(This, lpcmi->hwnd); break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_PROPERTIES: TRACE("Verb FCIDM_SHVIEW_PROPERTIES\n"); DoOpenProperties(This, lpcmi->hwnd); break; default: FIXME("Unhandled verb %#x.\n", id); return E_INVALIDARG; } } else { TRACE("Verb is %s\n",debugstr_a(lpcmi->lpVerb)); if (strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb,"delete")==0) DoDelete(This); else if (strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb,"copy")==0) do_copy(This, lpcmi->hwnd, DROPEFFECT_COPY | DROPEFFECT_LINK); else if (strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb,"cut")==0) do_copy(This, lpcmi->hwnd, DROPEFFECT_MOVE); else if (!strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb, "paste")) do_paste(This, lpcmi->hwnd); else if (strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb,"properties")==0) DoOpenProperties(This, lpcmi->hwnd); else { FIXME("Unhandled string verb %s\n",debugstr_a(lpcmi->lpVerb)); return E_FAIL; } } return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI ItemMenu_GetCommandString(IContextMenu3 *iface, UINT_PTR cmdid, UINT flags, UINT *reserved, LPSTR name, UINT maxlen) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); const WCHAR *cmdW = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; TRACE("(%p)->(%Ix, %#x, %p, %p, %u)\n", This, cmdid, flags, reserved, name, maxlen); switch (flags) { case GCS_HELPTEXTA: case GCS_HELPTEXTW: hr = E_NOTIMPL; break; case GCS_VERBA: case GCS_VERBW: switch (cmdid + FCIDM_BASE) { case FCIDM_SHVIEW_CUT: cmdW = L"cut"; break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_COPY: cmdW = L"copy"; break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_CREATELINK: cmdW = L"link"; break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_DELETE: cmdW = L"delete"; break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_INSERT: cmdW = L"paste"; break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_PROPERTIES: cmdW = L"properties"; break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_RENAME: cmdW = L"rename"; break; } if (cmdid >= VERB_ID_OFFSET && cmdid - VERB_ID_OFFSET < This->verb_count) cmdW = This->verbs[cmdid - VERB_ID_OFFSET].verb; if (!cmdW) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; } if (flags == GCS_VERBA) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, cmdW, -1, name, maxlen, NULL, NULL); else lstrcpynW((WCHAR *)name, cmdW, maxlen); TRACE("name %s\n", flags == GCS_VERBA ? debugstr_a(name) : debugstr_w((WCHAR *)name)); break; case GCS_VALIDATEA: case GCS_VALIDATEW: break; } return hr; } /************************************************************************** * NOTES * should be only in IContextMenu2 and IContextMenu3 * is nevertheless called from word95 */ static HRESULT WINAPI ContextMenu_HandleMenuMsg(IContextMenu3 *iface, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); FIXME("(%p)->(0x%x 0x%Ix 0x%Ix): stub\n", This, msg, wParam, lParam); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI ContextMenu_HandleMenuMsg2(IContextMenu3 *iface, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *result) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); FIXME("(%p)->(0x%x 0x%Ix 0x%Ix %p): stub\n", This, msg, wParam, lParam, result); return E_NOTIMPL; } static const IContextMenu3Vtbl ItemContextMenuVtbl = { ContextMenu_QueryInterface, ContextMenu_AddRef, ContextMenu_Release, ItemMenu_QueryContextMenu, ItemMenu_InvokeCommand, ItemMenu_GetCommandString, ContextMenu_HandleMenuMsg, ContextMenu_HandleMenuMsg2 }; static HRESULT WINAPI ShellExtInit_QueryInterface(IShellExtInit *iface, REFIID riid, void **obj) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IShellExtInit(iface); return IContextMenu3_QueryInterface(&This->IContextMenu3_iface, riid, obj); } static ULONG WINAPI ShellExtInit_AddRef(IShellExtInit *iface) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IShellExtInit(iface); return IContextMenu3_AddRef(&This->IContextMenu3_iface); } static ULONG WINAPI ShellExtInit_Release(IShellExtInit *iface) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IShellExtInit(iface); return IContextMenu3_Release(&This->IContextMenu3_iface); } static HRESULT WINAPI ShellExtInit_Initialize(IShellExtInit *iface, LPCITEMIDLIST folder, IDataObject *dataobj, HKEY progidkey) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IShellExtInit(iface); FIXME("(%p)->(%p %p %p): stub\n", This, folder, dataobj, progidkey); return E_NOTIMPL; } static const IShellExtInitVtbl ShellExtInitVtbl = { ShellExtInit_QueryInterface, ShellExtInit_AddRef, ShellExtInit_Release, ShellExtInit_Initialize }; static HRESULT WINAPI ObjectWithSite_QueryInterface(IObjectWithSite *iface, REFIID riid, void **obj) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IObjectWithSite(iface); return IContextMenu3_QueryInterface(&This->IContextMenu3_iface, riid, obj); } static ULONG WINAPI ObjectWithSite_AddRef(IObjectWithSite *iface) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IObjectWithSite(iface); return IContextMenu3_AddRef(&This->IContextMenu3_iface); } static ULONG WINAPI ObjectWithSite_Release(IObjectWithSite *iface) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IObjectWithSite(iface); return IContextMenu3_Release(&This->IContextMenu3_iface); } static HRESULT WINAPI ObjectWithSite_SetSite(IObjectWithSite *iface, IUnknown *site) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IObjectWithSite(iface); FIXME("(%p)->(%p): stub\n", This, site); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI ObjectWithSite_GetSite(IObjectWithSite *iface, REFIID riid, void **site) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IObjectWithSite(iface); FIXME("(%p)->(%s %p): stub\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), site); return E_NOTIMPL; } static const IObjectWithSiteVtbl ObjectWithSiteVtbl = { ObjectWithSite_QueryInterface, ObjectWithSite_AddRef, ObjectWithSite_Release, ObjectWithSite_SetSite, ObjectWithSite_GetSite, }; static WCHAR *get_verb_desc(HKEY key, const WCHAR *verb) { DWORD size = 0; WCHAR *desc; DWORD ret; static const struct { const WCHAR *verb; unsigned int id; } builtin_verbs[] = { {L"explore", IDS_VERB_EXPLORE}, {L"open", IDS_VERB_OPEN}, {L"print", IDS_VERB_PRINT}, {L"runas", IDS_VERB_RUNAS}, }; if ((ret = RegGetValueW(key, verb, NULL, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, NULL, &size)) == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { desc = malloc(size); RegGetValueW(key, verb, NULL, RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, desc, &size); return desc; } /* Some verbs appear to have builtin descriptions on Windows, which aren't * stored in the registry. */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(builtin_verbs); ++i) { if (!wcscmp(verb, builtin_verbs[i].verb)) return shell_get_resource_string(builtin_verbs[i].id); } return wcsdup(verb); } static void build_verb_list(ContextMenu *menu) { HKEY type_key, shell_key; size_t verb_capacity; WCHAR *verb_buffer; DWORD ret; if (!menu->cidl) return; get_filetype(menu->apidl[0], menu->filetype); /* If all of the files are not of the same type, we can't do anything * with them. */ if (menu->cidl > 1) { WCHAR other_filetype[MAX_PATH]; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < menu->cidl; ++i) { get_filetype(menu->apidl[i], other_filetype); if (wcscmp(menu->filetype, other_filetype)) return; } } if ((ret = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, menu->filetype, 0, KEY_READ, &type_key))) return; if ((ret = RegOpenKeyExW(type_key, L"shell", 0, KEY_READ, &shell_key))) { RegCloseKey(type_key); return; } verb_capacity = 256; verb_buffer = malloc(verb_capacity * sizeof(WCHAR)); for (unsigned int i = 0; ; ++i) { DWORD size = verb_capacity; WCHAR *desc; ret = RegEnumKeyExW(shell_key, i, verb_buffer, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { verb_capacity = size; verb_buffer = realloc(verb_buffer, verb_capacity * sizeof(WCHAR)); ret = RegEnumKeyExW(shell_key, i, verb_buffer, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (ret) break; if (!(desc = get_verb_desc(shell_key, verb_buffer))) continue; menu->verbs = realloc(menu->verbs, (menu->verb_count + 1) * sizeof(*menu->verbs)); menu->verbs[menu->verb_count].verb = wcsdup(verb_buffer); menu->verbs[menu->verb_count].desc = desc; ++menu->verb_count; TRACE("Found verb %s, description %s.\n", debugstr_w(verb_buffer), debugstr_w(desc)); } RegCloseKey(shell_key); /* TODO: Enumerate the shellex key as well. */ RegCloseKey(type_key); } HRESULT ItemMenu_Constructor(IShellFolder *parent, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, const LPCITEMIDLIST *apidl, UINT cidl, REFIID riid, void **pObj) { ContextMenu* This; HRESULT hr; if (!(This = calloc(1, sizeof(*This)))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; This->IContextMenu3_iface.lpVtbl = &ItemContextMenuVtbl; This->IShellExtInit_iface.lpVtbl = &ShellExtInitVtbl; This->IObjectWithSite_iface.lpVtbl = &ObjectWithSiteVtbl; This->ref = 1; This->parent = parent; if (parent) IShellFolder_AddRef(parent); This->pidl = ILClone(pidl); This->apidl = _ILCopyaPidl(apidl, cidl); This->cidl = cidl; This->desktop = FALSE; build_verb_list(This); hr = IContextMenu3_QueryInterface(&This->IContextMenu3_iface, riid, pObj); IContextMenu3_Release(&This->IContextMenu3_iface); return hr; } /* Background menu implementation */ static HRESULT WINAPI BackgroundMenu_QueryContextMenu( IContextMenu3 *iface, HMENU hMenu, UINT indexMenu, UINT idCmdFirst, UINT idCmdLast, UINT uFlags) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); HMENU hMyMenu; UINT idMax; HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%p)->(hmenu=%p indexmenu=%x cmdfirst=%x cmdlast=%x flags=%x )\n", This, hMenu, indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast, uFlags); hMyMenu = LoadMenuA(shell32_hInstance, "MENU_002"); if (uFlags & CMF_DEFAULTONLY) { HMENU ourMenu = GetSubMenu(hMyMenu,0); UINT oldDef = GetMenuDefaultItem(hMenu,TRUE,GMDI_USEDISABLED); UINT newDef = GetMenuDefaultItem(ourMenu,TRUE,GMDI_USEDISABLED); if (newDef != oldDef) SetMenuDefaultItem(hMenu,newDef,TRUE); if (newDef!=0xFFFFFFFF) hr = MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_NULL, newDef+1); else hr = MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_NULL, 0); } else { Shell_MergeMenus (hMenu, GetSubMenu(hMyMenu,0), indexMenu, idCmdFirst - FCIDM_BASE, idCmdLast, MM_SUBMENUSHAVEIDS); idMax = max_menu_id(GetSubMenu(hMyMenu, 0), idCmdFirst - FCIDM_BASE, idCmdLast); hr = MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_NULL, idMax-idCmdFirst); } DestroyMenu(hMyMenu); TRACE("(%p)->returning 0x%lx\n",This,hr); return hr; } static void DoNewFolder(ContextMenu *This, IShellView *view) { ISFHelper *helper; IShellFolder_QueryInterface(This->parent, &IID_ISFHelper, (void**)&helper); if (helper) { WCHAR nameW[MAX_PATH]; LPITEMIDLIST pidl; ISFHelper_GetUniqueName(helper, nameW, MAX_PATH); ISFHelper_AddFolder(helper, 0, nameW, &pidl); if (view) { /* if we are in a shellview do labeledit */ IShellView_SelectItem(view, pidl,(SVSI_DESELECTOTHERS | SVSI_EDIT | SVSI_ENSUREVISIBLE |SVSI_FOCUSED|SVSI_SELECT)); } SHFree(pidl); ISFHelper_Release(helper); } } static HRESULT WINAPI BackgroundMenu_InvokeCommand( IContextMenu3 *iface, LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO lpcmi) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); IShellBrowser *browser; IShellView *view = NULL; HWND hWnd = NULL; TRACE("(%p)->(invcom=%p verb=%p wnd=%p)\n", This, lpcmi, lpcmi->lpVerb, lpcmi->hwnd); /* get the active IShellView */ if ((browser = (IShellBrowser*)SendMessageA(lpcmi->hwnd, CWM_GETISHELLBROWSER, 0, 0))) { if (SUCCEEDED(IShellBrowser_QueryActiveShellView(browser, &view))) IShellView_GetWindow(view, &hWnd); } if(HIWORD(lpcmi->lpVerb)) { TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_a(lpcmi->lpVerb)); if (!strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb, CMDSTR_NEWFOLDERA)) { DoNewFolder(This, view); } else if (!strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb, CMDSTR_VIEWLISTA)) { if (hWnd) SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(FCIDM_SHVIEW_LISTVIEW, 0), 0); } else if (!strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb, CMDSTR_VIEWDETAILSA)) { if (hWnd) SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(FCIDM_SHVIEW_REPORTVIEW, 0), 0); } else if (!strcmp(lpcmi->lpVerb, "paste")) { do_paste(This, lpcmi->hwnd); } else { FIXME("please report: unknown verb %s\n", debugstr_a(lpcmi->lpVerb)); } } else { switch (LOWORD(lpcmi->lpVerb) + FCIDM_BASE) { case FCIDM_SHVIEW_REFRESH: if (view) IShellView_Refresh(view); break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_NEWFOLDER: DoNewFolder(This, view); break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_INSERT: do_paste(This, lpcmi->hwnd); break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_PROPERTIES: if (This->desktop) { ShellExecuteA(lpcmi->hwnd, "open", "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } else { FIXME("launch item properties dialog\n"); } break; default: /* if it's an id just pass it to the parent shv */ if (hWnd) SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(LOWORD(lpcmi->lpVerb), 0), 0); break; } } if (view) IShellView_Release(view); return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI BackgroundMenu_GetCommandString( IContextMenu3 *iface, UINT_PTR idCommand, UINT uFlags, UINT* lpReserved, LPSTR lpszName, UINT uMaxNameLen) { ContextMenu *This = impl_from_IContextMenu3(iface); const WCHAR *cmdW = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TRACE("(%p)->(idcom=%Ix flags=%x %p name=%p len=%x)\n",This, idCommand, uFlags, lpReserved, lpszName, uMaxNameLen); switch (uFlags) { case GCS_HELPTEXTA: case GCS_HELPTEXTW: hr = E_NOTIMPL; break; case GCS_VERBA: case GCS_VERBW: switch (idCommand + FCIDM_BASE) { case FCIDM_SHVIEW_INSERT: cmdW = L"paste"; break; case FCIDM_SHVIEW_PROPERTIES: cmdW = L"properties"; break; } if (!cmdW) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; } if (uFlags == GCS_VERBA) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, cmdW, -1, lpszName, uMaxNameLen, NULL, NULL); else lstrcpynW((WCHAR *)lpszName, cmdW, uMaxNameLen); TRACE("name %s\n", uFlags == GCS_VERBA ? debugstr_a(lpszName) : debugstr_w((WCHAR *)lpszName)); hr = S_OK; break; case GCS_VALIDATEA: case GCS_VALIDATEW: /* test the existence of the menu items, the file dialog enables the buttons according to this */ if (HIWORD(idCommand)) { if (!strcmp((LPSTR)idCommand, CMDSTR_VIEWLISTA) || !strcmp((LPSTR)idCommand, CMDSTR_VIEWDETAILSA) || !strcmp((LPSTR)idCommand, CMDSTR_NEWFOLDERA)) hr = S_OK; else { FIXME("unknown command string %s\n", uFlags == GCS_VALIDATEA ? debugstr_a((LPSTR)idCommand) : debugstr_w((WCHAR*)idCommand)); hr = E_FAIL; } } break; } return hr; } static const IContextMenu3Vtbl BackgroundContextMenuVtbl = { ContextMenu_QueryInterface, ContextMenu_AddRef, ContextMenu_Release, BackgroundMenu_QueryContextMenu, BackgroundMenu_InvokeCommand, BackgroundMenu_GetCommandString, ContextMenu_HandleMenuMsg, ContextMenu_HandleMenuMsg2 }; HRESULT BackgroundMenu_Constructor(IShellFolder *parent, BOOL desktop, REFIID riid, void **pObj) { ContextMenu *This; HRESULT hr; if (!(This = calloc(1, sizeof(*This)))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; This->IContextMenu3_iface.lpVtbl = &BackgroundContextMenuVtbl; This->IShellExtInit_iface.lpVtbl = &ShellExtInitVtbl; This->IObjectWithSite_iface.lpVtbl = &ObjectWithSiteVtbl; This->ref = 1; This->parent = parent; This->desktop = desktop; if (parent) IShellFolder_AddRef(parent); hr = IContextMenu3_QueryInterface(&This->IContextMenu3_iface, riid, pObj); IContextMenu3_Release(&This->IContextMenu3_iface); return hr; }