/* * MACDRV Cocoa display settings * * Copyright 2011, 2012 Ken Thomases for CodeWeavers Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "config.h" #import #ifdef HAVE_MTLDEVICE_REGISTRYID #import #endif #include "macdrv_cocoa.h" static uint64_t dedicated_gpu_id; static uint64_t integrated_gpu_id; /*********************************************************************** * convert_display_rect * * Converts an NSRect in Cocoa's y-goes-up-from-bottom coordinate system * to a CGRect in y-goes-down-from-top coordinates. */ static inline void convert_display_rect(CGRect* out_rect, NSRect in_rect, NSRect primary_frame) { *out_rect = NSRectToCGRect(in_rect); out_rect->origin.y = NSMaxY(primary_frame) - NSMaxY(in_rect); } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_displays * * Returns information about the displays. * * Returns 0 on success and *displays contains a newly-allocated array * of macdrv_display structures and *count contains the number of * elements in that array. The first element of the array is the * primary display. When the caller is done with the array, it should * use macdrv_free_displays() to deallocate it. * * Returns non-zero on failure and *displays and *count are unchanged. */ int macdrv_get_displays(struct macdrv_display** displays, int* count) { int ret = -1; NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSArray* screens = [NSScreen screens]; if (screens) { NSUInteger num_screens = [screens count]; struct macdrv_display* disps = malloc(num_screens * sizeof(disps[0])); if (disps) { NSRect primary_frame; NSUInteger i; for (i = 0; i < num_screens; i++) { NSScreen* screen = [screens objectAtIndex:i]; NSRect frame = [screen frame]; NSRect visible_frame = [screen visibleFrame]; if (i == 0) primary_frame = frame; disps[i].displayID = [[[screen deviceDescription] objectForKey:@"NSScreenNumber"] unsignedIntValue]; convert_display_rect(&disps[i].frame, frame, primary_frame); convert_display_rect(&disps[i].work_frame, visible_frame, primary_frame); disps[i].frame = cgrect_win_from_mac(disps[i].frame); disps[i].work_frame = cgrect_win_from_mac(disps[i].work_frame); } *displays = disps; *count = num_screens; ret = 0; } } [pool release]; return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_free_displays * * Deallocates an array of macdrv_display structures previously returned * from macdrv_get_displays(). */ void macdrv_free_displays(struct macdrv_display* displays) { free(displays); } /*********************************************************************** * get_entry_property_uint32 * * Get an io registry entry property of type uint32 and store it in value parameter. * * Returns non-zero value on failure. */ static int get_entry_property_uint32(io_registry_entry_t entry, CFStringRef property_name, uint32_t* value) { CFDataRef data = IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(entry, kIOServicePlane, property_name, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); if (!data) return -1; if (CFGetTypeID(data) != CFDataGetTypeID() || CFDataGetLength(data) != sizeof(uint32_t)) { CFRelease(data); return -1; } CFDataGetBytes(data, CFRangeMake(0, sizeof(uint32_t)), (UInt8*)value); CFRelease(data); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * get_entry_property_string * * Get an io registry entry property of type string and write it in buffer parameter. * * Returns non-zero value on failure. */ static int get_entry_property_string(io_registry_entry_t entry, CFStringRef property_name, char* buffer, size_t buffer_size) { CFTypeRef type_ref; CFDataRef data_ref; CFStringRef string_ref; size_t length; int ret = -1; type_ref = IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty(entry, kIOServicePlane, property_name, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); if (!type_ref) goto done; if (CFGetTypeID(type_ref) == CFDataGetTypeID()) { data_ref = type_ref; length = CFDataGetLength(data_ref); if (length + 1 > buffer_size) goto done; CFDataGetBytes(data_ref, CFRangeMake(0, length), (UInt8*)buffer); buffer[length] = 0; } else if (CFGetTypeID(type_ref) == CFStringGetTypeID()) { string_ref = type_ref; if (!CFStringGetCString(string_ref, buffer, buffer_size, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) goto done; } else goto done; ret = 0; done: if (type_ref) CFRelease(type_ref); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_entry * * Starting from entry (which must be the GPU or a child below the GPU), * search upwards to find the IOPCIDevice and get information from it. * In case the GPU is not a PCI device, get properties from 'entry'. * * Returns non-zero value on failure. */ static int macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_entry(struct macdrv_gpu* gpu, io_registry_entry_t entry) { io_registry_entry_t parent_entry; io_registry_entry_t gpu_entry; kern_return_t result; int ret = -1; NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; gpu_entry = entry; while (![@"IOPCIDevice" isEqualToString:[(NSString*)IOObjectCopyClass(gpu_entry) autorelease]]) { result = IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry(gpu_entry, kIOServicePlane, &parent_entry); if (gpu_entry != entry) IOObjectRelease(gpu_entry); if (result == kIOReturnNoDevice) { /* If no IOPCIDevice node is found, get properties from the given entry. */ gpu_entry = entry; break; } else if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) { [pool release]; return ret; } gpu_entry = parent_entry; } if (IORegistryEntryGetRegistryEntryID(gpu_entry, &gpu->id) != kIOReturnSuccess) goto done; ret = 0; get_entry_property_uint32(gpu_entry, CFSTR("vendor-id"), &gpu->vendor_id); get_entry_property_uint32(gpu_entry, CFSTR("device-id"), &gpu->device_id); get_entry_property_uint32(gpu_entry, CFSTR("subsystem-id"), &gpu->subsys_id); get_entry_property_uint32(gpu_entry, CFSTR("revision-id"), &gpu->revision_id); get_entry_property_string(gpu_entry, CFSTR("model"), gpu->name, sizeof(gpu->name)); done: if (gpu_entry != entry) IOObjectRelease(gpu_entry); [pool release]; return ret; } #ifdef HAVE_MTLDEVICE_REGISTRYID /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_registry_id * * Get GPU information from a Metal device registry id. * * Returns non-zero value on failure. */ static int macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_registry_id(struct macdrv_gpu* gpu, uint64_t registry_id) { int ret; io_registry_entry_t entry; entry = IOServiceGetMatchingService(0, IORegistryEntryIDMatching(registry_id)); ret = macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_entry(gpu, entry); IOObjectRelease(entry); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_gpus_from_metal * * Get a list of GPUs from Metal. * * Returns non-zero value on failure with parameters unchanged and zero on success. */ static int macdrv_get_gpus_from_metal(struct macdrv_gpu** new_gpus, int* count) { struct macdrv_gpu* gpus = NULL; struct macdrv_gpu primary_gpu; id primary_device; BOOL hide_integrated = FALSE; int primary_index = 0, i; int gpu_count = 0; int ret = -1; NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; /* Test if Metal is available */ if (&MTLCopyAllDevices == NULL) goto done; NSArray>* devices = [MTLCopyAllDevices() autorelease]; if (!devices.count || ![devices[0] respondsToSelector:@selector(registryID)]) goto done; gpus = calloc(devices.count, sizeof(*gpus)); if (!gpus) goto done; /* Use MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice instead of CGDirectDisplayCopyCurrentMetalDevice(CGMainDisplayID()) to get * the primary GPU because we need to hide the integrated GPU for an automatic graphic switching pair to avoid apps * using the integrated GPU. This is the behavior of Windows on a Mac. */ primary_device = [MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() autorelease]; if (macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_registry_id(&primary_gpu, primary_device.registryID)) goto done; /* Hide the integrated GPU if the system default device is a dedicated GPU */ if (!primary_device.isLowPower) { dedicated_gpu_id = primary_gpu.id; hide_integrated = TRUE; } for (i = 0; i < devices.count; i++) { if (macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_registry_id(&gpus[gpu_count], devices[i].registryID)) goto done; if (hide_integrated && devices[i].isLowPower) { integrated_gpu_id = gpus[gpu_count].id; continue; } if (gpus[gpu_count].id == primary_gpu.id) primary_index = gpu_count; gpu_count++; } /* Make sure the first GPU is primary */ if (primary_index) { struct macdrv_gpu tmp; tmp = gpus[0]; gpus[0] = gpus[primary_index]; gpus[primary_index] = tmp; } *new_gpus = gpus; *count = gpu_count; ret = 0; done: if (ret) macdrv_free_gpus(gpus); [pool release]; return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_display_id_using_metal * * Get GPU information for a CG display id using Metal. * * Returns non-zero value on failure. */ static int macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_display_id_using_metal(struct macdrv_gpu* gpu, CGDirectDisplayID display_id) { id device; int ret = -1; NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; /* Test if Metal is available */ if (&CGDirectDisplayCopyCurrentMetalDevice == NULL) goto done; device = [CGDirectDisplayCopyCurrentMetalDevice(display_id) autorelease]; if (device && [device respondsToSelector:@selector(registryID)]) ret = macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_registry_id(gpu, device.registryID); done: [pool release]; return ret; } #else static int macdrv_get_gpus_from_metal(struct macdrv_gpu** new_gpus, int* count) { return -1; } static int macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_display_id_using_metal(struct macdrv_gpu* gpu, CGDirectDisplayID display_id) { return -1; } #endif /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_display_id * * Get GPU information from a display id. * * Returns non-zero value on failure. */ static int macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_display_id(struct macdrv_gpu* gpu, CGDirectDisplayID display_id) { int ret; io_registry_entry_t entry; ret = macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_display_id_using_metal(gpu, display_id); if (ret) { entry = CGDisplayIOServicePort(display_id); ret = macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_entry(gpu, entry); } return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_gpus_from_iokit * * Get a list of GPUs from IOKit. * This is a fallback for 32bit build or older Mac OS version where Metal is unavailable. * * Returns non-zero value on failure with parameters unchanged and zero on success. */ static int macdrv_get_gpus_from_iokit(struct macdrv_gpu** new_gpus, int* count) { static const int MAX_GPUS = 4; struct macdrv_gpu primary_gpu = {0}; io_registry_entry_t entry; io_iterator_t iterator; struct macdrv_gpu* gpus; int integrated_index = -1; int primary_index = 0; int gpu_count = 0; char buffer[64]; int ret = -1; int i; gpus = calloc(MAX_GPUS, sizeof(*gpus)); if (!gpus) goto done; if (IOServiceGetMatchingServices(0, IOServiceMatching("IOPCIDevice"), &iterator) != kIOReturnSuccess) goto done; while ((entry = IOIteratorNext(iterator))) { if (!get_entry_property_string(entry, CFSTR("IOName"), buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && !strcmp(buffer, "display") && !macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_entry(&gpus[gpu_count], entry)) { gpu_count++; assert(gpu_count < MAX_GPUS); } IOObjectRelease(entry); } IOObjectRelease(iterator); macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_display_id(&primary_gpu, CGMainDisplayID()); /* If there are more than two GPUs and an Intel card exists, * assume an automatic graphics pair exists and hide the integrated GPU */ if (gpu_count > 1) { for (i = 0; i < gpu_count; i++) { /* FIXME: * Find integrated GPU without Metal support. * Assuming integrated GPU vendor is Intel for now */ if (gpus[i].vendor_id == 0x8086) { integrated_gpu_id = gpus[i].id; integrated_index = i; } if (gpus[i].id == primary_gpu.id) { primary_index = i; } } if (integrated_index != -1) { if (integrated_index != gpu_count - 1) gpus[integrated_index] = gpus[gpu_count - 1]; /* FIXME: * Find the dedicated GPU in an automatic graphics switching pair and use that as primary GPU. * Choose the first dedicated GPU as primary */ if (primary_index == integrated_index) primary_index = 0; else if (primary_index == gpu_count - 1) primary_index = integrated_index; dedicated_gpu_id = gpus[primary_index].id; gpu_count--; } } /* Make sure the first GPU is primary */ if (primary_index) { struct macdrv_gpu tmp; tmp = gpus[0]; gpus[0] = gpus[primary_index]; gpus[primary_index] = tmp; } *new_gpus = gpus; *count = gpu_count; ret = 0; done: if (ret) macdrv_free_gpus(gpus); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_gpus * * Get a list of GPUs currently in the system. The first GPU is primary. * Call macdrv_free_gpus() when you are done using the data. * * Returns non-zero value on failure with parameters unchanged and zero on success. */ int macdrv_get_gpus(struct macdrv_gpu** new_gpus, int* count) { integrated_gpu_id = 0; dedicated_gpu_id = 0; if (!macdrv_get_gpus_from_metal(new_gpus, count)) return 0; else return macdrv_get_gpus_from_iokit(new_gpus, count); } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_free_gpus * * Frees a GPU list allocated from macdrv_get_gpus() */ void macdrv_free_gpus(struct macdrv_gpu* gpus) { if (gpus) free(gpus); } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_adapters * * Get a list of adapters under gpu_id. The first adapter is primary if GPU is primary. * Call macdrv_free_adapters() when you are done using the data. * * Returns non-zero value on failure with parameters unchanged and zero on success. */ int macdrv_get_adapters(uint64_t gpu_id, struct macdrv_adapter** new_adapters, int* count) { CGDirectDisplayID display_ids[16]; uint32_t display_id_count; struct macdrv_adapter* adapters; struct macdrv_gpu gpu; int primary_index = 0; int adapter_count = 0; int ret = -1; uint32_t i; if (CGGetOnlineDisplayList(sizeof(display_ids) / sizeof(display_ids[0]), display_ids, &display_id_count) != kCGErrorSuccess) return -1; if (!display_id_count) { *new_adapters = NULL; *count = 0; return 0; } /* Actual adapter count may be less */ adapters = calloc(display_id_count, sizeof(*adapters)); if (!adapters) return -1; for (i = 0; i < display_id_count; i++) { /* Mirrored displays are under the same adapter with primary display, so they doesn't increase adapter count */ if (CGDisplayMirrorsDisplay(display_ids[i]) != kCGNullDirectDisplay) continue; if (macdrv_get_gpu_info_from_display_id(&gpu, display_ids[i])) goto done; if (gpu.id == gpu_id || (gpu_id == dedicated_gpu_id && gpu.id == integrated_gpu_id)) { adapters[adapter_count].id = display_ids[i]; adapters[adapter_count].state_flags = DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP; if (CGDisplayIsMain(display_ids[i])) { adapters[adapter_count].state_flags |= DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE; primary_index = adapter_count; } adapter_count++; } } /* Make sure the first adapter is primary if the GPU is primary */ if (primary_index) { struct macdrv_adapter tmp; tmp = adapters[0]; adapters[0] = adapters[primary_index]; adapters[primary_index] = tmp; } *new_adapters = adapters; *count = adapter_count; ret = 0; done: if (ret) macdrv_free_adapters(adapters); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_free_adapters * * Frees an adapter list allocated from macdrv_get_adapters() */ void macdrv_free_adapters(struct macdrv_adapter* adapters) { if (adapters) free(adapters); } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_get_monitors * * Get a list of monitors under adapter_id. The first monitor is primary if adapter is primary. * Call macdrv_free_monitors() when you are done using the data. * * Returns non-zero value on failure with parameters unchanged and zero on success. */ int macdrv_get_monitors(uint32_t adapter_id, struct macdrv_monitor** new_monitors, int* count) { struct macdrv_monitor* monitors = NULL; struct macdrv_monitor* realloc_monitors; struct macdrv_display* displays = NULL; CGDirectDisplayID display_ids[16]; uint32_t display_id_count; int primary_index = 0; int monitor_count = 0; int display_count; int capacity; int ret = -1; int i, j; /* 2 should be enough for most cases */ capacity = 2; monitors = calloc(capacity, sizeof(*monitors)); if (!monitors) return -1; if (CGGetOnlineDisplayList(sizeof(display_ids) / sizeof(display_ids[0]), display_ids, &display_id_count) != kCGErrorSuccess) goto done; if (macdrv_get_displays(&displays, &display_count)) goto done; for (i = 0; i < display_id_count; i++) { if (display_ids[i] != adapter_id && CGDisplayMirrorsDisplay(display_ids[i]) != adapter_id) continue; /* Find and fill in monitor info */ for (j = 0; j < display_count; j++) { if (displays[j].displayID == display_ids[i] || CGDisplayMirrorsDisplay(display_ids[i]) == displays[j].displayID) { /* Allocate more space if needed */ if (monitor_count >= capacity) { capacity *= 2; realloc_monitors = realloc(monitors, sizeof(*monitors) * capacity); if (!realloc_monitors) goto done; monitors = realloc_monitors; } if (j == 0) primary_index = monitor_count; monitors[monitor_count].state_flags = DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED | DISPLAY_DEVICE_ACTIVE; monitors[monitor_count].rc_monitor = displays[j].frame; monitors[monitor_count].rc_work = displays[j].work_frame; monitor_count++; break; } } } /* Make sure the first monitor on primary adapter is primary */ if (primary_index) { struct macdrv_monitor tmp; tmp = monitors[0]; monitors[0] = monitors[primary_index]; monitors[primary_index] = tmp; } *new_monitors = monitors; *count = monitor_count; ret = 0; done: if (displays) macdrv_free_displays(displays); if (ret) macdrv_free_monitors(monitors); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * macdrv_free_monitors * * Frees an monitor list allocated from macdrv_get_monitors() */ void macdrv_free_monitors(struct macdrv_monitor* monitors) { if (monitors) free(monitors); }