/* * Scroll windows and DCs * * Copyright David W. Metcalfe, 1993 * Alex Korobka 1995,1996 * * */ #include #include "windef.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "wine/winuser16.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "dc.h" #include "win.h" #include "gdi.h" #include "dce.h" #include "region.h" #include "debugtools.h" DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(scroll) /************************************************************************* * ScrollWindow16 (USER.61) */ void WINAPI ScrollWindow16(HWND16 hwnd, INT16 dx, INT16 dy, const RECT16 *rect, const RECT16 *clipRect ) { RECT rect32, clipRect32; if (rect) CONV_RECT16TO32( rect, &rect32 ); if (clipRect) CONV_RECT16TO32( clipRect, &clipRect32 ); ScrollWindow( hwnd, dx, dy, rect ? &rect32 : NULL, clipRect ? &clipRect32 : NULL ); } /************************************************************************* * ScrollWindow (USER32.450) * */ BOOL WINAPI ScrollWindow( HWND hwnd, INT dx, INT dy, const RECT *rect, const RECT *clipRect ) { return (ERROR != ScrollWindowEx( hwnd, dx, dy, rect, clipRect, 0, NULL, (rect ? 0 : SW_SCROLLCHILDREN) | SW_INVALIDATE )); } /************************************************************************* * ScrollDC16 (USER.221) */ BOOL16 WINAPI ScrollDC16( HDC16 hdc, INT16 dx, INT16 dy, const RECT16 *rect, const RECT16 *cliprc, HRGN16 hrgnUpdate, LPRECT16 rcUpdate ) { RECT rect32, clipRect32, rcUpdate32; BOOL16 ret; if (rect) CONV_RECT16TO32( rect, &rect32 ); if (cliprc) CONV_RECT16TO32( cliprc, &clipRect32 ); ret = ScrollDC( hdc, dx, dy, rect ? &rect32 : NULL, cliprc ? &clipRect32 : NULL, hrgnUpdate, &rcUpdate32 ); if (rcUpdate) CONV_RECT32TO16( &rcUpdate32, rcUpdate ); return ret; } /************************************************************************* * ScrollDC (USER32.449) * * Only the hrgnUpdate is return in device coordinate. * rcUpdate must be returned in logical coordinate to comply with win API. * */ BOOL WINAPI ScrollDC( HDC hdc, INT dx, INT dy, const RECT *rc, const RECT *prLClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT rcUpdate ) { RECT rect, rClip, rSrc; POINT src, dest; DC *dc = DC_GetDCUpdate( hdc ); TRACE("%04x %d,%d hrgnUpdate=%04x rcUpdate = %p cliprc = (%d,%d-%d,%d), rc=(%d,%d-%d,%d)\n", (HDC16)hdc, dx, dy, hrgnUpdate, rcUpdate, prLClip ? prLClip->left : 0, prLClip ? prLClip->top : 0, prLClip ? prLClip->right : 0, prLClip ? prLClip->bottom : 0, rc ? rc->left : 0, rc ? rc->top : 0, rc ? rc->right : 0, rc ? rc->bottom : 0 ); if ( !dc || !hdc ) return FALSE; /* TRACE(scroll,"\t[wndOrgX=%i, wndExtX=%i, vportOrgX=%i, vportExtX=%i]\n", dc->wndOrgX, dc->wndExtX, dc->vportOrgX, dc->vportExtX ); TRACE(scroll,"\t[wndOrgY=%i, wndExtY=%i, vportOrgY=%i, vportExtY=%i]\n", dc->wndOrgY, dc->wndExtY, dc->vportOrgY, dc->vportExtY ); */ /* compute device clipping region (in device coordinates) */ if ( rc ) rect = *rc; else /* maybe we should just return FALSE? */ GetClipBox( hdc, &rect ); LPtoDP( hdc, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2 ); if (prLClip) { rClip = *prLClip; LPtoDP( hdc, (LPPOINT)&rClip, 2 ); IntersectRect( &rClip, &rect, &rClip ); } else rClip = rect; dx = XLPTODP ( dc, rect.left + dx ) - XLPTODP ( dc, rect.left ); dy = YLPTODP ( dc, rect.top + dy ) - YLPTODP ( dc, rect.top ); rSrc = rClip; OffsetRect( &rSrc, -dx, -dy ); IntersectRect( &rSrc, &rSrc, &rect ); if(dc->w.hVisRgn) { if (!IsRectEmpty(&rSrc)) { dest.x = (src.x = rSrc.left) + dx; dest.y = (src.y = rSrc.top) + dy; /* copy bits */ DPtoLP( hdc, (LPPOINT)&rSrc, 2 ); DPtoLP( hdc, &src, 1 ); DPtoLP( hdc, &dest, 1 ); if (!BitBlt( hdc, dest.x, dest.y, rSrc.right - rSrc.left, rSrc.bottom - rSrc.top, hdc, src.x, src.y, SRCCOPY)) { GDI_ReleaseObj( hdc ); return FALSE; } } /* compute update areas */ if (hrgnUpdate || rcUpdate) { HRGN hrgn = (hrgnUpdate) ? hrgnUpdate : CreateRectRgn( 0,0,0,0 ); HRGN hrgn2; hrgn2 = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rect ); OffsetRgn( hrgn2, dc->w.DCOrgX, dc->w.DCOrgY ); CombineRgn( hrgn2, hrgn2, dc->w.hVisRgn, RGN_AND ); OffsetRgn( hrgn2, -dc->w.DCOrgX, -dc->w.DCOrgY ); SetRectRgn( hrgn, rClip.left, rClip.top, rClip.right, rClip.bottom ); CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, hrgn2, RGN_AND ); OffsetRgn( hrgn2, dx, dy ); CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, hrgn2, RGN_DIFF ); if( rcUpdate ) { GetRgnBox( hrgn, rcUpdate ); /* Put the rcUpdate in logical coordinate */ DPtoLP( hdc, (LPPOINT)rcUpdate, 2 ); } if (!hrgnUpdate) DeleteObject( hrgn ); DeleteObject( hrgn2 ); } } else { if (hrgnUpdate) SetRectRgn(hrgnUpdate, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (rcUpdate) SetRectEmpty(rcUpdate); } GDI_ReleaseObj( hdc ); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* * ScrollWindowEx16 (USER.319) */ INT16 WINAPI ScrollWindowEx16( HWND16 hwnd, INT16 dx, INT16 dy, const RECT16 *rect, const RECT16 *clipRect, HRGN16 hrgnUpdate, LPRECT16 rcUpdate, UINT16 flags ) { RECT rect32, clipRect32, rcUpdate32; BOOL16 ret; if (rect) CONV_RECT16TO32( rect, &rect32 ); if (clipRect) CONV_RECT16TO32( clipRect, &clipRect32 ); ret = ScrollWindowEx( hwnd, dx, dy, rect ? &rect32 : NULL, clipRect ? &clipRect32 : NULL, hrgnUpdate, (rcUpdate) ? &rcUpdate32 : NULL, flags ); if (rcUpdate) CONV_RECT32TO16( &rcUpdate32, rcUpdate ); return ret; } /************************************************************************* * SCROLL_FixCaret */ static BOOL SCROLL_FixCaret(HWND hWnd, LPRECT lprc, UINT flags) { HWND hCaret = CARET_GetHwnd(); if( hCaret ) { RECT rc; CARET_GetRect( &rc ); if( hCaret == hWnd || (flags & SW_SCROLLCHILDREN && IsChild(hWnd, hCaret)) ) { POINT pt; pt.x = rc.left; pt.y = rc.top; MapWindowPoints( hCaret, hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rc, 2 ); if( IntersectRect(lprc, lprc, &rc) ) { HideCaret(0); lprc->left = pt.x; lprc->top = pt.y; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /************************************************************************* * ScrollWindowEx (USER32.451) * * NOTE: Use this function instead of ScrollWindow32 */ INT WINAPI ScrollWindowEx( HWND hwnd, INT dx, INT dy, const RECT *rect, const RECT *clipRect, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT rcUpdate, UINT flags ) { INT retVal = NULLREGION; BOOL bCaret = FALSE, bOwnRgn = TRUE; RECT rc, cliprc; WND* wnd = WIN_FindWndPtr( hwnd ); if( !wnd || !WIN_IsWindowDrawable( wnd, TRUE )) { retVal = ERROR; goto END; } GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); if (rect) IntersectRect(&rc, &rc, rect); if (clipRect) IntersectRect(&cliprc,&rc,clipRect); else cliprc = rc; if (!IsRectEmpty(&cliprc) && (dx || dy)) { HDC hDC; BOOL bUpdate = (rcUpdate || hrgnUpdate || flags & (SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE)); HRGN hrgnClip = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&cliprc); HRGN hrgnTemp = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rc); RECT caretrc; TRACE("%04x, %d,%d hrgnUpdate=%04x rcUpdate = %p \ cliprc = (%d,%d-%d,%d), rc=(%d,%d-%d,%d) %04x\n", (HWND16)hwnd, dx, dy, hrgnUpdate, rcUpdate, clipRect?clipRect->left:0, clipRect?clipRect->top:0, clipRect?clipRect->right:0, clipRect?clipRect->bottom:0, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom, (UINT16)flags ); caretrc = rc; bCaret = SCROLL_FixCaret(hwnd, &caretrc, flags); if( hrgnUpdate ) bOwnRgn = FALSE; else if( bUpdate ) hrgnUpdate = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); hDC = GetDCEx( hwnd, hrgnClip, DCX_CACHE | DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN | DCX_INTERSECTRGN | ((flags & SW_SCROLLCHILDREN) ? DCX_NOCLIPCHILDREN : 0) ); if (hDC) { wnd->pDriver->pSurfaceCopy(wnd,hDC,dx,dy,&rc,bUpdate); if( bUpdate ) { DC* dc; if( (dc = DC_GetDCPtr(hDC)) ) { OffsetRgn( hrgnTemp, dc->w.DCOrgX, dc->w.DCOrgY ); CombineRgn( hrgnTemp, hrgnTemp, dc->w.hVisRgn, RGN_AND ); OffsetRgn( hrgnTemp, -dc->w.DCOrgX, -dc->w.DCOrgY ); CombineRgn( hrgnUpdate, hrgnTemp, hrgnClip, RGN_AND ); OffsetRgn( hrgnTemp, dx, dy ); retVal = CombineRgn( hrgnUpdate, hrgnUpdate, hrgnTemp, RGN_DIFF ); if( rcUpdate ) GetRgnBox( hrgnUpdate, rcUpdate ); GDI_ReleaseObj( hDC ); } } ReleaseDC(hwnd, hDC); } if( wnd->hrgnUpdate > 1 ) { /* Takes into account the fact that some damages may have occured during the scroll. */ CombineRgn( hrgnTemp, wnd->hrgnUpdate, 0, RGN_COPY ); OffsetRgn( hrgnTemp, dx, dy ); CombineRgn( hrgnTemp, hrgnTemp, hrgnClip, RGN_AND ); CombineRgn( wnd->hrgnUpdate, wnd->hrgnUpdate, hrgnTemp, RGN_OR ); } if( flags & SW_SCROLLCHILDREN ) { RECT r; WND* w; for( w =WIN_LockWndPtr(wnd->child); w; WIN_UpdateWndPtr(&w, w->next)) { CONV_RECT16TO32( &w->rectWindow, &r ); if( !rect || IntersectRect(&r, &r, &rc) ) SetWindowPos(w->hwndSelf, 0, w->rectWindow.left + dx, w->rectWindow.top + dy, 0,0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_DEFERERASE ); } } if( flags & (SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE) ) PAINT_RedrawWindow( hwnd, NULL, hrgnUpdate, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | ((flags & SW_ERASE) ? RDW_ERASENOW : 0) | ((flags & SW_SCROLLCHILDREN) ? RDW_ALLCHILDREN : 0 ), 0 ); if( bCaret ) { SetCaretPos( caretrc.left + dx, caretrc.top + dy ); ShowCaret(0); } if( bOwnRgn && hrgnUpdate ) DeleteObject( hrgnUpdate ); DeleteObject( hrgnClip ); DeleteObject( hrgnTemp ); } END: WIN_ReleaseWndPtr(wnd); return retVal; }