/* * Wininet * * Copyright 1999 Corel Corporation * * Ulrich Czekalla * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _WINE_INTERNET_H_ #define _WINE_INTERNET_H_ #include #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_SSL_H #define DSA __ssl_DSA /* avoid conflict with commctrl.h */ #undef FAR # include #undef FAR #define FAR do_not_use_this_in_wine #undef DSA #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H # include #endif /* used for netconnection.c stuff */ typedef struct { BOOL useSSL; int socketFD; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_SSL_H SSL *ssl_s; int ssl_sock; #endif } WININET_NETCONNECTION; inline static LPSTR WININET_strdup( LPCSTR str ) { LPSTR ret = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(str) + 1 ); if (ret) strcpy( ret, str ); return ret; } typedef enum { WH_HINIT = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_INTERNET, WH_HFTPSESSION = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_FTP, WH_HGOPHERSESSION = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_GOPHER, WH_HHTTPSESSION = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_HTTP, WH_HFILE = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FILE, WH_HFINDNEXT = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FIND, WH_HHTTPREQ = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_HTTP_REQUEST, } WH_TYPE; typedef struct _WININETHANDLEHEADER { WH_TYPE htype; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwContext; DWORD dwError; struct _WININETHANDLEHEADER *lpwhparent; } WININETHANDLEHEADER, *LPWININETHANDLEHEADER; typedef struct { WININETHANDLEHEADER hdr; LPWSTR lpszAgent; LPWSTR lpszProxy; LPWSTR lpszProxyBypass; LPWSTR lpszProxyUsername; LPWSTR lpszProxyPassword; DWORD dwAccessType; INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK lpfnStatusCB; } WININETAPPINFOW, *LPWININETAPPINFOW; typedef struct { WININETHANDLEHEADER hdr; LPSTR lpszServerName; LPSTR lpszUserName; INTERNET_PORT nServerPort; struct sockaddr_in socketAddress; struct hostent *phostent; } WININETHTTPSESSIONA, *LPWININETHTTPSESSIONA; #define HDR_ISREQUEST 0x0001 #define HDR_COMMADELIMITED 0x0002 #define HDR_SEMIDELIMITED 0x0004 typedef struct { LPSTR lpszField; LPSTR lpszValue; WORD wFlags; WORD wCount; } HTTPHEADERA, *LPHTTPHEADERA; typedef struct { WININETHANDLEHEADER hdr; LPSTR lpszPath; LPSTR lpszVerb; LPSTR lpszHostName; WININET_NETCONNECTION netConnection; HTTPHEADERA StdHeaders[HTTP_QUERY_MAX+1]; HTTPHEADERA *pCustHeaders; INT nCustHeaders; } WININETHTTPREQA, *LPWININETHTTPREQA; typedef struct { WININETHANDLEHEADER hdr; BOOL session_deleted; int nDataSocket; } WININETFILE, *LPWININETFILE; typedef struct { WININETHANDLEHEADER hdr; int sndSocket; int lstnSocket; int pasvSocket; /* data socket connected by us in case of passive FTP */ LPWININETFILE download_in_progress; struct sockaddr_in socketAddress; struct sockaddr_in lstnSocketAddress; struct hostent *phostent; LPSTR lpszPassword; LPSTR lpszUserName; } WININETFTPSESSIONA, *LPWININETFTPSESSIONA; typedef struct { BOOL bIsDirectory; LPSTR lpszName; DWORD nSize; struct tm tmLastModified; unsigned short permissions; } FILEPROPERTIESA, *LPFILEPROPERTIESA; typedef struct { WININETHANDLEHEADER hdr; int index; DWORD size; LPFILEPROPERTIESA lpafp; } WININETFINDNEXTA, *LPWININETFINDNEXTA; typedef enum { FTPPUTFILEA, FTPSETCURRENTDIRECTORYA, FTPCREATEDIRECTORYA, FTPFINDFIRSTFILEA, FTPGETCURRENTDIRECTORYA, FTPOPENFILEA, FTPGETFILEA, FTPDELETEFILEA, FTPREMOVEDIRECTORYA, FTPRENAMEFILEA, INTERNETFINDNEXTA, HTTPSENDREQUESTA, HTTPOPENREQUESTA, SENDCALLBACK, INTERNETOPENURLA, } ASYNC_FUNC; struct WORKREQ_FTPPUTFILEA { LPSTR lpszLocalFile; LPSTR lpszNewRemoteFile; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwContext; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPSETCURRENTDIRECTORYA { LPSTR lpszDirectory; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPCREATEDIRECTORYA { LPSTR lpszDirectory; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPFINDFIRSTFILEA { LPSTR lpszSearchFile; LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwContext; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPGETCURRENTDIRECTORYA { LPSTR lpszDirectory; DWORD *lpdwDirectory; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPOPENFILEA { LPSTR lpszFilename; DWORD dwAccess; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwContext; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPGETFILEA { LPSTR lpszRemoteFile; LPSTR lpszNewFile; BOOL fFailIfExists; DWORD dwLocalFlagsAttribute; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwContext; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPDELETEFILEA { LPSTR lpszFilename; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPREMOVEDIRECTORYA { LPSTR lpszDirectory; }; struct WORKREQ_FTPRENAMEFILEA { LPSTR lpszSrcFile; LPSTR lpszDestFile; }; struct WORKREQ_INTERNETFINDNEXTA { LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData; }; struct WORKREQ_HTTPOPENREQUESTA { LPSTR lpszVerb; LPSTR lpszObjectName; LPSTR lpszVersion; LPSTR lpszReferrer; LPCSTR *lpszAcceptTypes; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwContext; }; struct WORKREQ_HTTPSENDREQUESTA { LPSTR lpszHeader; DWORD dwHeaderLength; LPVOID lpOptional; DWORD dwOptionalLength; }; struct WORKREQ_SENDCALLBACK { HINTERNET hHttpSession; DWORD dwContext; DWORD dwInternetStatus; LPVOID lpvStatusInfo; DWORD dwStatusInfoLength; }; struct WORKREQ_INTERNETOPENURLA { HINTERNET hInternet; LPSTR lpszUrl; LPSTR lpszHeaders; DWORD dwHeadersLength; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwContext; }; typedef struct WORKREQ { ASYNC_FUNC asyncall; HINTERNET handle; union { struct WORKREQ_FTPPUTFILEA FtpPutFileA; struct WORKREQ_FTPSETCURRENTDIRECTORYA FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA; struct WORKREQ_FTPCREATEDIRECTORYA FtpCreateDirectoryA; struct WORKREQ_FTPFINDFIRSTFILEA FtpFindFirstFileA; struct WORKREQ_FTPGETCURRENTDIRECTORYA FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA; struct WORKREQ_FTPOPENFILEA FtpOpenFileA; struct WORKREQ_FTPGETFILEA FtpGetFileA; struct WORKREQ_FTPDELETEFILEA FtpDeleteFileA; struct WORKREQ_FTPREMOVEDIRECTORYA FtpRemoveDirectoryA; struct WORKREQ_FTPRENAMEFILEA FtpRenameFileA; struct WORKREQ_INTERNETFINDNEXTA InternetFindNextA; struct WORKREQ_HTTPOPENREQUESTA HttpOpenRequestA; struct WORKREQ_HTTPSENDREQUESTA HttpSendRequestA; struct WORKREQ_SENDCALLBACK SendCallback; struct WORKREQ_INTERNETOPENURLA InternetOpenUrlA; } u; struct WORKREQ *next; struct WORKREQ *prev; } WORKREQUEST, *LPWORKREQUEST; HINTERNET WININET_AllocHandle( LPWININETHANDLEHEADER info ); LPWININETHANDLEHEADER WININET_GetObject( HINTERNET hinternet ); BOOL WININET_FreeHandle( HINTERNET hinternet ); HINTERNET WININET_FindHandle( LPWININETHANDLEHEADER info ); time_t ConvertTimeString(LPCSTR asctime); HINTERNET FTP_Connect(HINTERNET hInterent, LPCSTR lpszServerName, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, LPCSTR lpszUserName, LPCSTR lpszPassword, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwContext); HINTERNET HTTP_Connect(HINTERNET hInterent, LPCSTR lpszServerName, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, LPCSTR lpszUserName, LPCSTR lpszPassword, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwContext); BOOL GetAddress(LPCSTR lpszServerName, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, struct hostent **phe, struct sockaddr_in *psa); void INTERNET_SetLastError(DWORD dwError); DWORD INTERNET_GetLastError(); BOOL INTERNET_AsyncCall(LPWORKREQUEST lpWorkRequest); LPSTR INTERNET_GetResponseBuffer(); LPSTR INTERNET_GetNextLine(INT nSocket, LPSTR lpszBuffer, LPDWORD dwBuffer); BOOL FTP_CloseSessionHandle(LPWININETFTPSESSIONA lpwfs); BOOL FTP_CloseFindNextHandle(LPWININETFINDNEXTA lpwfn); BOOL FTP_CloseFileTransferHandle(LPWININETFILE lpwfn); BOOLAPI FTP_FtpPutFileA(HINTERNET hConnect, LPCSTR lpszLocalFile, LPCSTR lpszNewRemoteFile, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwContext); BOOLAPI FTP_FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA(HINTERNET hConnect, LPCSTR lpszDirectory); BOOLAPI FTP_FtpCreateDirectoryA(HINTERNET hConnect, LPCSTR lpszDirectory); INTERNETAPI HINTERNET WINAPI FTP_FtpFindFirstFileA(HINTERNET hConnect, LPCSTR lpszSearchFile, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwContext); BOOLAPI FTP_FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA(HINTERNET hFtpSession, LPSTR lpszCurrentDirectory, LPDWORD lpdwCurrentDirectory); BOOL FTP_ConvertFileProp(LPFILEPROPERTIESA lpafp, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData); BOOL FTP_FtpRenameFileA(HINTERNET hFtpSession, LPCSTR lpszSrc, LPCSTR lpszDest); BOOL FTP_FtpRemoveDirectoryA(HINTERNET hFtpSession, LPCSTR lpszDirectory); BOOL FTP_FtpDeleteFileA(HINTERNET hFtpSession, LPCSTR lpszFileName); HINTERNET FTP_FtpOpenFileA(HINTERNET hFtpSession, LPCSTR lpszFileName, DWORD fdwAccess, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwContext); BOOLAPI FTP_FtpGetFileA(HINTERNET hInternet, LPCSTR lpszRemoteFile, LPCSTR lpszNewFile, BOOL fFailIfExists, DWORD dwLocalFlagsAttribute, DWORD dwInternetFlags, DWORD dwContext); BOOLAPI HTTP_HttpSendRequestA(HINTERNET hHttpRequest, LPCSTR lpszHeaders, DWORD dwHeaderLength, LPVOID lpOptional ,DWORD dwOptionalLength); INTERNETAPI HINTERNET WINAPI HTTP_HttpOpenRequestA(HINTERNET hHttpSession, LPCSTR lpszVerb, LPCSTR lpszObjectName, LPCSTR lpszVersion, LPCSTR lpszReferrer , LPCSTR *lpszAcceptTypes, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwContext); void HTTP_CloseHTTPSessionHandle(LPWININETHTTPSESSIONA lpwhs); void HTTP_CloseHTTPRequestHandle(LPWININETHTTPREQA lpwhr); VOID SendAsyncCallback(LPWININETAPPINFOW hIC, HINTERNET hHttpSession, DWORD dwContext, DWORD dwInternetStatus, LPVOID lpvStatusInfo , DWORD dwStatusInfoLength); VOID SendAsyncCallbackInt(LPWININETAPPINFOW hIC, HINTERNET hHttpSession, DWORD dwContext, DWORD dwInternetStatus, LPVOID lpvStatusInfo , DWORD dwStatusInfoLength); BOOL HTTP_InsertProxyAuthorization( LPWININETHTTPREQA lpwhr, LPCWSTR username, LPCWSTR password ); BOOL NETCON_connected(WININET_NETCONNECTION *connection); void NETCON_init(WININET_NETCONNECTION *connnection, BOOL useSSL); BOOL NETCON_create(WININET_NETCONNECTION *connection, int domain, int type, int protocol); BOOL NETCON_close(WININET_NETCONNECTION *connection); BOOL NETCON_connect(WININET_NETCONNECTION *connection, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, socklen_t addrlen); BOOL NETCON_send(WININET_NETCONNECTION *connection, const void *msg, size_t len, int flags, int *sent /* out */); BOOL NETCON_recv(WININET_NETCONNECTION *connection, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, int *recvd /* out */); BOOL NETCON_getNextLine(WININET_NETCONNECTION *connection, LPSTR lpszBuffer, LPDWORD dwBuffer); #define MAX_REPLY_LEN 0x5B4 /* Used for debugging - maybe need to be shared in the Wine debugging code ? */ typedef struct { DWORD val; const char* name; } wininet_flag_info; #endif /* _WINE_INTERNET_H_ */