/* * XDND handler code * * Copyright 2003 Ulrich Czekalla * Copyright 2007 Damjan Jovanovic * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define COBJMACROS #define NONAMELESSUNION #include "x11drv_dll.h" #include "shellapi.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wine/list.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(xdnd); static struct format_entry *xdnd_formats, *xdnd_formats_end; static POINT XDNDxy = { 0, 0 }; static IDataObject XDNDDataObject; static BOOL XDNDAccepted = FALSE; static DWORD XDNDDropEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; /* the last window the mouse was over */ static HWND XDNDLastTargetWnd; /* might be an ancestor of XDNDLastTargetWnd */ static HWND XDNDLastDropTargetWnd; static BOOL X11DRV_XDND_HasHDROP(void); static HRESULT X11DRV_XDND_SendDropFiles(HWND hwnd); static void X11DRV_XDND_FreeDragDropOp(void); static CRITICAL_SECTION xdnd_cs; static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG critsect_debug = { 0, 0, &xdnd_cs, { &critsect_debug.ProcessLocksList, &critsect_debug.ProcessLocksList }, 0, 0, { (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": xdnd_cs") } }; static CRITICAL_SECTION xdnd_cs = { &critsect_debug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static struct format_entry *next_format( struct format_entry *entry ) { return (struct format_entry *)&entry->data[(entry->size + 7) & ~7]; } /* Based on functions in dlls/ole32/ole2.c */ static HANDLE get_droptarget_local_handle(HWND hwnd) { static const WCHAR prop_marshalleddroptarget[] = {'W','i','n','e','M','a','r','s','h','a','l','l','e','d','D','r','o','p','T','a','r','g','e','t',0}; HANDLE handle; HANDLE local_handle = 0; handle = GetPropW(hwnd, prop_marshalleddroptarget); if (handle) { DWORD pid; HANDLE process; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid); process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, pid); if (process) { DuplicateHandle(process, handle, GetCurrentProcess(), &local_handle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); CloseHandle(process); } } return local_handle; } static HRESULT create_stream_from_map(HANDLE map, IStream **stream) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; HGLOBAL hmem; void *data; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info; data = MapViewOfFile(map, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if(!data) return hr; VirtualQuery(data, &info, sizeof(info)); TRACE("size %d\n", (int)info.RegionSize); hmem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, info.RegionSize); if(hmem) { memcpy(GlobalLock(hmem), data, info.RegionSize); GlobalUnlock(hmem); hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hmem, TRUE, stream); } UnmapViewOfFile(data); return hr; } static IDropTarget* get_droptarget_pointer(HWND hwnd) { IDropTarget *droptarget = NULL; HANDLE map; IStream *stream; map = get_droptarget_local_handle(hwnd); if(!map) return NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(create_stream_from_map(map, &stream))) { CoUnmarshalInterface(stream, &IID_IDropTarget, (void**)&droptarget); IStream_Release(stream); } CloseHandle(map); return droptarget; } /* Recursively searches for a window on given coordinates in a drag&drop specific manner. * * Don't use WindowFromPoint instead, because it omits the STATIC and transparent * windows, but they can be a valid drop targets if have WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES set. */ static HWND window_from_point_dnd(HWND hwnd, POINT point) { HWND child; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &point); while ((child = ChildWindowFromPointEx(hwnd, point, CWP_SKIPDISABLED | CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE)) && child != hwnd) { MapWindowPoints(hwnd, child, &point, 1); hwnd = child; } return hwnd; } /* Returns the first window down the hierarchy that has WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES set or * returns NULL, if such window does not exists. */ static HWND window_accepting_files(HWND hwnd) { while (hwnd && !(GetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES)) /* MUST to be GetParent, not GetAncestor, because the owner window * (with WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) of a window with WS_POPUP is a valid * drop target. GetParent works exactly this way! */ hwnd = GetParent(hwnd); return hwnd; } /************************************************************************** * x11drv_dnd_position_event * * Handle an XdndPosition event. */ NTSTATUS WINAPI x11drv_dnd_position_event( void *arg, ULONG size ) { struct dnd_position_event_params *params = arg; int accept = 0; /* Assume we're not accepting */ IDropTarget *dropTarget = NULL; DWORD effect = params->effect; POINTL pointl = { .x = params->point.x, .y = params->point.y }; HWND targetWindow; HRESULT hr; XDNDxy = params->point; targetWindow = window_from_point_dnd( params->hwnd, XDNDxy ); if (!XDNDAccepted || XDNDLastTargetWnd != targetWindow) { /* Notify OLE of DragEnter. Result determines if we accept */ HWND dropTargetWindow; if (XDNDAccepted && XDNDLastDropTargetWnd) { dropTarget = get_droptarget_pointer(XDNDLastDropTargetWnd); if (dropTarget) { hr = IDropTarget_DragLeave(dropTarget); if (FAILED(hr)) WARN("IDropTarget_DragLeave failed, error 0x%08X\n", hr); IDropTarget_Release(dropTarget); } } dropTargetWindow = targetWindow; do { dropTarget = get_droptarget_pointer(dropTargetWindow); } while (dropTarget == NULL && (dropTargetWindow = GetParent(dropTargetWindow)) != NULL); XDNDLastTargetWnd = targetWindow; XDNDLastDropTargetWnd = dropTargetWindow; if (dropTarget) { DWORD effect_ignore = effect; hr = IDropTarget_DragEnter(dropTarget, &XDNDDataObject, MK_LBUTTON, pointl, &effect_ignore); if (hr == S_OK) { XDNDAccepted = TRUE; TRACE("the application accepted the drop (effect = %d)\n", effect_ignore); } else { XDNDAccepted = FALSE; WARN("IDropTarget_DragEnter failed, error 0x%08X\n", hr); } IDropTarget_Release(dropTarget); } } if (XDNDAccepted && XDNDLastTargetWnd == targetWindow) { /* If drag accepted notify OLE of DragOver */ dropTarget = get_droptarget_pointer(XDNDLastDropTargetWnd); if (dropTarget) { hr = IDropTarget_DragOver(dropTarget, MK_LBUTTON, pointl, &effect); if (hr == S_OK) XDNDDropEffect = effect; else WARN("IDropTarget_DragOver failed, error 0x%08X\n", hr); IDropTarget_Release(dropTarget); } } if (XDNDAccepted) accept = 1; else { /* fallback search for window able to accept these files. */ if (window_accepting_files(targetWindow) && X11DRV_XDND_HasHDROP()) { accept = 1; effect = DROPEFFECT_COPY; } } return accept ? effect : 0; } NTSTATUS x11drv_dnd_drop_event( UINT arg ) { IDropTarget *dropTarget; DWORD effect = XDNDDropEffect; int accept = 0; /* Assume we're not accepting */ BOOL drop_file = TRUE; /* Notify OLE of Drop */ if (XDNDAccepted) { dropTarget = get_droptarget_pointer(XDNDLastDropTargetWnd); if (dropTarget && effect!=DROPEFFECT_NONE) { HRESULT hr; POINTL pointl; pointl.x = XDNDxy.x; pointl.y = XDNDxy.y; hr = IDropTarget_Drop(dropTarget, &XDNDDataObject, MK_LBUTTON, pointl, &effect); if (hr == S_OK) { if (effect != DROPEFFECT_NONE) { TRACE("drop succeeded\n"); accept = 1; drop_file = FALSE; } else TRACE("the application refused the drop\n"); } else if (FAILED(hr)) WARN("drop failed, error 0x%08X\n", hr); else { WARN("drop returned 0x%08X\n", hr); drop_file = FALSE; } IDropTarget_Release(dropTarget); } else if (dropTarget) { HRESULT hr = IDropTarget_DragLeave(dropTarget); if (FAILED(hr)) WARN("IDropTarget_DragLeave failed, error 0x%08X\n", hr); IDropTarget_Release(dropTarget); } } if (drop_file) { /* Only send WM_DROPFILES if Drop didn't succeed or DROPEFFECT_NONE was set. * Doing both causes winamp to duplicate the dropped files (#29081) */ HWND hwnd_drop = window_accepting_files(window_from_point_dnd( UlongToHandle(arg), XDNDxy )); if (hwnd_drop && X11DRV_XDND_HasHDROP()) { HRESULT hr = X11DRV_XDND_SendDropFiles(hwnd_drop); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { accept = 1; effect = DROPEFFECT_COPY; } } } TRACE("effectRequested(0x%x) accept(%d) performed(0x%x) at x(%d),y(%d)\n", XDNDDropEffect, accept, effect, XDNDxy.x, XDNDxy.y); return accept ? effect : 0; } /************************************************************************** * x11drv_dnd_leave_event * * Handle an XdndLeave event. */ NTSTATUS x11drv_dnd_leave_event( UINT arg ) { IDropTarget *dropTarget; TRACE("DND Operation canceled\n"); /* Notify OLE of DragLeave */ if (XDNDAccepted) { dropTarget = get_droptarget_pointer(XDNDLastDropTargetWnd); if (dropTarget) { HRESULT hr = IDropTarget_DragLeave(dropTarget); if (FAILED(hr)) WARN("IDropTarget_DragLeave failed, error 0x%08X\n", hr); IDropTarget_Release(dropTarget); } } X11DRV_XDND_FreeDragDropOp(); return 0; } /************************************************************************** * x11drv_dnd_enter_event */ NTSTATUS WINAPI x11drv_dnd_enter_event( void *params, ULONG size ) { struct format_entry *formats = params; XDNDAccepted = FALSE; X11DRV_XDND_FreeDragDropOp(); /* Clear previously cached data */ if ((xdnd_formats = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size ))) { memcpy( xdnd_formats, formats, size ); xdnd_formats_end = (struct format_entry *)((char *)xdnd_formats + size); } return 0; } /************************************************************************** * X11DRV_XDND_HasHDROP */ static BOOL X11DRV_XDND_HasHDROP(void) { struct format_entry *iter; BOOL found = FALSE; EnterCriticalSection(&xdnd_cs); /* Find CF_HDROP type if any */ for (iter = xdnd_formats; iter < xdnd_formats_end; iter = next_format( iter )) { if (iter->format == CF_HDROP) { found = TRUE; break; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&xdnd_cs); return found; } /************************************************************************** * X11DRV_XDND_SendDropFiles */ static HRESULT X11DRV_XDND_SendDropFiles(HWND hwnd) { struct format_entry *iter; HRESULT hr; BOOL found = FALSE; EnterCriticalSection(&xdnd_cs); for (iter = xdnd_formats; iter < xdnd_formats_end; iter = next_format( iter )) { if (iter->format == CF_HDROP) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (found) { HGLOBAL dropHandle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, iter->size); if (dropHandle) { RECT rect; DROPFILES *lpDrop = GlobalLock(dropHandle); memcpy(lpDrop, iter->data, iter->size); lpDrop->pt.x = XDNDxy.x; lpDrop->pt.y = XDNDxy.y; lpDrop->fNC = !(ScreenToClient(hwnd, &lpDrop->pt) && GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect) && PtInRect(&rect, lpDrop->pt)); TRACE("Sending WM_DROPFILES: hWnd=0x%p, fNC=%d, x=%d, y=%d, files=%p(%s)\n", hwnd, lpDrop->fNC, lpDrop->pt.x, lpDrop->pt.y, ((char*)lpDrop) + lpDrop->pFiles, debugstr_w((WCHAR*)(((char*)lpDrop) + lpDrop->pFiles))); GlobalUnlock(dropHandle); if (PostMessageW(hwnd, WM_DROPFILES, (WPARAM)dropHandle, 0)) hr = S_OK; else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); GlobalFree(dropHandle); } } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else hr = E_FAIL; LeaveCriticalSection(&xdnd_cs); return hr; } /************************************************************************** * X11DRV_XDND_FreeDragDropOp */ static void X11DRV_XDND_FreeDragDropOp(void) { TRACE("\n"); EnterCriticalSection(&xdnd_cs); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, xdnd_formats ); xdnd_formats = xdnd_formats_end = NULL; XDNDxy.x = XDNDxy.y = 0; XDNDLastTargetWnd = NULL; XDNDLastDropTargetWnd = NULL; XDNDAccepted = FALSE; LeaveCriticalSection(&xdnd_cs); } /************************************************************************** * X11DRV_XDND_DescribeClipboardFormat */ static void X11DRV_XDND_DescribeClipboardFormat(int cfFormat, char *buffer, int size) { #define D(x) case x: lstrcpynA(buffer, #x, size); return; switch (cfFormat) { D(CF_TEXT) D(CF_BITMAP) D(CF_METAFILEPICT) D(CF_SYLK) D(CF_DIF) D(CF_TIFF) D(CF_OEMTEXT) D(CF_DIB) D(CF_PALETTE) D(CF_PENDATA) D(CF_RIFF) D(CF_WAVE) D(CF_UNICODETEXT) D(CF_ENHMETAFILE) D(CF_HDROP) D(CF_LOCALE) D(CF_DIBV5) } #undef D if (CF_PRIVATEFIRST <= cfFormat && cfFormat <= CF_PRIVATELAST) { lstrcpynA(buffer, "some private object", size); return; } if (CF_GDIOBJFIRST <= cfFormat && cfFormat <= CF_GDIOBJLAST) { lstrcpynA(buffer, "some GDI object", size); return; } GetClipboardFormatNameA(cfFormat, buffer, size); } /* The IDataObject singleton we feed to OLE follows */ static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_QueryInterface(IDataObject *dataObject, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { TRACE("(%p, %s, %p)\n", dataObject, debugstr_guid(riid), ppvObject); if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IDataObject)) { *ppvObject = dataObject; IDataObject_AddRef(dataObject); return S_OK; } *ppvObject = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } static ULONG WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_AddRef(IDataObject *dataObject) { TRACE("(%p)\n", dataObject); return 2; } static ULONG WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_Release(IDataObject *dataObject) { TRACE("(%p)\n", dataObject); return 1; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_GetData(IDataObject *dataObject, FORMATETC *formatEtc, STGMEDIUM *pMedium) { HRESULT hr; char formatDesc[1024]; TRACE("(%p, %p, %p)\n", dataObject, formatEtc, pMedium); X11DRV_XDND_DescribeClipboardFormat(formatEtc->cfFormat, formatDesc, sizeof(formatDesc)); TRACE("application is looking for %s\n", formatDesc); hr = IDataObject_QueryGetData(dataObject, formatEtc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { struct format_entry *iter; for (iter = xdnd_formats; iter < xdnd_formats_end; iter = next_format( iter )) { if (iter->format == formatEtc->cfFormat) { pMedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pMedium->u.hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, iter->size); if (pMedium->u.hGlobal == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memcpy(GlobalLock(pMedium->u.hGlobal), iter->data, iter->size); GlobalUnlock(pMedium->u.hGlobal); pMedium->pUnkForRelease = 0; return S_OK; } } } return hr; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_GetDataHere(IDataObject *dataObject, FORMATETC *formatEtc, STGMEDIUM *pMedium) { FIXME("(%p, %p, %p): stub\n", dataObject, formatEtc, pMedium); return DATA_E_FORMATETC; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_QueryGetData(IDataObject *dataObject, FORMATETC *formatEtc) { struct format_entry *iter; char formatDesc[1024]; TRACE("(%p, %p={.tymed=0x%x, .dwAspect=%d, .cfFormat=%d}\n", dataObject, formatEtc, formatEtc->tymed, formatEtc->dwAspect, formatEtc->cfFormat); X11DRV_XDND_DescribeClipboardFormat(formatEtc->cfFormat, formatDesc, sizeof(formatDesc)); if (formatEtc->tymed && !(formatEtc->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL)) { FIXME("only HGLOBAL medium types supported right now\n"); return DV_E_TYMED; } /* Windows Explorer ignores .dwAspect and .lindex for CF_HDROP, * and we have no way to implement them on XDnD anyway, so ignore them too. */ for (iter = xdnd_formats; iter < xdnd_formats_end; iter = next_format( iter )) { if (iter->format == formatEtc->cfFormat) { TRACE("application found %s\n", formatDesc); return S_OK; } } TRACE("application didn't find %s\n", formatDesc); return DV_E_FORMATETC; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_GetCanonicalFormatEtc(IDataObject *dataObject, FORMATETC *formatEtc, FORMATETC *formatEtcOut) { FIXME("(%p, %p, %p): stub\n", dataObject, formatEtc, formatEtcOut); formatEtcOut->ptd = NULL; return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_SetData(IDataObject *dataObject, FORMATETC *formatEtc, STGMEDIUM *pMedium, BOOL fRelease) { FIXME("(%p, %p, %p, %s): stub\n", dataObject, formatEtc, pMedium, fRelease?"TRUE":"FALSE"); return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_EnumFormatEtc(IDataObject *dataObject, DWORD dwDirection, IEnumFORMATETC **ppEnumFormatEtc) { struct format_entry *iter; DWORD count = 0; FORMATETC *formats; TRACE("(%p, %u, %p)\n", dataObject, dwDirection, ppEnumFormatEtc); if (dwDirection != DATADIR_GET) { FIXME("only the get direction is implemented\n"); return E_NOTIMPL; } for (iter = xdnd_formats; iter < xdnd_formats_end; iter = next_format( iter )) count++; formats = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, count * sizeof(FORMATETC)); if (formats) { DWORD i = 0; HRESULT hr; for (iter = xdnd_formats; iter < xdnd_formats_end; iter = next_format( iter )) { formats[i].cfFormat = iter->format; formats[i].ptd = NULL; formats[i].dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; formats[i].lindex = -1; formats[i].tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; i++; } hr = SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc(count, formats, ppEnumFormatEtc); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, formats); return hr; } else return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_DAdvise(IDataObject *dataObject, FORMATETC *formatEtc, DWORD advf, IAdviseSink *adviseSink, DWORD *pdwConnection) { FIXME("(%p, %p, %u, %p, %p): stub\n", dataObject, formatEtc, advf, adviseSink, pdwConnection); return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_DUnadvise(IDataObject *dataObject, DWORD dwConnection) { FIXME("(%p, %u): stub\n", dataObject, dwConnection); return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } static HRESULT WINAPI XDNDDATAOBJECT_EnumDAdvise(IDataObject *dataObject, IEnumSTATDATA **pEnumAdvise) { FIXME("(%p, %p): stub\n", dataObject, pEnumAdvise); return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } static IDataObjectVtbl xdndDataObjectVtbl = { XDNDDATAOBJECT_QueryInterface, XDNDDATAOBJECT_AddRef, XDNDDATAOBJECT_Release, XDNDDATAOBJECT_GetData, XDNDDATAOBJECT_GetDataHere, XDNDDATAOBJECT_QueryGetData, XDNDDATAOBJECT_GetCanonicalFormatEtc, XDNDDATAOBJECT_SetData, XDNDDATAOBJECT_EnumFormatEtc, XDNDDATAOBJECT_DAdvise, XDNDDATAOBJECT_DUnadvise, XDNDDATAOBJECT_EnumDAdvise }; static IDataObject XDNDDataObject = { &xdndDataObjectVtbl }; NTSTATUS WINAPI x11drv_dnd_post_drop( void *data, ULONG size ) { HDROP handle; if ((handle = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_SHARE, size ))) { DROPFILES *ptr = GlobalLock( handle ); HWND hwnd; memcpy( ptr, data, size ); hwnd = UlongToHandle( ptr->fWide ); ptr->fWide = TRUE; GlobalUnlock( handle ); PostMessageW( hwnd, WM_DROPFILES, (WPARAM)handle, 0 ); } return 0; }