usp10: Add ScriptTextOut functionality and restructure tests.

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Latimer 2006-04-30 23:44:30 +10:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 66ab457196
commit af67bc864e
2 changed files with 323 additions and 122 deletions

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@ -32,6 +32,227 @@
#include <winerror.h>
#include <usp10.h>
static void test_ScriptItemIzeShapePlace(unsigned short pwOutGlyphs[256])
int iMaxProps;
HWND hwnd;
HDC hdc;
int cInChars;
int cMaxItems;
SCRIPT_ITEM pItem[255];
int pcItems;
WCHAR TestItem1[6] = {'T', 'e', 's', 't', 0x0166, 0};
WCHAR TestItem2[6] = {'T', 'e', 's', 't', 0x0166, 0};
int cChars;
int cMaxGlyphs;
unsigned short pwOutGlyphs1[256];
unsigned short pwOutGlyphs2[256];
unsigned short pwLogClust[256];
int pcGlyphs;
int piAdvance[256];
GOFFSET pGoffset[256];
ABC pABC[256];
int cnt;
/* We need a valid HDC to drive a lot of Script functions which requires the following *
* to set up for the tests. */
hwnd = CreateWindowExA(0, "static", "", WS_POPUP, 0,0,100,100,
0, 0, 0, NULL);
assert(hwnd != 0);
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
hdc = GetDC(hwnd); /* We now have a hdc */
ok( hdc != NULL, "HDC failed to be created %p\n", hdc);
/* Start testing usp10 functions */
/* This test determines that the pointer returned by ScriptGetProperties is valid
* by checking a known value in the table */
hr = ScriptGetProperties(&ppSp, &iMaxProps);
trace("number of script properties %d\n", iMaxProps);
ok (iMaxProps > 0, "Number of scripts returned should not be 0\n");
if (iMaxProps > 0)
ok( ppSp[5]->langid == 9, "Langid[5] not = to 9\n"); /* Check a known value to ensure */
/* ptrs work */
/* This set of tests are to check that the various edits in ScriptIemize work */
cInChars = 5; /* Length of test without NULL */
cMaxItems = 1; /* Check threshold value */
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem1, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "ScriptItemize should return E_INVALIDARG if cMaxItems < 2. Was %d\n",
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(NULL, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "ScriptItemize should return E_INVALIDARG if pwcInChars is NULL\n");
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem1, 0, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "ScriptItemize should return E_INVALIDARG if cInChars is 0\n");
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem1, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pcItems);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "ScriptItemize should return E_INVALIDARG if pItems is NULL\n");
/* This is a valid test that will cause parsing to take place */
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem1, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptItemize should return 0, returned %08x\n", (unsigned int) hr);
/* This test is for the interim operation of ScriptItemize where only one SCRIPT_ITEM is *
* returned. */
ok (pcItems > 0, "The number of SCRIPT_ITEMS should be greater than 0\n");
if (pcItems > 0)
ok (pItem[0].iCharPos == 0 && pItem[1].iCharPos == cInChars,
"Start pos not = 0 (%d) or end pos not = %d (%d)\n",
pItem[0].iCharPos, cInChars, pItem[1].iCharPos);
/* It would appear that we have a valid SCRIPT_ANALYSIS and can continue
* ie. ScriptItemize has succeeded and that pItem has been set */
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
if (hr == 0) {
psc = NULL; /* must be null on first call */
cChars = cInChars;
cMaxGlyphs = cInChars;
hr = ScriptShape(NULL, &psc, TestItem1, cChars,
cMaxGlyphs, &pItem[0].a,
pwOutGlyphs1, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
ok (hr == E_PENDING, "If psc is NULL (%08x) the E_PENDING should be returned\n",
(unsigned int) hr);
cMaxGlyphs = 4;
hr = ScriptShape(hdc, &psc, TestItem1, cChars,
cMaxGlyphs, &pItem[0].a,
pwOutGlyphs1, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
ok (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY, "If not enough output area cChars (%d) is > than CMaxGlyphs "
"(%d) but not E_OUTOFMEMORY\n",
cChars, cMaxGlyphs);
cMaxGlyphs = 256;
hr = ScriptShape(hdc, &psc, TestItem1, cChars,
cMaxGlyphs, &pItem[0].a,
pwOutGlyphs1, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptShape should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (psc != NULL, "psc should not be null and have SCRIPT_CACHE buffer address\n");
ok (pcGlyphs == cChars, "Chars in (%d) should equal Glyphs out (%d)\n", cChars, pcGlyphs);
if (hr ==0) {
hr = ScriptPlace(NULL, &psc, pwOutGlyphs1, pcGlyphs, psva, &pItem[0].a, piAdvance,
pGoffset, pABC);
ok (hr == 0, "Should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
for (cnt=0; cnt < pcGlyphs; cnt++)
pwOutGlyphs[cnt] = pwOutGlyphs1[cnt]; /* Send to next function */
/* This test will check to make sure that SCRIPT_CACHE is reused and that not translation *
* takes place if fNoGlyphIndex is set. */
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem2, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptItemize should return 0, returned %08x\n", (unsigned int) hr);
/* This test is for the intertrim operation of ScriptItemize where only one SCRIPT_ITEM is *
* returned. */
ok (pItem[0].iCharPos == 0 && pItem[1].iCharPos == cInChars,
"Start pos not = 0 (%d) or end pos not = %d (%d)\n",
pItem[0].iCharPos, cInChars, pItem[1].iCharPos);
/* It would appear that we have a valid SCRIPT_ANALYSIS and can continue */
if (hr == 0) {
cChars = cInChars;
cMaxGlyphs = 256;
pItem[0].a.fNoGlyphIndex = 1; /* say no translate */
hr = ScriptShape(NULL, &psc, TestItem2, cChars,
cMaxGlyphs, &pItem[0].a,
pwOutGlyphs2, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
ok (hr != E_PENDING, "If psc should not be NULL (%08x) and the E_PENDING should be returned\n",
(unsigned int) hr);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptShape should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (psc != NULL, "psc should not be null and have SCRIPT_CACHE buffer address\n");
ok (pcGlyphs == cChars, "Chars in (%d) should equal Glyphs out (%d)\n", cChars, pcGlyphs);
for (cnt=0; cnt < cChars && TestItem2[cnt] == pwOutGlyphs2[cnt]; cnt++) {}
ok (cnt == cChars, "Translation to place when told not to. WCHAR %d - %04x != %04x\n",
cnt, TestItem2[cnt], pwOutGlyphs2[cnt]);
if (hr ==0) {
hr = ScriptPlace(NULL, &psc, pwOutGlyphs2, pcGlyphs, psva, &pItem[0].a, piAdvance,
pGoffset, pABC);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptPlace should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
hr = ScriptFreeCache( &psc);
ok (!psc, "psc is not null after ScriptFreeCache\n");
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
void test_ScriptGetCMap(unsigned short pwOutGlyphs[256])
HWND hwnd;
HDC hdc;
int cInChars;
int cChars;
unsigned short pwOutGlyphs3[256];
WCHAR TestItem1[6] = {'T', 'e', 's', 't', 0x0166, 0};
DWORD dwFlags;
int cnt;
/* We need a valid HDC to drive a lot of Script functions which requires the following *
* to set up for the tests. */
hwnd = CreateWindowExA(0, "static", "", WS_POPUP, 0,0,100,100,
0, 0, 0, NULL);
assert(hwnd != 0);
hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
ok( hdc != NULL, "HDC failed to be created %p\n", hdc);
/* Check to make sure that SCRIPT_CACHE gets allocated ok */
dwFlags = 0;
cInChars = cChars = 5;
/* Some sanity checks for ScriptGetCMap */
hr = ScriptGetCMap(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
"expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
hr = ScriptGetCMap(NULL, NULL, TestItem1, cInChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs3);
ok( hr == E_INVALIDARG, "(NULL,NULL,TestItem1, cInChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs3), "
"expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
/* Set psc to NULL, to be able to check if a pointer is returned in psc */
psc = NULL;
hr = ScriptGetCMap(NULL, &psc, NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
ok( hr == E_INVALIDARG, "(NULL,&psc,NULL,0,0NULL), expected E_INVALIDARG, "
"got %08x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
ok( psc == NULL, "Expected psc to be NULL, got %p\n", psc);
/* Set psc to NULL, to be able to check if a pointer is returned in psc */
psc = NULL;
hr = ScriptGetCMap(NULL, &psc, TestItem1, cInChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs3);
ok( hr == E_PENDING, "(NULL,&psc,), expected E_PENDING, got %08x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
ok( psc == NULL, "Expected psc to be NULL, got %p\n", psc);
/* Check to see if the results are the same as those returned by ScriptShape */
hr = ScriptGetCMap(hdc, &psc, TestItem1, cInChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs3);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptGetCMap should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (psc != NULL, "psc should not be null and have SCRIPT_CACHE buffer address\n");
for (cnt=0; cnt < cChars && pwOutGlyphs[cnt] == pwOutGlyphs3[cnt]; cnt++) {}
ok (cnt == cInChars, "Translation not correct. WCHAR %d - %04x != %04x\n",
cnt, pwOutGlyphs[cnt], pwOutGlyphs3[cnt]);
hr = ScriptFreeCache( &psc);
ok (!psc, "psc is not null after ScriptFreeCache\n");
void test_ScriptGetFontProperties(void)
@ -108,36 +329,29 @@ void test_ScriptGetFontProperties(void)
void test_ScriptTextOut(void)
int iMaxProps;
HWND hwnd;
HRGN hrgn;
HDC hdc;
int cInChars;
int cMaxItems;
SCRIPT_ITEM pItem[255];
int pcItems;
WCHAR TestItem1[6] = {'T', 'e', 's', 't', '1', 0};
WCHAR TestItem2[6] = {'T', 'e', 's', 't', '2', 0};
WCHAR TestItem1[6] = {'T', 'e', 's', 't', 0x0166, 0};
int cChars;
int cMaxGlyphs;
unsigned short pwOutGlyphs[256];
unsigned short pwOutGlyphs2[256];
unsigned short pwOutGlyphs3[256];
unsigned short pwOutGlyphs1[256];
unsigned short pwLogClust[256];
int pcGlyphs;
int piAdvance[256];
GOFFSET pGoffset[256];
ABC pABC[256];
int cnt;
DWORD dwFlags;
RECT rect;
/* We need a valid HDC to drive a lot of Script functions which requires the following *
* to set up for the tests. */
@ -147,44 +361,9 @@ START_TEST(usp10)
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
hrgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
assert(hrgn != 0);
hdc = GetDC(hwnd); /* We now have a hdc */
ok( hdc != NULL, "HDC failed to be created %p\n", hdc);
/* Start testing usp10 functions */
/* This test determines that the pointer returned by ScriptGetProperties is valid
* by checking a known value in the table */
hr = ScriptGetProperties(&ppSp, &iMaxProps);
trace("number of script properties %d\n", iMaxProps);
ok (iMaxProps > 0, "Number of scripts returned should not be 0\n");
if (iMaxProps > 0)
ok( ppSp[5]->langid == 9, "Langid[5] not = to 9\n"); /* Check a known value to ensure */
/* ptrs work */
/* This set of tests are to check that the various edits in ScriptIemize work */
cInChars = 5; /* Length of test without NULL */
cMaxItems = 1; /* Check threshold value */
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem1, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "ScriptItemize should return E_INVALIDARG if cMaxItems < 2. Was %d\n",
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(NULL, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "ScriptItemize should return E_INVALIDARG if pwcInChars is NULL\n");
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem1, 0, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "ScriptItemize should return E_INVALIDARG if cInChars is 0\n");
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem1, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pcItems);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "ScriptItemize should return E_INVALIDARG if pItems is NULL\n");
/* This is a valid test that will cause parsing to take place */
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
@ -206,87 +385,74 @@ START_TEST(usp10)
psc = NULL; /* must be null on first call */
cChars = cInChars;
cMaxGlyphs = cInChars;
hr = ScriptShape(NULL, &psc, TestItem1, cChars,
cMaxGlyphs, &pItem[0].a,
pwOutGlyphs, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
ok (hr == E_PENDING, "If psc is NULL (%08x) the E_PENDING should be returned\n",
(unsigned int) hr);
cMaxGlyphs = 4;
hr = ScriptShape(hdc, &psc, TestItem1, cChars,
cMaxGlyphs, &pItem[0].a,
pwOutGlyphs, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
ok (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY, "If not enough output area cChars (%d) is > than CMaxGlyphs (%d) but not E_OUTOFMEMORY\n",
cChars, cMaxGlyphs);
cMaxGlyphs = 256;
hr = ScriptShape(hdc, &psc, TestItem1, cChars,
cMaxGlyphs, &pItem[0].a,
pwOutGlyphs, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
pwOutGlyphs1, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptShape should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (psc != NULL, "psc should not be null and have SCRIPT_CACHE buffer address\n");
ok (pcGlyphs == cChars, "Chars in (%d) should equal Glyphs out (%d)\n", cChars, pcGlyphs);
if (hr ==0) {
hr = ScriptPlace(NULL, &psc, pwOutGlyphs, pcGlyphs, psva, &pItem[0].a, piAdvance,
hr = ScriptPlace(NULL, &psc, pwOutGlyphs1, pcGlyphs, psva, &pItem[0].a, piAdvance,
pGoffset, pABC);
ok (hr == 0, "Should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ScriptFreeCache(&psc); /* Get rid of psc for next test set */
ok( psc == NULL, "Expected psc to be NULL, got %p\n", psc);
hr = ScriptTextOut(NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
ok (hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
hr = ScriptTextOut(NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, &pItem[0].a, NULL, 0, pwOutGlyphs1, pcGlyphs,
piAdvance, NULL, pGoffset);
ok( hr == E_INVALIDARG, "(NULL,NULL,TestItem1, cInChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs3), "
"expected E_INVALIDARG, got %08x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
/* Set psc to NULL, to be able to check if a pointer is returned in psc */
psc = NULL;
hr = ScriptTextOut(NULL, &psc, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0,
ok( hr == E_INVALIDARG, "(NULL,&psc,NULL,0,0,0,NULL,), expected E_INVALIDARG, "
"got %08x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
ok( psc == NULL, "Expected psc to be NULL, got %p\n", psc);
/* Set psc to NULL, to be able to check if a pointer is returned in psc */
psc = NULL;
hr = ScriptTextOut(NULL, &psc, 0, 0, 0, NULL, &pItem[0].a, NULL, 0, pwOutGlyphs1, pcGlyphs,
piAdvance, NULL, pGoffset);
ok( hr == E_PENDING, "(NULL,&psc,), expected E_PENDING, got %08x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
ok( psc == NULL, "Expected psc to be NULL, got %p\n", psc);
/* Se that is gets a psc and that returns 0 status */
hr = ScriptTextOut(hdc, &psc, 0, 0, 0, NULL, &pItem[0].a, NULL, 0, pwOutGlyphs1, pcGlyphs,
piAdvance, NULL, pGoffset);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptTextOut should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (psc != NULL, "psc should not be null and have SCRIPT_CACHE buffer address\n");
/* Test Rect Rgn is acceptable and that it works without hdc */ = 10;
rect.bottom = 20;
rect.left = 10;
rect.right = 40;
hr = ScriptTextOut(NULL, &psc, 0, 0, 0, &rect, &pItem[0].a, NULL, 0, pwOutGlyphs1, pcGlyphs,
piAdvance, NULL, pGoffset);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptTextOut should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (psc != NULL, "psc should not be null and have SCRIPT_CACHE buffer address\n");
/* Clean up and go */
ok( psc == NULL, "Expected psc to be NULL, got %p\n", psc);
/* This test will check to make sure that SCRIPT_CACHE is reused and that not translation *
* takes place if fNoGlyphIndex is set. */
cInChars = 5;
cMaxItems = 255;
hr = ScriptItemize(TestItem2, cInChars, cMaxItems, NULL, NULL, pItem, &pcItems);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptItemize should return 0, returned %08x\n", (unsigned int) hr);
/* This test is for the intertrim operation of ScriptItemize where only one SCRIPT_ITEM is *
* returned. */
ok (pItem[0].iCharPos == 0 && pItem[1].iCharPos == cInChars,
"Start pos not = 0 (%d) or end pos not = %d (%d)\n",
pItem[0].iCharPos, cInChars, pItem[1].iCharPos);
/* It would appear that we have a valid SCRIPT_ANALYSIS and can continue */
if (hr == 0) {
cChars = cInChars;
cMaxGlyphs = 256;
pItem[0].a.fNoGlyphIndex = 1; /* say no translate */
hr = ScriptShape(NULL, &psc, TestItem2, cChars,
cMaxGlyphs, &pItem[0].a,
pwOutGlyphs2, pwLogClust, psva, &pcGlyphs);
ok (hr != E_PENDING, "If psc should not be NULL (%08x) and the E_PENDING should be returned\n",
(unsigned int) hr);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptShape should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (psc != NULL, "psc should not be null and have SCRIPT_CACHE buffer address\n");
ok (pcGlyphs == cChars, "Chars in (%d) should equal Glyphs out (%d)\n", cChars, pcGlyphs);
for (cnt=0; cnt < cChars && TestItem2[cnt] == pwOutGlyphs2[cnt]; cnt++) {}
ok (cnt == cChars, "Translation to place when told not to. WCHAR %d - %04x != %04x\n",
cnt, TestItem2[cnt], pwOutGlyphs2[cnt]);
if (hr ==0) {
hr = ScriptPlace(NULL, &psc, pwOutGlyphs2, pcGlyphs, psva, &pItem[0].a, piAdvance,
pGoffset, pABC);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptPlace should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
hr = ScriptFreeCache( &psc);
ok (!psc, "psc is not null after ScriptFreeCache\n");
/* Check to make sure that SCRIPT_CACHE gets allocated ok */
dwFlags = 0;
hr = ScriptGetCMap(NULL, &psc, TestItem1, cInChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs3);
ok (hr == E_PENDING, "If psc is NULL (%08x) the E_PENDING should be returned\n",
(unsigned int) hr);
/* Check to see if teh results are the same as those returned by ScriptShape */
hr = ScriptGetCMap(hdc, &psc, TestItem1, cInChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs3);
ok (hr == 0, "ScriptGetCMap should return 0 not (%08x)\n", (unsigned int) hr);
ok (psc != NULL, "psc should not be null and have SCRIPT_CACHE buffer address\n");
for (cnt=0; cnt < cChars && pwOutGlyphs[cnt] == pwOutGlyphs3[cnt]; cnt++) {}
ok (cnt == cInChars, "Translation not correct. WCHAR %d - %04x != %04x\n",
cnt, pwOutGlyphs[cnt], pwOutGlyphs3[cnt]);
hr = ScriptFreeCache( &psc);
ok (!psc, "psc is not null after ScriptFreeCache\n");
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
unsigned short pwOutGlyphs[256];

View file

@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetFontProperties(HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, SCRIPT_FONTPR
if (!psc || !sfp)
if (!hdc && !*psc) {
TRACE("No Script_Cache (psc) and no hdc. Ask for one. Hdc=%p, psc=%p\n", hdc, *psc);
return E_PENDING;
@ -466,7 +465,11 @@ HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetCMap(HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, const WCHAR *pwcInChars
int cnt;
Scriptcache *pScriptcache;
FIXME("(%p,%p,%s,%d,0x%lx,%p): semi-stub\n", hdc, psc, debugstr_wn(pwcInChars,cChars), cChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs);
FIXME("(%p,%p,%s,%d,0x%lx,%p): semi-stub\n", hdc, psc, debugstr_wn(pwcInChars,cChars),
cChars, dwFlags, pwOutGlyphs);
if (!psc || !pwcInChars || !pwOutGlyphs)
if (!hdc && !*psc) {
TRACE("No Script_Cache (psc) and no hdc. Ask for one. Hdc=%p, psc=%p\n", hdc, *psc);
@ -507,8 +510,40 @@ HRESULT WINAPI ScriptTextOut(const HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, int x, int y, UIN
int iReserved, const WORD *pwGlyphs, int cGlyphs, const int *piAdvance,
const int *piJustify, const GOFFSET *pGoffset)
FIXME("(%p, %p, %d, %d, %04x, %p, %p, %p, %d, %p, %d, %p, %p, %p): stub\n",
hdc, psc, x, y, fuOptions, lprc, psa, pwcReserved, iReserved, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs,
piAdvance, piJustify, pGoffset);
return E_NOTIMPL;
HDC phdc;
Scriptcache *pScriptcache;
TRACE ("(%p, %p, %d, %d, %04x, %p, %p, %p, %d, %p, %d, %p, %p, %p): stub\n",
hdc, psc, x, y, fuOptions, lprc, psa, pwcReserved, iReserved, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs,
piAdvance, piJustify, pGoffset);
if (!psc || !piAdvance || !psa || !pwGlyphs)
if (!hdc && !*psc) {
TRACE("No Script_Cache (psc) and no hdc. Ask for one. Hdc=%p, psc=%p\n", hdc, *psc);
return E_PENDING;
} else
if (hdc && !*psc) {
pScriptcache = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(Scriptcache) );
pScriptcache->hdc = hdc;
phdc = hdc;
*psc = pScriptcache;
} else
if (*psc) {
pScriptcache = *psc;
phdc = pScriptcache->hdc;
if (!psa->fNoGlyphIndex) /* Have Glyphs? */
fuOptions |= ETO_GLYPH_INDEX; /* Say don't do tranlastion to glyph */
hr = ExtTextOutW(phdc, x, y, fuOptions, lprc, pwGlyphs, cGlyphs, NULL);
if (hr) return S_OK;
else {
FIXME("ExtTextOut returned:=%ld\n", hr);
return hr;