explorer: Remove unnecessary displayed icon array.

This commit is contained in:
Rémi Bernon 2023-06-22 14:39:07 +02:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 6343dc6c95
commit 2e82d57d75

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@ -93,9 +93,7 @@ static struct list taskbar_buttons = LIST_INIT( taskbar_buttons );
static HWND tray_window;
static unsigned int alloc_displayed;
static unsigned int nb_displayed;
static struct icon **displayed; /* array of currently displayed icons */
static BOOL hide_systray, enable_shell;
static int icon_cx, icon_cy, tray_width, tray_height;
@ -298,10 +296,16 @@ static void update_tooltip_position( struct icon *icon )
/* find the icon located at a certain point in the tray window */
static struct icon *icon_from_point( int x, int y )
if (y < 0 || y >= icon_cy) return NULL;
x = tray_width - x;
if (x < 0 || x >= icon_cx * nb_displayed) return NULL;
return displayed[x / icon_cx];
struct icon *icon;
POINT pt = {x, y};
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(icon, &icon_list, struct icon, entry)
RECT rect = get_icon_rect( icon );
if (PtInRect(&rect, pt)) return icon;
return NULL;
/* invalidate the portion of the tray window that contains the specified icons */
@ -323,17 +327,7 @@ static BOOL show_icon(struct icon *icon)
if (icon->display != -1) return TRUE; /* already displayed */
if (nb_displayed >= alloc_displayed)
unsigned int new_count = max( alloc_displayed * 2, 32 );
struct icon **ptr;
if (!(ptr = realloc( displayed, new_count * sizeof(*ptr) ))) return FALSE;
displayed = ptr;
alloc_displayed = new_count;
icon->display = nb_displayed;
displayed[nb_displayed++] = icon;
icon->display = nb_displayed++;
update_tooltip_position( icon );
invalidate_icons( nb_displayed-1, nb_displayed-1 );
@ -347,18 +341,19 @@ static BOOL show_icon(struct icon *icon)
/* make an icon invisible */
static BOOL hide_icon(struct icon *icon)
unsigned int i;
struct icon *ptr;
TRACE( "id=0x%x, hwnd=%p\n", icon->id, icon->owner );
if (icon->display == -1) return TRUE; /* already hidden */
assert( nb_displayed );
for (i = icon->display; i < nb_displayed - 1; i++)
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( ptr, &icon_list, struct icon, entry )
displayed[i] = displayed[i + 1];
displayed[i]->display = i;
update_tooltip_position( displayed[i] );
if (ptr == icon) continue;
if (ptr->display < icon->display) continue;
update_tooltip_position( ptr );
invalidate_icons( icon->display, nb_displayed );
@ -786,16 +781,16 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI tray_wndproc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM l
case WM_PAINT:
unsigned int i;
struct icon *icon;
HDC hdc;
hdc = BeginPaint( hwnd, &ps );
for (i = 0; i < nb_displayed; i++)
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( icon, &icon_list, struct icon, entry )
RECT dummy, rect = get_icon_rect( displayed[i] );
if (IntersectRect( &dummy, &rect, &ps.rcPaint ))
DrawIconEx( hdc, rect.left + ICON_BORDER, rect.top + ICON_BORDER, displayed[i]->image,
RECT dummy, rect = get_icon_rect( icon );
if (icon->display != -1 && IntersectRect( &dummy, &rect, &ps.rcPaint ))
DrawIconEx( hdc, rect.left + ICON_BORDER, rect.top + ICON_BORDER, icon->image,
icon_cx - 2*ICON_BORDER, icon_cy - 2*ICON_BORDER,