cmd/tests: Standardize the batch file section headers.

This commit is contained in:
Francois Gouget 2011-11-29 11:45:51 +01:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 81f64ee906
commit 128d0656de
2 changed files with 52 additions and 52 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
echo Tests for cmd's builtin commands
@echo on
echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [ON] --------------
echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [ON] ------------
echo word
echo 'singlequotedword'
echo "doublequotedword"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ echo @tab@ on @space@
@echo off
echo off@tab@@space@
echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [OFF] --------------
echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [OFF] ------------
echo word
echo 'singlequotedword'
echo "doublequotedword"
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ echo @tab@word
echo @tab@word
echo ------------ Testing mixed echo modes --------------
echo ------------ Testing mixed echo modes ------------
echo @echo on> mixedEchoModes.cmd
echo if 1==1 echo foo>> mixedEchoModes.cmd
echo if 1==1 @echo bar>> mixedEchoModes.cmd
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type mixedEchoModes.cmd
cmd /c mixedEchoModes.cmd
del mixedEchoModes.cmd
echo ------------ Testing rem --------------
echo ------------ Testing rem ------------
rem Hello
rem Hello
rem Hello || foo
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ rem@tab@ Hello
rem@tab@echo foo & echo bar
@echo off
echo ------------ Testing redirection operators --------------
echo ------------ Testing redirection operators ------------
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
echo ...stdout redirection
echo foo>foo
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ type C
(if 1==0 (echo A > B) else echo C)
cd .. & rd /s/q foobar
echo ------------ Testing circumflex escape character --------------
echo ------------ Testing circumflex escape character ------------
rem Using something like "echo foo^" asks for an additional char after a "More?" prompt on the following line; it's not possible to currently test that non-interactively
echo ^hell^o, world
echo hell^o, world
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ echo %FOO%
echo %ErrorLevel%
set FOO=
echo ------------ Testing 'set' --------------
echo ------------ Testing 'set' ------------
call :setError 0
set FOOBAR 2> nul > nul
echo %ErrorLevel%
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ set FOO=foo@tab@
echo '%FOO%'
set FOO=
echo ------------ Testing variable expansion --------------
echo ------------ Testing variable expansion ------------
call :setError 0
echo ~dp0 should be directory containing batch file
echo %~dp0
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ echo P%ERRORLEVEL%
echo ------------ Testing variable substrings --------------
echo ------------ Testing variable substrings ------------
set VAR=qwerty
echo %VAR:~0,1%
echo %VAR:~0,3%
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ echo '%VAR:~-2,-4%'
echo %VAR:~-3,-2%
set VAR=
echo ------------ Testing variable substitution --------------
echo ------------ Testing variable substitution ------------
echo FOR variables
for %%i in ("A B" C) do echo %%i
rem quotes removal
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ echo '%~xs1'
goto :eof
echo ------------ Testing variable delayed expansion --------------
echo ------------ Testing variable delayed expansion ------------
rem NT4 doesn't support this
echo ...default mode (load-time expansion)
set FOO=foo
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ cmd /V:ON /C tmp.cmd
cmd /V:OfF /C tmp.cmd
del tmp.cmd
echo ------------ Testing conditional execution --------------
echo ------------ Testing conditional execution ------------
echo ...unconditional ^&
call :setError 123 & echo foo1
echo bar2 & echo foo2
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ if exist foo (
cd .. & rd foobar
echo ------------ Testing if/else --------------
echo ------------ Testing if/else ------------
echo if/else should work with blocks
if 0 == 0 (
echo if seems to work
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ if 1==0@tab@(echo doom) else echo quake
if 1==0 (echo doom)@tab@else echo quake
if 1==0 (echo doom) else@tab@echo quake
echo -----------Testing for -----------
echo ------------ Testing for ------------
echo ...plain FOR
for %%i in (A B C) do echo %%i
for %%i in (A B C) do echo %%I
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (del output_file)
cd ..
rd /s/q foobar
echo -----------Testing del /a-----------
echo ------------ Testing del /a ------------
del /f/q *.test > nul
echo r > r.test
attrib +r r.test
@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ del /a:r *.test
if not exist r.test echo r.test not found after delete, good
if exist r.test echo r.test found after delete, bad
echo ------------ Testing del /q --------------
echo ------------ Testing del /q ------------
mkdir del_q_dir
cd del_q_dir
echo abc > file1
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ for %%a in (1 2.dat) do if not exist file%%a echo del /q * succeeded on file%%a
cd ..
rmdir del_q_dir
echo ------------ Testing del /s --------------
echo ------------ Testing del /s ------------
mkdir "foo bar"
cd "foo bar"
mkdir "foo:"
@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ echo mkdir foo\* errorlevel %ErrorLevel%
if exist foo (rmdir foo & echo ok, foo created
) else ( echo bad, foo not created )
echo ----------- Testing rmdir -----------
echo ------------ Testing rmdir ------------
call :setError 0
rem rd and rmdir are synonymous
mkdir foobar
@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ if not exist foobar (echo foobar removed) else echo foobar not removed!
if not exist bar\baz (echo bar\baz removed) else echo bar\baz not removed!
cd .. & rd /s/q foobaz
echo ----------- Testing pushd/popd -----------
echo ------------ Testing pushd/popd ------------
echo ...popd is no-op when dir stack is empty
@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ popd
rd /s/q foobar
echo ------------ Testing attrib --------------
echo ------------ Testing attrib ------------
rem FIXME Add tests for archive, hidden and system attributes + mixed attributes modifications
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
echo foo original contents> foo
@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ rem Oddly windows allows file creation in a read-only directory...
if exist baz\lala (echo file created in read-only dir) else echo file not created
cd .. & rd /s/q foobar
echo ------------ Testing assoc --------------
echo ------------ Testing assoc ------------
rem FIXME Can't test error messages in the current test system, so we have to use some kludges
rem FIXME Revise once || conditional execution is fixed
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ type baz
echo ***
cd .. & rd /s/q foobar
echo ------------ Testing ftype --------------
echo ------------ Testing ftype ------------
rem FIXME Can't test error messages in the current test system, so we have to use some kludges
rem FIXME Revise once || conditional execution is fixed
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@ echo %VAR%
set VAR=
cd .. & rd /q/s foobar
echo -----------Testing Errorlevel-----------
echo ------------ Testing Errorlevel ------------
rem WARNING: Do *not* add tests using ErrorLevel after this section
should_not_exist 2> nul > nul
echo %ErrorLevel%
@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ if errorlevel 7 echo setting var worked too well, bad
call :setError 3
echo %ErrorLevel% should still be 7
echo -----------Testing GOTO-----------
echo ------------ Testing GOTO ------------
if a==a goto dest1
echo goto with no leading space worked
@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ if d==d goto dest4
echo goto with a following space worked
echo ---------- Testing combined CALLs/GOTOs -----------
echo ------------ Testing combined CALLs/GOTOs ------------
echo @echo off>foo.cmd
echo goto :eof>>foot.cmd
echo :eof>>foot.cmd
@ -1565,7 +1565,7 @@ goto :eof
echo Final message is not output since earlier 'foot' processing stops script execution
echo Do NOT add any tests below this line
echo -----------Done, jumping to EOF-----------
echo ------------ Done, jumping to EOF -----------
goto :eof
rem Subroutine to set errorlevel and return
rem in windows nt 4.0, this always sets errorlevel 1, since /b isn't supported

View file

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
@pwd@>echo Tests for cmd's builtin commands@space@
Tests for cmd's builtin commands
@pwd@>echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [ON] --------------@space@
------------ Testing 'echo' [ON] --------------
@pwd@>echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [ON] ------------@space@
------------ Testing 'echo' [ON] ------------
@pwd@>echo word@space@
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ word
@pwd@>echo @tab@ on @space@@space@
------------ Testing 'echo' [OFF] --------------
------------ Testing 'echo' [OFF] ------------
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ word
------------ Testing mixed echo modes --------------
------------ Testing mixed echo modes ------------
@echo on
if 1==1 echo foo
if 1==1 @echo bar
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ foo
------------ Testing rem --------------
------------ Testing rem ------------
@pwd@>rem Hello@space@
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ bar2
@pwd@>rem@tab@ Hello@space@
@pwd@>rem@tab@echo foo & echo bar@space@
------------ Testing redirection operators --------------
------------ Testing redirection operators ------------
...stdout redirection
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ foo
------------ Testing circumflex escape character --------------
------------ Testing circumflex escape character ------------
@todo_wine@hello, world
@todo_wine@hello, world
@todo_wine@hell^o, world
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ baz
@todo_wine@FOO=bar ^| baz
@todo_wine@bar | baz
------------ Testing 'set' --------------
------------ Testing 'set' ------------
FOOBAR not defined
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ foo
------------ Testing variable expansion --------------
------------ Testing variable expansion ------------
~dp0 should be directory containing batch file
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ ERRORLEVEL
------------ Testing variable substrings --------------
------------ Testing variable substrings ------------
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ ert@or_broken@qwerty
------------ Testing variable substitution --------------
------------ Testing variable substitution ------------ FOR variables
@todo_wine@"A B"
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ N
------------ Testing variable delayed expansion --------------
------------ Testing variable delayed expansion ------------
...default mode (load-time expansion)
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ foo
------------ Testing conditional execution --------------
------------ Testing conditional execution ------------
@todo_wine@...unconditional &
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ bar
@todo_wine@foo created
------------ Testing if/else --------------
------------ Testing if/else ------------
if/else should work with blocks
if seems to work
else seems to work
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ lol
-----------Testing for -----------
------------ Testing for ------------
...plain FOR
@ -588,14 +588,14 @@ c
@todo_wine@no output
@todo_wine@no output
-----------Testing del /a-----------
------------ Testing del /a ------------
not-r.test not found after delete, good
r.test found before delete, good
r.test not found after delete, good
------------ Testing del /q --------------
------------ Testing del /q ------------
del /q * succeeded on file1
del /q * succeeded on file2.dat
------------ Testing del /s --------------
------------ Testing del /s ------------
------------ Testing rename ------------
... ren and rename are synonymous ...
foo renamed to bar
@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ foobar created
bar\baz created
mkdir foo\* errorlevel 1
ok, foo created
----------- Testing rmdir -----------
------------ Testing rmdir ------------
dir removed
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ foo removed
bar removed
foobar removed
bar\baz removed
----------- Testing pushd/popd -----------
------------ Testing pushd/popd ------------
...popd is no-op when dir stack is empty
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ bar\baz removed
------------ Testing attrib --------------
------------ Testing attrib ------------
@todo_wine@A @pwd@\foobar\foo@or_broken@A @pwd@\foobar\foo@or_broken@A I @pwd@\foobar\foo
... read-only attribute
@todo_wine@A R @pwd@\foobar\foo@or_broken@A R @pwd@\foobar\foo@or_broken@A R I @pwd@\foobar\foo
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ Read-only file forcibly deleted
file created in read-only dir
------------ Testing assoc --------------
------------ Testing assoc ------------
...setting association
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ file created in read-only dir
------------ Testing ftype --------------
------------ Testing ftype ------------
...setting association
@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ globalval
-----------Testing Errorlevel-----------
------------ Testing Errorlevel ------------
errorlevel just right, good
@ -800,12 +800,12 @@ abc0def@or_broken@abc1def
errorlevel zero, good@or_broken@errorlevel nonzero, bad
7 should be 7
7 should still be 7
-----------Testing GOTO-----------
------------ Testing GOTO ------------
goto with no leading space worked
goto with a leading space worked
goto with a leading tab worked
goto with a following space worked
---------- Testing combined CALLs/GOTOs -----------
------------ Testing combined CALLs/GOTOs ------------