conhost: Add support for ENABLE_LINE_INPUT.

Imported from kernel32/readline.c.

Signed-off-by: Jacek Caban <>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>
This commit is contained in:
Jacek Caban 2020-09-14 18:46:34 +02:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 73f55e2341
commit 0cdb070b76

View file

@ -507,6 +507,35 @@ static void read_from_buffer( struct console *console, size_t out_size )
free( console->read_buffer );
static void append_input_history( struct console *console, const WCHAR *str, size_t len )
struct history_line *ptr;
if (!console->history_size) return;
/* don't duplicate entry */
if (console->history_mode && console->history_index &&
console->history[console->history_index - 1]->len == len &&
!memcmp( console->history[console->history_index - 1]->text, str, len ))
if (!(ptr = malloc( offsetof( struct history_line, text[len / sizeof(WCHAR)] )))) return;
ptr->len = len;
memcpy( ptr->text, str, len );
if (console->history_index < console->history_size)
console->history[console->history_index++] = ptr;
free( console->history[0]) ;
memmove( &console->history[0], &console->history[1],
(console->history_size - 1) * sizeof(*console->history) );
console->history[console->history_size - 1] = ptr;
static void edit_line_update( struct console *console, unsigned int begin, unsigned int length )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
@ -535,6 +564,19 @@ static BOOL edit_line_grow( struct console *console, size_t length )
return TRUE;
static void edit_line_delete( struct console *console, int begin, int end )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int len = end - begin;
edit_line_update( console, begin, ctx->len - begin );
if (end < ctx->len)
memmove( &ctx->buf[begin], &ctx->buf[end], (ctx->len - end) * sizeof(WCHAR));
ctx->len -= len;
edit_line_update( console, 0, ctx->len );
ctx->buf[ctx->len] = 0;
static void edit_line_insert( struct console *console, const WCHAR *str, unsigned int len )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
@ -566,6 +608,524 @@ static void edit_line_insert( struct console *console, const WCHAR *str, unsigne
ctx->cursor += len;
static void edit_line_save_yank( struct console *console, unsigned int begin, unsigned int end )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int len = end - begin;
if (len <= 0) return;
ctx->yanked = malloc( (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!ctx->yanked)
ctx->status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
memcpy( ctx->yanked, &ctx->buf[begin], len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
ctx->yanked[len] = 0;
static int edit_line_left_word_transition( struct console *console, int offset )
while (offset >= 0 && !iswalnum( console->edit_line.buf[offset] )) offset--;
while (offset >= 0 && iswalnum( console->edit_line.buf[offset] )) offset--;
if (offset >= 0) offset++;
return max( offset, 0 );
static int edit_line_right_word_transition( struct console *console, int offset )
while (offset <= console->edit_line.len && iswalnum( console->edit_line.buf[offset] ))
while (offset <= console->edit_line.len && !iswalnum( console->edit_line.buf[offset] ))
return min(offset, console->edit_line.len);
static WCHAR *edit_line_history( struct console *console, unsigned int index )
WCHAR *ptr = NULL;
if (index < console->history_index)
if ((ptr = malloc( console->history[index]->len + sizeof(WCHAR) )))
memcpy( ptr, console->history[index]->text, console->history[index]->len );
ptr[console->history[index]->len / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
else if(console->edit_line.current_history)
if ((ptr = malloc( (lstrlenW(console->edit_line.current_history) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) )))
lstrcpyW( ptr, console->edit_line.current_history );
return ptr;
static void edit_line_move_to_history( struct console *console, int index )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
WCHAR *line = edit_line_history(console, index);
size_t len = line ? lstrlenW(line) : 0;
/* save current line edition for recall when needed */
if (ctx->history_index == console->history_index)
free( ctx->current_history );
ctx->current_history = malloc( (ctx->len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (ctx->current_history)
memcpy( ctx->current_history, ctx->buf, (ctx->len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
ctx->status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
/* need to clean also the screen if new string is shorter than old one */
edit_line_delete(console, 0, ctx->len);
ctx->cursor = 0;
/* insert new string */
if (edit_line_grow(console, len + 1))
edit_line_insert( console, line, len );
ctx->history_index = index;
static void edit_line_find_in_history( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
int start_pos = ctx->history_index;
unsigned int len, oldoffset;
WCHAR *line;
if (ctx->history_index && ctx->history_index == console->history_index + 1)
line = edit_line_history(console, ctx->history_index);
if (ctx->history_index) ctx->history_index--;
else ctx->history_index = console->history_index;
len = lstrlenW(line) + 1;
if (len >= ctx->cursor && !memcmp( ctx->buf, line, ctx->cursor * sizeof(WCHAR) ))
/* need to clean also the screen if new string is shorter than old one */
edit_line_delete(console, 0, ctx->len);
if (edit_line_grow(console, len))
oldoffset = ctx->cursor;
ctx->cursor = 0;
edit_line_insert( console, line, len - 1 );
ctx->cursor = oldoffset;
while (ctx->history_index != start_pos);
static void edit_line_move_left( struct console *console )
if (console->edit_line.cursor > 0) console->edit_line.cursor--;
static void edit_line_move_right( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
if (ctx->cursor < ctx->len) ctx->cursor++;
static void edit_line_move_left_word( struct console *console )
console->edit_line.cursor = edit_line_left_word_transition( console, console->edit_line.cursor );
static void edit_line_move_right_word( struct console *console )
console->edit_line.cursor = edit_line_right_word_transition( console, console->edit_line.cursor );
static void edit_line_move_home( struct console *console )
console->edit_line.cursor = 0;
static void edit_line_move_end( struct console *console )
console->edit_line.cursor = console->edit_line.len;
static void edit_line_set_mark( struct console *console )
console->edit_line.mark = console->edit_line.cursor;
static void edit_line_exchange_mark( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int cursor;
if (ctx->mark > ctx->len) return;
cursor = ctx->cursor;
ctx->cursor = ctx->mark;
ctx->mark = cursor;
static void edit_line_copy_marked_zone( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int begin, end;
if (ctx->mark > ctx->len || ctx->mark == ctx->cursor) return;
if (ctx->mark > ctx->cursor)
begin = ctx->cursor;
end = ctx->mark;
begin = ctx->mark;
end = ctx->cursor;
edit_line_save_yank( console, begin, end );
static void edit_line_transpose_char( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
if (!ctx->cursor || ctx->cursor == ctx->len) return;
c = ctx->buf[ctx->cursor];
ctx->buf[ctx->cursor] = ctx->buf[ctx->cursor - 1];
ctx->buf[ctx->cursor - 1] = c;
edit_line_update( console, ctx->cursor - 1, 2 );
static void edit_line_transpose_words( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int left_offset = edit_line_left_word_transition( console, ctx->cursor );
unsigned int right_offset = edit_line_right_word_transition( console, ctx->cursor );
if (left_offset < ctx->cursor && right_offset > ctx->cursor)
unsigned int len_r = right_offset - ctx->cursor;
unsigned int len_l = ctx->cursor - left_offset;
char *tmp = malloc( len_r * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!tmp)
ctx->status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
memcpy( tmp, &ctx->buf[ctx->cursor], len_r * sizeof(WCHAR) );
memmove( &ctx->buf[left_offset + len_r], &ctx->buf[left_offset],
len_l * sizeof(WCHAR) );
memcpy( &ctx->buf[left_offset], tmp, len_r * sizeof(WCHAR) );
edit_line_update( console, left_offset, len_l + len_r );
ctx->cursor = right_offset;
static void edit_line_lower_case_word( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int new_offset = edit_line_right_word_transition( console, ctx->cursor );
if (new_offset != ctx->cursor)
CharLowerBuffW( ctx->buf + ctx->cursor, new_offset - ctx->cursor + 1 );
edit_line_update( console, ctx->cursor, new_offset - ctx->cursor + 1 );
ctx->cursor = new_offset;
static void edit_line_upper_case_word( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int new_offset = edit_line_right_word_transition( console, ctx->cursor );
if (new_offset != ctx->cursor)
CharUpperBuffW( ctx->buf + ctx->cursor, new_offset - ctx->cursor + 1 );
edit_line_update( console, ctx->cursor, new_offset - ctx->cursor + 1 );
ctx->cursor = new_offset;
static void edit_line_capitalize_word( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int new_offset = edit_line_right_word_transition( console, ctx->cursor );
if (new_offset != ctx->cursor)
CharUpperBuffW( ctx->buf + ctx->cursor, 1 );
CharLowerBuffW( ctx->buf + ctx->cursor + 1, new_offset - ctx->cursor );
edit_line_update( console, ctx->cursor, new_offset - ctx->cursor + 1 );
ctx->cursor = new_offset;
static void edit_line_yank( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
if (ctx->yanked) edit_line_insert( console, ctx->yanked, wcslen(ctx->yanked) );
static void edit_line_kill_suffix( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
edit_line_save_yank( console, ctx->cursor, ctx->len );
edit_line_delete( console, ctx->cursor, ctx->len );
static void edit_line_kill_prefix( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
if (ctx->cursor)
edit_line_save_yank( console, 0, ctx->cursor );
edit_line_delete( console, 0, ctx->cursor );
ctx->cursor = 0;
static void edit_line_kill_marked_zone( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int begin, end;
if (ctx->mark > ctx->len || ctx->mark == ctx->cursor)
if (ctx->mark > ctx->cursor)
begin = ctx->cursor;
end = ctx->mark;
begin = ctx->mark;
end = ctx->cursor;
edit_line_save_yank( console, begin, end );
edit_line_delete( console, begin, end );
ctx->cursor = begin;
static void edit_line_delete_prev( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
if (ctx->cursor)
edit_line_delete( console, ctx->cursor - 1, ctx->cursor );
static void edit_line_delete_char( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
if (ctx->cursor < ctx->len)
edit_line_delete( console, ctx->cursor, ctx->cursor + 1 );
static void edit_line_delete_left_word( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int new_offset = edit_line_left_word_transition( console, ctx->cursor );
if (new_offset != ctx->cursor)
edit_line_delete( console, new_offset, ctx->cursor );
ctx->cursor = new_offset;
static void edit_line_delete_right_word( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
unsigned int new_offset = edit_line_right_word_transition( console, ctx->cursor );
if (new_offset != ctx->cursor)
edit_line_delete( console, ctx->cursor, new_offset );
static void edit_line_move_to_prev_hist( struct console *console )
if (console->edit_line.history_index)
edit_line_move_to_history( console, console->edit_line.history_index - 1 );
static void edit_line_move_to_next_hist( struct console *console )
if (console->edit_line.history_index < console->history_index)
edit_line_move_to_history( console, console->edit_line.history_index + 1 );
static void edit_line_move_to_first_hist( struct console *console )
if (console->edit_line.history_index)
edit_line_move_to_history( console, 0 );
static void edit_line_move_to_last_hist( struct console *console )
if (console->edit_line.history_index != console->history_index)
edit_line_move_to_history( console, console->history_index );
static void edit_line_redraw( struct console *console )
if (console->mode & ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT)
edit_line_update( console, 0, console->edit_line.len );
static void edit_line_toggle_insert( struct console *console )
struct edit_line *ctx = &console->edit_line;
ctx->insert_key = !ctx->insert_key;
console->active->cursor_size = ctx->insert_key ? 100 : 25;
static void edit_line_done( struct console *console )
console->edit_line.status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
struct edit_line_key_entry
WCHAR val; /* vk or unicode char */
void (*func)( struct console *console );
struct edit_line_key_map
DWORD key_state; /* keyState (from INPUT_RECORD) to match */
BOOL is_char; /* check vk or char */
const struct edit_line_key_entry *entries;
#define CTRL(x) ((x) - '@')
static const struct edit_line_key_entry std_key_map[] =
{ VK_BACK, edit_line_delete_prev },
{ VK_RETURN, edit_line_done },
{ VK_DELETE, edit_line_delete_char },
{ 0 }
static const struct edit_line_key_entry emacs_key_map_ctrl[] =
{ CTRL('@'), edit_line_set_mark },
{ CTRL('A'), edit_line_move_home },
{ CTRL('B'), edit_line_move_left },
{ CTRL('D'), edit_line_delete_char },
{ CTRL('E'), edit_line_move_end },
{ CTRL('F'), edit_line_move_right },
{ CTRL('H'), edit_line_delete_prev },
{ CTRL('J'), edit_line_done },
{ CTRL('K'), edit_line_kill_suffix },
{ CTRL('L'), edit_line_redraw },
{ CTRL('M'), edit_line_done },
{ CTRL('N'), edit_line_move_to_next_hist },
{ CTRL('P'), edit_line_move_to_prev_hist },
{ CTRL('T'), edit_line_transpose_char },
{ CTRL('W'), edit_line_kill_marked_zone },
{ CTRL('X'), edit_line_exchange_mark },
{ CTRL('Y'), edit_line_yank },
{ 0 }
static const struct edit_line_key_entry emacs_key_map_alt[] =
{ 0x7f, edit_line_delete_left_word },
{ '<', edit_line_move_to_first_hist },
{ '>', edit_line_move_to_last_hist },
{ 'b', edit_line_move_left_word },
{ 'c', edit_line_capitalize_word },
{ 'd', edit_line_delete_right_word },
{ 'f', edit_line_move_right_word },
{ 'l', edit_line_lower_case_word },
{ 't', edit_line_transpose_words },
{ 'u', edit_line_upper_case_word },
{ 'w', edit_line_copy_marked_zone },
{ 0 }
static const struct edit_line_key_entry emacs_std_key_map[] =
{ VK_PRIOR, edit_line_move_to_prev_hist },
{ VK_NEXT, edit_line_move_to_next_hist },
{ VK_END, edit_line_move_end },
{ VK_HOME, edit_line_move_home },
{ VK_RIGHT, edit_line_move_right },
{ VK_LEFT, edit_line_move_left },
{ VK_INSERT, edit_line_toggle_insert },
{ 0 }
static const struct edit_line_key_map emacs_key_map[] =
{ 0, 0, std_key_map },
{ 0, 0, emacs_std_key_map },
{ RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED, 1, emacs_key_map_alt },
{ LEFT_ALT_PRESSED, 1, emacs_key_map_alt },
{ RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED, 1, emacs_key_map_ctrl },
{ LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED, 1, emacs_key_map_ctrl },
{ 0 }
static const struct edit_line_key_entry win32_std_key_map[] =
{ VK_LEFT, edit_line_move_left },
{ VK_RIGHT, edit_line_move_right },
{ VK_HOME, edit_line_move_home },
{ VK_END, edit_line_move_end },
{ VK_UP, edit_line_move_to_prev_hist },
{ VK_DOWN, edit_line_move_to_next_hist },
{ VK_INSERT, edit_line_toggle_insert },
{ VK_F8, edit_line_find_in_history },
{ 0 }
static const struct edit_line_key_entry win32_key_map_ctrl[] =
{ VK_LEFT, edit_line_move_left_word },
{ VK_RIGHT, edit_line_move_right_word },
{ VK_END, edit_line_kill_suffix },
{ VK_HOME, edit_line_kill_prefix },
{ 0 }
static const struct edit_line_key_map win32_key_map[] =
{ 0, 0, std_key_map },
{ SHIFT_PRESSED, 0, std_key_map },
{ 0, 0, win32_std_key_map },
{ RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED, 0, win32_key_map_ctrl },
{ LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED, 0, win32_key_map_ctrl },
{ 0 }
#undef CTRL
static unsigned int edit_line_string_width( const WCHAR *str, unsigned int len)
unsigned int i, offset = 0;
@ -669,6 +1229,7 @@ static NTSTATUS process_console_input( struct console *console )
for (i = 0; i < console->record_count && ctx->status == STATUS_PENDING; i++)
void (*func)( struct console *console ) = NULL;
INPUT_RECORD ir = console->records[i];
if (ir.EventType != KEY_EVENT || !ir.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) continue;
@ -677,7 +1238,45 @@ static NTSTATUS process_console_input( struct console *console )
ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode, ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode,
ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar, ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState );
if (ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar && !(ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & LEFT_ALT_PRESSED))
if (console->mode & ENABLE_LINE_INPUT)
const struct edit_line_key_entry *entry;
const struct edit_line_key_map *map;
unsigned int state;
/* mask out some bits which don't interest us */
state = ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & ~(NUMLOCK_ON|SCROLLLOCK_ON|CAPSLOCK_ON|ENHANCED_KEY);
func = NULL;
for (map = console->edition_mode ? emacs_key_map : win32_key_map; map->entries != NULL; map++)
if (map->key_state != state)
if (map->is_char)
for (entry = &map->entries[0]; entry->func != 0; entry++)
if (entry->val == ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar) break;
for (entry = &map->entries[0]; entry->func != 0; entry++)
if (entry->val == ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode) break;
if (entry->func)
func = entry->func;
ctx->insert_mode = ((console->mode & (ENABLE_INSERT_MODE | ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS)) ==
^ ctx->insert_key;
if (func) func( console );
else if (ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar && !(ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & LEFT_ALT_PRESSED))
edit_line_insert( console, &ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar, 1 );
if (!(console->mode & ENABLE_LINE_INPUT) && ctx->status == STATUS_PENDING &&
@ -695,6 +1294,18 @@ static NTSTATUS process_console_input( struct console *console )
if (console->mode & ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT) update_read_output( console );
if (ctx->status == STATUS_PENDING) return STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (!ctx->status && (console->mode & ENABLE_LINE_INPUT))
if (ctx->len) append_input_history( console, ctx->buf, ctx->len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (edit_line_grow(console, 2))
ctx->buf[ctx->len++] = '\r';
ctx->buf[ctx->len++] = '\n';
ctx->buf[ctx->len] = 0;
TRACE( "return %s\n", debugstr_wn( ctx->buf, ctx->len ));
console->read_buffer = ctx->buf;
console->read_buffer_count = ctx->len;
console->read_buffer_size = ctx->size;