Add some recognition tests.

Signed-off-by: Bernhard Kölbl <>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>
This commit is contained in:
Bernhard Kölbl 2022-04-25 23:18:06 +02:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 38902e6d60
commit 0a4b2bbd55

View file

@ -230,6 +230,99 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI recognition_result_handler_create_static( struct recogniti
return S_OK;
struct async_void_handler
IAsyncActionCompletedHandler IAsyncActionCompletedHandler_iface;
LONG ref;
HANDLE event_block;
HANDLE event_finished;
static inline struct async_void_handler *impl_from_IAsyncActionCompletedHandler(IAsyncActionCompletedHandler *iface)
return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, struct async_void_handler, IAsyncActionCompletedHandler_iface);
HRESULT WINAPI async_void_handler_QueryInterface( IAsyncActionCompletedHandler *iface, REFIID iid, void **out )
if (IsEqualGUID(iid, &IID_IUnknown) ||
IsEqualGUID(iid, &IID_IAgileObject) ||
IsEqualGUID(iid, &IID_IAsyncActionCompletedHandler))
*out = iface;
return S_OK;
trace("%s not implemented, returning E_NOINTERFACE.\n", debugstr_guid(iid));
*out = NULL;
ULONG WINAPI async_void_handler_AddRef( IAsyncActionCompletedHandler *iface )
struct async_void_handler *impl = impl_from_IAsyncActionCompletedHandler(iface);
ULONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&impl->ref);
return ref;
ULONG WINAPI async_void_handler_Release( IAsyncActionCompletedHandler *iface )
struct async_void_handler *impl = impl_from_IAsyncActionCompletedHandler(iface);
ULONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&impl->ref);
return ref;
HRESULT WINAPI async_void_handler_Invoke( IAsyncActionCompletedHandler *iface, IAsyncAction *sender, AsyncStatus status )
struct async_void_handler *impl = impl_from_IAsyncActionCompletedHandler(iface);
trace("iface %p, sender %p, status %d.\n", iface, sender, status);
/* Signal finishing of the handler. */
if (impl->event_finished) SetEvent(impl->event_finished);
/* Block handler until event is set. */
if (impl->event_block) WaitForSingleObject(impl->event_block, INFINITE);
return S_OK;
static const struct IAsyncActionCompletedHandlerVtbl async_void_handler_vtbl =
/* IUnknown methods */
/* IAsyncActionCompletedHandler methods */
static HRESULT WINAPI async_void_handler_create_static( struct async_void_handler *impl )
impl->IAsyncActionCompletedHandler_iface.lpVtbl = &async_void_handler_vtbl;
impl->ref = 1;
return S_OK;
#define await_async_void(operation, handler) await_async_void_(__LINE__, operation, handler)
static void await_async_void_( unsigned int line, IAsyncAction *action, struct async_void_handler *handler )
handler->event_block = NULL;
handler->event_finished = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
ok_(__FILE__, line)(!!handler->event_finished, "event_finished wasn't created.\n");
hr = IAsyncAction_put_Completed(action, &handler->IAsyncActionCompletedHandler_iface);
ok_(__FILE__, line)(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncAction_put_Completed failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ok_(__FILE__, line)(!WaitForSingleObject(handler->event_finished , 5000), "Wait for event_finished failed.\n");
struct async_inspectable_handler
IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler_IInspectable IAsyncHandler_IInspectable_iface;
@ -1339,6 +1432,259 @@ done:
struct action_put_completed_thread_param
IAsyncActionCompletedHandler *handler;
IAsyncAction *action;
static DWORD WINAPI action_put_completed_thread(void *arg)
struct action_put_completed_thread_param *param = arg;
hr = IAsyncAction_put_Completed(param->action, param->handler);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#lx.\n", hr);
return 0;
static void test_Recognition(void)
static const WCHAR *list_constraint_name = L"Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionListConstraint";
static const WCHAR *recognizer_name = L"Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognizer";
static const WCHAR *speech_constraint_tag = L"test_message";
static const WCHAR *speech_constraints[] = { L"This is a test.", L"Number 5!", L"What time is it?" };
ISpeechRecognitionListConstraintFactory *listconstraint_factory = NULL;
IAsyncOperation_SpeechRecognitionCompilationResult *operation = NULL;
IVector_ISpeechRecognitionConstraint *constraints = NULL;
ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession *session = NULL;
ISpeechRecognitionListConstraint *listconstraint = NULL;
ISpeechRecognitionConstraint *constraint = NULL;
ISpeechRecognizer *recognizer = NULL;
ISpeechRecognizer2 *recognizer2 = NULL;
IAsyncActionCompletedHandler *handler = NULL;
IAsyncAction *action = NULL, *action2 = NULL;
IInspectable *inspectable = NULL;
IAsyncInfo *info = NULL;
struct async_inspectable_handler compilation_handler;
struct action_put_completed_thread_param put_param;
struct recognition_result_handler result_handler;
struct async_void_handler action_handler;
struct iterator_hstring iterator_hstring;
struct iterable_hstring iterable_hstring;
EventRegistrationToken token = { .value = 0 };
HSTRING commands[3], hstr, tag;
HANDLE put_thread;
LONG ref, old_ref;
UINT32 i;
BOOL set;
ok(hr == S_OK, "RoInitialize failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(commands); i++)
hr = WindowsCreateString(speech_constraints[i], wcslen(speech_constraints[i]), &commands[i]);
ok(hr == S_OK, "WindowsCreateString failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
/* The create functions for ListConstraint are broken on Win10 1507 x32 - abort early.*/
if (broken(is_win10_1507 && (sizeof(void*) == 4)))
win_skip("SpeechRecognitionListConstraint object creation broken on Win10 1507 x32!\n");
goto done;
hr = WindowsCreateString(recognizer_name, wcslen(recognizer_name), &hstr);
ok(hr == S_OK, "WindowsCreateString failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = RoActivateInstance(hstr, &inspectable);
ok(hr == S_OK || broken(hr == SPERR_WINRT_INTERNAL_ERROR || hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG), "Got unexpected hr %#lx.\n", hr);
if (FAILED(hr)) /* Win 8 and 8.1 and Win10 without enabled SR. */
win_skip("SpeechRecognizer cannot be activated!\n");
goto done;
hr = WindowsCreateString(list_constraint_name, wcslen(list_constraint_name), &hstr);
ok(hr == S_OK, "WindowsCreateString failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = RoGetActivationFactory(hstr, &IID_ISpeechRecognitionListConstraintFactory, (void **)&listconstraint_factory);
ok(hr == S_OK || broken(hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG), "RoGetActivationFactory failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = WindowsCreateString(speech_constraint_tag, wcslen(speech_constraint_tag), &tag);
ok(hr == S_OK, "WindowsCreateString failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
iterator_hstring_create_static(&iterator_hstring, commands, ARRAY_SIZE(commands));
iterable_hstring_create_static(&iterable_hstring, &iterator_hstring);
hr = ISpeechRecognitionListConstraintFactory_CreateWithTag(listconstraint_factory, &iterable_hstring.IIterable_HSTRING_iface, tag, &listconstraint);
ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechRecognitionListConstraintFactory_Create failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ref = ISpeechRecognitionListConstraintFactory_Release(listconstraint_factory);
ok(ref == 1, "Got unexpected ref %lu.\n", ref);
hr = ISpeechRecognitionListConstraint_QueryInterface(listconstraint, &IID_ISpeechRecognitionConstraint, (void **)&constraint);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = ISpeechRecognitionConstraint_put_IsEnabled(constraint, TRUE);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IInspectable_QueryInterface(inspectable, &IID_ISpeechRecognizer, (void **)&recognizer);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IInspectable_QueryInterface(inspectable, &IID_ISpeechRecognizer2, (void **)&recognizer2);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = ISpeechRecognizer2_get_ContinuousRecognitionSession(recognizer2, &session);
ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechRecognizer2_get_ContinuousRecognitionSession failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = ISpeechRecognizer_get_Constraints(recognizer, &constraints);
ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_get_Constraints failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IVector_ISpeechRecognitionConstraint_Clear(constraints);
ok(hr == S_OK, "IVector_ISpeechRecognitionConstraint_Clear failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IVector_ISpeechRecognitionConstraint_Append(constraints, constraint);
ok(hr == S_OK, "IVector_ISpeechRecognitionConstraint_Append failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ref = IVector_ISpeechRecognitionConstraint_Release(constraints);
ok(ref == 1, "Got unexpected ref %lu.\n", ref);
ref = ISpeechRecognitionConstraint_Release(constraint);
ok(ref == 2, "Got unexpected ref %lu.\n", ref);
ref = ISpeechRecognitionListConstraint_Release(listconstraint);
ok(ref == 1, "Got unexpected ref %lu.\n", ref);
token.value = 0xdeadbeef;
hr = ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_add_ResultGenerated(session, &result_handler.IHandler_RecognitionResult_iface, &token);
ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_add_ResultGenerated failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ok(token.value != 0xdeadbeef, "Got unexpexted token: %#I64x.\n", token.value);
hr = ISpeechRecognizer_CompileConstraintsAsync(recognizer, &operation);
ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechRecognizer_CompileConstraintsAsync failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
await_async_inspectable((IAsyncOperation_IInspectable *)operation,
IAsyncOperation_IInspectable_Release((IAsyncOperation_IInspectable *)operation);
hr = ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_StartAsync(session, &action);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_StartAsync failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto skip_action;
await_async_void(action, &action_handler);
check_async_info((IInspectable *)action, 1, Completed, S_OK);
handler = (void *)0xdeadbeef;
hr = IAsyncAction_get_Completed(action, &handler);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncAction_put_Completed failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(handler == NULL, "Handler was %p.\n", handler);
hr = IAsyncAction_QueryInterface(action, &IID_IAsyncInfo, (void **)&info);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncAction_QueryInterface failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IAsyncInfo_Cancel(info);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncInfo_Cancel failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
check_async_info((IInspectable *)action, 1, Completed, S_OK);
hr = IAsyncInfo_Close(info);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncInfo_Close failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
check_async_info((IInspectable *)action, 1, AsyncStatus_Closed, S_OK);
hr = IAsyncInfo_Close(info);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncInfo_Close failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
check_async_info((IInspectable *)action, 1, AsyncStatus_Closed, S_OK);
hr = IAsyncInfo_Cancel(info);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncInfo_Cancel failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
check_async_info((IInspectable *)action, 1, AsyncStatus_Closed, S_OK);
* TODO: Use a loopback device together with prerecorded audio files to test the recognizer's functionality.
hr = ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_StopAsync(session, &action2);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_StopAsync failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
action_handler.event_block = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
action_handler.event_finished = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
ok(!!action_handler.event_block, "Block event wasn't created.\n");
ok(!!action_handler.event_finished, "Finished event wasn't created.\n");
/* Check if IAsyncInfo_Close is non blocking. */
put_param.handler = &action_handler.IAsyncActionCompletedHandler_iface;
put_param.action = action2;
put_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, action_put_completed_thread, &put_param, 0, NULL);
todo_wine ok(!WaitForSingleObject(action_handler.event_finished , 5000), "Wait for event_finished failed.\n");
handler = (void *)0xdeadbeef;
old_ref = action_handler.ref;
hr = IAsyncAction_get_Completed(action2, &handler);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncAction_get_Completed failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(handler == &action_handler.IAsyncActionCompletedHandler_iface || /* Broken on 1507. */
broken(handler != NULL && handler != (void *)0xdeadbeef), "Handler was %p.\n", handler);
ref = action_handler.ref - old_ref;
todo_wine ok(ref == 1, "The ref was increased by %lu.\n", ref);
hr = IAsyncAction_QueryInterface(action2, &IID_IAsyncInfo, (void **)&info);
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncAction_QueryInterface failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IAsyncInfo_Close(info); /* If IAsyncInfo_Close would wait for the handler to finish, the test would get stuck here. */
todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "IAsyncInfo_Close failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
check_async_info((IInspectable *)action2, 3, AsyncStatus_Closed, S_OK);
set = SetEvent(action_handler.event_block);
todo_wine ok(set == TRUE, "Event 'event_block' wasn't set.\n");
todo_wine ok(!WaitForSingleObject(put_thread , 1000), "Wait for put_thread failed.\n");
todo_wine ok(action != action2, "actions were the same!\n");
hr = ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_remove_ResultGenerated(session, token);
ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_remove_ResultGenerated failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ref = ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_Release(session);
ok(ref == 1, "Got unexpected ref %lu.\n", ref);
ref = ISpeechRecognizer2_Release(recognizer2);
ok(ref == 2, "Got unexpected ref %lu.\n", ref);
ref = ISpeechRecognizer_Release(recognizer);
ok(ref == 1, "Got unexpected ref %lu.\n", ref);
ref = IInspectable_Release(inspectable);
ok(!ref, "Got unexpected ref %lu.\n", ref);
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(commands); i++)
@ -1346,4 +1692,5 @@ START_TEST(speech)