Daniel Stone 61d8238874 desktop-shell: Remove multiple workspace support
It's not the most code ever, but it does make desktop-shell somewhat
more complicated for questionable (i.e. no) end-user benefit.

When desktop-shell is back in more healthy shape it could potentially be
reintroduced, but for now it's just making it more difficult to reason
about desktop-shell and fix it.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Stone <daniels@collabora.com>
2022-06-24 10:47:42 +03:00

736 lines
26 KiB

.\" shorthand for double quote that works everywhere.
.ds q \N'34'
.TH weston.ini 5 "2019-03-26" "Weston @version@"
weston.ini \- configuration file for
.B Weston
\- the reference Wayland
.B Weston
obtains configuration from its command line parameters and the configuration
file described here.
.B Weston
uses a configuration file called
.I weston.ini
for its setup.
.I weston.ini
configuration file is searched for in one of the following places when the
server is started:
.RS 4
.BR "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/weston.ini " "(if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set)"
.BR "$HOME/.config/weston.ini " "(if $HOME is set)"
.B "weston/weston.ini in each"
.BR "\ \ \ \ $XDG_CONFIG_DIR " "(if $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is set)"
.BR "/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini " "(if $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is not set)"
where environment variable
is the user's home directory, and
is the user specific configuration directory, and
is a colon
.B ':'
delimited listed of configuration base directories, such as
.BR /etc/xdg-foo:/etc/xdg .
.I weston.ini
file is composed of a number of sections which may be present in any order, or
omitted to use default configuration values. Each section has the form:
.RS 4
.BI [ SectionHeader ]
.RI Key1=Value1
.RI Key2=Value2
The spaces are significant.
Comment lines are ignored:
.RS 4
.IR "#comment"
The section headers are:
.RS 4
.BR "core " "The core modules and options"
.BR "libinput " "Input device configuration"
.BR "shell " "Desktop customization"
.BR "launcher " "Add launcher to the panel"
.BR "output " "Output configuration"
.BR "input-method " "Onscreen keyboard input"
.BR "keyboard " "Keyboard layouts"
.BR "terminal " "Terminal application options"
.BR "xwayland " "XWayland options"
.BR "screen-share " "Screen sharing options"
.BR "autolaunch " "Autolaunch options"
Possible value types are string, signed and unsigned 32-bit
integer, and boolean. Strings must not be quoted, do not support any
escape sequences, and run till the end of the line. Integers can
be given in decimal (e.g. 123), octal (e.g. 0173), and hexadecimal
(e.g. 0x7b) form. Boolean values can be only 'true' or 'false'.
.B core
section is used to select the startup compositor modules and general options.
.TP 7
.BI "shell=" desktop-shell.so
specifies a shell to load (string). This can be used to load your own
implemented shell or one with Weston as default. Available shells
in the
.IR "@weston_modules_dir@"
directory are:
.RS 10
.BR desktop-shell.so
.TP 7
.BI "xwayland=" true
ask Weston to load the XWayland module (boolean).
.TP 7
.BI "modules=" cms-colord.so,screen-share.so
specifies the modules to load (string). Available modules in the
.IR "@weston_modules_dir@"
directory are:
.RS 10
.BR cms-colord.so
.BR screen-share.so
.TP 7
.BI "backend=" headless-backend.so
overrides defaults backend. Available backend modules in the
.IR "@libweston_modules_dir@"
directory are:
.RS 10
.BR drm-backend.so
.BR headless-backend.so
.BR rdp-backend.so
.BR wayland-backend.so
.BR x11-backend.so
.TP 7
.BI "repaint-window=" N
Set the approximate length of the repaint window in milliseconds. The repaint
window is used to control and reduce the output latency for clients. If the
window is longer than the output refresh period, the repaint will be done
immediately when the previous repaint finishes, not processing client requests
in between. If the repaint window is too short, the compositor may miss the
target vertical blank, increasing output latency. The default value is 7
milliseconds. The allowed range is from -10 to 1000 milliseconds. Using a
negative value will force the compositor to always miss the target vblank.
.TP 7
.BI "idle-time="seconds
sets Weston's idle timeout in seconds. This idle timeout is the time
after which Weston will enter an "inactive" mode and screen will fade to
black. A value of 0 disables the timeout.
.IR Important
: This option may also be set via Weston's '-i' command
line option and will take precedence over the current .ini option. This
means that if both weston.ini and command line define this idle-timeout
time, the one specified in the command-line will be used. On the other
hand, if none of these sets the value, default idle timeout will be
set to 300 seconds.
.TP 7
.BI "require-input=" true
require an input device for launch
.TP 7
.BI "wait-for-debugger=" true
Raises SIGSTOP before initializing the compositor. This allows the user to
attach with a debugger and continue execution by sending SIGCONT. This is
useful for debugging a crash on start-up when it would be inconvenient to
launch weston directly from a debugger. Boolean, defaults to
.BR false .
There is also a command line option to do the same.
.TP 7
.BI "remoting="remoting-plugin.so
specifies a plugin for remote output to load (string). This can be used to load
your own implemented remoting plugin or one with Weston as default. Available
remoting plugins in the
.IR "__libweston_modules_dir__"
directory are:
.RS 10
.BR remoting-plugin.so
.TP 7
.BI "use-pixman=" true
Enables pixman-based rendering for all outputs on backends that support it.
Boolean, defaults to
.BR false .
There is also a command line option to do the same.
.TP 7
.BI "color-management=" true
Enables color management and requires using GL-renderer.
Boolean, defaults to
.BR false .
Color management enables the use of ICC files to describe monitor color
behavior, Wayland protocol extensions for clients to describe their color
spaces and perform monitor profiling, and tone mapping required to enable HDR
video modes. This extended functionality comes at the cost of heavier image
processing and sometimes a loss of some hardware off-loading features like
.B libinput
section is used to configure input devices when using the libinput input device
backend. The defaults are determined by libinput and vary according to what is
most sensible for any given device.
Available configuration are:
.TP 7
.BI "enable-tap=" false
Enables tap to click on touchpad devices.
.TP 7
.BI "tap-and-drag=" false
For touchpad devices with \fBenable-tap\fR enabled. If the user taps, then
taps a second time, this time holding, the virtual mouse button stays down for
as long as the user keeps their finger on the touchpad, allowing the user to
click and drag with taps alone.
.TP 7
.BI "tap-and-drag-lock=" false
For touchpad devices with \fBenable-tap\fR and \fBtap-and-drag\fR enabled.
In the middle of a tap-and-drag, if the user releases the touchpad for less
than a certain number of milliseconds, then touches it again, the virtual mouse
button will remain pressed and the drag can continue.
.TP 7
.BI "disable-while-typing=" true
For devices that may be accidentally triggered while typing on the keyboard,
causing a disruption of the typing. Disables them while the keyboard is in
.TP 7
.BI "middle-button-emulation=" false
For pointer devices with left and right buttons, but no middle button. When
enabled, a middle button event is emitted when the left and right buttons are
pressed simultaneously.
.TP 7
.BI "left-handed=" false
Configures the device for use by left-handed people. Exactly what this option
does depends on the device. For pointers with left and right buttons, the
buttons are swapped. On tablets, the tablet is logically turned upside down,
because it will be physically turned upside down.
.TP 7
.BI "rotation=" n
Changes the direction of the logical north, rotating it \fIn\fR degrees
clockwise away from the default orientation, where \fIn\fR is a whole
number between 0 and 359 inclusive. Needed for trackballs, mainly. Allows the
user to orient the trackball sideways, for example.
.TP 7
.BI "accel-profile=" "{flat,adaptive}"
Set the pointer acceleration profile. The pointer's screen speed is
proportional to the physical speed with a certain constant of proportionality.
Call that constant alpha. \fIflat\fR keeps alpha fixed. See \fBaccel-speed\fR.
\fIadaptive\fR causes alpha to increase with physical speed, giving the user
more control when the speed is slow, and more reach when the speed is high.
\fIadaptive\fR is the default.
.TP 7
.BI "accel-speed=" v
If \fBaccel-profile\fR is set to \fIflat\fR, it simply sets the value of alpha.
If \fBaccel-profile\fR is set to \fIadaptive\fR, the effect is more
complicated, but generally speaking, it will change the pointer's speed.
\fIv\fR is normalised and must lie in the range [-1, 1]. The exact mapping
between \fIv\fR and alpha is hardware-dependent, but higher values cause higher
cursor speeds.
.TP 7
.BI "natural-scroll=" false
Enables natural scrolling, mimicking the behaviour of touchscreen scrolling.
That is, if the wheel, finger, or fingers are moved down, the surface is
scrolled up instead of down, as if the finger, or fingers were in contact with
the surface being scrolled.
.TP 7
.BI "scroll-method=" {two-finger,edge,button,none}
Sets the scroll method. \fItwo-finger\fR scrolls with two fingers on a
touchpad. \fIedge\fR scrolls with one finger on the right edge of a touchpad.
\fIbutton\fR scrolls when the pointer is moved while a certain button is
pressed. See \fBscroll-button\fR. \fInone\fR disables scrolling altogether.
.TP 7
.BI "scroll-button=" {BTN_LEFT,BTN_RIGHT,BTN_MIDDLE,...}
For devices with \fBscroll-method\fR set to \fIbutton\fR. Specifies the
button that will trigger scrolling. See /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h
for the complete list of possible values.
.TP 7
.BI "touchscreen_calibrator=" true
Advertise the touchscreen calibrator interface to all clients. This is a
potential denial-of-service attack vector, so it should only be enabled on
trusted userspace. Boolean, defaults to
.BR false .
The interface is required for running touchscreen calibrator applications. It
provides the application raw touch events, bypassing the normal touch handling.
It also allows the application to upload a new calibration into the compositor.
Even though this option is listed in the libinput section, it does affect all
Weston configurations regardless of the used backend. If the backend does not
use libinput, the interface can still be advertised, but it will not list any
.TP 7
.BI "calibration_helper=" /bin/echo
An optional calibration helper program to permanently save a new touchscreen
calibration. String, defaults to unset.
The given program will be executed with seven arguments when a calibrator
application requests the server to take a new calibration matrix into use.
The program is executed synchronously and will therefore block Weston for its
duration. If the program exit status is non-zero, Weston will not apply the
new calibration. If the helper is unset or the program exit status is zero,
Weston will use the new calibration immediately.
The program is invoked as:
.RS 10
.I calibration_helper syspath m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6
.RI "where " syspath
is the udev sys path for the device and
.IR m1 " through " m6
are the calibration matrix elements in libinput's
.BR LIBINPUT_CALIBRATION_MATRIX " udev property format."
The sys path is an absolute path and starts with the sys mount point.
.B shell
section is used to customize the compositor. Some keys may not be handled by
different shell plugins.
The entries that can appear in this section are:
.TP 7
.BI "client=" file
sets the path for the shell client to run. If not specified
.I @weston_shell_client@
is launched (string).
.TP 7
.BI "background-image=" file
sets the path for the background image file (string).
.TP 7
.BI "background-type=" tile
determines how the background image is drawn (string). Can be
.BR centered ", " scale ", " scale-crop " or " tile " (default)."
Centered shows the image once centered. If the image is smaller than the
output, the rest of the surface will be in background color. If the image
size does fit the output it will be cropped left and right, or top and bottom.
Scale means scaled to fit the output precisely, not preserving aspect ratio.
Scale-crop preserves aspect ratio, scales the background image just big
enough to cover the output, and centers it. The image ends up cropped from
left and right, or top and bottom, if the aspect ratio does not match the
output. Tile repeats the background image to fill the output.
.TP 7
.BI "background-color=" 0xAARRGGBB
sets the color of the background (unsigned integer). The hexadecimal
digit pairs are in order alpha, red, green, and blue.
.TP 7
.BI "clock-format=" format
sets the panel clock format (string). Can be
.BR "none" ","
.BR "minutes" ","
.BR "seconds" ","
.BR "minutes-24h" ","
.BR "seconds-24h" "."
By default, minutes format is used.
.TP 7
.BI "panel-color=" 0xAARRGGBB
sets the color of the panel (unsigned integer). The hexadecimal
digit pairs are in order transparency, red, green, and blue. Examples:
.RS 10
.BR "0xffff0000 " "Red"
.BR "0xff00ff00 " "Green"
.BR "0xff0000ff " "Blue"
.BR "0x00ffffff " "Fully transparent"
.TP 7
.BI "panel-position=" top
sets the position of the panel (string). Can be
.B top,
.B bottom,
.B left,
.B right,
.B none.
.TP 7
.BI "locking=" true
enables screen locking (boolean).
.TP 7
.BI "animation=" zoom
sets the effect used for opening new windows (string). Can be
.B zoom,
.B fade,
.B none.
By default, no animation is used.
.TP 7
.BI "close-animation=" fade
sets the effect used when closing windows (string). Can be
.B fade,
.B none.
By default, the fade animation is used.
.TP 7
.BI "startup-animation=" fade
sets the effect used by desktop-shell when starting up (string). Can be
.B fade,
.B none.
By default, the fade animation is used.
.TP 7
.BI "focus-animation=" dim-layer
sets the effect used with the focused and unfocused windows. Can be
.B dim-layer,
.B none.
By default, no animation is used.
.TP 7
.BI "allow-zap=" true
whether the shell should quit when the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key combination is
.TP 7
.BI "binding-modifier=" ctrl
sets the modifier key used for common bindings (string), such as moving
surfaces, resizing, rotating, switching, closing and setting the transparency
for windows, controlling the backlight and zooming the desktop. See
.BR weston-bindings (7).
Possible values: none, ctrl, alt, super (default)
.TP 7
.BI "cursor-theme=" theme
sets the cursor theme (string).
.TP 7
.BI "cursor-size=" 24
sets the cursor size (unsigned integer).
There can be multiple launcher sections, one for each launcher.
.TP 7
.BI "icon=" icon
sets the path to icon image (string). Svg images are not currently supported.
.TP 7
.BI "displayname=" displayname
sets the display name of the launcher that appears in the tooltip.
.TP 7
.BI "path=" program
sets the path to the program that is run by clicking on this launcher (string).
It is possible to pass arguments and environment variables to the program. For
.in +4n
path=GDK_BACKEND=wayland gnome-terminal --full-screen
There can be multiple output sections, each corresponding to one output. It is
currently only recognized by the drm and x11 backends.
.TP 7
.BI "name=" name
sets a name for the output (string). The backend uses the name to
identify the output. All X11 output names start with a letter X. All
Wayland output names start with the letters WL.
Examples of usage:
.RS 10
.BR "LVDS1 " "DRM backend, Laptop internal panel no.1"
.BR "VGA1 " "DRM backend, VGA connector no.1"
.BR "X1 " "X11 backend, X window no.1"
.BR "WL1 " "Wayland backend, Wayland window no.1"
.B "weston-drm(7)"
for more details.
.TP 7
.BI "mode=" mode
sets the output mode (string). The mode parameter is handled differently
depending on the backend. On the X11 backend, it just sets the WIDTHxHEIGHT of
the weston window.
The DRM backend accepts different modes, along with an option of a modeline string.
.B "weston-drm(7)"
for examples of modes-formats supported by DRM backend.
.TP 7
.BI "transform=" normal
How you have rotated your monitor from its normal orientation (string).
The transform key can be one of the following 8 strings:
.RS 10
.BR "normal " "Normal output."
.BR "rotate-90 " "90 degrees clockwise."
.BR "rotate-180 " "Upside down."
.BR "rotate-270 " "90 degrees counter clockwise."
.BR "flipped " "Horizontally flipped"
.BR "flipped-rotate-90 " "Flipped and 90 degrees clockwise"
.BR "flipped-rotate-180 " "Flipped and upside down"
.BR "flipped-rotate-270 " "Flipped and 90 degrees counter clockwise"
.TP 7
.BI "scale=" factor
The scaling multiplier applied to the entire output, in support of high
resolution ("HiDPI" or "retina") displays, that roughly corresponds to the
pixel ratio of the display's physical resolution to the logical resolution.
Applications that do not support high resolution displays typically appear tiny
and unreadable. Weston will scale the output of such applications by this
multiplier, to make them readable. Applications that do support their own output
scaling can draw their content in high resolution, in which case they avoid
compositor scaling. Weston will not scale the output of such applications, and
they are not affected by this multiplier.
An integer, 1 by default, typically configured as 2 or higher when needed,
denoting the scaling multiplier for the output.
.TP 7
.BI "icc_profile=" file
If option
.B color-management
is true, load the given ICC file as the output color profile. This works only
on DRM, headless, wayland, and x11 backends, and for remoting and pipewire
.TP 7
.BI "seat=" name
The logical seat name that this output should be associated with. If this
is set then the seat's input will be confined to the output that has the seat
set on it. The expectation is that this functionality will be used in a
multiheaded environment with a single compositor for multiple output and input
configurations. The default seat is called "default" and will always be
present. This seat can be constrained like any other.
.TP 7
.BI "allow_hdcp=" true
Allows HDCP support for this output. If set to true, HDCP can be tried for the
content-protection, provided by the backends, on this output. By
default, HDCP support is always allowed for an output. The
content-protection can actually be realized, only if the hardware
(source and sink) support HDCP, and the backend has the implementation
of content-protection protocol. Currently, HDCP is supported by drm-backend.
.TP 7
.BI "app-ids=" app-id[,app_id]*
A comma separated list of the IDs of applications to place on this output.
These IDs should match the application IDs as set with the xdg_shell.set_app_id
request. Currently, this option is supported by kiosk-shell.
.TP 7
.BI "eotf-mode=" sdr
Sets the EOTF mode on the output. This is used for choosing between standard
dynamic range (SDR) mode and the various high dynamic range (HDR) modes. The
display driver, the graphics card, and the video sink (monitor) need to support
the chosen mode, otherwise the result is undefined.
The mode can be one of the following strings:
.RS 10
.BR "sdr " "traditional gamma, SDR"
.BR "hdr-gamma " "traditional gamma, HDR"
.BR "st2084 " "SMPTE ST 2084, a.k.a Perceptual Quantizer"
.BR "hlg " "Hybrid Log-Gamma (ITU-R BT.2100)"
Defaults to
.BR sdr ". Non-SDR modes require " "color-management=true" .
.TP 7
.BI "color_characteristics=" name
Sets the basic output color characteristics by loading the parameters from the
.B color_characteristics
section with the key
.BI "name=" name
\&. If an ICC profile is also set, the ICC profile takes precedence.
.TP 7
.BI "path=" "@weston_libexecdir@/weston-keyboard"
sets the path of the on screen keyboard input method (string).
.TP 7
.BI "overlay-keyboard=" false
sets weston-keyboard as overlay panel.
This section contains the following keys:
.TP 7
.BI "keymap_rules=" "evdev"
sets the keymap rules file (string). Used to map layout and model to input
.TP 7
.BI "keymap_model=" "pc105"
sets the keymap model (string). See the Models section in
.B "xkeyboard-config(7)."
.TP 7
.BI "keymap_layout=" "us,de,gb"
sets the comma separated list of keyboard layout codes (string). See the
Layouts section in
.B "xkeyboard-config(7)."
.TP 7
.BI "keymap_variant=" "euro,,intl"
sets the comma separated list of keyboard layout variants (string). The number
of variants must be the same as the number of layouts above. See the Layouts
section in
.B "xkeyboard-config(7)."
.TP 7
.BI "keymap_options=" "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
sets the keymap options (string). See the Options section in
.B "xkeyboard-config(7)."
.TP 7
.BI "repeat-rate=" "40"
sets the rate of repeating keys in characters per second (unsigned integer)
.TP 7
.BI "repeat-delay=" "400"
sets the delay in milliseconds since key down until repeating starts (unsigned
.TP 7
.BI "numlock-on=" "false"
sets the default state of the numlock on weston startup for the backends which
support it.
.TP 7
.BI "vt-switching=" "true"
Whether to allow the use of Ctrl+Alt+Fn key combinations to switch away from
the compositor's virtual console.
Contains settings for the weston terminal application (weston-terminal). It
allows to customize the font and shell of the command line interface.
.TP 7
.BI "font=" "DejaVu Sans Mono"
sets the font of the terminal (string). For a good experience it is recommended
to use monospace fonts. In case the font is not found, the default one is used.
.TP 7
.BI "font-size=" "14"
sets the size of the terminal font (unsigned integer).
.TP 7
.BI "term=" "xterm-256color"
The terminal shell (string). Sets the $TERM variable.
.TP 7
.BI "path=" "@xserver_path@"
sets the path to the xserver to run (string).
.TP 7
.BI "command=" "@weston_bindir@/weston --backend=rdp-backend.so \
--shell=fullscreen-shell.so --no-clients-resize --no-config"
sets the command to start a fullscreen-shell server for screen sharing (string).
.TP 7
.BI "start-on-startup=" "false"
If set to true, start screen sharing of all outputs available on Weston startup.
Set to false by default.
Set to false by default. When using this option make sure you enable --no-config
to avoid re-loading the screen-share module and implictly trigger screen-sharing
for the RDP output already performing the screen share. Alternatively, you could
also supply a different configuration file, by using --config /path/to/config/file,
and make sure that the configuration file doesn't load the screen-share module.
.TP 7
.BI "path=" "/usr/bin/echo"
Path to an executable file to run after startup. This file is executed in
parallel to Weston, so it does not have to immediately exit. Defaults to empty.
.TP 7
.BI "watch=" "false"
If set to true, quit Weston after the auto-launched executable exits. Set to false
by default.
.B color_characteristics
section records one set of basic display or monitor color characterisation
parameters. The parameters are defined in CTA-861-H specification as Static
Metadata Type 1, and they can also be found in EDID. The parameters are
divided into groups. Each group must be given either fully or not at all.
Each section should be named with
.B name
key by which it can be referenced from other sections. A metadata section is
just a collection of parameter values and does nothing on its own. It has an
effect only when referenced from elsewhere.
.BR output " section key " color_characteristics .
.TP 7
.BI "name=" name
An arbitrary name for this section. You can choose any name you want as long as
it does not contain the colon
.RB ( : )
character. Names with at least one colon are reserved.
.SS Primaries group
.TP 7
.BI "red_x=" x
.BI "red_y=" y
.BI "green_x=" x
.BI "green_y=" y
.BI "blue_x=" x
.BI "blue_y=" y
The CIE 1931 xy chromaticity coordinates of the display primaries.
These floating point values must reside between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
.SS White point group
.TP 7
.BI "white_x=" x
.BI "white_y=" y
The CIE 1931 xy chromaticity coordinates of the display white point.
These floating point values must reside between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
.SS Independent parameters
Each parameter listed here has its own group and therefore can be given
.TP 7
.BI "max_L=" L
Display's desired maximum content luminance (peak)
.IR L \~cd/m²,
a floating point value in the range 0.0\(en100000.0.
.TP 7
.BI "min_L=" L
Display's desired minimum content luminance
.IR L \~cd/m²,
a floating point value in the range 0.0\(en100000.0.
.TP 7
.BI "maxFALL=" L
Display's desired maximum frame-average light level
.IR L \~cd/m²,
a floating point value in the range 0.0\(en100000.0.
.BR weston (1),
.BR weston-bindings (7),
.BR weston-drm (7),
.BR xkeyboard-config (7)