Dmitry V. Levin acdba85e0e udevadm: introduce new 'verify' command
We seem to have no tool to verify udev rule files.  There is a simple
udev rules syntax checker in the tree, test/, but
it is too simple to detect less trivial issues not detected by udev,
e.g. redundant comparisons (#26593) or labels without references.

Such a tool would be beneficial not only for maintaining udev rules
distributed along with udev, but also and even more so for maintaining
third party udev rules that are more likely to have issues with syntax
and semantic correctness.

Implement a udev rules syntax and semantics checker in the form of
'udevadm verify [OPTIONS] FILE...' command that is based on
udev_rules_parse_file() interface and would apply further checks
on top of it in subsequent commits.

Resolves: #26606
2023-03-08 18:55:40 +00:00

192 lines
8.3 KiB

#compdef udevadm
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
(( $+functions[_udevadm_info] )) ||
_arguments \
'--query=[Query the database for specified type of device data. It needs the --path or --name to identify the specified device.]:type:(name symlink path property all)' \
'--path=[The devpath of the device to query.]:sys files:_files -P /sys/ -W /sys' \
'--name=[The name of the device node or a symlink to query]:device files:_files -P /dev/ -W /dev' \
'--root[Print absolute paths in name or symlink query.]' \
'--attribute-walk[Print all sysfs properties of the specified device that can be used in udev rules to match the specified device]' \
'--export[Print output as key/value pairs.]' \
'--export-prefix=[Add a prefix to the key name of exported values.]:prefix' \
'--device-id-of-file=[Print major/minor numbers of the underlying device, where the file lives on.]:files:_udevadm_mounts' \
'--export-db[Export the content of the udev database.]' \
'--cleanup-db[Cleanup the udev database.]' \
'--value[When showing properties, print only their values.]' \
'--property=[Show only properties by this name.]'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_trigger] )) ||
_arguments \
'--verbose[Print the list of devices which will be triggered.]' \
'--dry-run[Do not actually trigger the event.]' \
'--quiet[Suppress error logging in triggering events.]' \
'--type=[Trigger a specific type of devices.]:types:(all devices subsystems failed)' \
'--action=[Type of event to be triggered.]:actions:(add change remove move online offline bind unbind)' \
'--subsystem-match=[Trigger events for devices which belong to a matching subsystem.]' \
'--subsystem-nomatch=[Do not trigger events for devices which belong to a matching subsystem.]' \
'--attr-match=attribute=[Trigger events for devices with a matching sysfs attribute.]' \
'--attr-nomatch=attribute=[Do not trigger events for devices with a matching sysfs attribute.]' \
'--property-match=[Trigger events for devices with a matching property value.]' \
'--tag-match=property[Trigger events for devices with a matching tag.]' \
'--sysname-match=[Trigger events for devices with a matching sys device name.]' \
'--parent-match=[Trigger events for all children of a given device.]' \
'--initialized-match[Trigger events for devices that are already initialized.]' \
'--initialized-nomatch[Trigger events for devices that are not initialized yet.]' \
'--uuid[Print synthetic uevent UUID.]' \
'--prioritized-subsystem=[Trigger events for devices which belong to a matching subsystem earlier.]'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_settle] )) ||
_arguments \
'--timeout=[Maximum number of seconds to wait for the event queue to become empty.]' \
'--seq-start=[Wait only for events after the given sequence number.]' \
'--seq-end=[Wait only for events before the given sequence number.]' \
'--exit-if-exists=[Stop waiting if file exists.]:files:_files' \
'--quiet[Do not print any output, like the remaining queue entries when reaching the timeout.]' \
'--help[Print help text.]'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_control] )) ||
_arguments \
'--exit[Signal and wait for systemd-udevd to exit.]' \
'--log-priority=[Set the internal log level of systemd-udevd.]:priorities:(err info debug)' \
'--stop-exec-queue[Signal systemd-udevd to stop executing new events. Incoming events will be queued.]' \
'--start-exec-queue[Signal systemd-udevd to enable the execution of events.]' \
'--reload[Signal systemd-udevd to reload the rules files and other databases like the kernel module index.]' \
'--property=[Set a global property for all events.]' \
'--children-max=[Set the maximum number of events.]' \
'--timeout=[The maximum number of seconds to wait for a reply from systemd-udevd.]' \
'--help[Print help text.]'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_monitor] )) ||
_arguments \
'--kernel[Print the kernel uevents.]' \
'--udev[Print the udev event after the rule processing.]' \
'--property[Also print the properties of the event.]' \
'--subsystem-match=[Filter events by subsystem/\[devtype\].]' \
'--tag-match=[Filter events by property.]' \
'--help[Print help text.]'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_test] )) ||
_arguments \
'--action=[The action string.]:actions:(add change remove move online offline bind unbind)' \
'--subsystem=[The subsystem string.]' \
'--help[Print help text.]' \
'*::devpath:_files -P /sys/ -W /sys'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_test-builtin] )) ||
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
_arguments \
'--action=[The action string.]:actions:(add change remove move online offline bind unbind)' \
'--help[Print help text]' \
'*::builtins:(blkid btrfs hwdb input_id net_id net_setup_link kmod path_id usb_id uaccess)'
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
_arguments \
'--action=[The action string.]:actions:(add change remove move online offline bind unbind)' \
'--help[Print help text]' \
'*::syspath:_files -P /sys -W /sys'
_arguments \
'--action=[The action string.]:actions:(add change remove move online offline bind unbind)' \
'--help[Print help text]'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_verify] )) ||
_arguments \
{-N+,--resolve-names=}'[When to resolve names.]:resolve:(early never)' \
{-h,--help}'[Print help text.]' \
(( $+functions[_udevadm_wait] )) ||
_arguments \
'--timeout=[Maximum number of seconds to wait for the devices being created.]' \
'--initialized=[Wait for devices being initialized by systemd-udevd.]:boolean:(yes no)' \
'--removed[Wait for devices being removed.]' \
'--settle[Also wait for udev queue being empty.]' \
'--help[Print help text.]' \
'*::devpath:_files -P /dev/ -W /dev'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_lock] )) ||
_arguments \
'--timeout=[Maximum number of seconds to wait for the devices being locked.]' \
'--device=[Block device to lock.]' \
'--backing=[File whose backing block device to lock.]' \
'--print[Only show which block device the lock would be taken on.]' \
'--help[Print help text.]'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_mounts] )) ||
local dev_tmp dpath_tmp mp_tmp mline
tmp=( "${(@f)$(< /proc/self/mounts)}" )
dev_tmp=( "${(@)${(@)tmp%% *}:#none}" )
mp_tmp=( "${(@)${(@)tmp#* }%% *}" )
local MATCH
mp_tmp=("${(@q)mp_tmp//(#m)\\[0-7](#c3)/${(#)$(( 8#${MATCH[2,-1]} ))}}")
dpath_tmp=( "${(@Mq)dev_tmp:#/*}" )
dev_tmp=( "${(@q)dev_tmp:#/*}" )
_alternative \
'device-paths: device path:compadd -a dpath_tmp' \
'directories:mount point:compadd -a mp_tmp'
(( $+functions[_udevadm_commands] )) ||
local -a _udevadm_cmds
'info:query sysfs or the udev database'
'trigger:request events from the kernel'
'settle:wait for the event queue to finish'
'control:control the udev daemon'
'monitor:listen to kernel and udev events'
'test:test an event run'
'test-builtin:test a built-in command'
'verify:verify udev rules files'
'wait:wait for devices or device symlinks being created'
'lock:lock a block device and run a comand'
if ((CURRENT == 1)); then
_describe -t commands 'udevadm commands' _udevadm_cmds
local curcontext="$curcontext"
if (($#cmd)); then
if (( $+functions[_udevadm_$cmd] )); then
_message "no options for $cmd"
_message "no more options"
_arguments \
'--debug[Print debug messages to stderr]' \
'--version[Print version number]' \
'--help[Print help text]' \
'*::udevadm commands:_udevadm_commands'