
111 lines
3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+
import collections
import sys
import re
from xml_helper import xml_parse, xml_print, tree
MDASH = '' if sys.version_info.major >= 3 else ' -- '
<refentry id="systemd.index" conditional="HAVE_PYTHON">
<refpurpose>List all manpages from the systemd project</refpurpose>
SUMMARY = '''\
<title>See Also</title>
<para id='counts' />
This index contains {count} entries, referring to {pages} individual manual pages.'
def check_id(page, t):
id = t.getroot().get('id')
if not'/' + id + '[.]', page):
raise ValueError("id='{}' is not the same as page name '{}'".format(id, page))
def make_index(pages):
index = collections.defaultdict(list)
for p in pages:
t = xml_parse(p)
check_id(p, t)
section = t.find('./refmeta/manvolnum').text
refname = t.find('./refnamediv/refname').text
purpose = ' '.join(t.find('./refnamediv/refpurpose').text.split())
for f in t.findall('./refnamediv/refname'):
infos = (f.text, section, purpose, refname)
return index
def add_letter(template, letter, pages):
refsect1 = tree.SubElement(template, 'refsect1')
title = tree.SubElement(refsect1, 'title')
title.text = letter
para = tree.SubElement(refsect1, 'para')
for info in sorted(pages, key=lambda info: str.lower(info[0])):
refname, section, purpose, realname = info
b = tree.SubElement(para, 'citerefentry')
c = tree.SubElement(b, 'refentrytitle')
c.text = refname
d = tree.SubElement(b, 'manvolnum')
d.text = section
b.tail = MDASH + purpose # + ' (' + p + ')'
tree.SubElement(para, 'sbr')
def add_summary(template, indexpages):
count = 0
pages = set()
for group in indexpages:
count += len(group)
for info in group:
refname, section, purpose, realname = info
pages.add((realname, section))
refsect1 = tree.fromstring(SUMMARY)
para = template.find(".//para[@id='counts']")
para.text = COUNTS.format(count=count, pages=len(pages))
def make_page(*xml_files):
template = tree.fromstring(TEMPLATE)
index = make_index(xml_files)
for letter in sorted(index):
add_letter(template, letter, index[letter])
add_summary(template, index.values())
return template
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(sys.argv[1], 'wb') as f: