Eisuke Kawashima 20927c0eec
improve zsh completion (#32098)
* fix error
* remove options that are no longer supported
* add missing options
* stop completion if an option `--help` or `--version` is supplied

zjs: a note for the reader:

zshcompsys(1) in the section about optspecs in _arguments says:

> Each of the forms above may be preceded by a list in parentheses of option names  and  argument  num‐
> bers.  If the given option is on the command line, the options and arguments indicated in parentheses
> will not be offered.  For example, ‘(-two -three 1)-one:...' completes the option ‘-one'; if this ap‐
> pears  on  the  command line, the options -two and -three and the first ordinary argument will not be
> completed after it.  ‘(-foo):...' specifies an ordinary argument completion; -foo will  not  be  com‐
> pleted if that argument is already present.
> Other  items  may  appear in the list of excluded options to indicate various other items that should
> not be applied when the current specification is matched: a single star (\*) for  the  rest  arguments
> (i.e. a specification of the form ‘\*:...'); a colon (:) for all normal (non-option-) arguments; and a
> hyphen (-) for all options.  For example, if ‘(\*)' appears before an option and the option appears on
> the  command  line,  the  list  of remaining arguments (those shown in the above table beginning with
> ‘\*:') will not be completed.

The intended effect of the change is to remove irrelevant completion matches from the completion.

tl;dr: (- : ) prevents further completion
2024-04-15 10:58:48 +02:00

183 lines
6.4 KiB

#compdef loginctl
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
(( $+functions[_loginctl_all_sessions] )) ||
_loginctl_all_sessions() {
local session description
loginctl --no-legend list-sessions | while read -r session description; do
_sys_all_sessions+=( "$session" )
_sys_all_sessions_descr+=( "${session}:$description" )
(( $+functions[_loginctl_all_users] )) ||
_loginctl_all_users() {
local uid description
loginctl --no-legend list-users | while read -r uid description; do
_sys_all_users+=( "$uid" )
_sys_all_users_descr+=( "${uid}:$description" )
(( $+functions[_loginctl_all_seats] )) ||
_loginctl_all_seats() {
local seat description
loginctl --no-legend list-seats | while read -r seat description; do
_sys_all_seats+=( "$seat" )
_sys_all_seats_descr+=( "${seat}:$description" )
local fun
# Completion functions for SESSIONS
for fun in session-status show-session activate lock-session unlock-session terminate-session kill-session ; do
(( $+functions[_loginctl_$fun] )) ||
_loginctl_$fun() {
local -a _sys_all_sessions{,_descr}
_sys_all_sessions=( "self" )
_sys_all_sessions_descr=( "self:alias for the current session" )
for _ignore in $words[2,-1]; do
if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:systemd-sessions" verbose; then
_describe -t systemd-sessions session _sys_all_sessions_descr _sys_all_sessions "$@"
local expl
_wanted systemd-sessions expl session compadd "$@" -a _sys_all_sessions
# Completion functions for USERS
for fun in user-status show-user enable-linger disable-linger terminate-user kill-user ; do
(( $+functions[_loginctl_$fun] )) ||
_loginctl_$fun() {
local -a _sys_all_users{,_descr}
zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:users" users _sys_all_users
if ! (( $#_sys_all_users )); then
for _ignore in $words[2,-1]; do
# using the common tag `users' here, not rolling our own `systemd-users' tag
if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:users" verbose; then
_describe -t users user ${_sys_all_users_descr:+_sys_all_users_descr} _sys_all_users "$@"
local expl
_wanted users expl user compadd "$@" -a _sys_all_users
# Completion functions for SEATS
(( $+functions[_loginctl_seats] )) ||
_loginctl_seats() {
local -a _sys_all_seats{,_descr}
_sys_all_seats=( "self" )
_sys_all_seats_descr=( "self:alias for the current seat" )
for _ignore in $words[2,-1]; do
if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:systemd-seats" verbose; then
_describe -t systemd-seats seat _sys_all_seats_descr _sys_all_seats "$@"
local expl
_wanted systemd-seats expl seat compadd "$@" -a _sys_all_seats
for fun in seat-status show-seat terminate-seat ; do
(( $+functions[_loginctl_$fun] )) ||
_loginctl_$fun() { _loginctl_seats }
# Completion functions for ATTACH
(( $+functions[_loginctl_attach] )) ||
_loginctl_attach() {
_arguments -w -C -S -s \
':seat:_loginctl_seats' \
# no loginctl completion for:
# [STANDALONE]='list-sessions list-users list-seats flush-devices'
(( $+functions[_loginctl_commands] )) ||
_loginctl_commands() {
local -a _loginctl_cmds
"list-sessions:List sessions"
"session-status:Show session status"
"show-session:Show properties of one or more sessions"
"activate:Activate a session"
"lock-session:Screen lock one or more sessions"
"unlock-session:Screen unlock one or more sessions"
"lock-sessions:Screen lock all current sessions"
"unlock-sessions:Screen unlock all current sessions"
"terminate-session:Terminate one or more sessions"
"kill-session:Send signal to processes of a session"
"list-users:List users"
"user-status:Show user status"
"show-user:Show properties of one or more users"
"enable-linger:Enable linger state of one or more users"
"disable-linger:Disable linger state of one or more users"
"terminate-user:Terminate all sessions of one or more users"
"kill-user:Send signal to processes of a user"
"list-seats:List seats"
"seat-status:Show seat status"
"show-seat:Show properties of one or more seats"
"attach:Attach one or more devices to a seat"
"flush-devices:Flush all device associations"
"terminate-seat:Terminate all sessions on one or more seats"
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_describe -t commands 'loginctl command' _loginctl_cmds || compadd "$@"
local curcontext="$curcontext" _ignore
if (( $#cmd )); then
_call_function ret _loginctl_$cmd || _message 'no more arguments'
_message "unknown loginctl command: $words[1]"
return ret
_arguments -s \
'(- *)'{-h,--help}'[Show help]' \
'(- *)--version[Show package version]' \
'*'{-p+,--property=}'[Show only properties by this name]:unit property' \
'(-a --all)'{-a,--all}'[Show all properties, including empty ones]' \
'--kill-whom=[Whom to send signal to]:killwhom:(main control all)' \
'(-s --signal)'{-s+,--signal=}'[Which signal to send]:signal:_signals' \
'(-H --host)'{-H+,--host=}'[Operate on remote host]:userathost:_sd_hosts_or_user_at_host' \
'(-M --machine)'{-M+,--machine=}'[Operate on local container]:machine:_sd_machines' \
'(-l --full)'{-l,--full}'[Do not ellipsize output]' \
'--no-pager[Do not pipe output into a pager]' \
'--no-legend[Do not show the headers and footers]' \
'--no-ask-password[Do not ask for system passwords]' \
'(-n --lines)'{-n+,--lines=}'[Number of journal entries to show]' \
'(-o --output)'{-o+,--output=}'[Change journal output mode]:output modes:_sd_outputmodes' \
'*::loginctl command:_loginctl_commands'