Eisuke Kawashima 20927c0eec
improve zsh completion (#32098)
* fix error
* remove options that are no longer supported
* add missing options
* stop completion if an option `--help` or `--version` is supplied

zjs: a note for the reader:

zshcompsys(1) in the section about optspecs in _arguments says:

> Each of the forms above may be preceded by a list in parentheses of option names  and  argument  num‐
> bers.  If the given option is on the command line, the options and arguments indicated in parentheses
> will not be offered.  For example, ‘(-two -three 1)-one:...' completes the option ‘-one'; if this ap‐
> pears  on  the  command line, the options -two and -three and the first ordinary argument will not be
> completed after it.  ‘(-foo):...' specifies an ordinary argument completion; -foo will  not  be  com‐
> pleted if that argument is already present.
> Other  items  may  appear in the list of excluded options to indicate various other items that should
> not be applied when the current specification is matched: a single star (\*) for  the  rest  arguments
> (i.e. a specification of the form ‘\*:...'); a colon (:) for all normal (non-option-) arguments; and a
> hyphen (-) for all options.  For example, if ‘(\*)' appears before an option and the option appears on
> the  command  line,  the  list  of remaining arguments (those shown in the above table beginning with
> ‘\*:') will not be completed.

The intended effect of the change is to remove irrelevant completion matches from the completion.

tl;dr: (- : ) prevents further completion
2024-04-15 10:58:48 +02:00

191 lines
7.1 KiB

#compdef machinectl
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
(( $+functions[__machinectl_get_images] )) ||
__machinectl_get_images () {
local -a flags
if [[ $PREFIX == .* ]]; then flags=( --all ); fi
machinectl --no-legend list-images $flags | {while read -r a b; do
# escape : and \; do not interpret existing escape sequences
printf -- "%s\n" ${a//(#b)(\\|:)/\\$match}
(( $+functions[_machinectl_images] )) ||
_machinectl_images() {
local -a _machines
typeset -U _machines
if [[ -n "$_machines" ]]; then
_describe 'images' _machines
_message 'no images'
(( $+functions[_machinectl_commands] )) || _machinectl_commands()
local -a _machinectl_cmds
"list:List currently running VMs/containers"
"status:Show VM/container status"
"show:Show properties of one or more VMs/containers"
"start:Start container as a service"
"stop:Stop container (equal to poweroff)"
"login:Get a login prompt on a VM/container"
"shell:Invoke a shell (or other command) in a container"
"enable:Enable automatic container start at boot"
"disable:Disable automatic container start at boot"
"poweroff:Power off one or more VMs/containers"
"reboot:Reboot one or more VMs/containers"
"terminate:Terminate one or more VMs/containers"
"kill:Send signal to process or a VM/container"
"copy-to:Copy files from the host to a container"
"copy-from:Copy files from a container to the host"
"bind:Bind mount a path from the host into a container"
"list-images:Show available container and VM images"
"image-status:Show image details"
"show-image:Show properties of image"
"edit:Edit settings of one or more VMs/containers"
"cat:Show settings of one or more VMs/containers"
"clone:Clone an image"
"rename:Rename an image"
"read-only:Mark or unmark image read-only"
"remove:Remove an image"
"set-limits:Set image or pool size limit (disk quota)"
"clean:Remove hidden (or all) images"
"pull-tar:Download a TAR container image"
"pull-raw:Download a RAW container or VM image"
"import-tar:Import a local TAR container image"
"import-raw:Import a local RAW container or VM image"
"import-fs:Import a local directory container image"
"export-tar:Export a TAR container image locally"
"export-raw:Export a RAW container or VM image locally"
"list-transfers:Show list of downloads in progress"
"cancel-transfer:Cancel a download"
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_describe -t commands 'machinectl command' _machinectl_cmds || compadd "$@"
local curcontext="$curcontext"
local stop=0
case $cmd in
_machinectl_images ;;
_sd_machines ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _sd_machines
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _sd_machines
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _files
elif (( CURRENT == 4 )); then _message "path on container"
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _sd_machines
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _message "path on container"
elif (( CURRENT == 4 )); then _files
else stop=1
fi ;;
_machinectl_images ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _machinectl_images
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _machinectl_images
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _message "target image"
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _machinectl_images
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _values 'read-only flag' 'true' 'false'
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _machinectl_images
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _message "size limit"
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _message "${cmd#pull-} file URL"
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _message "target image"
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _files -g "*.(tar(|.(gz|bz2|xz|zst))|tgz|tbz2|txz|tzst)(.)"
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _message "target image"
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _files -g "*(.)"
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _message "target image"
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _files -/
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _message "target image"
else stop=1
fi ;;
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _machinectl_images
elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _files
else stop=1
fi ;;
stop=1 ;;
stop=1 ;;
if (( stop )); then
_message "no more options"
return 1
_arguments \
'(- *)'{-h,--help}'[Prints a short help text and exits.]' \
'(- *)--version[Prints a short version string and exits.]' \
'--no-pager[Do not pipe output into a pager.]' \
'--no-legend[Do not show the headers and footers.]' \
'--no-ask-password[Do not ask for system passwords.]' \
'(-H --host)'{-H+,--host=}'[Operate on remote host.]:userathost:_sd_hosts_or_user_at_host' \
'(-M --machine)'{-M+,--machine=}'[Operate on local container.]:machine:_sd_machines' \
'(-p --property)'{-p+,--property=}'[Limit output to specified property.]:property:(Name Id Timestamp TimestampMonotonic Service Scope Leader Class State RootDirectory)' \
'(-a --all)'{-a,--all}'[Show all properties.]' \
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[Suppress output.]' \
'(-l --full)'{-l,--full}'[Do not ellipsize cgroup members.]' \
'--kill-whom=[Whom to send signal to.]:killwhom:(leader all)' \
'(-s --signal)'{-s+,--signal=}'[Which signal to send.]:signal:_signals' \
'--read-only[Create read-only bind mount.]' \
'--mkdir[Create directory before bind mounting, if missing.]' \
'(-n --lines)'{-n+,--lines=}'[Number of journal entries to show.]:integer' \
'(-o --output)'{-o+,--output=}'[Change journal output mode.]:output modes:_sd_outputmodes' \
'--verify=[Verification mode for downloaded images.]:verify:(no checksum signature)' \
'--force[Download image even if already exists.]' \
'*::machinectl command:_machinectl_commands'